Managing Yandex disk. What is Yandex.Disk and how does it work? Detailed description

Hello everybody! In this article, you will learn what a Yandex disk is and how to use it. And you will find information on how to use the useful Yandex.Disk service and what it represents.

So, Yandex Disk   - This is a cloud service provided by the IT company Yandex, which is known for many useful services, for example, Mail, Browser, etc. It gives us the opportunity to store information using cloud technologies (more precisely, on servers owned by the company).

Previously, the service could be used only by those who received a special invitation, but at the moment free access is available to it.

To access   to the data stored on the disk from any device, you just need to have an Internet connection. But remember that all your devices must be synchronized.

I have it all. I hope you now know what the Yandex disk is and how to use it. If you have questions or suggestions for me - write about it in the comments, and I will answer all of them. All peace and health!

With HB Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

You have probably already noticed that many infobusinessmen post various files for downloading on Yandex Disk. Let's see with you today what the mysterious service is and how to use it. Yandex.Disk is a new technology cloud storage   data. Currently, these services are attracting more and more attention of Internet users.

After all, the question of where to store your files arises, over time, for many. It can be various documents, albums, collections of your favorite music, etc. As such, with the help of such services, you can easily transfer information to all your friends and acquaintances.

The Yandex.Disk service allows you to work with files placed in the cloud storage at any time and in any place.

It is worth noting that the use of the disc is available from all devices that have an internet connection. I have already made a choice in favor of the new data storage service   for several reasons:

You have access to your folders and files at work, at home, and on the go. Everywhere, where there is a connection to the Internet.
At the same time, information storage is not limited in time and is absolutely free.

Yandex.Disk. Registration and use of the service.

I think that you already understand a little why you need the Yandex.Disk service.

I invite you to register, so you can learn more about the possibilities of the service and evaluate them.

To connect to the service, you need to have a mailbox on Yandex. If you do not have it, then find a video on the Youtube channel (there are enough of them) and register with Yandex.Mail.

Click this link.   CHECK IN

Pleasant news - by registering at this invitation, you will receive a bonus of 1 GB of additional disk space.

A form for registration and entry opens. Enter the login and password of your Yandex. Mail and click "Login."

If you do not have mail on Yandex, then you need start a mailbox on Yandex, enter it and go to the menu by the link Disk.

At the moment on the Yandex disk is available 3G free space.

How to download a file from Yandex. Drive?

If your friend follows the link you sent him to download the file, then he has two options:

  • click on the “Save file on Yandex.Disk” button (Fig. 4), after which the file will be saved on Yandex.Disk of your friend, of course, provided that he has a Yandex account;

  • or click on the “Download” button (Fig. 4), after which a window will open to select a place on the computer where you can save the file sent.

Fig. 4 How to download a file from Yandex.Disk?

By the way, in Fig.4 below you can see the inscription “No viruses were detected. Verified by Dr.Web. This suggests that Yandex.Disk values ​​its reputation and checks its files with a well-known anti-virus.

  Here is a new file storage service offered by its user Yandex. To create a Yandex disk,   Click here.

Create Yandex Disk

Go to the Yandex Disk folder on your computer, select the desired file, and in the context menu select the item “Copy public link”

Then, this link can be sent by email or in any other way.

The program has no independent interface, but only in the form of a context menu. From it you can open the disk folder, see the amount of free space, enable or disable synchronization, change the program settings and a few other small options.

Increase Yandex Disk up to 10 GB

Three simple steps will increase the disk space for storing information from the initial three gigabytes to 10! And you just need to perform the following actions:

After the entrance to the Yandex disk   will be implemented, you will be available more 3 gig   disk space in the Yandex disk. And just already 6 gigs

How to remove Yandex Disk?

If you need to remove Yandex Disk from a computer, you must first disconnect it from the computer in its settings, and then delete the application in a completely familiar way. The second video shows where this setting is located.

The web interface is quite simple; you can perform basic file operations, such as copying, moving, renaming and deleting. Interestingly, the service supports opening of the basic formats of office documents, and a mini-player is provided for music.

So any files are sent, be it documents, photos, music or something else.

If you need to access your data from another computer on which you do not need to install the application, all functions can be performed via the web interface. To do this, go to your Yandex mail and go to the Files tab.

Below the tabs are buttons with which you can perform the necessary functions.

. Click on the "Download" button, a pop-up window appears. You can drag the file to the download field or click the “Select files ...” button and find the file you need in the opened explorer.

The principle of working with the web interface is the same as with a computer. When you delete all the files are placed in the basket, which must be periodically cleaned.

Hello, my reader! Every active user of a computer and the Internet sooner or later faces the problem of storing materials.

Someone will say that you can buy a flash drive and always have it with you. But you must admit, this is very inconvenient. And why spend money on a purchase? First of all, there is a great chance of losing it, which can not be allowed.

Today I want to tell you how to solve this problem   using the Yandex.Disk service.

What is it and for what

The first question I want to answer is: what is Yandex.Disk. It is a relatively new data storage technology. To date, the services of this direction are becoming increasingly popular. And this is not surprising. After all, the question of how to increase memory on a computer, while disappearing.

We simply place the necessary documents, albums, pictures, photos in the cloud storage and we can use them in any convenient place subject to the availability of the Internet. Under modern conditions it is not so difficult. Today, access to the Global Web is at work, at home and even on the road.

I think now it is clear why Yandex.Disk is needed? Most importantly, this principle of storage is free and has no time limit.

check in

I think I managed to convince everyone of the convenience of the service. It remains to decide how to configure and how to use Yandex.Disk. After you sign up, you will have many options available.

To register and login, you need to have mailbox   Yandex (I think most people have it, but if it’s not, then you’ll have to create one). I will not dwell on the registration procedure itself.

After entering the username and password from the box, click "Login". In the top menu, find the inscription "Disc" and click on it.

Yandex disk in the future can be installed on almost any device:

There is a solution for all this. The right side of the web version has all the necessary links:

At your disposal 10 gigabytes of memory. But this volume is easy to increase. For this you need to offer your friends to use this cloudy space too. For each invited friend you get 512 additional megabytes. Also there are promotions with partners: when you purchase a partner device, Yandex gives you 50 GBytes for two years.

There are also options with a monthly payment:

  1. for 30 rubles additional 10 GB
  2. for 80 rubles - 100 GB
  3. for 200 rubles - 1 TB

Using Yandex.Disk for their own purposes

After downloading the application Yandex.Disk on your computer, run it. In order to upload a file to the cloud, just place it in the Yandex.Disk folder.

The nice thing is that the stored information can be made publicly available or accessible to certain individuals. The public link can be copied and sent to friends and / or to the newsletter. To do this, press the right mouse button and use the prompts of the menu that appears.

It is possible to work with the storage directly through Yandex mail. To do this, the mail interface has a “disk” icon, which must be clicked to download cloud storage.

It’s also very easy to upload files general access   with links.

I can not help but note that using the service is very convenient to download files. This happens in a couple of moments, even if its size is several gigabytes. Downloading occurs without the participation of you and your computer.

Files are also convenient to transfer to friends. Just give the link and that's it. The transfer is also carried out without your participation.

I think that after reading all the features and capabilities of the Yandex.Disk service, everyone will want to use it, since it is actually convenient and simple. No need for special skills and additional fees. Personally, I really like this way of storing information and I recommend it to everyone.

Previously, another storage service,, was developed; however, in my opinion, it is inferior to modern storage.

If you have a lot of information, which is a pity to delete, but there is nowhere to store, do not hesitate and hesitate. Sign up now. And you do not risk, all files in a safe place will be waiting for their use!

  • Google disk
  • Dropbox

Do not forget to tell about it in social. networks. Subscribe to my blog updates, I will tell you a lot more interesting. See you!

Best regards Abdullin Ruslan

Hello friends! Do you know the situation when you need to urgently open your files in another workplace at the computer, and a USB flash drive or external drive   have you forgotten at home? Besides, today is worn with external storage   around the city, on a business trip, on vacation somehow uncomfortable. Why extra weight when all the most necessary things can fit in one single place on the Internet and have access to it from any computer, from any city, country and point of the world where there is Internet? That's it about this place and will be discussed in today's article.

If a few years ago, users preferred to store their data on a flash drive. Today, more and more people prefer individual places on the Internet, where you can store personal information you need, which you may need at any time. And these places are called cloud storage.

Today there are a huge number of such repositories of information in the network, but the most popular among them is Yandex Disc, Dropbox, Amazon, Google drive. Each has its pros and cons, therefore, you need to choose based on your needs. If you are an info-businessman and you need to place info products for download - then it is better to choose paid cloud storages by type of Amazon. If you are a simple Internet user and you need to always have personal files on hand - photos, videos, any documents - then the Yandex Disk or Dropbox is the best choice. Personally, my preference is at Yandex Disk for several reasons, which I will discuss below.

So what is Yandex Disk? Let's take a closer look.

Yandex Disk - this is a virtual disk that is located on the Internet, or rather, on Yandex servers. Access to this disk you can get from any computer, gadget anywhere in the world where there is accessible Internet. Just log in and enter your details email   on Yandex. Only you have access to your resources, but you can provide other users as you wish, before opening it to the necessary folders.

The service is convenient because you can work with it from your phone, smartphone, tablet and computer. Just add the file, as in a few seconds you can access it from any other device. The main advantage of Yandex Disk before the same Dropbox is the Russian interface, as well as the fact that almost every Internet user has mail from Yandex, which is required to work with the Yandex Disk service. While Dropbox is installed only for every 10th user. What does it threaten with? It's simple - if you give open access   to some file in your cloud service for a user, then in order for him to download it, he needs to be registered with this service.

Another advantage of Yandex Disk is the fact that everything in it is terribly simple and understandable. There are no cumbersome and complicated settings; there are no heaps of step-by-step installations. You only need to register with the service. If you wish, you can install Yandex Disk as a separate virtual disk on your computer, which further simplifies working with files.

In general, if you want to get high-quality and intuitive work cloud drive   (cloud storage) on the Internet - I advise you to install Yandex Disk . Its interface is practically no different from the usual to all users of the conductor. Files can be placed both individually and in folders. With this you should not have any problems.

In Yandex Disk you can store any files - photos, videos, text, spreadsheets, music and many others. I should note that disk space is limited. After registration you will be available 10 GB, this is enough for regular user   network. By "ordinary" I mean the average user who does not download Terabytes movies, does not create infoproducts and does not save all music albums, but simply uses the Internet and wants to have the necessary files at work - reports, drawings, plans, instructions, books, lectures, cribs and more.

But if you want to increase disk space - no problem. This can be done in several ways - buy, get a share, get for invited friends, for registering with the referral link of another user.

  Therefore, Yandex Disk opens up ample opportunities for convenient work on the Internet. If you haven't yet this service   - it's time to start it. And if you sign up for my referral link, then as a gift you get 1 GB free space   at their disposal on an ongoing basis.

In principle, for today. How to register Yandex Disk, how to install it on your computer and configure it, how to provide access to your files to other users and what additional features you can get using this service from Yandex you will learn in the next article.

And now I want to ask you - what cloud services do you use and why?

Yandex Disk is a convenient solution for downloading and synchronizing data. If you still do not know how to work with the Yandex disk, then I recommend that you read this article.

Cloud storage is a great alternative to both a stationary hard disk and any other storage devices. Since 2010, this type of data storage has become the most widespread, due to its reliability and considerable volume, so it is not surprising that lately, users are increasingly asking the question: “What is Yandex.Disk?” And “Should I trust it with important information?” .

So, what is Yandex.Disk like? It's very simple - this is cloud storage, which replaced the Yandex.Narod service. The first service of Yandex, was also created for storing and sharing files, but due to the advent of cloud technologies, the project was abandoned in 2013. The fact is that interest in the capabilities of the archives of the new type was so high that, fearing competition, Yandex was one of the first to offer its users a modern repository for large volumes of information. The decision gave good results. At present, the competition in this segment is quite high, but for users of the company's services, Yandex.Disk turned out to be “thus” - that is, a useful and convenient service. Let's see why:

  1. 20 gigabytes - for free. Today, everyone new user service after registration automatically receives 10 gigabytes. But this is not all, Yandex is not so simple: additional gigabytes can be obtained as a reward for invited friends. Moreover, the invitee receives 512 megabytes, and the invitee receives 1 gigabyte in addition, subject to the installation of the Yandex.Disk desktop application. Several more gigabytes can be obtained using the Yandex.Disk certificate or by taking part in promotions that the service regularly conducts with partner companies. So, about 20 Gigabytes gradually accumulates, but if you need even more - you can buy it. The conditions and prices are quite affordable, and the quality, stability and additional features are not worse than those of competitors.
  2. Principles of working with files and additional features. To automatically send or modify existing files, you can install the Yandex.Disk desktop program for Mac or for Windows, as well as use third-party applications with the WebDAV protocol or work with files directly through a standard browser.

After installation, the program creates a separate folder that automatically synchronizes all the added information with cloud storage. For reverse operation, that is, uploading files from Yandex.Disk to a computer or smartphone, simply mark them, call context menu   and select the option "Download".

Also, users will probably come in handy, then what is possible here:

  • share files, generating a link for direct access to any of the downloaded files;
  • get screenshots, immediately save them in the cloud and share the link;
  • send new photos and videos directly to social networks;
  • set up a shared access to any of your own folders in the cloud, sending out invitations and setting access rights for each of the invitees;
  1. Synchronization. Yandex.Disk automatically synchronizes information on all available devices of one user. Therefore, if the application is installed on the home and office computers, as well as a smartphone or tablet - all updates will be available on each of them.

Thus, answering the question of what Yandex.Disk is, you can say without reservation that this is a completely modern and convenient cloud, which may well become the main or auxiliary repository for any private information. If you still have any questions, I recommend reading a more detailed article on the link - how to work with Yandex disk. In fact, many domestic Internet users ignore this Yandex service in vain, preferring Dropbox and Google Drive to it. Although the product of our programmers is essentially not inferior to Western products.

  In addition to this material, I suggest watching a video review of various cloud services   file storage online.

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