Download cloud Yandex disk. Yandex.Disk: how it works. Recovering login data from a browser

Hello everyone again, our dear readers!

All Internet users know what Yandex is. Everyone has heard of the numerous services that this search engine provides to the modern user.

  • This is Ya browser, (which we already mentioned),
  • "Ya money",
  • "",
  • "Ya.metrika", etc.

Many have long known about Yandex music, Yandex mail.

More recently, “Ya. line".

And today we will get acquainted with the Yandex-Disk service, find out what it is for and how to install it on your computer. Let's learn about its capabilities and advantages. This article came out as a small overview of this service; I hope you find it interesting.

So, what is Yandex-Disk cloud?

This is a kind of cloud technology; designed for storing and accessing user data. All well-known brands have long had this kind of "cloud" technology - Drop box, Google Drive, One Drive, are the most popular. And their number is growing from year to year. They all offer us to store our data with them .. Only physically, the servers are in America.

The very name - "cloud" suggests that the user stores his data not only on his computer - but also on the Internet ("cloud"). Access to data is possible from anywhere in the world where there is Internet. And if your device is broken - “it doesn't matter, all the photos that you saved in the“ cloud ”will not disappear anywhere” - the creators of the service assure us.

Moreover, services from Google and Microsoft "know how" to make copies of operating systems. Not so long ago, a similar "cloud" service appeared at our Yandex. That was quite a logical and timely step, since Yandex is one of the flagships of the Russian Internet search engines.

Indeed, “I. Disk ”allows you to save the files you want without the risk of losing them, have access to them anywhere in the world, and if you need - you can provide access to a file or folder with files to your friends and acquaintances. Moreover, you do not need to forward them anywhere. You just give the right person the right link. Getting on it - a person downloads the file to his computer. In this case, the size of the file does not matter.

Use Yandex cloud storage for free

Read also:

So, let's look at how we can access this wonderful service. First of all, we need a computer and the Internet. Let's start in order. We type in the search bar download Yandex disk... The disk will be accessed through a special application.

We choose the right one and click:

After downloading, click on the installer icon ...:

... install the application:

A successful installation window appears. Set the checkboxes (optional):

And in the taskbar we now see the disk icon

... but since the app is not yet configured, it has an orange exclamation mark.

In order to use the disk, click on the icon with the mouse, we get into the window:

If you already have Yandex mail, then enter your email address and password in the fields and click "Login"

How to start mail?

If there is no mail yet, you need to register. To do this, click on the "Register" link:

The registration procedure is not complicated. Enter the required data in the appropriate fields.

I advise you to write down the login, password, control information in a special notebook.

We come up with a login or choose from those offered by the system. If you wish, you can specify a mobile phone number - it will be faster to restore access if you lose your password. If we do not indicate the phone number, then you will need to select a security question and the answer to it:

After you have indicated everything correctly, entered the captcha, we register! The registration procedure is free - at the exit we receive a mailbox, as well as a Yandex passport, which contains all the data. The passport can be saved - printed or as a file.

Congratulations! You have just created your own mailbox yourself.

The mailbox is the identifier for your Yandex account. This account is used to work with "Ya.disk", as well as provides access to all other yandex services. And if you wish, this account can be linked to Microsoft, Skype and others.

Yandex disk, how to enter:

After you have configured your mail, we can log into Yandex-Disk. Click on the disk icon in the taskbar until a window appears:

We enter our username and password in the fields and we finally get to our disk.

In addition to others, Yandex.Disk appeared on the computer ...

And another sign, the appearance of an icon on the desktop:

How to upload a disk to Yandex?

Having entered the Disk, we can create and delete folders on it as usual, copy any files (drag and drop or copy):

In this case, the disk icon in the taskbar will begin to display the file synchronization process:

When connecting memory cards, flash drives, cameras, the application will prompt you to immediately copy the photos and videos available on them - to the "Yandex-disk". You can agree or refuse:

After copying and synchronizing files, we can, if necessary, give the opportunity to access them to our friends. To do this, select the desired folder (file):

Right-click, select as in the photo, the system will notify us that ..

Then you can send it by mail to the right person. If you want to open access to a file or folder only to specific people, you need to use a different method. Using the browser, go to Ya.Disk and select the desired folder:

Click "Share"; then we fill in the necessary postal addresses with the list. We invite you.

Postal addresses must be from Yandex; if your friend also installs Disk, this folder will appear on his disk too:

It's that simple!
If you need to close access, open your cloud again with the browser, find the desired folder or file, select it, then turn the sharing switch to the "Off" position:

Everything, access to the folder is closed.

Advantages and disadvantages

When installing - "disk" You are allocated for free "On the cloud" 10 GB of disk space. When this is not enough for you, then you will need to pay a little for additional space. Or take part in promotions held by Yandex.

Yandex Disk is good for everyone. You can also store files, you can publish folders. But there is also a drawback. If you keep copies of your files on a “disk” without deleting their originals from your computer, then with a large amount of data, the free space of your computer's hard disk can quickly run out. And if you delete a file from the Yandex Disk folder on your computer, it will be deleted from the Yandex server as well. It turns out that in order to save space, we must completely trust Yandex to store our "important" "personal" files. To do it or not is up to you.

The second drawback, which you can't get away from, is that if you've installed Yandex Disk on a new computer, you'll have to wait until the data is synchronized. If the volume of Disk data is large, then you have to wait long enough. In this case, quick access to files may not work. You can make selective synchronization in the settings - mark for the first time only the most necessary folders, and later all the rest:

But, in general, the application is pleasant, imperceptible, unobtrusive. It helped me out of trouble many times. My overall impression of him is good. Having installed it on your computer, you yourself can fully appreciate all its advantages. After all, you have just had a theoretical acquaintance.

That's all for today; choose a service you like; keep your data safe. Good luck to our readers and all the best!

Yandex.Disk is a cloud file storage. Allows you to remotely access data from various devices, as well as transfer them to other users of the global network, provide download links.

After registering on Disk, the user is given 10GB. If desired, he can increase the storage capacity. Add another 10, 100 or 1024 GB for a fee.

Files on Yandex.Disk can be managed through the web interface, directly in the browser, and through a special system application. The data is stored in the cloud of the service for an unlimited time, downloaded via an encrypted Internet channel and checked by an antivirus.

Online (without downloading to a PC) in the cloud, you can play and view:

  • video (AVI, MP4, WMV, MKV);
  • audio (MP3, MKA, AAC);
  • books (EPUB, FB2);
  • documents (Word - DOC / DOCX, RTF, TXT);
  • images (JPG, GIF, BMP, GIF);
  • archives (RAR, TAR, ZIP).

1. To register in the cloud, open the page in your browser -

2. Click the "Start your disc" button.

3. Enter your first and last name on the registration form.

4. Come up with your username or select one of the options generated by the service based on your data (click under the name field).

5. Make a password of 15-20 Latin letters and numbers (mixed) and enter it in the next two fields ("Think of a password", "Repeat ...").

6. Configure additional authentication, verification of the rights to the profile (optionally - via phone or security question):

  • Via mobile: enter mobile number with international code; click "Get Code"; in the drop-down field, enter the verification code received in the SMS.
  • Without a phone: above the button "Get code", click the link "I don't have a phone"; click to open the list in the line "Security question", select the appropriate question; on the next line type your answer.

Installing and running the application

Upon completion of creating an account, the service will offer you to install an application for working with the storage. To use it, follow the instructions below:

1. When you first enter your profile, on the additional panel, click "Download Disk ...".

Note. If you have closed the panel with the link, on the profile page, at the top right, under the "Applications for all platforms" caption, click on the "Windows" icon (or another platform you are using).

2. Run the downloaded file.

3. If you do not want to install additional Yandex products (browser, manager, search engine on the start page), uncheck the boxes next to their names in the installer window.

4. Click Finish. Wait for the installation to complete.

5. In the application window "Settings" click "Login".

6. To change the location of the Yandex.Disk folder, follow the "Configure location ..." link.

7. In the "Location" block, click the "Change" option. Specify a new path in the window that opens.

In order not to create another folder in the specified directory, uncheck the box in the "Create subfolder ..." setting. Click "OK".

How to use the Yandex.Disk folder?

1. To open a folder, press "Win + E", click its shortcut in the window that appears. Or double click the application icon on the desktop.

2. Creating a new folder in a directory is carried out in the same way as in Windows:

  • open the Yandex.Disk directory;
  • click on the free space with the right button;
  • in the drop-down context list, select: "New" → "Folder";
  • name the folder according to the type of data you want to store in it (eg bookmarks, music, books, etc.).

3. To copy a file from your computer to a cloud folder, do this:

  • click on it once with the left button;
  • press together the keys "Ctrl" + "C" (command "Copy");
  • go to the cloud folder (see the previous instruction);
  • right-click to open the context menu;
  • click "Insert";

2. A setting panel will appear in the upper right of the profile. Click "Share" in it to make the downloaded data available to other users.

Enjoy your work online!

Yandex.Disk is one of the services of the Yandex. It is an online storage into which you can upload anything from your computer: file, drawing, animation, document, archive, video. This is a great way to back up important information. It will stay on the site even if something happens to your equipment. Yandex.Disk is also an excellent file hosting service. Through it you can generate a download link. Understand how to register Yandex.Disk, how to use it, how to share programs, photos and videos with friends. With its help, you can distribute a large archive to several people - and you will not need to send data to each person personally.

We will tell you about Yandex Drive

Yandex is a popular and multifunctional search engine. It has many interesting and useful resources, such as maps and navigator, translator, poster, TV program, news, blogs, weather, radio, market, buying tickets, ordering a taxi and much more. Of course, Yandex.Disk itself is included in the list. After registration you will be able to use all these services. Although many of them are available without an account.

Yandex.Disk will combine cloud storage and file sharing. Any file can be uploaded there - no matter what size or format it is (although there is a limit on the total volume of all downloads). It will remain there until you delete it yourself. Leave it for personal use or set permissions so someone can download it.

If you have several computers, it will be more convenient to use them with Yandex.Disk. You don't have to transfer every file between devices. Just put it in storage. You can download it at any time while there is Internet access. And you don't have to carry around memory cards and flash drives that are easy to lose.

The service provides 15 GB of free space. Additional volume must be purchased.

Yandex.Disk registration

Before uploading a file to Yandex.Disk, you need to create an account on

  1. Go to the site.
  2. Click "Start Mail" in the upper right. With it you can use the storage. Registration via social networks is also available. To log in through them, on the main page, click on one of the icons next to the "Login" button (to see all the options, click on the ellipsis icon). You can quickly create an account on Yandex if you are already registered with Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter, Google,, Odnoklassniki or Yandex.Klyuch
  3. Fill out the forms. It is required to indicate the name, surname, login, password and mobile phone number. You can use a pseudonym. The login must be unique. If the nickname coincides with the existing one, the system will warn about this. The phone is needed to check data and restore access in case of a password loss. Can be replaced with a security question and answer.
  4. If you do not plan to use this mail, you will still have to register an account. All your data is bound to the login, including those uploaded to the file hosting service. Without this, you will not be able to upload a file or video to the storage.

Standard procedure for filling in the required fields

How to create Yandex.Disk:

  1. Log in to Yandex.
  2. You will be redirected to the mail.
  3. If you recently registered, there will be informational messages in your Inbox. You can read them to familiarize yourself with the service.
  4. Find the "Disk" link in the top menu. This is enough to create Yandex.Disk.
  5. When you first log in, the service will greet you, give you a short tour and offer to install the Disk program. It is convenient for someone to use it, but for someone it is easier to download a file, archive or video through a browser.

You can also enter the storage from the Yandex main page. The corresponding button will appear in the upper right after authorization. Also, this link is in the services of the global network resource. To see it, click on "More" above the search bar.

Uploading files and using Yandex.Disk

Yandex.Disk is easy enough to use. Its interface is somewhat similar to a standard conductor. There are folders, categories. Each file has its own name. Information about it is available: size and date of last change. You can, for example, create a "Videos" section and put videos there. So you will quickly find out where and what is, and you will not have to search for the necessary data among unsorted information.

Mastering the capabilities of the web interface

How to use the specified service:

The storage limit is 15 GB. If you want to recycle a larger file, you will need to purchase additional space for a fee.

Yandex.Disk program

Yandex.Disk has a utility that performs the functions of a cloud service. With it, you can synchronize shared folders on different devices or simply add new objects to Yandex.Disk without opening a browser. This is convenient if you are working on a computer and a laptop at the same time. You won't waste time moving data back and forth.

How to upload video to Yandex.Disk or some other formats using the program:

  1. Download it. When you enter Yandex.Disk, an offer will appear. There is also a download link on the right.
  2. After installing the application, enter your username and password in it.
  3. A Yandex.Disk folder with a flying saucer icon will appear in My Computer. A similar "plate" can be found in the taskbar.
  4. To upload a file to the storage, just copy it to this folder and wait for synchronization.
  5. It works the other way around. What is on Yandex.Disk will appear on your computer after synchronization. If you install the utility on several PCs and log into it under the same login, they will have a shared folder.
  6. To change some parameters of the program, click on its icon in the taskbar, then on the little "gear" at the bottom and select "Settings". There you can enable or disable automatic launch of the application, specify where files will be saved, assign keyboard shortcuts and set objects for synchronization. Select, for example, one folder on Yandex.Disk, data from which should be added to the PC. Then you don't need to load the entire storage at once.
  7. To make a download link, go to the program folder and right-click on the shortcut. The context menu will contain the required option.

Desktop version of the system in Windows environment

Removing Yandex.Disk

Here's how to remove Yandex.Disk from your PC:

  1. Click on its icon on the taskbar, then on the "gear" and select "Settings".
  2. In the "Account" tab, click on "Disconnect computer from Disk" and confirm the action by clicking on "OK".
  3. Open the "gear" again and click "Exit".
  4. Go to Start - "Control Panel".
  5. Select Programs and Features (or find the Uninstall Programs menu).
  6. Find Yandex.Disk there.
  7. Click Remove.
  8. Confirm the action and wait for the process to finish.

If you want to temporarily leave the service, use this dialog

The application will be erased from the computer. However, the data previously uploaded to the site will remain there. You will have to get rid of unnecessary files manually through the browser. Although it is quite easy to do this, it has a responsive and user-friendly interface.

If you don't know how to remove Yandex.Disk from itself, you can only do this together with your account and mail. It's easier to erase everything from the site and not go back to it if you don't need it. The global network resource itself removes inactive users.

Yandex.Disk is a convenient and accessible file storage. You can upload various data into it, share it with friends or leave it for personal purposes.

Over the years, cloud storage services have turned from unusable to a convenient and affordable tool for exchanging documents, providing the function of accessing them from anywhere, including a public one.

All yours are always with you

Cloud storage is a way of storing digital information, which means uploading data to a remote server, where it is hosted on a free, shareware or paid basis. If you have the Internet and a browser or a special application for working with the service, you can access your profile and all files located in it from any place and device, be it a Linux PC, laptop or iPhone. Although information is located in the so-called cloud, presented to a person as one hard drive or PC, in fact, it is distributed over a network of devices that form a single virtual server.

Among the "domestic" cloud services, Yandex.Disk has gained popularity due to its belonging to a large multinational company.

Generalized concept of Yandex.Disk

Yandex.Disk what is it? This is a cloud storage owned by Yandex. It works, like similar resources, on the principle of storing uploaded files on a remote storage and provides the ability to access files and directories. Here the function of sharing and editing documents is implemented, depending on the privileges granted.

Now, according to the developer, more than 16 million active users are registered in the service, and their number is steadily increasing.

How to use Yandex.Disk

There are no difficulties in operating the resource, even for beginners in working with such technologies. They prefer to visit their account through a browser or client application for their platform. Let's get acquainted with the intricacies of using the resource, starting with registration.

Create an account and install the Yandex.Disk client

In order to create an account in the system, you first have to create a mailbox from Yandex. This is done as follows (if you have an account, go to step 9).

  1. Go to the mail from Yandex using the link
  2. We press "Registration".

  1. We fill in all the fields.

The password should be as long and complex as possible, but consist of Latin letters, numbers and symbols. Instead of entering and confirming your phone number, you can specify a security question to restore access to your account.

  1. If you have chosen the option with a phone, click "Get code", after seconds a message will be sent to the specified number.
  2. Enter the digital code contained in it and click on the "Confirm" icon.

  1. In the case of a security question, select it and enter the answer.

  1. Enter the code from the picture and tick the box below after reading the terms of service.
  2. We click "Register".

As a result, we immediately get to our mail. After that, you can log in to Yandex.Disk.

  1. Click on the link to enter the storage.
  2. Click on the "Download Disk for Windows" icon to save the client-side installer to your computer.

  1. Select the operating system and click "Disk for ...".

  1. After downloading the application to your computer, launch the executable file and wait for the download of the program distribution kit to complete.

  1. If you do not want to install a browser from Yandex and replace the start page in the Internet browser, uncheck the boxes and click "Finish".

  1. In the first window, click "Next" and close the dialog with a proposal to use the opportunities for working with screenshots.

As a result, we managed to create an account, if it did not exist, and after authorization, we can start working in it.

Entering the repository

After launching the Yandex.Disk application, you will be asked to enter your profile by specifying your username and password.

  1. In order to enter your page, we enter the data for authorization by mail (they are also used to visit Yandex.Disk).

  1. We press "Start work" and wait until the connection is established. After that, a new directory will appear in the My computer directory - Yandex.Disk.

If you have already used the service before, you will have to wait until it finishes synchronizing data with those stored on your computer. You can disable the option in the pop-up window after clicking on the client icon in the tray, but after that the files uploaded to the remote server will not appear in the shared directory.

Now you can assign a different shared folder: go to "Settings" through the context menu of the application icon and change the directory on the first tab.

Working with files

Mastering the Yandex.Disk client won't take long. It is no more difficult to work in it than in Windows Explorer or the OS. You can send an object to the cloud by dragging it to the appropriate directory on Yandex.Disk, using the context menu, or using keyboard shortcuts for working with files: Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V.

You can move and copy something in the same way as in File Explorer. After deletion, the object is placed in the trash, and will take up space until it is emptied (you can empty the trash through the context menu). The file is stored for 30 days, during which it can be restored, after this time it will be automatically erased from the server. As soon as you delete an object from the trash, it will immediately free up the space it occupies. Searching for objects is also no different from the process in the explorer and, interestingly, the uploaded content is not indexed by search engines.

If someone opens access to their documents, after confirming them, they will take up space in the user's storage, because the folder / file (s) will be copied to your disk. Naturally, you won't be able to accept an invitation to a large shared directory if you don't have enough disk space for it. After you stop sharing, you will have to delete your personal copy of the directory to free up disk space.

  1. Upload a file from a computer, making it publicly available: through the context menu of the object, call the command "Copy public link" and after sending the document to the server, a direct link to the page for viewing / downloading it will be copied to the clipboard.

You can open public access to the directory through its context menu: select "Yandex.Disk" "Configure Sharing".

After that, a browser will open on the page for configuring public access to the directory. Here we select the privileges (full access, view) and indicate the users who must be invited to edit / view the directory.

Useful information about Drive

The basics of working with the service are reviewed. It remains to touch on such points as: the size of the space provided, the confidentiality and security of the resource operation, work with documents on other platforms.


For the convenience of managing your own collection of documents and other data, clients have been created for the following operating systems:

  • computers - Windows of any edition, Linux and Mac;
  • mobile devices - for Android (4.0.3), iOS (8), Windows Phone and Symbian.

The program for Linux supports all of its major distributions and is distinguished by the lack of an interface - all actions are carried out through the command line. This has several advantages:

  • increased read / write speed due to lower latencies;
  • low system requirements, including the quality / speed of the Internet;
  • speed of synchronization.

An experimental version 2 of the client has been released for Windows and Mac with a number of improvements, and most importantly, it is compatible with classic Yandex.Disk. On mobile platforms, the capabilities are the same, there is also an auto-upload of photos / videos and a function to disable it when using a mobile network. Browser add-ons that allow you to instantly share pictures and links can help simplify your work with the cloud.

Available space

If after registration you do not know how much space Yandex gives to upload personal files, go to the storage through a browser and pay attention to the lower left corner. It lists the used space and the available space as 10 GB.

This space is quite enough for documents, but already for photos and other content it is clearly not enough, especially for active and business people. They are encouraged to increase the available disk space for a small fee:

  • 10 GB - for 300 rubles per year (30 rubles per month);
  • 100 GB - for 800 rubles (80 rubles per month, respectively);
  • 1 TB - 2000 and 200 rubles.

Prices are available for any user, moreover, there are monthly rates.

Those who do not want to pay for the expansion of the place, there are Yandex promotions. After clicking "Buy more", click on the link "Promotions with partners". Here you can get a lifetime increase in cloud space for purchasing the specified products, enabling auto-upload of photos / videos from the gadget's camera and other periodic promotions. Feedback from satisfied participants will not give any doubts about the honesty of their conduct.

File lifetime

According to Yandex representatives, any document will be stored on the server forever until the user deletes it or his account. This can only be prevented by something serious, comparable to a global cataclysm. Objects deleted to the trash are automatically erased after 30 days of storing them in this temporary directory.

Security and privacy

Among the advantages that users receive using the cloud service from Yandex are:

  • access to downloaded files from any place and device with the Internet and the necessary software (browser, client);
  • absolute reliability - the system automatically takes care of backing up information without involving the client in such procedures;
  • payment only for the required disk space within the available tariff plans;
  • it is almost impossible to get access to someone else's account, the owner of which has linked the phone to the profile;
  • no need for any service and support of the system;
  • information transmission is carried out in encrypted form (however, there are no perfect protection algorithms);
  • the ability to share and collaborate on files in the cloud.

The following points in the operation of the service for online storage are criticized:

  • very limited space;
  • security problems - documents that are not protected by a password can fall into the hands of ill-wishers;
  • the need for a high-quality Internet of sufficient speed and reliability;
  • low speed of work with the cloud and large delays are likely, especially with a narrow Internet channel;
  • the storage belongs to someone, which means that the information can be viewed by third parties, it can disappear at any time.


The cloud is convenient to use on any platform for the convenience of exchanging files, collaborating on them and temporarily storing documents, copies of which are always available on a PC or other medium, and their loss is not so terrible. If you want to upload files with personal data (PIN-codes, copies of documents and photo cards) to the cloud service, think carefully about the possible consequences, suddenly this information will fall into third hands.

And one more important point: few people know how the files are used by the owners of the service, there is no guarantee that at one moment access to data will not stop or they will not disappear for any reason (you can upload something to Yandex Disk, but access to these files cannot be received).

Always keep copies of valuable documents on a medium independent of the Internet (USB stick, hard drive).

Yandex.Disk is a cloud storage of files from a search engine known in our country. The service allows you to save various documents in one place, and then opens the possibility of using them to them from all your devices. Thanks to this service, you can save photos, music files and other documents on your computer and then use them from your smartphone. And vice versa.


Today Yandex.Disk, along with Google.Drive and [email protected], are the most popular remote file storages using cloud computing technology. And if you have not yet registered in one of them, then it's time to do it.

We already wrote,. In this article, you will learn how to log into your account, as well as open access to documents for other users.

From computer

In order to enter your page for this service from your computer, you need to log into your Yandex account. To do this, go to the page and fill in your data in the upper right corner: login and password.

IMPORTANT: If you are not registered with Yandex services, you can do this using the form described above.

Login to Yandex mail

After you have filled in the data, click on the "Login" button and go to the "Disk" tab. It is located at the top of the screen.

Yandex menu

You can also access Yandex.Disk from the main page of this service. Hover over the link "More", which is located above the search line, and in the drop-down menu, find the word "Disk" and click on it.

If you need to log into your Yandex.Disk from someone else's computer, then use any of the above algorithms. Imagine you want to show your photos to friends or work colleagues. That's the beauty of cloud storage. You can access them from any equipment. The main thing is not to forget your username and password.

But, in order to subsequently protect the sweat of your data or the use of your account by third parties, be sure to indicate that you are logging into your account from someone else's computer, and then click on the "Exit" button.

Exit Yandex services on someone else's computer

From phone

In order to log into your account of this cloud service from your phone, you can use a special application. It can be downloaded from the official directory of your operating system.

After installing the application, you need to enter your account information: login and password. They are identical to those that you use in the desktop version of Yandex.Disk.

Login to the Yandex.Disk app

After you enter them, you need to click the "Login" button.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the possibilities of using Yandex.Disk. Applications exist for various mobile operating systems: Android, iOS and Windows Phone. There are also clients for Windows, Linux and Mac.

How to upload files: photos, videos and documents to Yandex.Disk

After you have learned how to access this cloud service from Yandex, you can start using it.

Imagine you have a 10 GB flash drive. But, you don't need to carry it with you. Thanks to your smartphone, she is always with you. And over time, (Yandex.Disk managers love to make gifts) this small, by modern standards, external drive can grow in size and turn into a full-fledged external drive. But, like a flash drive, it will not take up space in your pocket, bag or backpack.

In order to use such a data warehouse, you need to be able to move files to it. This can be done from any device. Moreover, in some cases in automatic mode.

In order to upload photos or other data to Yandex.Disk, install a client of this service on your computer. Of course, you can also use the web version. But, this is not the best choice. With the help of the client, it is more convenient to use Disk.

Yandex.Disk client

After installing the client (for more details on how to do this, we told you), a folder will appear on your computer. By saving files to it, they will automatically appear on the server.

This can be done in any way, from simple drag and drop to using file managers such as Total Commander.

As for the mobile application, in order to upload a file to your Yandex.Disk through it, you need to open the application and click on the button with a cross in a yellow circle.

Adding files in the Yandex.Disk mobile app

In the menu that appears, select the source files. This can be a gallery, files from a device, files from applications, or a photo from a camera.

If you want to upload a file to a specific folder, then before choosing a document, go to the folder in which you want to save the file.

How to open access to your files on Yandex.Disk?

In order to make files public, it is advisable to use a separate folder for this feature.

  • Create it and then select
  • In the property pane, click "Make this folder shared"

You should get something like this

  • After that, a list of contacts will appear, among which you need to select those to whom you will open the opportunity to use the folder
  • For contacts, there is a setting of rights (only view or full functionality).
  • After selecting a contact and setting rights, you need to click the "Invite" button

Contact invitation

  • You can also open the right to access a folder for a contact that is not in your address book. To do this, simply enter its address in the appropriate field.

IMPORTANT: This can be done only for Yandex mail users.

  • When you give a user access to a folder located in your cloud storage, he will receive an invitation letter from Yandex. If the user accepts it, a copy of the folder will appear on his Drive.

In this case, you can assign rights:

  • View only... With this right, the user can read and download files. But, he will not be able to edit them.
  • Full access... The user is allowed not only to read and download files from the public folder, but also to edit them. With this right, the user can delete, modify, rename files, as well as open them to others.

Closing a file and a folder can be as easy as opening it. To do this, select the folder and click the "Configure access" button.

Sharing setup

The setting is made for each contact who has the right to use the folder.

In order to completely close access to the folder, you must put "No access" in the field next to the contact

Also, using the "Close access to all" button, you can remove public access to the folder. In this case, the created copy of the folder on Yandex.Disk of the person who used public access will be deleted.

You can find out which folders in your cloud file storage you have made available in the "Shared folders" main menu item.

Video. Why do you need Yandex Disk and how to use it?

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