We use little-known Google features to find the hidden. Instagram Stories: how and why to use this feature

The following is an alphabetical list of the search operators. This list includes operators that are not officially supported by Google and not listed in Google’s online help.

Note:   Google may change how undocumented operators work or may eliminate them completely.

Each entry typically includes the syntax, the capabilities, and an example. Some of the search operators won’t work as intended if you put a space between the colon (:) and the subsequent query word. If you don’t care to check which search operators require no space after the colon, always place the keyword immediately next to the colon. Many search operators can appear anywhere in your query. In our examples, we place the search operator as far to the right as possible. We do this because the Advanced Search form writes queries in this way. Also, such a convention makes it clearer as to which operators are associated with which terms.


If you start your query with allinanchor:, Google restricts results to pages containing all query terms you specify in the on links to the page. For example, [ allinanchor: best museums sydney   ] will return only pages in which the anchor text on links to the pages contain the words “best,” “museums,” and “sydney.”


If you include group: in your query, Google will restrict your Google Groups results to newsgroup articles from certain groups or subareas. For example, [sleep group: misc.kids.moderated] will return articles in the group “sleep” and [sleep group: misc.kids] will return articles in the subarea misc.kids that contain the word “sleep.”

Id: intitle:

The query intitle: term   restricts results to documents containing   term   in the. For instance, [ flu shot intitle: help   ] will return documents that mention the word “help” in their titles, and mention the words “flu” and “shot” anywhere in the document (title or not).

Note:   There must be no space between the intitle: and the following word.

Putting intitle: in front of every word in your query is equivalent to putting allintitle: at the front of your query, e.g., [ intitle: google intitle: search   ] is the same as [ allintitle: google search ].

If you include inurl: in your query, Google will restrict the results to documents containing that word in the. For instance, searches for pages on the Google Guide in which the URL contains the word “print.” It finds pdf files that are in the directory or folder named “print” on the Google Guide website. The query [ inurl: healthy eating   ] will return documents that mention the words “healthy” in their URL, and mention the word “eating” anywhere in the document.

Note:   There must be no space between the inurl: and the following word.

Putting inurl: in front of every word in your query is equivalent to putting allinurl: at the front of your query, e.g., [ inurl: healthy inurl: eating   ] is the same as [ allinurl: healthy eating ].

In URLs, words are often run together. They need not be run together when you’re using inurl :.

The query link: URL   shows pages that point to that. For example, to find pages that point to Google Guide’s home page, enter:

Find links to the UK Owners Direct home page not on its own site.

Location: related:

You can also restrict your results to a site or domain through the domains selector on the Advanced Search page.

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In the era of digital technology and high-speed Internet, you can find out any information. In a few minutes we find recipes for a delicious pie or get acquainted with the theory of particle-wave dualism.

But often you need to sow the necessary information bit by bit and spend more than one hour on it. site   collected for you the most effective ways to help you find the precious materials in a couple of clicks.

1. Either one or the other

Sometimes we are not exactly sure that we correctly remembered or heard the necessary information. No problem! Simply enter a few suitable options through the “|” icon or the English “or”, and then select the appropriate result.

2. Search by synonym

As you know, the great and mighty Russian language is rich in synonyms. And sometimes it’s not at all beneficial. If you need to quickly find sites on a given topic, and not just a specific phrase - put the symbol "~".

For example, the results of the query "healthy ~ food" will help you learn the principles of healthy eating, introduce you to healthy recipes and products, and also suggest visiting restaurants of good nutrition.

3. Search inside the site

4. Sprocket power

When an insidious memory fails us and hopelessly loses words or numbers from a phrase, the “*” icon comes to the rescue. Just put it in place of the forgotten fragment and get the desired results.

5. Many missing words

But if not one word but half the phrase has fallen from memory, try to write the first and last word, and between them - AROUND (the approximate number of missing words). For example, like this: "I loved you AROUND (7) not quite."

6. Time frame

Sometimes we desperately need to get acquainted with events that occurred in a certain period of time. To do this, add the time frame prescribed through the ellipsis to the main phrase. For example, we want to know what scientific discoveries were made in the period from 1900 to 2000.

7. Search by name or link

In order for the search engine to find keywords in the title of the article, enter the word "intitle:" before the query without a space, and to search for a word in the link - "inurl:".

Who called from an unfamiliar number and snuffed into the phone? Who is Lena from Mordor, who appeared in the phone book after Saturday's party? Enter the last 10 digits of the phone in the search bar on Facebook, and most likely you will find the answers. By default, the ability to find a person by phone number is enabled for all users.

If you don’t want this trick to go with you, change your privacy settings.

2. Disable the “Viewed” status in messages

This feature ruins relationships and lives! Of course, who is pleased when they openly ignore personally selected funny pictures and important news.

If you are not one of those who can calmly leave unanswered messages from friends, use the browser extension. It disables the message status “Viewed / Not Viewed” in the desktop version of Facebook. For the Chrome browser, this is Facebook Unseen. For Firefox and Explorer - Chat Undetected. But there is a negative point: with these extensions, you also will not be able to see the status of reading.

3. Hide your online status from pestering friends

If you are completely tired of any friend, then turn off chat with him. Click on the gear in the right column with the list of friends and select "Advanced Settings".

Messages from the switched off chat will be stored in the Inbox, but, unlike the previous paragraph, you will not be able to read them discreetly.

4. Look in the news feed only posts from friends and communities to which you are subscribed

Facebook wants to pull everyone into its bogs as deep as possible. It is for this that he shows users uploaded and commented on by friends posts. But there is a way to leave in your stream only the records of friends and communities to which you are subscribed.

Install the “friends feed” extension in “Chrome”. With him, extraneous posts will either be hiding or covered with gray hair - choose in the settings.

5. Read hidden messages

Who knows, maybe your life is not as boring as it seems. Perhaps you were called to a dream job, secret admirers confessed their love and their fans threatened to kill. But you did not know anything about this, because Facebook places messages from unauthorized users in a hidden folder and does not notify you about them in any way. Click on the tab “Other” (for many it has recently been called “Request for correspondence”) next to the main messages and see everything that was hidden!

6. Hide your friends list from prying eyes

We will not even speculate on why you can be shy about your Facebook acquaintances. Just go to the “Friends” tab on your personal page, click on the pencil and indicate who can see the circle of your Facebook friends.

7. Disable auto-play video

In one fell swoop, you can bring a little peace of mind to your feed and save on mobile traffic. To do this, turn off the automatic playback of videos. In the Facebook application, go to your account settings\u003e "Video and Photos"\u003e "AutoPlay"\u003e select the desired setting.

8. Share GIFs on Facebook

Do you like gifs the way you do? If the answer is yes, we’ll tell you how to share them on Facebook. Paste the link to the gif in the status field (yes, downloading directly from the computer will fail). After it is loaded, the link can be deleted. Publish.

9. Change the status of relationships without extra drams

It may take a long time between the internal decision to end the relationship and announcing this to the other party. And I want to start looking for new romantic adventures on Facebook right away. By default, a notification about a change in your personal life appears in the feed of all friends. So do not forget to select the setting “Just Me” in the item “Information”\u003e “Family and Relationships”.

10. Bookmark interesting posts so you can read them later.

Thousands of posts appear daily in your Facebook feed, everything is impossible to read, even if you completely abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bworking. Fortunately, the social network has a built-in bookmarking service. To save a post for the future, click the arrow in the upper right corner.

In August, Instagram launched a new feature - stories that disappear after 24 hours. In a new review, I put all the features on the shelves.

Literally on the first day of the appearance of "stories" I wrote an article with. However, there are more and more questions about how to use Stories every day. So I decided to prepare a complete Instagram Stories tutorial.

Here we go? 🙂

What is Instagram Stories?

This question is asked in different ways. Here are just part of the search queries for the new Instagram feature: “what circles on instagram from above”, “how to make instagram so you are in a circle”, “what circles in the news”, “what kind of circles around the avatar”, “circles on Instagram "," what a new garbage on instagram "and so on.

  - This is a new feature of the application, which in Russian is called “stories” or “stories”. These are photos and videos that will disappear exactly one day after downloading.

What is the meaning of "stories"?

Instagram launched Stories with the idea that users share more moments from real life. Because now, if you look at the tape on the social network, most of the photos are perfect: they do not work for 5 minutes in photo editors to set, analyze statistics and choose the best time for publication.

In addition, it is believed that taking more than 1-3 photos a day is bad manners. And Stories allows you to make at least 10 publications, while you will not be a spammer.

Anyway, content that disappears is a new trend. Pioneer - Snapchat, in a sense, a rival to Instagram. And apparently, the second decided to keep up.

Where are the stories located?

You can see the "stories" at the top of the news feed, where they are presented in a separate feed. It looks like this.

The first avatar is my “story”. The + sign in the blue circle means that I don’t have a photo or video in the “story” right now, and I can add it. To add a “story”, I need to click on the plus in the black circle above my profile picture.

The following avatars in the color circle are the “stories” of the people I follow and who have something new that I have not seen. If you scroll left, you can see all the “stories” published by my friends. Including those that I have already seen - in such "stories" circles are not colored, but white. An example is below.

How to connect Instagram Stories?

"Stories" are available to all users of the application. Somehow you do not need to specifically connect it. If for some reason you haven’t got this feature, you should upgrade Instagram to the latest version.

How to start your "story"?

Click the plus in the black circle in the left corner of the news tab. Another option is to swipe left on the screen in any part of the news feed. So you will also see Instagram Stories.

Let’s see what is here.

Center circle   - This is a button for taking photos or videos. Click once to take a photo. Press and hold your finger to make a video.

Just a few days ago, Instagram added a new feature.: Now in “stories” you can immediately shoot Boomerang (rounded video). To film Boomerang, tap the word at the bottom of the screen and then the circle to make a video.

Two arrow iconto the right of the white circle is a button to switch between cameras - front and outside. You can also switch by tapping twice on the screen, which is especially convenient if you are shooting a video and you need to quickly change the camera.

To the left of the white circle you see two icons. Lightning in a circle   - it's a flash. Click on it to add lighting to a photo or video. Moon in a circle -appears automatically when the phone sees that there is not enough lighting. It is worth clicking on it to improve the quality of the photo (although, I think, you understand that in poor lighting conditions even with a flash or “moon” - the quality will not be so hot).

In the upper left corner you see the icon customization.
So what is there.

Opportunity hide "stories"From people who are following you, but you would not want them to view these photos and videos (as you can see, I have two such people).

Below - comment restriction. You can choose so that anyone can write you a response message to the “story”, those to whom you subscribe or disable this function altogether (especially suitable for public people who have hundreds of thousands of subscribers).

Save photos from "stories" automatically.   You can enable this feature and the entire stream of your photos and videos will be saved on your phone.

If you don’t need to save all the photos, you can save your favorite publication separately. In the photo on the left, you see the publication I made in Stories. In the lower right corner there is an arrow - clicking on it, you will save this photo.

On the left you see Cancel -by clicking, you remove the photo or video taken. Be careful when clicking "cancel", you can’t return a photo / video.

We will also discuss additional features of Instagram Stories. In the upper right corner you see two icons - a picture and a text.

Pictureyou can overlay both on the photo and on the text. It can be created using three tools: a marker, stand out and neon brushes. Choose the one that you like best and is suitable for the content. There you can select the stroke thickness and color. See the example below in the photo.

Textcan contain not only letters, but also smiles. You can choose any color, including one color for one word and another for another. You can resize the text and rotate as you want. To do this, bring and spread two fingers.

While there is no way to add a few labels. Well, to the text in this place, and in this, and in this. But here life hack, How can I do that. The first option is to add spaces so that the inscription is in several places (photo below).

You can also use special applications where you can add as many labels as you like, any fonts, colors and sizes.

Just put @ and start typing the name of the person or page that you want to mark on the photo / video. Avatars will appear, among them you select the desired profile. After publication, the link will become active. Example - see below in the photo.

Also, along with a link to profiles, Instagram announced that it was starting to test links to external sites. The first access to such a function was received by well-known personalities with verified accounts (a checkmark next to the nickname).

In addition to text and picture, in Instagram Stories you can add effects to photos and videos. To do this, swipe left or right on the screen - and select a filter. There are only six of them, and often they complement the content very well.

In stories you can add photos and videos that you already have on your phone from your gallery.   This is the secret of high-quality photos uploaded to the "story", as well as filters and effects that are not in Stories. For example, often users upload videos made in Snapchat (you know, when a person has a muzzle of a dog and he licks the screen? God, it's ridiculous to write)).

So you have the opportunity to process photos and videos in any application - and load already in the "story".

Swipe from top to bottom, a window pops up with a list of photos and videos taken over the past 24 hours and saved on your phone. Please note: only for the last day! Select the content you want to download and it in Stories.

Life hack. If the photo was not taken in the last day, but a week / month / year ago, process it in one of the applications (such as VSCO or Snapseed) and download it to your phone. It will appear as new. You can not even process it, but simply download it to the application - and upload it back to your phone.

With Boomerang, video is a bit more complicated. The method I use: I send video from my phone to Google Drive or to my "mail" and from there I download it again. If you know a better way, share 🙂

You can also calmly delete photo or video   from stories. To do this, click on the ellipsis in the lower right corner.

Even if you do not delete the photo, it will still disappear from the tape after 24 hours, do not forget about it.

What is the format of the photo?

Many immediately after the appearance of the new function began to complain about the specific format of the photo. Indeed, it is unclear why the photos in Instagram Stories seem to be enlarged.

The fact is that Instagram adjusts the photo to Stories, because of which part of the image can be cropped. And without the ability to choose what to trim.

For example, I have a photograph that I took on a telephone in square format. Here's what Stories does to her.

What then to do? There are several options. The first is to shoot immediately in Instagram Stories (but then you can’t edit the photo). The second - to shoot on the phone vertically, while still the edges will be cut off, but slightly.

The third option is to add a frame. I do it in a simple way: I open the photo in the gallery on the phone and take a screen. Here is the result.

I think it's worth experimenting with applications where you can add frames. Remember how it was before Instagram allowed to upload not only square photos? These applications will come in handy again. True, I do not bother with this.

How to leave comments in Stories?

No way. There are no comments or likes in the “stories”. But there is an opportunity to respond to the publication by sending a personal message to the person in direct. For example, how I sent a compliment to Polina.

How to put “stories” on pause?

Yes, you can stop the “story” to read the text in the picture, for example. To do this, simply click on the screen and hold your finger - photos and videos will not move.

How to glue photos and videos into one “story”?

Your publications are collected in one story yourself. You just upload one photo after another, video, Boomerang - and the application does everything for you. The result is a selection of events in 24 hours. How many publications have been made, you can see at the very top - see a ribbon of dashes?

Whose "stories" do I see?

You see the Stories of the people you follow. Their “stories” appear one after another at the top of the news feed. New "stories" - circled by a colored halo.

By clicking on a person’s avatar, you will see his “history”. The transition between the “stories” occurs automatically, but you can speed up the process by tapping the screen with your finger. Well, if you click on the screen left and right, you will move between the "stories" of different users.

Also see the "history" of a person in his profile: his avatar is circled in bright color.

Is it possible to turn off someone’s “stories”?

If you are subscribed to a person, but do not want to see his “stories”, you can hide them.

To do this, go to the news feed, find the "history" of the person you want to hide - press your finger and hold it for a couple of seconds. A screen will appear with the "hide @ user stories" button. Press - and exhale. You will no longer see the “stories” of this person.

You can see the “stories” again. To do this, scroll through the Stories ribbon to the end - there you will see the profiles of those who are hidden. Click on the profile picture, hold for a couple of seconds and you will see the same field with the ability to return the profile to the tape.

Will a man see me watching his “story”?

Yes, remember this, if you are watching someone’s “story”, a person will know about it. Under the photo, the number of views appears, and if you pull the screen up, a list of all users who have seen your "history" will appear. Only you can do this, that is, other users do not know how many people saw your “story”.

By the way, the list does not show how many times a person has looked at your “story”. So fans will be difficult to calculate 😉

Who is the first to be seen on the list of my “stories”?

When you open the list of those who watched your Stories, at the top you usually see those users with whom you interact most actively: like them, and get them in return, comment on their posts, and they yours, communicate in direct. Most likely, you see their “stories” among the first in the tape.

Why do I say “most likely” and “as a rule”, because Instagram does not disclose its algorithms, and then it’s probably difficult to speak. These are my personal observations.

Is it possible to secretly watch someone’s “story”?

No, Instagram doesn’t. And I have not yet found any applications that can make you "invisible".

However, under the previous review, I received a lot of comments about the fact that "invisibility" in Stories has already appeared. For example, one girl said that she sees one number of views on her “history”, and when opening the list, there are fewer people. I have not observed such a phenomenon in my accounts, but I think that the matter is more likely in the “story” glitch than in the appearance of “invisibles”. Time will tell.

Who sees my “story”?

It all depends on the privacy setting of your account. You closed profile? Then your “history” is only visible to subscribers you have approved, those who you have as friends. Outsiders cannot see your Stories.

Surely you have heard more than once about such a wonderful search engine as Google. I suppose you have had to use it more than once when you wanted to know something. But did you find what you wanted? If you search Google for answers just as often as I do, I think this article will be useful to you because it is designed to make your search faster and more efficient. So, for starters, a little history ...

  Google is a misrepresentation of the English word googol, coined by Milton Sirotta, the nephew of the American mathematician Edward Kaiser, to designate a number consisting of one and one hundred zeros. Now Google’s name is the leader in Internet search engines, developed by Google Inc.

Google occupies more than 70% of the global market, which means that seven out of ten people on the network go to his page for information on the Internet. Now it registers about 50 million search queries daily and indexes over 8 billion web pages. Google can find information in 101 languages. Google at the end of August 2004 consisted of 132 thousand cars located in different parts of the world.

Google uses an intelligent text analysis technique that allows you to search for relevant and at the same time relevant pages for your search. To do this, Google analyzes not only the page itself that matches the request, but also the pages that link to it to determine the value of this page for the purposes of your request. In addition, Google prefers pages where the keywords you enter are located close to each other.

The Google interface contains a rather complex query language, which allows you to limit the search scope to specific domains, languages, file types, etc. Using some operators of this language allows you to make the process of searching for the necessary information more flexible and accurate. Let's consider some of them.

Logical "AND" (AND):
  By default, when writing query words with a space, Google searches for documents containing all the query words. This corresponds to the AND operator. Those. the space is equivalent to the AND operator.

For example:
  Cats Dogs Zebra Parrots
  Cats AND Dogs AND Parrots AND Zebras
  (both requests are the same)

Logical "OR" (OR):
  Written using the OR operator. Note that the OR operator must be capitalized. Relatively recently, it became possible to write a logical “OR” in the form of a vertical bar (|), similar to how it is done in Yandex. Used to search with several options for the necessary information.

For example:
  Dachshunds long-haired OR smooth-haired
  Long-haired dachshunds | smooth coat
  (both requests are the same)

Keep in mind that Google searches are not case sensitive! Those. Greenland and Greenland will be exactly the same.

Operator Plus (+):
  There are situations when you need to forcibly include in the text any word that may have spelling variations. To do this, use the "+" operator before the required word. Suppose if we have a request for Home Alone I, as a result of the query we will get unnecessary information about Home Alone II, Home Alone III and very little about Home Alone I. If we have a request of the form Home Alone + I, the result will be information only about the movie Home Alone I.

For example:
  Newspaper + Dawn
  Bernoulli equation + math

Exclude words from the query. Logical "NOT" (-):
  As you know, informational garbage is often found when making a request. To remove it, exclusion operators are used as standard - logical “NOT”. In Google, such an operator is represented by a minus sign. Using this operator, you can exclude from the search results those pages that contain certain words in the text. It is used, like the "+" operator, before the excluded word.

For example:
  Crane Well - Bird
  Dead Souls - Novel

Search for exact phrase (""):
In practice, searching for the exact phrase is required either to search for the text of a certain work, or to search for specific products or companies in which the name or part of the description is a consistently repeating phrase. To cope with such a task with the help of Google, you need to enclose the request in quotation marks (referring to double quotes, which are used, for example, to highlight direct speech).

For example:
  The work "The Quiet Don"
  “It was cold in the yard, although this did not prevent Boris from carrying out what was planned.”

By the way, Google allows you to enter in the query string no more than 32 words!

Word truncation (*):
  Sometimes you need to look for information about a word combination in which one or more words are unknown. For these purposes, the operator "*" is used instead of unknown words. Those. "*" - any word or group of words.

For example:
  Master and *
  Leonardo * Vinci

The cache statement:
  The search engine stores a version of the text that is indexed by the search spider in a special storage in a format called a cache. The cached version of the page can be retrieved if the original page is not available (for example, the server on which it is stored does not work). The cached page is shown in the form in which it is stored in the search engine database and is accompanied by an inscription at the top of the page that it is a page from the cache. It also contains information about the time the cached version was created. On the page from the cache, the query keywords are highlighted, and each word is highlighted with its own color for the convenience of the user. You can create a request that immediately returns a cached version of a page with a specific address: cache: page_address, where instead of "page_address" is the address of the page stored in the cache. If you need to find any information in a cached page, you must write a request for this information after the page address with a space.

For example:
  cache: www.bsd.com
  cache: www.knights.ru tournaments

It must be remembered that there should not be a space between ":" and the page address!

Filetype oparator:
  As you know, Google indexes not only html pages. If, for example, you need to find some information in a file type other than html, you can use the filetype operator, which allows you to search for information in a specific file type (html, pdf, doc, rtf ...).

For example:
  Html filetype specification: pdf
  Works by filetype: rtf

Info statement:
  The info operator allows you to see information that Google knows about this page.

For example:
  info: www.wiches.ru
  info: www.food.healthy.com

Site operator:
This operator restricts the search to a specific domain or site. That is, if you make a request: marketing intelligence site: www.acfor-tc.ru, then the results will be obtained from pages containing the words "marketing" and "intelligence" on the site "acfor-tc.ru", and not in others parts of the internet.

For example:
  Music site: www.music.su
  Books site: ru

Link operator:
  This operator allows you to see all pages that link to the page on which the request was made. So, the link: www.google.com request will return pages that have links to google.com.

For example:
  link: www.ozone.com
  Friends link: www.happylife.ru

Allintitle statement:
  If you start the request with the allintitle operator, which translates as “everything is in the title”, then Google will produce texts that contain all the words of the request in the headers (inside the TITLE tag in HTML).

For example:
  allintitle: Free software
  allintitle: Download music albums

Intitle statement:
  Shows pages in which only the word immediately after the intitle statement is contained in the header, and all other query words can be anywhere in the text. Putting an intitle operator before each query word will be equivalent to using the allintitle operator.

For example:
  Intitle Programs: Download
  intitle: Free intitle: download software

Allinurl statement:
  If the request starts with the allinurl operator, then the search is limited to those documents in which all the query words are contained only in the page address, that is, in the url.

For example:
  allinurl: rus games
  allinurl: books fantasy

Inurl statement:
  A word that is located directly in conjunction with the inurl operator will be found only in the address of the Internet page, and the remaining words - anywhere in such a page.

For example:
  inurl: books download
  inurl: games crack

Related operator:
  This statement describes pages that are “similar” to a particular page. So, the related: www.google.com query will return pages with a similar theme to Google.

For example:
  related: www.ozone.com
  related: www.nnm.ru

The define statement:
  This operator performs the role of a kind of explanatory dictionary, allowing you to quickly get a definition of the word that is entered after the operator.

For example:
  define: Kangaroo
  define: motherboard

Synonym Search Operator (~):
  If you want to find texts containing not only your keywords, but also their synonyms, then you can use the "~" operator before the word to which you need to find synonyms.

For example:
  Species ~ metamorphosis
  ~ Object Orientation

Range operator (..):
For those who have to work with numbers, Google has made it possible to search for ranges between numbers. In order to find all pages containing numbers in a certain range of "from - to", it is necessary to put two points (..) between these extreme values, that is, the range operator.

For example:
  Buy a book $ 100 .. $ 150
  Population of 1913.1935

Here are all the query language operators I know on Google. I hope they somehow make it easier for you to find the information you need. In any case, I use them very often and I can say with confidence that when I use them, I spend much less time searching, if without them.

Good luck And may the Force be with you.

Tags: search, operators, google

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