How to properly use Nero 7. Working with Nero Burning Rom

Multifunctional software Designed and used for burning CDs and DVDs, Nero is considered the most powerful and best of its kind in existence today.

How to use Nero

Information about the various functionalities of this program will interest both experienced users and those who are just going to install it on a computer. After all, if you know how to use Nero, you can use it to perform various operations with music, video files, as well as images, record on several drives at the same time, support re-burning, create your own copies or your CDs, copy even protected CDs -discs. The program is easily configured in Russian, which is why it has become so accessible.

Disc burning

Program Nero StartSmart, expands the capabilities of users who need to create a DVD or CD disc, record or modify audio.

Let's take a look at how to use Nero StartSmart to burn a disc.

  • In the Data category, select Make Data Disc.
  • In the Burn Disc window, click the Add button.
  • The Select Files and Folders window appears. Select the resource from the menu where the necessary files are located.
  • Select the folder (file) to be recorded and click the Add button. After adding all folders (files), click Finish.
  • In the Final Burn Settings window that opens, select the Check data after writing to disk checkbox and click the Burn button.

Even more opportunities are provided by the Nero Burning program, the most popular when copying and burning discs. Let's take a look at how to use Nero Burning to burn a disc.

  • Run the program through Start Smart and select the category of the disc that you plan to receive: movie, sound, etc.
  • By hovering over the icon, you will see a list of tasks in the corresponding category. By selecting Create Data CD, you can burn document files, video and music files, etc. to CD.
  • After selecting the disk you need, a window appears on the screen, in the left part of it is a list of folders and files for recording (initially empty), in the right part there is a list of your computer. Drag files from the right folder to the left. At the bottom there is an indicator of the total size of the data selected for recording. It should not exceed the maximum possible value for the recordable disc.
  • When the list of files to burn is ready, click the Burn button at the top of the window. A dialog box will appear in which you need to specify the recording parameters.
  • We indicate the recording speed, do not rush to choose the maximum value. It is better not to change other parameter settings. Please note that the Simulation item is disabled.
  • Press Burn to start recording and watch the indicator change.

Working with video files

If you often work with video files, you should definitely learn more about how to use NeroVision. This program is specially designed for editing of this type files. It will especially interest those who need to copy video files from media such as a camcorder, photo camera, mobile phone... The management of this program does not require much effort and high professional training. Let's try to create a clip on our own using Nero Vision.

  • Press the "Browse" button and add the selected files to the new project.
  • We transfer the photos to the processing panel.
  • Go to the Show Audio menu, this button is next to the navigation bar.
  • Move the desired music track from the explorer to the Nero window.
  • Correct the display time of photos.
  • We set the required display period for each slide.
  • We use visual effects between slides.
  • Press the button "View" and evaluate your creation.
  • We save the finished project using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl and S.

You can add titles or other captions where you want, you can take videos from any other media, quickly edit these files and instantly create new DVD, VCD or SVCD video files. The program does not require installation, it can be run from a camera or camcorder, which increases the usability.

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about a question that interests many novice users, namely, how to burn a disc? I must say right away that programs for recording CDs and DVD discov there are many. You can even burn a disc using standard Windows functionality. But in this article, we will learn how to burn a disc in Nero Burning ROM. I consider it to be the best in terms of convenience and functionality. True, there is only one drawback - this program is paid.

So let's get started. The first step is to install Nero on your computer. The Nero package includes many programs for (for example, using), video, graphics, but we are only interested in Nero Burning ROM. Therefore, you can do a custom installation and install only this component. After installation, from the menu Start we launch our program for burning discs.

Burning a data disc

The first step is to learn how to burn an ordinary data disc. When starting Nero, the following window appears:

In the drop-down menu on the top left, you need to choose which disc we are going to burn - DVD, CD or Blu-ray. Let's say we have a DVD.

Further, on the left side of the window, you need to indicate that we are writing exactly the data disc. To do this, select either DVD-ROM (UDF) or DVD-ROM (ISO). UDF and ISO are format specifications file system for storing files on optical media... The difference between UDF and ISO is that UDF allows you to record files larger than 2 GB, that is, there is no limit on file size, as is the case with ISO.

In the tab Multisession I have an opportunity start multisession disc... This means that next time it will be possible to add some more files to this disk. If without multisession - then nothing else can be written to the disc.

The next tab is NeroDiscSpan available only for UDF projects with disabled multisession. This function allows you to automatically distribute large files (more than 4.7 GB at dVD burner) into multiple disks (you can learn how to split large files into several parts using Winrar).

In the tab UDF (ISO) I recommend leaving the default values.

Tab Label allows you to set a name for the future disk. By default, the drive name is New.

Well, the last important tab for us is Recording... Here we set the write speed. The default is - Maximum, but we are not satisfied with this. I recommend setting the speed as low as possible. Thus, it is more likely that the disc will be written without errors and will be read normally on all possible media.

Now all the settings are set, you can proceed to the next stage. Push the button New... Before us will appear working window Nero Burning ROM. This window is conventionally divided into two parts. On the left - the files on our disk (so far empty), and on the right - all the files that are on the local computer.

Now, the files that we want to write to disk, drag from the right side of the screen to the left, holding left button mouse. You can create folders on disk to somehow organize their storage.

I would like to draw your attention to the strip at the bottom of the screen. It displays the fullness of the disc. Let me remind you that for a regular DVD, the usable volume is about 4.5 GB. Therefore, pay close attention to this bar - as long as it is green, the disc can be recorded.

After the selection of files for recording is over, you can go directly to the recording. To do this, press the button Recording, check the settings again, and then click.

That's all, the program will complete the recording by itself and open the drive with the ready-made disc.

Nero is one of the most powerful programs for burning discs. Many functions are built into it, however, more often than not, people do not use even half of what it is capable of.

We will learn how to burn to blank CDs and DVDs using Nero Express, as it is the most simple and convenient.

To open it, click on the "Start" button, open the "Programs" (All Programs) item, in the list that appears, find the "Nero" item and open Nero Express.

To begin with, the program offers to select a data type (Data; Music; Videos / Pictures; Image, project, copier).

We will burn to CD or DVD using the Data item. The fact is that this option is universal: through it you can record text, pictures, music, and video. Moreover, such a disk will open on any other computer (not only on yours).

Click on "Data". On the right side of Nero, select the disc to which you want to burn the information - CD or DVD.

Just remember to insert a blank disc into your computer.

A new window will open.

Click on the "Add" button on the right.

A window will open overlapping the Nero program. Find the files and folders you want to burn in it. Please note: on the left side, you can select another location (Computer, Documents, etc.).

When you find the necessary files and folders in the window, add them. To do this, click once with the left mouse button on the file or folder that you want to record, and click the "Add" button below.

You can add as many files and folders as you want, most importantly, make sure that the disk does not overflow. To do this, the Nero program has a bar at the bottom. As long as there is enough space, the bar fills in green. Make sure it doesn't turn red. This means that the disk is full.

After that, the window will change.

Click the Burn (Burn) button.

And wait. Recording in progress.

When the disc is burned, it will most likely pop out of the computer by itself, and a small window will appear in the center of the Nero program, in which it will be written "Burning completed successfully" or something similar. Click the "OK" button in this window, then the "Next" button at the bottom right and close the Nero program.

Applications from the Nero 2015 Platinum suite have long ceased to serve exclusively for burning discs. Nero's arsenal now has audio and video editors, tools for reserve copy and data recovery, as well as programs for synchronizing media files between devices home networkincluding using cloud storage... But in the first part of the Nero 2015 Platinum review, we will focus on applications for burning discs.

For an ordinary user, the name Nero is primarily associated with the application Nero Burning ROM, named after the Roman emperor Nero, according to legend, who ordered the burning of Rome - the phrases "Nero sets Rome on fire" and "Nero burns ROM" (this is the translation of the name of the program) in English sound the same.

Not surprisingly, this application is the most popular CD burning tool. Indeed, since 1997, when the first version was released, the application has evolved and acquired more and more new features and tools.

Thanks to this, a whole suite of applications designed to work with media files that successfully complement each other are currently being released under the Nero trademark. But the name Nero has become the unifying name for all these products. And even the company Ahead Software GmbH, which developed this wonderful product, changed its name to Nero AG in 2005.

Nero-branded applications actively interact with each other in the process, transferring processed data to each other to perform various additional operations. Nevertheless, they are capable of working independently, and therefore they can be purchased separately. But it is still more profitable to buy them in one package, since the price in this case will be much lower.

I, in turn, will consider the Nero 2015 Platinum package. To date, this is the most current package containing latest versions the most requested Nero applications.

After installation, all programs are available from the menu installed applications, but those who have not used Nero before, or have worked with these programs for a very long time, at first may get confused in so many new software. A shortcut that is automatically created on the desktop helps to avoid confusion. It launches a helper shell that will easily guide the user to find the desired programbased on his current needs.

Considering this package, it would be logical to start with Nero Burning ROM - the veteran who gave birth to the project, but first I want to say a few words about the Nero ControlCenter program so as not to return to it again. This is a small helper application that manages installed licenses and is responsible for the timely updating of the products installed on the computer. In addition, it also allows you to select language settings for the entire software package.

Now let's talk about Nero Burning ROM. The application allows you to burn CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs or create image files based on them. It is possible to record a project with a separate type of data, such as audio, video, or mixed data.

When burning discs, you can use SecureDisc protected recording. Its use increases the degree of data safety in the event that the disc gets scratched or gets other physical damage of a similar scale. Of course, no one gives a 100% guarantee that the data will survive, but the chances of this nevertheless increase.

There are several ways to add files to the created project. For example, through windows explorer or the Nero MediaBrowser application launched by a dedicated button in the interface. I'll tell you more about this application later, but for now let's continue talking about Nero Burning ROM.

As I said, Nero AG is constantly improving its products. At the same time, developers pay due attention to new technologies and actively implement their support in new versions of applications. One example of this approach is the appearance free apps for mobile devices running operating rooms android systems and iOS.

One of these apps is called Nero AirBurn. It is used to create projects for burning in Nero Burning ROM from files stored on mobile devices... And all this is done directly from the interface of these very devices. You simply select the files on your smartphone or tablet that you want to burn to a disc, click the "Burn" button, the marked data is transferred via Wi-Fi to a computer with Nero Burning ROM installed, and if a suitable disc is installed in the drive, then the project immediately the same is recorded. It's that simple.

As an illustration, I am showing a screenshot taken using an Android application. The iOS version is located.

Using the editor Nero CoverDesigner, you can create a beautiful box cover for a finished disc or a picture for a disc. It has several templates designed to fit the existing disc and package sizes, so all that remains is to insert an image and add text if necessary.

Nero CoverDesigner is not included in the original installation package, but it can be easily installed directly from the burning software interface.

Nero Burning ROM has a wide variety of settings that allow you to very clearly define your burning parameters. If you need to whip up a disc, you can use the Nero Express application.

The menu of this application contains the most requested burning options, and it allows you to create a project and burn it to disc in just a few clicks.

If you need to activate some additional settings that are not available in the express version, then using a special button you can go to the Nero Burning ROM application and continue working there.

You can use Nero MediaBrowser to add files to a project in the same way. Although this is perfectly done using a standard explorer or by dragging and dropping files with the mouse.

Over the years, these applications have become as user-friendly as possible, and, as a rule, there are no problems in mastering these tools. Moreover, the interface supports the Russian language.

Nevertheless, Nero AG issued detailed guides for Nero Burning ROM and Nero Express in format mobile applications for Android and iOS. The material in them is well-structured, and it is as easy as shelling pears to quickly find the required section in them. You can find links to these tutorials under this article.

Nero Burning ROM User's Guide.

Nero Burning ROM is actually the very same program for burning CDs. It can be used to create discs of various formats, such as video, audio, data discs and more. At first glance, working with the program seems difficult, however, after a brief acquaintance, you are sure that it is easy and simple to create discs with its help ...
After starting Nero Burning ROM, a dialog box appears on the computer screen:

On the left side of the window is a scrolling list of disc types that can be created with Nero. To create a data disc, select CD-ROM (ISO) and press the new button (we will not make any settings now, we will deal with this later).

Now let's look at the main dialog box:

The window consists of two nested windows - "ISO 1" and "View files", which, in turn, are divided into two parts. Let's take a closer look at any window, for example "View files".
It is divided into two sections, on the left is the main (root) section, on the right is an additional one. The main part shows the desktop of your computer. To select the copied file, perform the following actions:
Select the desired directory at the root, open it (click on + ), select the desired folder (if the nesting of folders is large, then the procedure “select - open”, repeat until we reach the required folder) and click on it with the mouse.
An additional section will show the contents of this folder. So, we see the folder and its contents, it remains to grab with the mouse and transfer to the "ISO 1" window (to the main section) the files or folders needed to copy from the additional part of the window, or the entire folder from the main section.

The "ISO 1" window is a complete analogue of the previous window, in the main part folders are displayed, in additional their contents. The main (root) folder is the disk itself, if you put a file (not a folder) in the main partition of the disk, then the file will be displayed in complementary partition like the contents of the main disk partition, that's okay.

There remains one more unclear question: if you move a folder for copying and you need to add something else to this folder? We proceed as follows - we click on it with the mouse, its contents will appear in the additional part of the window. We place desired file in an additional section.
As the new project is filled (the data for recording a CD is called a project), the blue bar at the bottom of the screen will increase - this is an indicator of the full project, do not let it go beyond the working volume of the disc.
Files for recording can be dragged and dropped from any open window Windows - the desktop, from any disk, from any open folder ...

And lastly. If the created project needs to delete unnecessary files, then select the selected file in the "ISO 1" window with the mouse, press the right button (on the mouse) and select "delete".
Important!!! You should delete files from the project only in the "ISO 1" window, if you delete them in the "File Viewer" window, then the file will be deleted from hard drive !!!

After the project is created, click on the burn icon and again get into the disc project dialog box.

Let's consider it in more detail:

Info»Contains information about the project being recorded, such as the date the project was created, its volume, etc.

The "multisession" tab shows a menu:

  • Creating a multisession disc- a very interesting and necessary option, often the data prepared for recording will not occupy the entire disk, and a completely natural question immediately arises - what to do with the remaining, unfilled part, let it disappear? No, on such a disc you can later record something else useful. The fact is that you can not burn the entire disc as a whole, but write data to it in the form of one part or session. We write the first data - that means we write the first session, add something else to the disc, which means we write the second session, if there is free space, then we can add the third, fourth, fifth and so on until the disk is full. However, this method also has certain drawbacks: when recording each session, about 13.5 MB of service information is added to it, and as much as 22.5 MB to the first session! This suggests a conclusion: a multi-session disc inevitably contains "losses" and the more sessions on the disc, the more "losses".
  • Continuation of the multisession discthe essence of this option is very simple. If we created a multisession disc, and even recorded the first session on it, how can we add more data to it? It's simple, when recording (or rather, when recording), select this option and calmly and confidently write the next session to it.
  • No multisessionthe whole point of this option is that service information is placed on the disk that the disk will not be added. And this means that it is no longer possible to finish writing such a disc, even if there is free space On him.
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