Let's find out how Mi Band for Windows Phone works. Fitness bracelets for Windows Phone. No fun

Ideas are in the air and news comes in groups. Today they concern fitness applications that work independently or in conjunction with smart bracelets.

Two days ago, the long-awaited news appeared about the imminent release of a proprietary fitness application for PCs and tablets, which allows you to study data from any device. In principle, the Lumia smartphone already acts as a pedometer, and you can already see this information (as well as the calories burned) on your screens. The main thing is to pre-fill the profile.

But even more options are opening up for Microsoft Band 2 owners, including cable sync and personalization. Also the bracelet will receive new tiles Explore for hiking (in Russian - for hikers). Notifications will remind you when it's time to replenish your body fluids, notify you about the weather, and a UV monitor will tell you if you need to stock up on sunscreen. The updated app actively encourages friendly competitions and invites you to compare your activity data with the steps and duration of your group's cardio loads.

We have not written about Fitbit for a year and a half, but in the meantime, an application for devices on Windows 10 with a new interface has already been released: a bar of icons on top, buttons quick access to the main functions in the lower menu of the main screen, more various settings. It's good that the ugly bloated exercise selection menu has been reduced to three options: walking, running, hiking. This app has recently received an update. In addition to bug fixes, it brought support for the new Fitbit Alta bracelets, Bluetooth LE sync and a change appearance detailed map.

The companion application for the Acer Liquid Leap smart bracelet appeared last year, but after the December update it stopped connecting to the server. Everything is finally fixed, and now you can view and manage your physical activity data again. It is convenient to synchronize with the bracelet via Bluetooth 4.0 LE.

Of course, a fitness bracelet can perform its functions without connecting to a smartphone. However, the user experience will be minimal. For mobile devices operating in the operating room android system or iOS exists official client for fitness bracelets Mi Bend. It's called My Fit. But for devices in the operating room microsoft systemunfortunately there is no official app yet. But there are decent analogues that carry out most of the basic functions of My Fit.

Features of a bracelet synchronized with a mobile device

Of course, a fitness bracelet can perform its functions without connecting to a smartphone. However, the user experience will be minimal. For mobile devices running on the Android or iOS operating system, there is an official client for Mi Band fitness bracelets. It's called My Fit. Unfortunately, there is no official application for devices based on the Microsoft operating system. But there are worthy analogues that carry out most of the basic functions of My Fit.

On Windows Phone Xiaomi Mi Band allows the user to use the following functions:


    calorie counter;

    smart alarm clock;

    sleep statistics for the last night.

The same is available for using the braceletMi band 2 on Windows Phone. The difference lies in the bracelet itself. His second version is the majority necessary information displays the gadget on the screen, thereby eliminating the need to refine it using a smartphone.

Unfortunately for Mi Band Windows Phone functions of updating the firmware of the bracelet and receiving notifications of calls and messages from the phone are not available.

Application for Mi Band on windows smartphones Phone

There is no official client in the Windows Store for Xiaomi fitness bracelets. However, there are worthy analogs from Russian developers. The most successfulapp for Mi Band Windows Phone is a utility called Bind Mi Band. Also not bad, according to users, is the Mi Band Companion program.

Both also support a fitness braceletXiaomi Mi Band 2 on Windows Phone and are the result of the work of Russian developers. However, the first, the Bind Mi Band, is more popular with fitness bracelet owners. This is due to its more aesthetically pleasing interface and the ability to display information about sleep statistics.

What functions can it perform xiaomi app Mi Band Windows Phone?Perhaps most interesting is the ability to use a smart alarm clock. When entering the REM sleep phase, half an hour before waking up, the bracelet begins to vibrate delicately on the arm, thereby trying to wake up. Three times vibration on the wrist will continue until the user wakes up. At the moment when the wake-up time has been set, the application will turn into a normal alarm clock with sound signal.

Along with this, information about sleep statistics is available in the Bind Mi Bend utility. In it, you can see the time when the user fell asleep, what his dream was like: when the phases of REM sleep and slow sleep followed each other, what was their duration.

The main screen of the application displays information about the steps taken: their number and distance. You can also find information about the heart rate here. Available on the main screen and information about the number of calories burned. When using Bind Mi Band, you can set goals for the day and track their progress.

Additionally, using the Windows utility, you can change the color lED backlight indicators on the bracelet, and find it in case of loss. When the last function is turned on, Mi Bend will start vibrating and blinking to make it easier to find.

How to connect a fitness bracelet to a smartphone

When using the Xaomi Mi Bend and Mi Bend 2 gadgets, it is recommended to first synchronize it with a device running on the Android or iOS operating system. This must be done in order to install the current version of the bracelet firmware. After that, you can synchronize with the Windows device.

The connection between the bracelet and the device is established using a Bluetooth connection. Therefore, in order to connect Mi Bend 2 to Windows, or the first version of Mi Bend, you must enable this channel and start searching for the device. This procedure will take no more than 1-2 minutes. Further at installed utility you can start using the fitness bracelet.

When starting the program for Mi Band for the first time, the user must register his Mi-account. This can be done using a PC or the smartphone itself. You will also need to provide information about date of birth, weight and height. All this is necessary for the application for a more accurate calculation of steps and calories.

An important feature in using the bracelet is that it can be installed backup data. In this case, you will need to synchronize with one storage, which is very convenient when you often change smartphones.

Along with this, it is not necessary to keep the Bluetooth connection always on on the Windows background. Internal memory the bracelet is enough to store data for ten days. And given the fact that notifications about calls and messages are not available when using a fitness bracelet and a smartphone with software Microsoft, always syncing will just waste your battery.

Fitness trackers have become in recent times not just a sports accessory, today fitness bracelets are purchased by ordinary office workers who want to stay in shape, but not zealous on the treadmill in the gym. These days, smart bracelets can do more than just count your steps, showing how many calories you've burned. Some manufacturers claim that their models control activity in the pool or other non-standard sports.


Depending on the company and price category, fitness trackers have various characteristics... Bracelets that have a display, notify you of missed messages or show the time.

Walk count

Initially, “smart” bracelets had only one function - counting steps and calories. Such accessories were very popular with athletes. The function is based on the recommendation of doctors - each person needs to walk from 7 to 10 thousand steps daily to maintain normal physical shape. The bracelet tells you how much you have walked in a day, showing if you have hit the minimum. However, after 2-3 months of constant monitoring, this function starts to get boring.

At the same time, a number of programs have one drawback - they may mistakenly consider shaking as steps.

Healthy sleep and alarm clock

Some models have alarm and wake-up functions. Sleep monitoring provides data on the time you sleep and fall asleep, as well as the number of times you wake up at night. A smart alarm clock will independently tell you the best time to wake up, and also tell you about the phases of light and deep sleep.

The assistant wakes up its owners not with an annoying ringtone we are used to, but with vibration.

Heart rate monitor

Fitness bracelets have started to measure the pulse relatively recently. The developers are promoting this feature as revolutionary, despite the fact that with regular use, it "eats" a lot of battery power.

Fitness tracker reminders

Perhaps one of the important things about the bracelet is the ability to receive notifications. The accessory can communicate with vibration or sound about incoming calls and SMS. In addition, you can choose to receive notifications from other applications.


Microsoft Band 2

Microsoft Band 2 is one of the first fitness bracelets that comes across on the Internet when looking for models for Windows Phone. Product made by developers operating system Windows.

The application itself is similar to the OS design - it is also made in blue tones, and the screen is divided into rectangles.

The programmers had to try to surprise the owners of Windows:

  • All indicators are maximally coupled with each other. For example, when analyzing running, you can see not just the indicators of the past result, but the moments in which you ran faster or slower.
  • The bracelet has a sleep analytics function, but there is no “smart” alarm clock. The user can set the vibration for a specific hour.
  • In the application, you can also track information about calls, SMS and email.
  • The application has a GPS, so you can safely go for a run without a phone.

The advantages of the tracker include high-quality position, display on the bracelet and the presence of GPS. Among the shortcomings were: a high price (from 15-17 thousand Russian rubles), a strap that breaks very often, a battery that holds a charge for a maximum of two days.

Fitbit Charge HR

A tracker that won't "die" in a week - Fitbit Charge HR. Its cost starts from 6.5-7 thousand rubles. This brand is one of the leaders in the creation of fitness bracelets. The tracker works in conjunction with the Fitbit app. In OS Windows program will only work in version 10. The application will tell you about the daily number of steps, analyzing the data for the week, heart rate, calories burned and kilometers traveled.

You can learn more about the functions and features of this model from the following video:

The disadvantages of this model include problems with the initial installation of the application. Also, users note the low degree of protection of the bracelet from water. The advantages of the assistant were found in the original design and cloud storagewhere all the information goes.

Misfit flash

Another Windows Phone compatible bracelet is the Misfit flash. This model has one app for its trackers. The developers present the application as compatible with Windows Phone, however, in fact, they refuse that the tracker does not work on this OS. In addition, the bracelet lacks a display. Benefits include a striking design that suits both men and women; low cost (about 4 thousand rubles).

However, a completely new generation of trackers has appeared on the market, equipped with a smaller display that they can boast of. smart watch, but the design of which, nevertheless, cannot leave you indifferent.

Samsung was the first company to offer users a compact smart bracelet with a curved super AMOLED display. The bright, attractive, curved display is the highlight of the Gear Fit fitness tracker. And thanks to interchangeable straps, you can complement your image with such a stylish innovative gadget as a smart bracelet without much harm to your image.

Giants such as Sony, Microsoft and other equally venerable experts in the field of fitness electronics like Fitbit and Garmin will soon delight fans of a healthy lifestyle with a pleasant addition in the form of a curved display.

A shortlist of the 5 best fitness trackers with a screen

We invite you to take a look at 5 best models fitness tracker and smart bracelets with a color screen with support for OLED technologies, E-Ink technology or with conventional backlighting (but such screens do not lose their attractiveness, but, on the contrary, conquer more and more new users). Despite the relatively small screen size, which is usually equipped with a fitness bracelet, it sometimes works much more efficiently than even an expensive smartwatch with a large screen.

In general, a fitness bracelet with a screen resembles an illuminated watch from a joke about a husband who, after returning from a business trip from Japan, first invites his wife to look at how his watch glows under the covers in his and his wife's bedroom. Your fitness bracelet, of course, is unlikely to light up, but at the same time, the one available screen warms your soul. So, the top list we have selected includes such models as:

  • Microsoft Band 2 - color display, GPS module, heart rate monitor, time autonomous work - up to 2 days
  • Samsung Gear Fit - color display, heart rate monitor, battery life - up to 5 days
  • Sony SmartBand Talk SWR30 - E-INK, headset speakerphone, battery life - up to 5 days
  • Fitbit Surge - monochrome LED display, GPS module, heart rate monitor, battery life for 7 days
  • Garmin Vivosmart - OLED display, heart rate sensor *, battery life 7 days

* for some models only.

So, let's dwell on the functionality and characteristic features of each model in a little more detail, it's not for nothing that they made it to the top list.

Microsoft Band 2

The second generation of Microsoft Band 2 fitness bracelets is equipped with continuous heart rate monitor, sleep tracker and calorie burner. With 11 sensors, including a GPS module, a UV monitor and a barometer, this fitness tracker rightfully earned its first place on our shortlist. Track your goals, receive and share good advice through the convenient and intuitive Microsoft Health app and web panel.

To honor this device It's worth noting that this tracker supports activity tracking while performing various tasks and activities. So, if you are a jogger, you can be sure that at the end of your workout you will receive a complete summary of the quality of your exercise. If you are busy cycling, the device measures your heart rate, riding speed and ascent (when riding uphill).

If you like golf, then the device will determine with millimeter accuracy in which hole you have thrown your ball, and all thanks to the built-in GPS-module.

The Smart Trainer feature allows you to diversify your workouts, as well as access exercises designed by experts in the field of fitness and exercise. In addition, the bracelet works equally well when paired with devices on windows based Phone, iPhone and Android.

The second generation of the device from Microsoft can boast of a fairly successful symbiosis of smartwatch and fitness tracker functions. To make your bracelet look more like a smartwatch, you should pair it with your Windows Phone device. So, you will also get virtual cortana assistant, sharpened just for this OS.

In addition, the functions of smartwatches supported by the fitness bracelet include: notification of letters on your email mailbox, admission text messages and reminders from your calendar on your phone. This fitness tracker is great at keeping track of your heart rate, calories burned, your sleep quality, and your level of activity while performing various activities. This is by far the most sophisticated bracelet ever invented.

  • Curved AMOLED touchscreen display, 320 x 128 pixels, size: 1.26 x 0.50 inches (32 x 12.8 mm) - color display
  • Sensors: optical heart rate sensor, 3-axis accelerometer / gyroscope, gyrometer, GPS module, light sensor, skin temperature sensor, UV radiation sensor, capacitive sensor, galvanic skin response sensor, microphone, barometer - heart rate monitor.
  • Bluetooth 4.0 support.
  • Battery life: 48 hours based on standard use, full charge 1.5 hours.

  • Notifications: you can view notifications about the arrival of a new letter to your email address, calendar reminders, receive and reply to text messages and use the very useful features of the virtual assistant Cortana, including setting a reminder (supported by devices on Windows Phone 8.1 with firmware update or later).
  • Compatibility: Update for Windows 8.1 or later, iPhone with iOS8.1.2, Android 4.4 or later with Bluetooth support and proprietary Microsoft Health app.
  • Waterproof - splash proof

Samsung Gear Fit

Gear Fit works well in tandem with Samsung's proprietary fitness app for tracking a user's daily activity. This is a kind of personal fitness motivator. With the built-in heart rate sensor, you can monitor the intensity level of your workouts. We recommend reading:

And the function of a personal smart trainer will be a great motivation for you to achieve amazing heights in fitness. Plus, an always-on activity tracker tracks your level of activity and motor function throughout the day.

  • Curved touchscreen super-AMOLED display, resolution -432 x 128 pixels, dimensions: 1.84 ″ (46.6 mm) - color display
  • Sensors: heart rate sensor, accelerometer, gyroscope, pedometer, physical activity level, sleep tracker, heart rate, notifications, a controller that allows you to manage your media library, a timer, a stopwatch, the function of finding a lost device - a heart rate monitor.
  • Support for bluetooth 4.0.
  • Battery Life: 3-4 days of normal use, up to 5 days on low power with features disabled that normally run in the background.
  • Notifications - see instant notifications for emails, SMS, incoming calls and notifications third party applications to work efficiently with a paired device.

  • Dust and water resistant (IP67 protection class) - protection against dust and moisture (possibility of immersion to a depth of 1 meter with being under water for 30 minutes) - splash protection.
  • Compatibility: Devices on android base and smartphones and tablets of the Galaxy line, including support for third-party applications.
  • Dimensions and Weight: 57.4 x 23.4 x 11.95mm

TOP 5 fitness trackers (video)

Sony SmartBand Talk SWR30

The SmartBand Talk is an innovative fitness tracker that literally records every step of your daily routine. Sony equips its devices with a voice call headset, which makes it easier to work with a paired smartphone. And all thanks to the built-in microphone and speaker. In addition, this headset allows you to record voice notes on the go. To accept incoming call, just hit the answer button and keep doing what you are doing!

The device display also shows: various notifications, messages and reminders. This is a nice addition to the standard time display and graphs of the user's daily activity. It tracks your rhythm of life. That is, it determines whether you are running or walking at a calm pace, or when you decide to get some sleep. All data is recorded and displayed in the Lifelog application, and the graphs built by this application allow you to comprehensively analyze the rhythm of your life.

Available colors: black or white. Plus a hands-free Bluetooth headset, which provides the ability to answer incoming calls without taking the phone out of your pocket or purse - just a godsend for those who do not like to break away from their favorite activity at the very interesting moment... Interestingly, the speakerphone function is available even for Sony's heart rate monitor.

The standard set of functions from smartwatches includes: notification of incoming messages (both text and email), reminders, voice memos and time display. As a fitness tracker, it does an excellent job of keeping track of what you are doing at any given time and quickly transfers the collected data to the Lifelog application. Set your goals, track their implementation. This has always been and remains a good incentive and excellent motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle in all respects.

  • Curved black and white E-Ink display with a resolution of 296 x 128 pixels (192 dpi), size: 1.4 ″ gesture input and support for input and voice control.
  • Supports Bluetooth 3.0 and Micro USB.
  • Battery life: up to 3 days of standard use, up to 1 hour of talk time
  • Notifications: smart alarm, messaging, notification of the arrival of letters to email sound signal and vibration.

  • Waterproof up to 4.9 feet (1.5 m), Protection class - IP68 - waterproof - you can shower and swim in the pool
  • Compatibility: Android 4.4 KitKat or later, App support, Lifelog (Android devices only) and Bluetooth enabled smartphones.
  • Dimensions and weight: thickness - 9.5 mm, width - 23.5 mm, weight - 24 g.

Fitbit Surge

One of the most large displays equipped with a fitness tracker Fitbit Surge. On its rectangular touch display much more is displayed useful information progress towards your goals. Here you will find statistics on the quality of your workout, no matter if it is running or cycling. The device has a built-in heart rate monitor that continuously and automatically monitors your heart rate both during training and at any other time.

The activity level tracker allows you to keep track of the mileage and timing of your activity. This includes: the distance traveled, which, as befits a tracker, is tracked by the number of steps taken, the number of calories you burned, and much more. And thanks to the built-in GPS-module, the accuracy of the tracker is guaranteed. So, it allows you to track as accurately as possible not only the distance, but also the route with which you move along it and the height of some objects that you will have to overcome, passing the route you have chosen.

The multi-sport function allows you to keep records and record statistics for such sports as: running, cycling, cross training and other types of training.

Notifications for incoming text messages and calls are displayed right on the tracker screen. In addition, you can manage your music library directly from the display screen. mobile device... Of at least useful functions devices worth mentioning sleep tracker with automatic mode tracking phases and quality of sleep.

In this regard, Surge, as well as the devices presented in the review, combines many useful functions of not only a fitness tracker, but also a smartwatch. And the presence of a large display makes it look like a smartwatch much more than a fitness tracker.

Do you need fitness trackers and smartwatches? Test 10 bracelets (video)

In addition, it has an optical heart rate monitor and GPS module. And even with such an abundance of functions, he manages to hold out for a long time. So, the battery life of this small device with a rather big screen is up to 7 days. Read this immediately:

  • Rectangular monochrome LED touchscreen, approx. 20.88 x 24.36 mm - the largest display in comparison with the presented models.
  • GPS-module: tracking distance, pace of training, overview of routes, taking into account the terrain and time intervals - GPS-module.
  • PurePulse is a continuously working heart rate monitor - heart rate monitor.
  • Sensors: GPS, 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope, digital compass, optical heart rate monitor, altimeter, light sensor, vibration motor.

  • Provides continuous tracking of your physical activity level throughout the day: exercise intensity, calories burned while walking or climbing stairs.
  • The multi-sport function allows you to keep records and record statistics for such sports as: running, cycling, cross training and other types of training. The sleep tracker turns on automatically, gives a wake-up signal in the form of an unobtrusive vibration signal.
  • Battery life: more than 7 days, charging time from 1 to 2 hours; long battery life.
  • Notifications for incoming calls and text messages, the ability to manage the playlist on the smartphone.
  • Automatic Bluetooth sync for smartphone and computer.

  • Compatibility: mobile app Fitbit, available for iOS, Android and Windows. Fitbit web dashboard is available for desktop windows computers and Mac.
  • Water Resistant - Protection Class: Up to 5 ATM - Sweat, rain and splash resistant, but not suitable for swimming or showering. Only splash protection is guaranteed.

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