Is frosted glass on the smartphone worth gluing. How to stick a protective glass on a smartphone

Buying even an inexpensive smartphone, you should buy accessories to protect it from damage. It is especially necessary to protect the screen of the smartphone, because if it is damaged, we will lose the opportunity to use the device.

To protect the screen of the smartphone, most of us acquire a special film. And this is the right purchase, the screen in the protective film is scratched less, the risk of breaking it is also reduced. But there is another type of screen protection - glass.

Advantages of protective glass:

Its resistance to mechanical damage is much higher than that of films. You can even try to scratch the best quality glass with a knife or scissors, and there will be no residue on it. Also, the protective glass significantly reduces the risk of damage to the screen during shock loads.

The protective glass lasts much longer than the protective film.

Protective glass holds much better than a similar film.

Disadvantages of protective glass:

The price of such glass is higher than the film, but the film will have to be changed more often, which increases the cost of it.

The protective glass slightly reduces the sensitivity of the phone’s screen sensor, but on expensive smartphones this effect is less pronounced.

The thickness of the phone after gluing the glass will be greater than the thickness of the phone with a film.

What to choose - glass or film?

In my opinion, if it’s not important for the user to increase the overall thickness of the smartphone (and it’s small) and slightly decrease the sensitivity of the sensor, you should choose glass, because it protects the device much better from mechanical damage.

Have you ever broken the display of your smartphone? According to Motorola's research, every second gadget owner would answer this question in the affirmative. Not only that, 23% of users continue to use their smartphones, despite the broken fingers of the broken screen fragments. At the same time, 42% of owners of smart phones refuse to repair due to the excessively high cost of replacing the display. And not justified, because in addition to the glass itself, the touchscreen touch panel, the matrix itself, and even the loop of connecting the matrix and touch-grid can also break.

How often do phones break? 50% of smartphone owners complained of accidental slipping out of their hands, 32% - of falling out of their pocket, 27% - of a gadget falling from its knees when standing up. And 5% even managed to smash the smartphone by throwing it against the wall. Why are we talking about this? And besides, despite the latest developments of engineers and popular hit novelties of companies, there are no breakable displays.

Fearfully? Not much, if you treat the gadget carefully and know how to protect it. And one of these “fuses” has become the safety glass popular today. They differ from the usual protective films in thickness, multilayer, manufacturing materials and, most importantly, the function of protecting the screen from cracks and chips. Of course, no one can guarantee a one hundred percent protective effect when using protective glasses, but still the probability of saving the display with them increases significantly. Moreover, in addition to protection, they perform a number of useful functions. Just look at what layers such glass consists of.

1. Silicone base. Silicone allows glass to stick almost tightly to the screen, so that it does not move to the side.
2. The containment layer. He starts work when the damage is strong enough to break through all the protective layers of the glued glass. Thanks to it, the glass of the smartphone’s display will not crumble, and the crack will not go further.
3. Anti-reflective layer. He is responsible for maintaining the clarity of the image in bright sunlight or in a very bright room.
4. The protective layer. This is the main defense that takes all the blow. This layer is responsible for ensuring that the display does not appear scuffs, chips and scratches.
5. The oleophobic layer. With it, the sticky spots of grease and moisture familiar to every display will not remain on the glass.

What is the difference between protective glasses for smartphones

Smartphone model

If other parameters affect the level of glass protection and ease of use, then this is the first and most important characteristic, without paying attention to which, you will throw money away. All protective glasses are made for certain models of smartphones. Of course, there are many Chinese glasses that fit the screen diagonal, but they may not suit you. The first option - the glass will be smaller or larger than the display of your smartphone. The second - the glass is suitable, but there may not be cuts for the front camera, buttons, speaker or front sensor. In this case, it remains only to throw away the glass: you can’t categorically cut it - you will violate its structure and, therefore, its strength.

Glass thickness

This is the first of two characteristics responsible for the safety of protective glass. The thickness of most materials affects their strength - and with glass: the thicker it is, the stronger. But do not forget that thick glass visually increases the smartphone, it becomes uncomfortable. Not only that, it is noticed that some thick glasses lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of the sensor. Therefore, it is best to adhere to the "golden mean" in this matter. Modern glasses come in thicknesses from 0.15 to 1 mm. If you are not going to do mountain climbing with a phone in your pocket, then it is better to choose a thickness of 0.28 to 0.5 mm.

Glass strength

The strength of glass is measured on the Mohs scale, which reflects the surface's ability to withstand scratches, cracks and chips. To create the gradation, ten natural minerals were used that scratched each other and lined up in the Mohs line. But do not forget about the features of the shape of the protective glass: it is thin and rectangular. In this regard, when a damaging surface enters the front part, the toughest glass will perform its function better, but if it falls on the end, only the less durable and, therefore, more elastic glass can absorb shock. Therefore, it is best to choose the best average option - 9H.

Type of coating

In addition to protecting against damage, safety glasses also have other functions. There are several types of glass coatings: glossy, matte, oleophobic, ultra-transparent and private.

Glossy glass is a standard option that does not have any additional features. Such glass most accurately conveys an image, preserves the brightness of the backlight, almost not noticeable on a smartphone.

Frosted glass helps to cope with the bright light that hits the display - the picture does not fade and retains color. This is especially true in bright sunlight or in a bright room. But the minus of this glass was a slight distortion of the image.

Oleophobic coating is today the standard for most manufacturers. Most often, its presence is not even indicated on the package. But still not all models have it. And it is necessary to prevent moisture and grease from entering the glass.

Ultra-transparent glass speaks for itself: it is not visible on the smartphone.

Private glass will appeal to those who do not want others to see the smartphone screen. Its feature is the dimming of the screen at an oblique angle. That is, you can see the image only by holding the device directly in front of you. This option is perfect for those who often travel on the subway or view personal data.

Type of glass

To give the glass an aesthetic appeal, the engineers came up with several types of processing the sharp edges of the glass: 2D, 2.5D and 3D.

Sharp edges are removed from the edges of the 2D glass without thoroughly polishing the faces, as they are recessed deep into the body or covered with a side trim. Thus, the user does not see the thickness of the glass: only the front surface of the coating is open in front of him.

Modern smartphones are equipped with high-quality protective glass. Most of the latest flagships have a durable Gorilla Glass (the fourth generation is currently available) or sapphire crystal. Is it worth sticking an extra protective coating? And if additional protection is needed, then which of these two means to choose: glass or film?

Why the screen of modern smartphones needs extra protection

The displays of the flagship gadgets are protected from scratches much better than the first models of phones with plastic or ordinary glass. To assess how much protection has become more reliable, we give a few figures.

  • The hardness of ordinary glass on the Mohs scale is not more than 5 units.
  • The hardness of the metal is 5.5, which allows the keys or knife to leave scratches on the phone screen with an ordinary glass.
  • The hardness of the fourth-generation Gorilla Glass is about 6 units (according to some sources - 6.5H). Metal objects are not afraid of him.

But the strength of quartz, the main element of ordinary sand, is 7 units on the Mohs scale. Is it any wonder that scratches even on the most durable protective coating on the screen become noticeable over time?

The second aspect of the problem is the fall of the smartphone to the floor. It is especially dangerous if the gadget fell down. In this case, the expensive unit from the display and touchscreen must be replaced. And you are left without a phone for a period of a week to 1.5 months. The exact time required for replacement depends on the availability of spare screens for your gadget model in a service center. The wait for new models, which are still few in Russia, can seriously drag out.

Smartphone Screen Protector

The glass of the phone can be protected from scratches by a special film. It is made of a sufficiently strong polymer, which does not collapse upon contact with metal keys and other blunt metal objects.

Advantages of protective films for a smartphone:

  • Low price. Manufacturers offer to purchase them in sets of 3-10 pcs per pack. As soon as one fails, you stick a new one.
  • Ideal in size to popular phone models. For example, in Novosibirsk you can buy in our online store.
  • Reliably protect the screen from scratches at home.
  • Do not require special skills for stickers on the phone. The adhesive layer is closed with a special technological film. Clean the display from dirt, remove the technological layer and stick the film.

Safety glass for smartphone

Tempered glass is another modern way to protect your gadget's screen from scratches. During manufacture, it is heated to 600 ° C and then cooled. This makes the tempered glass very durable, up to 9 units on the Mohs scale. In theory, you can scratch it only with diamond - the most durable mineral. Recall that sand has a hardness of only 7H, which does not allow it to leave scratches on such a protective coating.

If the films prevent only scratches, then protective glasses can help in case the gadget falls on the floor. The additional hardened coating breaks, but the display itself remains intact.

Advantages of safety glasses:

  • The price is 8-10 times less than the cost of replacing a display with a touchscreen.
  • Protect your display from scratches and drops. Extra coverage breaks, but saves an expensive block of screen.
  • The ability to order other models in Meizu in Novosibirsk, precisely adjusted to the size of the phone, the location of its openings for the camera and speaker.
  • Do not spoil the image on the screen and do not reduce the brightness of colors. Moreover, some manufacturers claim that colors are becoming more saturated.

How to stick glass on a smartphone

The sticker is made in four stages.

First, you remove all dirt from the display. To do this, two wipes are included: wet and dry.

Now remove the technological film.

And glue the tempered glass on the smartphone.

We remove air bubbles from under it for better fastening.

For questions about the selection and purchase of protective films and glasses in Novosibirsk, contact the managers of the SibDroid store. They will give professional advice and select the appropriate protection for your phone model.

For a start - hello everyone! For a long time I have not written any reviews here (namely, since November 2013), meanwhile, during this time I ordered about two dozen more goods, some of which may be quite interesting to you. So, today I am starting a new series of reviews on what I have acquired on Aliexpress during this time.

So, let's start with protective glasses for smartphones.

Many people ask the question: do I need a protective glass on a smartphone? Or can you walk like that?

I think no one should explain that the phone screen needs to be protected from scratches and external influences. Even if there are all sorts of "gorilaglaz", scratching a new smart for several thousand (or tens of thousands?) Rubles is at least a shame. Not to mention that you won’t sell it later (but I already sold a couple of my old phones), and it looks very poor. Something like this:

It is clearly seen how the film exfoliates at the edges

As a rule, for protection, people stick a film on the smartphone screen, and I also did the same for quite a while. Until I found out that there are special protective glasses for the screens of our phones.

What are the advantages of protective glass for the phone?

  • Appearance - the glass looks just more beautiful, cool and expensive, you may not even notice that this is not a native screen. My mother once asked me: “Why don’t you stick the tape”?
  • It is more scratch resistant than the same film. I did not scratch it with a diamond, but in my pocket I live quite tolerably.
  • In the event of a fall, it will be the glass that first breaks, not your screen - and a friend had it ... glass for two hundred rubles saved the screen, which costs three thousand.
  • It is easier to stick on than a film, although skill is also needed here, but the tube is full of rollers on how to do this.
  • And of course, the sensations - driving your finger across the glass screen is much nicer than on film.

But what about the disadvantages of protective glass for a smartphone?

They are also available ...

  • On average, a protective glass on a phone is more expensive than a similar film. Especially if it is original. But no one forces you to buy glass for mowing.
  • It does not last forever, and there are still scratches on it, so don’t believe that it doesn’t cost him anything. But it lives significantly longer than the film.
  • It may begin to lag if it is unsuccessfully glued. Then the impression will appear that your screen is moving away) (Photo at the end of the article).
  • It is more difficult to deliver, because the likelihood that it will come beaten or cracked is much higher than with ordinary film, which in general, you can play football. So be it.
  • The film is more universal, and if it can be cut to fit the size of the phone or cut holes in it for a camera or microphone. Glass will simply crack. So be careful when choosing a protective glass for your smartphone model.

How much does a protective glass on a phone cost?

It depends on where to get it, and in terms of quality they are also different. I took mine on Ali for my old Huawei for 7 bucks, then (in October 2014) it was somewhere around 200 rubles.

Safety glass on the new Huawei

Today it is almost a five-hut. Bucks has grown, what to do. Although, my friend buys similar glasses in joint purchases of two hundred rubles, and it seems like I'm quite happy. It’s hard to say what’s about quality, but in any case, it’s better than ordinary film.

Where to buy a protective glass on the phone?

On Aliexpress) My whole site is about it. I will not give a link to my glass, Ali gives the 404th error on it, in addition, my glass was chosen for a specific model - Huawei Honor 3C - they are no longer being released. But ali store itself is alive and well  ! You can search for glasses for different models of smartphones in it.

You can also use the search throughout Aliexpress by typing, for example: protective glass smartphone  , or something like that. You can also indicate your phone model, if it is there, then there is.

The main thing is to adhere to the rules about which I am choosing the goods and the seller. As you know, giving references to specific glasses does not make sense, because everyone has different models. And then the next important question ...

Is there a universal protective glass for 5, 5.5, 6 inches?

In theory, yes. But in practice - different phone models have different holes and there are different screen formats. That is - five inches, which, of course, is good, but the aspect ratio will be slightly different - and you can’t stick it normally. Only in the case of a film - it can be cut or holes can be made under the microphone or camera. With glass, this does not work. So, if you have a more or less famous phone model - look for a protective glass just under it.

Well, if you have an obscure Chinese know-name, then you can take anything of about the same size.

Safety glass - not only in the front, but also in the back!

And there is one too! AT the same store  , about which I spoke, I ordered not only a protective glass for the phone screen, but also a protective back glass cover:

Still there are such cool plastic glass rear bumpers for phones

Here all the same pluses of ordinary protective glass. In this case, the back cover changes completely. This is very convenient, because I thought for a long time how it is attached to a plastic case. And there essentially the same plastic on which the glass is already glued. Of course, if you have a phone with an aluminum cover, you do not need this innovation. But on my Huawei it looks great. And again - the mother asked - why is it without your case?) While the phone is protected both in front and behind ...

How fast does it all come

Slightly deviated from the format of the reviews.

So, I ordered my parcel from glass and the rear glass (or rather, glass-plastic) bumper on 10/20/2014, she rode like this, it turns out 21 days:

The way of sending with all this junk

What was inside? What does this protective glass look like?

Oddly enough, but there were protective glasses for the phone + I also ordered a spare cover for some reason:

And how are the sensations from these glasses?

Actually, cool, I liked it. I sold my Huawei a year ago to a friend, yes, the glass on it was frayed and covered with scratches, but - she immediately ordered a new one in joint purchases, stuck it on - and the phone is like new! This is the meaning of these pieces.

Well, I didn’t order glass for my new RedmiNot 2, which I also bought on Ali, but asked the seller to put it as a gift. And he laid it down! True, I glued it somewhat crookedly, and now it seems that I have a kapets on the screen, but they will not steal it)

But it happens when you glue the glass crookedly


I thought of throwing a couple of links and photos, and almost a treatise came out about these glasses. As you can see, the protective glass on the phone is really a cool, worthwhile thing. I advise them to all my friends. Many buy and are quite satisfied. I advise them to you. Not necessarily on Ali. If you find somewhere cheaper - excellent. But I know that in our local networks they will cost a horse. And will be bought the same in China.

I think you understood the main message of the article and now you know where to buy touch glass for your phone. Films - Yesterday)

A mobile phone, or smartphone, can easily be scratched, dropped, or broken. To minimize such cases of force majeure, we came up with various safety glasses and films. It was the films that covered the displays of the very first cell phones. With the development of industry, protective glasses soon appeared. Now many people have a question: how to choose between them?

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What are the types of protective films, and what are their advantages?

Matte (anti-glare):

  • Better glide compared to other types of films;
  • Fingerprints are practically invisible on the screen;
  • Protected from the appearance of new scratches;
  • You can use the phone even in bright conditions.


  • Almost invisible on the smartphone screen;
  • Color rendering quality does not deteriorate;
  • Minor scratches will not be visible on the screen;
  • Protect your device from new damage.

Shockproof (can be matte or glossy):

  • High degree of protection against the appearance of deep scratches and cracks;
  • The sensitivity and brightness of the screen remain the same as without film.

There are drawbacks to each type of film. Glare on the display may appear when using a glossy finish and fingerprints will be visible on it. Due to the anti-glare properties, a grain effect may be present on the screen with a matte film.

It is more rational to select a film for the screen of a smartphone of a certain brand. But if such a move is not possible, there is an alternative - choose a film for the diagonal of the smartphone. If the smartphone is in a case, then it is best to use a glossy film. For those who play games on the phone, read a lot of literature or often surf the Internet, matte film is suitable.

  1. Wipe the smartphone screen thoroughly so that there are no small grains of sand, finger stains, or dust that prevents the film from sticking properly. In no case should you use alcohol or substances based on it. Wipes are best suited for cleaning LCD monitor screens.
  2. Remove the film from the factory packaging. At one of its edges will be a paper petal. Pull it gently to gradually (but not immediately) separate the protective film from the transport film. The main thing is not to touch the inside of the coating with your hands. Then you need to firmly attach the film to the screen of the smartphone and stick it with your fingers. It happens that the first time you can’t stick a protective accessory, so you can try again.
  3. When sticking, bubbles may appear on the screen. It is enough to swipe a few times with a plastic card on the display so that they disappear. In case the bubbles do not go away, then the problem is the quality of the film.
  • Do not glue the tape against the edges of the display.
  • If the film does not stick well, it can be removed and washed under running water. It should be remembered that this manipulation can damage the coating of poor quality and render it unusable.
  • Wipe periodically with wet wipes during use.
  • The maximum service life of the accessory is 1 year.
  • If after sticking the film, dust is visible under it, then it is better not to try to glue, because it can damage it.
  • Sticking a protective film is best after buying a new phone. So there will be no dust and air bubbles.
  • Paper tape will help get rid of dust on the display.

Protective glass has recently replaced films. In itself, it is tempered glass treated with various substances (chemical compounds and impregnations). This accessory is almost 5 times thicker than a regular film. Any protective glass consists of the following layers:

  • The silicone base provides bonding of the glass and display of the smartphone.
  • If the display is damaged, the glass will not crumble and the crack will not spread further. All this is thanks to the containment layer.
  • Anti-glare. In bright daylight and artificial lighting, the display will be bright and the image on it will be clear.
  • Actually a protective layer that protects the smartphone from scratches, scuffs and other possible damage.
  • The oleophobic layer protects from moisture and fat.

Advantages of safety glasses:

  • Strength;
  • Shocks and falls from above are not terrible.
  • No color and brightness distortion;
  • Long use;
  • Easy self-installation.

You need to choose glass strictly for the type of smartphone, because each model has its own arrangement of speakers and front camera, and it is strictly forbidden to cut or saw the coating. It is important to pay attention to the strength of the glass and the conditions for its use. There is not much difference between a glossy and a matte finish; the owner chooses it according to his desires and preferences. Almost all service centers and shops offer sticking this accessory for a small fee of 200-700 rubles. You should not agree to this, because this manipulation can be done in a few minutes, without making much effort.

How to stick glass on your phone yourself:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  2. Clean the mobile device from dust using special tools.
  3. Remove shipping film from glass.
  4. Place the glass evenly on the edges of the display, wipe it with a dry and clean cloth without lint.
  5. If the first attempt was unsuccessful, you can repeat everything again.

Which is better to choose: film or glass?

In all respects, it is better to choose a protective glass. It is much stronger and will serve much more than a plastic coating. In turn, the film will protect against minor scratches. But if the phone falls, then this accessory will be powerless. Those whose mobile phones are very expensive should not save money and it is better to give preference to glass.

Popular brands of protective films:

The highest quality films are the following manufacturers:

  • Belkin;
  • Cellular line;
  • EasyLink;
  • Jekod;
  • Ozaki

All products of these brands are durable, accurate in size and of small thickness. Lower prices for joint production of Russia and China. But their quality leaves much to be desired. It is better to bypass branded films from well-known brands of cell phones: in quality they are not inferior to Belkin, DiGi and the rest of the first group, but they will cost much more.

Well-known tempered glass manufacturers

The American company Corning launches a line of safety glasses Gorilla Glass. Every year new technical modifications are released that differ from the previous ones in thickness and quality. Now ultra-thin glass with a thickness of only 0.4 mm.

The Japanese concern Ashani Glass and their DragonTail, which breaks into world leaders and will soon displace Gorilla Glass. All due to the relatively low cost and low weight of the glass.

IPhone owners are tied to the GT Advanced Technologies sapphire crystal manufacturer. Sapphire is one of the most durable substances, but its synthetic version is used in glasses. The main disadvantage of this accessory is its rather high cost, which exceeds even Gorilla Glass.

The lowest cost of the film is about 100 Russian rubles. And the most expensive does not exceed 1000 rubles. Of course, it all depends on the type of film and the country of manufacture. Prices for protective glass are higher: from 200 to 3000 rubles.

A smartphone is a rather expensive and fragile thing. No one is immune from his accidental fall. In order not to have to change the sensor or touchscreen later, it is better to purchase a protective film or glass and protect yourself from such an unpleasant situation. Moreover, there are plenty of goods in the market of this category. And what to choose: film or glass, the owner decides on his own, relying on his financial capabilities and preferences.

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