Install the program for pdf files. Opening PDF files online

PDF is one of the most widely used document formats e-books and instructions. You can save information in PDF format in any form, and it will be displayed everywhere the same, i.e. the formatting and markup of the document will always be the same. This is why the PDF format has earned its recognition.

To begin with, I want to make it clear right away that the programs in question open PDF files only FOR VIEWING, i.e. it is IMPOSSIBLE to change something in the document with their help. Some programs only allow or modify the text, but not the content. The PDF format itself is quite specific, and even with the help of editors, the process of editing it is not at all similar to working with a Word document.

In the simplest case, the file can be read in any modern browser: Google chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Edge. The functionality will be limited: only content viewing and printing. To do this, just drag the file to an empty browser tab. But if this does not open the PDF file, then try installing one of the programs.

Uncompromising Acrobat

In order not to have any problems with displaying PDF files, it is best to install the program of the format developer itself - Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Just select the language of the program "Russian" if the download page itself has not correctly identified. The installation process is trivial, click "Next" all the time.

Adobe has a complete package for working with PDF documents, including creating and editing - but it's paid.

Acrobat Reader provides good set possibilities and flexibility in customization for ease of use. It is completely free, as for home useand for commercial, is on my list. At the first start, you will need to confirm the use free license... Most likely, you don't even have to go into the settings, because by default the program works great.

In the latter adobe versions Reader, nevertheless, has a very small opportunity to change a file. These are tools for selecting text and inserting comments. The title "Text Highlighting" is probably not a very good Russian translation, since more suitable "Highlight text". To highlight the text, click on the icon in the toolbar and select the text, and the add comment icon is located immediately to the left.

By default, the text is highlighted in yellow. You can only change the highlight color after highlighting with the default color. To do this, double-click on the selection and in the window click on the icon and select "Properties". From there, you can remove the highlight and add or change a comment.

Alternative programs for PDF

Acrobat Reader, of course, is far from the only PDF reader. The developers have managed to make the usual viewer a relatively heavy product. Basically, there are no problems, but the program takes a long time to install and sometimes slows down.

Foxit Reader

The program is lightweight and simple interface... Consequently, Foxit Reader starts quickly and is less demanding on computer resources.

Particular attention is paid to security, namely, at the first start it is proposed to install safe modewhich does not open attachments in the document and do not run scripts. Foxit Reader allows you to select text, insert comments, graphics, multimedia files (video and audio), but you can edit text only in the paid Foxit PDF Editor package.

However, over time Foxit Reader also got heavier, so I advise you to run its portable version.

Portable versions differ in that they are lighter, and installation is very quick or not required at all. At the first start, a window with two buttons will pop up, select "Not Now". For the program to become in Russian, you need to go to the menu "File -\u003e Preferences -\u003e Language -\u003e select Russian"

And restart the program with the "Restart Now" button.

Lightest - Sumatra PDF

This is already a project with an open source code, the program is the lightest and not at all resource-demanding. Can open not only PDF, but also CHM, XPS, DjVu, CBZ and CBR files.

There are two versions available: for installation and portable (works without installation). Since Sumatra PDF is already very lightweight, I advise you to download full versionso you can immediately install the program to open all PDF files by default.

The program has practically no settings, everything is easy and simple.

The .PDF format appeared in 1993 and was developed by Adobe Systems. Explanation of the abbreviation in the name of the extension - Portable Document Format.

PDF opener

The standard option for when you need to open a PDF file and view its contents. This program was created by the same company that developed the .PDF format, and is undoubtedly the most popular "reader". We also convert Pdf using this program. Free software (paid subscription on the Pro version will give the ability to create and edit files with pDF extension).

What are PDF files used for

Most often, files with this extension are product manuals, e-books, flyers, work applications, scanned documents and brochures.

Reason for popularity this format in that PDF files are independent of the programs in which they were created, or of any particular operating system or hardware. They will look the same from any device.

PDF format is used to store electronic documents... Initially, only a program from Adobe itself was used to open PDF files. But over time, many solutions have emerged from third party developers... These applications differ in their availability (free and paid) and in the presence of additional functions. Agree, it is convenient when, in addition to reading, it is possible to edit the original content of a PDF file or to recognize text from a picture.

Therefore, there are many different programs for pDF reading... For some, a simple viewing function is enough. Others need to change the original text of the document, add a comment to this text, convert Word file to PDF and more.

In part pDF viewer most programs are very similar. But even here there are exceptions. For example, some have an auto-scrolling function available, while others do not. Below is a list of the most popular free PDF viewers.

The most famous program for viewing PDF files is Adobe Reader. And this is no coincidence, since Adobe is the developer of the format itself.

This product has a pleasant appearance, the presence of standard functions for viewing PDF. Adobe Reader is free application, but a number of features, such as editing and text recognition, become available only after purchasing a paid subscription.

This is undoubtedly a disadvantage for those who need these functions, but do not want to spend their money.

STDU Viewer

STDU Weaver positions itself as a versatile combine for viewing many different formats of electronic documents. The program is able to "digest" Djvu, TIFF, XPS and much more. A number of supported formats includes PDF. Convenient when viewing the most different files one program is enough.

You can also note the presence portable version STDU Viewer that doesn't need to be installed. Otherwise, this product does not stand out from other PDF viewers.

Foxit Reader

Foxit Reader is almost analogous to Adobe Reader, with some differences. For example, the program has the ability to enable automatic scrolling of document pages, which allows you to read PDF without touching the mouse or keyboard.

Also, the program is able to open not only PDF, but also Word, Excel, TIFF and other file formats. Open files can then be saved as PDF.

At the same time a minus of this application is the inability to edit the original PDF text.

PDF XChange Viewer

PDF XChange Viewer is probably the most the best program from those presented in this article. It is completely free and allows you to edit the original PDF content. Also PDF XChange Viewer is able to recognize text in an image. With this feature, you can digitize books and other text on paper.

The rest of the application meets all standards software solutions for pDF reading-files.

Sumatra PDF

Sumatra PDF is the simplest program on the list. But this does not mean that it is bad. In terms of viewing PDF files, it is not inferior to the others, and its simple appearance perfect for those users who have just started to get acquainted with working at a computer.

Solid Converter PDF

Solid Converter PDF is a program for converting PDF files to Word, Excel and other electronic document formats. The application allows you to preview the document before converting. The cons of Solid Converter PDF is a shareware license: you can use it for free only during the trial period. Then you need to either buy it or reinstall it.


Cool PDF Reader - convenient program for viewing and converting pdf files, distinctive feature which is small in size and abundance of functions. This program is considered one of the smallest - its size is less than one megabyte, but the program has enough functions for regular userwho only wants to view and convert pdf files. The program allows you to view documents in full screen modeand also print them in just a few clicks. In addition, you can easily change the scale of the document, or rotate it at a convenient angle. Another feature of the program is the conv ...


Foxit Reader is an alternative popular package for working with pdf files. The program has a very intuitive interface, the ability to view files in several tabs, high speed of work and full compatibility with popular operating systems... An important factor is the presence of the Russian language in the program, which greatly facilitates the work with it. The program has the ability to view documents in full screen mode, leave comments and graphic bookmarks in the text, print documents, view files without leaving windows explorer and install various plugins, skins, mod ...


PDF-XChange Viewer - fast viewer known format PDF with high speed and many different functions. For example, the program allows you to easily add comments and annotations to PDF documents, as well as set a password to open these files. In addition, the program has the ability to easily scan text and images and add them directly to PDF files, which is quite convenient. Also, it is possible to import and export any file content. And it doesn't matter if it's text or pictures. You can add any images to the file, or vice versa, cut these images ...


PDF Shaper is a collection of essential tools for optimal work with PDF files. The program can convert a PDF document, or several at the same time, to MS Word, or rather to RTF format. But converting documents from PDF to Word is not the only advantage of PDF Shaper, it can also extract certain elements, such as pictures, tables, etc. In addition to these functions, it can split one PDF document into several, or vice versa, combine several documents into one. At the same time, the program works with encrypted documents, and can also restrict access with a password. Very easy to use, even a beginner can help ...


AT recent times more and more e-books, magazines, brochures appear on the Internet and all these files are usually in PDF or DjVu format. This program will help you watch DjVu, PDF, TIFF and similar files on Windows OS. STDU Viewer is a lightweight, simple and worthy replacement for Adobe Acrobat. The program includes all necessary tools to read and search for fragments in a document. The program is available in several languages, including Russian. Among the pluses, a wide range of zoom options can be noted: scale to fit the screen, scale by selection, display the entire page to full screen or only to ...


PDF Architect is a simple program designed to convert a number of texts, images into a convenient PDF format. The utility allows you to read the generated documents and any files with a similar extension. For the convenience of interacting with the application, you can create a number of bookmarks at once with the necessary documents, and when to switch between them. PDF Architect allows you to change the scale of the document, rotate it. To create your own document with this format, you need to go through activation by email. Thanks to this function, any user can create a PDF file from a taken image, texts or Comicbook files. The program allows ...


SoftDigi PDFViewer is a small application designed specifically for viewing various files with the PDF extension. The program has an outwardly pleasant interface, allows you to combine various pDF documents format in one common file... Allows you to set the minimum document security parameters, necessary information about this file... The application has such functions as moving pages, deleting unnecessary pages, exporting, swapping. SoftDigi PDFViewer allows you to easily insert fragments from other files into a PDF document, as well as quickly export pages to a number of different graphic formats... Exports p ...


Sumatra PDF is a completely free viewer for formats such as XPS, CBR, DJVu, CHM, CBZ and PDF. The program has a very modest interface, since the developers focused on the speed of its work and minimalism. Unlike the popular Adobe Reader viewer, this program works an order of magnitude faster, has only a set necessary functions and allows you to edit documents simultaneously open in other applications. In addition, Sumatra PDF has a special plugin that can be embedded in a row popular browsers... This will allow the user to open files directly from the br ...


Adobe Reader is one of the most popular programs to work and view PDF files. The PDF format is used to create a kind of e-books, but this is not limited to its capabilities. AT PDF format often some user manuals or training materials are written. AT latest versions format, it became possible to embed Flash video into a document. Adobe Reader perfectly supports all these features and allows you to view all types of documents, regardless of what format modification was used to create them. Among other things, the main package of Adobe Reader also includes ...

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