Where are the bookmarks in the mobile Yandex browser. Where does Yandex Browser store a file with bookmarks on a computer? Export and backup

Bookmarks on a web page play the same role as in a paper book. There are situations when you find interesting, useful information, but at the moment there is no way to read or study it. For this, there are notes so that, without wasting time searching, you can quickly find the page you need. Learn how to create, save, export them for the Yandex. Armed with detailed instructions, even a beginner "computer genius" will cope with the task. You will only have to choose an acceptable option for saving pages in the browser.

What are Yandex visual bookmarks and where to download them

Yandex visual bookmarks - convenient way using your favorite and frequently visited sites ( social networks, online stores, thematic forums). Outwardly, it looks like a colored tile with thumbnail images of sites, the links to which they store and represent part of Yandex Elements, are included in the standard content package of the Yandex browser, which has undergone major changes due to the rework of the extension: appearance, customization and became a new product on the computer horizon.

For browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer, additional installation is required. An easy way is to visit the Yandex portal (yandex.ru), where you will be asked to install additional extensions or plugins for your browser. You can see the offer at the top of the screen, while on home page Yandex.

How to install for Google Chrome

During the installation of the Chrome browser panel, you will need to use Yandex Elements, about easy way his search has already been mentioned. By clicking the "install" button (at the top of the monitor, in the center), you can open the next window, on which you need to click "install" under the heading "Visual bookmarks". In the pop-up window that appears, click Install Extension.

After this operation, when you open a new tab this browser, you can choose the "icon" of your favorite resource. If you want to see existing pages in Google Chrome without using third-party extensions, then right-click on an empty field, just below the address bar, and put a checkmark next to the item "Show bookmarks bar" at the end of the list that appears. After completing this simple action, they will be placed under the address (search) bar.

In Mozilla Firefox

Bookmark this page mozilla browser Firefox you can have at least four different ways... All of them will lead to one correct result. Choose for yourself the one that seemed simpler and more accessible.

  • The first one is that, being on a page whose address you would like to save for the future, you should click "Bookmark this page" (the button looks like a white five-pointed star and is located at the top right of the address bar). The asterisk will change color, turn blue and "jump" to the adjacent button. Your note is stored there. To view it, click on the adjacent right trellised square and look for the line "unfiled" - this is where your important pages are collected.

  • Perform this operation by simultaneously pressing the keys Ctrl + D (this key combination applies to all versions of any browsers working with the operating windows system). After clicking on the star and adding the page to the favorites list, this icon changes its color.
  • The method is possible using the context menu. It is necessary to move the mouse cursor over the link - it can be a single word, part of the text, a picture. Outwardly, the cursor will change and will not look like an arrow, but a hand with an extended index finger. After hovering, you need to click on the link with the right mouse button - a context menu with possible options action. You must select the item "Add link to bookmarks", in the window that opens, confirm the saving.
  • For the last option of adding pages, you must use the "View" menu (located at the very top of the screen, between the "Journal" and "Tools" menu). We select the item "Add page", the current one is saved and remains available during subsequent sessions of work with the computer.

You can view the saved pages in Mazil under the address bar on the Panel (frequently visited ones are displayed there) or by pressing the button to the right of the asterisk with which you bookmarked the page. Please note that if you do not see your saved pages in their usual place (under the address bar), then you need to make sure that the "View" menu settings are correct.

To do this, you need to perform the following simple operation: at the very top of the screen, find the "View" menu, click on it, select the first item "Toolbars". Together with this, another side extra menu, where there should be a check mark opposite the item "Bookmarks Bar" Making sure that required pages saved correctly, you can always use them, at any time convenient for you.

For Internet Explorer

The process of creating bookmarks in internet browser Explorer is similar in its capabilities to the previously reviewed Mazil browser. The difference is that in Internet Explorer visual bookmarks are indicated by the "Favorites" button. To use Yandex bookmarks, you must first install them. The most accessible and fastest way is to use the resources of the Yandex portal (element.yandex.ru).

After clicking the "Install" button, a panel will appear on the screen asking for an action. The download of the application installer will start after the "Run" operation command. After the end of the process, you must click the "Install" button. The task will begin. Additional confirmation of the user's rights to install the application may be required.

After finishing the installation of the application, you will be able to use all the available functions. At the end of the installation process, a small window will appear informing you of this. You must press the "Finish" button. You can customize the application to suit your preferences, like changing the main background, where the saved pages are located in a mosaic.

How to make and save my bookmarks in Yandex browser

Bookmarks in Yandex appear immediately after saving, by automatically transferring from other browsers installed in your operating system... If you have previously used this application on other devices such as a smartphone or work computer, it is possible to use synchronization. It allows you to enjoy all your saved pages, browsing history on any of your devices with installed Yandex browser.

Make new bookmarks using the methods listed earlier, which work for this browser too. Using the CTRL + D key combination, which are called "hot keys" (with further confirmation of saving the page) or pressing the "Add to bookmarks" button - a yellow asterisk, indicating that the current page has already been added. Additionally, you can use the "Add" function if you want to open a new browser tab (in the lower right corner).

To do this, on the address bar, you will need to write the link of the page that you want to add. You can use one more method: on the tape under search bar select the icon of the desired site in the history of your views. By clicking on it, the page will be automatically added to your bookmarks and displayed among the tiles of Yandex Visual Bookmarks.

How to find bookmarks in Yandex browser and export

It should be remembered that Yandex Visual Bookmarks are automatically displayed in the application workspace when you open a new blank browser tab. They look like a mosaic of thumbnails of frequently used Internet pages, with the corresponding icons. To view all saved pages, you must press the "All bookmarks" button, which is located under the mosaic. As in many other browsers, folders are located under the address (search) bar of Yandex. There you can easily find your useful, favorite pages.

If you have previously used another browser and you have a need to use the information stored there, then use the ability to export these and other settings. To do this, you need to get into the settings. Under the address (search) line, click "Add-ons" and click on "Browser Settings". In the settings window that appears, go down the page and find the "User Profiles" section, then the "Transfer bookmarks and settings from another browser" button.

After clicking on it, an additional window appears where you can select a browser. From there you will export the settings and pages, as well as the content that you want to transfer. After selecting all the necessary settings, click the "Transfer" button. After this operation, all your favorite and useful bookmarks will become available in one browser. In a similar way, you can import the information you need.

There is another way to export information from an html file. To do this, with an empty browser tab open, you will need to click the "All Bookmarks" button, which is located under the Visual tiles. In the window that appears with a list of all pages, you should find the "Arrange" button (with a triangular arrow on the right). When you click, a context menu appears, where you need the item "Copy bookmarks from hTML file... ". Next, an Explorer window opens, where you can select a folder and specify the location of the file from where you are going to export information.

How to remove or restore visual bookmarks in Yandex

There comes a moment when the stored information becomes very large. Some of it is already outdated and of no value. You can always delete the accumulated links, sites by cleaning the storage and freeing up space for another new one necessary information... If you were in a hurry and deleted not what you wanted, there is an opportunity to return the information to its place. To remove and restore Yandex Visual Bookmarks, use several methods.

  • You can remove bookmarks if, when you open a new empty tab, click the "Settings" button under the images of the Visual tabs, and then, by clicking on the cross (upper right corner), delete unnecessary ones.

  • Press the right mouse button in the application area next to the address (search) line and on the appeared context menu select the item "Bookmark Manager", which stores data about all the pages you have saved. You can sort the list with them according to the parameters convenient for you. When you right-click on any of the list items, a context menu appears, where you need to select the "Delete" item if you no longer need the selected line.
  • If you accidentally deleted the wrong list item, you need to return the bookmarks by performing the operation back. To do this, press the right mouse button again, in the context menu that appears, select the "Cancel delete" item, which will restore the page by canceling the last delete command in the task manager.

Bookmarks in Yandex browser, like any other, are a link to an article saved by the user, which includes:

  • Internet page address;
  • Page title;
  • Small site icon (favicon).

For convenience, bookmarks are accessed from the browser interface. The browser itself stores all user information on the computer () in special folder with a profile. Directly bookmarks are stored in the file " Bookmarks».

All browsers (including Chrome, FifeFox and Opera) use the following system - direct access to bookmarks, carried out from the browser interface, and the file " Bookmarks"Is used to transfer them to another browser or in cases of reinstallation.

Viewing bookmarks in the browser interface

View bookmarks in Yandex Browser, most conveniently through the browser interface. There you can also open them, change them, display them on the panel, and even export them in html format, for later transfer to another PC.

1. Open your browser and go to the menu.

2. Find the item "Bookmarks" - "Bookmark manager". Or use the hotkeys - by default "Ctrl + Shift + O".

3. You are taken to a page with a list of all previously saved pages.

In addition to the above-mentioned functions, you can conveniently sort them by folders or sort by titles.

Where Yandex Browser stores bookmarks. File "Bookmarks"

The bookmarks file can be accessed in two ways: through the program shortcut or directly through the explorer. Consider first quick way find them - using the shortcut.

All actions are performed on the basis of OS Windows 10. There is no fundamental difference from the younger versions.

1. Right-click on the Yandex Browser shortcut on the desktop. Select the file location from the context menu.

2. You are in the directory with the browser executable file. Go back one step to the YandexBrowser folder and go to User Data.

3. In the "Default" folder, find a document called "Bookmarks" - this is your saved bookmarks.

You can copy it or just transfer it to another medium. In the second case, it will be recreated, but it will be empty.

If there are no specified documents, open the explorer window, select the "View" tab and check the "Hidden items" box.

And then just paste the path to the required folder - " C: \\ Users \\ Username \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Yandex \\ YandexBrowser \\ User Data \\ Default", Where" C "is the letter of the drive on which the OS is installed, and" Username "is the nickname specified when entering Windows.

I indicated everything possible wayshow to find bookmarks in Yandex Browser. I also recommend that you read the article on how or vice versa in Yandex.

Hello dear friends! I think you've had to regularly open the same site on the Internet. And in order not to waste time and not search for it constantly through the search bar, you need to add it to a specific list of the installed web browser. Therefore, in this article, let us learn some of the basics of working with bookmarks in the Yandex browser. And in order not to pour a lot of water, let's go straight to practice.

How to save a bookmark in Yandex browser on Windows

We open the favorite site that we want to add to the list. On the right side, in the upper corner, in the address bar, find an asterisk and click on it. It was gray, and after pressing it should turn yellow. This means that we have successfully added this site:

It remains only to correct the name of the site and click on the "Finish" button:

Bookmarks bar

And so, we learned how to add sites to the list of favorites, now let's display the panel on which they will be located. Click on the menu button in the upper right corner and select the "Settings" item from the drop-down list:

This will open the settings page. We find the line "Show bookmarks bar", put the switch in the "Always" position and then put the bird in front of the item "Show icons":

The desired line appears at the top. In order to see all of them in full, just click on the arrow in the corner of the panel:

To remove it from Yandex browser, right-click on it and select "Delete":

Bookmark manager

Likewise, you can delete or sort them into folders in the manager window. In order to get into it, click on the already familiar settings button and select the "Bookmarks" item:

How to add a visual bookmark to a scoreboard

In addition to the usual ones, there are also visual ones in the Yandex browser. We can observe them when opening a new browser tab. Actually, by default, their set on the scoreboard is formed by tracking the sites you visit most. But we can customize this scoreboard at our discretion and increase the number of bookmarks in Yandex browser.

To do this, at the bottom of the board, click on the "Add" button:

At the next stage, enter the address of the desired site and click on the "Finish" button:

How to add a bookmark on your phone or tablet

There is nothing complicated here. Launch your browser and open your favorite site. After that, click on the menu button in the form of three dots in the upper right corner and select the "Add to bookmarks" item from the drop-down menu:

After that, we correct the name and click on the "Save" button:

Instructions for restoring visual Yandex bookmarks.

Visual bookmarks are handy icons that allow you to quickly navigate to the desired site. With the advent of modern browsers, the visual bookmarking feature has found support for a huge number of users. However, there is a problem with restoring bookmarks in Yandex. It is not difficult to cope with it, you just need to carefully study the sequence of actions.

The main problem with bookmarks arises from the fact that maximum amount bookmarks in a standard browser are not always sufficient for normal work... The Yandex bar service comes to the rescue. The capabilities of this extension allow you to increase the number of possible bookmarks to 25. And this number is quite enough for any, even the most sophisticated user. In Yandex, you can choose the way bookmarks are displayed, as well as the design. You can install "Yandex bar" on your browser as follows:

  • Open the page bar.yandex.ru/google;
  • Click on the "Download Application" button in Yandex;
  • Find the saved file in your downloads folder;
  • By double-clicking the left mouse button on the shortcut, go through a simple installation. Follow the installation instructions carefully;
  • Open your browser and use the new bookmarks from Yandex bar.

How do I get visual bookmarks back?

Visual bookmarks are a list of web pages that appears in the start window of your browser. Such a list can show both your favorite pages and sites that you have visited recently. The browsing history is stored in the memory of your personal computer... You can customize Yandex bookmarks as you like.

Sometimes, upon an unsuccessful restart of the computer, or with a poor-quality update new version browser saved visual Yandex bookmarks disappear. This causes problems for the user, since convenient bookmarks have completely disappeared from the computer's memory. It is not difficult to restore them. It is only important to know the order of actions.

  • Open your browser and find the “Bookmarks” menu. By clicking on it, you will see the button "Show all bookmarks" - click on it with the left mouse button. You will see a library with which you can manage bookmarks in Yandex;
  • Find the “Import & Backup” menu. Left-click on the "Restore" field. Choose how you want to restore visual bookmarks: through an archive copy or from a direct file in Yandex;
  • In Yandex, select the "Settings" menu. Check the option “Show visual bookmarks when opening a new tab or window”. Then go to the "Extensions" section and you will see "Yandex bar" in the list. When you open a Yandex page, all visual bookmarks will be displayed in front of you.

This way to restore bookmarks is very simple and convenient. If suddenly your visual bookmarks in Yandex are deleted, you can easily restore them without losing any of the links you need.

In order to restore visual bookmarks, it is worth understanding how to install them. Each PC user prefers to use different browsers. This is logical, as some people value speed, others value design, others value convenience. Modern browsers combine all these qualities, but some stand out due to the higher performance of one parameter or another. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. In order to restore visual bookmarks in Yandex, a set of actions should be performed.

How to set visual bookmarks in Yandex?

In order to install visual bookmarks in Yandex, you should download the Yandex bar add-on. After you install it on your computer, in Yandex on home page a list of bookmarks appears. In order to add a new bookmark, you need to left-click on an empty window. Having done this, a menu will appear where you can add the site that you need as a bookmark.

Use the following algorithm to set Yandex bookmarks:

Easy installation:

  • In Yandex, go to the Yandex bar page;
  • Install the application on your computer;
  • Restart your browser;
  • New bookmarks will appear automatically on the start page.

Complex installation:

This installation method is needed for those for whom bookmarks did not appear automatically. If you succeed in this way, you need to proceed as follows:

  • In the upper corner start page browser has a window "Tools". By clicking on it, you will see in front of you the following button "Add-ons". Choose her;
  • Then click on Extensions. A new window will open in front of you. You should wait for the update complete list of all installed extensions... After waiting for this moment, find the "Yandex bar" extension. To the right of it, check the “Enable” box and restart your browser;
  • In order to make Yandex bookmarks “for yourself”, you should go to the browser settings and set the correspondences you need. After setting all the parameters, do not forget to press the “OK” button, otherwise the new options will not be applied.

And also, Yandex will help you set up additional options bookmarks such as:

  • The main background. There are several dozen different pictures to choose from, which can be a great background for a bookmark menu. A variety of images will give your imagination room;
  • Location of visual bookmarks. There are two ways to place bookmarks in Yandex: vertical and horizontal. A matter of taste - choose the method that suits you best;
  • The number of visual bookmarks in Yandex. Maximum number bookmarks - 25. It is not at all necessary to use all the possible ones. Choose the number that will be sufficient for you.

Thus, your Yandex browser allows you to use a huge number of visual bookmarks, and helps to spend time at the computer as comfortably and conveniently as possible.

Method for restoring bookmarks on Yandex

The Yandex Bookmarks service is familiar to anyone who uses the Yandex browser. These visual bookmarks help you quickly and easily navigate to the desired site. With this option, you can easily create a whole directory of bookmarks. And you can get access to the catalog at any time, using any computer. All bookmarks can be stored both in computer memory and on the Internet. But there is one inconvenience: by deleting a visual bookmark from the catalog, you can restore it in only one way. Below is the detailed instructions recovery:

  • Register on the official website yandex.ru and go to the page zakladki.yandex.ru;
  • Press the button “Export”, then in a new window “Save file” and “Ok”;
  • After the previous step, the process of loading visual bookmarks will begin. Once the file has finished downloading, go to your downloads folder and you will see new file called “Bookmarks.html”. If you do not know where the downloads folder is, then look at the address of this folder in the menu of your browser, or click on the file and select the action “Show file in folder”;
  • Open the folder “My Documents” and move the downloaded file of visual bookmarks Yandex “Bookmarks.html” there. For better organization, create a “My Bookmarks” folder and place the new file there;
  • Give a new name to the file (eg “Bookmark1”), but do not remove the base extension “Html”;
  • Export new Yandex bookmarks as often as possible;
  • In order to restore visual bookmarks, enter Yandex and go through authorization. Left-click on the "Import" icon, then the "From" window will appear in front of you. In this window you need to enter “From file”, and then select the “Browse” option;
  • Find the file you need in the list. In the position "To an existing folder" select the root. This will avoid repeating bookmarks. Finally, press the import key.

So, after going through a simple algorithm of actions, you can restore visual bookmarks. All you need is the Internet and a basic Yandex site.

Use Yandex visual bookmarks and make the process of working on the Internet as fast, simple and convenient as possible. Faced with problems, now you will know exactly how to restore your important bookmarks.

There are many useful sites on the Internet whose addresses you want to keep. Bookmarks serve this purpose - a special archive where web resources are added for further viewing. The Yandex browser also has the option to add to bookmarks - to save the site, you need to click on the star in the address bar or use the Ctrl + D combination. But what if you accidentally deleted a bookmark (or a tab, as they are also called) or they just disappeared after reinstalling the system?

Restore bookmarks

If you deleted the saved site, then do not restart your browser. The Yandex browser has a function to cancel deletion, which can be accessed in the bookmark manager:

The deleted bookmark will revert back. After restarting the browser, this function no longer works, so you will not be able to return the lost tabs. You can try to roll back the system to a checkpoint - there is a possibility that the files of the web browser will return to the state when the necessary data was still stored in them:

When you roll back the system, all changes that were made after the date you selected will be canceled. If the save function control points has been disabled, the system cannot be rolled back.

Data synchronization and export

If you don't want to lose your tabs, then take care of saving them as an html file or turn on synchronization. To save in HTML format:

To restore bookmarks in Yandex Browser, use the "Copy from HTML file" option. Specify the path to the file with bookmarks and click "Open". Any tabs that you previously exported will return to their place.

In order not to suffer with the export / import of files, use the synchronization, which is carried out by account on Yandex. if you have mailbox on Yandex, that is, and the profile with which all data is synchronized.

In the window that appears about enabling synchronization, click the "Change settings" button and specify what data should be saved in the profile. You can access them from any computer: you just need to enable synchronization in Yandex Browser and go to your profile.

Visual widgets on the scoreboard

Yandex Browser has a “Scoreboard” that stores visual bookmarks. They change on their own to show frequently visited sites. Therefore, if you have forgotten about a site and have not visited it for a long time, then it may well disappear from the "Scoreboard".

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