Setup of the Internet through a cable from a wifi router. There is wired internet how to connect Wi-Fi

Currently exist different ways   build home networkand, if you wish, you can connect a Wi-Fi router, even if you already have wired Internet. To do this, you need to properly install and configure the device.


Get a Wi-Fi router if the wired internet is already connected to your home and is working properly. You can consult your provider’s website or contact it directly to find out which device models are best suited for an active connection.

Connect the wired internet cable to the router's WAN connector, and connect the device itself to a computer or laptop. To do this, plug the other cable that comes with the router into one of the device's LAN slots from one end and into the connector network card   computer from the other end (instead of wired internet cable). Connect the router to an electrical outlet using the power adapter and press the start button.

Read the instructions for the router from the manufacturer. It must contain the network address of the device to configure it, for example, Open any internet browser and enter the appropriate combination in the address bar. In the window that appears, enter “admin” as the login and password, then the router settings menu will open.

In the “WAN Connection Type” menu, select the appropriate value, for example, “L2TP Russia”. The type of your connection can be obtained from the provider. Next, indicate in the appropriate fields your username and password that you used to connect to the wired Internet. Select the automatic way to connect to the network.

Go to the TCP / IP configuration and set the required IP address and subnet mask values. You can check them with your provider or try the default parameters specified in the user manual. Set the same IP address and subnet mask values ​​on the computer. Minimize the browser window, go to "Control Panel", then to "Network Connections", make the necessary settings through the "Properties" menu of the current connection to the network. To check the connection type in command line   Windows PING and the set IP address, then press Enter.

Next, try to connect Wi-Fi on the router by going to the “Wireless” menu item. Specify the desired name of the connection to Wi-Fi and activate the item “Enable wireless broadcasting”. Here you can also specify a password for connecting to Wi-Fi (or in the network connection settings menu). Save the settings and close the window. Click on the icon network connections   in the lower right corner of the panel windows tasks. Among the available wireless connections   choose yours. Enter password. Once the connection is established, try to open any site in the browser to check the connection to work.

It is difficult to overestimate the convenience that a wireless router installed at home and used to access the network opens up to the user. This eliminates the need for a large number of wires to connect all devices, you can freely connect your smartphone and provide communication for other devices using Wi-Fi.
  And in order to fully appreciate all the advantages of this option of building a home network, you need to connect a Wi-Fi router, which will be discussed below

What is a wireless router and how it works

To facilitate the understanding of further settings, you must first understand the terms and principles of its work. To communicate with other computers, be it a LAN or the Internet, the user's computer must somehow connect to them. If the service provider provides cable access through an Ethernet connection, then the computer can be directly connected via the built-in or external network card. But if a user has several computers, for example, a home PC, a laptop, and a working laptop used at home, then all of them will need access to the same network. For these purposes, serves as a wired router, which often combines the ability to connect devices with wired and wireless access. The wire of the operator of services is connected to a router, and that, in turn, distributes access to all available devices, processing their requests and switching connection.

   Wireless routers are increasingly used today.

Although many of them also have connectors for connecting devices that are deprived of the ability to receive and transmit data via the Wi-Fi protocol. Installing such a device at home allows you to combine user gadgets without wires and provide them with fast and high-quality Internet access.

WiFi router connection

To use the router in a home LAN, the user will need:

  1. internet service package issued by the provider (namely, registration data in the form of a login and password and a list of necessary settings and parameters);
  2. cable for internet connection. It is provided by the provider, and the cable itself is usually of several types - antenna wire, Ethernet or ADSL. It is he who enters the apartment from the distribution panel at the entrance.

When using an Ethernet connection, a Wi-Fi router plays the role of a modem and the wire can be connected to it directly. When use ADSL   or antenna cable, the user will need a separate modem, which the provider also provides in the kit. The connection will then occur by connecting the cable first to the modem, and then through the RJ-45 cable in the kit, directly to the router.

To connect Wi-Fi to your home, you first need to connect a PC and a router and perform a preliminary setup. For these purposes, you can use two methods.

  • WiFi connection from the user's computer. To do this, you need to connect power to the router, and on the computer to find wireless network   (its parameters at factory settings are specified in the manual) and connect to it.
  • Wired mode. We connect the connector with the name "WAN" and the network card of the computer via RJ-45).

Connecting a Wi-Fi router itself will not be particularly difficult if you additionally read the instructions for it, as well as detailed description   procedures provided often by the telecom operator itself. On the sites of most service providers and manufacturers of network equipment can be represented step-by-step instruction   with a detailed description of all the settings and visual examples.

After wi-Fi connection   The router is completed, you can proceed to its settings and use. To do this, first of all you need to enter the control menu in order to proceed further to the study of all its functions. On the back of the box or under it, the manufacturer always indicates the following parameters:

  1. serial number;
  2. MAC address (later it may be useful to configure the connection, manage the firewall and many other purposes);
  3. the address where you can enter the web-based management interface (consists of numbers, groups of which are separated by dots, for example,;
  4. login and password to login. These parameters are set by default and can be changed by the user afterwards.

To configure, you must perform these steps.

  • We connect the computer to the device via Wi-Fi or cable.
  • After installing the network, enter in the browser the address specified in the instructions. Most often it is a combination of the type
  • The system will request a password and login in the browser dialog box. Enter the data that is placed in the instructions or a password that was changed independently and login.
  fig.1. We fall into the main control menu
  fig.2. Which may look different

Depending on the selected model and firmware version.

Important! Connecting the router should start with changing the factory password to an arbitrary user combination. This step will eliminate the possibility of unauthorized connection to the device and the use of traffic.

How to connect ADSL

When using a connection to an ADSL type provider using a telephone line, it is not always necessary to use a special modem and a Wi-Fi router. For these purposes, the combined option is useful - an ADSL Wi-Fi router that combines the functions of the devices described above.

   Its difference from the usual wireless is that there is a separate connector for a telephone cable on the back panel.

An ADSL router receives data via a telephone line and can immediately transfer it via Wi-Fi, cable, or by combining these two methods. Connecting a router of this type can also, like a regular one, having previously connected to it telephone line   and performing pairing with a computer for further fine-tuning.


Now you know how to connect a Wi-fi router.

After you have become one of the users of the Internet web, setting yourself a wired Internet, for many it is not convenient as the Internet, tied with a cable, does not allow you to move freely with your device.

How to be?! Not so long ago, I noticed that many people are looking on the Internet for a solution to how to make wireless from the wired Internet, i.e. Wi-Fi. I will not paint a lot of incomprehensible things, but I will simply say that there is a solution, and it is very simple. To make wireless from the wired internet you only need to connect it and configure it.

Settings are made quite simply, you install your router, of course you need one that has built-in Wi-Fi, at any place convenient for you, preferably in the center, so that the signal is the same everywhere. Then everything depends on what type of Internet you are using, PON or DSL, find the connector for your cable in the router and insert it there.

Connect the router to the power supply and wait for it to load, about 2 minutes. Next, connect your device with a cable to the LAN port, this is necessary for setting up a wireless connection, then follow the instructions that came with your router, since each router has its own interface and IP address to enter the settings. If you have difficulty finding an address to enter the modem settings, then I recommend reading an article in which you can find a table with the passwords and addresses of popular manufacturers of routers.

After you run wi-Fi setup   connection, I think the difficulties should not arise as in modern Wi-Fi routers   the whole interface in Russian, you can use a wireless connection with your device. I recommend reading the article on how to connect the device to your wireless network.

Many modern providers provide Internet access via an optical cable and it is usually enough to simply insert the plug into the connector of your device so that you can access the Internet, in this case, when you insert the connector into the router, you will immediately get wireless and any additional settings from the wired Internet The router does not need everything, and so it will work. But there is a drawback, your wireless Internet will be publicly available, i.e. All your neighbors will be able to use it.

That is why it is recommended to enter the settings of your router in order to establish a convenient network name and password. If you have any problems with setting wireless internet   in your router, then write its mark in the comments, I will try to help.

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