Android apps for a healthy lifestyle. The best apps for a healthy lifestyle application for a healthy lifestyle

The development of "smart" hours and bracelets today is rapidly gaining momentum. The number of manufacturers of devices, controlling the health status of their owner, steadily increases. Software developers, of course, could not stay aside: smartphone users on iOS and Android databases are invited to download a whole bunch of auxiliary applications that can take the daily activity of users under the wing. In this article we will talk about the most interesting and most notable mobile applications from the "Health and Fitness" series.

For users who have established their priorities to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the combination of the Fitbit Force bracelet with the application of the same name will be interesting. This "couple" will help the new owner to adjust its daily life within the framework of the goals that he set itself - be a slimming or a set of muscle mass. The application is very easy to use. When you first turn on, you must specify that it is for the gadget that the user "knocked" his hand. Then it will be necessary to introduce the parameters of your body (growth, weight, gender, age, etc.). After a short synchronization of the device with a smartphone, the application starts its work.

The entire functionality of Fitbit Force is quite trivial - accounting for the activity of the Gadget owner and building a specific program based on the obtained indicators for the speedy achievement of the goal. The AppStore Fitbit Force has earned 3.5 stars out of 5, but in our opinion the estimate is somewhat overestimated, because, besides the stylish design of the proposed devices and a bright interface, the application does not provide special flexibility.

Interesting for the consumer can be a quick release of the bracelet Vivofit from Garmin. In combination with the Garmin Connect application, the device will closely monitor the activity of its owner. At first glance, Vivofit can easily be called a pedometer, however, the calorie counting functions, the distance traveled and the lifestyle adjustment makes this device is extremely attractive to the fitness lover. It is expected that after the bracelet release, the aforementioned app will also receive its long-awaited update. All information from the Garmin Connect gadget will be "memorable" and then draw up a further individual plan of sports and active lifestyle. Perhaps accessibility and clearer for the user is the main advantage of such symbiosis. The right to the existence of the service has exactly.

One of the leading bracelets on the scene was and remains at the moment Jawbone Up. About him and about the appropriate application that allows you to "make friends" this gadget with a smartphone (or tablet), we have already written in detail earlier. Briefly recall that for the happy owners of this vatory device, installing a program, if not required, it is extremely necessary. Very beautiful, stylish, bright product of the Jawbone Up developers will fully take control of everyday life. One of the main advantages of the UP application in front of its analogues is its inspiring on a healthy lifestyle interface with informative prompts and notifications.

The bracelet and the application will follow the user, its activity, calorie costs and other important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. In the "diet" of the services offered, a pedometer is unique in its development. The application will calculate how many steps you need to go through the user to achieve your goal (a kind of cardiography), and also adjusts further actions to restore the forces and energy of the body.

Reviews are still ambiguous - many talk about emerging problems in the Russian-language version. However, according to the "overseas" users, the application clearly deserves attention.

Calorie Counter from Fatsecret

For many, buying hours and bracelets from famous companies can fly to a penny, so in the AppStore and GooglePlay full full programs working and without compulsory integration with such gadgets. One of the most promising applications is the "Calorie Counter from FatseCret". This is a kind of food diary, ready to take control of all edible, which enters the user's stomach. After specifying the parameters and the goal to which the person seeks, the application will begin to give tips on adjusting the power mode, in order to achieve the task at a speedy way. There is, of course, one minus: no automatism, the entire diet is manually driven by a user, and the application will already calculate calories and indicates further actions. As a comforting prize, the user receives a convenient interface and a stylish application design.

Applications for fitness

You can not get around the parties and various applications with a complex of exercises for different muscle groups. A visual video example will tell the user about how it is correct and with what an intensity to do this or that exercise, and will also make an individual plan of classes. A big minus, in our opinion, is a kind of "scattering". Exercises are not divided into sections, but on different applications in the App Store and Google Play. Therefore, a light confusion may arise, but the filling and diversity of programs will not leave indifferent, perhaps, even a mustache bolt.

The classic representative of the present smartphone-coach is a new English-speaking application Biceps Exercises & Workouts Bodybuilding & Fitness. It is a certain analogue of the programs described above, but the training of all muscle groups are presented in the form of animation. Whether it is preparing for the class or training itself - no matter, the application will show the correct exercise technique. Training are divided into three types: stretching, exercises with additional load and without. The program is enough Nova, so I have not received reviews and ratings from users. However, simplicity in the interface and design takes care.

It should be noted that recently to play sports has become not only useful, but also fashionable. The success of the MyFitness Pal HD application is an excellent proof of that. After passing a short registration, the application immediately denote the user to achieve the target weight. Also, MyFitness Pal HD will indicate which date you need to achieve a certain mass. How will the user track its progress? Very simple. MyFitness Pal HD is a full-fledged diary of a healthy lifestyle. Under its control, the application takes such aspects of this issue as nutrition, activity, will show the dynamics of achieving its goal. By the way, notable is the fact that the application can be easily called a new social network, because There is a function of adding friends (and, of course, rivalry with them), messaging and much more. A whole social network of people supporting a healthy lifestyle - what is not a bright APPSTORE and GooglePlay representative?

For a long time, friends advised me to try myself in yoga, but I somehow went around this kind of relax. As long as she stumbled upon the application " Studio: 300 Asan and Video Tutorials." By connecting Eastern culture with the world of high technologies, the developers received a really unique application in its kind. More than 7 million people around the world are engaged daily on the proposed program, and I am not an exception. Especially this program will be relevant for residents of large cities. Due to traffic jams, it is not always possible to get to the gym, and the body of their rest is still demanding. You can dedicate an hour of one evening with this very pleasant application. After a week of use, " Studio: 300 Asan and video tutorials" The well-being really got better.

Talking about "healthy" applications, it is impossible not to mention one of the most popular applications in the category "Fitness" - Runtastic. The program does not require synchronization with a violation device and independently outlines the user's workout plan, naturally, making emphasis on the parameters specified when registering (all the same weight, growth, etc.). Runtastic will be a training card, calculates kilometers newly made athlete, energy costs for occupation and much more. User reviews like Google Play and the App Store are generally positive, and an average estimate of 4.5 stars is extremely attractive.

In general, I must say that most users have become almost dependent on applications from the category "Health and Fitness". Every day, all new interesting programs are appearing, worthy of attention and capable of supporting the rhythm of life at a decent level. On this issue of fitness we close. And how else can you control our daily activity with a smartphone?

A very important attribute of a healthy lifestyle is, of course, sleep. But everyone was noticed that the sprinkling 12 hours sometimes you feel much worse than after two- or three-hour sleep. All this depends on the cyclical "mechanism" of the embrace of Morpheus. It is these cycles that will calculate the new Alarm Clock application. The program will indicate the user at what time it is better to get up if you go to bed immediately, and vice versa: Count an approximate time of the removal to wake up for the appointed hour in the cheer of the Spirit. Plus, the developers equipped their "brainchild" with a pleasant night design, setting up on the desired way.

As we see, smoking and alcohol "Mobile" developers oppose the increasing number of new gadgets and applications taking care of a healthy lifestyle. Whether "smart" bracelets and hours controlling the dream of the program or integrated sports exercises. Moreover, judging by their growing popularity, more and more owners of modern smartphones use their gadgets not only as a means of communication, but also as a faithful companion in everyday life. A good trend, isn't it?

Each of us sooner or later thinks about health and wants to become better, but various temptations often knock down a person from the right path. It is not always possible to lead an extremely healthy lifestyle, and some bad habits affect our well-being.

In this situation, mobile applications are able to help a person in the modern world. Some of them help get rid of bad habits, such as, for example, or. Usually it is not easy, because, by and large, the fight against any dependence is still happening in the man's head, and not in his smartphone. It is quite another thing - applications that are directed not to eradicate something from our life, but on the contrary, on bringing to the daily existence of something worthwhile.

All sorts of programs that cultivate a useful lifestyle, a lot has been released, but special attention should be paid to those of them who do not promise to make your life cloudless from the very first of the day of use, and are trained to useful trockers capable of making you better. We selected 5 best mobile applications, with which you can find the right way to a healthy lifestyle.

Support water balance. WaterBalance [Download Playmarket | AppStore]

Price: Free | OS: Android 2.2, iOS 7.0 | Russian language

Everyone knows that life is impossible without water, but not every day consumes the amount of liquid necessary for its body every day. First of all, of course, we are talking about conventional drinking water or mineral water, although the body's water balance is replenished and with other drinks, as well as fruits, vegetables, first dishes, etc. The WaterBalance mobile application for Android and iOS allows you to clearly monitor fluid intake during the day and clearly demonstrates how fully you "respected" your body.

The program calculates the individual dose of fluid consumption, based on the data on the growth and weight of the smartphone owner, information about its field, age, lifestyle. With visual filling of silhouette with water - and during the day it should be filled to the top of the top - the nature of the fluid is also taken into account, thereby motivating the person to drink water, simple or mineral, and abandon some other drinks, including alcoholic. For Apple gadget fans, the availability of the WaterBalance version for Apple Watch will be an important fact.

On time to go to bed. To bed [download in appstore]

Price: Free | OS: IOS 6.0 | English language

It is scientifically proven that a healthy sleep should last at least 6-8 hours a day, and the duration of rest is not the only factor for good well-being. So, if you go to bed until midnight, this is the most favorable way affects the nervous system and the brain work the next day.

Giving biorhythms to full order is not a simple thing, but it is worth trying. The to bed app can in this case act as a caring mother or grandmother, reminding you that it is time to move to sleep. It is not bad disciplined and allows you to not sit at work or games until the morning. The application is performed in English, but the text information in it is not so and much, and everything is intuitive. And those who do not know the word in English, it will be quite useful to find out how in the language of Shakespeare they are called the days of the week. It will also make you a little better.

Order in the house and in the head. House Clean [Download PLAYMARKET]

Price: Free | OS: Android 2.2 | English language

Most recently, the results of the next study were published, why in the morning it is necessary to fill the bed. Yes, scientists are engaged in both themes. So, there are at least three reasons why it should be done. First, you will feel happier: among those who make a bed for 10% more than happy people! Secondly, you will become more successful: making something useful immediately after sleep, you thus psychologically tune into the structural way. Thirdly, you will reduce the level of stress: the order in the room will configure you on an emotionally positive background.

HOUSE CLEAN application will allow you to put in order not only the bed, but also the whole apartment is entirely. Step by step You can configure the list of necessary cases and follow the selected action plan. Reminders will be prompted when and what should be done, and the status of 100% of the case will deliver satisfaction. Not to mention that in a clean room and breathe it becomes easier.

Healthy food and recipes [Download PLAYMARKET]

Price: Free | OS: Android 2.3 | Russian language

A wonderful interactive guide in healthy nutrition will help control the diet, calculate the calorie rate and the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates you need, and on the basis of this data, to choose a simple recipe for delicious and healthy food. The application allows you to take into account your daily diet and in full swing to go to the target target - slimming, or simply maintain your weight unchanged.

Such a kind of food tracker based on your personal data is a great help for those who want to correct or support health and make life a little better.

Brush DJ. [Download in PlayMarket]

Price: Free | OS: Android 4.0.3 | Russian language

Brushing your teeth in the mornings and evenings is no less important than to go to bed in time, fill the bed, eat and drink a lot of water. A mobile application developed by a professional dentist will help minimize the risk of teeth and gum diseases, and make it easy and with pleasure. The main function of Brush DJ is a simple counting of time required to properly clean the teeth. However, the timer for two minutes is accompanied by playing favorite melodies!

Also, the appendix contains quite a lot of information about the correct care of the oral cavity. Given that the program supports Russian, and also equipped with animation rollers, to learn such information will be quite simple. Among other things, you can configure individual notifications to replace the toothbrush or the nozzle to it and the reminder of the date of the next visit to the dentist.

Tags: smartphone

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Healthy Vision

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Thug Life. Photo Maker Editor

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Battery. Life.

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Fortune Teller - Life. Path.

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Do you dream to improve the complexion, find a partner for jogs or throw out five extra kilograms? Tell it your smartphone! American doctors note that with the development of technologies, patients have become less likely to record. It is not surprising, because now for our health, "smart" services are followed. They consider the steps that we have passed, measure the pulse and know about us sometimes even more than the Polyclinic Doctor, in which we go for the last 10 years.

If you gave yourself a word from this Monday to change the lifestyle and make up health, start with simple - set these 8 applications on your phone. They will give tips and inspire as soon as possible to start conducting a healthy lifestyle.

Work in the office does not allow to lead an active lifestyle? Install the Pedometer application for the beginning and estimate the disaster scale. Stepwise will observe your activity during the day, consider how many steps you passed, what distance was overcome and at what speed was moving. Based on this data, the program will tell me how many calories you spent and how much weight lost. An application with a simple interface can be your first step towards excellent well-being. Pleasant Bonus: It practically does not spend the battery of your smartphone.

If you firmly decided to change the lifestyle, but visiting the gym is not included in your schedule, Nike + Training Club comes to the rescue for IOS and Android. In a free application, more than 100 video studies from professional athletes. Select a goal - to develop flexibility, reset weight, strengthen the body - and convenient for you the duration of classes and train. Classes at 10, 30, 45 minutes can be carried out where it is convenient for you: in the park, at home or in any other place. In Nike + Training Club, you can create an individual training program and share the exploits with friends. Try it very exciting!

Previous options seemed too simple? Have you decided to get involved in sports seriously? Then you will fit the Endomodo application. It does not matter whether you will run, ride a bike or rollers - the program will correctly calculate the load. No strength to go to the slide? Endomodo will send an encouraging message: "Chehey, hold on, until the end of the route remains only 10 minutes." The application takes into account the time of training, the slope of the route, overcomed by the distance and retains the history of your activities. In it you can conduct a training diary and discuss achievements with friends.

It's hard for you to force yourself to do sports? Hate training alone? Do not worry, there is a way out. In the application you will find an assistant for all occasions. To negotiate the services of a nutritionist, coach or call a partner for running, it is enough to just leave a job in free form. The original description, the more people will respond. For example: "I am a repeated winner of international law competitions. I am looking for a man who will kick me and make a run in the morning. I hope and believe that such a superman has already been born. " In a couple of minutes you will receive offers of artists who are ready to help you, you can contact them by phone and choose the assistant you like. Perhaps they will be a guy from a neighboring entrance. Even if your request is rare and unusual - "I want to become a Sup-surf star" or "learn to climb on trees", - on you will definitely find a person who can help you.

Cardiio is not just a pilesenger, and the application capable of predicting how many years you live. On this function, of course, it does not end. With the help of the technology developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the program reads your pulse and allows you to observe how it affects the health status. Cardiio analyzes the activity of the heart and estimates the level of your endurance. Based on the received data, the application picks up for you seven-minute cardiotrans and suggests when it is time to warm up. And in advanced version also considers burned calories.

Watch the power? Then without this application you can not do. Fatsecret is a real find for those who are not indifferent to what they eat. The application contains information about thousands of products. But truly interesting and useful it makes it possible to scan the barcode of the goods and learn the food value of the beloved cake. FatseCret allows you to keep a diary and diet calendar. Here you can specify your own goal, for example, reset, dial or save weight, and achieve it using application prompts.

Smartphone can be used to live more comfortable. And the best mood happens when you are completely healthy. Surprisingly, modern devices running android can be used to strengthen their body. To do this, you just need to download relevant applications.

Want to maintain physical form? Then get ready to buy a subscription to the fitness center. Do not want to spend money? There is a way out: the problem is solved by installing the mobile application "My Dasi Trainer". The program is designed to become a personal personal trainer. With the first launch, the utility asks to introduce growth, weight and age of the smartphone owner. Next, the application will offer various exercises and diets. If you follow the program prompts, you can also throw the weight, and improve immunity.

When using the program, you need to stock weight. The fact is that the application will focus on changing the mass of the user, selecting the perfect types of training. A certain problem may seem lack of Russian language. However, each line of the menu and almost all exercises are equipped here with pictograms. This makes it possible to understand what is required of a person, even without any knowledge of English.


  • Personal training programs are provided;
  • Easy to use;
  • The body mass index is calculated, the change of which is easy to monitor;
  • Many icons that help in mastering exercises;
  • Complete free.


Yoga Studio.

Price: FREE.

Some people fitness seems too tired. In this case, it is recommended to engage in yoga, which relaxes and relaxes. Exercises from yoga will enhance the concentration, acting no worse than this meditation. It is important that the fact that you can do this business even at home is to find a book with a possession. If you don't want to store the waste paper, you can use the Yoga Studio app.

This program contains an excellent set of exercises. With Yoga Studio, you can choose a course for both the expert and for the beginner. Many selections of exercises are allowed to customize their own needs. In total, the application contains at least 280 posts supplemented by photographs.

The problem of Yoga Studio is only at high cost - not every person will venture away for something like a reference book more than 1000 rubles. There is still no Russian language here that because of the abundance of photos, it does not see a big problem.



  • English interface;
  • Very high cost of the application.


Price: FREE.

In the Russian-language version of the program, it is indicated that this is a calorie counter. Indeed, the application will suggest how much calories are consumed in the form of food, as well as how much is spent during physical training. Download Lifesum is needed if you want to keep a good physical form. Also, the program will help in a set or decline in weight, and when building a muscular mass, the use of Lifesum will not be superfluous.

The program provides an individual power plan, which will be based on physiological data and user preferences. From time to time, the app is trying to motivate the owner of the smartphone, recalling the unfulfilled tasks. Progress here is greatly illustrated - it is also important. The entire interface is translated into Russian, so the problems with the development of the program will not have arisen. By the way, there is a selection of best applications for a diet - many creations of developers in their functionality are similar to Lifesum, but visually look less interesting.


  • Cute Russian-speaking interface;
  • Suitable for maintaining, reducing and set weight;
  • From time to time tips are provided;
  • The program contains an individual power plan;
  • Implemented synchronization with popular fitness applications;
  • Apply for free.


  • The maximum functionality is only in the paid version;
  • Recipes are not translated into Russian.

You are your own gym

Price: 377,85 ₽

Charging is forgotten, and in writing all sorts of hamburgers is used? Then it is necessary to download a useful application called You Are You Own Gym, ready to turn an apartment to the gym (but do not wait for the appearance of different simulators from nowhere). The main advantage of the program is that searched exercises most often do not require sports shells. It turns out that you can do in an absolutely any place - at least at least at least somewhere on the street.

You are your own Own GYM interface is performed in English. But each of the two hundred exercises is complemented by explanatory photos. And if you buy a video course Mark Lorena, then classes will become even more understandable. In this regard, it is unlikely that you can suffer from the lack of Russian language here. Moreover, the program does not conduct some calculations, being just an advanced directories. Pay attention to other apps for training on Android.


  • You can choose three different levels of complexity;
  • Exercises are complemented by photographs;
  • The number of exercises is huge;
  • For classes do not require rods, dumbbells and simulators;
  • All exercises are divided into categories.


  • The application applies for money;
  • No translation into Russian;
  • Video is contained in a separate, even more expensive program.

Stronglifts 5 × 5

Price: FREE.

Another English-speaking application designed to follow the state of the user's health. The installation of the program will allow you to familiarize yourself with the many different workouts, the execution of which will definitely increase muscle mass and reduce weight. At any time you can assess progress by opening the corresponding schedule.

In fact, Stronglifts 5 × 5 is a personal trainer forcing it to engage in its physical form three times a week. At the time of training, various hints are displayed, helping, for example, to learn how long it is recommended to rest between approaches. The program turned out to be very functional - here you can find a calendar, a session for notes and many settings. Moreover, the utility is capable of working together with smart clocks based on Android Wear. All the health applications were so!

Spreads stronglifts 5 × 5 for free. However, advanced courses will have to buy. However, it even strongers to fulfill all the recommendations. But the lack of Russian can really disappear - because of this, not everyone will understand that at the moment the program requires.



  • There is no Russian;
  • The full version of the application costs money.


You can enter one or another product in several ways. First, it is allowed to select it manually from the corresponding list. Secondly, accessible barcode scanning with packaging. Thirdly, present here and completely manual input. Be that as it may, and the data on any product or dish can be edited. This action is necessary if the caloric content specified in the program does not match the real one.

The application allows you to track and consuming water. In a special section, you can observe weight change. Even here is synchronization with a special site of developers, which allows you to monitor progress even from the computer. Finally, it looks important and the support of smart hours of Android Wear.


  • Implemented integration with Google Fit;
  • Synchronization with the official site of the service is available;
  • There is support for smart hours;
  • Easy to enter dishes and products used;
  • Available tracking of water consumed;
  • Apply for free.



The best Android applications must simplify the user's life. The programs considered in this article fully meet this requirement. Any of utilities will strengthen the health, grow muscle mass and even throw out overweight. For no accident, the applications already addressed here are already using millions of people. But do not forget that it is not enough to install this or that program. It is necessary to force yourself to follow the course provided by the course of workouts or consume the least calorie products. Otherwise, there will be no sense from downloading the application.

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