Resetting the d link dir 300 setup password. Software reset of the router

When resetting the settings using the "RESET" button, it is extremely important to use little force to press the button, otherwise there is a high probability of breaking the button, which will lead to complete failure of the equipment.

Soft reset

It is possible to restore factory settings on the D-Link DIR-300 router by means of the firmware, if the system interface of the device is available in the browser, and the password for it has not been lost. A reset may be required if you change providers or if you need to perform a clean reconfiguration of your home LAN.

To access the DIR-300 control panel and reset the settings programmatically, you need to enter the network address of the router in the browser -, and for some versions -

Open the browser, enter in the address bar

If the interface is available, the router will ask you to log in. By default, in the login and password fields, you must enter the word "admin". The required data to enter the control panel of the router is indicated on the case and may differ for different hardware revisions.

D-Link DIR-300 software reset is easy to perform in the interface of any firmware, even without special knowledge.

Hard reset

If the standard password was changed by the user and then safely forgotten, it will not be possible to enter the DIR-300 interface. To reset the password, you will have to restore the factory settings on the router using a hardware method.

As with the loss of a password, a hard reset is required when the device's web interface does not open in a browser. This does not always indicate a malfunction of the router and may be due to poor cable contact or a short-term freeze of the program. To avoid accidentally resetting the router settings, before resetting the D-Link DIR-300 to factory settings, you need to check if the Ethernet cable that connects the device to the computer is loose, and also make sure that the router's IP address entered in the browser is correct.

The problem of software failure in most cases is solved by restarting the router and computer, but sometimes it does not help to restore functionality.
To perform a hardware reset of the D-Link DIR-300 settings, you need to press the RESET button located on the router case near the power connector and hold it for 15 - 20 seconds. Depending on the hardware revision of the router, the RESET button may protrude above the surface, or be recessed into the case. In the latter case, you can use a paper clip to press.

The button must be pressed when the power is on and held until all the lights on the front panel are simultaneously displayed.

Hard hard reset

In some cases, even a hard reset may be ineffective. Experiments with alternative DIR-300 firmware, as well as some types of software failures, lead to the fact that code fragments "settle" in the non-volatile memory of the router, disrupting the device's performance.
In order to reset the DIR-300 to the factory settings in this case, you can resort to the "hard reset" method:

  • Press RESET when the power is on and hold until the end of the procedure;
  • After 30 seconds, turn off the power with the POWER button, without stopping to hold down RESET;
  • After 30 sec. turn on the power with the POWER button, while continuing to hold RESET for another 30 seconds.

After you manage to reset the router settings, you can open the DIR-300 interface and start setting up.
If HARD RESET does not solve the problem of the router's operation, you need to contact the service center to test the hardware of the device or restore the firmware through the programmer.

After restoring factory settings using any of the above methods, the previously configured wireless connection with all paired devices is broken. Thus, in some cases, it will not be possible to enter the D-Link DIR-300 interface by connecting via wifi from a mobile device. Therefore, before you reset the router settings, it is better to stock up on an Ethernet cable and a laptop.

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The model of this Wi-fi access point is cheap and very common. That is why I decided to write a small manual about resetting the settings and the password in it.

On our resource in the section Home → D-linkin addition, a general one is available, where you can get useful information.

If you entered the admin password to enter the settings of the DIR-300 access point, and then the current login page was updated and more nothing happens, then most likely someone or you yourself changed the password. To solve this problem, you should reset the password on the router, then retype in the address bar of the browser, enter the login and specify the standard admin password.

When the login page does not load

In a more complex situation, when the page at (or does not load at all and it does not work to log in, you may be helped by an instruction: or the updated instructions and.

When to reset the Wi-Fi hotspot

If suddenly the router does not work quite correctly, the Wi-fi signal has become worse or disappeared altogether, you may need to reset the settings to the original ones. Or, for example, you yourself did something wrong during the initial setup of the D-Link DIR-300 and decided to return to the factory settings.

You can clear settings in different ways. In one of the options, you will need to find the reset button on the body of the access point, and in the other, you will need to get into the settings of the router. But the last option is inappropriate to consider in the current instructions, because if you have read up to this point, then you probably cannot enter the settings.

It should be noted that there are a lot of varieties of the D-Link DIR-300 access point model, but the rules for resetting the settings given below are the same for them. Including for the DIR-320 router model.

Rules for resetting settings and password with the reset button for DIR-300/320

  1. Make sure your hotspot is turned on.
  2. Find the button RESETon it. The button, most likely, should be inside a small hole on the body, so you need some kind of tool, such as an awl or a screwdriver, to clamp it and hold for 10-15 seconds.

After this time, the access point should reboot, as a result of which the settings, along with the password, will be rolled back to the default factory settings. I will explain once again that after performing such manipulations, you can again enter the settings using the admin password.

D-Link DIR-300 wireless Wi-Fi router is a true long-liver in the SOHO device market. The first version came out about 10 years ago. Since then, more than ten hardware revisions have been replaced - there have been successful and unsuccessful versions. The appearance has also changed several times during this time. Despite this, for all these revisions there is one general advice - if your router is wildly stupid, slows down, does not distribute WiFi or does not connect to the Internet, try resetting the DIR-300 to factory settings. Most often, this simple action will help solve the problem. True, then you have to configure the router after the reset. But that's a completely different story.

There are two simple ways to reset the DeLink Wi-Fi router:

1. Reset button

This method is sometimes referred to as "Hard Reset" in the circles of network specialists. It is suitable in cases where there is no way to log in through, the device does not allow it into the configurator with the standard password admin, or it does not respond at all.

Whatever case your D-Link DIR-300 is made in - vertical or horizontal - it must have a button for restoring the factory parameters. It is signed as "Reset".
This is how it looks on the old version in a horizontal case with an antenna:

In the vertical case of revisions DIR-300A, D1 and NRU B7, it is also located on the back wall, next to the power connector.

Structurally, the button is made so that it cannot be activated accidentally with a finger, that is, it is sunk deep into the body. You can press it only with the help of foreign objects - a paper clip, toothpick, pencil or ballpoint pen. This must be done on the switched on router.

Pressing should be gentle, you should feel the movement of the button. After that, you need to hold it down for 9-10 seconds. As soon as the indicator lights on the front of the device blink, release the key and wait until the gadget is fully loaded.

2. Software reset of the router

This method is more correct, since the router itself sets the factory configuration and reboots with it.

To reset DIR-300 programmatically, you need to go to its web interface. On the latest firmware versions (ver. 2.5.X, light interface), open the section System \u003e\u003e\u003e Configuration:

On the page that opens there will be a button "Factory settings" - click on it. The router will ask if we are sure to reset the D-Link router to zero. We agree and wait for the completion of the operation.

In previous software versions (version 1.X.X, dark gray interface), there was a System button in the upper right corner of the web interface. Clicking on it opened the following menu:

We click in it on the item "Factory settings" and do a complete factory reset of the configuration.

In the oldest revisions of DIR-300 with an orange interface, in order to reset the router to the factory parameters, it was necessary to go to the section Maintenance \u003e\u003e\u003e Save and Restore:

There will be a "Restore Device" button, by clicking on which you can completely reset and reset your DeLink DIR-300 router to its original state.

Resetting the router settings is done by pressing and holding the Reset button on the back of the router.

In order to get into the web interface of the router, you need to open your Internet browser and type in the address bar, Username admin , field password leave it blank (provided that the router has factory settings and its IP has not been changed).

Change of the factory password.

By default: Login admin, password admin

Couriers-customizers must change the password in the settings to the Serial number indicated on the box (S / N). When reconfiguring, it is also recommended to use as a password for the router and wi-fi S / N (serial number).

In the router interface, go to the System tab, Administrator password menu.

In field Password (New Password) enter a new password.

In field the confirmation (Confirm Password ) repeat new password.

Then press the button Save Settings.

After that, the router will offer to re-enter its settings.

Setting up Wi-Fi on the router.

In the router interface, go to the tab Wi-Fi , menu basic settings (Basic settings).

1. SSID the name of your wireless network.

2. In the tab Wi-Fi, choose security Settings.

3. In the drop-down list Network Authentication (Network Authentication): select
WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK mixedis the safest way to protect your wireless network.
In the encryption key field PSK .
You must enter any set of numbers, length from 8 before 63 ... They also need to be remembered so that you can specify them when connecting to the network. It is recommended to use the serial number of the device as a key (indicated on the box, in the form S / N #########). Click on the button "Change"to apply and save the settings.

DIR-300 C1 firmware for Beeline most often ends in failure. The router stops responding, freezes, turns into a brick. The question arises: how to bring the piece of iron back to life?

This is what we will do now.

So, first of all, having connected the computer to the Internet, we will directly go to the official page of D-Link Let's select the link to the Support page. Choose Support

On the right side menu, we find the item FTP.DLINK.RU

And in it the Router item

We find the model of the router we need (Carefully!) And download the firmware file to the computer.

Then we turn off the Internet, change the network connection settings on the computer. To do this, open the "Network and Sharing Center". Look for and open the link on the left to "Change adapter settings" and find the "Local Area Connection" we need in the window that opens. Then right-click on it and select "Properties" in the context menu. In the window of components used by this connection, we find "Internet Protocol TCP / IP v4". Select it and click the "Properties" button under the component window. And in the window that opens, enter the following values:

We connect the router to the computer's network card via the LAN1 connector. We hold down the Reset button and, without releasing it, turn on the router. Keep Reset pressed for about 30 seconds. Then we release and try to access the WEB-interface of the router through a browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc.). To do this, in the address line of the router, enter the address and make the transition. Instead of the usual invitation to enter the login and password, we find ourselves in the Emergency Room of the router.

Using the browse button, we find the firmware that we downloaded from the FTP manufacturer of the router and click the Upload button.

After flashing, you need to return the network settings to the original ones.

Then close and reopen the browser and go to the address of the router's WEB interface: If we see such a login window, then our router has recovered.

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