Save downloaded files to one folder. Lesson 6. Shared folder for downloaded files

The information that is stored on your computer - music, pictures, photos, videos, any documents - these are files. They are indicated by various icons.

Each file has a name and extension. The name is spelled out in Russian or in Latin. And the extension is a few letters or numbers in the file name after the period. It is necessary for the computer to understand in which program to open this file.

Just as books in a library are located on bookshelves or shelves, files are located in folders. If you have few files, you can leave them that way. But if there are a lot of them, it will be better if you put them into folders, giving a common name. This, by the way, will allow.

And now we will talk directly about downloading files.

Has it ever happened that you downloaded or saved a file for a long time, spending a lot of time on these searches? And in order to prevent this from happening, you need to make some settings.

  1. AT google Chrome browser we find in the upper right corner the icon "Settings". We click on it once with the left mouse button and a drop-down menu opens. Find the "Settings" tab and click on it.
  2. In the newly opened window, you need to scroll to the bottom of the slider on the right. There we find the line "Show advanced settings" and click on it.
  3. And again, the slider on the right, scroll to the very bottom. In the "Downloads" section, next to the line "Request a location to save each file before downloading", put a check mark.

Everything, the setting is done.

Now how to do the same in mozilla Firefox browser.

We open this browser. The top bar has a tabbed menu. Find the "Tools" tab and click on it. Further, in the drop-down window we find the "Settings" tab, click on it. The settings window appears .. In the "General" section, we find "Downloads" and put a tick next to the line "Always issue a request to save files". Then click "OK".

The setup is complete.

Working with the Basket

It so happens that you accidentally or in a hurry deleted the required file. And in the event that your basket is not configured, this file will be deleted immediately and irrevocably. How do you make the setting?

Hover over the trash can icon and right-click. A context menu appears in which you need to select "properties" and click on it. A new window "Properties: Recycle Bin" opens. We are interested in two points here. These are: "Set size" and "Request confirmation for deletion". You need to check the checkboxes both there and there. By checking the first checkbox, you activate the trash can, by checking the second - you guarantee that the deleted file will go exactly to the trash, which makes it possible to restore it at any time. Then click "Ok". That's it, cart setup is complete.

Now let's look at how to recover an accidentally deleted file.

To do this, move the cursor over the basket and double-click the left mouse button. The cart opens. In it you find the file or folder you need and, hovering over it, click once with the right mouse button. In the context menu that appears, select "Restore".

In this article, we will discuss storing files on a computer that we download from the Internet. And, in particular, let's talk about how to set up saving files to one shared folder when we download them through different browsers.

As a result, we will always know where our downloaded files are stored!

We have already discussed how to find a file on a computer downloaded through a specific browser in the article. This article looks at four major browsers separately: IE, Opera, and Chrome.

But, if we use more than one browser on our computer and often download files through different browsers or through a special program (such as Download Master), then for convenience we can set up the process of saving these downloaded files so that they are stored in one place.

To configure this, first create a shared folder on our computer to store downloaded files. And then we will make some settings in each browser and Download Master, indicating there the path to save files to this one shared folder.

So, let's begin…

Across Conductorgo to Computerand on one of the local drives we create a separate folder, naming it so that we know that it contains files downloaded from the Internet.

I recommend creating such a folder and saving the downloaded files not on the system drive (on which the operating system is installed), so that if you ever have to reinstall Windows, the files downloaded from the Internet are not deleted. Well, if you have only one local disk on your computer, then create a folder on it.

I will create a folder at disk E, and I'll call it Downloads from the Internet:

So, the shared folder for storing files has been created! Now let's make some settings in browsers, specifying the path to save files to this folder. Let's take a look at how to make such settings in the four main browsers IE, Mozila, Opera and Chrome, as well as in the Download Master program.

Path for storing downloaded files in IE

To specify the path for storing files downloaded via IE (Internet Explorer), in the upper right corner of this browser we find the icon in the form of a gear (Service), click on it with the left mouse button and in the window that appears, click on View downloads:

The Download Options window will appear, in which the folder for saving downloaded files is specified by default. Change to your folder. To do this, first press Overview(1), then we search on the computer and select the required folder (2), click on Folder selection (3) and OK(4):

All! We see that the location for saving the downloaded files has changed. We press OKto save changes to this setting:

Path for storing downloaded files in Mozile

Now let's configure the storage of files in the shared folder downloaded through the Mozilla browser. To do this, go to Tools-> Settings:

In chapter The mainclick on Overviewand in the window that appears, find the required folder (in my case, the folder Downloads from the Internet on local drive E). Click in this window OKas well as in Settingsagain OKto save changes:

All! In the settings, you can see that the location for storing downloaded files in Mozile has also changed:

Path for storing downloaded files in Opera

Let's do everything the same as in previous browsers, only now in Opera. We find in the upper left corner of the Opera an icon with the same name, click on it with the left mouse button and in the menu that appears, select Settings-> General settings:

In Settings, go to the tab Extended, further into Downloads, we find on the computer our shared folder for storing downloaded files through browsers (in my case, the created folder Downloads from the Internet), click in this window OKand in Settings again OKto save changes:

Done! Now in the Mozila settings we can also see that the downloaded files through this browser will be saved and stored in the folder we have chosen:

Path for storing downloaded files in Chrome

It remains to configure the path to the shared folder for storing files in Chrome, downloaded through this browser. In the upper right corner of the browser we find the key head (Settings), left-click on it and select Parameters:

Further in the Settings go to the section Additional(1) and in the Downloads field, click on the button Edit(2). In the opened Browse folders, find our created shared folder (3) on the computer for storing files downloaded from the Internet, and click OK:

As a result, we see that the location of the downloaded files through the Chrome browser has also changed to our selected folder:

By the same principle, you can configure the path for saving files in other browsers besides those discussed in this article, or in some program, such as Download Master, specially designed for conveniently downloading files from the Internet:

Configuring the storage of downloaded files to a shared folder is complete!

And it turns out that now the storage of files that we will download through any browser or program will be in one place:

Convenient and practical!

Many novice computer users are wondering how to change the location of downloading files from the Internet so as not to search for them in all the folders on the computer. Today I will tell and show you how to create your own folder on the desktop to download all files from the Internet, and how to set up your browser so that all these files go to it.

When you download files from the Internet, by default they go to a special folder located in an inconvenient place. In different versions of Windows, these folders are named differently and are also located in different places.

In Windows XP, this folder is called Downloads and was usually found either among the system files or in the My Documents folder. Everything depended on the build of the operating system. In Windows Vista / 7/8/10 this folder is called Download and is also hidden. You can find it through the conductor.

It always amazes me how newbies still manage to find their downloaded files. Why did the developers put this folder where to go? Unclear. And we will create our own download folder and place it on the desktop.

Right-click on the file-free field and in the drop-down list, select Create a folder.

Rename it however you like. I usually call her “ Downloads". Now let's change the look of this folder so that it is visible. To do this, right-click on this folder and at the very bottom select Properties.

In the window Properties go to tab Customization, go down to the very bottom, and click on the " Change Icon».

Select the icon for the folder you like and click the button OK, later Apply, and close the window Properties.

Now go to your browser. I will show the settings for the folder in the four most popular ones: Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Yandex.

In the browserGoogle Chrome

Let's start with the Google Chrome browser. In the upper right corner, click on three horizontal stripes

And choose Settings

On the page with the settings, go down to the very bottom and click on the link Show advanced settings, and looking for a block Downloaded files.

Click on the button Edit, and indicate our download folder.

Now you can close the settings window and all files will be uploaded to our folder.

In the browserOpera

In the upper left corner, click on the Menu button with the browser icon, and select the item Settings... You can open this menu with hotkeys Alt +P

On the settings page we find the block Downloads, press the button Edit, and indicate our folder.

In the Mozilla Firefox browser

In the upper right corner, click on three horizontal stripes or at the very bottom of the browser window, select the gear icon Settings.


Depending on which browser you are using, your actions when determining the path download may look different. Consider ways to change paths download from the example of the three most popular browsers: Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome.

If you are using (Opera), to change the path download you need to follow these steps. Run, then, click the "Menu" button (this is located in the upper right part of the browser). Next, you need to select the "Settings" item, where you need to go to the "General settings" section. In the window that opens, switch to the "Advanced" tab and click on the "Downloads" item. Here you can set the desired folder for saving files.

If you need to change way download in (Google Chrome), your actions will look like this. Once launched, click on the icon located on the right side. In the menu that opens, select the "Options" item, then switch to the "Advanced" section. Here you can set the required way download... In order not to burden yourself with switching in the settings, after opening the browser, enter in the address bar: chrome: // settings / advanced - the desired settings section will open automatically.

To customize the path download in Firefox do the following. Click on the "Tools" menu and go to the "Options" section. On the "General" tab, you can set the desired parameters for saving files.


How to change the boot order of devices in BIOS. After that, the computer will boot from the device you selected. To speed up the computer boot, you can disable the check of unused boot devices in the BIOS - set the "Disabled" value for the selected device, if this function is provided in your Bios version.

Helpful advice

To apply the changes you made - restart your computer. Editing the boot menu of operating systems using Bcdedit. bcdedit is a tool that allows you to change the values \u200b\u200bof the Windows bootloader, as well as to restore it (bootloader). For further examples, let's assume our boot menu contains three entries with IDs (ID1), (ID2), (ID3). Change the default system boot.


  • how to change the save path

Environment variables are used to tune many parameters of operating systems. Thus, the path variable tells the system the path to search for executable files.


Right-click the My Computer icon located on your desktop or in the Start menu. In the context menu that appears, select the very bottom line "Properties" - a new window "System Properties" will open. You can also bring up the System Properties window by pressing the Windows + Pause Break keyboard shortcut. If you are using the Windows 7 operating system, then also right-click on the "My Computer" icon, select "Properties", then select "Advanced system settings" in the left part of the properties window.

In the "System Properties" window, go to the "Advanced" tab by clicking on it with the left mouse button - you will see three sections of additional system settings. Below them there will be two more buttons - "Environment Variables" and "Error Reporting". You need environment variables - click on the appropriate button.

A document folder is an essential attribute of business and office life. It is a tool that is used in all companies, offices, headquarters. It is convenient to store and carry all the necessary documents in it, it is always at hand, it can even fit a wallet, a notebook, writing accessories and a smartphone. Each product has its own personality and is suitable only for a certain situation, so you should not be frivolous about the choice. There are six types of business document folders in total:

Business folder without zipper or with zipper, designed to hold a large number of documents and files held by a paper clip. This is one of the most common types of products. Lightning is an additional means of protection to prevent paper loss and moisture ingress;

Address folder, the purpose of which is to store documents for signing by inspection bodies and authorities, as well as for presenting certificates and diplomas. Folder design is at the forefront.

Briefcase folder that combines the functionality of a bag and the convenience of a folder for papers. It has additional pockets, compartments so that all office supplies and personal belongings can fit in them. On the market, you can find dozens of models that meet a variety of needs;

A conference folder is similar to a briefcase folder in functionality and design, however, it is more for papers and files. It unfolds like a book, giving full access to the interior. The design of the folder is selected individually, depending on the direction of activity of a person or a company - from bright and catchy to strict and consistent;

The filing folder is intended for neat storage of documents in cabinets and on shelves. They allow you to eliminate paper blockages, turning them into strict rows of folders. Fasteners are made in the form of rings fixed on springs - this allows you to securely hold the files, preventing them from crumbling.

For the manufacture of business folders, plastic, fabric, artificial and natural leather are used. The choice of material depends on the capabilities of the customer and the purpose of the product. A business person who values \u200b\u200bhis time and is constantly on the move needs a practical and reliable folder that will safely store all values. The material should be selected to be wear-resistant so that untidy scuffs do not arise that can destroy the overall appearance. Leather folders look very solid and emphasize the status of the owner, so they are much more expensive than others. Respectability is increased if the company logo is applied to the front side. It adds solidity and is a great publicity stunt.

Those dealing with a variety of office supplies will need a sturdy file folder that can hold many documents. It must be durable and easy to handle so that all files are freely available. For large companies, it makes sense to order folders in bulk, since paper documentation has not yet been superseded by digital, and all financial statements, tax statements and work projects can be stored in these products.

Open folders, conference folders are suitable for business people who often have to show their projects, documents and sketches at presentations and in front of inspection bodies. They are easy to use, open in the manner of a book, revealing the entire set of papers to the eyes of interested parties. As in the case of business folders and portfolio folders, the original solution would be to apply the company logo to the front of the folder.

For everyday tasks, there are folders made of paper and flexible plastic sheets. The types of fastening in such products are elastic bands, clips, valves, rings and binder. They serve to bind a small number of documents for communication between departments, submitting regular documents and neatly storing useful information. These folders are relatively inexpensive, durable, and available at most office supply stores.

The question remains - how to choose the right business folder? It directly depends on for whom and why they are purchased. Briefcases and conference folders are used for daily use. They complement the owner's image, giving any negotiations with his participation additional status and significance. For an office, a filing folder is suitable, the appearance of which gives way to functionality, spaciousness and a low price. The way of fastening documents, ease of use and carrying, the presence of additional offices - all this must be taken into account before buying a business folder for yourself or as a gift.

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