Connect cable internet. Software problems and their solution. There is a cable, there is no Internet, a red cross.

It is unpleasant, of course, when the Internet stops working, because today without it is nowhere. In this article I will explain the reasons why this happens and how to fix it. Everything described above concerns wired internet or Wi-Fi, rather than mobile, but it will be instructive for everyone. And also, I wonder how you got to this article without the Internet.

So, we divide the connection problems into two types: physical and software. Physical is all that is connected with the equipment, wires and problems at the provider. Software is what depends on windows settings  and / or a router, and it is here that I will tell you what can be fixed.

How to check if the Internet is working

Sometimes it helps to update the firmware of the device. Especially useful if your router is infected with a virus. Yes, yes, and this is not uncommon! How to do this, read on the site of your copy, everything is very individual. Step by Step instructions, even in general terms, I will not give, because I believe that a more or less knowledgeable person should do this, and he himself will be able to understand what's what.

If you know how to reconfigure the Internet on a router, then I advise it by default. Another sure sign to exclude the router, as the cause of the non-working Internet, is to connect directly, bypassing it.

Software problems and solutions

For a number of understandable reasons, in the framework of the article, I can only help with specific recommendations on this item.

Incorrect connection settings

You are connected directly, without a router.

It happens that the network connection settings are lost. In this case, you can observe the permanent status of the network “Identification ...”, when you hover the mouse over the network icon, or you may not have obvious errors. To fix this, right-click on the connection icon and select "Network and Sharing Center"

On the screenshot icon Wi-Fi connectionif you are connected by wire, it will be in the form of a computer.

Click on the connection, in my case it is "Wireless Network Connection"

This window should open, in which you need to click the "Properties" button

Now you will see the desired settings window. Here you need to enter the parameters (IP and DNS addresses) that your ISP gave you. Usually, they are prescribed in the contract, but you can call and ask. But, as a rule, there is no need for this and it is enough to put the switches in the screenshot, i.e. to automatically receive settings:

Like one of not frequent options  solve the problem, I advise you to uncheck TCP / IP version 6 protocol. Reboot. In the video, all this too.

WiFi without internet access

When using a router, in 99% of cases automatic address retrieval should also be specified (see above). To make sure that the network settings on the computer are correct, just try to access the administrator panel of the router. Everyone has different devices, but how to do it in general, I showed at the end. Check if the admin panel is included, and the Internet is not working, that means problems in the WAN settings on the router.

Also a sure sign of the lack of access to the Internet at the router itself will be such an icon in the system tray:

When you hover on which will appear the inscription "Without access to the Internet." This means that the connection with the Wi-Fi router is established, but the Internet does not work.

You can fix this only if you know the correct settings, which should be specified in the contract with the provider. You can also use automatic parameter detection. The general principles and example of setting up the router are described in the article "", also suitable for wired connection. All described in another article.

Corrupted TCP / IP and Winsock protocol settings

Without going into technical details, I'll just write what needs to be done, and you will repeat at your place. Do this if none of the above helps you. And it is desirable to restore the system before executing commands. Then, if something goes wrong, you can roll back.

And the last tip, but no less effective. In Windows there is such a thing as a firewall, it is also called firewall. This software tool protects your computer from external threats, for example, from hacker attacks. But, with incorrect or damaged settings can block access to the network. So try Windows.

If the problem is resolved, restore the default firewall settings and turn it back on. If you have an antivirus with the firewall function, then you need to disable it in its settings. This is usually done by right-clicking on the antivirus icon near the watch.

And here is the promised video with examples from the article:

Often, the user is faced with a yellow triangle on the "network" icon. It means that internet does not connector the connection is completely absent. An unexpected "surprise" occurs when the user surfs the Internet.

No internet, yellow signal

Why does not the Internet connect via cable? Let us consider what to do in this situation:   Now the internet has to earn.
But there are providers that use static network settings  and dedicated IP addresses. In this scenario, the World Wide Web Setup Wizard alerts the user to this.
  If this is your case, and the Internet is not connected to the computer via cable, go to the Internet protocol IPv4, and manually write the necessary IP addresses. Gateway and mask should be checked with your ISP by calling.

  Well, the most common problem: the provider may have problems. Call the operator technical support  and ask about whether the equipment works in your home, whether there is access to the global web.

There is a cable, there is no Internet, a red cross

  What if   the computer does not connect to the Internet via cable?We will deal with the case when the network icon is shown on the screen, crossed out with a red cross, and a message appears stating that the network cable is not connected, which means internet does not connect via cable.

Other actions

  What else needs to be done:

Reset router settings

  It does not always help to restart the router. If you are sure that the problem is in it, do a reset. The manipulation is performed in two ways:


Using these tips, you can easily diagnose your PC yourself when internet does not connectand identify network problems.
  In time to fix them, and continue to use the Internet. Many users immediately call the wizard, giving a lot of money to fix a simple problem. But it takes only half an hour to experiment with the cable and settings, and only while maintaining the problem, trust a professional.

A modern computer with no connection to the global network is almost a calculator. We live online: we watch videos online, play, communicate, store documents and files, learn and work. If you do not know how to connect a computer to the Internet, now is the time to learn - the urgency of the problem is growing every day.

To connect a computer to the Internet, we first need a provider - an organization that provides services of this kind. Without it, nothing happens. Access to the global network can be carried out using satellite communications, cable, mobile networks or PBX, depending on the technical capabilities and the client's desire.

The provider connects to the Internet not the computer itself, but a kind of “entry point”, the role of which is performed by a twisted pair, modem, smartphone. To be on the global network, you need to connect a computer to this point. This can be done by wired or wireless network, directly or through an intermediary device - a router.

Direct high speed wired connection

This option is as simple as possible, as cheap as possible, but minimally convenient. The provider pulls into the apartment or office cable that connects to the network card of the computer via the Ethernet connector. Most modern motherboards  it is built-in, so the question “where to insert?” does not arise: on the back panel system unit  There is only one suitable connector. If the computer is old, then this luxury may not be. Also, the LAN port may be busy or physically broken. In these cases, a network card is purchased, which is installed either in the bowels of the system unit (PCI or PCI-E connectors), or in the USB port.

It remains to connect the cable, the end of which was handed to you by an employee of the organization provider, with a network card. In some cases, twisted pairs are supplied only to outlets, as well as for wired fixed phones. Then you have to buy the cable yourself: any patch cord of the required length is suitable for this purpose, however, if there is a choice, then category 6 and shielding will give some advantages in the process of equipment operation. In any case, interference and losses will be less, and the data transfer rate is more stable.

Further configuration depends on the specific provider and connection technology. In some cases, it is necessary to call the support service and notify them about the connection of new equipment (in case you use a dedicated line), in others the computer will be automatically connected to the network. It is often necessary to create a connection with the possibility of authorization, that is, enter the login and password given by the provider. This is done along the chain:

  • In Windows XP: Start - Network connections - Create a new connection - New connection wizard - Connect to the Internet - Establish a manual connection - Through a high-speed connection requesting a username and password - Enter provider data.
  • In Windows 7: Start - Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network and Sharing Center - Setting up a new connection or network - Connecting to the Internet - High-speed - Entering provider data.
  • In Windows 8: Settings - Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network and Sharing Center - View network status and tasks - Change network settings - Create and configure a new connection or network - Connect to the Internet - High-speed - Enter provider data.

If authorization is not required, select Constant high-speed connection.

The advantage of this method of accessing the Internet, perhaps, is the only thing - high speed without loss on the line and interference. There are more disadvantages: you need to hide the cable somewhere, freedom of movement is limited, you can connect only one computer, in some cases when changing the operating system or changing the equipment, you will have to contact the provider to re-authorize.

Wired connection via router

Connect your computer to the Internet through a router and through network cable  - the optimal solution for creating a local wired network limited to an apartment or office. So you can connect several stationary PCs, each of which will be able to independently access the Internet, and file sharing and access to shared resources will be carried out as quickly as possible and without additional equipment. Naturally, the problem with cable pulling remains.

This connection will look like this: the router connects to the Internet access point, network cards  The PCs are connected to its network ports with a patch cord, authorization is performed only once in the settings of the router, and a permanent high-speed connection appears on each of the computers. Network and Internet access is controlled from the device settings, which can be accessed at (the address of a specific model is specified in the instructions). You can sign in in any browser by entering the address in the address bar.

In the settings of the router, if necessary, enter the data about the connection - username, password, authentication type and others. You can also define and provide access to shared resources, create passwords for access to files, allow or deny specific devices to work on the Internet.

Wireless connection via router

Most modern models of routers distribute Wi-Fi and thus allow a wireless connection to the Internet. The device itself is connected to the entry point (cable provider or modem mobile operator), and devices (laptops, smartphones, tablets, consoles, TVs and other gadgets) are connected via Wi-Fi. The network cable in this case can be quite short, there is no need to pull it around the apartment - the router can be placed next to the WAN-outlet. You can connect a USB modem from an operator to many models as an Internet access point. mobile communications.

If everything is clear with mobile gadgets - they have a built-in wireless module - then you need to provide a stationary computer with such a module. For this we need Wi-Fi adapter  - A device that provides wireless signal reception. The adapter can be internal (installed in a PCI or PCI-E connector) and external (for USB). It may have external antennas to improve reception quality, or it may cost internal ones. Modern adapters must work with IEEE 802.11 b / g / n / ac standards and provide data transfer speeds in a wireless network of at least 150 Mbps. The higher the speed, the better.

For a computer to be one of the elements of a wireless network, you need to connect it to it. More often operating system  will report the discovery of available wireless networks, and do not be surprised that there are several of them: the neighbors also have routers, and the walls are almost not a hindrance. Choose your own from the list (by default - the same with the device model), connect, enter a password if necessary (it is recorded in the instructions, but you can set your own in the router settings) - and you are online. You can enter the settings in the computer's browser by entering the address of the router in the address bar (most often it is

To configure the router to access the Internet, you must enter the data for authorization in its settings, if this is required by the type of connection and the provider. If the work of the wireless network requires additional gestures, then it can be adjusted after accessing the parameters in the wired one. To do this, you must temporarily connect your computer to the router using a patch cord.

Wireless connection via USB modem

USB modems from operators, popularly called "whistles" - the most mobile way to connect to the Internet and the most independent. The telephone works — the Internet also works, whether in the village, in the country, or in the city outskirts. Of course, the speed even with the arrival of LTE leaves much to be desired, tariffs are very expensive and limited, malfunctions can be caused by atmospheric phenomena, weak signal  annoying, but often the only way to go global.

This option requires a modem with a connected SIM card of the selected operator and periodic account replenishment. The operator usually gives detailed instructions  on activation and connection of equipment, but in most cases they can be reduced to “inserted into the USB port - installed software that came with the package - launched the program - went to the Internet”.

If the signal is weak, you may need a USB extension cable to find the optimal reception location.

Almost exotic

Sometimes the technical or financial ability to connect to the Internet by the above methods is not and is not expected, so you have to invent something. So, in the absence of a router, you can provide access to the global network on a single computer connected to a twisted pair, and combine the others into a local network using patch cords. To do this, you need to properly configure the network cards of all PCs and keep the computer that distributes the Internet on, so that others can use a valuable resource. Correct setting  includes assigning to each of the computers its own IP address of the form,, creating a common working group and opening shared access  by local network  to a WAN connection.

Where there is a wired telephone, but due to distance or technical limitations the provider refuses to pull the cable, you can use DSL. The speed in this case will be small, but it will be enough for unpretentious tasks. You will have to buy a rarely occurring DSL modem, connect a switch - box that divorces to a telephone jack. telephone line  to two devices, and to the switch - a telephone set and DSL equipment. They will work independently. To access the Internet you will need to create an appropriate connection and specify a username and password.

A temporary solution may be to connect to the Internet via a smartphone or tablet with a 3G or LTE module. You only need a USB cable. Most modern models are able to distribute access via USB. It is enough to choose this option when the smartphone asks you what to do with the detected connection to the computer: pretend to be a data storage, camera or modem. To implement this option, you may need to install drivers, which are usually stored directly in the device’s memory.

Satellite connection

Satellite connection is an option in the Russian context that has not found mass use. Expensive equipment, expensive tariffs and tight limits allow you to use such access in case of emergency or not for your own money. Asymmetric connection assumes that the subscriber has not only a satellite antenna for receiving the signal, but also a signal transmitter in mobile networks, the same phone, for example. Therefore, you will have to pay both for satellite communication and mobile operator, let only for outgoing traffic. A symmetric satellite connection offers to change the phone to a satellite transmitter, but this equipment is ten times more expensive.

Laptops have several advantages over desktop personal computers. First of all, it concerns mobility, thanks to which you can take a laptop with you on the road, to work or rest.

Initially, the laptop is designed to work by Wi-Fi network  or a wireless USB modem. But sometimes such situations arise, the code needs to connect the device to the Internet via a cable coming from the provider that connects the user through the LAN port. This is easy to do, but it must be remembered that the wire will tie the laptop to one place, saving him from the main advantage.

As an example, we will try to connect and configure the Internet on a laptop via cable.

Quick article navigation

  Connection Steps

To connect a laptop to wired internet  You must perform several actions:

  • To get started, go to "Start" and click on "Control Panel";
  • Select "Network and Internet";
  • Going to the tab "Network and Internet", click on the left mouse button on the "Network and Sharing Center";
  • After the previous step, you will have a window where you need to find the item “Change network settings”;
  • Select the section "Setting up a new connection or network";
  • Now you will need to choose your connection option, then click on the “Internet connection” item;
  • In the next step, you need to choose the option how to connect: to do this, click on the “High-speed with PPPoE” section;
  • You have come to the new connection settings page. Here you will need to enter the information kindly provided to you by your ISP. Enter your login and password in the appropriate fields, and also specify the name of the connection: to do this, enter the created word in the “Connection Name” field;
  • At the final stage, click “Connect”, after which you can easily go online.

A wired internet connection is provided through a network cable that connects a laptop or computer to the provider's equipment. This method of connecting to the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages.


  • Maximum connection stability;
  • High bandwidth;
  • Lack of intermediate active equipment.


  • The fiber used for connection is very sensitive to bending, and therefore it should not be laid in the baseboard;
  • The possibility of damage to the cable by pets, which will lead to the need to call specialists to restore Internet access.

As you can see, there are not so many disadvantages of using a wired internet connection, and therefore this method can be considered an ideal choice for a modern person who spends a lot of time on the Internet.

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