Fonit radio microphone. If the microphone fonites. Fonet microphone - what to do?

Hello dear readers blogs and subscribers of youtube channel, today I want to tell you, or rather answer the question why the phonitis microphone  in Windows 10. I will tell the background of my boss, there is a Sony VAIO laptop, and he has such a glitch that when it is turned on, when the Windows logo appears, the microphone begins to fade wildly and all this cracking starts to run through the speakers, which wildly irritates the ears. I'll tell you how I solved this problem and made the speakers ignore everything that was unnecessary.

"What do I need to do to share my voice?"

The result is a voice that sounds like a recipient by age, personality and vocal identity, but as clear and understandable as the donor. Another 10 million people worldwide live without deafness due to cerebral palsy, amyotrophic brachial sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, throat cancer, etc. And also people with low vision who rely on generic voices on their auxiliary communication devices. Of course, you can share the idea with others and help us spread this word!

What to do if the microphone is phonetically

Earlier we in the top ten solved the problem when the sound does not work on windows 10, some methods we take from there.

Let's understand the nature of the glitch and look for the answer to the question why the phonet microphone in Windows 10. The first thing to check is whether it's worth reinforcing the levels, it's usually done when you have a weak microphone and you need to amplify it, as the payoff amplifies the background noise in the background . And so you need to do it to diagnose the sound, do it like this, in the lower right corner, right-click on the sound icon and select Detect sound problems with the context menu.

What to do if the microphone is phonetically

We want and need all types of voices. Everyone has a unique voice, we want to catch the diversity of the human voice. You can not get the best technology if you are non-profit. Considering this kind of technology and commitment to the fact that the latest technologies are better suited for a commercial arena, we are making a profit that creates a technology of social benefits with several applications.

We are always looking for ambassadors and others who are passionate about the division of the voice. You can help hire voice donors for a local voice disk or hold your own voice drive. First of all, you can help give someone a voice - it's powerful. But in the process, you can learn something about your own voice by simply processing it.

The search for the detection of problems will begin, if something is wrong in the settings, you will see this in the report and Windows will try to fix it. If no obvious errors are found, then we continue to understand why the phonet microphone in Windows 10.

But in fact, there are more reasons than this. If you put your voice, it may be possible to recreate it if you ever lose it in the future. And your voice can help scientists learn more about the human voice in general. This could not only help us determine the best ways to develop synthetic voices, but also the ways in which our knowledge can be used to improve the diagnosis of health, bioengineering and other related areas.

"How long does it take to complete a complete recording?"

We need from 6 to 7 hours of speech from each donor. However, you will not do it right away. Online bank allows you to record whenever you want. All we ask is a recording in a quiet place without distractions. The better your recordings, the better the voice that we can create.

Now you need to open the snap sound, it is done in several ways, the most advanced, is to open the Start menu and use the name Sound. Press Win + R and enter mmsys.cpl. You can so pontagnut before someone 🙂

English is not my first language

Are there any languages ​​other than English

  At the moment we focus on English. In the future, we hope to add additional languages! My voice recordings are kept in a safe place. Your voice records are safe with us! Your personal information is stored in one place and audio files in another place where they are simply numbered without being connected to your personal information.

"Others recognize me as someone's voice?"

No, people of all ages can share their voice on our online platform! Although it is possible, it is unlikely that others will recognize you in a mixed voice - unless, of course, you have a famous or known voice!

"How do I change my email address?"

  "I lost my password, what should I do?". Simply put, you need to make sure that the internal microphone is not turned on when you are wearing a headset.

And the second method, or through the same right click on the sound icon there select the playback devices.

although still possible through the control panel, you can find it by clicking on the start with the right click, and selecting the corresponding item\u003e then Sound.

"How often do my proposals remain?"

The platform tracks your progress and often saves your offers. Even if your browser unexpectedly crashes, it is unlikely that you will lose more than a few sentences. Numerous quality checks are built into the platform. If you find a problem with the recording, you will receive a pop-up message. If the problem is detected after logging out of the session, you will receive a notification on the control panel at the login. If you do not hear anything, you are doing great!

Make sure there is no background noise! Also, try moving your microphone closer or further away from your mouth to make sure it helps. Proposals are carefully selected to cover all sounds and sound combinations in the language to create a high-quality voice. The more entries, the better the quality of voice that we can create.

After these manipulations, we are in the right snap, in which we will solve the problem with a microphone and background noise.

How to set up a microphone so that it does not fonil

In order to configure the microphone so that it does not go to the background, go to the Recording tab, on it you will see all available microphones, choose the one with a green daw, this means that it is used by default.

"Is it possible for a person to convey his speech for personal use?"

Absolutely all records will be saved indefinitely. If you want us to create your personal digital voice for you in the future, you would just buy a voice from us!

What is the purpose of phonetic symbols on the recording screen in "The Human Voice"

  The phonetic background in the voice bank symbolizes all the different sound combinations in English. After recording a specific sound, this symbol will light up! Having finished the complete set of records, the entire background will be lit.

I see that I have matches in the "Human Voice," what does this mean?

If the interface saves the phrase when you write, you are all set up. We specifically developed an interface for recognizing acceptable records. If the record does not correspond to the nominal value, it will not allow you to save this phrase. All you need to do is fill more records. More entries = more matches.

  • The microphone is its volume level, we put it at 100 percent
  • Amplification of the microphone, because of it the microphone fonet

i advise you to put a maximum of 10 dB more, more of you will be very audible, more precisely not that you and others around, during a conversation with the interlocutor, it can dick strain, sound like in the market.

"Can my voice correspond to more than one recipient?"

If you do not have a match, you need to fill out some more records. Yes, your voice can be used to create a unique voice for several recipients.

"Does everyone have the same script or are they different?"

  Currently we have one script, but this may change in the future!

From time to time, someone suffers from problems with teams that are not understood. Or you say, "That's right," and the Dragon thinks you said "Right in." Often explaining your teams often helps, but if you are disappointed with false results, you can rename the team into something more recognizable.

Immediately you can immediately check the volume of the microphone on the Listen tab, check the Listen from this device, and talk into the microphone if everything suits the daw and is saved.

Check your team with the re-composition. . This approach can be very effective, but there are several things that you should note. If you do not have a microphone, you can also use your headphones as a microphone. We'll tell you how it works with the earbud headphones.

If you do not want to use headphones to play sound, but only as a microphone, you can connect the jack directly to the microphone input. Then right-click the speaker icon in the lower right corner and select "Recording Devices". If the "Microphone" is set to "Disabled", right-click it and select "Enable".

  • In the next window, double-click "Microphone".
  • Click the Level tab to adjust the recording level of the microphone.
  • Disconnect the headset or pull the headset cable from the bottom of the controller.
  • Then connect it to the controller.
If you have a chat headset of 3, 5 mm, never pull the headset cable if you want to remove the headset from the controller.

If at the next conversation, you also have the same phonitis or background when you turn on the computer, check the gain again, sometimes other programs adjust this level automatically, for example Skype for the desktop.

You can remove the auto setting in Skype and you need it here, open the upper menu item Tools\u003e Preferences.

Pull the headset plug to remove the headset from the controller. If possible, try another controller or headset to determine hardware errors. Update the controller to make sure you are using the latest software.

  • Make sure the headset is not turned off.
  • Then adjust the sound parameters.
If the problem can not be solved, try the following solutions.

You will hear an echo or noise during playback

The headset can not be used with other devices. Do the following:

  • Check for defects in the headset, cable and plug.
  • Make sure that the headset plug is not dirty.
  • Use a cotton swab moistened with cleaning alcohol to clean the cork.
The default value for players under the age of 17 is only for friends. This echo effect is often given out by the speaker, not by a person who hears an echo.

In the settings, go to the Audio Settings item and clear the docket

Enable automatic microphone setting

Saving and enjoying life, make sure that if you use any soft backgrounds, do not go into the settings, as well as auto adjustment of voice devices.

For example, if you hear an echo that only occurs when someone is talking, this problem may affect the connection of the headset to the speaker, not the headset. Under the following conditions, echo or noise may occur during playback.

  • The microphone receives ambient noise.
  • Voice transmission from headphones.
  • The headset connector is not properly connected to the controller.
If you or other players hear an echo or other noise during playback, try one of the following.

Disconnect the headset, and then reconnect it to the controller expansion connector. Never disconnect the headset cable if you want to remove the headset from the controller.

  • Decrease the volume of the TV or stereo.
  • Make sure the plug is properly installed.
However, if you hear other participants in a party or a game, participants can not hear you, try these solutions.

We go further in our sacred struggle against external background noise, and we understand further what else to do if the microphone is phonete, it is logical that some drivers for the sound card or web camera can answer for this, and it is logical that the correct solution will be to reinstall them updates. How to update the driver on windows 10, I already told you, look at all done in one fell swoop, I update this method immediately with firewood for all devices.

Fonet microphone - what to do?

Solution 1. Solution 7. Sorry, this article did not solve your problem. We will not surrender, and you should not. Try the following community setting. Our 10 tips provide solutions. To do this, select the context menu command. Check the status of the update for the program icon. First of all, refrain from direct updating. Instead, select the three lines in the upper-left corner of the dialog box. The left panel opens a separate menu.

How to set up a microphone so that it does not fonil

If you do not report incompatibility, you should expect an uninterrupted system update. Minimum hardware requirements and compatibility with connected devices are determined during the verification process. If errors are reported, correct them according to the instructions. If necessary, install a compatible graphics card, replace incompatible components and provide sufficient disk space for download and configuration. As part of the system update, there is no function to switch from 32-bit to 64-bit.

If you have a Realteak driver, you can also access its settings from the control panel menu, select the microphone icon in it and put the options

  • Noise Reduction
  • Echo Cancellation

and make sure that the amplification is not worth more than 10 dB.

If you want to switch from 32-bit to 64-bit or vice versa, and if the required hardware requirements are met, you must always perform a clean installation. You must save all important data in advance. You also decide if you want to perform an update or a new installation. Use the media creation tool to update or create the installation media.

Running the program available in the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the system takes a long time. All information is requested through dialogs. The first dialog box allows direct updating or installation of the installation media. In the next dialog, you define the language, edition, and architecture.

If this did not help you, then you should look for a physical problem:

  • Try to poke the headphones or microphone in other jacks, for example, on the front panel in the case of a laptop this is not an option
  • Replace the microphone, if it is separate
  • If the microphone is to you on a webcam, then try tumbling into another USB port

I hope this article helped you understand why the phonitis microphone and you solved this problem

Do not buy Sony VAIO 🙂

And the devices through which the audio signal passes. One of the frequent reasons for the appearance of a stable low-frequency background is the connection of a passive microphoneand (without a built-in preamplifier) ​​to the audio system with no shielded cable. In this case, the background is caused by the appearance of an induced voltage comparable in amplitude to the signal microphonebut, from household lighting networks. The frequency of the background, respectively, is equal to the frequency of the mains voltage (in Russia - 50 Hz). In order to avoid a similar problem, you need to use to connect microphoneand the cable is braided. The braiding of the cable must be connected to the "casing" (zero supply circuit) of the amplifier. The background caused by interference from household electrical networks can also arise when using a shielded cable. Often the background appears only when you touch the body or the individual metal parts of the body microphonea. This means that the signal conductor of the cable has a galvanic connection to these parts. The background signal is induced in the human body and in contact with microphoneohm is transmitted to the input of the amplifier. The source of interference can be various home appliances, for example, mobile phones. Often a similar background appears not constantly, but periods of different duration (when certain subsystems of devices operate). The induced electric vibrations of the audible frequency range are usually a multiple harmonic of the original high-frequency signal or the result of its low-frequency component on the filter formed by the parasitic inductance and the capacity of the cable that is connected microphone.

Using microphone  long ceased to be a matter of professionals of stage, variety and musical specializations. Modern means of sound reception serve not only recording, but also messaging in instant messengers, when using the call and video call function.


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Telephone conversations via Skype have become a cheap alternative to fixed and mobile phones. In addition to the standard sound call, the program allowed making video calls earlier than operators of other networks.



In the "Volume Control" window, make sure that "Off" is set in the "Microphone" section How to use a headset, microphone or speakers to communicate with Skype? How to configure the sound settings on the computer and in Skype for Mac OS X Lion? From the Skype community.

Helpful advice

Try to record your speech through the microphone, and then play the recording. If you do not hear your voice, open the Sound window again (see above) and try adjusting the microphone settings to hear your voice on the test record. If you hear a recording, check that the sound settings in Skype are correct.

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  • skype microphone settings

Finally, an amazing time has come when many musicians and DJs, thanks to the development of computer technologies, can create at home a small but cozy and full-fledged recording studio. Anyone who, at least slightly related to the skill of sound engineering, it will be useful to know how to strengthen microphone  on computer.

You will need

  • Folder "Sounds and audio devices" ("Sound").


In the new "Record level" window, you will see several sections - "Laser", "Lin. Input "and" Microphone ". Each of them has its own volume scale with a running slider, and an additional slider for adjusting the stereo balance. In the "Microphone" field, move the volume slider to the desired level. Below, next to the inscription "Choose", tick. Close the window.

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In later versions of the Windows operating system, such as "Vista", the folder "Sounds and audio devices" in the control panel is simply called "Sound."

Helpful advice

It will also be useful for you to learn how to amplify the microphone on a computer for voice recording. In the "Properties: Sounds and Audio Devices" window, go to the adjacent "Speech" tab, in the "Voice recording" field. Increase the volume in the same way.

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