Windows clipboard. Programs for expanding the capabilities of the buffer. How to enlarge the Windows clipboard: some useful programs

Hello, friends!
Today I want to talk about one program that extends the standard functionality of the Windows clipboard. If you use this tool, then we get a kind of advanced clipboard, which greatly simplifies the implementation of a certain number of tasks.

As you know, the clipboard, which is used in Windows, is intended for temporary storage of information copied to it. Unfortunately, this intermediate storage has a serious drawback: it is able to store only one piece of information and when copying another, the previous one is overwritten.

Of course, there is an explanation for this, because for each such file, picture or text fragment, the corresponding disk space, which, of course, is non-rubber and with frequent copying will quickly end.

What should the user do if he needs access to files that he copied, for example, an hour or even a day ago?

For these purposes, there is special program entitled . It allows you to save everything that you copy to the clipboard, and provides quick access to this information when necessary. It turns out a kind of unified database, which can be accessed with one click on the hotkey.

You can download the program from the official website at the link
For non-commercial use, the program is distributed free of charge.

Clicking on the Description tab, you will see a link titled “10 Reasons Clipboard History Will Help”. If you are really interested in where and how such an advanced clipboard can come in handy, then I recommend reading this post. We download the program and install it.

During the installation, the installer in a simple and accessible form offers to select a list of hotkeys and introduces us to working in Clipdiary.

The program was installed. Now let's take a look at the basic settings. Go to "File" - "Settings" - "Hot Keys".

Here you can customize the keyboard shortcuts for the most frequently used functions. First of all, if you have not done so already, you should configure hotkey to open a dialogue. By default, this is the key combination "Ctrl + D". There are other hotkey combinations available, which you can also customize if necessary.

On the Appearance tab, you can change the foreground color of the text and the color that will highlight inserted clips (files that you copied to the clipboard).

The next tab is "Database". The item "Path to database" can be left as it is or set your own path to the directory where this database should be stored. This setting will be relevant, for example, in case of an unexpected reinstallation of the system.

Also here you can specify the maximum number of clips stored in the database. The rest of the settings I usually do not use, they can be left by default.

How it works?

For example, we need to copy, say, a part of the text. I return to the official website of the program and copy a fragment of the text from the description of the program "This is an irreplaceable helper." Then I copy, for example, the last word of "information". If I had done this using the standard Windows clipboard, then only the last word would remain in the clipboard - "information".

I press the key combination "Ctrl + D", and, as you can see in the screenshot, the extended clipboard saved both fragments of the previously copied text. Now, with the help of the Clipdiary program, you can use all the contents of the buffer, which was copied there earlier, at any time, and without any restrictions.

Anyone who works at a computer for a sufficiently long amount of time often uses the clipboard, this is the so-called storage of copied or cut files or texts. But the problem is that only one unit is placed in the so-called storage, that is, either one copied or cut file, or one specific text. In this article, I want to show you a way to solve this problem and save your precious time.

In this matter, a program called Clipdiary. This program is free for non-commercial use and this is a big plus for us ordinary users... In principle, the program is very convenient and its main function, as you understand, is the extended clipboard, which allows us to find and paste even those files that we copied a week ago.
So, first, let's download the program from the developer's official website. Follow the link On the page that opens, we are offered to download two versions of the program, one is the usual installation, and the other is portable, which will work from any portable device without installation. I download the installer by clicking on the download button.

Run the downloaded file and go through the installation process.

After the installation process has passed, we tick the box Run Clipdiary to open the program and click Finish.

Our program has opened and now it will always be in the tray (bottom right corner) working in the background.

Let's get acquainted with some of the program settings. To do this, click file -> customizationor just a key F4.

I want to draw your attention to the hotkeys tab. Here we can set hotkeys for the main actions of the program.

1) Open the clip selection dialog: that is, opening the clipboard window where our history is stored, from where we can select and paste the text or file that we copied or cut even a few days ago.

2) Quickly copy the previous clip to the clipboard:i.e., insert the clip (file or text) that we copied before copying the one that is currently in the buffer.

3) Quickly copy the following clip to your clipboard: i.e. insert a clip that comes after the previous clip we copied.

In the tab databaseyou can set the number of clips (files, texts) that you need to insert for further work.

As shown in the picture below, the program has a trial period because the program is not activated, in my case it is 23 days. As I said earlier, we can activate the program because it is free for non-commercial use.

To do this, go to the tab helpand click on the item activate for free.

In the browser window that opens, click the button get the key.

After the key will appear free license, which must be copied and pasted into the opened program registration window and click register.

In the window that appears, click OKand wait for the program to restart.

And as you can see in the picture below, the trial period is gone, the program is activated.

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The cache is an intermediate clipboard that stores the most popular information. Access to information from the cache is several times faster than from the source of the original data, but the size of the intermediate buffer is limited.

The volume of the intermediate buffer is increased for more convenient surfing in the network. This procedure is especially relevant for those who like to watch online movies or play.

How to increase the cache memory in the browser?

It should be noted that in most cases the expansion procedure will not take more than five minutes. In some browsers, you can increase the amount of stored information through the settings, in others - through the command.

Increase in data volume in Yandex, Chrome and Opera

All three programs presented use the same engine - Blink from Chromiuma. That was easier instructions will be in video format:


In Yandex browser, everything is similar to google chrome.

Separately, I would like to highlight Opera before switching to the new engine (up to version 15). She, like all normal browsers, had a separate item in the settings, which made it possible for the user to expand memory without much difficulty. However, programs with the Blink engine do not have such a menu item, so you have to be cunning.

How to increase cache in Opera? The algorithm is as follows:

It should be noted that Blink-based browsers have a dynamic cache, that is, it expands as it fills.

How to increase cache size in Mozilla Firefox

Unlike the above web browsers, Mozilla has an item in the settings that allows you to expand the volume of the intermediate buffer. It's also worth noting that Mozilla is a heap browser, but you can manually expand the data capacity. This requires:

  1. Go to browser settings;
  2. In the "Network" tab, disable automatic cache management;
  3. In the line "Use no more for cache ..." set the required amount of data in megabytes (1 GB \u003d 1024 MB).

We save the settings and restart the browser.

Expanding the amount of data in Internet Explorer

Despite the huge number of stereotypes about the presented browser, it is fast enough and is able to give a head start to Yandex in many ways. The main problem is the inconvenience of use. For memory expansion you need.

The keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C / V / X noticeably speed up working with text, images and other content, they are usually used more often than other keyboard shortcuts. The clipboard, which stores all intermediate information, can be provided as operating systemand individual applications.

At the same time, the system capabilities of the clipboard are still far from perfect. It is enough to list a few complaints. Firstly, it is impossible to "look" into the repository; for this, at least you need to insert the copied fragment into the document. Second key moment - it is impossible to copy several fragments sequentially for selective pasting. This limitation deprives the user of the choice, including several types of data.

It is easy to add other wishes to the list, but you can go the opposite way and familiarize yourself with the existing modifications during this review. It includes programs that supplement the clipboard: keep history (monitoring function), provide the ability to selectively insert saved data. In English, this function is called multiclipboard, in Russian, the closest analogue is the multi-clipboard.

Close attention will be paid to such aspects as support for multiple clipboards, correct work with formats, available operations with the saved contents of the clipboard, and support for hot keys.

Free Clipboard Viewer

At first glance, the program has nothing to do with clipboard managers. In fact, Free Clipboard Viewer belongs to this category conditionally. As the name suggests, this is a clipboard viewer that lets you quickly find out necessary information about a piece of data stored in memory. The history of the clipboard Free Clipboard Viewer does not keep, however, in terms of information, this program has no equal in the review.

A program for monitoring, converting data and auto-filling fields from the clipboard.

The main window of the program is a two-level list where clipboard clips are stored. In principle, such a storage system is quite convenient. The user can create any number of categories with the ability to drag clips from one folder to another. True, a deeper level of nesting is not provided.

The purpose of PasteCopy.NET can be different: the simplest thing that comes to mind is to create a series of screenshots. Separately, we can mention two auxiliary functions that can be easily confused - autocomplete and autoinsert from the buffer. The first serves to automatically add data from PasteCopy.NET to third party applicationsthe second is for importing directly into PasteCopy.NET. Options for auto-converting images, RTF, HTML are available.

The manager did not please with the number of settings, there was also no place for hot keys. There is no well-structured help - the developers link to the forum. Summary

Essentially, PasteCopy.NET gets rid of the thought that the copied fragment will not be available for pasting. The clipboard history allows you to restore previously added data, regardless of what last time was copied there. True, PasteCopy.NET supports formats selectively: for example, copied files are not displayed in history.

[-] No multiple selection and insertion
[+] Converting HTML, RTF, PNG
[+] No search / filter by content
[-] Categories and the ability to drag and drop items
[-] Selective format support


Clipdiary, like PasteCopy.NET, monitors. This function is designated as "Watch clipboard" and can be deactivated. In the program, viewing is available page by page, each page displays 50 clips. Creation of categories, unlike PasteCopy.NET, is not available, but in the lower left part of the window there is a search by content. It would be more correct to say that this is a filter, since this tool allows you to quickly filter out the necessary data on the fly.

The following actions are available with the contents of the clipboard: copying an already saved section to the clipboard; inserting a clip from history into the application; search for a clip by content; obtaining information about the program from which the copy was made; selective deletion of clips. Any of the presented data types can be saved to a file via context menu, and multiple selection / insertion of clips is provided. Of the shortcomings, I would like to note the lack of image preview.

Pasting from the clipboard is performed using the keyboard shortcut previously set in the settings wizard. After clicking, a menu for selecting clips appears, each of which can be inserted into the active application by double-clicking or pressing Enter.

The Settings Wizard (also known as the Training Wizard) is available when you first start the program or through the Help menu section. Summary

Simple clipboard manager, with history keeping, possibility quick search saved data, autocomplete text fields.

[+] Multiple insert
[+] Teaching wizard
[+] Filter by content
[-] No image preview

Comfort Clipboard

Another manager who keeps clipboard history. In this case, the focus is on the speed of work and, as the name suggests, on the convenience of the interface. The window is a table with two columns. In the first of them, a preview of the copied fragments is available, in the second - a description: the number of letters, format, size. When you hover over a clip, actions such as deleting, copying, pasting from the clipboard, adding to favorites become available, backup and recovery. You can also select several fragments and insert at the same time (multiple insertion), separate text fragments can be combined into one clip. Moreover, you do not need to do a lot of manipulations, open the context menu - almost any basic operation is performed with one mouse click.

The application window can be docked to the edges of the screen and positioned on top of other applications. In addition to this, in the settings you can customize appearance and hot keys - both for interacting with the clipboard and for accessing program functions.

Support for all possible data formats is declared. This means that when copying, the clips will be placed in a list, with the ability to search, preview, view detailed information... However, regarding Free Clipboard Viewer, the Comfort Clipbord loses in the information part.

Comfort Clipboard Manager is available in two editions. When comparing the Lite and Pro versions, there are several key differences. Pro adds features like data encryption, text snippet editing, assigning a keyboard shortcut to each clip for quick pasting. Maximum amount the fragments saved to the clipboard in Comfort Clipboard Lite are limited to 100.

On the developer's website, see.


Comfort Clipboard offers a user-friendly, customizable graphical interface with quick access to functions, just like a clipboard manager should.

[+] Fast access to functions
[+] Multiple insert, merge clips
[+] Section "Favorites"
[-] Waste use of strings for clips

Clipboard Master

First - oh key features Clipboard Master:

  • Multi-clipboard for text, images, folders, etc.
  • Text Modules
  • Insert into any application and any text field
  • Quick search and filters
  • Fast insertion with keyboard and mouse
  • Creating collections
  • Insert shortened links on the fly
  • Protecting data with a password
  • Screenshot module
  • Multiple display support

Thus, the capabilities of Clipboard Master go beyond standard manager clipboard. First of all, the collections and text modules draw attention to themselves. In other words, Clipboard Master can be used to substitute templates in various situations - in correspondence, a set of documents, when filling out text fields. The user can easily create their own modules and combine them into collections.

Generally speaking, Clipboard Master has two types of clipboard - “traditional” (with the history of added clips) and fixed, where you can add those clips that will be used regularly.

For modifying templates (fixed buffer) the Clipboard Master has an "Edit and add text modules" editor.

In the list you can see ready-made samples, however, not in Russian. As for the clipboard list itself, to open it, you can go to the "Show complete list / edit items ..." edit menu. Standard operations of copying, pasting, previewing, working with a list - sorting, searching, filtering by data type are available here. An abbreviation is available for links, with the ability to select the appropriate service in the settings. In short, the list of options is very wide, up to printing a fragment directly from the context menu.

The number of settings is pleasing, there is a flexible configuration of hot keys, for these purposes there are three sections of settings:

  • global keyboard shortcuts
  • combinations available in the application environment
  • Flexikeys - combinations perform a specific action under certain conditions, otherwise the combinations work as usual.

The screenshot manager settings are available in the Screenshots section. To use it, you need to select the save format, folder, assign keys for taking screenshots and select the capture mode (moreover, manual selection capture area) - practically, the configuration is done in a minute. Summary

A manager with interesting additional functions and good hotkey support. A kind of "hybrid" for working with both the clipboard and templates.

[+] Convenient work with templates
[+] Module for taking screenshots
[-] Inconvenient clipboard manager
[+] Wide support for hotkeys

This manager cannot boast of a large list of supported formats and flexible configuration. Its purpose is to quickly copy / paste text fragments from the clipboard into text fields. Inserting images and other types of data is not supported.

The Clipboard History is easy to understand. Those fragments that are copied to the clipboard (and which, in turn, is tracked by the program) are available in the context menu. The insertion of each clip can be assigned to hotkeys.

In the Clipboard History settings, the number of items for storage is changed, their maximum size... Of additional options you can note the fix of "broken" links, as well as the option to ignore text less than the specified number of characters or exceeding the specified size.

The developers did not complicate the program interface without providing for a convenient and informative display of history - as a result, the user finds it difficult to navigate the list of strings. It is not clear from which application the clip was taken, there is not even the most necessary one - the preview window.


A program with basic capabilities for monitoring the clipboard and a simple but inconvenient interface.

[-] Weak format support
[-] Inconvenient interface
[-] No search
[-] No preview
[+] Minimalism


FastPaste is a program for copying data (text, images) to the clipboard and pasting into applications. Thanks to scripts and fast projects, FastPaste can perform several sequential actions.

FastPaste is a program with a simple and pleasant interface. The point is not about "beautiful things", but about the fact that all the elements are built correctly and intuitively. There are 30 storage slots, each of which you can add a clip for later insertion. Not only pasting from the clipboard is supported, but also user input and image loading (JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF). A convenient WYSIWYG editor with simple formatting is available for working with text.

Pasting fragments from the clipboard is carried out using the Ctrl + [number] keys. Clipsets can be saved to Quick projects. The latter can be transferred to a flash disk, encrypted using the 256-bit AES algorithm (PRO version function) and, again, assigned to a specific key combination.

In addition to the standard clipboard formats, you can operate with tokens: for example, the% DATE% variable is replaced with the current date when inserted. All kinds of variables are given in the help - by the way, very solid. Tokens are applicable to text (plain or formatted), but they are most optimal in conjunction with scripts. Script support is available in the professional FastPaste edition.


The basic version of FastPaste in terms of convenience can give odds to all the listed participants in the review, and the PRO version also wins in terms of functionality.

[-] Windows Docking does not work correctly
[+] Convenient interface
[+] Excellent documentation
[+] Working with projects
[+] Built-in text editor

Pivot table

ProgramFree Clipboard ViewerPasteCopy.NETClipdiaryComfort ClipboardClipboard Master FastPaste
DeveloperComfort Software GroupSundryTools.comSoftvoileComfort Software GroupJumping Bytes SoftwareOutertechDextronet
LicenseFreewareFreewareFreewareShareware ($ 9.95 / 19.95 Lite / Pro) FreewareFreewareShareware (from $ 29.95)
PlatformWindows 2000+Windows 98+ (requires .NET 2.0 or higher) Windows 2000+Windows 2000+Windows 2000+Windows XP +Windows 2000+
Configuring Hot Keys + + + + +
Clipboard history + + + + + +
Localizationoptional+ +
Insert into text forms + + + + + +
Multi-insert+ + +
Multibuffer+ + + + + +
FormatsAll standardText, images plain text, RTF (Rich Text Format), html, pictures, files All standardAll standardTextText, images
Preview+ + + + +
Search / Filter+ + +

When working on a computer, we often face the need to copy information from one document to another.

In doing so, we select a piece of data and then using keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C or use the context menu to place it in the so-called clipboard.

Clipboard Is an area of \u200b\u200bmemory used by the operating system to temporarily store data.

By copying a fragment of text or files, we thereby place them in the clipboard, from which we can later paste data into another document or another place on the disk.

But there is a rather significant limitation - in Windows we can simultaneously store only one piece of information in the clipboard. If we put a new piece of data on the clipboard, then the previous data will be erased.

For example, I quite often need to collect in one text document fragments of text from other documents or web pages. And here there is a desire to expand the functionality of the standard clipboard.

The clipboard manager will help us with this - the program .

The essence of the program is simple - it monitors the Windows clipboard and automatically saves its contents, which are later in the program history. Thus, from the formed history, we can select any piece of data that we have previously copied.

Saves all data, not just text fragments. This means that if you copied files or images, they will also be saved in the program and you can access them later, even after restarting your computer!

The program is free and has a Russian-language interface. You can download it from the official website.

Let's download and install the program. This process is standard and I will not dwell on it in detail.

After the program is installed, select the language of its interface. Then the program setup wizard will start, which is also an instruction for working with .

You can go through the training, at the same time setting up the hotkeys, which are very convenient to use. But they can be configured later, so I will undo this wizard.

After the program is installed on your computer, its icon will appear in the notification area. Let's click on it right click mouse and make sure that the option "Track clipboard" is enabled, that is, the program generates history from the contents of the clipboard.

For example, I have some text Document... I will select a piece of text and copy it to the clipboard using keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C... Then I will select another fragment and copy it using the context menu.

Now in the clipboard I have the last copied fragment of text and I can paste it anywhere in the current document or anywhere in another document. If I need to paste the first copied fragment, then I run the program left-clicking on the icon in the notification area, and then selecting the desired fragment from the history.

Next, I double-click the desired fragment with the left mouse button and it is inserted into that place in open documentwhere the text cursor is. You can also insert the desired fragment through the context menu.

By the way, the program window can be called by the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D... This method is usually more convenient and faster.

If there are a lot of saved fragments in the history, then you can use the search located at the bottom of the window. In this case, we enter any text that can be in the fragment that we are looking for.

If any of the previously copied fragments is no longer needed, then it can be deleted from history.

As you can see, using the program is very easy!

Have there are also settings, of which there are quite a few. But there's really nothing to change here. If you wish, you can view them. You can call the settings window through the "File" menu or by pressing the key F4.

Here the section "Hot keys" is perhaps the most interesting. With it, you can change or just remember the keys that will be responsible for certain operations, for example, for starting a program or copying a piece of data from history to the clipboard. Using hot keys will significantly speed up the work with the program.

And one moment. The program is free for non-commercial use. While it works for us in trial mode, as evidenced by the inscription on the toolbar.

To activate the program you need to get free key... To do this, in the "Help" menu, select the "Activate for free" item.

We copy the key to the clipboard, for example, through the context menu and then paste it into the appeared program window.

The program is now registered.

I end on this short review programs ... Hope she becomes for you irreplaceable assistant when working on a computer.

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