Windows 10 start uninstall the rest. Adding and removing new tiles

When you start Windows 10 for the first time, the first thing you'll notice is the large number of pre-installed apps on the start menu. You can get rid of some in two clicks, while others will not be so supportive, and the maximum that you can do with them is to place them on.

We will not ask our readers to put up with this state of affairs; instead, we will gladly tell you how to fix this ailment. The article will be especially useful for those who have the total number of all icons can reach the number ... 256 or 100,000,000 in the binary system. Since most users currently have build 10140, you will simply lose control of the start menu. This is due to a mistake made by the developers. Because of it, the icons begin to be sorted in an arbitrary way, as well as the scrolling mechanism is disrupted, as a result of which the menu simply hangs tight.

So, there are actually two types of pre-installed apps. First, they can be supportive such as news, finance, sports, get office, etc. It will be very easy to cope with such, just right-click and select delete. If you use the touchpad instead of the mouse, the function of pressing the right mouse button will be replaced by a long press on the icon. You can also get rid of the garbage that is hung on pirated Windows 10 assemblies.

The second category includes pre-installed applications from Microsoft itself. With them, everything is much more neglected and you will not be able to do without computer administration tools. Unfortunately, this method does not affect a certain range of applications, such as Cortana and the new Windows 10 browser - Edge.

First, we need to run the command line pseudo-shell PowerShell... This is done quite simply. Click on the next icon after the start menu in the magnifying glass form, enter your search query and right-click on the first link, then select "Run as administrator".

We are waiting for a while, since loading takes 30 seconds, a line should appear on the screen

"PS C: \\ Windows \\ system32"\u003e.

Well, that's all, now you just need to find the application that you want to remove in the list, copy the code next to it and paste it into the pseudo-shell with the combination Ctrl + V... After pressing the key Enter not a trace of him will remain.

Get-AppxPackage * 3dbuilder * | Remove-AppxPackage

Alarms and Clock:

Get-AppxPackage * windowsalarms * | Remove-AppxPackage

Calculator / Calculator:

Get-AppxPackage * windowscalculator * | Remove-AppxPackage

Calendar and Mail / Mail:

Get-AppxPackage * windowscommunicationsapps * | Remove-AppxPackage

Camera / Camera:

Get-AppxPackage * windowscamera * | Remove-AppxPackage

Get-AppxPackage * zunemusic * | Remove-AppxPackage

Maps / Maps:

Get-AppxPackage * windowsmaps * | Remove-AppxPackage

Get-AppxPackage * onenote * | Remove-AppxPackage

Phone Companion / Mobile Device Manager:

Get-AppxPackage * windowsphone * | Remove-AppxPackage

Photos / New Photo Gallery:

Get-AppxPackage * photos * | Remove-AppxPackage

Store / Store:

Get-AppxPackage * windowsstore * | Remove-AppxPackage

Voice Recorder / Dictaphone:

Get-AppxPackage * soundrecorder * | Remove-AppxPackage

Weather / Forecast:

Get-AppxPackage * bingweather * | Remove-AppxPackage

Get-AppxPackage * xboxapp * | Remove-AppxPackage

Thus, literally ten minutes in your start menu there will be nothing superfluous. But if you nevertheless found that something was deleted without thinking, do not worry, just one command and all applications you removed in this way will be reinstalled on the system.

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$ ($ _. InstallLocation) \\ AppXManifest.xml”)

Do not be alarmed if the process takes a long time or nothing new appears on the screen at the beginning. It is also possible that all sorts of errors will appear. There is a 99% chance that you will be able to detect all of these applications again the next time you start your computer.

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Windows 10 users may notice that from time to time, advertisements for recommended apps appear in the Start menu, both on the left side and on the right with tiles. Apps like Candy Crush Soda Saga, Bubble Witch 3 Saga, Autodesk Sketchbook and others can also automatically install all the time. And after removing them, the installation occurs again. This "option" appeared after one of the first major updates of Windows 10 and works as part of the Microsoft Consumer Experience.

This tutorial details how to disable Recommended Apps in the Start Menu and also prevent Candy Crush Soda Saga, Bubble Witch 3 Saga, and other junk from installing again after uninstalling in Windows 10.

Disabling the automatic installation of unnecessary applications even after uninstalling them is somewhat more difficult, but also possible. This will require disabling Microsoft Consumer Experience on Windows 10.

Disable Microsoft Consumer Experience on Windows 10

You can use the Windows 10 Registry Editor to turn off Microsoft Consumer Experience features that serve you with promotional offers on the Windows 10 experience.

Important note:after a reboot, unnecessary applications in the Start menu may be reinstalled (if their addition there was initialized by the system before you changed the settings). Wait until they are "Loaded" and delete them (there is an item for this in the menu by right-clicking) - after that they will not appear again.

Everything described above can be done by creating and executing a simple bat file with the contents (see):

Reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Policies \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CloudContent" / v "DisableWindowsConsumerFeatures" / t reg_dword / d 1 / f reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Policies \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CloudContent" / v "DisableSableSable reg_dword / d 1 / f reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ ContentDeliveryManager" / v "SilentInstalledAppsEnabled" / t reg_dword / d 0 / f

Also, if you have Windows 10 Professional or higher, you can use the Local Group Policy Editor to disable consumer experience.

After that also restart your computer or File Explorer. Going forward (unless Microsoft implements something new), the recommended apps in the Windows 10 start menu shouldn't bother you.

Update 2017: the same can be done not manually, but using third-party programs, for example, in (the option is in the Behavior section).

How to clear unnecessary Start menu shortcuts in Windows 8

In fact, it is very simple, but for general development we follow the instructions.

A checkmark icon appears on the tile, indicating that it is selected. Multiple tiles can be selected if desired. To do this, just right-click on a few more shortcuts or widgets you don't need.

4) After pressing the button, the tile will disappear, which is what we actually needed:

How to remove unnecessary shortcuts from the All Programs menu in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1

A little introduction. In order to get to the "All Programs" menu in Windows 8, you need to right-click on an empty spot on the start screen and click the "All Programs" button on the right. In Windows 8.1, the input was slightly changed, and to view the programs, you just need to move the cursor to the bottom of the screen and press the down arrow that appears:

As it turned out, the location of the shortcuts has not changed much since the days of previous operating systems, and for cleaning it is enough to go through two folders. We go in, delete unnecessary shortcuts or even directories.

The first one is located along the following path:

C: \\ Users \\ * username * \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Start Menu \\ Programs

It is the user's personal folder. That is, it contains those shortcuts that refer to programs installed only for your user. Let me remind you to see the folder Appdata you must enable the display of hidden folders and files (see).

The second folder is located in the following location:

C: \\ ProgramData \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Start Menu \\ Programs

It is common for all users on this computer, i.e. if you delete the shortcut in this folder from under your user, it will automatically be removed from the Start menu and from another user. Folder ProgramData it is also hidden (see).

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With the release of the Anniversary Update, the start menu in Windows 10 has become much more convenient, now anyone can customize it for themselves. How exactly to do this - read in our article.

Customize the tree structure of the program list

You can do whatever you want with the list of installed programs in the start menu: add new shortcuts, remove unnecessary ones and change their location in folders. To do this, you need to open "Explorer" and enter the address:

% appdata% \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Start Menu

Keep in mind that this will only affect desktop programs, not Windows Store apps and games.

Remove unnecessary

You can remove unused applications directly from the start menu. Right-click or hold your finger on the name of the application you want to uninstall and select the uninstall option. You can also hide the tiles of pinned apps.

Some preinstalled applications cannot be removed in this way; this requires special programs.

Adjust the menu size

Pull the edge of the menu up or to the side - it enlarges. and the location of the tiles on it will change. Changes occur abruptly, at once for a whole column or a row of tiles.

Add one more column

Go to the personalization settings and in the "Start" subsection, find the "Show more tiles" option. If you activate it, another column of medium-sized tiles will appear in the start menu.

Resize the tiles

Windows 10 has four tile sizes. The largest ones should be used for applications with any useful information, such as news and weather forecast. Otherwise, it all depends on what arrangement of tiles seems to you the most beautiful and convenient.

Disable live tiles

If you are annoyed by the animation on one or another tile (or all at once), you can turn it off. Right click on the tile and select the option you want.

Change the color of the tiles

Go to the personalization settings and in the "Colors" subsection choose a more pleasant accent color for the tiles. If you specify that it should be selected automatically, then the color of the tiles will depend on the wallpaper.

The start menu sometimes shows you what other apps you can install in the Windows Store. You can turn off recommendations through your personalization settings.

Recently added and frequently used apps

Perhaps you love the cleanliness and minimalism of the start menu, and you don't need lists of recently installed and frequently used applications. You can remove them through the personalization settings.

Put the menu in tablet mode

If you use a tablet, the full-screen start menu may seem more convenient to you than the classic one. You can activate this menu design through the personalization settings
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