Program to speed up the computer. Acceleration of a Windows computer: a selection of the best programs for optimization and cleaning

Hanging laptop, slow opening programs, long application downloads. Familiar picture? The slow operation of the system can disturb even the most patient person! We will reveal to you one secret: there is a program that speeds up the operation of a computer. Thanks to this unique software, you will forever forget about the slow loading and system errors, about the long launch of programs and the constant lack of free space on your hard disk. In this article, you will learn about the Computer Accelerator application, as well as examine in detail its main functions.

The main program window: available modes

Why does the computer hang?

The operating system is similar to the human body: over time, the speed and quality of its work decreases. The reason for this are outdated files, incorrect registry keys, as well as a lot of accumulated debris. Theoretically, you can make a total cleaning of the computer manually, but there will still be unused files on the hard disk that will clog the system. Innovative will come to the rescue, which will increase the speed of your operating system to 70 percent, as if you have installed a new one.

The Computer Accelerator application is completely safe and as quickly as possible cleans and optimizes the operation of the Windows operating system (versions: XP, Vista, 7, 8). It has a fairly compact size - only 20 Mb, so it does not take up much space on the hard disk of the laptop.

Search "junk" files on your hard disk

Increase PC speed

To start the verification process, click the Scan Computer button. Upon termination of the program will give you the number of detected errors. You can fix them with one click on the "Fix All Errors" button. The program to speed up the computer instantly save you from the extra rubbish accumulated over the entire period of using the system.

How does an accelerator work?

After starting the scanning process, Computer Accelerator starts working in three directions at once: cleaning extra files, optimizing the registry and controlling the startup. Consider them in more detail.

Extra files detected by the program - in the system and browser

The Disk Cleanup feature removes temporary files from the PC system and browser, cleans the browsing history and recycle bin. All system junk littering your laptop will be removed, and thanks to this you will free up gigabytes of disk space. The computer will increase the speed of work and cease to hang.

Optimizing the registry, finding and removing invalid extensions, missing DLLs, installer errors and ActiveX, etc. Clogged with incorrect removal of programs registry increases download and search time. Therefore, timely registry cleaning is another necessary measure that optimizes the work of Windows.

Correcting errors in the registry of the operating system

Control over the startup process allows you to manage applications and programs on your PC that are loaded automatically at system startup. More than 10 applications as part of autoload lead to a decrease in the level of machine performance. ? Go to the startup control section. There you will see all the elements that run simultaneously with the inclusion of a laptop. You can delete and add, enable and disable any application. This will significantly increase the speed of the system boot.

Effective management of autorun programs and applications

Instead of conclusion

In this review, we introduced you to a program to speed up a computer, thanks to which you will save not only your nerves, but also money. Computer Accelerator will literally delete temporary files and optimize PC performance in just a few minutes. An additional bonus will be the availability of a convenient “Scheduler”, by setting which, the application will automatically check the system for the presence of garbage. You will also learn information about the operating system: the name and capacity, RAM, data (parameters) of the processor and video card.

You need to download a program to speed up the computer right now, and save your OSes from unnecessary and obsolete files. No wonder the Russian proverb says: "The order saves time."

Welcome to my blog.

Today, you can find dozens of programs on the Internet, the authors of which promise that your computer will almost "fly up" after using them. In most cases, it will work as well, if you are not rewarded with a dozen advertising modules (which are embedded in the browser without your knowledge).

However, many utilities honestly clean your disk from garbage, defragment the disk. And it is quite possible that if you have not done these operations for a long time, your PC will work a little faster than before.

However, there are utilities that can really speed up the computer somewhat by setting the optimal settings for Windows, setting up the PC properly for this or that application. I tried some of the programs. I want to tell about them. The program is divided into three relevant groups.

By the way, before recommending utilities to improve performance in games, I would like to make a small comment. First, you need to update the driver on the video card. Secondly, adjust them accordingly. From this effect will be several times higher!

  • aMD / Radeon graphics card setup;
  • nVidia graphics card setup:.

Game buster

In my humble opinion, this utility is one of the best of its kind! About one click in the description of the program, the authors got excited (until you install and register - it will take 2-3 minutes and a dozen clicks) - but it works really quickly.


  1. Leads the Windows operating system settings (supports utility versions XP, Vista, 7, 8) to optimal for running most games. Because of this, they begin to work somewhat faster than before.
  2. Defragment folders with installed games. On the one hand, there is a useless option for this program (after all, there are even built-in defragmentation tools in Windows), but in all honesty, which of us does defragmentation regularly? And the utility will not forget, unless, of course, you install it ...
  3. Diagnoses the system for various vulnerabilities and non-optimal parameters. Quite a necessary thing, you can learn a lot of interesting things about your system ...
  4. Game Buster allows you to save videos and screenshots. It’s convenient, of course, but it’s better to use the program for this purpose (it has its own super fast codec).

Conclusion: Game Buster is a necessary thing and if the speed of your games leaves much to be desired - try it definitely! In any case, I personally, would start optimizing the PC with it!

Game gain

Shareware program to set the hidden operating system settings. To do this, this utility needs to know a few things about your PC:

  • its processor (I, for example, in the screenshot of AMD);
  • Windows OS (In the example above version 8, but keep in mind that the utility supports others).

If the program correctly identified your OS and processor, then you press just one button - "Optimize" (optimize). In half a minute - the result is ready!

Conclusions: after the work of the utility it is impossible to say that the computer began to work much faster, but in combination with the other utilities it gives the result. It would be wrong not to mention it in this article. By the way, this utility has a paid version, which has a super-mode Fast (it could not be checked).

Game accelerator

"Fire game" in translation to the great and mighty.

In fact, a very, very interesting program that will help make the computer faster. Includes options that are simply not in other analogues (by the way, there are two versions of the utility: paid and free)!


  • one-click PC switching to turbo mode for games (super!);
  • optimize Windows and its settings for optimal performance;
  • defragmentation of folders with games for faster access to files;
  • automatic prioritization of applications for optimal game performance, etc.

Conclusion: in general, an excellent "combine" for fans to play. I recommend unambiguously for testing and familiarization. I really liked the utility!

Programs for cleaning the hard disk from garbage

I think it’s no secret that over time a large number of temporary files accumulate on the hard disk (they are also called “junk files”). The fact is that during the operation of the operating system (and various applications) they create files that they need at a certain point in time, then they delete them, but not always. Time goes by - and such non-deleted files become more and more, the system starts to slow down, trying to rake a bunch of unnecessary information.

Therefore, sometimes, the system needs to be cleaned of such files. This will not only save space on your hard drive, but also speed up the computer, sometimes significantly!

And so, consider the top three (in my subjective opinion) ...

Glary utilities

This is just a super machine for cleaning and optimizing your computer! Glary Utilities allows you not only to clear the disk from temporary files, but also to clean and optimize the registry, optimize memory, make backup data, clear the history of web sites, defrag HDD, get information about the system, etc.

What is most pleased: the program is free, often updated, contains everything you need, plus in Russian.

Conclusion: an excellent complex, with its regular use together with some utility to speed up games (from the first paragraph), very good results can be achieved.

Wise Disk Cleaner

This program, in my opinion, is one of the fastest in cleaning a hard disk from various and unnecessary files: cache, visiting history, temporary files, etc. Moreover, it does nothing without your knowledge - the system scan takes place first, then you are informed by removing what, how much space you can get, and then removing unnecessary from the hard drive. Very comfortably!


  • free + with Russian language support;
  • there is nothing superfluous, laconic design;
  • fast and corrosive work (after it is unlikely another utility will be able to find anything on the HDD that can be deleted);
  • supports all versions of Windows: Vista, 7, 8, 8.1.


Probably one of the most popular utilities for cleaning PCs, not only in Russia, but also abroad. The main advantage of the program is its compactness and high degree of cleaning of Windows. Its functionality is not as rich as that of Glary Utilites, but in terms of removing “garbage” it will easily argue with it (and perhaps even win).

Main advantages:

  • free with the support of the Russian language;
  • fast speed;
  • support for popular versions of Windows (XP, 7, 8) 32-bit and 64 bit systems.

I think even these three utilities will be more than enough for most. By selecting any of them and regularly optimizing, you can significantly increase the speed of your PC.

Well, for those who have few of these utilities, I will provide a link to another article on the review of programs for cleaning the disk from "garbage":

Optimize and tweak Windows

In this section, I would like to bring the programs that work together: i.e. they check the system for optimal parameters (if they are not set, set them), correctly configure the applications, set the necessary priorities for various services, etc. In general, the programs that will perform the entire complex on optimizing and operating system settings for more productive work.

By the way, of all the variety of such programs, I liked only two of them. But they really improve the performance of the PC, and, sometimes significantly!

Advanced SystemCare 7

What immediately impresses in this program is the direction towards the user, i.e. you do not have to deal with long settings, read a lot of instructions, etc. Installed, launched, clicked to analyze, then agreed with the changes that the program proposed to make - and voila, the garbage is removed, with the corrected errors of the registry, and so on becomes much faster!

Main advantages:

  • there is a free version;
  • speeds up the whole system and Internet access;
  • conducts fine tuning of Windows for maximum performance;
  • identifies spyware and "unwanted" advertising modules, programs and removes them;
  • defragments and optimizes the registry;
  • fixes system vulnerabilities, etc.

Conclusion: one of the best programs for cleaning and optimizing a computer. In just a few clicks, you can significantly speed up your PC by getting rid of a whole mountain of problems and the need to install third-party utilities. I recommend to familiarize and test!

Auslogics booststpeed

Having launched this program for the first time, I could not imagine that it would find a huge number of errors and problems affecting the speed and stability of the system. It is recommended to all those who are unhappy with the speed of the PC, as well, if you have a computer for a long time, and often "freezes".


  • deep cleaning disk from temporary and unnecessary files;
  • correction of "incorrect" settings and parameters affecting the speed of the PC;
  • fix vulnerabilities that may affect the stability of Windows;


  • the program is paid (in the free version there are significant limitations).

That's all. If you have something to add, it will be very helpful. All the most!

Social buttons.

Description:  It's no secret to anyone that over time, any system, even the most powerful, will gradually become clogged. Hundreds of temporary files accumulate on the hard disk, which cannot always be deleted automatically. For example, in the browser cache, in the basket, etc. All this garbage directly affects the speed of the computer, slows down its work, and later can lead to various failures, errors in work, etc. Therefore, it is so important to conduct a "revision" on the PC and clean up unnecessary files. With the help of a computer cleaning program, you can easily and effectively remove system garbage and free gigabytes of disk space! You will immediately notice the changes: the laptop will start to work faster, and the tedious hangs will disappear.

Additional Information:
How the program will speed up your computer?
Full debris removal
Quick and safe cleaning of your computer from useless files that accumulate on the disk and reduce the speed of work.

Registry Error Correction
Registry optimization is the second step to fast and reliable computer operation. It is highly recommended for any system older than 6 months.
If you uninstall programs incorrectly, the registry is cluttered with unnecessary information. Because of this, the loading time, search time, etc. increases. Timely registry cleaning is another measure that will optimize the performance of Windows.
The program "Computer Accelerator" quickly finds existing registry errors and allows you to fix them in just one click. Among others, remnants of old keys, invalid extensions, missing DLLs, etc. are deleted.
Forget about routine registry cleaning manually! You can automatically free it from unnecessary files, without thinking about what can be deleted and what is not. The former speed of operations will return, and working on a PC will become much more pleasant.

Startup Management
Thanks to the optimization of startup, Windows will start to load much faster, and you will forget about any computer hangs!
Do you know how many programs and applications are activated when the operating system starts? At startup, there may be agents of social networks, various messengers, auxiliary utilities. The question is, do you need to run them every time?
Sometimes this number can reach several dozen, which inevitably leads to a decrease in notebook performance. The program for cleaning the computer allows you to properly configure the startup programs right in the interface window.
You will be visually presented all the elements of automatic download, which you can remove or add new ones. Thus, you can significantly increase the speed of loading the system itself and the amount of RAM.

What problems solves the "Computer Accelerator"
Slow loading of Windows
Permanent system hangs
Slow start of programs
Permanent system errors
Incorrect loading sites
Low disk space

Features RePack-a:
Activation is carried out, the network is not afraid.
Install and run the program preferably as an administrator.

No matter how good the Windows operating system is, sooner or later various kinds of errors can occur that will lead not only to unstable operation, but also to a decrease in the speed of the computer. A variety of user actions can lead to a similar result, from the most innocuous to various experiments on the system.

And if your system has already begun to work is not stable, then it is time to put it in order. Fortunately, for this there is a sufficiently large set of utilities that will help restore stable and fast operation of Windows.

Here we look at several programs whose task is to eliminate all system errors.

TuneUp Utilities is an excellent set of utilities that are collected under one nice graphical shell. Among the programs considered here, in TuneUp Utilities is the most complete set. There are utilities for analyzing and maintaining the registry and the operating system as a whole, there are also utilities for working with disks and user data (restoring and safely deleting files and directories).

With built-in wizards and assistants, this program is perfect for novice users.

Vit Registry Fix

Vit Registry Fix is ​​a great tool for comprehensive registry maintenance. The utility allows not only to analyze for the presence of erroneous links, but also to defragment the registry files. There is also an excellent backup tool.

Of the additional features here is a startup manager and uninstaller applications.

Computer accelerator

Computer Accelerator is a program to increase computer performance. Thanks to the powerful built-in tools, the application is able to more thoroughly clean the disk from unnecessary files, as well as to make the optimization of the Windows registry.

Unlike some similar programs, there are not so many tools here, however, the available amount is enough to keep the system in working condition.

Of the advantages of this program, you can highlight the built-in scheduler, which will allow for system maintenance on a schedule.

Wise Care 365

Wise Care 365 is a set of utilities that are designed to maintain the system. If you compare this package with TuneUp Utilities, then there is a small set of functions. However, this list can be expanded by downloading various add-ons.

Thanks to this approach, you can select only those utilities that are necessary for a specific user.

In the standard equipment there are tools for cleaning disks from debris, as well as utilities for scanning the registry and autorun.

Using the built-in scheduler, you can carry out system maintenance work on a schedule.

TweakNow RegCleaner

TweakNow RegCleaner is another tool for maintaining the registry. In addition to a powerful tool for maintaining the registry, there are a number of useful additional features.

In addition to tools for removing various information debris, the program allows you to compress Chrome and Mozil browsers databases, as well as optimize system and Internet settings.

Carambis cleaner

Carambis Cleaner is an excellent system cleaner that allows you to delete all temporary files, as well as the system cache.

In addition to searching for temporary files, there are also tools for finding duplicate files.

Using the built-in uninstaller and startup manager, you can remove unnecessary applications both from the system and from the download.


CCleaner is an alternative tool for cleaning garbage. Since the program is more focused on finding unnecessary files and browser caches, the CCleaner is perfect for freeing up disk space.

Of the additional tools here is a built-in uninstaller, which, however, is inferior to other programs. Also in CCleaner implemented registry cleaner, which is suitable for quick scanning and deleting unnecessary links.

Advanced systemcare

Advanced SystemCare is a complete set of utilities from Chinese programmers, which is designed to restore system performance.

Since the program has a powerful enough master, it will be great for beginners. Also implemented here is a mechanism for working in the background, which allows for scanning and troubleshooting during operation automatically.

Auslogics booststpeed

Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​is a great tool that will not only speed up the system, but also reduce download time. Thanks to a special algorithm for analyzing autoruns, the program will help get rid of unnecessary processes.

Excellent Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​copes with the protection of the system. The built-in tool will allow you to scan the operating system for various vulnerabilities and eliminate them.

Glary utilities

Glary Utilities is another utility package aimed at optimizing the system. Glary Utilities is similar in composition to programs such as TuneUp Utilities, Advanced SystemCare, and Wise Care 365.

Functional Glary Utilities allows you to use the available tools both individually and all at once, thanks to the possibility of "one-click optimization".

So, we have considered a sufficient number of applications that will help in a variety of situations. Each of them has different features, so the choice of the desired program for fast computer work should be taken seriously.

Due to the nature of the Windows system, users often have problems. So, the registry after several months of active use is cluttered with unnecessary paths, and the file system requires defragmentation. These little things eventually turn into serious problems, greatly slowing down the operating system. And in order to get rid of them, programs appeared to speed up the operation of the computer.

Free software to speed up the computer

Powerful utility that allows you to solve problems in a complex. Using it, you can completely remove installed applications and games, clean the registry, fix some system errors. In addition, Ccleaner can clear browsers, greatly accelerating their work.

Due to sparing algorithms of action, this program can not adversely affect the performance of the computer. On the contrary, many say that after conducting a thorough scan, it works several times faster. This also applies to browsers that are cleared of cache, unnecessary data.

The program interface is very convenient, it looks modern and clear. Also, there is a high-quality Russian translation. Thanks to these and other advantages, Ccleaner has a high rating and a lot of positive reviews. According to many specialized publications, this is the best program of its kind.

The program with mixed reviews of users. Many praise her for the speed and quality of work, and some are angry with such an aggressive policy of distribution. The utility is often installed when the user installs other free programs.

However, its functionality is really good. Running it once, you can permanently get rid of any computer hangs, registry errors and lack of performance. Like other computer acceleration programs, this one simply collapses into a tray while working offline. It is very convenient, especially for forgetful users. In addition, it is distributed in Russian.

Advanced SystemCare Free can do almost everything: optimize the registry and hard disk, improve browsers, and guarantee user security. It is thanks to the versatility, she entered this top.

Excellent program in Russian, developed by the same company as the previous one. It was created specifically for gamers, but it will not only be useful to them. Through it, you can clear the RAM, defragment the hard drive and registry. Also, Razer Game Booster conducts a thorough analysis of the network, reducing ping, increasing connection speed.

Among all similar programs, for Windows, this program has a very wide functionality. In addition to optimizing the work, it can record video from the screen (make screencasts), update the drivers of any devices! This is very important not only for gaming, but also for ordinary PCs.

Razer Game Booster can be downloaded for free, having received all the power and convenience of this program. It is important to note that there are no restrictions, trial periods and requirements to pay for services. This is completely free software.

If you have any questions, ask in the comments, we will definitely help.

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