What programs need to be installed for vmware. VMWare Workstation virtual machine

Today I will review the program Vmware Workstation 10,which on your PC or laptop will simulate another system. And it doesn't matter which one, from the Windows or Linux series, or maybe even one and the second. It all depends on the needs and desires. But first, a little introductory text, so that the uninformed reader understands what it is about!

Well, let's get started. Starting with this article, I will post at least three links to download the programs that I am writing about here. I know that very often many have problems with this. And therefore it is worth considering this moment.

You can download Vmware Workstation 10 here:

  • nnm-club.me - torrent (registration on the torrent is required);

I put myself a repack version, and I will conduct reviews on it. It all starts with downloading, then click on the exe file and carry out the standard installation procedure. I will make a small digression and tell you what requirements this program has for your system, that is, what resources should be on the computer for normal use. Vmware Workstation 10.

System requirements:

  • 64-bit Intel Core ™ Solo x86 processor or equivalent, AMD Athlon ™ 64 FX dual-core processor or equivalent
  • Clock frequency 1.3 GHz or more
  • 2 GB RAM minimum / 4 GB RAM recommended

Also, your computer must have at least 10 GB of free hard disk space, but you will need to install another system that requires a certain amount of disk space.

Understanding Workstation 10 Menu Control

We see 5 main items of the VM menu, although the main ones are rather two on the left, and the right three are, as it were, auxiliary. I will write a little about each of them. so that you understand what they are for and how you can apply them to yourself.

Creating a new virtual machine - the most important thing for us, here we will create a new virtual machine, specify system parameters and all sorts of little things.

Opening a virtual machine - this is one of the cool features of this program, you can export and then open your installed system on another computer. Actually, this is the window for opening it.

Connecting to a remote server - you can use a virtual machine not only on your computer but also on a remote server. And this is actually a button for connecting to a remote machine.

Physical machine virtualization - This is a quick and comfortable transition of your PC to a virtual environment. Although this is on the menu, it will not work for use with a 30-day trial or a broken repack. You need to register and obtain a license to download a special add-on that makes this transition.

Installing WIndows on a Workstation 10 Virtual Machine

Dismantled the theoretical part and it's time to move on to the practice of installing the OS on a VM. Go to the icon for creating a new virtual machine. A window opens with the right to select the installation mode:

  • Normal mode
  • Selective

If you have not had any experience with VM work before, then use the normal mode, I will take it as an example. After clicking further, we go to the next window, where you must carefully indicate the place from where our new OS will be installed. I advise you to read my post in order to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow this is done. I will install from an ISO image on my computer, you indicate what is relevant for you. If you also install from an image, then you also need to specify the path to the disk image on your computer. If the path you specified matches, then you will be given a similar entry, as in the screenshot below.

Go ahead, and as usual, you will be asked for a key, as well as a personalized name and, if desired, a password for your future administrator account. Enter the data and continue. Now, be careful, the program asks you to specify the location where your new virtual machine will be installed, in simple terms, you specify the disk where the free space for your virtual system will come from. The default is drive "C", you can specify another.

Now we indicate the maximum size for your VM, by default it costs 40 GB, and also check the box to split into several files or store data in one file. It also explains why this is generally needed. Decide and continue. Very carefully you need to treat the following parameters already selected by default by the program.

512 MB of RAM is not enough for me and I want to add it, that's what the button is for Equipment setup in which you specify those system parameters that will be available to your virtual machine. There you can edit the following parameters:

  • Memory (RAM)
  • Number of processors used
  • CD / DVD ROM
  • Network adapter
  • USB controller
  • Sound card
  • Printer
  • Display

Now that's all, click ready and see how your OS starts to install. I was also offered to add a camera to the WEB devices, this can be done later, if desired. Well, the installation of the System itself is no different from any installation on a real Physical system, if you have difficulties with this, I gave a link above to an article about installing the system. So I'll make myself coffee, and you will be there, whatever you prefer, we will continue after installing our system.

I have completed the installation and I want to show you the main aspects of using the guest OS. Since it is difficult to describe in words, I will take a screenshot and post it here in this article.

On this I will say goodbye to you, I wish you good luck and more knowledge in mastering new technologies.

With all respect, Andrew.

How VMware Workstation Pro Works

VMware Workstation Pro creates fully isolated, secure virtual machines that encapsulate operating systems and applications. The VMware virtualization layer maps physical hardware resources to virtual machine resources. Thus, each virtual machine has its own CPU and memory resources, disk space and I / O and is the full equivalent of a standard x86 computer. VMware Workstation Pro installs on the host operating system and provides broad hardware support by inheriting the supported hardware from the host operating system.

What applications can I run on a virtual machine?

Any application running on a standard PC will run on a VMware Workstation Pro virtual machine. VMware Workstation Pro is the equivalent of a full-fledged PC with networking and multi-device support. Each virtual machine has its own CPU, memory, disks, I / O devices, etc. It can run any application that runs on a supported guest OS, including Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, Apache Web Server, Microsoft Visual Studio, kernel debuggers, firewalls, VPN software, and more.

What hardware is required to run VMware Workstation Pro?

VMware Workstation Pro runs on most common x86 systems with 64-bit Intel and AMD processors running 64-bit Windows or Linux host operating systems. Please check before purchasing as some older CPU models are no longer supported. VMware recommends 1.2 GB of free disk space for this application. Each virtual machine requires additional hard disk space. Providers provide information on recommended free disk space for specific guest operating systems.

Does Workstation 15 Pro support 32-bit operating systems?

Workstation 15 Pro requires a 64-bit operating system on the host. The Workstation 15 Pro virtual machine can still run 32-bit Windows and Linux guests. If you plan to use 64-bit virtual machines with VMware Workstation Pro, see the Knowledge Base article for a list.

Can I convert my trial license to permanent?

After the trial period expires, the program will ask you to enter a license key. You will receive this key after purchasing the product. Enter it in the appropriate box to unlock the full, unlimited software. To take advantage of the 30-day free email support, you must register a license key. If the product was purchased from the VMware Online Store, registration of the license key occurs automatically. If you purchased your product from a reseller, you must manually register your license key in My VMware. For information on registering license keys, see this.

How do I purchase an upgrade to Workstation 15 Pro?

Upgrades to VMware Workstation 15 Pro are available through and from VMware resellers.

ATTENTION! Installing a new version of Workstation will uninstall the previous version from the system. Therefore, it is recommended to update only if you have a new license key. Existing virtual machines will not be affected.

When switching to the next version of the Windows operating system, some users are faced with the lack of support for their favorite applications in the new OS. Or it's even more complicated - you have, for example, OS X, and you need the work of applications that are compatible only with Windows.

At the moment, there are a large number of "virtual machines" that can resolve these inconveniences. For example, paid Parallel Desktop and VMWare Workstation, or free options like Microsoft VirtualPC or VirtualBox from Oracle.

We have already talked about VirtualBox in the articles:

  • Creating a virtual computer and installing Windows on it using VirtualBox;

Today I will talk about working with.

The process of installing a virtual machine is no different from the process of installing regular programs, so you can skip it. After installation and reboot, the main program window will appear.

In this emulator, everything is easily customizable. On the left side are the virtual machines that you have installed. On the right is the "invitation" window of the program. It can be used to create or open an existing virtual machine, connect to a remote server, and much more. Above are several panels that contain controls.

Creating a virtual machine

VMWare Workstation provides several options for creating a virtual machine. To describe all possible functions, we will choose a selective method of creating a machine.

In the next window, you must specify the compatibility with previous versions of the program.

This is usually used for teamwork on different configurations. The products compatible with this machine are displayed on the left side of the window, and the restrictions on this configuration are displayed on the right. It doesn't matter now, so we leave everything as it is.

The next step is to install the system on a virtual machine.

In this case, you can specify both a real hard disk drive and a virtual image. Alternatively, you can select the installation media later, right when the virtual machine starts up.

Then you need to select the operating system that you are going to install.

In accordance with your choice, the program will offer the optimal set of settings for a specific system. Next, you need to come up with a name for the virtual machine, as well as the folder in which it will be located.

Most modern computers have more than one processor core. The program can also set the number of cores that you want to use in the guest system.

Note: Do not give too many physical resources to the virtual machine. The computer will become slower, and you will not get a large increase in the performance of the guest system.

At the next step, you need to specify the amount of RAM that will be given to the virtual operating system. The program will also warn you about the minimum amount of memory at which the system will function, and will also indicate the limit above which you should not go. In this case, it is recommended to leave the value that the emulator program specified initially.

The next step is to specify the type of network you want to use.

In this case, if you do not understand networking technologies, you do not need to change anything. After installation, the virtual machine will have a network and you do not have to configure it separately.

At the next step, you are asked to select the disk on which the system will be stored.

You can create a new virtual disk, or use an existing one. You can also set aside a portion of the physical disk for system operation. In the first two cases, a virtual hard disk will be formed in the form of a specific file or a group of files. Then the configurator will prompt you to select the type of virtual disk. Since SCSI on older systems is either not supported or does not work confidently, it is advisable to choose an IDE interface.

Next, you need to specify the size of the future disk. In this case, you can specify the space slightly larger than what we need. In this case, you can allocate all the disk space at once, or you can fill it up gradually so that the empty space on the virtual disk does not take up real gigabytes. For convenience, the program will offer you to split the disk into several files, or save everything in one.

In conclusion, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the parameters of the created VMWare Workstation virtual machine. If everything is in order, then press the "Finish" button, otherwise - you can go back and change any parameter.

A black screen is now displayed on the right side of the program indicating that the virtual machine is disabled, as well as information about the hardware of the virtual machine. The process of installing the system on a virtual machine should be skipped as it is no different from installing a real operating system.

Procedure for starting a virtual machine, suspending and shutting down

So now everything is ready to run. If there is already a system on the virtual machine (VM), then it is enough just to start it. Or put the system on a freshly created machine.

There are two options:

  1. If there is a VM, then in the window on the main tab, select "Open" and select the VM (file with the .vnw resolution).
  2. After adding (or after creating a new one), you need to start the VM by clicking on the start button, which is located at the top of the window under the Edit menu, or by selecting the Virtual Machine - Power-\u003e Resume menu item, or by pressing the Ctrl + B key combination.

It is worth noting that the virtual machine can be paused. At the same time, its full state at the time of shutdown will remain and the virtualizer program can be closed. After you resume work, all windows, open programs and even processes in memory will remain in the same state in which you left them. This is the most convenient way to use a virtual machine. you don't have to wait for it to load. There are three ways to pause the VM:

  1. Press the "Pause" button at the top of the window, under the "Edit" menu
  2. Select the menu item Virtual Machine - Power - Suspend
  3. Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Z

There is also a less convenient way of shutting down the virtual machine and the virtualizer program - shutting down the guest operating system as if you were shutting it down on a regular computer. Moreover, if you turn off the machine through the capabilities of VMWare, the system will automatically shutdown, as if you had pressed the Power button on the system unit.

You can turn off the virtual machine in the following ways:

  1. Press the "Stop Virtual Machine" button located under the "Edit" menu
  2. Select the menu item Virtual Machine - Power - Power Off
  3. Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + R

It should be noted that sooner or later you will have to turn off / restart the VM. garbage will accumulate in the guest operating system, which will disappear only after a reboot. It will gradually accumulate and, as a result, will make the machine work slow.

Everything is fine: the guest system is up and running, but it may not release the mouse outside of its working window. In this case, if you want to leave the virtual system, you need to press the Ctrl + Alt key combination. However, there is a set of drivers that you do not have to install after installing them. The system is integrated into the host machine and you can switch between them without any problems.

You can do this as follows: go to the Virtual Machine - Install / Reinstall VMWare Tools package.

The VMWare Tools package installs drivers for sound cards, video adapters, and other hardware.

It is also important that VMWare Tools can work with several guest systems at the same time. Moreover, each system will work independently of the others. The number of simultaneously running systems is limited only by the physical capabilities of your computer. And you, as a user, can switch between them using tabs.

There is a problem: let's say that the system has become unstable and you need to press the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys, but the host system's task manager is called. You can send such a combination to the guest system using the Virtual Machine menu - send the command Ctrl + Alt + Delete.

Everything is fine: the guest system is functioning and you are satisfied with almost everything, but there is one problem: the system screen is too small and this makes the work inconvenient. There are several ways to fix this problem:

1. If you have a large diagonal monitor, you can simply increase the screen resolution.

2. There is also a more elegant approach: you can enable "single mode". This is the mode of integrating the guest operating system into the main operating system. In this case, you can work in parallel with applications of both the host and the guest system. It is worth noting. That the entire screen will be involved and the resolution of the guest system will be the same as that of the host. In order to switch to this mode, you must click on the "Single mode" button, which is located in the menu under the "Tabs" menu, or go to the View menu - Single mode

3. It is possible to expand the operating system to full screen, completely covering the main workspace. This can be done by clicking on the "Full Screen Mode" button, which is located between the Virtual Machine and Tabs menu, or go to the View - Full Screen Mode menu. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Enter. In this case, the VMWare Tools panel will appear at the top of the system, which will automatically hide if you do not hover over it.

So now we have a working system. It is necessary to add network folders to it - in this case, we will give the system access to the physical hard disk. To do this, you need to turn off the virtual machine.

The system on the virtual machine is the same as on the real one. Accordingly, you need to turn it off just like a regular system.

After shutdown, you must press the "Change settings" button and go to the "Parameters" tab.

In it, you need to find the "Shared folders" option, put the switch in the "Always on" position and select the necessary shared folders for your system. You can specify either a single folder or an entire hard disk partition.

Apply the changes and boot the virtual machine. Externally, the machine has a network, but internally, a disk must be connected to the system. The easiest way to do this: open "My Computer" and select "Map network drive". All! The virtual system has access to real data.

There is another, simpler way to transfer files and folders: to transfer data inside a virtual machine, you just need to drag the file from the real system into it with the mouse.

Connecting removable devices to a virtual machine

Sometimes the question arises: "What to do?" If you want to connect a flash card, printer and other devices directly to the machine. In this case, the developers have provided a number of operations that can connect external USB-devices.

You can view the list of devices available to the machine in the Virtual Machine - Devices menu. There you can also see a list of currently connected equipment. By checking the box next to the required device, you connect it in the guest system, unchecking it - disconnect it. It's that simple!

For example, if you want to connect a drive to a virtual machine, you need to do the following:

  1. Connect the flash card to your computer and after a few moments it will appear in the "Devices" menu;
  2. Check the box next to the device and after a while you will find a system message that the device is connected.


Another important point: suppose that you reinstalled the operating system, but you still have the VMWare Workstation virtual machine. To run it, you must open it in the program: Home - Open a virtual machine. After that, at startup, a window will appear.

In this case, it is necessary to press the "I copied it" button. And the virtual machine will boot. Running virtual machine:

In conclusion, it should be noted that a virtual system is a very useful and sometimes irreplaceable device. The undoubted advantages of a virtual machine are such features as:

  • If desired, you can virtualize any operating system and, accordingly, if the system is old, then old programs that are not able to run on modern equipment will work with it;
  • Each system is independent, which allows you to conduct experiments without fear of "killing" the OS;
  • You can create almost any hardware configuration and check the system performance on it.

However, the medal also has a downside - the VMWare Workstation program is paid and costs 8,300 rubles. Buy it or use analogues - you decide.

Through vMware Workstation virtual machine you can install a virtual operating system on your computer.

It turns out completely new computers only virtual, and you can create an infinite number of them. This program is needed if your computer is banned by hardware on any site. In our case, bookmakers ( i mean those who earn money or are just going to join our ranks and become financially independent person). When working with surebets, there comes a time when any registered account is almost instantly cut, and some of the offices (not included in the list), in principle, prohibit the registration of several accounts from one computer and can even block it along with the money. And if you still want to work with such bookmakers, then you definitely cannot do without vMware Workstation virtual machine.

Vmware virtual machine paid you can download it on the official site vmware.com. But on the Internet it is quite easy to download its free version. I cannot say that this is correct, since it violates the developer's copyright, but this is a fact, and since this is not an advertising article but a general educational one, I cannot but highlight this aspect - for this, it is enough to enter "vmware workstation torrent" into any search engine and voila, choose what you like ... The only thing if you decide to go this way, be careful in choosing a source.

Virtual machine VMware Workstation 11 rus 64 bit

Installation for windows 7

Installing a virtual machine vmwareshould not cause difficulties even for the most inexperienced PC user. But just in case, I decided to post screenshots of most of the stages of installing the program. In addition, without this, the article seemed incomplete to me, and I do not like unfinished work ... Vmware workstation 12 is installed in the same way and an earlier version (10) too.

Configuring VMware Workstation and installing windows 64bit on it

Here we will linger and consider everything in great detail, at least to the extent that anyone could do it. The possibilities of the program are very wide and we will not consider all of them, but we will dwell on those that we need to be stable And so without further ado, let's start ...

Run the installed VMware Workstationfor example, I decided to take version 10, it does not differ in any way from 11 and 12 in terms of settings, I think the next versions will correspond, since publishers are distinguished by stable conservatism in terms of design and functionality (and this pleases !!!). In addition, I use this version myself, it is already installed and ready for demonstration.

1. VMware Workstationafter the first launch, it immediately opens the main tab.

Find in the middle "create a new virtual machine" and click.

2. In the window that opens, leave normal mode create a virtual machine and click further.

3. At this stage, you need to specify from which media we will install windows. Either it will installation disk as shown in the example, or iSO installation image file... The latter option is more convenient, since the image is conveniently stored on a computer or on a USB flash drive, it will not get worn out or scratched, plus the installation speed will be faster. But for this, you first need to create it in a special program, I personally used UltraISO.

4. Here it is important for us to indicate the name of the computer, try not to repeat ourselves, since the uniqueness of all the facts individually determines whether or not the beech insurgents and their bots will calculate you.

You do not need to enter the product key and passwords, you can choose the version of Windows you want. Click further.

5. You need to specify the name of the virtual machine, this is not the name of the computer, but the name solely for your convenience, it will be displayed in the column on the left.

At the same stage, you can specify the location where the files of this virtual machine will be located on your computer.

6. Choosing the size of the disk. Windows will be installed on it and all programs can be divided, but I do not advise this, and developers, by the way, too. The default is 60 GB, you can leave this figure. But if your computer has enough memory, I advise you to increase it to 80 GB.

7. Here we press - equipment setup.

8. In the window that opens, go to the memory section and by dragging the pointer or manually specifying the size of the RAM of the future virtual computer. Please note that the size of the RAM depends on the configuration of your computer and the recommended sizes are indicated on the right. In any case, try to set it a little less than the recommended size in order to avoid "brakes".

9. In the same window, go to the section cPU and on the right in the drop-down menu, select the number of processors and cores inside them. There are never many of these 🙂 bet as much as you can ...

10. We remain in the same window and go to the tab network adapter, then click additionally and in the window that opens, we generate a new MAC address (this must be done every time, since it is on it in the first place that the hardware on the Internet is monitored, at least this is what many experts say, we will not dispute ...)

We press OK and close the window " equipment«.

11. Be sure to leave a check mark and click further.

12. This completes the configuration, it remains to wait until the installation of Windows is completed and it is very IMPORTANT when the network location setup window appears, select HOME NETWORK.

When everything is installed and configured, I want to draw your attention to two useful functions:

  • Expand to full screen ( blue marker, fig. below) - I think everything is clear here.
  • Single mode ( red marker, fig. below) - This feature allows you to bring browsers and all open programs and folders to your main computer. It will feel as if the browser is running not on a virtual machine, but directly on your computer and this without losing privacy. If the power of your computer allows, you can simultaneously run several virtual machines and open all browsers from them in a single mode.

If you started the machine and these functions do not work, do not despair, this sometimes happens and is usually solved as follows:

Open the tab “ Virtual machine" and press install VMware tools ...(figure below)

Now vMware Workstation virtual machine completely ready to work with, I remind you that the functionality of this program is much wider than described in this article, you can study them at your discretion. But since my site is aimed at teaching you, this information is enough!

P.S. Thank you for visiting my site. Enjoy your income !!!

When I switched from Oracle VM VirtualBox to VMware Workstation, I ran into a small problem. There is very little correct information on how to start a virtual machine, as well as on its installation in this program, on the vastness of the world wide web. This prompted me to write this article on how to create a virtual machine in windows. In the article "" you can read a more detailed overview about this utility, and at the end of the publication there will be a link to download software from the official site.

And so, after the program was installed and Russified (or not Russified at your discretion), it's time to create a virtual machine on VMware Workstation. An example will be considered on the VMware Workstation 11 program, the latter at the time of this writing. In the window of the running program, select the box called "Create a new virtual machine" (+ icon), or select the "File" tab at the top left and then "New virtual machine ...", or use the hotkeys
Ctrl + N.

The New Virtual Machine Wizard will appear, in which you will be asked to choose one of two options for configuring the virtual machine.

    Normal (recommended) - almost all parameters are created automatically, you just have to choose the path to the installation file, ISO or CD-DVD, as well as the name of the guest operating system, and a few other little things. But with this method, there may be some problems in the future. They are connected with the installation of VMware Tools (for what it is, see the article "How to install windows 10 on a VMware Workstation virtual machine", link at the end of the article).

    Selective (optional) - we will use this method because it allows you to configure the virtual machine in the most optimal way, for each user. There is nothing complicated in it, and in the future there are no problems with installing, updating and reinstalling VMware Tools.

You need to put the radio button on "Custom (optional)" and then click "Next".

You don't need to change anything in the next window. In it, the master says what your possibilities are, how much maximum you can choose. Only the Compatible Hardware field should contain your version of VMware Workstation. If there is another release of the program, then you just need to rearrange it to the current one, to the one that you have installed now.

Click the "Next" button and go to the next window. Here you will need to choose how you are going to install the guest operating system (CD-ROM or ISO image), and specify the path to the installation disk or file. We will perform this procedure later, so for now we will put the radio button in the line "I will install the operating system later" and then click the "Next" button.

In the next window, you need to select the type of guest operating system. Since we will be installing Windows 10 in the next article (How to install Windows 10 on a VMware Workstation virtual machine, link at the end of the article), we accordingly select the "Microsoft Windows" radio button (it will most likely be on by default). Then a little lower in the "Version" field, select the version and bitness of our guest OS (Windows 10x64). If you will install another guest operating system, for example Ubuntu or Linux, then set the appropriate settings in the "Guest operating system" and "Version" fields. If you are going to install Windows 8.1, then put Windows 8x64 in the "version" field. After everything is done, click "Next".

In the next window, we indicate the path to where we want VMware Workstation to install our guest operating system, as well as its name. In my case, I'll leave everything as default. Click the "Next" button.

In the "Firmware Type" window, set "BIOS", and move on.

The next window "Processor Configuration" will open, I usually leave units everywhere. No longer required for a virtual machine. You can put two cores in the "Number of processor cores" field, but only if you have them available. You can see how many cores the current virtual machine has in the "Total processor cores" line. But do not forget that when setting the parameter to two cores, the power of the operating system installed on your computer decreases. If you have a weak, old computer, when VMware will work it will not hurt from time to time. Secondly, do not try to cheat the program if you have one core available, and you put 2, nothing will be verified. After all the parameters have been set, click "Next".

In the next window, we are required to set the amount of RAM that we can allocate for the virtual machine. Keep in mind that the amount of RAM that you allocate to the virtual machine will not be available to your operating system while the guest OS is running. can be allocated for a guest operating system? If you have 4 GB of RAM physically on your computer, then you should allocate 1024 MB. If you, like me, have 8 GB then 2048 MB will be the best option. And so I put 2048 MB (this is what was the default) and click on the "Next" button.

In the next window called "Network type" put the radio button on "Use network address translation (NAT)" (default). If you want your virtual machine not to have a network connection, then put the radio button on "Do not use network connection". Click the "Next" button.

In the "Selecting the types of I / O controllers" window, if you are installing Windows 10, only one radio button will be available, leave everything as it is and click "Next". If you are installing another guest operating system then put the radio button where it says "Recommended".

In the next window "Select disk type" again leave everything as it is, that is, the radio button should be where it says "recommended" (SCSI). Then we press the "Next" button.

In the "Select disk" window, put the radio button on "Create a new virtual disk" (by default) and move on.

In the window "Specify disk size" Specify the size of the hard disk for the virtual machine. If this is your first time creating a virtual machine, specify 50 GB, this is enough to install Windows 10. I usually put 50 - 60 GB. The radio button must be set to "Save virtual disk in one file". If you put it on "Divide virtual disk into several files" then the guest OS may slow down, in general, I do not recommend it. We check the correctness of the settings and click "Next".

In the next window, you just need to confirm that we agree with this file name. If you disagree with such a term, then rename it as you wish. Click on the "Next" button and move on.

In this window "Everything is ready to create a virtual machine" be careful... Here you can view all the parameters that we configured for all the operations before, and if you don’t like something, then roll back by clicking the "Back" button and fix it. We are also interested in one more button with the name "Equipment settings", press it and get into the newly opened "Equipment" window.

In the "Hardware" window, go to the "New CD / DVD (SATA)" tab and on the right side specify the path to the installation disk. If you will be installing a virtual machine from a CD-ROM then in the "Physical drive" field select the letter of your CD-ROM. In the case of the ISO image file, in the "ISO image file:" field, select the path to the Windows 10 image file via the "Browse" button. In my case, this is an iso image. There should be a check mark in the "Connect when virtual machine is turned on" box at the top.

Further, if you want to delete a device, then on the left side of this window you need to click on this tab, and then click on the "Delete" button, which is located below. For example, in my case, I don't need a printer, I clicked on this tab (there is a blue bar on it) and clicked on the "Delete" button. You can also add any required device, only in this case you will need to click on the "Add" button. Leave the rest of the settings as they are and click on the "Close" button.

Then you need to click on the "Finish" button. All the virtual machine is ready!

Now is the time to set up a shared folder that will link your virtual machine and your computer. Since the virtual machine with the installed guest Windows will communicate, it will be through this folder. For example, if you want to transfer several files to a virtual machine, install several programs in the guest OS, then you can transfer these files through this folder. To the left of the black screen at the top under the line "Turn on the virtual machine", there will be a line "Change settings" click on it.

The "Virtual Machine Settings" window, already familiar to us, will appear, but there will be another tab called "Parameters" which was not there before, which is what we need. Go to it, then in the "Shared folders" section, put the radio button in the "Always on" field, then check the box "Connect as a network drive in guest Windows", press the "Add" button below.

A window with a wizard for adding shared folders will appear, in it you will need to click the "Next" button.

In the next window, select the path to the folder, and in the next window, check that the box "Include this share" is ticked.

Then click "Finish" and "OK". That's it, now feel free to start the virtual machine by clicking in the same upper left on the line "Turn on the virtual machine". Then the installation of the guest operating system will begin. Read the following article on how to install Windows 10 on a VMware Workstation virtual machine.

One more nuance, if you receive a message from the system about the impossibility of installing a virtual machine, it may look something like this:

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