TP LINK WiFi entrance. How can you go to the TP-LINK router settings: Selvy Tips for Solving the Problem

Since there is already a description of the actions to log in to the settings of most common routers, even the general instructions on the entry in the control panel, it makes sense not to go around by writing a separate briefing and for high-quality and in demand for TP-LINK devices.

The weighty advantage of this company's devices is that the process of gaining access to the control panel causes no more difficulties than on other routers, and almost identical to any model of routers of this company (TL-WR841N, TL-WR741N, TL-WR940N, etc. .).

It is not to be surprised that after buying a router, it is required to log in to the settings panel. Thanks to the article from this website, it is unlikely that the ability to face the difficulties in setting up routers. After all, despite the use of the service of the master when initial settingWhen you start using the router, you will certainly need to make changes to some of them: Change Password on Wi-Fi, Restoring forgotten Password i, update firmware. Permanent appeal to the master of convenience will not add, and family budget Does not save. After all, everything can be coped with themselves, and in the event of difficulties, it is difficult to ask for help on the site.

We get access to the TP-LINK settings panel

To enter the settings, you must implement the following actions:

  • Connect to K. Wi-Fi router. It is possible to make it either through wi-Fi networkor with a network cable. Although it is possible to enter the system settings and through a smartphone, and from the tablet, it is still recommended to use a laptop or PC.
  • Using any web browser, depending on the type of router, go to one of the addresses:, or. You can see it on the bottom of the device.
  • When a login and password request appears in both graphs, indicate " admin."Or your own information if you managed to change.
  • You entered the settings panel.

Detailed Description Connection to Device with Illustrations

We use Wi-Fi, with a connection scheme for connecting to it can be found here, or a cable for connecting to the router. Kohl Soon your device is barely purchased, name wireless network Must be typical. Something like "TP-Link_0919".

Also for connecting to the router (in a yellow LAN-slot) and a laptop or PC, in a network adapter, you can use the cable included in the set with the router, as shown in the photo below:

Then you need to run the web browser to the PC at your discretion. In TP-Link there is not one version of the IP to log in to the settings system, in the case of TP-Link to enter the control panel, you must write in the address bar of the browser to write with a bunch of login and password Admin | admin (standard in old models Addresses are used or . You can find it on the tag glued down to the wall of the device. This label displays IP information, template password and login. Knowledge of this information in the future will benefit.

Then you jump over the address entered in the web search engine. In the open window, you score typical login and password - " admin.". In case the template data has been changed, then you must enter the current one. If you need to use standardized password and username, for example, you cannot remember them, it is likely to reset the router settings.

After making the steps described above, the control panel will appear.

Thus, entry into the system of the router settings is carried out. In cases where it does not work in the router settingsIt is worth resorting to the help of this article, which describes how to solve the most common difficulties in their occurrence.

Leave feedback, ask questions and advise! Good luck!

Hey! Almost every article in which I am writing about setting up routers, or about solving any problems with wireless networks, I write on how to enter the router control panel to change some parameters, etc. and to be honest, I was already tired of constantly writing the same thing :). So I decided to write about this in a separate article. Yes, and there is nothing to write here, but still, many have problems with this.

Almost all routers, even different firms, the input to the settings is almost no different. But I will show on the example of TP-LINK devices.

Let's first figure it out how the router must be connected. All (and I, including), recommend connecting at the time of the setup, or laptop. But if you only want to make some settings, you can connect both on a wireless network and even from a phone, or a tablet, nothing terrible will happen.

Not when connected via Wi-Fi! Only on a network cable!

This is understandable. You must be connected to your network. Via cable, or Wi-Fi.

Go to the control panel

Open any browser. Can I. Internet Explorer., but better chrome, Opera, etc.

Now attention! Take your router and find the sticker on which it is indicated. miscellaneous Information (model, version, etc.).

We need to look there IP address (usually, or and password login To access the settings. If you did not change them, then it is most likely Admin and Admin.

As you can see, I have IP: So you recruit this address in the browser, in the address bar, and go through it.

A password and login request will appear.

We enter the login and password that are written on the router. Do not confuse with a password for Wi-Fi network!

If you have already changed this data during the setup process, you will most likely have to do that password and login again were by default.

After pressing the button Send We fall into the settings. Depending on the model (firmware version) And the manufacturer, they can differ.

If you have any problems, be sure to read this article -

TP-LINK is one of the most famous router manufacturers, and this company's products are characterized by quality, reliability and fairly democratic prices. But, by purchasing one of these devices, users often cannot customize it independently. Moreover, some of them do not even know how to go to the TP-LINK router and get into its main menu.

In fact, the adjustment of the router is not such a difficult task, and coping with it once, you yourself will understand how simple it is. This article will help you to figure it out and do not make one of the common mistakes.


Before you start connecting the TP-LINK router, you need to carry out a small preparation. It is to determine network parameters provider and record them (or remember).

The first thing to understand is the type of Internet connection. If you use a login and password to connect, it means the connection is carried out using the PPPoE protocol and you can immediately connect the TP-LINK router, the setting of which will be discussed below.

If the login and password for the connection are not used, you must do the following:

  1. Open the "Control Panel" and go to the "Network Management" tab.
  2. Now pay attention to the sidebar (left). Here you need to select the "Change Adapter Settings" string.
  3. Before you a list of connections (usually one). Click right-click Mice on that of them, which is actively in this momentAnd select "Properties".

You only have to select "TCP / IPv4" protocol and click "Properties".

Determine the type of connection

The window that opened will allow you to determine the type of compound, which (not counting PPPoE) there are two types:

  • If you have selected and filled out the "Use IP address" string, it means that the type of your connection is called "Static IP". In this case, you need to rewrite all the settings, and then select the "Get IP Address" parameter and click "OK".
  • If the "Get IP address" line is active immediately, it means that you have a "dynamic IP" type. This means that you do not need to rewrite anything, and you can start connecting the TP-LINK router.

In any case, you can now close all unnecessary windows and prepare for further actions.

Connecting router

Now it's time to get a device from the box and connect it to a computer. For this:

  1. Connect the power supply to the device.
  2. Connect the Internet cable to the blue port.
  3. Connect the power cable to the computer to the computer. For this suit any of the yellow ports.

  1. Run the browser. Best if it is Internet Explorer or EDGE (for Windows 10).
  2. Enter the address of the TP-LINK router. This is usually a combination of numbers "", but sometimes there are other options (they are written on the bottom panel of the device).
  3. A window appears in which the TP-LINK router password should be entered. By default, in both of these lines you need to fit the word admin.
  4. In the menu (left), select Quick Setup string.

After performing the actions described above, you will find yourself in the main settings menu. Here you need to specify the type of connection you have identified before entering the TP-LINK router.

Setting for PPPoE

If your connection is performed via PPPoE, you need to select it in the main menu, click "Next" and enter the settings:

  • User Name - Login from the provider.
  • Password - password for connecting to the Internet.
  • Confirm Password - Password again.

Now click Next and enter:

  • In the SSID field - the name of the access point (on your choice).
  • PSK Password - Come up and enter the password.
  • Wireless Security - specify WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK.

After that, you only have to click Next and restart the router (reboot).

Setting for static IP

Select Static IP string in the main menu if your connection is performed by this protocol. Before you a window with multiple lines that you need to fill in manually. These are the same parameters that you rewrote from network windows settingsBefore entering the TP-LINK router.

After filling out all the lines, it is once again carefully check them, and then click Next. In the next window, you need to enter the name of the access point (on your choice), password (come up with yourself), click Next and restart the router.

Setup for dynamic IP

If you have a dynamic IP and you are using a TP-LINK router, the setting will be completely simple. In the menu you need to select Dynamic IP, click Next and enter the name of the access point, as well as the password to it.

After that, you will only leave NEXT, and then finish. Reboot in this case will not need.

Setup using a special disk

To facilitate the TP-LINK router setup process, a special disk can be used. It comes in a set not with all models of devices, but if you have it, you can simply insert it into the CD-ROM and, following the prompts on the screen, complete the setup procedure in several clicks.

Possible problems

Sometimes it happens that the provider blocks the connection to the MAC address. In this case, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the router settings.
  2. Go to Network, and then select Mac Clone subparagraph.
  3. Here you need to click Clone Mac ADRESS, and then save the changes (Save).

By the way, it is best to go to the TP-LINK router, contact your provider's support and clarify this question.

Password reset

If you do not remember the password to enter the device settings, then you can reset it. To do this, click the RESET button, which you will find on the rear panel, and hold it for a few seconds. This will lead to the fact that all parameters will be reset to factory and you can enter the settings by using standard password (Admin).

In some cases, the password is originally different from the standard one. If so, you can find it on the bottom panel of the router. There are usually written and login, as well as other data necessary to enter the device settings.

Today in the media you can find a lot of information on setting up wireless routers. All of them relate to the router management. However, in the materials proposed, it is rarely explained how to go to the router settings. The purpose of this article is to provide detailed instructions About how to enter the router settings.

There is nothing complicated in this, any user can independently perform this operation. It is enough just to perform the recommended actions. So you can configure the router within a few minutes. In addition, from this article, the reader will be able to learn about possible problemsWith which you can encounter in work, and also learns how to solve them.


To connect the router, you will need a router itself, patchkord, personal computer or laptop. As a patchcord used eight-core cable " twisted para", Which on both sides will be filled with clips RJ-45. He must go complete. For an example, configure the TP-LINK router. Products of this brand enjoys most users in the domestic market. There is really no particular difference between manufacturers. All differences consist only in the address of the access point, password and login. To find out, it is enough to flip the device and familiarize yourself with the information that is written on the base of the router - IP Address, Password, Login. IP-Address is in most cases used, and as a password and login - admin.

Physical connection

First of all, you need to connect the router to the power source and make sure that it is in working condition. At least one light bulb should turn around on the indicators panel. One end of the patchcord must be connected to network Place Computer. The other end of the cable is connected to the router connector. Usually, the device network inputs and outputs have a different labeling, it can even have different colour. To connect to the Internet, only one input is used, which has a WAN signature.

It differs from the other ports that LAN signed. Connecting to a computer should be carried out only through the LAN interface. You can use the LAN1 port so as not to get confused. When binding devices on the router information panel, the LED lights up, which will inform the owner that the connection happened. Also on the computer screen will be information that it has been successfully added to local network. At this stage, the user has been available to configure the router in the Web interface mode.

Interface for configuring and control

Before entering the router settings menu, you need to decide on the Web interface that will be involved. For web interface, the manufacturer recommends using the standard internet Browser Explorer. It does not always correctly displays the control panel, for this reason it is better to use alternative programs, such as Opera, Google Chrome., Mozilla Firefox.. After opening a browser, you must enter an IP address in the address bar, which is specified on the base label ( and, and then click "Go". In the window that appears, you need to enter a password and login to be written on the bottom of the router, and then click on the "Login" or Enter button on the keyboard. Successful authorization provides the user to the router control panel.

Restrictions in the settings

The modem setting will not be possible if the network adapter does not work in automatic mode. This is evidenced by the light indicator in the tray, which is located at the bottom right side of the screen next to the clock. It looks like exclamation point In a red or yellow triangle. In this case, it is recommended to take a handle, a sheet of paper and perform the following actions on the computer:

- Lower the mouse cursor to a warning sign and click on it right-click;
- Select the "Control Center" in the menu you appeared;
- in the window that appears, on the left side face, select "Change the parameters of the adapter";
- Select the desired icon in one of the proposed options, more often it is signed as an Ethernet that has a warning logo. On it you need to click right mouse button;
- select "Properties";
- Find TCP / IPv4 inscription in the dialog box;
- click again at the item "Properties";
- rewrite all the settings on the paper sheet;
- set the flag opposite the "Get automatically" menu in both fields;
- After that, click the "OK" button and close all tabs tab.

Fighting a network adapter

Configuring the router on the computer will not be possible if the driver does not have the driver. This is quite possible scenario Event development after installing the operating system. In this case, the "update center" will not even have the desired icon. After that, you need to go to the official website of the manufacturer motherboard and download from there necessary software. An option is also possible when it simply cannot find TCP / IPv4 inscription. The user will not be able to detect the desired except TCP / IPv6. To do this, in the same dialog box there is a "Install" button. Next, you must select the "Protocol" item and in one of the proposed options to specify the TCP / IPv4 desired interface. In the event that none of the options for setting network adapter It will not help, you can try to contact the specialists. They will certainly be able to solve your problem.

Routher Setup: Provider Limitations

Many providers for work in their networks provide users with their own routers. Administrators of the company very often install their own passwords to access the control panel. In such cases, there are not many options. You can try to get data for access from the provider, you can perform full reset to factory settings. The second option suggests that the router configure will depend on the user. Factory login and password must be known to the owner. Before resetting the settings you need to make sure that you fully own the situation. After all, quite often the provider uses non-standard settings to connect - PPTP, PPPOE, VPN, etc. The user must have all the information for the connection.

Wireless connection

If the user is before entering the router settings, it will be found that in the delivery kit there is no patchcord, or there is no appropriate connector on the kit, it is not necessary to despair. Most of the devices support to control the access point for wireless wi-Fi Channel. To do this, it is enough between two devices to establish a connection. After that, you need to open the browser and repeat all operations related to entering the access point address. In cases where to access Wi-Fi Router It does not require authorization, specialists are still recommended to set a password to use a wireless network. Otherwise, any attacker, which is located in the zone of the router, not only can be reconfigured a point of access, but also to apply to all user devices.

Remote connection

It's one thing if you configure the TP-LINK router or D-Link Dir. These inexpensive devices are limited to the Web interface. Get access to them in other way there is no possibility. Owners of routers Linksys, Asus, Zuxel, Cisco and other business class representatives can use a remote connection to a device or COM-USB interface cable. The convenience of control using the Console snap is convenient for the reason that a few seconds the router can be remavated for the needs of the owner.

To do this, scripts are created that are sent to the router. Connection is quite simple. Using the Telnet and Putty program, the user by IP address gets access by entering login and password for authorization. Further everything happens at the command level. Their fully can be found not only in the instructions for the router, but also on the official website of the manufacturer in the section "Administration: step-by-step setting router. "


Surely the reader agrees that to get into the settings menu of the wireless access point is quite easy. The main thing is that both devices are a personal computer and router did not have manual installations. When connected, any problem will indicate that work network equipment was adjusted. Any user, sobering in how to enter the router settings, will be able to connect to a wireless access point without difficulty and to organize full control of the device.

The owner of the router should know that anything he does not perform, harm a personal computer or a router on physical level It is impossible. Maximum what you can fear is reinstalling the operating system, as well as reset the access point to the factory settings. So you can safely perform any router settings.

In each instruction supplied with the TP-LINK router, there is an algorithm for setting up network equipment, but about solving problems with connection - not a word. But without access to the program part of the router, the user will not be able to configure the device.

In this article, the reader will find out, TP-LINK and in its settings. Will be offered a complete algorithm of actions with step by step arising problems. Naturally, to achieve results, the user will have to take advantage of all recommendations.

First inclusion

If we are talking about a completely new device, just purchased in the store and has never turned on, then here the efficiency of the connection directly depends on the computer settings. In fact, connecting the wires correctly, as described in the instructions, the user can easily dock two devices.

Next is the case: how to go to the TP-LINK router interface, indicated in the same manual. You need to enter an IP address of the network device in the address bar of the browser and, when you authorize, specify the username and password (they are identical to Admin). This procedure Simply and does not require some knowledge of the owner of the router in information technologies.

Set up network equipment

There are situations where the user acquires a router, used. Here the situation can be resolved in several ways. Knowing how to enter the TP-LINK router (if the seller has changed the factory settings and transferred information about the authorization to the buyer), you can easily reprogram the network equipment for yourself.

But there are situations where the user does not own information about the IP address of the router, as well as about the login and password. The problem is solved simply - it is necessary to equipment to factory parameters. This is done by a special RESET button, which can be found on the control panel. Further connection is made according to the instructions that comes with the router. There is described in detail how to go to the TP-LINK router.

Tricks providers

TP-LINK products are quite popular among providers that provide network equipment to their customers completely free (naturally, the user must connect on a contract basis). Here, the situation for the owner is aiming for the fact that programmers of organizations providing access services to the Internet, very often establish their own firmware with their own authorization system. Password, naturally, is not reported to anyone.

Before thinking about how to go to tP-LINK modemThe user needs to be convinced of the expediency of their desires. In most cases, the router is already configured and provides access both on a wired and wireless channel to the Internet. But there are situations when you need to change the password on Wi-Fi or the problem is solved in several ways. You can ask the provider to change the settings or install the manufacturer's factory firmware.

Underwater stones in the process of updating

It would seem that it could be easier than download from the manufacturer's official website branded firmware and install it on the router? But the problem is available. The fact is that the user will not be able to access the Administration tab in the Device Control Panel. You can hack anything - both software and hardware. The question here is another: Do I need to actually do?

How to go to TP-Link, not knowing or login, nor password? In addition, the network device itself has a non-standard firmware. Simply. Find out the IP address of the router and using special utility Pour into the device new firmware Forcibly. True, there is another question here: whether the provider will give your client to the network to the network, learning that he does not use the proprietary device.

On the other side of the wire

Thinking about how to go to tP-LINK router, the user forgets that in addition to problems with network device Disability can be caused and the notch of the computer "see" router. LAN card Any PC is able to be in three states: to be disabled, work in static or receive an IP address by DHCP. In the latter case, no problems with connecting network equipment should be. But with the first two states will have to figure it out.

Hardware and software can be disabled. If the device is not detected operating system, you need to go to bIOS settings and enable it (or install the driver). A programmatically adapter turns on through looking for answers to the question of how to go to the TP-LINK router, the user cannot forget about the network settings.

User intervention

Going to the "Network Management Center", the owner should find the "Change Adapter Settings" item. Next is chosen network connection, And after calling the alternative menu of the selected icon, the user needs to go to the properties of the adapter. Everything is simple here. In the list of active ingredients, you need to find the "IP version 4" menu and go to its properties.

In the user opened, the user must cancel manual settings Network by checking the box opposite the inscription: "Get automatically". It is necessary to make it for the IP address, and for DNS. In general, before entering TP-LINK WR841N or any other network equipment, it is better to make sure that the computer is configured to automatic receipt Addresses and Domain Same Server (DNS).


As can be seen from the review, there is nothing complicated in to a computer. Yes, you need to spend more time for unnecessary reset procedures, network equipment firmware or setting settings. personal computer. But these are ready-made solutions that will truly help any user solve problems with connecting.

By asking how to go to the TP-LINK router, any owner must understand that in most cases (probability of 99% guaranteed) the solution of the problem directly depends on it. And of course, from knowledge that will always help solve any task.

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