The screen became black what to do. Not the correct BIOS settings. Monitor problems

Black screen when booting Windows, what is it? Such errors make fear of a good half of computer users, although it is often possible to solve them without serious manipulations with a PC. There are no reasons for panic, but it is necessary to roll up our sleeves in order to restore the correct operation of Windows.

There are quite a few reasons for this problem and almost all of them are related to any system malfunctions.

The most common cause can be called failures in the video drivers, since it is your adapter that is responsible for correctly displaying graphic content.

Other common causes are: the consequences of system infection by viruses, improperly installed drivers or other applications that have damaged the registry, and broken updates of any programs.

The first step is to determine at what stage it occurs: in general, the monitor does not turn on, and the diode, indicating its operation, burns in such a way as if it is loading. In this case, and these are exceptional situations, you will have to try to connect your monitor to another computer and, if it fails, to give it to a service center. Also if system unit  it works normally, and the monitor does not respond to it at all, including the diode, the probability of a video card breaking is high. Most likely, the black screen later becomes the system boot, in this case, you can eliminate mechanical damage to your computer and use the methods for solving the problem described below.

Starting the desktop display

Perhaps you are running everything, but there is no service that is responsible for displaying the desktop. To restore proper operation you need:

1. Press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del;

1.Open the registry editor by pressing Win + R and enter regedit;

2. Go to the specified path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-\u003e SOFTWARE-\u003e Microsoft-\u003e ​​Windows NT-\u003e CurrentVersion-\u003e Winlogon;

3. Check the value of the Shell parameter; it should be explorer.exe;

Good day friends! I am glad to welcome you on my portal "". Today we will discuss how to remove a black screen when booting a computer and what it is all about.

Let me describe all the reasons that may cause a black screen when booting the computer, and below we will take a closer look at them in turn, as well as explain how to deal correctly with a black screen.

  1. The problem with the drivers. (most likely with video drivers)
  2. The monitor or cable does not work (VGA, HDMI, etc.). This includes custom errors. (The monitor is not plugged in, there is no cable from the video adapter to the monitor. If you have 2 video cards, then maybe you inserted the cable in the wrong slot)
  3. The operating system has already outlived its. Reinstallation required. In this case, usually when the computer boots, the black screen will not be empty, but with some kind of error.
  4. PC dust cleaning required
  5. Serious hardware problems.

I would also like to divide all black screens when loading into 2 categories and you, I think, agree with me.

  1. The problem is in the PC hardware.
  2. The problem is in the software part of the PC.

Finding out which category your problem belongs to is very simple:  If a black screen appears immediately when the computer starts up (that is, no characters appear on the monitor before starting Windows) - you have a hardware problemand if the PC writes something (and even the system can start to boot) and then goes out, then most likely you have a software problem.  (Ie problem in drivers or system) The only exception is hDD.

When hard problems occur disk system  does not load (or does this for a very long time) and usually the computer gives an error, for example, this format:

The Internet is full of instructions on how to check the hard drive.  I recommend the program Victoria 4.47. She also knows how to repair bad sectors.(unless of course they are damaged by software)

Also, if, when booting the computer, there is a black screen on which some kind of error is written, take it and boldly drive this error into the search box. You are not alone in this world with a similar problem. I give you a guarantee that what happened to you today has happened to others much earlier. They described their problem, and they were helped to find a solution. Good luck in your search! =)

So, something I very much delayed with the introduction ... let's get down to business, namely let's go through the list of reasons why a black screen appears when the computer starts up.

1. Problem with drivers.

Most often, a black screen when booting the PC appears precisely because of this. And 90% of the cases are due to the video adapter driver. Suppose you bought a new video card (or reinstalled the system, or decided to just update the old driver) and after the installation the system went to reboot, but you couldn’t boot to the end, and a black screen hung instead. (sometimes with a cursor) There are many reasons why this happens: the PC just doesn’t pull a new video card, driver curves, a very old system, (it doesn’t fit for new firewood and as a result) too (so to say) “fancy” firewood for and so on.

So, we kind of dealt with the driver problem. Let's move on to the solution now.
  And the solution is very simple. It is necessary when you turn on the computer to press F8. This menu will appear:

Here you need to select "Safe Mode" and after it is loaded, right-click on the "Computer" icon and select "Management". Next, go to the "Device Manager", select the display adapters there, click on it and remove the driver that you installed.  In order to remove the driver, right-click on it and choose to remove. That's all. After that, the system should boot “as usual”. You also now need to learn more about how to do this correctly in the section. If the system could not boot up normally, then go into safe mode again. Click the "Start" menu, select "All Programs", then "Standard", then "System Tools" and click "System Restore" Read more about how to do a system restore read.

2. Does not work monitor or cable

When the computer is booted, a black screen may be due to the fact that the monitor is simply not plugged in or the power cable and the “picture” transfer cable have slightly moved. Try to tuck all the cables. Also, a black screen at boot may appear due to the fact that the cable is inserted into the wrong video card.. (There are some computers that have a video card built into the motherboard and + this has a connector for another video card (more powerful). In this case, the cable should be inserted into the video card that is inserted into the motherboard slot) :

It happens that the picture cable stops working or the monitor is even worse. Check it out is easy. It is enough to connect the computer to the TV with the same cable. If everything shows on the TV without problems, the monitor is faulty, and if it does not, then either the cable or the computer is faulty. Read the article further and you will be able to diagnose and solve the problem yourself, because here i describe absolutely all the reasons for which when the computer starts, a black screen appears.

3. Reinstall Windows.

When you turn on the PC comes out black screen? Everything is simple. If the system before the “black screen”, gave out and in general lived its life, and now when the computer boots, a black screen appears with errors, then it makes sense to check the hard drive, and if everything is fine, then reinstall the system.

4. Requires dust cleaningfan lubrication. The fact is that dust is a very good conductor and can interfere with PC operation. Also, due to overheating, the computer may turn off.  In my practice, most often it was necessary to clean the computer from dust. (you need to pull out all the components from their slots and blow them.) The very first in the case of strong dust stops working memory, and I always first of all pulled out the dies of the RAM, blew their slots, cleaned the dies themselves and inserted them back. After that, the computer turned on as usual, but I still cleaned it completely (since I took it.)

5. Serious hardware problems.

If you have tried all of the above and still have a black screen while booting the computer, then most likely you are faced with a serious problem. Most often burns a video card.

This is preceded by various bands on the screen and artifacts.

The video card is burning due to the fact that the computer has not been cleaned for a long time and most likely the fan of the video card is clogged and could not cool it properly anymore.

If you have 2 video cards (built into the motherboard and another one that is inserted into the slot), then you have the opportunity to check how it works. To do this, remove the video card from your slot, and connect the “picture” transfer cable to the video card that is built into the motherboard. Turn on the computer. If everything worked, go to the store for new video card. If you have one video card, go to a friend and pull out the video card from the computer.  Insert it into the slot, connect the cable to it and turn on the computer. If the computer ozhil- go to the store for a new vidyahoy.

I will not describe more complicated hardware problems (replacement of the processor, motherboard), since it is too difficult for a simple user, and advanced users solve such problems on their own.

If after reading this article and using ALL the methods that are described here, the problem has not been solved, i recommend to contact the service center for diagnostics and troubleshooting.  Wish you luck!

Black screen when you turn on the computer.
Black screen when starting the computer  - this is perhaps the most terrible and at the same time unequivocal computer malfunction.

If you turn on the computer, no symbols or screensavers are displayed on the monitor, but instead you see just a black screen - on the one hand, there is definitely no problem with the software part of the PC (the reason is not in Windows, drivers or programs), but on the other hand - a fault in the hardware can cost expensive repairs.

Exclusion from the causes of damage to the software part of the computer eliminates reinstallation operating system, long yaw in the system registry, reinstall drivers. After all, this is what takes the most time and also requires more serious knowledge of the PC.

The cause of the malfunction at which monitor screen remains black  After pressing the power button, you should search in the system unit or PC monitor. The sad side of diagnostics in such a situation is that the cost of replacing or repairing a failed part can cost a very substantial amount. Also, most of the diagnostics is better to be entrusted to specialists, since any errors can lead to the failure of an even greater number of computer components.

Let's look at the main reasons for the appearance of a black screen when starting a PC. Below are only those reasons that you can diagnose yourself at home without the involvement of the service center masters.
Monitor  . The first and simplest thing to do is to check the status of the monitor. Disconnect the system unit from the electrical network, press the power button on the monitor. After that, disconnect the wire from the monitor to the system unit. Then turn on the monitor again with the power button! If the voltage indicator lamp lights up on the monitor case, and a welcome sign or monitor diagnostics appears on the screen itself (for example, " NO SIGNAL"), then the monitor is most likely in good condition and it is not in it. Check the connectors of the information cable, connect it tightly and securely to the system unit. Of course, for 100% confidence in the health of the monitor, it should be connected to another computer laptop connector for an external monitor.

USB connectors  . Carefully inspect the status of all computer USB ports, USB extensions, as well as USB devices (USB flash drives, mice, webcams, etc.) USB connectors must not be mechanically damaged. Their contacts must be intact and not broken. If there is such an opportunity, then such ports should be immediately disconnected from the motherboard of the computer (this applies mainly to the front connectors on the PC case). Everything USB devices, connected to the computer, inspect for damage - their wires should not be bent or broken. The keyboard can be filled with liquid (such keyboard should be turned off and sent for repair). USB flash drive connectors may be broken. Never use USB equipment with mechanical defects or a burning smell!

Further actions require professional knowledge of the internal structure of the PC system unit, as well as the appointment of all its constituent elements. Do not open the computer case and try to repair it yourself if you have never done this. It is better to turn to specialists. But here are the points that you can spend on your own, with sufficient knowledge of your PC. All actions should be carried out only when the computer is disconnected from the mains! The computer should only be turned on to check the result of the repair. You can not make unnecessary effort. If you do not know how this or that board is disconnected, never apply force! All computer parts are quite fragile.

Dust  . You should clean the computer from it always and regularly, even if everything is working properly! This is the worst enemy of all consumer electronics. It is better to use vacuum cleaners with the ability to work on the "blowing". Dust should be blown off rather than sucked - less likely to damage the boards. You can use a hair dryer for drying hair, or a compressor, a powerful pump for mattresses. Do not think that if the outside dust is not noticeable, then it is not there. There is always a lot of dust in the computer, and it is very small, so this “cleaning” should not be carried out in an apartment, but in an open space (balcony or landing), and do not forget to use a protective mask and goggles.

Check all connectors and wires ! Carefully check all connections, connectors, cable, latches inside the system unit. Inspect the connectors for mechanical damage and burning. Wires can not be connected to the "tension"! If the cable length is not enough, either move the device to another connector, or buy a cable extension. Very often, connectors break wide plumes hard drives  IDE standard. Do not fix them - replace! Carefully check the RAM, the video card - they may not fully sit in their connectors. Just slide them in place! If all of the computer’s RAM consists of two or more boards, then remove them all for testing, and then check that the PC is turned on by installing each memory strip one by one. Perhaps one of them is faulty.

Mechanical damage . The system unit could be flooded with water, or other active liquid. In my practice, there have been cases when the computer did not work after the repairs made in the house - drops of wallpaper glue or lime got into the system unit. It is not recommended to work with the side cover open. Computer ventilation system is self-sufficient! And it will work correctly only with the enclosure closed! Also, pets can take an active part in computer breakdown. Inspect the wires - they can be gnawed, and inside the computer your pets can easily arrange, excuse me, toilet! Take it philosophically, animals should not suffer!

Inside the case there may be coins, nuts and other small metal items. Remove them, as this is often the cause of a short circuit, which is why the computer does not start up properly.

Inspect all electronic components for signs of short circuit. If there is soot, soot, then invite a specialist - you can’t cope with it yourself, you need a quality repair or replacement.

That's basically all that can be done quickly and independently at home. All other actions require more radical intervention. Yes, and diagnostics of all components of the system unit separately requires the availability of spare working parts, which is problematic for home users. But if suddenly in your practice there were other reasons, and you decided them yourself, then write in the comments to this article. After all, your experience may be useful for other novice users.

Black screen when booting Windows 7
- This is one of the most unpleasant things that can happen to our computer. But you should not immediately get a disk with the operating system and reinstall Windows 7, because this problem can be solved by other, more easy ways. In today's article we will look at how you can solve the problem of the appearance black screen when booting in windows 7  on our own, consider the reasons for the appearance of a black screen, and also learn how to prevent its appearance.

Black screen when booting Windows. What to do?

So let's see why the operating system does not load and what causes a black screen in Windows 7? The main reasons are only two. 1 is a malfunction hard drivethat as a result causes damage system files  and causes errors in the system. 2 - these are the most common viruses, Trojan modules and other malware. By the way, the black screen when replacing Windows was replaced, which everyone was so afraid of, but unlike it, you can work with a black screen and try to restore the situation.

When booting windows 7, a black screen appears

So, let's first analyze the situation in which the operating windows system  7 does not load at all, and a black screen appears instead of the desktop. The first thing to do in this situation is to enter safe mode. How it's done? First you need to restart the computer and during its loading press the F8 key (F8 is best to start pressing at the moment before the start of the windows 7 download)! You will have a special menu in which you will need to select the “Safe Mode” item and press Enter:

What is it done for? Safe Mode is actually a very useful thing. The thing is that in this mode only the most necessary programs  and services that are necessary for correct windows work. Also, this mode is very often used to log in to a system that has been exposed to viruses, as well as to recover deleted information or to prepare a computer to reinstall the OS. If you have entered the safe mode, you have a desktop, a taskbar and shortcuts on the desktop, this means that the black screen when starting Windows was caused by the failure of some service, program or driver that was installed shortly before black screen. In this case, it is best to restore the system or delete it recently. installed drivers and programs through the Control Panel -\u003e uninstall programs.

If the computer does not enter Safe Mode, then you need to restore the operating system, this can be done by inserting the operating system disk into the drive and selecting the appropriate settings. Sometimes there are cases that even after restoring the system, the black screen still does not disappear, in which case you need to completely reinstall your OS to a new one. How to do this, you can read in the article:.

Black screen when loading. If Windows boots

Very often, a black screen appears as a result of errors associated with the activation of Windows. In this case, you just need to re-enter license code  operating system and confirm the entered data. But in most cases it is still associated with the action of viruses and malicious software. If you have loaded Windows, but you have a black screen instead of your desktop, then you need to do the following.
1. Execute the Crtl + Alt + Del key combination.
2. Select the menu item to launch Task Manager. If the task manager for some reason does not start, then read the article on how to fix it: the task manager does not start.
3. Go to the processes tab and find the explorer.exe process there:

4. If you do not have such a process, then click the new task in the menu and in the window that appears, enter the following phrase: explorer.exe. Then click OK:

You can read more about restoring the explorer.exe process in the article: how to restore explorer.exe

If after that the black screen disappeared, then the problem is almost solved. To finish, you need to click Start -\u003e Run and enter the command: regedit in the window and click OK. You will open the registry editor. Here you need to follow the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / WindowsNT / CurrentVersion / Winlogon and enter the value of explorer.exe in the Shell parameter (by the way, if something else is written in the Shell parameter, then you must delete it !!! Shell parameter should be written only explorer.exe !!!):

If these actions lead nowhere, then malware  blocked the use of this process. To do this, go to the task manager in the menu, select New task and in the window that appears, enter the phrase: iexplorer.exe and click OK. You will open the Internet browser. Find and download from the Internet antivirus program AVZ. After that, run the program and perform the following actions:

Another option to eliminate the black screen when booting Windows 7

To do this, during the stay of the black screen, very quickly, five times under the row, press the Shift key, you can also press the key and hold it for 10-15 seconds. After that you will have a window with the inscription "Enable sticky keys?" In this window, click on the link:

In the window that opens, in the line that is located in the upper right corner, we write: “Task Manager”:

After opening the window "Control Panel", go to the item "System":

In the window that appears, select the item "System Protection”:

In the “System Properties” window that opens, click on the “Restore ...” button:

Put the bird and choose other recovery points:

If, when the computer is turned on, the black screen fills the entire display space, then first of all you need to check all the contacts. Make sure the monitor is plugged in and its indicator is on. Check the cable connecting the video card and monitor. If a black screen appears when you turn on the laptop, go straight to the next stage of diagnostics - checking the software and hardware status of the device.

Error message

If a black screen appears with inscriptions, then you need to rewrite or remember the information that the computer is trying to transmit. Usually, the specific cause of the problem is indicated - for example, “Bootmgr is missing”. The computer said what the problem is, you just have to see what to do in a particular situation.

A black (blue) screen with white letters also appears when starting the disk check program. If the system has been terminated abnormally, then when you turn on the computer, error checking will be started.

Do not interrupt the operation - wait until it is finished, then when you start the system the next time it does not turn on again. If you cancel the check, the screen with white letters will appear every time you start the computer.

Possible reasons

Before we begin to understand why, after switching on instead of the usual windows boot  you see a black screen and a cursor, let's see possible reasons  this problem:

  • Installing an unlicensed copy of the system.
  • Damage to system files or registry.
  • Virus infection.
  • Problems with video card drivers.
  • Hardware malfunctions.

If the black screen does not appear immediately, but when windows startupTry to download the latest successful configuration. Users with Windows 7 need to:

  1. Reboot the computer (laptop).
  2. At startup, press F8 until the menu appears.
  3. Select the last known good configuration download.

Unfortunately, this convenient option is absent on Windows 8. Therefore, you will have to check the system through safe mode (if the last successful configuration on Windows 7 did not help, also use safe mode).

Work in safe mode

Start safe boot mode network drivers, using the F8 key or the installation media with Windows 8. If the system starts up correctly, then you need to check that there is no sign in the corner that you are using a copy that is not genuine.

If there is an inscription, then the black screen can be removed using the correct windows activation  or shopping license key. In addition, try to perform system recovery, rolling back to the date when the black screen did not interfere with your work.

Be sure to check the video card drivers:

  1. Open the device manager.
  2. Locate the video adapter.
  3. Open the properties and go to the "Driver" section.
  4. Select "Roll Back".

If driver rollback does not help, try the opposite: update software  video card.

  • Click Win + R and execute dxdiag.
  • On the Screen tab, look at the device name and driver version.
  • Find the software for your video card model on the Internet and update the drivers.

Another point - check your computer for viruses. Use antivirus and cleaning tools (Dr. Web CureIt, Kaspersky Virus  Removal Tool) to increase scanning efficiency. Remove all malicious applications before trying to reboot the system in normal mode.

Hardware faults

Hardware problems are harder to handle. It’s good if there is no signal on the screen - most likely, the cable connecting the monitor and the video card just went away. If the screen without anything appears immediately after the start of the computer, and there is no way to boot into safe mode, then you are facing a hardware failure.

  1. Inspect all ports and external cables - they should be intact.
  2. Remove the cover of the system unit and carefully inspect the system components, as well as cables. Pay special attention to the video card - there should be no damage or dirt on it.
  3. Take out all the modules one by one random access memory, wipe the pins, then reinstall the strips.
  4. Clean the dust from the system unit (laptop).

To determine the hardware fault will help squeak out from the dynamics of the motherboard. Search the Internet for a fault map that allows beeps  BIOS determine the essence of the error.

If the computer doesn’t squeak, it can be damaged by itself. motherboard. This is probably the most annoying problem you may encounter. If you have already done everything possible, and there was no reaction from the computer, then you should contact the service center - home diagnostics methods are exhausted.

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