Why can not I persist in. Unable to save hosts file. The point is in the application.

This article is written solely on the basis of personal experience and observations of the author. All the above tips you perform at your own risk. For the consequences of your actions, the author and the site administration are not liable.

Here I will try to reveal one of the most convenient options. The essence of the task is that you need to open a notebook with administrator rights and upload to it hosts file  or log into the system administrator. The article describes the case if the system was installed in the default mode (in windows XP, the administrator password is known or empty).

Only when it is unlikely that both boards abandon their minds, data is lost. Those who still rely on cloud services  for photos that do not contain intimate details, be sure to keep their pictures from hacking or fire in their homes. It sounds paranoid - but for many memories it would be a shame if they were lost with a smartphone or a hard disk defect.

Photographers or people who have a lot of photos require a device that stores their entire collection of photos in one place. In addition, you can get better performance by useful applications  for sharing. Simplify your memory.

If you have not tried to clear the hosts file first, then I advise you to first follow the recommendations given at the beginning of the article.

Push button Start, open in the menu All programs  paragraph Standard, click the right mouse button on the item Notebook(Notepad) and in context menu  choose an item Run as administrator  (acting on the arrow in the picture below).

Centralized and expandable memory for all your photos

No matter how many TB photos you have, you don’t need to worry about enough disk space. You can add or replace hard drivesto expand capacity. A simple backup solution is vital for professional photographers.

Take photos using mobile apps everywhere

Get rid of the limitations of third-party storage capacity and enjoy the freedom to upload photos as your hard drives allow.

Send photos using file sharing links

  Save time and reduce waste by sending photos to customers and friends easily via the Internet.

In Windows XP, there may be an item Run as ...  In this case, in the dialog box, you must specify (select) a user name and enter a password.

In some systems, depending on the settings, the screen may be darkened and a window is displayed User Account Control  with request “Allow the next program to make changes on this computer?”  This is normal and should not be afraid. Just in case, check the field Program nameshould be Notepad  and field Verified publisher: Microsoft Windows . If so, feel free to press the button. Yeswill start Notepad. Push menu item File - Open ...  (or hot keys Ctrl-O). A file open dialog box appears. Next, look at the picture below.

Protect your valuable graphics

Imagine you always have your entire collection, no matter where you are. This means that the photos and files remain intact, even if one of hard drives  fails.

Backup to other devices or cloud storage

  Now click on the menu item "All Multimedia" in the upper right corner. If you received your pictures in the chat, you first need to open one of them, and then select "All Media".

Automatically save all captured images

Now you can select it by clicking on it. With a large number of shots, you can also mark them by clicking and dragging a punch. Now tag your images, and then click " General access". You can find a list and information on how to use them in the section on the File menu. Each of the other formats retains some image properties and loses others. It depends on the user who understands the capabilities of the format that he chooses.

Open folders one by one (if the system is installed on the disk and default folders): System disk  (usually drive C :) -\u003e Windows -\u003e System32 -\u003e Drivers -\u003e etc  (note in the address bar on the picture the same path is spelled out, underlined with a red line).

Most likely, immediately after opening the folder etc you will not see anything. That's right, it should be. Notice in the lower right corner of the circled red line list. Now you should have written there Text documents  (* .txt). And if with such a choice in the file list window you see the hosts file (hosts.txt), it is most likely the virus’s work, it’s better to delete it.

Exporting an image does not change the image itself, so you will not lose anything when exporting it. Section Export files. When this option is set, the animation will repeat until it stops. You can set the delay in milliseconds between frames if they were not previously set. In this case, you can change each delay in the layer's dialog box.

If it has not been previously installed, you can configure how the frames overlap. One frame per layer: previous frames are deleted before the previous frame is displayed.

  • I don't care: you can use this option if all layers are opaque.
  • Layers are overwritten below.
  • Cumulative levels: previous frames are not deleted when a new one is displayed.
This is a widely used format because it compresses images very efficiently, minimizing the loss of quality.

Click on the field and select from the list   All files, like on a picture. After that you should see several files in the file selection field, one of them is the required hosts file. If you do not see the hosts file, it may be hidden from display. In this case, right in the field File name  just type hosts and click Open.

Editing the hosts file is often used to protect children from visiting unwanted sites, eliminating the effects of viruses, etc. Despite the simplicity of the technique, many users face a number of problems, among which the persistent reluctance of the computer to keep the changes made to hosts comes to the fore. There are several reasons for this behavior, which we describe below. The first thing to remind is that only a user with administrative rights, owners of “simple”, can change the hosts file. account  doomed to failure. But sometimes even the "administrator" is refused.

Values ​​above 95 are generally not required. The default quality is 85 and, as a rule, it gives excellent results, but in some cases it is possible to significantly improve the quality without noticeable influence of the image. When checked, each quality change is displayed on the image screen.

Some additional configuration information. Enabling this option will use the entropy encoding parameter optimization. The result is usually a smaller file, but it takes longer to generate. If this option is enabled, fragments of the image are saved in a file in such a way as to ensure a gradual improvement in the image during loading of web pages with a slow connection.

File attributes

Open the folder with the file. Recall, it is usually located at C: \\ Windows \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc. Do not rush to open it and make changes, first click on the file, right-click and select "Properties".

This option allows you to save a thumbnail image. To quickly view an image, many applications use a thumbnail. If a certain quality setting was attached to the image when downloading, this parameter allows using them instead of the standard ones.

If you have made only a few changes to the image, reusing the same quality setting will give you the same quality and file size as the original image. This will reduce losses during the quantification stage compared to what happens if you used a different quality setting.

At the bottom of the “General” tab there is a “Read Only” item.

If it is checked, then save the changes will not work. Windows will offer to save hosts as text file. Even if you specify the correct “all files” option, the computer will ignore the user's desire and a useless text file will appear in the folder. Therefore, be sure to remove the check mark, and only then edit the file.

If the quality settings found in the source file are no better than the default quality settings, the Use Original Image Quality Settings option is available but not enabled. This ensures that you always get at least the quality specified in the default settings. If you do not make significant changes to the image and want to save it using the same quality as the original, you can do this by activating this option.

Using this parameter, you can soften the image, saving it, reducing them. But his image is somewhat out of focus. Image files may include bookmarks that allow you to upload an image as segments. If the connection is damaged when loading an image on a web page, the download can be restarted from the following tab.

Modifying the read-only attribute is a required step. Unfortunately, this solution is sometimes not enough.

Admin Notepad

If there is no Notepad application icon on the desktop, open the Start menu, in the bottom line write the word Notepad.

The human eye is not sensitive in the same way to the entire spectrum of color. Compression can use this to handle multiple different colorswhich the eye perceives very closely, as identical colors. It adapts to images with limited edges, but tends to denature colors. Possible values: "floating point", "integer" and "fast integer".

Floating point: the floating point method is somewhat more accurate than the whole method, but at the same time much slower if your computer does not have hardware that works fast with floating point. In this text box, you can enter a comment, which is saved with the image.

Marking "weave" allows you to gradually display the image on a web page when it is loaded. A progressive image sample is useful in connections with low speedssince it can for an image without interest; Weaving is little used today with the fastest connections.

If your image has many levels of transparency, Internet browsers that recognize only two levels will use the background color of their toolkit. Gamma correction is the ability to correct differences in how computers interpret color values. Viewers on other computers can compensate so that the image is not too dark or too bright.

We click it with the right mouse button, in the unfolding list we select the item “launch as administrator”.

Use the key combination Ctrl + O to open the file opening window and go to the familiar address. Make sure that “all files” are in the bottom right line and select hosts. Make changes and save.

The date the file was saved. When this option is checked, the color values ​​are preserved, even if the pixels are completely transparent. But this is only possible with a single layer, and not with a combined composition. Since compression has no loss, the only reason for using a compression level of less than 9 is that it takes a long time to compress a file on a slow computer. Decompression has nothing to fear: it's as fast as the level of compression.

Click to save current settings. The location of the saved photos is determined by the general location of the video or the sequence you used as a link.

  • The default location of imported cameras is in the following path.
  • Publications are classified as follows.
  • Where are my extracted photos stored on my hard drive?
To receive additional information  about the exact location of a specific file, you can try the following steps.

Security questions

If the previous method does not help, you will have to explain your rights to Windows. Click the right button on the hosts file and select "properties". This time you will have to go to the “Security” tab. Uncheck the "Deny" column, and in the next "allow" - put it.

Media files can only be organized according to the creation date with the camera settings.

  • Select the media file in the thumbnail viewer.
  • Right-click on the thumbnail.
  • Check this for system requirements.
However, as soon as you import the file to hDD, metadata cannot be overwritten, so you cannot add new shortcuts forever. You must install important components in the system library for the application to work. If you want to save new file  or overwrite another saved file, select “Save.”

If other people use your computer besides you, try to remember or write down the changes so that after editing you will put everything back. Click the OK button, the system will warn about the consequences. We agree.

Viruses and Antiviruses

Did not help? The culprit may be a vigilant antivirus. Many of them have the function of blocking the hosts file to malware  did not make their edits. Even if you temporarily disable the defender, there is every chance that the antivirus will remove the lines you entered. In this case, add hosts to the list of exceptions, which is in every serious antivirus program. For all programs, the order of actions is slightly different, so you will have to look into the corresponding help section.

This is useful for processing the source material. If you click Save, a dialog box will appear. Here you can select the file format. This is due to more costly and extensive than using the method in practice. We already have a list with links to the images, now we have to download them with the download manager.

When downloading images using the download manager, you can configure it to download multiple images at the same time and speed up the download process. If you were helpful, the article prompts you to leave some social ones. 1. And what if we just want to keep these Live Photos on your computer, to keep them safe or to just backup copy? Fortunately, we have ways to do this.

You have already realized that the problem with the admission may occur due to a virus that makes its changes to the hosts, and then cares about their safety. In this case, you can download Dr.Web CureIt! or similar product Kaspersky Virus  Removal Tool. Both utilities are free and perfectly remove pests that have settled on the hard disk.

Edit hosts file in safe mode

The procedure is a little different from the method where the file was opened via Notepad, but the entire operation is performed in safe mode.

And why not play with the format?

If you want to keep the animation, it is better not to worry about these issues. From there you can copy them wherever you want. And this file was able to convert for many years to be able to store it and share it elsewhere. We have applications like, which help us organize and convert these Live Photos in various formats, including. And if not, we can always send these images to services such as.

Although the configuration of your computer includes the default storage, you can always choose a place to save the files you create. This means that you can access these files from any device with an Internet connection and protect them in case of damage to your computer.

First, we reboot the computer. Once it is turned on, before the OS starts booting, press the F8 key several times. The computer will offer to choose the source from which to boot, choose the hard drive. Next, press F8 again and select the option “ Safe mode". Lines will run across the screen, then black window  low resolution.

Through the "Start" we launch the "Notepad" and act according to the algorithm described above. After saving the file, you can restart the computer.

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