How to connect the wired Internet. Instructions for self-tuning the Internet

How to configure the Internet on windows 7

Today, the operating system Windows 7 is used by an increasing number of users. In comparison with Windows XP, seven is not much different and, in principle, if you know XP well, you can easily work in new Windows  7. But still, despite the fact that this OS is very similar to Windows XP, it still has some differences. In today's article, we'll look at setting up an Internet connection in Windows 7 and, with an example with screenshots, learn how to configure the Internet on this system.

Updating the anti-virus database solutions - antivirus manufacturers release updates almost daily, so updated databases will always be ready to parry the latest threats. In such cases, information is usually not encrypted, and the only way to use it is to use at least some computer person.

Today there is no lack of access to the Internet. According to the company, to these access points per day connected 2-3 thousand people. time. The services wireless Internet  Also provided to customers in cafes, hotels or supermarkets. The problem is that public networks are often not protected, i.e. y. encrypted data.

Instructions for setting up the Internet in operating system  Windows 7

Before you begin to configure the Internet connection, you need to install the drivers on the modem, network card  or another device with which you access the Internet. And only after the drivers of the necessary equipment are installed, you can directly go to setting up the connection with the Internet. First you need to start the Control Panel, in order to do this you need to click the Start button and select Control Panel:

Furthermore, wireless network  are increasingly created by home users or small businesses. According to Raitis Rainis, the head of the network and information security department of the Communications Regulatory Authority, although there are no exact data in the country, the number of such networks in Vilnius almost doubles every year.

According to him, it is easier to set up and use the devil wired Internet in comparison with wired ones. However, the safety of these technologies is much lower. Data packets between the computer and the router are space, so it's easy to take over. If they do not decrypt, all the transmitted information can be seen by any stranger, "the expert said.

You will see the Settings of computer settings window, in which you need to switch the view to categories:

After that, in the list that appears, select "Network Management Center and sharing":

In the "Network and Sharing Center" you should select "Configure a new connection or network":

In addition, if your computer is not sufficiently protected, you can also access the system on your own computer via a wireless network, download a virus or a program that collects information. Anecdotes can be said about the security of public access to the Internet.

In this case, you do not even need to break into a computer or a router. It is enough to track the data streams so that you can see important personal information, such as login names, passwords or emails. There were no actions that could damage the quality of the network, network or services.

At the next stage of installation you need to be careful! Here the operating system offers us to choose the option of connecting to the Internet. If you are using an ADSL connection, you need to select the first option: "Internet connection." If you use eg 3G Internet, then you need to select the "Set up a telephone connection" item. Choose the option you need and click "Next". I chose the first option:

According to the applicant, there are attempts to penetrate wireless networks of companies. According to him, this is usually not a professional program, but students or students who do this to test their abilities. If special software  not used, such tests can not be recorded.

As far as we have tried wireless networks, we have not yet encountered an absolutely secure network, each of which has more or less flaws. The risk of losing relevant information from public wireless Internet networks is always higher, so the user must evaluate it.

In the next window we just need to click on "High-speed (with PPPoE)" (If you are configuring 3G Internet, then at this stage you will have a window for selecting a modem):

After that it is necessary to enter information from the provider of Internet services. Here we write the user name and password. If you are setting up 3G Internet, then you will have one additional field "Dialed number." After the data has been entered, press the button to connect:

This encryption technology is used in many electronic banking systems, as well as to connect to some online mailboxes. Professionals who want to create a secure wireless Internet network are advised to take care of a few things.

The inhabitant also recommended disabling the wireless display function, regularly updating the router software and trying to use variable input keys. Those who seek maximum protection, but do not want to invest too much, are the only advice.

If everything is configured correctly, you will see the message: "The Internet connection is ready for use":

The next stage internet settings on windows 7  will create a shortcut connection on the desktop. To do this, go back to the control panel -\u003e Network and Sharing Center and click on "Change adapter settings":

In the window that appears, right-click on the created connection and select the item "Create shortcut":

Now click on the "Yes" button, thereby confirming the placement of the shortcut on the desktop:

How to change the network card settings in Windows 7

As you all know the Internet cable today, most often, it connects to a network card. The fact is that sometimes to properly configure the connection it is necessary not only to install the drivers but also to correctly configure the network card itself. To do this, in the "Network and Sharing Center" click "Change adapter settings" and in the window that opens, find "Local Area Connection." On this connection, right-click to display the menu and select "Properties", you the following window will appear:

Here you need to highlight the Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4) and click the property button. You will open a window in which you can register the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and other settings.

Possible problems  when setting up the Internet on the operating room the Windows system 7

But still, even for this simple procedure, certain skills are required. In this article we will tell you how to set up Beeline Internet home.


  1. In the "Start" menu, go to the Control Panel. There you need to find the Network and Internet section, go to it and go to the next section called View network status and tasks.
  2. Click the button Set up a new connection, through which we can access the Internet.
  3. Now click the Connect to workplace button, and then click the "Next" button.
  4. The computer system will definitely specify which way you want to enter the World Wide Web. Since we are setting up a wired Internet Beeline, we need to select the "Use the VPN Internet connection" option.
  5. The field that appears will be filled, enter the address
  6. In the appropriate box, specify the destination in English letters. To do this, write the name of the provider (Beeline) and tick the "Do not connect now, and install" checkbox.
  7. Then fill in the fields "User" and "Password". In the first we enter the login, which was given to you by the provider, and in the second - the cipher-alphabetic password. In the future, you can change it in your personal account  on the official site. In order not to drive the password manually every time you connect, put a tick (Remember password) in front of it and click on the "Create" button.
  8. The settings have been made, the dialog box can be closed.

Now you need to go directly to the Internet through Beeline. Again, through the "Start" menu, we find the tab of the Network and Sharing Center. There you will see the "Change adapter settings" item. If you have correctly entered all the necessary information, then you will see the icon for the connection called "Beeline". Right-click on the Settings tab and uncheck the box next to "Enable Windows Phone Login", then select the VPN type in the "Security" tab, which should look like this: L2TP IPSecVPN.

Now the settings are finally completed, you can click OK and enjoy using the Internet.

Connecting the router from Beeline

A similar algorithm of actions is performed when the wireless Internet is connected. First of all, you should make sure that the computer or laptop is connected to the router. We start the browser (it's better to use InternetExplorer) and type in the input line: You will be asked to enter your login and password and in both cases write the word "admin" in English letters.

You will see the settings window. First of all, you need to choose the type of connection, in this case WAN. Next, the system asks you to specify a more accurate way to connect (L2TP).

We fill two lines with the IP address and server name and write there. When the system asks to enter a login and password, enter the same as at the beginning of the settings.

To get the correct connection, in the "Address type" box, select the value "Dynamic", and in front of the MTU item write the numbers 1460 and tick the box "Receive automatically" and save the entered settings.

As practice shows, the router needs some time to process and save the settings, so wait about three minutes and enjoy the use.

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