Smart House. Xiaomi smart home and possible scenarios for its use

So what is Xiaomi smart home? This is a line of devices that integrate into a single system and save you from the routine of everyday life. Everything that had to be done manually before, spending a lot of time, will now happen automatically. Set up once - it works constantly.

The creators of the Xiaomi smart home proceeded from the principle of saving time and effort, developing a single interface for all the equipment that can be installed in your home.

Smart home kit: the future begins today

Even a dozen years ago, this was shown except in science fiction films. Today, Xiaomi-designed smart home is becoming a reality for thousands of people around the world. Here is what you get as a result:

- save time, effort and energy;

- connect and configure devices without the help of wizards;

- favorably complement the interior with gadgets with a laconic, stylish design;

- control the system using a smartphone or computer, including from a distance.

The capabilities of the system are practically unlimited. Over time, the branded application is improved, individual devices and accessories are supplemented with new options, and in addition to this, they create new products that did not exist before.

Xiaomi Smart Home knows everything you dream about

The engineers of the Chinese corporation continue to work actively to expand the possibilities of their creation. But already now the Xiaomi smart home can do a lot. Of the most requested, popular examples:

- Control gateways, sensors, all appliances and even the doorbell communicate with each other via a wireless network.

- Individual sensors recognize air temperature, light, sunset or dawn times, the presence of people in the room, open or closed doors, and so on. Any signal can be associated with these signals.

- You can find out what happened in the room while you were away, using a video camera that shoots video in HD quality.

- You can mount sensors, cameras and other accessories on almost any surface, including windows and doors.

The kit integrates seamlessly into the power supply system. In practice, this means that you can also control the lighting and power supply to the outlets using Xiaomi smart devices. Among the goods sold are smart sockets, smart lighting, camcorders and much more.

With Xiaomi Smart Home, you can spend less money on a “communal apartment”, devote more time to work and entertainment, and not worry about the safety and security of your home. Follow the news, improve the smart home and make life even more comfortable!

A smart home is not made by the number of smart devices, but by the automation logic, which is configured through scripts.

Given the number of devices in the Xiaomi Smart Home system, the number of possible scenarios is in the hundreds of thousands. We will try to analyze the main points, triggers and executable events.

How automation scripts work

So far, neural networks have not reached a level that allows fully surrendering smart home control to artificial intelligence. Therefore, we need to think through all possible situations ourselves, and using the Smart Home system to automate. And scripting setup will help us with this.

The general principle of the system can be schematically represented as follows:

Pretty simple, isn't it?

You can also configure the script to trigger one of the conditions:

Unfortunately, the conditions "AND" and "OR" cannot be combined in one scenario. You will have to configure several scenarios for this.

Script Run Conditions

All scenes in a smart home are registered and are launched from certain conditions. Let's look at what can serve as the launch of the script in the Xiaomi smart home. (It is considered on the example of the Mi Home application for Android, in the application for the iPhone a little different functionality).

  1. Manual start  - everything is corny here, we went into the application and clicked on the script execution button.
  2. Timer  - You can set the script to run on certain days and at a specific time.
  3. When calling  - when calling on your mobile phone, an action will be performed.
  4. Upon receipt of a message  - similar to the previous trigger.
  5. When the weather changes on the street  - while you can not pay attention, because you can use only weather data in China.
  6. Sensor or device triggered  - depending on your devices, it may be "", button press, alarm on, etc.

Several conditions can be specified if it is logically compatible. Let me explain: it is possible to combine, for example, “Timer” and “room temperature is higher than 23 degrees,” but you cannot combine “Timer” and “pressing a button," since it is very difficult to compare the operation of these conditions at the same time. If the combination of conditions is not available, it is marked with a lock symbol:

When installing a trigger trigger with the condition "OR", you can combine any conditions.

Mi Home Scripting Actions

The available script actions depend on the selected conditions and devices. Also available:

  1. Run script  - you can configure the script to run on a specific condition;
  2. Turn on / off script  - scenarios can be either turned on or off, depending on the selected conditions;
  3. Delay  - delayed action (you can set a delay of up to 1 hour);
  4. Device action  - the specified action in the smart device.

You can combine the execution of several scenarios from one condition - creating scenes. Consider an example of building several commonly used scenes.

Xiaomi Alarm Scenario

One of the most popular scenarios. But at the same time, its not so easy to configure. What we need to organize an alarm at home:

  1. One of
  2. One or more;
  3. Reed switch (door open sensor);

In principle, this is the minimum kit that can be ordered as a kit. If necessary, you can add a robot with automatic machine guns.

There are 2 ways to configure the alarm: Configure on the gateway and Configure a separate scenario.

Alarm in Gateway 2

Consider an example of signaling configuration on a gateway. We have already added all the necessary sensors to it in advance. Go to the "Auto" tab of the gateway plugin. We see the scene "Attention" with the shield icon, go into it:

The first tab is “Timely Alert”, it sets the time of protection mode operation on the gateway. The time is set without correction for Chinese time, I think there will be no problems with setting the operation timer.

In the second tab "Warning trigger states", the conditions from which the alarm is triggered are configured.

We select the necessary conditions (2 door open sensors and a motion sensor). The alarm will be triggered when any of these three sensors is triggered.

The next item is "Delayed response time". This is the time after which the alarm is activated. It is necessary for you to leave the apartment before the alarm is activated.

In the additional settings, you can set the sound and volume of the notification, light indication, signal time and set the signaling bundle with another gateway. Notification on the phone cannot be turned off.

This completes the alarm setup. You can activate the protection mode by double-clicking the gateway button (either in the gateway settings, or specify an activation script). Now, after the set delay time has passed, when the door is opened, or if motion is detected, the gateway will turn on the siren and blink red.

What will the alarm give us? Of course, she won’t stop crackers, it is enough to pull the gateway out of the socket so that the siren stops. But firstly, it can frighten off the bandits, secondly you will know that someone has got into you. And here you can already see what is happening on the camera, call the police or run home.

It seems everything is simple and clear, but during operation we will encounter a clear minus, there is no delay in the operation of the siren. Those. you open the front door, and immediately hear the joyful sound of a siren (if before opening the door, do not remove the security mode in the phone). The alarm is turned off by pressing the gateway button.

The question is:

How to set Xiaomi alarm delay?

And there are several solutions.

The first is to set your siren sound with silence at the beginning of the track. Accordingly, the alarm is activated, but you have time to turn off the alarm.

Second - We set the siren action through the script. I’ll explain that the alarm on the gateway is one of the conditions for triggering scenarios.

The first thing we need to do is go into the gateway alarm settings and turn off the light indication and the notification sound. Now the gateway protection mode will work, but without external factors. It remains for us to configure a script that responds to a gateway alarm:

Based on the settings for this scenario: During an alarm on the gateway:

  • Delay 15 seconds;
  • Play sound alarms;
  • Xiaomi camera shooting with recording to the cloud;
  • Sending a notification to the phone.

Actions during an alarm can be supplemented.

But there is a minus, if you did not manage to turn off the alarm, you will have to listen to the sound of the siren to the end.

Xiaomi alarm setup via script

There is also an alternative way to configure the alarm without using the gateway itself as a trigger.

The principle of operation is similar to the scenario with a gateway, when one of the doors is opened, or when motion is detected, the siren sounds, the camera is recording, and a notification is sent to the phone.

And how to enable such an alarm? From the gateway button will now fail. You can set the alarm uptime right in the script, the "Run the script" item. But it’s better to bring the alarm on and off to a separate device, for example, the button Let's assign the button 2 to the scenario: the first scenario turns on the “Security mode” after 15 seconds, and the second turns off the security mode and plays a short melody on the gateway:

Accordingly - a double press of the button puts on the alarm after 10 seconds. A single press disables the arming mode and plays a short melody. The melody should interrupt the siren in case you did not manage to turn off the alarm.

  Depending on the configuration of your smart home, the alarm scenario can be expanded. A good addition should be.

Xiaomi Smart Home Lighting Scenarios

Lighting control is one of the main purposes of a smart home. Xiaomi knows this and has already released it. And if you like ordinary lamps, then they can be controlled using smart switches. Do not forget about natural lighting, which can also be regulated.

What scenarios will help organize home lighting?

Remember the moments when you have to look for a switch in the dark? Auto light on is one of the simplest scenarios. But it is worth considering that the light should not turn on during the day. For the scenario we need:

  We set the conditions: "The room is dark and motion is detected" and the action: "Turn on the light." It looks like this:

In this scenario, the gateway should be in the same room with the lamp, the motion sensor can be located in front of the entrance or indoors.

But it’s not enough to set up the automatic inclusion of light, it should be switched off at the right time. For this, the motion sensor has a condition: There is no movement for 2, 5, 10, 20 or 30 minutes. I think that the lack of movement for 5 minutes is perfect, we configure the scenario:

This is how two simple scenarios can automate indoor lighting.

Turning off the lights throughout the house

Another situation, you leave home and you need to turn off the lights in the whole house. It’s especially disappointing when they already put on their shoes and saw a burning light in the back room. Of course, you can go into the application and turn off the lights pointwise, but it’s easier to configure the script to turn off all the lights in the apartment. There shouldn’t be any problems with setting up the script, for starting the script it is better to select the "Finish manually" item, and in the actions indicate all the lamps and switches that need to be turned off:

You can run this script in the application, or configure the launch to one of the buttons. For example, my launch is configured for the Aqara switch (pressing 2 buttons at the same time), which is located in the corridor.

It is also possible to automate the execution of the script, for example, in the absence of movement for 30 minutes:

In this scenario, if there is no activity for 30 minutes on each of the motion sensors, the scenario for turning off the light is executed. Here, of course, you need to experiment so that the light does not turn off when you leave, for example, in the bath.

Combining scenarios into large-scale scenes

In the Xiaomi Smart Home system, it is possible to configure scenes consisting of several scenarios. Let's look at the scenario of leaving home, in which we need to turn off the lights in the entire apartment and activate the protective mode. And for convenience, we set the execution of the scene to a separate device, for example.

Now, when you press the button, the light in the whole house will turn off and the security scenario will be activated. You can refine the scene with new conditions, for example, add conditions that all windows are closed.

I would like the house itself to understand when you leave and return, for example, tracking a bracelet. But while in the Xiaomi Smart Home system, this is not implemented.

Presence Simulation Scenario

Returning to security scenarios, we can dwell on the presence scenario. If you decide to go on vacation, and the apartment is left unattended, it would be nice to create the illusion of people in the apartment. Can you recall the scene from the movie "Home Alone" when Kevin frightened off the robbers by having an imitation of a party? Something similar can be done through Xiaomi scripts. To simulate presence, you can use lighting devices and devices that make sounds, such as a radio or television.

Let's set up the auto light on. You can use a timer, but it is better that the inclusion did not occur at the same time. To do this, use the gateway Gateway 2 with its light sensor. Also, configure the inclusion of the TV using.

The stage can be expanded, depending on your smart devices. For example, you can add automatic closing and opening.

I want to note that imitation of presence can activate an alarm. Make sure that the scenarios do not overlap.

Smart Home Scenarios

Each scenario is unique and is customized for a specific task. At this stage, with the smart home, Xiaomi will not be able to implement all the scenarios. But new devices are coming out, software is being improved, so it is safe to say that the potential of the system is huge.

If you have any questions, or need help setting up a script, write in the comments or our

Smart Home by Xiaomi Smart Home

3 (60%) 7 votes

Since then, because of the high cost, only oligarchs could afford, the time has passed. The current kits for remote control of several processes in the room are relatively cheap, so they can afford a person with an average income.

If you want to automate the basic routine processes in your home and still not bother with sets that are assembled from several components, pay attention to the Xiaomi Smart Home kit.

The Chinese company Xiaomi today makes a huge amount of quality technology  - From water filters to plasma televisions. It is logical that the next step was the production of smart room systems by the company's specialists. With the help of them you can control the equipment, having only access to the Internet. And work is provided thanks to sensors and various triggers.

Smart Kit Home only requires an external power source

When choosing a system, consider the complexity:

  • purchases (products sold in China);
  • translation (applications are not fully translated into English, and instructions, as a rule - in Chinese).


In the box, the kit contains:

  • central gateway (hub). It acts as the brain of the entire Smart Home system. It is made of white plastic and resembles a washer in shape (8 cm in diameter and 37 mm in height). Please note that due to the Chinese version of the plug in it, you will be forced to connect the device using the adapter. The surface of the central gateway contains LEDs of several colors, which act as indicators for many functions. On the surface there is a button responsible for lighting, adjusting the security mode;
  • remote button. It serves as a trigger;
  • surveillance camera;
  • opening sensor equipped with a magnet;
  • motion responsive sensor;
  • velcro for fixing system components in the right places in the room;
  • a paper clip with which you can reset the system (helps in the setup process).

The cost of the set is about $ 70. If necessary, you can buy the necessary additional sensors. Designed for use in rooms whose temperature is from -5 to +40 degrees, and humidity does not exceed 95%.

Xiaomi Smart Home Suite Motion Sensor

It is likely that Xiaomi will be able to release the components of the complex separately, as the layout of the premises, as well as the list of tasks that the device faces, are different.

Setup and installation

Before using the Xiaomi Smart Home Kit, you need to set it up. The installation algorithm is as follows:

  • download the application from Xiaomi and the App Store, if you are the owner of the "apple" products. If you have a device with the Android operating system, you will need to find a similar application in the ARC extension (you won’t find this program on Google Play). After downloading and entering the application, be sure to create an account there - it will be useful to you in the future;
  • connect the central gateway to the Wi-Fi network. To do this, plug the device into a power outlet. When the backlight flashes yellow, it will mean the ability to insert a new fixture (any component suitable for the Smart Home). Next, select the new device that you want to connect in the applications and follow the algorithm on the screen. The hub can speak, but it does this in Chinese, so you most likely will not be able to evaluate its voice work;
  • if you need to adjust the shade of the backlight, the volume of the sound of the central gateway or other parameters, do it using the application;

Xiaomi Mi Smart Home Suite (Door-window Sensor)

  • after connecting 3 main sensors, you can add a few more to the gateway. To do this, you need to select the “add” option in the application. After a request is displayed on the screen, reset the sensor (use the paper clip that comes with the kit and fits into the corresponding hole). All devices will be connected using the ZigBee HA protocol. This, by the way, does not guarantee compatibility with products from other manufacturers.

After connecting the necessary Smart Home sensors from the Xiaomi Smart Home Kit, it is completely ready for use.


By default, clicking on the button of the Xiaomi Smart Home block is set to the doorbell mode. Among the predefined settings there are also:

  • alarm (will work when opening a window or doors);
  • alarm clock (time and other parameters are configured for it);
  • night light, which will also be triggered by pressing a button.

A review of specialists shows that if you have additional Xiaomi devices, you can automate even more routine processes. For example, when you open a window, the air freshener will stop working. And in case of an alarm, which is fixed by an alarm, the recording of a surveillance camera will automatically start. Since the sockets of the device are controllable, it is possible to carry out rather complex systems in the Smart Home. They will include many scenarios.

Installation of Xiaomi smart home sensors

Setting up any interactions of the Smart Home system is quite simple. To do this, just select the sensor, as well as the trigger responsible for it. After - bind to it devices that will make them. The only difficulty in setting up the system elements is the inscriptions in Chinese.

The functionality of the system provides for sending notifications to a smartphone or tablet via an Internet connection. You can constantly be aware of the situation in your home, for example, if penetration into its territory is recorded, or if someone rings a doorbell (regardless of your location). The logs of each sensor are saved by the application. This makes it possible to view sensor readings directly in the application.. A nice addition to Xiaomi "Smart Home" is the ability to share system readings with other users (this can be useful, for example, for use by all family members).

Built-in batteries can last about 2 years. After that they will need a replacement. An application released by the company to work on major operating systems is updated quite often.


Xiaomi Smart Home - smart home from Xiaomi

Studying the attached documentation for the device showed that using the device is possible at a distance of less than 2 meters from the router. In reality, the system works if it is no further than 5 meters from the source of the Internet connection. Also, manipulations with the device’s batteries indicated that this software, unfortunately, does not monitor the availability of sensors, and it is not possible to see how much battery is left in it.

A review of the functionality of the device showed that the range of each sensor when remotely placed in an open space is up to 30 meters. In the Smart Home, the range is about 10 meters (provided that the signal passes through 2 walls). The review showed that the maximum number of devices that can be connected to the gateway is several dozen. Apparently, a home network can "overpower" several controllers with a specific set of sensors.

The sensor that detects the opening of doors or windows consists of 2 blocks:

  • main (larger);
  • auxiliary.

The developers designed the product so that it stood on any horizontal surface. They provided for the possibility of mounting the sensor through the adhesive tape in the kit, or mounted on a rubber ring. The same can be done with the button responsible for managing the system. It is wireless, can be hidden, and also has a connection indicator. It is possible to configure double and single click on the button.

The Smart Home Kit has a number of nice features.


It is worth noting that, in addition to applications for the 2 most popular operating systems, there is no other control option (for example, via a stationary PC). You can update the software by downloading the updated version of the application to your smartphone. The ability to work remotely without configuring routers is provided thanks to Xiaomi's cloud services. The applications themselves have an English-language interface, and the Android application today is equipped with more functions than its iOS counterpart.

In the Xiaomi application “Smart Home” you can see 3 icons:

  • "Devices". Provides viewing information about connected sensors;
  • "score". Here is the purchase of equipment;
  • "profile". There is a choice of the Xiaomi account, monitoring of connected devices, scrolling through the messages of the account, sending feedback about the application. In addition, you can send data about the system to other users of the Chinese company’s ecosystem.

Good evening!
  There has not yet been a review of this device on the muska, so I fill in this misunderstanding.
  The goods were bought for their own through a friend in China.

So what is this device?
  This is the gateway for all kinds of sensors from xiaomi, the joint use of which together with customized scenarios will give the house a long-awaited "intelligence".

  The following sensors are currently available:

Motion Sensor
  Temperature and humidity sensor
Door open / close sensor (windows, cabinets, etc.)

The list is small, but I hope it will be updated.

Also in this family there is a “smart” socket, controlled through a single MiHome application, with which you can control the email. devices with a load of up to 16A. Outlets will come up to me with a second order, so I can only talk about them in theory. Sockets can turn on / off the connected load by events from sensors, as well as by timer. In addition, the outlet collects statistics of the consumed electricity from the load that is connected to it.

In addition to the configured scenarios, you can control the load connected to such an outlet through a button or a cube inside which a gyroscope is built-in. Depending on the position in space, up to 8 events can be hung on a cube.

The gateway is a washer made of white matte plastic with dimensions 80 * 80 * 37 mm. The plug is Chinese, three-petalled, so work is possible either through an adapter or through an extension cord (in my case, also xiaomi, on which the plug was replaced). The gateway itself has a backlight and speaker. Switching the various colors of the backlight of the gateway can be configured for various events from the sensors. The speaker can be used as an alarm clock or as an alarm for opening windows / doors.

Gateway with and without backlight

  The backlight intensity and its color can be changed in the application.

  According to the description, the gateway has a light sensor and can serve as a night lamp when it falls below a certain threshold. In addition, it is possible to arm the contour of the apartment / house at the touch of a button in the application or at the same time. When the scenario is triggered (opening the door, or by a motion sensor), a sound / light signal can be sent with notification sent to the application. Through the application, a bundle of Chinese radio stations is available and the search for local ones that does not work :(. Everything described works on IOS, on Android I believe that even more so.

There’s nothing to tell about pairing - everything went without a hitch. Installed the application using the QR code from the gateway instructions. After installation, I indicated my Wi-Fi network. Then the gateway created its own Wi-Fi network, to which it was necessary to connect by phone. Apparently the gateway understood that I was mine. Then it was necessary to configure the sensors. To do this, there is a button on the temperature sensor, when pressed for more than 3 seconds, the sensor mates with the gateway. On the opening / closing sensor, the same action is performed using a paper clip. After adding the sensors, you can call it anything you like, which in my case is useful - two inputs - two opening / closing sensors, and temperature street / house.

Application screenshots

  What is set up with me? I hung one of the temperature sensors in the bathroom and, after receiving a smart outlet, I plan to connect a channel fan to it, which will turn on after exceeding humidity in the room over 60% and turn off below this threshold.

The second outlet is comin on heating control. This scenario is not suitable for many, due to the need for electrical thermostats on heating radiators. I have just such, - installed along with a heat meter, but that's another story. When the temperature drops below 23 degrees, the outlet will turn on thermostats on the radiators and turn it off at temperatures above 25.

Electric temperature controller

  The second temperature sensor was hung on the outside of the window and now I have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe outside temperature and humidity, though not very accurate, but not very diverging from the thermometer. Why not very accurate - in the summer the house heats up and this affects the sensor readings. I don’t know what will happen in winter - maybe the sensor will tell you to live for a long time, but its scale in the application is designed at least up to -20. How much the battery will last in this mode is a big question.

By the way, all this stuff communicates via the ZigBee protocol with the gateway, and the gateway via Wi-Fi and Chinese servers unknown to me with my smartphone. He communicates, as far as I can judge by the opening of the door and the receipt of the notification, is quite responsive. Less than a second has passed since opening, which is more than acceptable. The manufacturer claims 30-40 meters in open area. In an apartment with brick walls from the gateway to the distant sensor, which is also installed behind a metal door at least 15 meters. When triggered, notification events arrive regularly.

The opening / closing sensor consists of two parts and has dimensions of 21 × 41 × 11 mm of the main unit and 10 × 26 × 9 mm of the auxiliary one and runs on CR2032 batteries. The temperature / humidity sensor has a size of 40 * 40 * 8 mm. It is also powered by a CR2032 battery. The manufacturer promises at least 2 years of work. How quickly the battery runs out on a street temperature sensor is not known to me. The sensor is not weatherproof, but precipitation does not fall on it.


Sensors in the interior

  In the background in the corner of the door is the opening sensor

  I ordered a couple of closing opening sensors and try to make a leakage sensor out of them. Inside is a regular reed switch, closed by a magnet in the counterpart. I will try to solder 2 contacts to the reed contacts, which I will place at a short distance from each other. If they are shorted with water, the sensor will work and a notification will arrive on the smartphone. Further, it all depends on the presence of a crane with a servo-drive on a riser. If it is, then you can send a close signal to it. If not, then contact your neighbors and the plumber to block the riser :) In this case, you know more - you sleep better.

Also in the arsenal of xiaomi there are light bulbs that can also be controlled by events and timers. The motion sensor has worked - turn on the light, after 15 minutes or turn off when the door closes.

Plus, I ordered the Xiaomi Mi Flower Monitor irrigation sensor. I can’t tell anything about him, except for his characteristics. Declared a measurement of light, soil moisture, its temperature and acidity. Naturally, for each indicator, you can hang a script for watering, including additional. light, or notification.
  The GB now has some kind of free cost for the gateway itself - about 1800 rubles, which is a little more expensive than it got up for me, taking into account the payment for the services of a friend. Those who wish can find the link to the product themselves.

And one more thing. I purchased a kit from the gateway and the opening sensor. Some time ago, xiaomi sold several sensors and a gateway called Xiaomi Smart Home Suite, - now there is no such kit on the xiaomi website, but outbids are full. I believe that the kit will be cheaper.

Here is such a review without a caliper and weights :) I hope it was informative. Ask questions - I will answer and supplement the review.

UPD. I diluted the review with photos of the gateway, sensors and applications, and also indicated the dimensions of the gateway and its sensors.

I remembered this rake. The application is half translated, so in order to see in English the status of the sensors and the triggered events and conditions, I switched the language of the phone's interface to English, respectively. On 4dpa, for rooted android devices, there is a localized application on Russian.

UPD3. I tried to turn off the Internet on the router. The gateway and sensors work and execute the scripts completely if the script does not send a notification, otherwise the notification about the script triggering does not come to the phone, and the rest of the script works.

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Xiaomi is a very diverse player in the market, introducing a huge number of devices for various fields. Today we will talk about such a direction as “Smart Home”. Consider the devices through which your apartment or house will become much smarter, performing certain actions automatically, based on the preferences of the owner.

Xiaomi Smart Home is supplied both as a kit and as individual modules, which can be purchased in the quantity you need.

Let's start the review with the kit. We’ll tell you which devices are included in it and what functions they perform.

The socket is very customizable - you can separately control the power, both at the USB port and electrical appliances. Set the shutdown (or inclusion) after a certain time or according to a schedule.

This device combines two sensors: temperature and humidity.

The sensor was created in the traditional style for Xiaomi Smart Home. On the front panel there is an LED displaying the status of work. On top is the power button, Bottom - a special grille through which air gets inside for analysis.Dimensions of the device: 36 x 36 x 11.5 mm, weight is only 10 grams! The sensor is powered by a CR2032 battery.

On the market there is another similar device from Xiaomi - Aqara Temperature Humidity Sensor. The principle of its operation and capabilities are similar to the above model, only, in addition to measuring temperature and humidity, there is another sensor that allows you to measure pressure.

The main, most common modules for building a "Smart Home", we have listed. Let's move on to the description of the features and examples of scenarios that can be set in Xiaomi Multifunctional Gateway, thereby automating many actions inside your apartment.

Due to the fact that it is impossible to configure and manage the entire system without the Xiaomi Smart Home mobile application, first we will talk about its installation and the “pitfalls” that await you during the operation of this program.


Installing the application is standard, no different from installing other applications. Just go in Google playif your device is running an Android operating system, or in App store  - from devices from Apple. Download the Xiaomi Smart Home app. After downloading and installing, you can begin to connect devices and configure them.

However, it is worth noting that there are certain problems with this application, since the translation is very mediocre and is something like a mixture of English and Chinese, with the Chinese language prevailing. In this regard, to understand, it will take some time and, most likely, patience. The easiest way is to find some kind of detailed review that describes all sections of the program and remember where and what is configured and where to click. For those who work on Android, everything is a little easier. From the website  You can download this application with a normal translation, greatly simplifying the process of setting up hardware and scripts. There, in the appropriate sections, you can find all kinds of plug-ins, instructions and other useful information.

Due to the fact that this is a review, and not an instruction, we will not now describe the entire process of connecting all kinds of devices and their settings. You can find all this and get acquainted with the necessary information by going to the link  to the site In fact, this process is quite simple and intuitive. We think that you should not experience problems with this, especially after reading the instructions.


Creating and setting up scripts is the most interesting moment. Here a lot depends not only on your needs, but also on your imagination. Of course, the number of scenarios largely depends on the number and availability of certain modules. They prescribe an action (or several) that will be activated subject to certain conditions specified by you.


Door sensor

From the name as a whole, the purpose of this device is clear. You can equip only the front door with such a sensor, or you can add them to all the windows in your apartment. In any case, the main functionality of this device is aimed at security, therefore, with certain settings, “Smart Home” will notify you that a door or window was open when you are not at home, and the alarm on the central module will also turn on. For example, you can configure the light in the corridor to turn on when the front door is opened, and when the window opens, the air conditioner is turned off, or in this room.

Motion Sensor

The main purpose of this device is motion detection in the room. When the sensor is activated, it is possible to set the light to turn on automatically in this room, and turn it off after a certain period of time in the absence of movement. You can, for example, activate recording if there is one in the room.

Wireless button

There are a lot of options for using this device. The thing is that you can program three different actions on it, since the button understands single, double and long presses. It can be used as a call, to activate an alarm when leaving the house, as well as all relevant scripts and necessary modules. For example, you can set it up this way: turn the light on or off with one press, with two - a humidifier, and with a long - ().

Smart socket

We have not in vain added this device to the review. When using such an outlet (especially several), you can come up with many scenarios. It is possible to configure the activation of an alarm system via a wireless button when leaving home. During the “arming”, sockets with devices connected to them, the operation of which in your absence is not required (kettle, iron, TV, etc.), will automatically turn off. When the alarm is turned off, the outlets that you specify in the corresponding scenario will be activated. In the outlet, which is activated at the specified time, you can turn on the kettle. Thus, indicating the required time (5 minutes before your waking up in the morning), getting up and coming to the kitchen, you can immediately pour yourself hot tea or coffee.

Temperature and humidity sensor

These sensors can be combined with smart sockets to which a heater and humidifier are connected. With this option, you don’t have to worry that the room will become dry or cold as soon as the indicator falls below the level you set, since all the devices will receive a signal and turn on. When the temperature and humidity have reached the desired level, the devices will automatically turn off.


In this review, we have described only some (the most obvious) options for using the components of the Smart Home. As we wrote above, a lot depends on your imagination and imagination. Having a goal and the necessary equipment, including a little ingenuity and imagination, you can create just such a scenario that will best meet the requirements placed on it.

Today, many companies offer their options for creating a “Smart Home”, but often their systems are quite expensive. In addition, installing and configuring them is not so simple. The product created by Xiaomi is much more convenient, and it will cost you much cheaper (prices will be presented at the end of the article) than similar solutions from competitors.

Xiaomi Smart Home allows you to take control of many functions and automate them. It is very convenient that you can buy separately those modules (and in that quantity) that you need to implement certain tasks.

Of course, there are disadvantages to this solution:

  • None of the devices are adapted to the European market. In this regard, it is required to buy adapters for sockets;
  • The problem with the translation in the mobile application (especially for owners of devices from Apple);
  • Exclusively Chinese radio stations;
  • All sensors use different batteries.

We hope that this article at least slightly revealed the potential of Xiaomi Smart Home. Leave your comments. Write how useful the information presented in this review turned out to be for you. Which devices would you like to receive reviews in the future?

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