What is the username. Login while registering - what is it?

Login is user ID   to enter the Internet services (mailboxes, forums, social networks, etc.). The name comes from the English words " log", Which translates as" logbook", And" in", Which means" in "," inside ". Login used in conjunction with the password, a special secret word. This is a pair is needed   to gain access to personal data that must be hidden from outsiders. The password for security changes periodically.

All fields are written in Latin. You will need an email for your registration. The original password is given by us. If you received this message, make sure you entered your e-mail address correctly. The vehicle number must always be written in Latin in capital letters.

The "Network error" message means that you do not have an Internet connection. The item shows the connection to the Internet. If the indicator is red, then you do not have a connection right now. Check your settings or contact the mobile service provider that you are using.

Depending on the specific service, the identifier can coincide   or not with a user name that displayed   inside the service and can be seen by other people. If there is no match, then the input carried out   entering a login and password, and communication is already under the name. This name can be real   or fictional, include the surname or not. Usually, the Internet uses aliases   (nicknames, nicknames). For example, the portal qip.ru requires, when registering the input, the login and the user's name (with the surname) separately:

In the upper right corner you will see the numbers showing the current version with which you are working. Select the "Update" button. You can contact the client when you are in the active order, using the button with the microphone icon. Press the button once, and after it lights up red, write down your message. Click again and the message will be received by the client.

Customers can also send you a message. Listen to it by pressing the button with the letter icon, which starts blinking when a new message is received. After completing the order, you will not be able to send a voice message to the customer. You can send a voice message to the client you expect. After one minute from the moment of setting the status "Stay" without receiving a response from the client, select the "No customer" button. This order will not be charged to you. Tell us about such cases to find out if there is abuse of customers.

In social networks, access is often used E-mail address   or phone number. Here's an example of entering Facebook:

Rules for creating a login

Traditionally, the identifiers for logging into the service consist of a set of   Latin letters and numbers (plus underscore "_"). This has been the case since the days of the Unix operating system, when this method of protecting users was invented. The use of Cyrillic is possible for some systems operating in RuNet.

Do not complete the order as done, and do not enter any amounts, as this makes it difficult to track and limit such incorrect users. Your code is personal, and through it you can expand your loyalty base. When a customer who is not a taxpayer scans your personal code, he will be redirected to our download page. After installing the application, you will automatically be added to your favorite drivers.

Follow our advertising campaigns to inform you about the current bonuses associated with attracting new users. We can not demand that you as drivers change your personal habits and your way of working, but we can give you feedback on what customers are most often considered extremely negative.

Also allowed   use of special icons. The aforementioned qip.ru treats favorably the symbols "-" and ".", But swears under the underscore "_". Rambler.ru accepts all these three characters, but limits   their use. Special characters should not be at the beginning or end of the identifier, should not follow one another. Examples   correct names for rambler.ru: "vasya1996", "katerina.sidorova", "ya-svobodnyi".

The most common complaints received from our users are. The Internet is based on services, and we just get used to the fact that everyone wants us to subscribe. This means a repeated registration process and password determination, which must be different in accordance with the security instructions for each service. We need a registration for every purchase in the store to add an opinion to the discussion to enter the forum, just in case.

We can understand this as a register of authenticated users of the Czech Internet, which in addition to the username and password also stores the real name, functional email address, telephone number or residence of the user. All received data is checked, and the user has full control over the Internet service.

Rules for creating a password

Reliable   passwords are considered long at least 8 characters, consisting of latin   letters (necessarily lowercase and uppercase mixed!) and numbers. Example: "frt67hG438", "Hjd521Yjk". Categorically not recommended   use secret words consisting of a set of identical letters or numbers, phone numbers, names, surnames, addresses. Verbal experiments like "1234567", "iloveyou", "privet" - a real gift for intruders.

But we are far from the described ideal. There is also a fear of misuse of such a valuable database with personal data. It is non-commercial, impartial and non-commercial. It already has an extensive database of users who use the Czech domain. We have more than 106 thousand, which is more than the rest of the world. A relatively small Czech Republic is well suited for interviewing news.

You can also subscribe to some foreign sites. If you do not want this, you do not need to fill out the data. Your account will be active, and some sites will be enough to sign in. A verified user enters your name and home address.

Cyrillic in passwords prohibited. Special characters are limited; this is depends on   from a specific service. The same rambler.ru allows to use the set "! @ $% ^ & * () _- +", it increases the complexity of the secret word. To complicate the password, replace the letter "i" with "!", "A" with "@" and so on. If the fantasy is completely impoverished, run a special generator, like pasw.ru:

However, the user can achieve even higher levels of verification, the so-called verification. For users thus verified, there can be no doubt about the authenticity of the entered data. There are three types of user accounts. With the core, you can still be anonymous on the Internet and have multiple identities. Creating email and getting a phone number is a trivial activity today.

You will find out what personal data is required from you by the registry, and you can choose which ones to provide. When you turn off part of the requested information, you will not need to continue working. The site operator can request any information, but can only be limited by the name and surname that requires a verified or verified account. This is useful, for example, in web discussions where you want to prevent the publication of messages by anonymous users. Such an online store that also requires an address.

Description of the question

Anyone who deals with the Internet knows that when registering on a new site, and sometimes even logging on to an already lived resource, he will be asked to enter a login and password. Most of us do not really think about the richness of the password and very often put four einichki or the date of their birth. IT security specialists categorically advise against using such passwords. They are very easy to find. Of course, you can say that hackers will not get any valuable information from hacking your password. Even if it is, it is still very unpleasant when someone else read your personal correspondence. And if the intruders have invaded your email account or have access to a wallet of webmoney - this is directly a disaster. Therefore, the choice of password must be taken very seriously, so that it really was a valorous guardian of your life in virtual space. But in addition to reliability, the password must have another indispensable property: you must remember it. Of course, you can have the same password on all sites, but this is extremely unsafe. You can write down all the passwords in a special notebook and, if necessary, take passwords from there (and keep the book in a safe, so as not to get to the enemies), but this is extremely inconvenient. Therefore, I offer you some simple tips that will allow you to make a reliable password and at the same time easily remember it.

A verified account contains proven age information, so it is great for age-restricted access. There are two options - to create a new account or, if you own a Czech domain, create an account based on the data stored in the domain registry. In the latter case, you can edit the contact information of the domain registrar without contacting the domain registrar. The disadvantage, however, is the generated user name. When creating an entirely new account, you can choose any custom account.

You will need

  • the name or line from your favorite song, a poem
  • your favorite saying
  • a little imagination and two or three minutes

Step-by-step solution

  • First. Never treat the creation of a password lightly. Do not dial the first word that comes to your mind in a hurry, hoping that in the future, change the password. After all, according to statistics, only 10% of people do occasionally change passwords, as recommended by the security rules for keeping passwords.
  • A few words about what not to do. Do not choose your name, spouse's name or your child's name, your favorite cat's name, date of birth or another word based on information known to many. Do not use passwords that indicate a word, including Russian words, typed in Latin. Currently, there are a lot of programs that pick up passwords using the method of sorting out words from dictionaries. Standard passwords (123456, 3333, qwerty, admin, olechka, apple) are opened in minutes. But they can easily be improved, then passwords will become a "hard nut" for crackers.
  • And the password should be different from your login, longer than 8 characters (better 10-14), include the signs of a different register (upper and lowercase letters), punctuation marks, numbers. The more ridiculous is your password (ie similar to the abru-cadabra), the higher the confidence in its safety.
  • If you definitely want to drive your name as a password, you should give it a trick, for example, by replacing the letters "ch" with 4, that is, instead of "olechka" make at least "ole4ka". But it is better to diversify the password by entering capital letters and numbers, ie "Ole4ka85". Then the hackers will have to sweat a lot, if at all something will come out of them from hacking your password.
  • Another good way is to choose a title or phrase from your favorite poem or song, for example, waltz boston. And enter these words through any punctuation mark, being in the English layout. Those. we obtain dfkmc_, jcnjy.
  • Also you can make a password from your favorite saying, so to speak, your life credo. For example, measure seven times, one cut off or well-veiled road to hell. Take the first letters from each word and write them in Latin transcription, in the middle (after the first two letters) add a couple of numbers (for example, your date of birth or the number of words in the phrase). Ie for the first variant it turns out Sr5ooo, and for the second - Bn6udva.
  • If you firmly decided that for each site you will have a separate password (and this is what is recommended by specialists), then think up a certain scheme for yourself, taking as a basis the names of the sites. First, enter a small codeword, one for all sites, for example, frjn. To him through the sign "_" or "-" add the name of the site (or the first word from this name). And in the end, put a number equal to the number of letters in the name of the site. And the name of the site begin with a capital letter. Those. for vsezdorovo.kom it will be frjn_Vsezdorovo10. Perhaps you will say that such a password is long to enter, but it is almost impossible to hack it. And taking this method as a rule, you will never forget what kind of password you have on this or that site, because the name of the site you always have before your eyes.
  • You can slightly simplify the previous example. And the password for each site is compiled according to the scheme "hello_my_name of the site", i.e. helloy_my_vsezdorovo, helloy_my_yandex, helloy_my_second. And if you still diversify these phrases with at least one number, it will be generally great.
  • The secret question required to recover the password in case it is lost is an important part of protecting your account. Even if your password is almost impossible to crack, but on the standard question about your mother's maiden name or your favorite dish, you gave an absolutely truthful answer, which means that there is always a chance that attackers will find a way to learn this information, for example, through social networks or correspondence on the forums. Your password and hack do not have to. So come up with your own unique question.


Create an account - either from the very beginning, or from the domain registry

Entering both codes activates the account. While it is limited, because it is not registered. To do this, you must enter your home address and request a third code. To verify your account, you will need an email and a mobile phone. Any other data will later be considered by other methods. The fact that you, in addition, fill out your profile will depend on you. The information will remain ready, but no one can get there.

Profile card ready to add

You can also insert an alias or photo that you can use in discussions and forums. If you fill out the date of birth, you can apply for validation. When information is checked or even checked, it remains possible to change it. However, if you do, the verification will naturally come, and you will have to return it again.

  • When entering a password, do not forget that many systems are case sensitive. Those. not always the "RTASEW" character set is equal to "Rtasew" or "rtasew". Therefore, immediately see if the Caps Lock button is pressed. Also, do not forget to pay attention to the keyboard layout. Make sure you type the password in Latin letters, not Russian.
  • Today, there are special programs that pick up passwords (for example, Password Generator XP). Well, you do not even have to puzzle. And these programs do not write down the password anywhere, i.e. generate it once and just for you.
  • Never write passwords in a separate file on your computer or in the memory of your mobile phone.
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