Slow down in YouTube keyboard shortcut. YouTube hotkeys

I'm more than sure that you use YouTube a lot. Well, let's say, to watch funny home videos about babies or pets, the latest video clips, instructions on how to get through computer game, strange and incredible incidents, as well as recordings of various events and conversations, and much, much more.

Watching videos on YouTube is a common thing for most Internet users who can be called ardent fans of the site. If you belong to this category of people, then you just need to know about keyboard shortcuts on YouTube.

1.How to skip watching video segments

Pretty much every video you watch starts with a random or inappropriate scene or intro. Therefore, it is only natural that you immediately click on the time slider and jump over that piece of video. We'll show you how to do it without mouse clicks or using the touchpad.

So, you can skip part of the video by pressing certain numbers on the keyboard: 1 - to jump over 10% of the video, or 9 - over 90%. The numbers do not correspond to the minutes of the video, so if you want to start watching from half, press 5 - 50%.

note that function keys will not work if the video is already playing. You have to stop playback for them to function. If you click on the number 0, the video will go back to the beginning at 0:00 minute.

2.How to select the desired action using Tab

The Tab key is useful if you don't want to use a mouse. On YouTube, Tab lets you highlight the options listed below. To stop your choice on one of them, just press Enter or Space.

Watch later

Slider - Press any number from 1 to 9 to jump over a part of the video.

Play or stop

Volume Control - Use the up / down arrow keys.

Expand the player

Minimize the player

3 basic YouTube keyboard shortcuts

And finally, a few more hotkeys for more complete control over the YouTube player.


Now you know about the function keys on YouTube. We briefly but informatively talked about each of them. One last thing I would like to draw your attention to: all of these hotkeys work great for YouTube videos, but they will not work for those inserted from external sites. If you know any other function keys, tell us about them in the comments!

I really like to use hotkeys whenever possible. Including when watching a video. For example, most video players have this combination Alt + Enterwhich expands the video to full screen. Works in almost any video player. But not on Youtube. Since the YouTube player is not a full-fledged application, but a web service. And when pressed alt + enter Nothing happens. And I very often clicked this out of habit, trying to expand the video to full screen. I so wanted to expand and collapse it with hotkeys. And what was my surprise when I accidentally found hotkeys expanding videos to full screen in Youtube!

Hotkeys in Youtube

I began to search and found other useful combinations. I guessed that they are most likely there, but did not bother with it. So, the combinations themselves.

Key to expand video to full screen:

f... Yes, just like that, one key is a letter F... From the phrase full screen.

Rewind video from keyboard in Youtube

Figures from 0 before 9 switch directly to x10%. So, if you want to put in the middle of the video, then just press 5 and the slider will jump exactly 50% of the video.

Pair of keys J and L will allow you to rewind the video forward and backward for 10 seconds, respectively. This is absolutely unix-like - the legendary vi console editor uses the same keys to move the cursor character by character :)

Well, just keys shooter to the left and to the right (Left Arrow, Right Arrow) - wind 5 seconds forward and backward. Most likely you knew about it.

Switch between videos from the keyboard

Carried out using the combination Shift + N... Includes the following from ( Next) video from the playlist. Or the first sidebar with recommended videos. Very convenient function, be sure to try it. Moreover, in the case of a playlist, you can switch to the previous video with the combination Shift + P (Previous). Outside the playlist, this combination does not work, and if you want to switch to the previous video where there is no playlist, use the standard "back" function of the browser itself. for instance Alt + Left Arrow (left arrow) will enable this in Google Chrome.

Volume control

The up and down arrow keys increase and decrease the volume.

Silent mode: m ... What is called " obscure". Mutes the sound in the YouTube player. From the word mute.

Keys to control video playback

Most likely you know that space (Space) allows you to pause the video in any player. Including on YouTube. By the way, my three-year-old child uses this key very actively :) In addition to pause, it also allows you to start replay if the video is over and he wants to watch it again, which happens very often.

But there is one nuance, and a rather significant one. Space is also used by most browsers as hotkey to scroll the page. It rewinds the page exactly one screen down. And if you are familiar with such a concept as focus in applications, you must understand that the built-in YouTube player has its own focus, and the browser has its own. Thus, if the focus is intercepted by the browser, then the space bar will not work for you as a pause, but will simply turn the page below to view the comments. In the same way, rewinding by numbers, and volume control by arrows, and rewinding by arrows, when focus is intercepted by browser.

However, the key F, for example, will always work, even if the focus is not on the player. And if you press it, then it will be intercepted by the player. If you do not need the full screen, then you can simply press it twice, or the key Esc to exit full screen mode. The focus will then remain with the player, which means you can use the arrows and the space bar to control it. Keys J and L also work regardless of focus always - you can use them for the same purposes.

But it's more interesting to use the key here K... It also starts / pauses the video regardless of the focus, unlike the space bar! But at the same time, the focus is not intercepted by the player. Thus, with its help, you can press play / pause, for example, in a musical composition and scroll the page with arrows to read comments.

And finally, a rather rarely used function is the playback speed. It can be adjusted with the keys < and > , and since they are activated for us only when pressed Shift, then the corresponding combinations Shift +. (dot, pot) and Shift +, (comma, comma).

Youtube search activation key

Oh yes, there is also a mega-useful button for transferring focus to the search bar. Also unix-like, this is a forward slash / (slash) ... But with him, there is also a nuance, since he is typed in different layouts with completely different keys. With active english layout everything is simple, it is located right next to the shift key and is typed with one click. But if you have an active Russian layout, then you may be looking for it for a long time. For in the Russian version, the slash is on the key located somewhere near Enter, and may not even be printed on the key. As a rule, it necessarily shows a vertical ( pipe, pipe) and backslash ( backslash) | and \ ... Now, if you find this button on your keyboard, then holding it with a shift key, you will be able to just depict a forward slash in the Russian layout. It's easier to hit the switch layout and type it in en, isn't it? :)

Well, such a simple set. By the way, for some of the listed buttons, YouTube will show you a window with help on top of the player, if you press the question mark ? when focus is transferred to the player.

Please use it, it saves time and even gives a kind of pleasure. The more you use it, the easier it gets. Well, at least that's how it works for me. There is no need to memorize everything, just use what you need most often. As I say, I was in awe of just one button F ... I really like such small pleasures. Which is what I wish for you.

Hotkeys make it easier to watch YouTube videos. YouTube is the most popular video portal in the world, hosting a huge number of videos.

Users add their video to video hosting on their own. If video viewing was not limited, then the added video YouTube video, available to any user all over the world. YouTube has videos for all tastes: feature films, documentaries, video clips, music, user-generated videos, and much more.

YouTube videos are played using the built-in player. Usually, users control the player control buttons with the mouse, which is not always convenient.

Many commands are faster with keyboard hotkeys. Using keyboard hotkeys in YouTube, you can perform the following actions faster and more conveniently: video playback control, video rewind, volume control, quick navigation in playlists.

Check out keyboard shortcuts on YouTube.

Video playback

  • F - transition video to full screen mode (Full Screen) playback
  • Esc - exit full screen mode
  • K - pause / resume video playback
  • "Space" - stop / resume video playback. For the command to work correctly, the youtube player must be in focus of the web page
  • Shift +\u003e - Increase video playback speed
  • Shift +< - уменьшение скорости воспроизведения видео

Rewind video

  • J - rewind video 10 seconds back
  • L-fast forward 10 seconds
  • Ctrl + ← (left arrow) - rewind video 10 seconds back
  • Ctrl + → (right arrow) - fast forward the video 10 seconds
  • ← (left arrow) - rewind video 5 seconds back
  • → (right arrow) - fast forward the video 5 seconds
  • 0 - rewind video to the beginning
  • End - rewind the video to the beginning
  • From 1 to 9 - jump to one of the nine fragments (the mouse cursor must be in the player window). The video uploaded to YouTube is divided into nine sections. You can jump to any section, at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the video. Chunks are measured as a percentage from 10% to 90% of the total video length.

Volume control

  • M - mute / unmute sound
  • - volume increase by 5%
  • ↓ - decrease the volume by 5%

Video transitions in the playlist

  • N - go to the next video in the playlist (Next)
  • P - go to previous video in the playlist (Previous)

To navigate between videos (not in playlists), use the keyboard shortcut that works in browsers:

  • Alt + ← (left arrow) - go to the previous video

Other function keys

  • / - selection of the search field, moving the mouse cursor to the search field if the mouse cursor is not there
  • Esc - exit the search field
  • End - go to the bottom of the web page with video
  • Home - go to the top of the web page with video

Enjoy your YouTube videos!


Keyboard hotkeys can be used to control YouTube video playback faster and more conveniently. Hotkeys in YouTube will help you perform the following actions: control video playback, rewind, adjust volume, navigate between videos in playlists.

Youtube everyone loves - but not everyone is aware of the existence of "hot keys" that make watching videos much more convenient. The keys work with any video file and anywhere - both on YouTube and on any web page on the web. The best shortcuts are listed below.

In contact with

YouTube keyboard shortcuts

K - Pause / Resume. Most people hit Space. In principle, it is even more convenient than looking for the letter "K" on the keyboard. But there is also a serious disadvantage: sometimes after pressing this key, a completely different shortcut is triggered, "lower the page down". But if you press "K", then nothing, except for stopping or reactivating the video, will happen.

M - Remove sound. It is not necessary to search for the familiar speaker icon with the mouse; the first letter of this word is enough to execute / cancel the Mute command.

F - Full screen mode. Refuse to double-click on the screen - to go to Full Screen mode, a single press of the F button is enough (again, the first letter in the Full Screen phrase).

J - Rewind the video 10 seconds back. Did you miss something? It is not at all necessary to search for a lost moment in the video with the cursor. Just find the J button on the keyboard and make your life a little easier.

Left arrow - Rewind the video 5 seconds back. Suitable for those for whom a trip into the past for 10 seconds is too much.

L - Move the video forward 10 seconds.

Right arrow - Skip the video forward 5 seconds.

0 (zero) - View the entire video from the beginning.

Numbers from 1 to 9 - View one of nine video fragments. You may not have known - but Youtube divides each video into nine equal parts of the same length, regardless of how long the video is running. Switching between parts of a video is a great way to jump straight to the end, to the beginning, or to the middle of a video to find the information you need more quickly.

How to Quickly Make a GIF on Any YouTube Video

Just add before the word youtube in the address bar the word "Gif"... The beginning of the URL will look like If everything is done correctly, you will immediately be taken to a special page, where you can create a "GIF". Select the time the GIF starts, then the end time. The finished file can be sent to your favorite social network or embed in a post on your blog.

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Hotkeys make it easier to watch YouTube videos. YouTube is the most popular video portal in the world, hosting a huge number of videos.

Users add their video to video hosting on their own. If video viewing was not limited, then a video added to YouTube is available to any user around the world. YouTube has videos for all tastes: feature films, documentaries, video clips, music, user-generated videos, and much more.

YouTube videos are played using the built-in player. Usually, users control the player control buttons with the mouse, which is not always convenient.

Many commands are faster with keyboard hotkeys. Using keyboard hotkeys in YouTube, you can perform the following actions faster and more conveniently: video playback control, video rewind, volume control, quick navigation in playlists.

Check out keyboard shortcuts on YouTube.

Video playback

  • F - switch video to Full Screen playback mode.
  • Esc - exit full screen mode.
  • K - pause / resume video playback.
  • "Space" - stop / resume video playback. For the command to work correctly, the youtube player must be the focus of the web page.
  • Shift +\u003e - increase the speed of video playback.
  • Shift +< - уменьшение скорости воспроизведения видео.

Rewind video

  • J - rewind the video 10 seconds back.
  • L - Fast forward the video 10 seconds.
  • Ctrl + ← (left arrow) - rewind video 10 seconds back.
  • Ctrl + → (right arrow) - Fast forward the video 10 seconds.
  • ← (left arrow) - rewind the video 5 seconds back.
  • → (right arrow) - Fast forward the video 5 seconds.
  • 0 - rewind video to the beginning.
  • End - rewind the video to the beginning.
  • From 1 to 9 - jump to one of the nine fragments (the mouse cursor must be in the player window). The video uploaded to YouTube is divided into nine sections. You can jump to any section, at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the video. Chunks are measured as a percentage from 10% to 90% of the total video length.

Volume control

  • M - mute / unmute sound.
  • - volume increase by 5%.
  • ↓ - decrease the volume by 5%.

Video transitions in the playlist

  • N - go to the next video in the playlist (Next).
  • P - go to the previous video in the playlist (Previous).

To navigate between videos (not in playlists), use the keyboard shortcut that works in browsers:

  • Alt + ← (left arrow) - go to the previous video.

Other function keys

  • / - selection of the search field, moving the mouse cursor to the search field if the mouse cursor is not there.
  • Esc - exit the search field.
  • End - Go to the bottom of the video web page.
  • Home - Go to the top of the video web page.

Enjoy your YouTube videos!

Conclusions of the article

Keyboard hotkeys can be used to control YouTube video playback faster and more conveniently. Hotkeys in YouTube will help you perform the following actions: control video playback, rewind, adjust volume, navigate between videos in playlists.

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