INURL SHOW ITEM PHP TT SCHOOL. Instructions for using JSQL Injection - a multifunctional search and operation tool SQL injection in Kali Linux. Get to good tone

Run the downloaded file with double click (you need to have a virtual machine).

3. Anonymity when checking the site on SQL injection

Setting up TOR and PRIVOXY in Kali Linux

[Section in development]

Setting Tor and Privoxy in Windows

[Section in development]

Work settings through proxy in JSQL Injection

[Section in development]

4. Site checking on SQL injection with JSQL Injection

Working with the program is extremely simple. Just enter the address of the site and press ENTER.

In the following screenshot, it can be seen that the site is vulnerable to three types of SQL injections (information about them is specified in the lower right corner). Click on the name of injection can be switched to the method used:

We also have existing databases.

You can see the contents of each table:

Usually, the most interesting in the tables are administrator credentials.

If you are lucky and you found administrator data - then rejoice early. You still need to find the admin desk where you enter this data.

5. Search for Admins with JSQL Injection

To do this, go to the next tab. Here we have a list of possible addresses. You can choose one or more pages to check:

Convenience is that you do not need to use other programs.

Unfortunately, negligent programmers who store passwords in the open form are not very much. Quite often in the password string we see something like


This is a hash. You can decipher it by Brutfors. And ... JSQL Injection has a built-in bruthese.

6. Bruthetforsing haze using JSQL Injection

Undoubted convenience is that no need to look for other programs. There is support for the many most popular haze.

This is not the most optimal option. In order to become a guru in deciphering haze, the book "" in Russian is recommended.

But, of course, when there is no other program at hand or there is no time to explore, JSQL injection with the built-in Brut-Forra function will have to be very useful.

Settings are present: You can specify which characters are included in the password, the password length range.

7. Operations with files after detection of SQL injections

In addition to operations with databases - their reading and modification, in case of detection of SQL injections, it is possible to perform the following file operations:

  • reading files on server
  • unloading new files to the server
  • unloading Shelves to the server

And all this is implemented in JSQL Injection!

There are limitations - the SQL server must have file privileges. In reasonable system administrators, they are disabled and access to the file system cannot be obtained.

The presence of file privileges is enough to check. Go to one of the tabs (reading files, the creation of the shell, download the new file) and try to execute one of the specified operations.

Another very important remark - we need to know the exact absolute path to the file with which we will work - otherwise nothing will work.

Look at the following screenshot:

On any attempt to operate the file with the file: NO File Privilege. (no file privileges). And it is impossible to do anything here.

If you have another error instead:

Problem Writing INTO [Title Name]

This means that you incorrectly indicated the absolute path to which the file needs to be recorded.

In order to assume the absolute path, you need at least to know the operating system on which the server works. To do this, switch to the Network tab.

Such an entry (string Win64.) Gives reason to assume that we are dealing with Windows OS:

Keep-Alive: Timeout \u003d 5, max \u003d 99 Server: Apache / 2.4.17 (Win64) PHP / 7.0.0RC6 Connection: Keep-Alive Method: HTTP / 1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 353 Date: FRI, 11 Dec 2015 11:48:31 GMT X-Powered-BY: PHP / 7.0.0RC6 Content-Type: text / html; Charset \u003d UTF-8

Here we have some of the UNIX (* BSD, Linux):

TRANSFER-ENCODING: CHUNKED DATE: FRI, 11 DEC 2015 11:57:02 GMT Method: http / 1.1 200 OK Keep-Alive: timeout \u003d 3, max \u003d 100 Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Type: Text / HTML X- Powered-by: PHP / 5.3.29 Server: Apache / 2.2.31 (UNIX)

And here we have a centos:

Method: HTTP / 1.1 200 OK EXPIRES: THU, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID \u003d 9P60GTUNRV7G41IURR814H9RD0; PATH \u003d / Connection: Keep-Alive X-Cache-Lookup: Miss from Server: Apache / 2.2.15 (CentOS) X-Powered-BY: PHP / 5.4.37 X-Cache: Miss From Cache-Control: No-Store, No-Cache, Must-Revalidate, Post-Check \u003d 0, Pre-Check \u003d 0 Pragma: No-Cache Date: FRI, 11 Dec 2015 12:08:54 GMT Transfer-Encoding: Chunked Content-Type: text / html; Charset \u003d Windows-1251

In Windows, a typical folder for sites is C: \\ Server \\ Data \\ Htdocs \\. But, in fact, if someone "thoughtful" to make a server on Windows, then, very likely, this person did not hear anything about the privileges. Therefore, start attempts directly from the C: / Windows / catalog /:

As you can see, everything went well the first time.

But the JSQL INJECTION SHELLY themselves causes doubts. If there are file privileges, you can freely download anything with the web interface.

8. Mass checking sites on SQL injection

And even this feature is JSQL injection. Everything is extremely simple - download the list of sites (you can import from the file), select those that you want to check and press the corresponding button to start the operation.

Conclusion by jsql injection

jSQL Injection is a good, powerful tool for searching and subsequent use of SQL injection sites. His undoubted advantages: Easy use, built-in associated functions. JSQL Injection can be the best newcomer when analyzing websites.

From the shortcomings, I would noted the inability to edit databases (at least I did not find this functional). As with all the tools with a graphical interface, you can attribute the inability to use in scripts to the disadvantages of this program. Nevertheless, some automation is possible in this program - thanks to the built-in mass testing of sites.

Sample I. certificate. By a special discount on any faculties and courses!

Start Display AT Page:


1 inurl: index.php? Id \u003d inurl: trainers.php? Id \u003d inurl: buy.php? Category \u003d inurl: article.php? Id \u003d inurllay_old.php? Id \u003d inurl: declaration_more.php? Decl_id \u003d inurlageid \u003d inurl : games.php? id \u003d inurlage.php? File \u003d Inurl: newsdetail.php? id \u003d inurl: gallery.php? id \u003d inurl: article.php? id \u003d inurl: show.php? id \u003d inurl: staff_id \u003d inurl : newsitem.php? num \u003d inurl: readnews.php? id \u003d inurl: TOP10.PHP? Cat \u003d Inurl: historialeer.php? num \u003d inurl: reagir.php? num \u003d inurltray-Questions-View.php? num \u003d inurl : FORUM_BDS.PHP? Num \u003d Inurl: game.php? id \u003d inurl: view_product.php? ID \u003d

2 inurl: newsone.php? ID \u003d INURL: SW_COMMENT.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: news.php? Id \u003d inurl: avd_start.php? Avd \u003d inurl: event.php? ID \u003d INURLRODUCT-ITEM.PHP? ID \u003d INURL : sql.php? id \u003d inurl: news_view.php? id \u003d inurl: select_biblio.php? ID \u003d INURL: HUMOR.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: aboutbook.php? ID \u003d INURL: FICHE_SPECTACLE.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: Communique_Detail .php? id \u003d inurl: sem.php3? ID \u003d INURL: kategorief.php4? id \u003d inurl: news.php? id \u003d inurl: index.php? ID \u003d INURL: FAQ2.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: SHOW_AN.PHP ? ID \u003d inurLreview.php? id \u003d inurl: loadpsb.php? id \u003d inurlpinions.php? ID \u003d INURL: SPR.PHP? ID \u003d

3 inurlages.php? Id \u003d inurl: announce.php? Id \u003d inurl: clanek.php4? Id \u003d inurlarticipant.php? Id \u003d inurl: download.php? Id \u003d inurl: main.php? ID \u003d INURL: Review.php ? ID \u003d INURL: chappies.php? id \u003d inurl: read.php? id \u003d inurlrod_detail.php? ID \u003d INURL: viewphoto.php? id \u003d inurl: article.php? id \u003d inurlerson.php? ID \u003d INURLRODUCTINFO.PHP ? ID \u003d INURL: showimg.php? id \u003d inurl: view.php? id \u003d inurl: Website.php? ID \u003d INURL: hosting_info.php? ID \u003d INURL: Gallery.php? ID \u003d INURL: RUB.PHP? IDR \u003d inurl: view_faq.php? id \u003d inurl: artikelinfo.php? ID \u003d INURL: Detail.php? ID \u003d

4 inurl: index.php? \u003d Inurlrofile_view.php? Id \u003d inurl: category.php? Id \u003d inurlublications.php? ID \u003d INURL: FELLOWS.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: downloads_info.php? Id \u003d inurlrod_info.php? Id \u003d INURL: SHOP.PHP? Do \u003d part & id \u003d inurlroductinfo.php? ID \u003d Inurl: CollectionItem.php? id \u003d inurl: band_info.php? id \u003d inurlroduct.php? id \u003d inurl: releases.php? ID \u003d INURL: RAY. php? id \u003d inurlroduit.php? id \u003d inurlop.php? ID \u003d INURL: SHOPPING.PHP? ID \u003d INURLRODUCTDETAIL.PHP? ID \u003d INURLOST.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: ViewShowDetail.php? ID \u003d INURL: ClubPage.php? id \u003d inurl: memberinfo.php? id \u003d inurl: send.php? id \u003d

5 inurl: theme.php? Id \u003d inurlage.php? Id \u003d inurl: shredder-categories.php? Id \u003d inurl: Tradecategory.php? Id \u003d inurlroduct_Ranges_View.php? ID \u003d INURL: SHOP_CATEGORY.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: TRAN ******. PHP? ID \u003d INURL: CHANNEL_ID \u003d INURL: ITEM_ID \u003d INURL: NEWSID \u003d INURL: trainers.php? id \u003d inurl: news-full.php? id \u003d inurl: news_display.php? GetId \u003d Inurl : index2.php? Option \u003d inurl: readnews.php? ID \u003d INURL: TOP10.PHP? Cat \u003d Inurl: newsone.php? id \u003d inurl: event.php? id \u003d inurlroduct-item.php? ID \u003d INURL: SQL .php? id \u003d inurl: aboutbook.php? id \u003d inurl: Review.php? id \u003d inurl: loadpsb.php? id \u003d

6 inurl: Ages.php? Id \u003d inurl: material.php? Id \u003d inurl: clanek.php4? ID \u003d INURL: Announce.php? Id \u003d inurl: chappies.php? Id \u003d inurl: read.php? Id \u003d inurl : viewapp.php? ID \u003d Inurl: viewphoto.php? ID \u003d INURL: RUB.PHP? IDR \u003d INURL: GALERI_INFO.PHP? L \u003d INURL: REVIEW.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: INIZIATIVA.PHP? IN \u003d INURL: CURRICULUM .php? ID \u003d Inurl: labels.php? id \u003d inurl: Story.php? id \u003d inurl: look.php? ID \u003d INURL: newsone.php? id \u003d inurl: aboutbook.php? ID \u003d INURL: MATERIAL.PHP ? ID \u003d inurlpinions.php? ID \u003d INURL: Announce.php? ID \u003d INURL: RUB.PHP? IDR \u003d INURL: GALERI_INFO.PHP? L \u003d

7 INURL: TEKST.PHP? IDT \u003d INURL: newscat.php? Id \u003d inurl: newsticker_info.php? IDN \u003d INURL: RUBRIKA.PHP? IDR \u003d INURL: RUBP.PHP? IDR \u003d INURLFFER.PHP? IDF \u003d INURL: ART .php? iDm \u003d Inurl: title.php? id \u003d inurl: index.php? id \u003d inurl: trainers.php? id \u003d inurl: buy.php? Category \u003d inurl: article.php? ID \u003d inurLlay_old.php? ID \u003d INURL: declaration_more.php? declaration_id \u003d inurlageid \u003d inurl: Games.php? id \u003d inurlage.php? File \u003d Inurl: newsdetail.php? id \u003d inurl: gallery.php? id \u003d inurl: article.php? ID \u003d INURL : show.php? id \u003d inurl: staff_id \u003d inurl: newsitem.php? num \u003d

8 inurl: readnews.php? ID \u003d INURL: TOP10.PHP? CAT \u003d INURL: HISTORIALEER.PHP? NUM \u003d INURL: REAGIR.PHP? NUM \u003d INURLTRAY-QUESTINS-View.php? Num \u003d inurl: forum_bds.php? Num \u003d INURL: Game.php? id \u003d inurl: view_product.php? ID \u003d INURL: newsone.php? ID \u003d INURL: SW_COMMENT.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: news.php? ID \u003d INURL: AVD_START.PHP? AVD \u003d INURL : event.php? id \u003d inurlroduct-item.php? id \u003d inurl: sql.php? id \u003d inurl: news_view.php? id \u003d inurl: select_biblio.php? ID \u003d INURL: HUMOR.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: AboutBook .php? id \u003d inurl: fiche_spectacle.php? id \u003d inurl: Communique_Detail.php? ID \u003d INURL: SEM.PHP3? ID \u003d INURL: KATEGORIE.PHP4? ID \u003d

9 inurl: news.php? Id \u003d inurl: index.php? ID \u003d INURL: FAQ2.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: show_an.php? Id \u003d inurlreview.php? Id \u003d inurl: loadpsb.php? Id \u003d inurlpinions.php ? ID \u003d INURL: SPR.PHP? ID \u003d INURLAGES.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: ANNOUNCE.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: Clanek.php4? ID \u003d INURLARTICIPANT.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: download.php? ID \u003d Inurl: Main .php? ID \u003d INURL: REVIEW.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: chappies.php? id \u003d inurl: read.php? id \u003d inurlrod_detail.php? id \u003d inurl: viewphoto.php? id \u003d inurl: article.php? ID \u003d inurlerson.php? id \u003d inurlroductinfo.php? id \u003d inurl: showimg.php? id \u003d

10 inurl: view.php? Id \u003d inurl: Website.php? ID \u003d INURL: hosting_info.php? Id \u003d inurl: gallery.php? ID \u003d INURL: RUB.PHP? IDR \u003d INURL: view_faq.php? Id \u003d inurl : artikelinfo.php? id \u003d inurl: detail.php? id \u003d inurl: index.php? \u003d inurlrofile_view.php? ID \u003d INURL: Category.php? id \u003d inurlublications.php? id \u003d inurl: fellows.php? ID \u003d inurl: downloads_info.php? id \u003d inurlrod_info.php? ID \u003d Inurl: Shop.php? Do \u003d Part & ID \u003d inurlroductinfo.php? ID \u003d Inurl: CollectionItem.php? ID \u003d INURL: Band_info.php? ID \u003d Inurlroduct.php? id \u003d inurl: releases.php? ID \u003d INURL: ray.php? id \u003d inurlroduit.php? id \u003d

11 inurlop.php? ID \u003d INURL: SHOPPING.PHP? ID \u003d INURLRODUCTAIL.PHP? ID \u003d INURLOST.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: ViewShowDetail.php? Id \u003d inurl: clubpage.php? ID \u003d INURL: memberinfo.php? ID \u003d INURL: send.php? id \u003d inurl: theme.php? id \u003d inurlage.php? id \u003d inurl: shredder-categories.php? id \u003d inurl: tradecategory.php? ID \u003d inurlroduct_Ranges_View.php? ID \u003d INURL: SHOP_CATEGORY .php? ID \u003d INURL: TRAN ******. PHP? ID \u003d INURL: CHANNEL_ID \u003d INURL: ITEM_ID \u003d INURL: NEWSID \u003d INURL: trainers.php? ID \u003d INURL: news-full.php? ID \u003d INURL : news_display.php? GetID \u003d inurl: index2.php? Option \u003d inurl: readnews.php? id \u003d

12 INURL: TOP10.PHP? CAT \u003d INURL: newsone.php? Id \u003d inurl: event.php? Id \u003d inurlroduct-item.php? ID \u003d INURL: SQL.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: aboutbook.php? ID \u003d INURL : Review.php? id \u003d inurl: loadpsb.php? id \u003d inurl: AgeS.php? ID \u003d Inurl: Material.php? ID \u003d Inurl: Clanek.php4? ID \u003d INURL: Announce.php? ID \u003d Inurl: Chappies .php? id \u003d inurl: read.php? id \u003d inurl: viewapp.php? id \u003d inurl: viewphoto.php? ID \u003d INURL: RUB.PHP? IDR \u003d INURL: GALERI_INFO.PHP? L \u003d INURL: Review.php ? ID \u003d INURL: INIZIATIVA.PHP? IN \u003d INURL: CURRICULUM.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: labels.php? ID \u003d INURL: STORY.PHP? ID \u003d

13 inurl: look.php? Id \u003d inurl: newsone.php? Id \u003d inurl: aboutbook.php? ID \u003d Inurl: Material.php? Id \u003d inurlpinions.php? ID \u003d INURL: Announce.php? ID \u003d Inurl: RUB .php? IDR \u003d INURL: GALERI_INFO.PHP? L \u003d INURL: TEKST.PHP? IDT \u003d INURL: newscat.php? ID \u003d INURL: newsticker_info.php? iDN \u003d INURL: RUBRIKA.PHP? IDR \u003d INURL: RUBP.PHP ? IDR \u003d INURLFFER.PHP? IDF \u003d INURL: art.php? iDM \u003d inurl: title.php? id \u003d inurl: info.php? ID \u003d INURL: PRO.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: "id \u003d" & intext: "Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc () inurl:" id \u003d "& intext:" warning: mysql_fetch_array () inurl: "id \u003d" & intext: "Warning: mysql_num_rows () inurl:" id \u003d "& intext:" Warning: Session_STart ( ) Inurl: "id \u003d" & intext: "Warning: GetImagesize ()

14 Inurl: "id \u003d" & intext: "Warning: IS_WRITABLE () inurl:" id \u003d "& intext:" Warning: GetImagesize () inurl: "id \u003d" & intext: "Warning: unknown () inurl:" ID \u003d "& Intext:" Warning: Session_start () inurl: "id \u003d" & intext: "Warning: mysql_result () inurl:" id \u003d "& intext:" Warning: PG_EXEC () inurl: "id \u003d" & intext: "Warning: MySQL_Result () inurl:" id \u003d "& intext:" Warning: mysql_num_rows () inurl: "id \u003d" & intext: "Warning: MySQL_Query () inurl:" id \u003d "& intext:" Warning: Array_Merge ( ) inurl: "id \u003d" & intext: "Warning: preg_match () inurl:" id \u003d "& intext:" Warning: ileSize () inurl: "id \u003d" & intext: "Warning: Filesize () inurl:" ID \u003d "& Intext:" Warning: Require () inurl: index.php? ID \u003d INURL: trainers.php? id \u003d inurl: buy.php? Category \u003d inurl: article.php? id \u003d inurl: play_old.php? ID \u003d INURL: declaration_more.php? declaration_id \u003d inurl: pageid \u003d inurl: Games.php? ID \u003d Inurl: Page.php? File \u003d

15 inurl: newsdetail.php? Id \u003d inurl: gallery.php? Id \u003d inurl: article.php? Id \u003d inurl: show.php? Id \u003d inurl: staff_id \u003d inurl: newsitem.php? Num \u003d inurl: readnews.php ? ID \u003d INURL: TOP10.PHP? CAT \u003d INURL: HISTORIALEER.PHP? NUM \u003d INURL: REAGIR.PHP? NUM \u003d INURL: STRAY-QUESTONS-View.php? num \u003d inurl: forum_bds.php? Num \u003d Inurl: Game .php? id \u003d inurl: view_product.php? ID \u003d inurl: newsone.php? ID \u003d INURL: SW_COMMENT.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: news.php? ID \u003d INURL: AVD_START.PHP? AVD \u003d INURL: EVENT.PHP ? id \u003d inurl: product-item.php? id \u003d inurl: sql.php? id \u003d inurl: news_view.php? ID \u003d INURL: SELECT_BIBLIO.PHP? Id \u003d

16 inurl: Humor.php? Id \u003d inurl: aboutbook.php? Id \u003d inurl: ogl_inet.php? Ogl_id \u003d inurl: fiche_spectacle.php? Id \u003d inurl: Communique_Detail.php? Id \u003d inurl: SEM.PHP3? ID \u003d INURL : kategorief.php4? id \u003d inurl: news.php? id \u003d inurl: index.php? ID \u003d INURL: FAQ2.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: SHOW_AN.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: preview.php? ID \u003d INURL: LoadSB .php? ID \u003d INURL: opinions.php? id \u003d inurl: spr.php? id \u003d inurl: pages.php? id \u003d inurl: announce.php? id \u003d inurl: clanek.php4? ID \u003d INURL: participant.php ? id \u003d inurl: download.php? id \u003d interl: main.php? ID \u003d INURL: REVIEW.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: chappies.php? id \u003d

17 inurl: read.php? ID \u003d INURL: PROD_DETAIL.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: viewphoto.php? Id \u003d inurl: article.php? Id \u003d inurl: person.php? ID \u003d INURL: PRODUCTINFO.PHP? ID \u003d INURL : showimg.php? id \u003d inurl: view.php? id \u003d inurl: Website.php? id \u003d inurl: hosting_info.php? id \u003d inurl: gallery.php? ID \u003d INURL: RUB.PHP? IDR \u003d INURL: view_faq .php? id \u003d inurl: artikelinfo.php? id \u003d inurl: detail.php? id \u003d inurl: index.php? \u003d inurl: profile_view.php? ID \u003d INURL: Category.php? ID \u003d INURL: Publications.php? id \u003d inurl: fellows.php? id \u003d inurl: downloads_info.php? ID \u003d INURL: PROD_INFO.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: SHOP.PHP? DO \u003d Part & ID \u003d

18 INURL: PRODUCTINFO.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: collectionitem.php? Id \u003d inurl: band_info.php? Id \u003d inurl: product.php? Id \u003d inurl: releases.php? ID \u003d INURL: RAY.PHP? ID \u003d INURL : produit.php? id \u003d inurl: pop.php? ID \u003d INURL: SHOPPING.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: PRODUCTDETAIL.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: POST.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: ViewShowDetail.php? ID \u003d Inurl: ClubPage .php? id \u003d inurl: memberinfo.php? id \u003d inurl: send.php? id \u003d inurl: theme.php? id \u003d inurl: Page.php? ID \u003d INURL: SHREDDER-CATEGORIES.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: Tradecategory .php? id \u003d inurl: Product_Ranges_View.php? ID \u003d INURL: SHOP_CATEGORY.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: transcript.php? ID \u003d Inurl: Channel_ID \u003d

19 inurl: item_id \u003d inurl: newsid \u003d inurl: trainers.php? Id \u003d inurl: news-full.php? Id \u003d inurl: news_display.php? GetId \u003d Inurl: index2.php? Option \u003d inurl: readnews.php? ID \u003d INURL: TOP10.PHP? Cat \u003d Inurl: newsone.php? ID \u003d INURL: EVENT.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: PRODUCT-ITEM.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: SQL.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: aboutbook.php? ID \u003d INURL: preview.php? id \u003d inurl: loadpsb.php? id \u003d inurl: pages.php? ID \u003d INURL: MATERIAL.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: CLANEK.PHP4? ID \u003d INURL: Announce.php? ID \u003d INURL : chappies.php? ID \u003d inurl: read.php? id \u003d inurl: viewapp.php? id \u003d inurl: viewphoto.php? id \u003d

20 INURL: RUB.PHP? IDR \u003d INURL: GALERI_INFO.PHP? L \u003d INURL: REVIEW.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: INIZIATIVA.PHP? IN \u003d INURL: CURRICULUM.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: labels.php? ID \u003d INURL : Story.php? id \u003d inurl: look.php? id \u003d inurl: newsone.php? id \u003d inurl: aboutbook.php? id \u003d inurl: Material.php? ID \u003d INURL: OPINIONS.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: ANNOUNCE .php? ID \u003d INURL: RUB.PHP? IDR \u003d INURL: GALERI_INFO.PHP? L \u003d INURL: TEKST.PHP? IDT \u003d INURL: newscat.php? ID \u003d INURL: newsticker_info.php? iDN \u003d INURL: RUBRIKA.PHP ? IDR \u003d INURL: RUBP.PHP? IDR \u003d INURL: OFUR.PHP? IDF \u003d INURL: art.php? iDm \u003d Inurl: title.php? id \u003d

21! Scan side.php? Arq \u003d allinurl: .php? ARQ \u003d! Scan side.php? Table \u003d allinurl: .php? Table \u003d! Scan side.php? Vis \u003d allinurl: .php? Vis \u003d! Scan Side. php? vis \u003d allinurl: side.php? vis \u003d! scan site.php? ARQ \u003d allinurl: .php? ARQ \u003d! scan site.php? meio \u003d allinurl: .php? meio \u003d! scan site.php? Table \u003d allinurl: .php? Table \u003d! scan s.php? table \u003d allinurl: .php? Table \u003d! scan start.php? id \u003d allinurl: "Php? id \u003d"! scan start.php? id \u003d allinurl: " start.php? id \u003d "! scan start.php? id \u003d allinurl: start.php? id \u003d! scan start.php? lang \u003d allinurl:" PHP? lang \u003d "! scan start.php? lang \u003d allinurl: "start.php? lang \u003d"! scan start.php? lang \u003d allinurl: start.php? lang \u003d! scan start.php? lang \u003d .php? lang \u003d! scan start.php? lang \u003d start.php? lang \u003d! scan start.php? mod \u003d allinurl: "php? mod \u003d"! scan start.php? mod \u003d allinurl: "start.php? mod \u003d"! scan start.php? Page \u003d allinurl: "PHP? Page \u003d "! scan start.php? Page \u003d allinurl:" start.php? Page \u003d "! scan start.php? Page \u003d start.php? Page \u003d! scan start.php? PAG \u003d start.php? pag \u003d! Scan Start.php? pg \u003d start.php? pg \u003d

22! Scan start.php? P \u003d start.php? P \u003d! Scan start.php? S \u003d allinurl: "PHP? S \u003d"! Scan start.php? S \u003d allinurl: "start.php? S \u003d" ! scan start.php? s \u003d allinurl: start.php? S \u003d! scan start.php? s \u003d start.php? s \u003d! scan str.php? lang \u003d str.php? lang \u003d! scan str.php? ln \u003d str.php? ln \u003d! scan str.php? l \u003d str.php? l \u003d! scan str.php? Page \u003d STR.PHP? Page \u003d! Scan str.php? p \u003d str.php? p \u003d ! scan sub.php? menu \u003d "Sub.php? menu \u003d"! scan sub.php? Menu \u003d Sub.php? menu \u003d! scan sub.php? s \u003d "sub.php? s \u003d"! Scan Sub. PHP? S \u003d Sub.php? s \u003d! scan sub.php? SUB \u003d "Sub.php? sub \u003d"! scan sub.php? SUB \u003d Sub.php? SUB \u003d! scan task.php? Task \u003d Allinurl: .php? task \u003d! scan task.php? task \u003d allinurl: task.php? task \u003d! scan /templates/Mangobery/footer.sample.php?site_path\u003d mangobery! scan /templates/Mangobere/Footer.sample.php? Site_Path \u003d Mangobery 0.5.5! Scan /templates/Mangobery/Footer.sample.php?Site_Path\u003d Mangobery

23! Scan trans.php? TRANS \u003d ALLINURL: "PHP? TRANS \u003d"! Scan trans.php? Trans \u003d allinurl: "trans.php? Trans \u003d"! Scan /trans.php?trans\u003dEng&page\u003d Allinurl : "PHP? TRANS \u003d"! scan /trans/trans.php?trans\u003den&page\u003d allinurl: "PHP? TRANS \u003d"! scan /trans/trans.php?trans\u003dFR&page\u003d Allinurl: "PHP? TRANS \u003d "! scan /trans/trans.php?trans\u003dko&page\u003d Allinurl:" PHP? TRANS \u003d "! scan /trans/trans.php?trans\u003d&page\u003d Allinurl:" PHP? TRANS \u003d "! SCAN / TRANS /Trans.php?trans\u003d&p\u003d allinurl: "PHP? TRANS \u003d"! scan view.php? sub \u003d "view.php? sub \u003d"! scan view.php? SUB \u003d view.php? SUB \u003d! SCAN view.php? Table \u003d allinurl: .php? table \u003d! scan voir.php? Inc \u003d allinurl: "Php? adid \u003d"! scan werbungframe.php? do \u003d allinurl: "Php? Do \u003d"! scan / WS / get_events.php? includeDir \u003d "WebCalendar"! scan /ws/get_events.php?includedir\u003d Web Calendar! scan /ws/get_events.php?includedir\u003d WebCalendar! scan /ws/get_events.php?includedir\u003d WebCalendar V0. 9.45! Scan /ws/get_reminders.php?includedir\u003d WebCalendar! Scan /ws/get_reminders.php?includedir\u003d WebCalendar V0.9.45! Scan /ws/login.php?includedir\u003d Webca Lendar! scan /ws/login.php?includedir\u003d WebCalendar v0.9.45! Scan OCP-103 / index.php? REQ_Path \u003d Ocportal! scan images / evil.php? Owned \u003d E107

24! Scan index.php? Ver \u003d allinurl: .php? Ver \u003d! Scan index.php? Ver \u003d allinurl: "Php? Ver \u003d"! Scan index.php? Ver \u003d .php? Ver \u003d! Scan / index .php? vis \u003d allinurl: /index.php? VIS \u003d! scan /index.php?vis\u003d allinurl: .php? vis \u003d! scan index.php? Way \u003d index.php? Way \u003d! scan index.php? WAY \u003d .PHP? WAY \u003d! scan index.php? wpage \u003d allinurl: "index.php? wpage \u003d"! scan index.php? wpage \u003d allinurl: "PHP? WPAGE \u003d"! scan info.php? ln \u003d allinurl: "info.php? ln \u003d"! scan info.php? ln \u003d allinurl: info.php? ln \u003d! scan info.php? ln \u003d allinurl: "Php? ln \u003d"! scan /interna.php? meio \u003d allinurl: "Php? Meio \u003d"! scan kalender.php? vis \u003d allinurl: "kalender.php"! scan kalender.php? vis \u003d allinurl: "kalender.php? vis \u003d"! scan kalender.php? VIS \u003d ALLINURL: "PHP? VIS \u003d"! scan lang.php? arg \u003d allinurl: .php? arg \u003d! scan lang.php? ARQ \u003d allinurl: .php? ARQ \u003d! scan lang.php? lk \u003d allinurl : "PHP? LK \u003d"! scan lang.php? ln \u003d allinurl: .php? ln \u003d allinurl: .php? ln \u003d! scan lang.php? subpage \u003d allinurl: "PHP? subpage \u003d"! scan lang.php? SUBP \u003d AllinurL: ".php? sub \u003d"! scan lang.php? subp \u003d allinurl: "PHP? SUBP \u003d"

25! Scan /lib/db/ez_sql.php?lib_path\u003d TTCMS! Scan /lib/db/ez_sql.php?lib_path\u003d TTCMS<= v4!scan /lib/static/header.php?set_menu= iphoto Album!scan /lib/static/header.php?set_menu= iphotoalbum!scan /lib/static/header.php?set_menu= iphotoalbum v1.1!scan link.php?do= allinurl:".php?do="!scan list.php?product= allinurl:.php?product=!scan list.php?table= allinurl:.php?table=!scan ln.php?ln= allinurl:.php?ln=!scan loc.php?l= allinurl:".php?l="!scan loc.php?l= allinurl:".php?loc="!scan loc.php?lang= allinurl:".php?lang="!scan loc.php?lang= allinurl:".php?loc="!scan loc.php?loc= allinurl:"loc.php?loc="!scan loc.php?loc= allinurl:".php?loc="!scan login.php?loca=.php?loca=!scan magazine.php?inc= allinurl:".php?inc="!scan main1.php?arg= allinurl:.php?arg=!scan main1.php?ln= allinurl:.php?ln=!scan main2.php?ln= allinurl:.php?ln=!scan main.html.php?seite= allinurl:.php?seite=!scan main.php3?act= allinurl:"main.php3?act="!scan main.php3?act= allinurl:".php3?act="

26! Scan main.php5? Page \u003d .php5? ID \u003d! Scan main.php? A \u003d allinurl: "PHP? A \u003d"! Scan main.php? Arg \u003d allinurl: .php? Arg \u003d! Scan Main. php? ba \u003d allinurl: "main.php? ba \u003d"! scan main.php? Ba \u003d allinurl: "Php? Ba \u003d"! scan main.php? Command \u003d allinurl: "main.php? Command \u003d"! Scan main.php? Command \u003d allinurl: "Php? Command \u003d"! scan main.php? d1 \u003d allinurl: "main.php? d1 \u003d"! scan main.php? d1 \u003d allinurl: "PHP? D1 \u003d "! scan main.php? F1 \u003d allinurl:" PHP? F1 \u003d "! scan main.php? FSET \u003d allinurl:" Php? FSET \u003d "! scan main.php? id \u003d inurl:" Main.php? id \u003d *. PHP "! scan main.php? Inc \u003d allinurl:" Php? Inc \u003d "! scan main.php? ln \u003d allinurl: .php? ln \u003d! scan main.php? ltr \u003d allinurl:". php? ltr \u003d "! scan main.php? s \u003d allinurl:" main.php? s \u003d "! scan main.php? s \u003d allinurl: main.php? S \u003d! scan main.php? S \u003d allinurl: PHP? S \u003d! scan main.php? S \u003d allinurl: "PHP? S \u003d"! scan main.php? Sit \u003d allinurl: "PHP? SIT \u003d"! scan main.php? Table \u003d allinurl: .php ? Table \u003d! scan main.php? vis \u003d allinurl: "main.php? vis \u003d"! scan main.php? vis \u003d allinurl: main.php? vis \u003d

27! Scan main.php? VIS \u003d ALLINURL: "PHP? VIS \u003d"! Scan mai.php? Act \u003d allinurl: "mai.php? Act \u003d"! Scan mai.php? Act \u003d allinurl: mai.php? act \u003d! scan mai.php? Loc \u003d allinurl: "MAI.PHP? LOC \u003d"! scan mai.php? Loc \u003d allinurl: mai.php? Loc \u003d! scan mai.php? src \u003d allinurl: "Mai.PHP ? src \u003d "! scan mai.php? src \u003d allinurl: mai.php? src \u003d! scan map.php? Loc \u003d Map.php? Loc \u003d! scan middle.php? File \u003d Inurl:" middle.php? File \u003d "! scan middle.php? File \u003d Inurl:" middle.php? Page \u003d "! scan middle.php? file \u003d inurl:" Php? File \u003d "! scan middle.php? File \u003d Inurl:" PHP ? Page \u003d "! scan middle.php? file \u003d middle.php? file \u003d! scan middle.php? File \u003d Middle.php? Page \u003d! Scan middle.php? File \u003d .php? File \u003d! scan middle.php ? File \u003d .php? Page \u003d! scan middle.php? Page \u003d Inurl: "Middle.php? Page \u003d"! scan middle.php? Page \u003d Inurl: "PHP? Page \u003d"! scan middle.php? Page \u003d "PO \u003d middle.php? Page \u003d! scan middle.php? Page \u003d .php? Page \u003d! scan missc.php? do \u003d allinurl: "Php? do \u003d"! scan mod.php? mod \u003d allinurl: "MOD. php? mod \u003d "! scan mod.php? mod \u003d allinurl:" PHP? MOD \u003d "

28! Scan module.php? Mod \u003d allinurl: "module.php? Mod \u003d"! Scan module.php? Mod \u003d allinurl: "php? Mod \u003d"! Scan /modules/postguestbook/styles/internal/header.php ? tpl_pgb_moddir \u003d allinurl: "postguestbook" scan /modules/postguestbook/styles/internal/header.php?tpl_pgb_moddir\u003d inurl:! "postguestbook" scan /modules/postguestbook/styles/internal/header.php?tpl_pgb_moddir\u003d inurl:! " postguestbook 0.6.1 "! scan /modules/postguestbook/styles/internal/header.php?tpl_pgb_moddir\u003d" postGuestbook "! scan /modules/postguestbook/styles/internal/header.php?tpl_pgb_moddir\u003d postGuestbook! scan / modules / postguestbook / STYES / INTERNAL / HEADER.PHP? TPL_PGB_MODDR \u003d PostGuestbook 0.6.1! scan modul.php? mod \u003d allinurl: "modul.php? mod \u003d"! scan modul.php? mod \u003d allinurl: "PHP? MOD \u003d"! Scan More.Php? sub \u003d "more.php? sub \u003d"

29! Scan more.php? SUB \u003d more.php? Sub \u003d! Scan nav.php? G \u003d "nav.php? G \u003d"! Scan nav.php? G \u003d nav.php? G \u003d! Scan nav.php ? go \u003d "nav.php? go \u003d"! scan nav.php? go \u003d nav.php? go \u003d! scan nav.php? lk \u003d allinurl: "Php? lk \u003d"! scan nav.php? ln \u003d allinurl: .php? ln \u003d! scan nav.php? Loc \u003d nav.php! scan nav.php? Loc \u003d Nav.php? Loc \u003d! scan nav.php? Loc \u003d .php? Loc \u003d! scan nav.php ? nav \u003d "nav.php? nav \u003d"! scan nav.php? nav \u003d nav.php? nav \u003d! scan nav.php? Page \u003d "NAV.PHP? Page \u003d"! scan nav.php? Page \u003d NAV .php? Page \u003d! Scan nav.php? pagina \u003d "nav.php? pagina \u003d"! scan template.php? sekce \u003d! scan down * .php? Gofile \u003d! scan blank.php? Header \u003d! Scan Start. PHP? BODY \u003d! scan standard.php? body \u003d! scan base.php? path \u003d! scan base.php? module \u003d! scan default.php? L \u003d

30! Scan principal.php? Strona \u003d! Scan info.php? L \u003d! Scan template.php? Left \u003d! Scan index2.php? Texto \u003d! Scan home.php? Eval \u003d! Scan padrao.php? Section \u003d! Scan blank.php? Gofile \u003d! scan head.php? Loc \u003d! scan index.php? index \u003d! Scan Page.php? Ir \u003d! scan print.php? path \u003d! scan layout.php? Ir \u003d! Scan Blank .php? pollname \u003d! scan down * .php? Path \u003d! scan include.php? x \u003d! scan sitio.php? opcion \u003d! scan pagina.php? category \u003d! scan start.php? Pageweb \u003d! Scan Gallery. PHP? RUB \u003d! scan template.php? SP \u003d! scan sub * .php? Basepath \u003d! scan press.php? Menu \u003d! scan standard.php? section \u003d

31! Scan Enter.php? Abre \u003d! Scan index2.php? Pref \u003d! Scan index1.php? PA \u003d! Scan sitio.php? Incl \u003d! Scan principal.php? Seite \u003d! Scan show.php? Ki \u003d! Scan Gallery.php? Chapter \u003d! scan nota.php? QRY \u003d! scan pagina.php? pagina \u003d! scan index3.php? x \u003d! scan default.php? Menu \u003d! scan Page.php? Strona \u003d! scan * INC * .PHP? Open \u003d! scan index3.php? SECAO \u003d! scan standard.php? * [*] * \u003d! scan default.php? Abre \u003d! scan template.php? Basepath \u003d! scan Standard.php? Gofile \u003d! scan index2.php? Ir \u003d! scan file.php? modo \u003d! scan gallery.php? ItemNAV \u003d! scan main.php? oldal \u003d! scan press.php? pg \u003d

32! Scan down * .php? Showpage \u003d! Scan start.php? Nivel \u003d! Scan start.php? Destino \u003d! Scan index1.php? Filepath \u003d! Scan blank.php? RUB \u003d! Scan path.php? Ir \u003d ! scan layout.php? var \u003d! scan padrao.php? Op \u003d! scan mod * .php? pre \u003d! scan index1.php? Texto \u003d! scan start.php? pg \u003d! scan default.php? PA \u003d! Scan Press.php? Strona \u003d! scan nota.php? cmd \u003d! scan index1.php? showpage \u003d! scan info.php? go \u003d! scan standard.php? abre \u003d! scan general.php? section \u003d! scan index1 .php? ItemNAV \u003d! scan layout.php? seite \u003d! scan path.php? load \u003d! scan home.php? pollname \u003d! Scan Path.php? Left \u003d

33! SCAN DOWN * .PHP? INC \u003d! Scan index3.php? Abre \u003d! Scan blank.php? Where \u003d! Scan info.php? Start \u003d! Scan include.php? Channel \u003d! Scan print.php? Dir \u003d ! scan pag inurl: index.php? ID \u003d INURL: trainers.php? id \u003d inurl: buy.php? Category \u003d inurl: article.php? id \u003d inurl: play_old.php? id \u003d inurl: declaration_more.php? decl_id \u003d INURL: PageID \u003d INURL: Games.php? ID \u003d Inurl: Page.php? File \u003d Inurl: newSdetail.php? id \u003d inurl: gallery.php? id \u003d inurl: article.php? ID \u003d Inurl: show.php ? ID \u003d INURL: STAFF_ID \u003d INURL: newsitem.php? num \u003d inurl: readnews.php? id \u003d

34 INURL: TOP10.PHP? CAT \u003d INURL: HISTORIALEER.PHP? NUM \u003d INURL: REAGIR.PHP? NUM \u003d INURL: STRAY-QUESTINS-View.php? Num \u003d inurl: forum_bds.php? Num \u003d Inurl: Game.php ? id \u003d inurl: view_product.php? ID \u003d INURL: newsone.php? ID \u003d INURL: SW_COMMENT.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: news.php? ID \u003d INURL: AVD_START.PHP? avd \u003d inurl: event.php? ID \u003d inurl: product-item.php? id \u003d inurl: sql.php? id \u003d inurl: news_view.php? id \u003d inurl: select_biblio.php? ID \u003d INURL: HUMOR.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: AboutBook.php? ID \u003d inurl: ogl_inet.php? ogl_id \u003d inurl: fiche_spectacle.php? id \u003d inurl: Communique_Detail.php? ID \u003d INURL: SEM.PHP3? ID \u003d INURL: KATEGORIE.PHP4? ID \u003d

35 inurl: news.php? Id \u003d inurl: index.php? ID \u003d INURL: FAQ2.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: SHOW_AN.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: preview.php? Id \u003d inurl: loadpsb.php? Id \u003d inurl : opinions.php? id \u003d inurl: spr.php? id \u003d inurl: pages.php? id \u003d inurl: announce.php? id \u003d inurl: clanek.php4? ID \u003d INURL: participant.php? ID \u003d INURL: Download .php? id \u003d inurl: main.php? ID \u003d INURL: REVIEW.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: chappies.php? id \u003d inurl: read.php? ID \u003d INURL: PROD_DETAIL.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: viewphoto.php ? ID \u003d inurl: article.php? ID \u003d INURL: person.php? ID \u003d INURL: PRODUCTINFO.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: Showimg.php? id \u003d

36 inurl: view.php? ID \u003d INURL: Website.php? Id \u003d inurl: hosting_info.php? Id \u003d inurl: gallery.php? ID \u003d INURL: RUB.PHP? IDR \u003d INURL: view_faq.php? Id \u003d inurl : artikelinfo.php? id \u003d inurl: Detail.php? id \u003d inurl: index.php? \u003d inurl: profile_view.php? ID \u003d INURL: Category.php? ID \u003d Inurl: publications.php? id \u003d inurl: FELLOWS. php? id \u003d inurl: downloads_info.php? ID \u003d INURL: PROD_INFO.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: SHOP.PHP? DO \u003d Part & ID \u003d Inurl: ProductInfo.php? ID \u003d INURL: CollectionItem.php? ID \u003d Inurl: Band_info. php? id \u003d inurl: product.php? ID \u003d INURL: REELEASES.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: RAY.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: PRODUIT.PHP? ID \u003d

37 Inurl: pop.php? Id \u003d inurl: shopping.php? ID \u003d INURL: PRODUCTDETAIL.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: POST.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: ViewShowDetail.php? ID \u003d INURL: ClubPage.php? ID \u003d INURL : memberinfo.php? id \u003d inurl: send.php? id \u003d inurl: theme.php? id \u003d inurl: Page.php? ID \u003d INURL: SHREDDER-CATEGORIES.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: Tradecategory.php? ID \u003d INURL : Product_Ranges_View.php? ID \u003d INURL: SHOP_CATEGORY.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: transcript.php? id \u003d inurl: channel_id \u003d inurl: item_id \u003d inurl: newsid \u003d inurl: trainers.php? ID \u003d Inurl: news-Full.php ? id \u003d inurl: news_display.php? getid \u003d inurl: index2.php? Option \u003d inurl: readnews.php? id \u003d

38 INURL: TOP10.PHP? CAT \u003d INURL: newsone.php? ID \u003d INURL: EVENT.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: PRODUCT-ITEM.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: SQL.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: AboutBook.php? ID \u003d INURL: preview.php? id \u003d inurl: loadpsb.php? id \u003d inurl: pages.php? ID \u003d INURL: MATERIAL.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: CLANEK.PHP4? ID \u003d INURL: Announce.php? ID \u003d INURL : chappies.php? id \u003d inurl: read.php? id \u003d inurl: viewapp.php? ID \u003d INURL: viewphoto.php? ID \u003d INURL: RUB.PHP? IDR \u003d INURL: GALERI_INFO.PHP? L \u003d INURL: REVIEW .php? ID \u003d INURL: INIZIATIVA.PHP? IN \u003d INURL: CURRICULUM.PHP? ID \u003d INURL: labels.php? ID \u003d INURL: STORY.PHP? ID \u003d

39 Inurl: look.php? Id \u003d inurl: newsone.php? Id \u003d inurl: aboutbook.php? Id \u003d inurl: material.php? Id \u003d inurl: opinions.php? Id \u003d inurl: announce.php? Id \u003d inurl : RUB.PHP? IDR \u003d INURL: GALERI_INFO.PHP? L \u003d INURL: TEKST.PHP? IDT \u003d INURL: newscat.php? id \u003d inurl: newsticker_info.php? iDN \u003d INURL: RUBRIKA.PHP? IDR \u003d INURL: RUBP .php? iDR \u003d INURL: OFUR.PHP? IDF \u003d INURL: art.php? iDm \u003d Inurl: title.php? id \u003d inurl: gallery.php? id \u003d inurl: article.php? id \u003d inurl: show.php ? id \u003d inurl: STAFF_ID \u003d INURL: newsitem.php? num \u003d inurl: readnews.php? id \u003d inurl: TOP10.PHP? Cat \u003d

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Each person at least once involved in the promotion or extension of puzomers of sites faced the problem of the lack of good databases of catalogs, sites, etc. in free access. Many buy bases, I usually collect myself.

What is needed for this:

Help in request language for searching in Yandex\u003d481939
- The same for searching in Google
- Which Parser AllSubmitter, HREFER, Aggress Parser

I limited to two PS, you can use jaru, bing, meel ...

Let's start, for example, we will try to pull out as much dle sites as possible. We go to any site on this engine, and we are looking for characteristic features, i.e. What is on each site.

What is every dle site?

Registration page located at http: // Do \u003d Register
- page with feedback form http: // do \u003d feedback
- Http statistics page: // do \u003d Stats
- page with rules when registering (not all, appeared in the latest versions) http: // do \u003d rules

In Google there is a useful statement to search for pages containing in your address the necessary text, it is called inurl. Those. To search for all registration pages, we are looking for inurl in Google: "index.php? do \u003d register", to search for inurl feedback pages: "index.php? do \u003d feedback", etc. We try to find inurl: "index.php? Do \u003d register", found: 1,330,000, but there is a problem.

For each request, Google and Yandex give out only a thousand results, so you need as many signs as possible, while there are 4, then you dilute each sign by some words that are found on the page we are looking for, for example, from the Inurl sign: "index.php ? do \u003d register, "we will do the following:

Inurl: "index.php? Do \u003d register" "Registration"
- inurl: "index.php? do \u003d register" "Password"
- inurl: "index.php? do \u003d register" "Repeat the password"
- Inurl: "index.php? do \u003d register" "Safety Code"
- inurl: "index.php? do \u003d register" "Enter the code"
- Inurl: "index.php? do \u003d register" "confirmation of security code"

All words are standard, just here you can add English, Ukrainian and other options for the same words if you need a base not only Russian-speaking sites. In Yandex, everything is similar, only a little bit different inurl operator, look in Helpe.

While we have considered the operator to search at the address of the page, consider another PARSING Option: Search by title: Intitle - in Google and Title - in Yandex. Let's try to search the title of the registration page:

intitle: "Visitor registration", a little garbage appeared, the sites running not on DLE, we do not need, it is not difficult to cut them out, we will do the same as when searching for the page address, add a word to more accurate search:

intitle: »Visitor registration» Safety Code, now only DLE and any garbage. Search in Yandex by header page is carried out practically the same.

For the parsing, I use AllSubmitter, pleasantly and easy to use, add all the signs to it, naturally take the ruin, and Parsim Google, then Parsim Yandex. Naparisil 12k sites walking along a quarter of the signs, after removing the doubles there are 3, 5k d to the sites.

It seems that everything is most difficult to find in the engines what makes Yandex or Google bring you the desired list of sites, for example in EasyBook - this is the address of the page for reading, adding records, except for the usual address, you can try to search CNC addresses of the required pages. In Drupal, for example, records have the address / Node / number_piece ...

This is the easiest way to find the right sites, there are other ...

I bring to your attention the translation of the article "BECOMING PHP PROFESSIONAL. Missing Link.


When I read the various blogs associated with PHP, questions on Quora (English-language service Question-answer, approx. Translator), Community on Google+, newspapers and magazines, I often notice the extreme polarization of programming skills. Questions are or level "But how can I connect to the MySQL database", or something from the area "How can I quickly distribute my postal system resources in order to send more than one million letters per hour without using a new server?"

Personally, I highlight 4 clear levels of "glory" in PHP (applicable also for any other language or profession): newbie, middle-quality, professional and elite .

Briefly about all levels

In PHP newcomers learn about variables, inclouds, about working with HTML-forms. They study simple logic constructions; send email, while using the tutorial lessons, and sometimes even affect the examples where object-oriented programmingBut even no idea what it is at all. Newbies work with WordPress (WP) and change multiple CSS classes. With these knowledge, they are taken for work, but, unfortunately, do not cope with it.

Professionals are people who paid a considerable part of their lives to various projects. They developed commercial applications on the majority, if not at all, frighteners ("frame" of your application or project), they effectively combined PHR and various databases, they visited the conference and even performed on them. They know the design templates and can easily design a whole project alone - from building diagrams prior to launching a project, and a procedural code has not written.

Elite programmers are the same professionals who spent more than 10,000 hours to increase their level. They use in their developmental expansion written by them can find the bug, simply watching your code with a quick look, and they are also extremely scrupulous to the appearance of their code. The elite takes only the most difficult projects and finds alternative ways to solve the problems that people do not even know. They wrote a couple of well-selling books about PHP, performed on dozens of conferences, perhaps even created their direction in PHP or even a very successful framework, or even two.

But who is the "averages"?

Missing link

So how can the newcomer be a professional? If a person does not know anything other than Azov, how can he increase his level and start practicing in more complex tasks? This is the question that a lot of newcomers asked me. The first step in order to become a professional is to become something average, so-called. "MEDIUM".

Forget "Spaghetti code"

Most thinks that the use of classes means that you write an object-oriented code, whereas the use of functions means that the code is procedural. Let's post together with common opinions: Procedural code is the one in which you do not use classes or objects, but an object-oriented code - with the use of classes and objects to the maximum.

My advice is to completely forget about the procedural code. Use the OOP as often as possible - write classes, use encapsulation, think real entities. The gain of the procedural code in performance over the code based on classes looks insignificantly compared to the subsequent use of your project by other developers. Often I meet the phrase "But WordPress Procedural!". Honestly, and how it would not have sounded sharply, but the "developers" WP are the same PHP developers, like people with Instargam - photographers. But it is not necessary to take it like the fact that the WP is useless - it is ideal for blogs, simple web sites and one-day projects that you do not want to spend a lot of time. It is ideal for rapid earnings or for people who are not so technical, but the use of WP will never make you a professional in PHP - after all, WP is, in fact, a long "Spaghetti code", which is unlikely to teach you the right design principles.

Start with small. Think of the concept of the real world and try to absorb it using the OOP. Explore various basic tutorials and gradually become more experienced and advanced. Work with OOP until you figure out the classes as a whole before switching to work with FRAYMWORKS and in bewilderment to look at the concepts such as "Model", "View" and "Controler" - it's all too foggy without UPP understanding.

Analyze existing projects

Disassemble the existing source code from everywhere, where it can be found. For example, find projects on github'e, install them on your computer and experiment with the code. From the file to the file, from the string to the string, and until you understand what makes each line in each file.

Look for such projects that are well reduced and / or documented, with a good structure and are still relevant. Projects that were last updated in 2008, it is unlikely to help you deal with PHP version 5.5 - you can lose sight of the latest and most magnificent functions that will help you stand out among others in this area.

Learn to configure your development environment.

Be able to establish your development environment - invaluable skill. This not only allows you to well configure your Wednesday, but also introduces you to the process of developing extensions from the source code.

Forget about Windows for development. If you have the Windows operating system installed - install the virtual machine with Linux OS on it. The reason for such a solution is the end of the rows, as well as other strange contradictions on most servers with Windows, so it is best to develop on the OS that is most like the one on which you will run your project.

Virtual machines also help you experiment - if something went wrong, you can restart it from scratch or just make the system rollback. In the literal sense, you can experiment as much as you want, without fear of what you spoil. Development tools are important, as well as the workplace.

Various experiments with your settings can introduce you to various servers - whether you use Apache or Nginx, or neither the other, and prefer AppServer.

Get to good tone

When you write your code, make sure that you have commented well using the documentation blocks, and your code is well structured and looks good. After you have created a class, project or library, use the well-known documentation tools (PhpDocumentor, Apigen) to highlight blocks of documentation and improve them.

A good development environment is in gold to be occupied by it - the use of one cross-platform editor will help you quickly deal with the new development environment, and you can immediately immerse yourself in the code, without spending time on setting the hot keys and themes. Make sure you have a backup of the configuration files of your development environment on the cloud storage, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, so that you can use it at any time. One of the good development environments is PHPSTORM, or if you cannot afford it or you do not have open projects for which you can ask for a free license, NetBeans is a free alternative. Both media are cross-platform.

The sooner you take care of a good tone, the earlier your code will be able to read "not straining" other developers. Find your style and stick it - it will help you and others. Try to adhere to PSR standards (PSR-0, PSR-1, PSR-2, PSR-3) as much as possible ones and standards. Most of us use them and loves, and they, in turn, make the code readable and allow you to use for their needs.

Also, for the Noviku, this resource is well suited as PHP The Right Way - fresh prompts for beginners and not only - use them to deeper to understand the foundations of OOP, security, project launch, write code in accordance with the standards that have been mentioned earlier and much more.

Try different frameworks, select one

For a long time PHP was tongue with the largest framework for him (JavaScript bypassed PHP only recently). One way or another, this indicates the inconsistency of our community or about the popularity of the language, but the fact remains a fact: the choice of FREAMVORA is a difficult task, especially for beginners.

Having tried many of them, I can sincerely advise you Phalcon for exploring Freymvork, because It is reliable and high-quality, in fact, written in C and is set as the expansion of PHP (therefore, it is faster than all the existing FRAYMWORKS). Nevertheless, try different frameworks - it really is inappropriate.

After you work with them, you will learn about new approaches to ordinary problems every time. Every frightener has its own fads that you like, as well as their cons who you will hate. But the most important thing is that you will understand how other developers think (in particular, the developers of this FREAMVOR). You will see how many new features and approaches appeared, and a very good exercise will be the transfer of one of your project to so many Freymvorks as you can find. This will help you to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of a separate framework: the speed of development on it and its performance.

Read literature

Do not neglect the tips and tips of others. Read as much as you can - if you do it, it will not take you so much time as it seems to you. Find good blogs, read the tutorials on, discuss questions and answers to Stackoverflow, go to the forums, make a newspaper subscription, follow good sources on Google+. It is not worth reading standard PHP textbooks - they are outdated at the moment when they came out - instead, focus on personal notes and lessons where there is a useful and modern code that you can find everywhere you network. Even if you came across the topic, which are already familiar, try to read it again - often you can find new food for reflection and different approaches to the same things.

No job? Come up!

Always There is something to do. Never say the phrase "I do not have a project for work" or, even worse, "I'm bored, I'm tired." If you do not have a project for work - create it. Do you have to use something daily and it upsets you insufficient functionality? Create alternative, but better! No ideas for a new project? Create an existing one - try rewritten, for example, Facebook, recreate what you have already seen.

The most important thing is to never stop. You can not accumulate 10,000 hours if you do not spend them for the case! Continue to work, interest the new, constantly take yourself something. Create a simple address book. Then make it on another frightener. Then try another database (go to MARIADB on MONGO, for example). Take yourself something!

Find a friend / mentor

It is easiest to learn something when there is to do it with. Find a person who shares your passion. You may be lucky, and you will find yourself one of those who share the interests of your partner. Perhaps you learn at school or university and you have peers who want to start this amazing adventure, but they need a company. You can also find a mentor and get advice from the expert.


When you focus on these aspects as possible, when you understand what you want to move on - you are on the way to become a professional php developer. Remember the discipline, never give up (even if others surrendered) and practice.
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