Removed all bookmarks in mozilla firefox. What to do if visual bookmarks are missing: solutions in Mozilla Firefox

Every modern browser has a feature called Bookmarks. It allows you to remember this or that address, and then quickly go to it if necessary. A very convenient option that makes life much easier. But sometimes bookmarks disappear. If you prepare in advance, they can be returned without much difficulty. For example, by restoration. Today, the attention will be presented to the bookmarks in Mozile. How do I restore them? Why can they disappear? What needs to be done to keep the bookmarks safe at all times? All this will be discussed further.

Reasons for the loss

The first step is to find out why bookmarks disappear from browsers. Sometimes it is easier to eliminate the causes of this phenomenon than to restore it.

Unfortunately, there are many options for the development of events. And you can't insure yourself against the loss of the bookmarks you've made. In any browser, they can disappear:

  • when reinstalling the application to access the Internet;
  • due to a system failure;
  • in the presence of viruses;
  • after reinstalling the operating system.

In fact, it is not so important for what reason the bookmarks disappeared. If this has already happened, they will have to be restored. How exactly? It all depends on the wishes of the user.

Conditions for recovery

Is it possible to return missing bookmarks in Mozile? How do I restore them? It is not always possible to do this. This feature should be taken into account by every user. Without preliminary preparation, it will not be possible to bring the idea to life.

The point is that if a person is thinking about how to restore bookmarks in FireFox, he must have a backup copy of them. This is the only way to carry out the return procedure. Without it, you will need to manually restore all bookmarks. And this is not always possible to do. Next, I will tell you how you can back up bookmarks in the browser.

About backups

In fact, there is nothing difficult about it. Even a novice user can handle the task.

  1. Launch browser. Open its settings.
  2. Go to the "Libraries" section.
  3. Select the "Import and backup" function in the window that appears.
  4. Click on "Back up ...".
  5. Specify the location where bookmarks will be saved. For example, "Desktop". If desired, you can assign a unique name to the document.
  6. Click on "Ok".

That's all. Now it is clear how bookmarks are saved in Mozilla. How do I restore them? After the user has made a backup copy of the bookmarks, it is recommended to upload it to the data cloud or to removable media. Then, when reinstalling the operating system, recovery can be done without much difficulty.

When deleting

Now that you have a backup copy of your bookmarks, you can start taking action. There are two ways to solve the problem. How to restore bookmarks in FireFox after deleting?

Let's start with the most familiar option. These are cases where pages have been accidentally deleted. The user must follow these steps to return bookmarks to Mozila:

  1. Do not close the browser immediately after deleting certain pages. Leave it open.
  2. Click in the upper right corner on the "Show your bookmarks" button. Select "Show all" there.
  3. The Library menu appears on the screen. Select the "Control" - "Cancel" option on the upper taskbar.

This is where all the actions end. This technique allows you to return newly deleted bookmarks in Mozilla. How can I restore them differently? This is not so difficult to do!

Recovery from a file

The second scenario, as a rule, helps mainly when reinstalling the browser or operating system. Or if the user has ended the session in which he deleted this or that page. How to restore bookmarks in FireFox after reinstalling Windows?

To carry out the procedure, you need:

  1. Install any version of Mozilla FireFox browser. Open it.
  2. Download a previously created backup copy of bookmarks to your computer. Place it in a convenient place.
  3. Go to the "Mozila" settings. From there proceed to "Libraries". You can just press Ctrl + Z.
  4. At the top of the page, click on "Import and backup" - "Restore a copy from ...".
  5. Select the required backup data creation date. If they are missing, click on "Select file ...".
  6. Specify where to save the previously made backup.
  7. Click on the "Ok" button.

Done! You can see all the bookmarks previously available to the user in the "Mozilla". How to restore them in one case or another? Now the answer to this question will not cause any difficulties!

If your bookmarks suddenly disappear, don't worry - you can restore them. This article describes how to restore your bookmarks if they suddenly disappear.

  • If you can add, remove, and change bookmarks, but the changes are not saved when you restart Firefox, see Can't add, change or save bookmarks - How to fix

My Bookmarks bar is not showing

If you used the Bookmarks bar to quickly access your favorite bookmarks and the bar is no longer there, you may have turned off the option to display the Bookmarks bar. To turn it back on:

  • Right-click on an empty area of \u200b\u200bthe navigation bar and select Bookmarks Bar from the drop-down menu.
  • On the menu bar, click View, select Toolbars and then select Bookmarks Bar.

I cannot find all my bookmarks and folders

Follow these steps to add a Bookmarks Menu button to the toolbar that displays all your bookmarks and folders:

The Show Your Bookmarks button appears on the toolbar next to the Library button.

My bookmarks are gone

To restore bookmarks that were previously saved in the Bookmarks menu or in the Bookmarks toolbar are no longer available, see the article Restore bookmarks from a backup or transfer them to another computer.

Bookmarks are not displayed after installing the add-on

If you restarted Firefox after installing the add-on and your bookmarks disappeared, then Firefox may not have closed properly before restarting. Restart your computer to restore your bookmarks.

I cannot find my Bookmarks after import

If you imported bookmarks from another browser, then they may appear in a separate folder in the Bookmarks menu. To find your imported bookmarks, do the following:

  • Depending on the type of browser you imported from, your bookmarks may appear in a folder named after the browser name in the bookmark list.
    • Internet Explorer - The folder is called From Internet Explorer.
    • Opera - The folder is called From Opera.
    • Bookmarks imported from other browsers will be located in folders named by analogy.
  • If the original bookmarks were arranged in a folder hierarchy, then the structure of this tree will be preserved within this new folder named after the browser name.

I can only see the standard set of bookmarks in the Bookmarks folder

Your bookmarks are associated with the Firefox profile you are using. Most Firefox users only use one default profile. In some cases, you will want to create a new profile in Firefox. When activated, it contains a standard set of bookmarks, which can give the impression that your personal bookmarks are gone. The following steps give you the ability to determine if a new profile has been created and how to restore bookmarks from the old profile.

Determine if Firefox has created a new profile

  1. Go to your Firefox profile folder.
    • For the location of Firefox profiles, see Profiles - Where Firefox stores your bookmarks, passwords, and other user data.
  2. If there is only one profile folder, then stop.

    Note: Each profile directory is named something like this:
    where xxxxxxxx is a random 8 character string and<ИмяПрофиля> represents the name of the profile. For example, the folder containing the standard profile is named xxxxxxxx.default.

  3. If you have several folders with profiles in this folder, then you have several profiles. If you have more than one profile folder, then the new profile was probably created in Firefox. In this case, you need to change the Firefox profile you are currently using to a profile that contains your saved bookmarks. You can open

Accidentally deleting bookmarks from your browser can cause problems with finding your favorite resources again. To avoid such difficulties in the brain, you need to know how to recover accidentally deleted links and what to do if they disappeared for some other reason.

Disappearing bookmarks bar

Many users prefer to save the links they are interested in right on the top bar of their favorite browser. This is very convenient, since all information is within visual accessibility (subject to a small amount of data), and you do not have to search for it in subfolders. However, the disappearance of this panel is perplexing for beginners. This can happen due to changes in browser settings.

How do you bring a handy tool back to Firefox? To solve the problem, you need to right-click anywhere near the address bar (at the top of the browser) and mark in the menu "Bookmarks Bar".

After that, you will see the footnotes you saved in their original locations.

Recovering deleted links

The disappearance of useful footnotes from Firefox is possible due to accidentally deleting them manually. For example, you might mistakenly get rid of important information while cleaning your browser. This difficulty is easily overcome. After all, the browser has a function to backup user links... To access previously saved versions, you must:

  1. Click the corresponding button at the top of Firefox (marked in the next screenshot with the number "1").
  2. Select Show All Bookmarks.
  3. Click on the import and backup button.
  4. Move the mouse over to the version selection item.
  5. Click on the archive from the date you need.

In a similar way, you can extract the old data from the browser archive and replace it with new data that do not suit you for any reason. This same method helps to deal with the problem of disappearing footnotes as a result of a system crash or installing unverified add-ons.

Transfer old links to another computer

Exporting useful links can come in handy when using Firefox on different computers or when reinstalling your system. For example, you have saved important information on your work computer and you want to be able to access it from home. Or, your operating system needs to be reinstalled, so it might be helpful for you to keep the old footnotes to restore them in a new browser. For this purpose, the application developers have created a data backup function. You can use it according to the scheme shown in the previous screenshot.

In the import and backup menu, you have to choose to create a backup or export bookmarks to an html file.

In the first case, you will save all user settings, including the visual interface. In the second - only the base of the footnotes you collected. In both options, you will be prompted to specify the location of the saved file and edit its name. The file can be saved to a USB flash drive or other storage medium.

Each of these methods helps to return old links to the browser after reinstalling the system or when transferring data to another computer. To restore, you need to select import bookmarks from html file in the same menu item of new Firefox or click on "Select file" in the list of backups.

Emergency reinstallation

Data backup is not always available to a novice user. For example, your browser has stopped working altogether and needs to be reinstalled. Therefore, all the old footnotes are gone and there is no access to the panel inside the application. In this case, recovery is possible without starting the program. After all, all settings displayed in the browser are saved in the user profile under OS Windows. It remains only to find the folder with the necessary files and copy it to the USB flash drive.

In order not to search for the system files of your profile through Explorer, you can do the following:

  1. Open "Run" from the "Start" menu and copy this line "% APPDATA% \\ Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ Profiles \\" there.
  2. Copy the opened settings folder to a USB flash drive.
  3. Run the same command through the Start menu after installing a new browser (open your profile folder under Windows).
  4. Move the folder from the flash drive to its original position (replace the existing folder with it).
  5. Run the application and evaluate the result.

After these steps, you will see the old footnotes in their original places. If this did not happen, you can try to return them according to the scheme used when restoring mistakenly deleted links.


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It so happens that in case of an unsuccessful update of the program or reinstallation of the operating system, the bookmarks selected by the Internet user in their favorite browser disappear. If this browser is Mozilla, then there are some simple tricks on how to return everything to its usual place and enjoy your favorite pages again.

You will need

  • - backup copies of bookmarks;
  • - Mozilla Firefox browser.


Open the Mozilla Firefox browser and find the "Bookmarks" item in the top menu. Select the "Show" sub-menu item with the mouse and click on it. The same effect will be obtained if you press the key combination "Ctrl + Shift + B" while open. A new window "Library" is displayed on the monitor screen, containing the necessary management tools and showing their structure.

If you need to completely replace the existing ones with the saved ones, then you need to go to the menu item "Import and Backup". It is located at the top of the new window and contains the following:


Recover (contains nested items)

Import from HTML

Export to HTML

Select the "Restore" item, then a window will open on the right, where the options for choosing will be shown: restore from an archive copy of browser bookmarks on a specific date or restore from your file. In the latter case, it is assumed that the user has a JSON backup of their bookmarks. If there is none, then you will have to choose the first option, where preference should be given to the nearest archive date. Bookmarks are automatically backed up every new day.

After selecting the desired item (or specifying the path to your backup file), confirm your desire to replace existing bookmarks (the screen will display "All your current bookmarks will be replaced with bookmarks from the backup. Are you sure?")

At the end of the procedure, you will see the bookmarks from the backup in their previous places, and their structure can be done by repeating the steps from step 1.

It is possible to restore bookmarks using import from an HTML file (menu "Import and backup", sub-item "Import from HTML"). In this case, you need to export bookmarks to HTML format in advance, save the file in a place accessible to you, and, if necessary, restore the bookmarks to it. However, this possibility exists only if the specified file is present and is not suitable in cases of sudden failures.

Helpful advice

In case of any forthcoming manipulations with the operating system, as well as in cases of reinstalling the software, it is recommended to create a backup copy of your bookmarks in the browser in advance using the "Import and Backup" menu, the "Backup" sub-item.

It is best to use portable drives or flash drives to store your bookmark backup files. They will not fail in situations where the local computer has lost data for any reason or is not operational.


  • how to make visual bookmarks in muff

Side panel Windows is a long vertical panel side of the desktop. It contains mini-applications that give quick access to the most necessary functions: calendar, weather in your city, exchange rates, etc. You can customize it, add new applications, hide or show on top of all windows. Side panel can be closed, sometimes by accident, and then you need to return it. To restore the side panel, follow these steps.


Maybe, panel just hidden. Move the cursor over the tray - in the lower right corner of the monitor - and find the sidebar icon. Right-click on it - and select "Open". You can achieve the same effect by pressing Win + G or Win + Space. If panel appeared - excellent. If there is no sidebar icon in the tray, proceed to the next step.

Run the command: "Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "Side panel Windows ". Side panel restored.

Move the cursor to the tray again and find the sidebar icon. Right click on it and select Properties. In the window that appears, check the box "Run side panel when Windows starts. " If you skip this step, when you turn on the computer, the side panel will not appear. In most cases, the steps described are sufficient to restore the lateral panel... If not, go to step 4.

Right click panel tasks (at the very bottom of the screen) and select "Task Manager".
You can also access the Task Manager by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ESC. Open the Processes tab and locate the Sidebar.exe process. Select it with a mouse click and click End Process. The prompt "Are you sure you want to end the process?" - click "End process". Close the Task Manager window. Restart the computer. After restarting the computer, repeat step 2: "Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "Side panel Windows ". Side panel restored.


  • Windows sidebar customization - page from the official Microsoft Windows website in Russia

Almost all modern web surfing programs - browsers - use “ Panel bookmarks". Its advantage over, for example, the "Express panel" or "Favorites" is that these links are always present on the tap and just one click of the mouse is enough to go. This panel in the application interface can be removed or restored at will.


In the Opera browser, in order to return the previously hidden " Panel bookmarks», Open the menu - press the Alt key or click on the button with the stylized Opera symbol. Open the section "Toolbars" and press the key with the letter "P" or click on the line " Panel bookmarks". As a result of this action, the required element of the browser interface will return to its place, under the address bar.

In Internet Explorer, "Panels bookmarks"No, but there is" Panel chosen one ”. To return it to display, right-click the title of the application window and select the line “ Panel chosen one ”. There is the same item in the "Panels" section of the "View" section of the browser menu - you can use this feature as well.

In Google Chrome, this panel can only be disabled through the context menu of the application window, and the easiest way to return it is to use hotkeys - press Ctrl + Shift + B and it will return. There is also a link to this command in the menu expanded by clicking on the icon with the image of a wrench. To use it, go to the "Bookmarks" section and select the line "Always show panel bookmarks».

Mozilla Firefox has mechanisms for enabling the display of "Panels bookmarks". And here, right-clicking on the window title opens a context menu with the required command - select the line “ Panel bookmarks". And a duplicate of this line is placed in the same menu section as in Internet Explorer - "View". Open it, go to the "Toolbars" section and select " Panel bookmarks».

For the convenience of working on the Internet, you use the ability to save bookmarks to the Favorites folder of your browser. You may be worried about nothing, but the moment comes when you need to reinstall the system. Take a few simple steps to save the information you want.


Restore bookmarks in Internet Explorer browser in the following way. Find the yellow pentagonal star button in the upper right corner of the browser window. If you click on it, the favorites bar will appear. Click on the inscription "Add to favorites", then in the appeared context menu select the tab "Import and Export". In the new window, check the box next to "Export to file", then click "Next". In the next window, select the "Favorites" option, click "Next". Now select a folder for the export procedure and click Next. The file that is created by default is called bookmark.htm and is located in the Documents folder. It will be better if you change the name of the file so that it is easier to remember, and choose a folder not on the system drive. Click "Export", then "Finish". To restore Favorites, you will need to repeat the process, but for the Import command, selecting the file you saved earlier.

If you are using the Opera browser, select the Bookmarks option, then Manage Bookmarks and the File menu to save your Favorites. Then you need to select "Export as HTML". Name the export file and select a save destination. To restore your bookmarks, select "Bookmarks" \\ "Manage Bookmarks" \\ "File" \\ "Import Opera Bookmarks". If you restore bookmarks from another browser in Opera, you need to select it from the list of browsers offered in the menu.

Provided that you are using Mozilla Firefox, enter the "Bookmarks" menu, after "Show all bookmarks", you can also press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + B. In the new window, click "Import and Backup", then HTML file ". Then set the directory and file name. To restore bookmarks: Show All Bookmarks \\ Import & Backup \\ Import Bookmarks from HTML File, select the file you saved earlier.

If you are interested in Mozilla Firefox bookmarks, their location depends on the version of your system. For WindowsXP, the path to the bookmarked folder looks like "C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Username \\ Application Data \\ Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ Profiles \\ profile_name.Default", for Windows7 and Vista - as "C: \\ Users \\ User_name \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ Profiles \\ profile_name.default ". The very name of the profile is a set of arbitrary numbers and letters.

The set of files located in the profile folder has the sqlite extension - these are elements of the SQlite database that the browser works with. By their names it is easy to determine which elements they contain - the file you need will be named places.sqlite and contain information not only about bookmarks, but also about visited sites. The files signons.sqlite and key3.db are responsible for your passwords and their encryption, the formhistory.sqlite file stores all the data on autocomplete forms on the sites where you connected this function - search queries, logins, registration data and other similar information.

What to do with bookmarks?

If you want to keep all your previous settings when reinstalling the browser on the same operating system, copy the profile folder before uninstalling the old version. After installing the new version of Mozilla Firefox, paste the profile folder into the same directory where it was. The Profiles folder will most likely already contain a folder with the newly created default profile. If the names are the same, just replace the new folder with the old one, if not, overwrite the name of the newly created folder, delete it and rename the folder with the old profile.

If you install Mozilla Firefox after Internet Explorer was the default browser, the program will automatically prompt you to import all bookmarks. This will allow you to save all the information and not manually transfer it. In this case, information about these bookmarks will also be written to the profile.

If you want to create a backup copy of your browser bookmarks, use Firefox's automatic bookmark export tool - an HTML file will be created, allowing you to then import bookmarks into any other browser and into any version of Firefox.


  • Official instructions for exporting Firefox bookmarks to html file

One of the indisputable conveniences of Mozilla browsers is fast backups, as well as comfortable formation of the interface of the entire workspace. If you accidentally deleted a bookmark from the Firefox folder, or the system crashed, and after it you found a complete mess in the browser bookmarks, then you can restore them in two ways: by canceling the deletion of the bookmark, or by a new backup. The choice of method depends on what exactly happened to you. Try both methods in practice according to the visual instructions below.

How to restore bookmarks in Mozile: backup

Your browser must have an automatic backup set for just such cases. If you have deleted important bookmarks, or purchased a new device and want to copy all browser settings to it, then this function is an indispensable tool for saving your time. First, check if this feature is installed in your browser, and then go to setup.

How to set up a backup in Mozile

  • Look in your browser for three bars in the upper right corner, they represent the menu. Click on them once.
  • In the pop-up window, select the "Settings" section.

  • On the left, you will see a small browser settings menu. Click on the "Synchronization" line in it. If you see a window like in the screenshot below, then the backup in your browser is not configured. Make a copy right now, because it takes very little time, but it saves it in the future.
    Click on the "Create Account" button.

  • Enter the email address to which your Firefox account will be created.
  • Come up with a strong password that you won't forget.
  • Indicate the number of full years.

After that, click on the "Create an account" button.

  • You just have to confirm this action in your e-mail box. You can go to it directly by following the link from this page.

  • In your mail, you will find such a letter in which you need to click on the button. Done. You have set up a backup of your Mozilla account. Now you are not afraid of deleting bookmarks, changing browser settings and missing any add-ons, because at any time you can restore a copy of your browser.

How to restore a bookmark from a backup

  • In the "Synchronization" section, put a check mark in the "Bookmarks" item, if it was not there before.

  • Now hold down the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + B on the Latin keyboard. You will see a window titled "Library".
  • Look for the "Import and Backups" section in the header of the window. Here you need the line “Restore backup from”. Select a number from the drop-down list where you exactly had the desired bookmark in your browser. The changes will take effect after restarting the program.

How to restore bookmarks in Mozile: undo deletion

If you deleted a bookmark by mistake, the easiest way is to use the undo last action in the browser.

  • Find the bookmarks icon in the browser header. It looks like a small list with a star next to it. In the drop-down list, click on the line “Show all bookmarks”.

  • In the "Library" window, click on the "Control" element, and in it on the "Cancel" line.

  • The last action will be immediately canceled, and the bookmark will be restored.
  • You can perform the exact same action by pressing CTRL + Z simultaneously on the keyboard, or CTRL + I on the Cyrillic keyboard.

Now you know how you can restore your bookmarks in the Mozilla Firefox browser, as well as in all Mozilla child products: WaterFox, PaleMoon and others.

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