How to hide installed programs in windows 7. How to hide a program in Windows. How to quickly hide programs and windows from the desktop

Free of charge program for hiding programs and active windows under the name will be primarily very useful for office workers who do not like to work at work, as well as just secretive people.

The thing is that HiddeX allows you to instantly, by pressing a button on the keyboard or mouse, hide (just hide, and not minimize to the taskbar) certain running programs you specified or just active Windows Explorer windows, and the unspecified ones can be left visible on the desktop. computer desk. At the same time, she herself perfectly hides.

How to quickly hide programs and windows from the desktop

Eh, this program would have been installed on the computer of my work colleague, he would not fly "on the ground" in any weather, but would continue to shoot at the balls in the monitor sitting in a warm office and would not have caught his boss for this occupation.

The official HiddeX website has a very short guide to hiding programs. I, in turn, will try now to describe it to you in more detail. So…

The program is portable (no need to install). Downloaded, unzipped and run ...

Immediately poke at "RU" and get the Russian interface of the program ...

How to use HiddeX

In the upper section of the program for hiding programs, we see all our active windows. We find those that need to be hidden by pressing the magic hot button and double-click on their lines to send them to the lower section of the HiddeX program ...

Now we set the "panic button" on the keyboard for allocated active windows or programs ...

... or on the mouse ...

Now, when you press the specified button, the specified active windows or programs will instantly disappear. And they will not be minimized to the taskbar, but will be completely hidden.

If you check the "Hide in tray" checkbox in the advanced settings ...

... then the HiddeX program will be completely hidden along with the windows.

You can return it from the other world (and send it there again) by pressing the keys on the keyboard (pressing them sequentially, without the plus signs, without releasing the previous one) Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F12.

By unchecking the checkbox in the list of hidden windows, you can temporarily remove a specific program or active window from participation in this disgrace ...

That's the whole program for hiding programs and active windows HiddeX. I hope it will be very useful to someone.

Until new useful computer programs and.

Hello! In this article, we will look at a small portable utility with which you can easily hide the existence of any programs on your computer... And although, at first glance, questions may arise, why would anyone hide some programs at all, for many PC users this opportunity will be very relevant.

It's no secret that office workers don't always use a computer for their intended purpose. It is difficult to blame them for this, however, the immediate superiors do not approve of such things and can check the computer for the presence of extraneous programs / games. It is also possible that several employees use one computer, and not all are ready to share their passions with colleagues.

This utility may be especially relevant for a home computer, which is used by all family members. For example, if someone decides to follow the household in his absence and uses it for this, he is unlikely to want others to know about the presence of this program on the computer. Children, on the other hand, can hide games that their parents have forbidden them to play. In short, there can be any number of reasons to use utilities to hide programs.

This program is called Hide From Unistall List

How to download and run Hide From Unistall List

You can download this program from my Yandex.Disk:

The archive weighs only 481 kb. The utility is compatible with all versions of the Windows operating system, including Xp and Vista.

You do not need to install the program, because it is portable and can work without installation, even from a computer, even from a flash drive. You just need to unpack the archive and drop the shortcut to a convenient place. By clicking on the shortcut, you can use the program.

How to use Hide From Unistall List

We click on the utility shortcut, and we see a list of all programs that are installed on our computer:

Now you can hide all programs that you do not want to be displayed on your computer. To do this, select the appropriate programs and click on the button with the cast image. If you want to make the software visible on the contrary, click on the eye icon.

If you find in the list of all programs those that you would like to remove, then you can go to the list of installed programs by simply clicking on the trash can icon.

More advanced PC users can hide the program without using Hide From Unistall List. To do this, you need to go through the path in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Uninstall

After that, in the DisplayName section, delete the entry about the selected program.

Now you can install any software and games on your computer without worrying that someone will find out about their existence.

Is it possible to somehow remove a program from the list of installed programs in the Programs and Features section?

You can hide a program from the list of programs in different ways. I will tell you about everything known to me. The methods discussed in this article apply to all versions of the Windows operating system, from Windows XP to Windows 10.

Why hide programs from the list of programs?

Sometimes when several users use one shared computer, you may need to hide programs. There may be various reasons for this. I think that those who read this article themselves know why they need it.

By the way, for those who are with us for the first time, here are a couple of similar useful articles. Here we told how. And in the article "" - how to quickly hide a folder on the desktop. This is not the most reliable method. If you need something more reliable, I can recommend the method discussed in the article "". Search for the rest yourself using the site search form.

How to hide a program from the list of programs

Let's say we want to hide the Notepad ++ program. As you can see it is displayed in the list of programs.

In order to hide the program entry, you need to tweak the registry a little. So start the Run window with the Win + R keyboard shortcut.

Enter "regedit.exe" and click OK.

Then we find the Uninstall folder in the registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Uninstall

In my case, the application is 32-bit and the operating system is 64-bit. In such a difficult case, the application should be searched for in this branch:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Wow6432Node \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Uninstall

This section is responsible for generating a list of installed programs that the user sees in the control panel in the Programs and Features menu.

Now we find the branch of the program that needs to be hidden (in my particular case, the branch name is the same as the application name - Notepad ++).

After that, we create a DWORD parameter. It is done like this: somewhere on an empty space, right-click and select the item "Create" and "Parameter DWORD".

Right-click on it and select "Rename" and name it "SystemComponent".

Now let's right-click on it and select the "Change" item.

Then we change its value from "0" to "1", and then press "OK".

Well, now the best part is, go to the "Programs and Features" section and press F5 to update the list of programs. If everything is done correctly, then the program should be hidden.

You can hide the installed program in Windows in an alternative way. To do this, in the same branch, change the key name “DisplayName” to “QuietDisplayName”.

This method may not work, so use the first method, which always works without critical days and never fails.

How to disable hiding programs

To return everything as it was before, i.e. to disable the hiding mode for a particular program, it is necessary to delete the "SystemComponent" parameter we created in the program branch. And if you hid the program in the second way, then you need to rename the "DisplayName" parameter by removing the word "Quiet".

Using hidden programs

You can work with hidden programs as before. And if you need to use hiding the program within a script, then in this case you can use this command:

REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Wow6432Node \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Uninstall \\ Notepad ++" / v SystemComponent / t REG_DWORD / d 1 / f

Click if we cannot copy the command text.

In this article, I clearly showed how to hide a program from the list of installed programs. If you know about any other way to hide the installed Windows program, write about it in the comments.

In the future, in continuation to this article, I will tell you how to hide the program service. Therefore, if you have not yet subscribed to us on social networks, I highly recommend doing it now. That's all. Good luck friends!

After starting the program, a small window appears on the taskbar, which indicates that the software is working. If you want the program to work hidden, outwardly without showing itself, you can use utilities such as NirCmd or Quiet. However, in the Windows 10 operating system, such a launch can be performed using standard tools. To do this, you can use the following tips.

Method number 1. Running through the command line

In earlier versions of the operating system, as well as in Windows 10, you can run the program in stealth mode using the command line:

  • To do this, press "Win + R" and enter "powershell".
  • The console will open. We enter the command "Start-Process -WindowStyle hidden" C: / ProgramFiles (x86) /Opera/opera.exe "", where "C: / ProgramFiles (x86) /Opera/opera.exe" is the path to the program file, which you want to run in stealth mode.
  • The software will start, but there will be no window on the taskbar.

Method number 2. Run with VBScript script

To run the program in hidden mode, just open notepad and write a script:

Dim WShell
Set WShell \u003d CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
WShell.Run "Opera.exe", 0
Set WShell \u003d Nothing

Where "Opera.exe" is the program to be run in stealth mode.

Save the file with the .vbs extension and any name.

Run the file. The program will run in stealth mode. Its work can only be tracked in the task manager.

The security of your data is the main concern for many users. You need to protect your private information, but how can you do it if you don't want to lock your entire phone? A great way is to hide the app icon. If the shortcut is not visible, then no one will be able to launch this program. In this regard, many users are interested in how you can hide the application on Android. This can be done quite simply using standard functions or third-party software.

When do you need to hide labels

Each user has some kind of private data on the phone. These can be personal photos, any documents or accounts on social networks or banks. Of course, you can, but you will have to enter it every time, which is very inconvenient. In this regard, some users prefer to simply hide the labels so that scammers or very curious friends cannot get to your private data.

Removing the shortcut from the desktop

If you just need to hide any icon from the page on the home screen, you don't have to install anything or go into the phone settings. All manipulations are performed directly on the desktop. To hide an application on Android, follow these steps:

After these steps, you will clear the screen page from this shortcut, but keep in mind that the icon will not disappear anywhere in the list of all programs.

Hide completely

But how to hide an application even from the general list of programs? This can also be done using the standard settings in Android versions 4 and higher. Some phone manufacturers do not provide this feature. To hide applications, use the following instructions:

Hidden applications will be displayed in the same list, a check mark will be placed in front of them. Finding hidden shortcuts will not be possible until you put them back in.

How to hide pre-installed programs

The above method allows you to hide any applications. If you have problems with the standard software, you can try an alternative option. Users will have to go into the settings of this app and then disable it. Not sure how to find a specific app page on your phone? Follow a few simple steps in sequence:

This method allows you to hide the application icon of most standard services from Google, such as "Press", "Movies", "Maps" and others. Now you know how to hide pre-installed and downloaded applications on Android. But if the standard functions of the phone for some reason do not work, you can try to perform these manipulations using third-party applications.

File managers and specialized programs

If you could not find the application menu or specifically its settings, you can use AppMng 3. This is a functional program, distributed free on Google Play. It can be used to clear the cache, view the memory status or hide programs. This requires:

The program will automatically take you to the settings page. It is very convenient and will save you time. In the second tab, you can find a list of hidden programs.

Equally effective is a specialized software called AppHider. It will also help you remove the program from the list of watched, however, to use it, you need to open Root rights. You can find AppHider in the official Play Market. The main advantage of this program is that the user can put a password to unlock the visibility list. Thanks to this, even advanced users will not be able to recover the hidden application.

To hide the desired icon, follow these steps:

  1. Run the program and then grant it superuser rights.

  2. Click on the "+" icon to add the program to hidden.
  3. Select the required application (or several) from the general list.
  4. When asked to set a password, click Set it to select a password.
  5. Enter the numeric combination and then click “Continue”.
  6. Confirm the recovery mailbox address.

Now, to make the program visible back, you have to enter the PIN code. This software will provide a high level of security for your data.

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