Delete hotkeys. What are hotkeys and what are they for

Clicking on which allows you to perform various actions in the operating system and programs without resorting to using the mouse and without calling the action menu. They can also be called: keyboard shortcuts, keyboard shortcuts, keyboard shortcuts. Occasionally you can hear slang hotkeys, from the English hotkeys, which in translation means "hot keys".

What are hotkeys for?

Hotkeys are very helpful in performing any repetitive actions when. If you remember their combinations, then the speed of the user's work will increase significantly, because you will have to use a mouse much less. Indeed, it will be faster to call a menu with a keyboard combination of a couple of keys than to bring the mouse pointer to it, press a button, select the desired item in the list, and then click the mouse again.

There are a lot of keyboard shortcuts in Windows and it is difficult to remember them all, and an ordinary user hardly needs it. If you work a lot in any program, then you can print hotkeys, put them next to them like a cheat sheet, and over time they will be deposited in memory themselves.

The Windows operating system allows you to work without a mouse at all, only using the keyboard. Many high-end programmers work with code without touching the mouse. In this case, the data entry speed is very high.

How to use hotkeys

Let's look at hotkeys Alt+ F4 that close the active window, i.e. I perform the same action as left-clicking on the x at the top right of the window. To first press the left key Alt , and then, without releasing it, press the key F4

Buttons Alt, Ctrl, Shift do not perform any action by themselves, they work in conjunction with other keyboard buttons and are called modifier keys. These buttons are the basis for various combinations of hot keys. To perform the action, press and hold the modifier button, then shortly press the next key. The modifier keys are pressed first, if there are more than one modifier in the combination (as a rule, there are no more than two), then the first and second modifier are pressed in turn, after which the last key is pressed shortly.

For example, keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+ Shift+ Tab initiating the transition between the program tabs in the opposite direction. Let's say you want to switch between tabs from right to left. Pinch Ctrlthen clamp Shift and make short keystrokes Tab.

Another example is selecting all content in a text editor. To select all text, press hotkeys Ctrl+ A... Now it can be copied to the hotkey clipboard Ctrl+ C or cut again to the clipboard with hotkeys Ctrl+ Z... Now try to paste the cut text from the clipboard with the combination Ctrl+ V.

How to find out keyboard shortcuts

To find out the hotkeys for Windows, open the system with the combination Win+ F1 and type in the search box " hotkeys».

Greetings to you, dear readers of the blog site! I won't be mistaken if I say that many ordinary users, when they are sitting at a computer, never use hotkeys... Most control their computer by manipulating the mouse. Even many of my friends, whom I showed some key combinations for speed and convenience of working at a computer, did not immediately understand what is the point of using them.

The force of habit does not allow many to give up what they are used to. This is how a person is made. But, having tried several times to perform this or that operation on the computer, using combinations of different keys, after a while many start using them automatically. I hope that the following recommendations for using the keys on the keyboard will be useful to someone and will make it easier to stay at the computer.

Keyboard shortcut.

Hot keys allow users to optimize their work at the computer and not interrupt the creative process for all sorts of nonsense. Using standard keyboard shortcuts, you can quickly execute the necessary commands (undo an action, copy and paste text, take a screenshot of the screen , switch the language, and even shut down the computer) without distraction or even looking at the keyboard. By the way, windows hotkeys operate in almost all applications of this operating system. It doesn't matter if you're running Windows 7 or Windows XP. I will give a simple example of how the undo hotkeys "Ctrl" + "Z" work. To undo the last action, press the left "Ctrl" key and, while holding it, press the English "Z" key. If you want to undo multiple actions, press the "Z" key several times. Moreover, it doesn't matter which language you have enabled. Often keyboard shortcuts work the same in Russian and English layouts.

Keyboard keys for searching.

It is very convenient to use the search keys "Ctrl" + "F". They allow you to quickly find a certain phrase in a document, and work with text is greatly simplified. By the way, the search keys can also be used on site pages. When you press Ctrl + F, a small window will appear at the top right in Google Chrome (top left in Opera, bottom in Mazilla) where you can enter the word or phrase you want to find on the page. If there is such a word on the page, it will be highlighted in your browser in yellow or orange. The same line will contain the number of words found on the page, as well as arrows that allow you to quickly move to the next option. Don't be confused hotkeys search with site search. They only fire on the page that is open in your browser.

How to select text using the keyboard.

Shortcut keys are also used to select text. For example, if the text document is very large and needs to be fully selected, use mouse cursor not very convenient. It's much easier to press Ctrl + A and all the text will be selected. To select a piece of text from the cursor to the left or right, press and hold the "Shift" key, press the arrows "←" and "→". Each time you press the arrow, the next letter will be highlighted. True, it takes a long time to select the text, but it can come in handy. And to select text from the cursor to the beginning or to the end of the line, you can use the combinations "Shift" + "Home" and "Shift" + "End". In the same way, you can select text from the cursor in whole lines, up or down. To do this, place the cursor in the desired place, press the "Shift" key and, while holding it, use the "" and "↓" arrows. By the way, pressing the opposite arrow removes the selection. To remove the selection, you can click with the mouse anywhere in the open document. In some applications, you can deselect the selection using the "Ctrl" + "D" keys, but they do not work everywhere. For example, the virtual keyboard does not respond to this particular combination.

How to copy text using the keyboard.

Many are also interested in which keys to copy in different applications. To do this, use the combination "Ctrl" + "C". The keys work in the same way in text documents, in graphic editors and in other programs. It is enough to select the desired fragment with the cursor and copy with the keys. Moreover, the same keys on the keyboard are used to copy some files. But there is one caveat. If you want to copy text published on some site, you may not succeed. This works the copy protection of the text that the resource owner has set. About, how to copy uncopyable text from such sites, described in more detail in another material.

How to insert text using the keyboard.

To paste text from the clipboard, you can press the hot keys "Ctrl" + "V". They also work in different applications. you can use insert hotkeys in text documents or when copying a file. It is especially convenient with their help to insert a large number of identical objects (for example, symbols that you want to use many times in the document).

How to switch keyboard to English.

We switch the keyboard from Russian to English and vice versa a hundred times a day, without even noticing it. Most often we use for this language switcher RU / EN, which is located at the bottom of the screen, on the right, on the taskbar. But it is much more convenient to do it using the "Alt" + "Shift" key combination. Over time, you start using these keys automatically. You just keep typing on the keyboard and don't think about how it switch to english and back.

How to restart your computer using the keyboard.

There is one more keyboard shortcut to know. If the computer freezes and does not respond to your actions, press the "Ctrl" + "Alt" + "Del" keys at the same time. The Task Manager window will open, listing all the applications you have running. When you see the "Not working" status opposite any of them, click on the "End task" button.

If the mouse does not work, use the Tab key to select. When the End Task button is highlighted, press Enter. You also need to know what keysyou can log out if your mouse is broken. So, to reload quickly or generally turn off computer, press the Windows key. It is located below, on both sides of the keyboard, it shows the logo of this operating system. When the main menu window appears, press the ↓ key until the Shutdown button is highlighted. Press "Enter", the standard "Turn off computer" window will appear. Select "Shutdown" or "Restart" using the "←" and "→" keys and press "Enter". To cancel this action and return to the system, press "Esc".

Of course, there are other options for keyboard shortcuts to perform various operations on your computer. But in this post I have shared the most common ones that I constantly use myself and recommend to you, my readers. Good luck to everyone !!

When working with a computer, many users mainly use only a mouse, clicking on various sections of the menu in order to open a particular section of system management or a directory in Explorer. However, working with Windows can be significantly accelerated if you accustom yourself to constantly use the so-called hot keys - combinations of buttons that allow you to perform various commands.

The family of Windows operating systems has always been distinguished by a large number of keyboard shortcuts designed to work both with the system itself and with its applications and utilities. A significant part of the combinations are traditionally used not only in the operating system, but also in software packages from other manufacturers. In Windows 7, keyboard shortcuts have become even more convenient. Therefore, knowing at least a small part of them will significantly speed up your work.

The Win button plays a significant role in the formation of keyboard shortcuts, indicated on the keyboard by the Windows logo in the form of a flag consisting of four parts. The key is located in the lower left corner of the keyboard between the Ctrl and Alt buttons. another Win button can be duplicated on the right side of the keyboard between the Alt Gr buttons and the right-click button. Due to the fact that the number of keyboard varieties is constantly increasing, the Win key may be located in a different place, but it will definitely be the lower left corner. On laptops, the Win key is usually located between the Fn and Alt function keys.

Windows hotkeys when working with File Explorer

  • Win. Pressing the Win button once opens or closes the Start menu.
  • Win + E. Quick access to the My Computer directory.
  • Win + M. The keyboard shortcut allows you to quickly minimize all windows, showing the desktop. Pressing it again does not allow you to return all previously opened windows to their original position, so you will have to use the mouse to expand them from the minimized view.
  • Win + D. Minimize and - when pressed again - maximizes all open windows. Convenient if you suddenly need to look at the desktop (in order to open a file saved there, for example), and then quickly return all open application windows to their original state.
  • Win + F. Quick launch of the file search window by its name.

Win + G. If you have gadgets installed (another common name for widgets), the keyboard shortcut will show them on top of all other windows. In order to remove gadgets from visibility, just click on any place in the open window under them.

Win + L. A very convenient keyboard shortcut, which is especially useful for those who prefer to lock the computer every time they leave the workplace. After pressing Win + L, Windows will open the account selection screen, which can only be opened with the knowledge of the corresponding password. Of course, if you have not set a password for your account, anyone can unlock the computer.

Win + P. Convenient keyboard shortcut for those who use multiple monitors or projectors at the same time.

Win + U. Opens Ease of Access Center. Convenient when you need to quickly access the settings for Magnifier, Narrator, or On-Screen Keyboard.

Win + R. One of the most commonly used keyboard shortcuts. Allows you to quickly launch a program or system utility by entering its name in a special line. It's much faster than looking for a program in the branching sub-items of the Control Panel or the general list of applications.

Win + T. The combination allows one of the icons located in the taskbar to be active one by one. Includes both application shortcut icons and open window icons.
Win + Tab. Effective switching between active windows, in which all open windows are arranged in the form of a "ladder". This effect is called Windows Flip 3D or Windows Aero and is available in all versions of Vista and 7 systems. The keyboard shortcut will not work if the Aero effects are disabled in the appropriate settings.

Win + X. Quick access to the Energy Conservation Mobility Center. Especially true when working on a laptop.

  • Win + Space (Space). Aero Peak effect. All open windows become transparent so you can see the desktop.
  • Win + Home. Aero Shake - minimizes all windows except the active one.
  • Win + cursor arrows. Convenient control of an open window. Pressing Win + up expands it to full screen, Win + left / right presses it to one of the sides of the screen, reducing the width to 50%. Win + Down shrinks the window to about one fourth of the display area.
  • Shift + Win + Right / Left. Moving active windows between two monitors.
  • Alt + Tab. Very convenient movement between active windows.
  • Win + 1 ... 0. Opening or minimizing a window, as well as launching an application whose shortcut in the taskbar corresponds to its number.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Del. Launches Task Manager. Many users mistakenly believe that the standard keyboard shortcut for opening the Task Manager window is Ctrl + Alt + Del. In fact, Ctrl + Alt + Del opens a separate screen with a choice of one of the actions (lock the computer, log out, change user, change the password, or start the Task Manager). You can also use this keyboard shortcut to open it, but it will be less quick.
  • Ctrl + Win + F. If you are on a local network, Windows will start looking for computers on it.
  • Shift + Ctrl + N. Create a new directory.
  • Shift + F10. The keyboard shortcut works in the same way as the right mouse click, bringing up the context menu.
  • Alt + F4. Close any active window.
  • Alt + Enter. Calling the Properties window for the selected file.
  • F4. Pressing this softkey in Explorer will make the address bar active.
  • Print Screen. Copies the screenshot to the clipboard. The image can be inserted into a graphics editor.
  • Print Screen + Alt. Snapshot of the active window.

Browser hotkeys

Regardless of which browser you use, Windows 7 will always have keyboard shortcuts in place for easier access to their functions.

  • F1. Calling up the program help.
  • F5. Refreshing the page.
  • F6, Ctrl + L. Highlight the contents of the browser address bar.
  • F11. Full screen mode.
  • Ctrl + T. Opening a new tab.
  • Ctrl + N. Opens a new window.

Keyboard shortcuts for working with text and clipboard

In Windows 7, hotkeys work not only with the operating system itself and its utilities, but also with most text editing applications and programs that support the clipboard. Knowledge of these hotkeys can significantly reduce the time for typing and working with documents.

  • Ctrl + C. Copy the selected area of \u200b\u200btext or any other data to the clipboard.
  • Ctrl + V. Paste the contents of the clipboard.
  • Ctrl + X. Copies data to the clipboard along with deleting it from its original location.
  • Ctrl + A. Select all data.
  • Ctrl + O. Opens a document.
  • Ctrl + S. Save the file.
  • Ctrl + Y. Repeat action.
  • Ctrl + Z. Cancel action.
  • Ctrl + B. Changes the formatting of the text, the selected text becomes bold.
  • Ctrl + I. Text turns into italics.
  • Ctrl + U. Underline text.
  • Ctrl + F. Search in the text.
  • Ctrl + H. Opens the replacement window.
  • Ctrl + P. Print.
  • Ctrl + Home. Returns to the beginning of the document.
  • Ctrl + End. End of document.
  • Alt + Shift, Ctrl + Shift. Change keyboard layout.

Additional Windows 7 features

In addition to hotkeys when working with Windows 7, there are a number of options that make working with windows more convenient. Dragging the window to the top edge of the display expands it to full screen. If you drag it to the right or left side of the display, it will press against the corresponding side, reducing its width to 50% of the screen. To run the program as administrator, click on its shortcut while holding down the Ctrl and Shift keys.

Basic Windows hotkeys 1

So, in fact, it is. When an experienced user switches from one program to another, it is rarely difficult for him to master the new interface, new possibilities. As a rule, everything that worked on old or other versions also works successfully with new software systems.

What is the reason? Very simple. The main focus is on the "friendliness" and comprehensibility of the interface. Once demanded, proven technologies for using programs rarely change.

One of these tricks - hotkeys in text editors such as MS Word, MS WordPad, and many others - requires a separate discussion due to their regular use.

There are several common keyboard shortcuts for manipulating files from applications. These are Ctrl + N, Ctrl + O, Ctrl + S, Ctrl + Q. Let's analyze the purpose of each combination separately.

To create a new document, be it a text, sound file or video, press Ctrl + N in the appropriate program or select the desired menu item. To open an existing file, use the Ctrl + O combination.

Despite the autosave option, computer malfunctions can become a "headache" if the edited data is irretrievably lost. Therefore, it is good practice to periodically press Ctrl + S. This command saves the changes made. Sometimes there is a need to save data to another file, then the F12 key comes to the rescue.

Printing the document can be called by the command Ctrl + P. Try this combination and you will see that it is much easier than searching the menu with the mouse for the required command.

And, of course, to finish working with the program - a pleasant end to the working day - there are many options for hot keys. You can, for example, press Alt + F4 or Ctrl + W, which are the standard commands for closing an application, or you can use a specially provided menu command or its hot key - Ctrl + Q (in

The name itself - a text editor - implies typing and editing texts. Therefore, it is worth dwelling in more detail on general-purpose document editing commands.

Firstly, these are the standard operations "Cut", "Paste", "Copy". Although they are described in all guides and articles (even on our website), I consider it necessary to repeat myself here.

So, to cut the selected object to the clipboard, press Ctrl + X or Shift + Del; to copy the selected object to the clipboard - Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Ins; to paste an object from the clipboard - Ctrl + V or Shift + Ins.

Now let's talk about such an interesting feature of MS Word as working with vertical blocks of text. To understand what this is, consider an example where vertical and horizontal blocks are compared:

As a rule, most users do not even know what vertical boxes are and that all the same editing operations are valid for them as for ordinary horizontal ones.

To switch to the vertical block selection mode, press Ctrl + Shift + F8. Only then select the block with the mouse or with the cursor keys. You can do it differently: select a block of text and simultaneously hold down the Alt key. Experiment with vertical blocks. I am sure that they will be useful to you someday and will help you save a lot of time and effort.

Often the results of the edits do not bring satisfaction from the work done, and you want to go back one step, or even a few steps back. To do this, press Ctrl + Z. If you need to repeat the changes made, then there is a very convenient command - Ctrl + Y.

And finally: when working with documents, you sometimes have to change the scale of the text. There is a special menu item for this, but it is much more convenient to turn the mouse wheel and simultaneously hold down the Ctrl key. Try it, I think you will like this simple trick.

Let's summarize:

file operations: Ctrl + N, Ctrl + O, Ctrl + S, F12, Ctrl + P;

work with the clipboard: Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, Ctrl + Z, Ctrl + Y, Shift + Ins, Shift + Del, Ctrl + Ins, Ctrl + selection - for a vertical block of text;

change the scale of displaying text: Ctrl + rotate the mouse wheel.

The document should look beautiful, so that it is pleasant to look at it, so that all tables are neat, the most important thoughts are highlighted, so that there is nothing superfluous on the page and at the same time there are no unnecessary empty spaces. The ideal is not achievable, but there are a number of tricks that make it easier to change the document so that by trial and error, at least a little, but approach the cherished perfection.

Font effects play an important role in the perception of text. Let's consider some of them in more detail.

To underline a word, select it, and then simultaneously press the key combination Ctrl + U. In this case, all characters of the selected text will be underlined, as well as spaces between them. To underline only words, use Ctrl + Shift + U. To select a block of text in italics, you can use the combination Ctrl + I. If, to improve clarity, it was decided to highlight some phrases in bold, then for this there is a convenient alternative to the mouse - Ctrl + B.

It is often necessary for the phrase to be typed in capital letters. The easiest way to do this is by typing in uppercase right away. However, it is not always possible to do everything and always do it right, so a special command was developed to translate the selected text fragment into upper or lower case - Shift + F3.

All key combinations described above work as switches. This means that to return to the previous text input mode, you must press the same key combination that changed the standard mode. For example, command Ctrl + U will set the font attribute responsible for the underscore. To remove this attribute and return to normal style, press Ctrl + U again.

Notes and footnotes are an essential part of any creative work. Of course, you can use the menu item of the same name to insert a footnote, but it is much easier to do this by pressing Ctrl + Alt + F.

It is convenient to use Ctrl + Enter to insert a page break.

Some things can only be done by using the mouse and keyboard at the same time. The most common example is a smooth resizing of table cells. This is achieved by resizing the cell with the mouse and simultaneously pressing the Alt key.

It's no secret that text looks much better on a computer screen or in printed form when it is justified. This alignment is achieved by increasing the length of the space between words. However, this behavior is not always justified. For example, you need to type a sentence that contains the last name and initials. If you put a simple space between them, then when aligning the initials can be far away

from the last name, which is not correct. To eliminate this effect, there is a special character - a fixed space. The easiest way to paste it is by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Space at the same time.

So, let's summarize.

to change the font effect, use the commands: Ctrl + I, Ctrt + B, Ctrl + U, Ctrl + Shift + W;

to convert letters to upper case: Shift + F3;

to set a fixed space: Ctrl + Shift + Space;

to break pages: Ctrl + Enter.

It is impossible to know all the keyboard shortcuts for quick access in the menu, to simplify the work with basic text editing operations. But the main thing is different. The main thing is to learn how to use the set of commands that are used more often than others. Each person will have a unique set. Of course, there will be similarities, but in general, everyone will plan their work with documents differently. Through trial and error, you can find how you can quickly do the same type of operation in order to save time and effort.

Basic Windows 2 hotkeys

Working in Windows can be made more efficient and faster if you use not only the mouse, but also use "hot keys" - special key combinations designed to simplify and speed up work. For example, few people know that the very often used Explorer (which can be without it) is launched by pressing Win + E at the same time. Agree, this is much more convenient!


The Win key is located between the Ctrl and Alt keys on the left side (it has the Windows logo on it).

The Menu key is to the left of the right Ctrl.

The combination "key" + "key" means that you must first press the first key, and then, while holding it, the second.

General purpose hotkeys

Keyboard shortcut


Open the Start Menu

Ctrl + Shift + Esc

Calling up the "Task Manager"

Launching "Explore"

Displaying the "Run program" dialog, analogous to "Start" - "Run"

Minimize all windows or return to original state (radio button)

Lock the workstation

Opening Windows Help

Opening the System Properties Window

Open file search window

Open a computer search window

Take a screenshot of the entire screen

Alt + Printscreen

Take a screenshot of the currently active window

Switches between buttons on the taskbar

Win + Shift + Tab

Move between panels. For example, between the desktop and the Quick Launch panel

Select all (objects, text)

Copy to clipboard (objects, text)

Cut to clipboard (objects, text)

Paste from clipboard (objects, text)

Create a new document, project or similar action. In Internet Explorer, this opens a new window with a copy of the content

current window.

Call the file selection dialog to open a document, project, etc.

Undo the last action

CD-ROM autorun lock (hold while the drive reads the newly inserted disc)

Switch to full screen mode and back (switch; for example, in Windows Media Player or in a shell window)

Work with text

Keyboard shortcut


Select all


To cut


Jump by words in the text. Works not only in text editors. For example, it is very convenient to use in the address bar


Text selection

Ctrl + Shift + ←

Selecting text by words

Ctrl + Shift + →

Move to the beginning-end of a line of text

Move to the beginning-end of the document

Working with files

Keyboard shortcut


Displays the context menu of the current object (similar to right-clicking).

Calling "Object Properties"

Renaming an object


Copying an object


Moving an object

Drag with Ctrl + Shift

Create an object shortcut

Ctrl clicks

Selecting multiple objects in random order

Shift clicks

Selecting multiple adjacent objects

Same as double clicking on an object

Deleting an Object

Permanently deleting an object without placing it in the trash

Working in Explorer

Keyboard shortcut


F3 or Ctrl + F

Show or hide the search bar in the explorer (radio button).

Navigating the explorer tree, folding-expanding nested directories.

+ (on numeric keypad)

- (on the numeric keypad)

* (asterisk) (on numeric keypad)

Display all folders nested in the selected folder

Refresh Explorer or Internet Explorer window.

Working with windows

Keyboard shortcut


Calling the menu for switching between windows and navigating through it

Alt + Shift + Tab

Navigate between windows (in the order in which they were launched)

Alt + Shift + Esc

Switch between multiple windows of the same program (for example, between open WinWord windows)

Close the active window (running application). On the desktop - invokes the Windows shutdown dialog

Closing the active document in programs that allow simultaneous opening of several documents

Calling the window menu

Alt + - (minus)

Call the system menu of a child window (for example, a document window)

Exit the window menu or close an open dialog

Calls a menu command or opens a menu column. The corresponding letters in the menu are usually underlined (either initially, or become

Alt + letter

underlined after pressing Alt). If the menu column is already open, then to call the desired command, press the key with the letter,

which is underlined in this command

Calling the window system menu

Call the application help.

Scrolls text vertically or moves up and down through paragraphs of text.

Working with dialog boxes

Working in Internet Explorer

Keyboard shortcut


Displaying a list of the Address field

Launching another instance of the browser with the same web address

Refresh the current web page

Opens the Arrange Favorites dialog box

Opens the Search panel

Launching the search utility

Opens the Favorites panel

Opens the Open dialog box

Opens the "Open" dialog box, similar to the action CtrL + L

Opens the Print dialog box

Close the current window

Switch to full screen mode and back (works in some other applications as well).

Special abilities

Press SHIFT five times: Turn Sticky Keys on or off

Hold down the right SHIFT key for eight seconds: Toggle input filtering on or off

Hold the Num Lock key for five seconds: Toggle sound on or off

Alt Left + Shift Left + Num Lock (Toggle keyboard pointer control on or off)

Alt Left + Shift Left + PRINT SCREEN: Toggle High Contrast on or off

You still don't know how to configure hotkeys on Windows 7, and why are they needed? Hotkeys on Windows 7 are necessary for the usability of the operating system. They help to quickly perform various operations on the computer by pressing a certain combination.

The operating system contains a built-in database of such commands, they are used by default. Some of them can be changed programmatically or assigned independently.

How to find a list of hotkeys

A list of keyboard shortcuts for quickly controlling the OS is available in the Windows Help system. You can find out the entire list of Windows 7 hotkeys by calling the MS Office Help window with the Win + F1 keyboard shortcut.

Remember that you need an Internet connection to use the Help.

Further, from the list that the search engine has issued, you can select an item of interest, for example, "Hot keys and combinations". A website page will open in the browser, which contains descriptions of frequently used keyboard shortcuts.

Method two: you can find hotkeys on a laptop with windows 7 using the built-in Help and Support. In this case, no internet connection is required. Help is called in the "Main Menu". Then the required information is selected from the list by the query "Keyboard shortcut".

If you select the "Keyboard shortcuts" section through "Help and Support", you will receive all the necessary information. Descriptions of all possible combinations of hot buttons are sorted by topic, which makes searching easier.

The keys are designed to quickly search and edit texts in MS Office, perform any operation on the desktop without using a mouse, call and close the program and other commands specified by the user. All described keyboard shortcuts are configured by default.

The default button combinations allow you to manage OS objects. Windows 7 classified hotkeys:

  • SHIFT + DELETE allows you to delete files from your hard disk without placing them in the "Recycle Bin";
  • ALT + F4 or Ctrl + W closes the active program or file;
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc brings up the task manager;
  • Win + F opens a search window;
  • Win + L locks the computer;
  • ALT + TAB lets you move from one open file or window to another;
  • CTRL + Mouse scroll wheel allows you to resize desktop icons;
  • Win + G places gadgets on top of open windows;
  • Win + Home allows you to minimize windows except for the active one;
  • Ctrl + P submits documents for printing;
  • Win + X calls the "Mobility Center" on the laptop;
  • Win + M minimizes open windows;
  • Shift + Ctrl + N allows you to create an empty folder.

How to assign hotkeys

Windows 7 hotkeys are usually configured for programs that are frequently used by the user. Hotkeys are assigned through the "Main Menu" or a shortcut to "".

It is not difficult to assign hotkeys for Windows 7, for this you need to go to the "Properties" section of the selected program through the shortcut on the "Desktop" or "Main Menu". In the "Shortcut" tab, the cursor is placed in the "Shortcut" line. When you simultaneously press the CTRL or ALT key and the desired letter of the Latin alphabet, the combination CTRL + ALT + the selected letter is set.

It should be remembered: if the used combination was previously assigned by default by the system, after performing such a setting, you can change the hotkeys for windows 7.

Pressing the assigned keyboard shortcut will open the specified program instead of the previously performed default action.

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