The distance between the computers sanpin. How to find out how long the computer works

Sometimes we need to know the time of the computer - i.e. how much the computer has worked since it was turned on. In this article we will list all sorts of ways to find out - direct and indirect.

How to find out the time of the computer from the command line

Enter in command line   command:


In Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, system load time is displayed. For example, 03/26/2014, 9:15:09.

But in Windows XP it is displayed clearly and clearly: System time:

Installation date: 10/25/2012, 8:01:57 PM
  System load time: 03/26/2014, 9:15:09

In Task Manager

So you can find out the time of uptime in Windows 7 and Windows 8.1

Indirect methods

If for some reason you cannot or do not want to use the methods described above, you can find out the operating time of the computer, focusing on the network connection. For example, if you know that your computer is permanently connected to the network.

Right-click on the network connection icon in the taskbar and select Network Control Center and shared :

In the window Condition…   you can see the graph Duration. This is the time of activity network connection. Often it almost coincides with the time of the computer:

Using third-party programs

The easiest way to find out the uptime by using third-party software is to run the Everest program. Open section operating systemselect item Working hours   and in the right part of the window find the line Working hours :

Discover   total computer time   It is possible in several ways and means. In this article we will look at some: consider how to find out how long the computer has been turned on, as well as computer runtime after OS installation   and computer time after purchase.

Often it is the third kind that is needed, because when you purchase a used computer, you will probably want to know how long it has worked, since its reliability will depend on this time.

Let's start with the first type - the time of the computer after switching on. This can be done using the built-in system monitoring utilities. Call the Run window. To do this, press the key combination "Win + R". In the input field we enter "CMD" (without quotes) to call the command window.

In the command window, we need to enter the following command (without quotes): “systeminfo”. We are waiting for the download information and get your data.

In field " installation date"Installation time is displayed operating system, and below, in the “System load time” field, the exact time of the last operating system load by that time zone that is displayed on the computer is displayed. You can also see the time zone below in the list.

As for the total operating time of the computer from the very purchase, then a simple team is indispensable. The system does not save such data, but we can find it out from indirect data that does not explicitly indicate this. For example, you can, reading S.M.A.R.T.options hard drive, see how much time he was working. To do this, you need to install the program, downloadher is freecan . Especially do not need to do anything. You just install the program and run it. It automatically scans your hDD   and gives the data. In the field with an hourglass icon you will see the total number of total hours that your hard disk has worked. Consider that this time work hard   disk, so if you change the hard disk, then the time will be counted from the moment you install a new disk.


Use the dispatcher windows tasksif you are using OS Windows vista   or Windows 7. You can launch it by pressing CTRL + ALT + Delete. In these two windows versions   On the “Performance” tab there is a line with information about the operating time - look for it in the “System” section.

Another way works in Windows XP too. He suggests using system utility   with the name systeminfo, for which you need to open a command line emulator terminal. Press the key combination WIN + R and in the Run dialog box, type cmd. By clicking the "OK" button you will be able to use the command line.

Type systeminfo on the command line. In order not to be mistaken, you can copy the utility name here (CTRL + C), then right-click in the terminal and select in context menu   "Paste" command. Press Enter. In a few seconds, the utility will collect information about the operation of your OS and display it in a terminal window.

Scroll through the long list of the report closer to its beginning and find the line “System Runtime” if you have Windows XP. This line and placed the time of the system in the current session.

Look for the line “System Boot Time” in case of using Windows Vista or Windows 7. In this case, you will have to calculate the system time yourself by subtracting the time specified in the found line of the report from the current time.

More detailed statistics on the operating time of the computer can be obtained using programs from other manufacturers. For example, if in the left pane of the Everest program to open the section “Operating system”, then you can find a section with the name “Operating time”. It contains not only the duration of the current session, but also the time of the previous shutdown of the computer, the date and time of the very first boot of the operating system, the total work time and idle time for the entire period, the duration of the longest work sessions and downtime, etc.

Discover time work computer   You can use the standard tools of the operating system. However when using third-party programs   You can get a lot more detailed statistics on work and downtime, including records of the duration of working and non-working periods, time   the very first system boot, the exact time   previous shutdown, etc.


Take advantage of system utility   systeminfo.exe. It works on the command line, so you must first start the command line emulator. Open the main menu on the “Start” button and select the “Run” line.

Type cmd in the startup program dialog and press Enter. This will open the command line interface terminal.

Type systeminfo on the command line and press Enter. You can copy a command from here and paste it into the terminal with the help of the corresponding command in the context menu, which is opened by clicking the right mouse button in the terminal. As a result, the utility will collect data about your system for a couple of seconds, and then it will give you a long list of very different information.

If you are using Windows XP, find the line “Time work   system ”- it is placed closer to the top of the list and contains the one you need. time work   systems up to a second.

When use windows   Vista or Windows 7, this line is called differently ("system load time") and shows exactly time   downloads as well time work   you will have to calculate yourself.

For convenience, you can transfer the entire table, issued by the utility, to a text editor. To do this, right-click the table, select the "Select All" line in the menu, and then press the Enter key - this way

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