How to check which drivers are installed on a laptop. Branded utilities of manufacturers. Find out what drivers need to be installed on the computer

Hi all dear visitors.

Do you know what drivers are and why no computer user can do without them? Would you like your hardware to perform better and faster? In this article, I will answer these questions and tell you how to find out which drivers are needed for your computer in your case.

Drivers - what are they and why?

Drivers (sometimes called "Firewood") are obligatory softwarethat allow you to determine what devices are installed on your computer and show the operating system how to work with them.

Therefore, if they are not there, then all the devices that are in the computer will refuse to function. In other words, this is some kind of software, without which the OS will not be able to fully understand how to use the capabilities of this or that device.

Operating systems, as a rule, are automatically able to detect such gadgets as a mouse, keyboard, speakers and headphones (operating systems have some embedded drivers). However, the network, sound and video card, external devices (printer, scanner, card reader, webcam, etc.) require separate drivers.

Basically, drivers are written to disks with which you need to load after windows installations, well, or after changing one or another device. However, the developers subject it to frequent updates so that you can enjoy better work of your computer.

Therefore, I advise you to follow the release of the latest versions and install them yourself.

Have you changed any device in your computer? Then you too first need to install a driver for it. New gadgets come with discs, so there won't be any problems. But what if you bought a used device and the owner threw away the media with the software long ago?

Be that as it may, it will be useful for you to learn how to determine what drivers your computer needs and the availability of updates for them.

Where can I find driver data on my computer?

To understand what devices on your computer need to install programs, look in the "Device Manager". Not sure how to do this? We will teach.

In each operating system, the way to open the dispatcher is slightly different, but the essence is the same. Since now the early windows versions, I'll tell you how this is done using the example of the "seven":

A new window will open where you will see "Device Manager" at the top left.

  • When you go to it, another window will appear with a list of the components installed on your computer. If next to any of them there is an interrogative or exclamation mark, which means you need firewood for it.

Which ones? Now we will find out:

  • On the device you are interested in, click right click mouse.
  • Select Properties from the drop-down menu.
  • See a window with multiple tabs? Find "Information" among them.
  • Now you have a list in which you need to find the "equipment ID".

Finally you got main information about the device, which will help in finding drivers for it. Now you just have to enter the received data into search string and download the software you need. I advise you to do this on the official sites so that the devices work correctly, and you do not have to fight viruses.

DriverPack Solution to help

Don't have the time and desire to manually search for drivers? Use the program DriverPack Solution.

She will always keep you informed about what kind of wood your computer needs. In addition to ease of use, one of its main advantages is that the program is free.

You can download this driver package here:

This software has long established itself as a good helper in such matters. At first, users had to create disk images for it, which were 10 GB each. Now everything is much simpler: you just need to download a file of about 3 MB and perform a basic installation. Developers have finally developed online version package, but an offline version (10-12GB) is also available.

After installing this program, it will monitor and show you which drivers are missing for sound, video components, external devices, etc. To see them, after the scan is complete, click "Expert mode".

See what you really need from the proposed, check these items and click the green "Install automatically" button. But I do not recommend putting everything in a row, as DriverPack can put you a lot of unnecessary things.

Don't oversleep this moment, it's important.

This concludes your work. All that remains is to wait for the utility to find and download the software. This can take a long time. When the process is complete, be sure to reboot your system for the updates to take effect.

There are also a bunch of similar programs, but I personally don't really like them, and most of them are paid.

I hope this article was helpful to you. And there is? Then tell your friends about it.

Is the software you need to normal work computer hardware. Some drivers are installed automatically, but in most cases, users have to take care of this themselves. If you have a CD with drivers, then installing them is not difficult. But, it often happens that the disc is lost. In this case, it is necessary Today we will talk about how to find out which driver is needed for.

In order to find out which driver is needed for a video card, you need to know which video card is installed on your computer. You can get information about the installed video card different ways... If a video card driver is already installed on the computer and you want to update it, then the name of the video card can be viewed in the "Device Manager". In order to launch the "Device Manager" just open the "Start" menu and use the search.

After starting GPU-Z, you will see a small window with detailed information about your video card. At the top of this window there is text string "Name", the name is indicated here installed video card... In this case, the screenshot shows nVIDIA graphics card GeForce GTX 950.

Below, in the text field "Subvender", the manufacturer of the video card is indicated. In this case, it's ASUS. If your system has several video cards installed, then you can view information about each of them. To do this, you need to use the drop-down list located at the bottom of the GPU-Z window.

So, we already know which video card model we have, but how do we know which driver is needed for a video card?

After we have determined the model and manufacturer of the video card, we can start looking for a driver for our video card. If you have a video card from ATI / AMD, then go to and fill out the form to find a driver.

After we have filled in all the fields of the search form, click on the "Display Results" button. Next, a page will load where you will be offered to download a driver for a video card.

If you have a video card from nVidia, then you need to use the search form.

This search form works in a similar way: select the model of your video card and fill in the rest of the fields. After clicking on the "Search" button, you will be offered the required driver.

Drivers are small programs that allow Windows 7 to recognize the hardware on your computer.

Many drivers for windows 7 are automatically installed by the OS itself, so it's not always clear to you what drivers are installed. This can be found in 2 ways. For your chosen device, the most the best option there will be "Device Manager". And to view the entire list of installed drivers, use the System Information utility.


"Device Manager"

2. Click on the small triangle to the left of the equipment category, for example, "Video Card" to open the category.

3. Click the right mouse button on any equipment and click "Properties".

4. Click on the "Driver" tab in the properties window to view the driver suppliers, date, version and signature.

5. Click on "Driver Details" to see a list of driver files associated with this driver.

"System Information"

2. When the list appears, click on "System Information".

3. Click on the "+" sign to the left of "Software environment" to open the category.

4. Click on "System Drivers" to show a list of all system drivers.

How to view installed drivers on windows in a minute

Good afternoon. Computer users are constantly changing something in their computer, connecting new equipment, replacing old nodes with new ones. But not everyone thinks that along with new equipment, he installs new drivers.

Interestingly, if you do not carry out a special cleaning of the PC, the old drivers will not go anywhere, they remain in the system. Gradually cluttering it more and more. There is only one thing to do, remove the old drivers. It is best to remove drivers using special software. But it's not a fact that the program will remove all drivers completely. This raises the question: - How to view the installed drivers?

But before watching them, let's first figure it out, what is a driver? I would say this is a special small software that helps the operating system to work, to manage all the equipment that is installed on your PC.

It is advisable to update the driver often, especially the video card. Along with the video card, a program is often supplied that monitors this update. It also helps the system to delete old ones after installing new ones. But the system does not always remove all drivers. From here, it is advisable to see what drivers are installed on our computer?

How to view installed drivers

We will view the installed drivers through the Device Manager. But before that, let's make a small adjustment to it. In the command line, through the start button, you must enter the word - Wednesday (in the eight, press the Win + R hot keys). We select "Change environment variables current user ".

A new window has opened for us. Click on the top button "Create".

In a new window, enter the combination in the top line - devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices

In the bottom we put the number 1. Press "Ok", in the second window also "Ok".

That's it, we have corrected our Dispatcher. We now have the ability to view device drivers that are inactive.

To do this, right-click on our desktop on the Computer shortcut. Let's choose "Properties". Next, at the top left, select Device Manager.

In the Manager menu, select "View", then "Show hidden devices".

We will see the devices that we have installed on the computer.

We are looking for drivers, click on them, and we will see all the drivers installed on the PC.

Remember! If you decide to remove any of them, then you can remove only those drivers that you definitely do not need, and you are completely sure of this, otherwise you can get big problems with the system.

We have done this operation to see the installed drivers. It is better to remove the drivers using special software or just clean up on time windows registry... When cleaning the registry, old drivers are also removed.

That's all. Now you know how to view the installed drivers. Good luck! And be careful with the drivers!

Best regards, Andrey Zimin! 19.07.2015

How to find out what drivers are needed?

As a rule, after reinstalling the system, we will talk about windows, there is a problem with the drivers. Need to know what drivers are needed, which one to install?

Before any reinstallation of the operating system, you need to take care of the drivers for your hardware in system unit or laptop.

Be sure to find out the bitness of your operating system, this parameter should be taken into account when choosing a driver.

Where do we get a driver for a laptop?

As for the drivers for laptops, the situation is simpler there. You need to go to the manufacturer's website and select your laptop model in the download section to download the entire set of drivers for the operating system that you will install, not forgetting about the bit depth.

With the system unit, things are more complicated.

Before reinstalling home computer it is advisable to find out at least what kind of video card you have, what kind of chipset on the motherboard. As a rule, a CD with drivers is included with a computer, there is more than one. You can install drivers from there and then update them to latest version.

If you do not take care of the drivers in advance, then after installing the operating system, if you have one computer in the house, you may have problems finding them at all. It may not work without a driver network Card, WI-FI, which means there is no Internet access, so the question arises where to get the driver, what drivers are needed?

So below it is shown how to find out which drivers are not yet installed and which ones are needed.

You need to open the device manager:

windows 8.1 and 10 - in the lower left corner, click on windows icon, right-click, and select the device manager.

windows 7 - click start, then control panel. In the window that opens, select the system and security, if these are large icons, then the system. If small icons select the system immediately and in the new window that opens on the left, select the device manager.

The second method for windows 7, if there is a "My Computer" icon on the desktop, right-click on it and select the system in the drop-down menu. Then, in the window that opens on the right, select the one we need, the task manager.

Find out information about the missing or not working driver.

The device manager has opened in front of us, and if we see an exclamation or question mark next to any device, then for this device it is necessary to update or install a driver. The device does not work correctly if there is an exclamation mark, there is no driver if there is a question mark.

A new window will open where you need to go to the information tab, select the equipment ID from the drop-down list below from the list. Below in the window there will be information about the device that will help us find required driver.

Let's copy or rewrite this information and open the browser. Enter this information in the search bar and the World Wide Web will find us a bunch of information about this device and which driver exactly we need.

The only thing left is to use the information provided to us correctly and download the driver we need. It is natural to install it later.

An example is shown on a missing device driver in a virtual vMware machine, and as you can see from a search on the Internet in the first and fourth lines of the Yandex search, it is said about the VMware driver.

If you have any questions, write to us, we will try to answer your questions in as much detail as possible.

Good luck to all!

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What drivers are on the computer

Hello! In this next lesson, we will talk about drivers, namely, how to find out what driver files are on the computer (video card, mouse, monitor, etc.).

Typically, hardware drivers are stored in the "C: / windows / System32 / drivers" folder, but if you need to know which drivers are used for specific device, follow the steps below.

How do I know what drivers are on my computer?

1. Open Device Manager. This can be done through System Properties or in windows 10 by right-clicking on the Start icon.

2. In the dispatcher window, expand the section with desired device (for example, "Video adapters").

3. When you find the device you want, right-click on it and select Properties.

4. In the window that opens, go to the "Driver" tab and click the "Details" button.

The Driver File Information window appears (sometimes it takes a few seconds).

In the example above, you can see what drivers are on the video card, as well as the full path to these files.

In the same way, you can view the drivers of other devices installed on the computer.

Find out what drivers need to be installed on the computer

Probably everyone who at least once independently reinstalled the operating system had a popular question: how to find out which drivers need to be installed on a computer for it stable work? This is the question we will try to answer in this article. Let's understand in more detail.

What software is needed for a computer

In theory, software must be installed on a computer or laptop for all devices that require it. Over time, operating system developers are constantly expanding the Microsoft driver base. And if in windows times XP had to manually install almost all drivers, but in the case of newer operating systems, many drivers are already installed automatically. However, there are still devices for which you have to install software manually. We bring to your attention a number of ways that will help you in solving this issue.

Method 1: Official websites of manufacturers

To install everything required drivers, you need to install software for all boards in your computer. This refers to the motherboard, video card and external boards ( network adapters, sound cards etc). In this case, the "Device Manager" may not indicate that the hardware requires drivers. When installing the operating system, we simply used the standard software for the device. Nevertheless, the software for such devices must be installed original. Most of all installed software is on the motherboard and the chips integrated into it. Therefore, first we will look for all drivers for motherboard, and then for the video card.

Method 2: Utilities for automatic software updates

If you are too lazy to search and install all the software manually, then you should take a closer look at the programs that are designed to facilitate this task. Review on the most popular programs for automatic search and we carried out software updates in a separate article.

Lesson: Best programs to install drivers

You can use any of the utilities described. But we still recommend using DriverPack Solution either Driver genius... These are programs with the largest database of drivers and supported hardware. We have already told you how to use DriverPack Solution.

Lesson: How to update drivers on a computer using DriverPack Solution

Therefore, let us show you how to find and install all drivers using Driver Genius. So, let's begin.

Method 3: Online Services

If previous ways did not help you, it remains to hope for this option. Its meaning is that we will search for software manually by a unique device identifier. In order not to duplicate information, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our lesson.

Lesson: Finding Drivers by Hardware ID

In it you will find detailed information how to find the ID and what to do with it next. As well as a guide to using two of the largest online driver search services.

It is not important for an ordinary user to know where they are located and what drivers are installed, but if any problems arise, it may be useful for you to see a list of all installed Windows drivers. But who wants to click on each item in Device Manager?

How to view a list of installed Windows drivers

For this purpose, Windows has a built-in utility that lists all installed drivers, which should make your life easier. All you need to do is enter the command at the command line:

This will allow you to see a list of drivers and the date of each one. If you want to get more information about the drivers, you can add the key “ / V "which can be used with “ | more”To prevent the list from scrolling through automatically.
There are also other ways to get a list of installed Windows drivers, uploading them to a CSV file and showing the drivers that you signed. To learn more about this, use the key “ /? “.

Using InstalledDriversList

If you are scared off by anything related to the phrase “ command line”, You can use free utility InstalledDriversList.

After downloading the archive with the program, unzip it and run the utility as administrator. You will see a list of all installed Windows drivers with all the details. Through double click for the driver you are interested in, you can get more information such as date, version and location of the driver. A green icon means that the driver is currently being used, if the icon is yellow, the driver is installed, but not active. If you see a red icon, it means that there are some problems with the driver, and you can fix them by disabling or removing this driver.

Where does almost any hardware problem start in tech forums? That's right, with a proposal to update the driver. The fact is that a driver is a program, and its developers collect feedback and error messages that users send them, and then release new versions with corrected errors. But how do you check if you have the latest drivers for your devices? In this article, you will learn how to check the relevance and update drivers without resorting to non-standard tools and third-party applications.

Does Windows update device drivers?

To see a list of your hardware and drivers for them, run the standard tool sysdm.cpl... To do this, press the keys Win + R, type the name of this program in the line that appears and press Enter.

In the "System Properties" window, select the "Hardware" tab.

It is not necessary to remember the name of sysdm.cpl. There is an easier way - press Win + Pause, in the window that appears, select “ Extra options systems ". The result will be the same.

By clicking the "Device installation parameters" button, you can check the setting automatic update Windows drivers.

Here only the setting is indicated, and the driver update itself takes place in the "Center windows updates"Along with the installation of updates to the system itself and application programs Microsoft.

How do I update the driver myself?

When in doubt about freshness installed driver your device, you can manually update it. To do this, launch the Device Manager (I recommend calling it from the System window by Win + Pause). Now, in the device tree, select the equipment we are interested in and select "Update driver" by right-clicking.

The result of the operation should be a message from the system about a successful driver update.

If the system did not find the driver

However, there is a chance that in your hands, or rather in your system unit, there will be a device for which Windows cannot find a driver on its own. Then you have to install it from the disc or the manufacturer's website. When updating the device driver, you should select "Find a driver on this computer" and specify the path to the folder where you downloaded it.

For most modern devices operating system Microsoft Windows itself is able to find a suitable driver without your participation. Just check if automatic driver updates are enabled.

If you decide to try some beta driver from the device developer at your own peril and risk, then update it manually through the "Find a driver on this computer" option.

Also, do not forget about the built-in mechanism for automatic driver update, which is supplied by the driver developer himself. You should not turn it off if you want to have the most current versions installed drivers.

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