How to save a web page as a. How to save a web page to PDF without any extensions

Traveling across the endless expanses of the Internet, we find a lot of useful information. Sometimes you want to save an instruction or a recipe on your computer so that you can print it out on paper. Many novice users are wondering: " How to save a page from the Internet to a computer?"

Saving text information from the site

Let's consider one of the ways to save text information from any site to your computer.

The easiest option:

  1. select the desired piece of text;
  2. copy it;
  3. paste into a text editor (for example, or);
  4. save a text document.

Let's consider each point in more detail.

1. Select the required text fragment

Selection is carried out with the mouse, as follows: place the mouse pointer at the beginning of the selected fragment. Press the left mouse button and holding it move the cursor over the text. The text will start to stand out. Release the left mouse button after selecting the desired area. If the selection fails, repeat it again.

2. Copy the selection

To copy, right-click on the selected fragment to bring up the context menu. Now from this menu, left-click on the command Copy... You will not notice anything on the screen, but the selected text and pictures are copied to your computer's memory (clipboard).

3. Paste into a text editor.

To insert into a text editor, you must first start it. Windows has one that we will use to save a text document. We launch it from the menu Start -\u003e All Programs -\u003e Accessories -\u003e WordPad... After starting, a blank white sheet will appear, and we will paste the copied text onto it. To do this, point to the insertion point with the mouse cursor and right-click. In the context menu, select the item Paste and left-click.

All the text will be inserted, if this did not happen, then you did not follow step two correctly.

4. Save the text document

After all the necessary text has been copied, you need to save it on your computer. For this in the menu File choose a team Save... Now you need to specify the name of our document and the location to save it.

The easy way

To save a page from the Internet to a computer and view it offline, modern browsers have a special function. Right-click on the page and select the command from the context menu Save as..

Thus, a page and a folder (with the same name) with graphic elements (pictures from the page) will be saved in the specified folder.

How do I save text from a secure site?

On the network you can find sites with copy protection and the above method does not work. What to do in this case? If you need only text information, then we save the page as a test file with the extension TXT... And then we view it with Notepad... Or rather, let's do this. In the browser menu File choose a team Save as


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PS: Interesting facts about book printing in modern typography

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As part of this article for novice users, I will tell you how to save a page from the Internet to a computer, as well as the nuances associated with this process.

When you surf the Internet, you somehow come across useful articles that you would like to keep. Some people prefer to keep tabs open, someone manually copies the text, someone uses bookmarks. However, each of these methods has its drawbacks. Tabs and bookmarks will not help if the text of the article is corrected or if the web page is no longer on the site. When copying manually, there will always be problems with formatting, the appearance of "krakozyabr" in documents and other troubles.

Note: By the way, in the article PrintFriendly, how to print a page from the Internet (on the site), there is a service that allows you to print and generate a PDF file with the contents of a web page without unnecessary blocks (a very handy thing).

In fact, everything is very simple. The fact is that almost any browser (including Opera, Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and others) can do this by default. And here is the instruction itself:

1. Open the required page in the browser or press the "Ctrl + S" key combination and go to step 4 of the instruction

2. Right-click on an empty space on the required web page

4. A window will open, as shown in the figure above, where you can select a location to save, specify a file name, and also select "File type" (in fact, this is the format for saving information).

Let me focus a little on the latter. The fact is that each web page is an HTML document, in which not only the text of the article is present in a special form, but also links to the necessary files with styles and scripts for the correct display of the web page. Accordingly, you can save either only the document by selecting "Web page, HTML only", or save the document and all the necessary files in a separate directory (by the way, the directory will be named exactly the same as the saved page and will be located in the same directory) by selecting Complete Web Page.

Note: The names of the "Files of type" list may differ depending on the browser, but they are quite similar.

5. Now, you only need to click the "Save" button, after which the page will be saved on your disk.

It should be noted that the resulting file can be opened in any browser and the file will also be opened by double-clicking. In addition, in case of complete saving, the page will be displayed normally even without Internet access.

For most people, the Internet is a reference, library, and travel guide. It gives everyone the opportunity to develop and improve their skills in all areas of activity. Almost any question can be answered here. And many can no longer imagine their life without the Internet.

Situations often arise when, for whatever reason, there is simply no time to read the necessary and interesting articles. Or there are temporary difficulties with the Internet.

To avoid such problems, you need to have basic skills to save the necessary information from the Internet. This can be saving articles, pictures, pages or an entire site from the World Wide Web. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

How to save a page from the Internet to a computer

Every internet browser has the function of saving web pages to a laptop or computer. Let's consider an example of saving a site page in the popular Opera browser.

To do this, go to the Opera browser to the web page we need to copy it. Go to the button in the upper left corner of the browser and open the menu. Then click on the "Page" tab to see the item "Save as ..." The same result will be if you press the combination Ctrl + S.

Next, you need to click on "Save as ..." and select the location on the disk where you want to save the file. Choose the file type and save. The selected page of the site will be saved in the required format and with the html extension. This is a very convenient format. In it, the text and all the elements of the site, together with pictures, will be saved completely and in one file. Internet Explorer can also save in this format.

If you select the "HTML with images" file type when saving, not only a file with this extension is created. At the same time, a separate directory will be created where pictures and other elements will be stored. Although the page will be completely saved, this archiving option is not very convenient.

Sometimes, when copying the necessary information to a flash card, the catalog with pictures may not fit for some reason. For example, the workload of a flash card or the large size of the catalog with pictures. In this case, there will be inconvenience when opening the saved site. It will open as text without pictures. Therefore, this option will not suit everyone.

If you are not very interested in the pictures, then the entire page can be copied in text format. The file will be stored on a computer or flash card with the txt extension. Or select a fragment of the required text and copy it into Word. Then the document will be saved with the corresponding extension of this program.

  • In Google Chrome the "Save page as ..." command is executed from the settings and controls item. The menu is located in the upper right corner. It should be noted, however, that Chrome does not support saving to text and archive file.
  • In Mozilla Firefox the "Save As ..." item will appear if you click on the "File" button in the menu that appears.
  • Internet Explorer the page is saved similar to the above browsers.

Saving a web page in PDF format

Not everyone will find it convenient to download a page through a web browser to a laptop or computer. Because, besides her, a catalog with images is created, as well as a lot of other individual elements. For the most compact saving of the page, you can convert it to a PDF file. This feature is available in the Google Chrome browser, which will save it completely in this format.

To do this, go to "control and settings" from the menu and click on the "Print" command. In the window that appears for printing the document and in the "Printer" sub-item, click on the "Change" button. All available printers and the line "Save as PDF" will appear. You need to click on "Save" and specify the location on the disk where the Internet page will be saved. After that, it can be converted to almost any format using special converters.

Saving via screenshot

Another option for saving a web page as a picture using a screenshot. To do this, press the Shift + Print Screen combination. This will preserve the area of \u200b\u200bthe page that is within the screen. If the text is not all included, you can reduce the screen capture by changing the scale. After saving, you can use any graphics editor for various adjustments.

And you can also use special programs to create screenshots. Clip2net is one such program. It is quite popular due to its versatility and ease of use. You can download it for free from the official website. After taking screenshots, it will save them to any folder you specify. And also they can be exchanged over the Internet, even with the help of links created by her.

Download the whole site

Sometimes it becomes necessary to download the entire site. This is often needed to access the necessary information in the absence of the Internet for some time. Let's consider several ways to create a copy of a site.

1. Page saving

This feature is present in every browser. We considered this method in detail a little higher. But it can take quite a long time to save the site using this method if the site contains a large number of pages.

2. Use of online services

There are now many online resources that recode and edit files. You just need to go to this resource and enter the address of the site of interest in the required line. Then we press the start button and the download process will start transferring information to a specific location for saving it.

Unfortunately, there are few such free online resources and their functional assortment is often limited. But if there is a great need for a complete set, you can use the paid resources of such services. Here are some of them:

3. Specialized programs

The most functional option for downloading the necessary information from the Internet are special utilities. They can also be free or paid. But sometimes free programs are practically not inferior in capabilities to their paid counterparts. Although every operating system needs a suitable version of this software.

Let's take a look at such programs:

  • WinHTTrack WebSite Copier is a fairly popular program. There are practically no free analogues. Has a wide range of settings. The project folder is downloaded to any media, where you can easily view it later.
  • Cyotek WebCopy - the program is in English. Solid interface and great opportunities to customize the download site. You need to enter the address of interest, specify the folder for saving and click "Copy Website". It does not have a Russifier and only works with Windows.
  • Teleport Pro - a time-tested but paid program. After all the settings for downloading, click the "Start" button in the control panel and the process of saving the site will start.
  • Offline Explorer - a very functional, but paid program.
  • Webcopier - the trial period is 15 days (paid).

There are many possibilities for creating a collection of the desired sites or web pages. Each of the options considered has its own advantages and disadvantages. And let everyone decide for themselves whether to pay or use free services or programs to achieve their ultimate goals.

Learn about the best web archiving software tools and services to help you save any web page. And also about how to copy a site page.

Web pages change over time, they may even disappear. Therefore, if you want to save the web page forever, you need to download it to your computer ( and upload to Dropbox) or use a web archiving service that will store a copy of this page on their servers for free.

There are many ways to save web pages permanently, and the tool you choose will depend on the type of content you want to archive:

Web page archives, permanent

If you want to save text content, then Pocket and Instapaper are recommended for this purpose. You can save pages through email, browser extensions, or through applications. These services extract text content from web pages and make it available on all your devices. But you cannot download saved articles, you can only read them on the Pocket website or through the service's mobile application. Below we will tell you how to completely copy a website page.

Evernote and OneNote are tools for archiving content into collections. They provide users with web clippers (or extensions) that make it easy to save complete web pages with one click.

The captured web pages can be accessed from any device, the original design is preserved and the page is searchable. These services can even perform optical recognition to find text in photos. Evernote also allows you to export your saved pages as HTML files that can be downloaded elsewhere.

If you need quick and easy access to web pages, then save them as PDF files. Select the correct tool before copying the website page as a picture.

Google Chrome has a built-in PDF converter. You can also use Google Cloud Print. A new virtual printer has been added to the service " Save to Google Drive". The next time you print a page on your computer or mobile device via Cloud Print, you can save a PDF copy to Google Drive. But this is not the best way to save pages with complex formatting.

When it is important to keep the design, it is best to use a screenshot tool. The selection of such programs is quite large, but I would recommend the official Chrome add-on from Google. It not only captures full screenshots of web pages, but also uploads the resulting image to Google Drive. The add-on can save web pages in the web archive format ( MHT) which is supported in IE and Firefox.

The Wayback Machine on the Internet Archive is the perfect place to find previous versions of a web page. But the same tool can be used to copy a site page and save it. Go to and enter the URL of any web page. The archiver will download to the server its full copy, including all images. The service will create a permanent archive of the page that looks exactly like the original. It will remain on the server even if the original page was taken offline.

The Internet Archive does not provide the ability to download saved pages, but you can use Archive.Is for this. This service is very similar to in that you enter the URL of a page and it creates an exact snapshot of the page on its server. The page will be saved forever, but there is an option to download the saved page as a ZIP archive. The service also allows you to create archives by date. Thanks to this, you can get several shots of the same page for different dates.

All popular browsers provide the ability to download the full version of a web page to your computer. They download HTML pages to the PC, as well as associated images, CSS and JavaScript. Therefore, you can read it later offline.

Now let's figure out how to completely copy a website page to an electronic reader. EReader owners can use dotEPUB to download any EPUB or MOBI webpage. These formats are compatible with most e-book models. Amazon also offers an add-on that you can use to save any web page on your Kindle device, but this tool is mainly for archiving text content.

Most of the tools listed will load a single page, but if you want to store a bunch of URLs, Wget might be the solution. There is also Google Script to automatically load web pages to Google Drive, but only HTML content can be saved this way.

Translation of the article " The Best Tools for Saving Web Pages, Forever”Was prepared by the friendly project team.

Are you having difficulty accessing the internet?

Do you want the necessary information to be always at hand?

Don't want to waste extra time looking for a site you liked earlier?

In this case, tips on how to save an important page of the website will come in handy. Today, the most popular Internet access point is Yandex. Browser". It is with him that the topic of saving pages both in PDF format and on the desktop is connected.

How do I save a site as a bookmark?

In order for the icon of an electronic resource to always be in front of you, you must perform the following steps:

  • Open the window of the corresponding site. Let's take the popular men's magazine MAXIM as an example. We open the browser, find the site in the search engine and go to the main page.

  • Further, in the upper right corner you will find an icon in the form of a gray star, next to which is a mouse arrow. Click on it. After clicking, a new window will appear in front of you, where you will be asked to select a name, as well as indicate the location of adding a bookmark. If you do not want to add new information, you can safely click the "Finish" buttons.

Now, every time you want to save the page, it's worth following the 2 steps above. Alternatively, advanced users can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D. Every time you open the browser, the saved site will appear before your eyes.

How do I save a page as PDF?

Many people take their time on the road reading. Despite the age of technology, not everyone has the opportunity to use the Internet around the clock. The ability to save the page in PDF format will provide an incredible service here.

Your actions:

  • You have decided to read the News. Take a site called Ria Novosti as an example. Opens the page to be saved. Next, click on the Yandex browser control panel, which is on the same line with the "Close" and "Minimize" buttons. After pressing, the main menu appears. In the "Advanced" tab, select the "Print" item, as shown in the picture. In order to immediately perform this action, you can use the key combination "Ctrl + P".

  • After clicking print, before yours opens a new window with new parameters regarding the choice of printer, print format and so on. In order to save the page in PDF format, you need to click the "Change" button, which is located next to the item for choosing a printing device. After clicking, a window opens in front of the user, which is shown in the picture. Click "Save as PDF".

  • After the performed actions, you must click the "Save" button in the upper right corner. After that, a new window will appear in front of you, offering the ability to select a name for the file and where it is saved on the computer. In this case, it is suggested to save the PDF page in the standard Documents folder.

  • After saving, the file appears to the user in the following form:

Note! If you have problems opening the file, you need to download the appropriate PDF-enabled program. The most popular among users today is "Adobe Reader", which allows you to easily open any site you like in the appropriate format.

Saving a site as a document

You can also pin the page you like to your desktop. To do this, you need to import the bookmark to your desktop. However, keep in mind that if there is no Internet access, then an open tab will not be able to download all the necessary information.

Any of the above methods is suitable in order to quickly use the saved data. In the second case, you can quickly view the site without access to the Internet, in the first and third, you must have access to the global network.

It should be noted that the presented option to save a page is suitable not only for Yandex. The browser of another company will also be able to successfully save the page if you use method No. However, there will be some peculiarities there too, but that's a completely different story ...

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