How to make an iPhone from a regular phone. way. Install firmware. Easy way to make an iPhone from Android

One of the significant advantages of the Google mobile operating system is the ability to completely transform its interface. Enthusiasts of all stripes produce various custom shells that make Android smartphones different from each other.

This post will be interesting to those users who are fond of the strict style in the iOS interface, but for some reason continue to use Android. If you want your pet's appearance to resemble iOS with rounded corners, folders and shaky icons, then you need to download several applications from Google Play.

So far, none of the developers has managed to combine all the best features of iOS in one package - as many as six programs will be needed.

Lock screen

The application is one of the top most popular Android programs in the Utilities category. It has more than 1,000,000-5,000,000 installations, among which more than 47,000 users rated it 4.4 stars. The program turns the standard Android lock screen into iOS lockscreen. The developer took into account all aspects of the original version: fonts, password entry page, and even notifications.


  - A simple and fast launcher that copies the iOS interface. Just like on the iPhone, there is an arrangement of icons on a 6x4 grid and a dock panel with a frosted glass effect. Icon editing mode opens by double-tap: move, hide, and delete any applications. Opening and closing tasks is accompanied by a characteristic animation.

Status bar

In order for Android to become similar to iOS, you will also have to change the status bar. fully works with the launcher from the same iLauncher developer.

Command centre

Almost completely copies the iOS Control Center, which extends from the bottom of the screen and is created in the image of the Quick Settings panel from Android, which in turn extends from the top (are you still not confused?). On the panel there are Wi-Fi, Bluetooth on / off buttons, screen rotation lock, airplane mode, data transfer mode, as well as screen brightness sliders and shortcuts for launching some standard applications.

Apple Keyboard

- An Android keyboard designed to mimic the iPhone keypad. After installing the utility, the keyboard can be used in any application on the device.


  - A camera in the style of a regular application in iOS. This is not only a great utility for processing photos, but also a complete replacement for the standard Camera application. According to the developer, its capabilities are superior to the standard program and give control comparable to what is present on the cameras. After taking a photo, you can start processing - adjust the brightness, contrast, color correction and much more.

Today, a very interesting question has appeared on the network for many people: how to make an iPhone out of Android? Of course, a complete transformation is simply impossible. There can be many motives for such a desire. Despite the fact that the “Android” is a completely independent device, but the palm in mobile devices, undoubtedly belongs to iOS.

In our article, we will try to tell you with what methods and actions you can get the most similar device.

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Why is such a “metamorphosis" interesting for many people? The main reason, probably, is that such a process in itself is very interesting: is it possible to give one device the properties and functions of another, without changing its appearance? What can I squeeze from my Android? Undoubtedly, such a formulation of questions will not be left behind by many lovers of digital technology. Below we will present for you three methods that can partially answer them. True, with one caveat, namely: what do you want to get as a result? If this is a full-fledged “iPhone”, then we should disappoint you - for this you need to buy an original device, we cannot replace it with “one hundred percent”. And if you want to twist the settings, dig deeper into the software and find out something interesting, then you can safely proceed to reading the article.

In our methods you will find the most interesting solutions that will allow you not only to change the appearance of the device’s interface, but also allow you to implement a full-fledged installation of IOS.

The first way is to use launchers

In this method, we will mainly use two launchers: GO and ADW. They have a set of unique functions that are interconnected by such a concept as the theme, which implies the design of the device interface in the form of special "themes". They also have the ability to download themes that will allow you to change the look of the interface.

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It is believed that this is the simplest method of all that exist, but despite this, many do not like it. This is primarily due to the type of themes, their different qualities - you can meet both ideal topics and even terrible ones. Secondly, there are both paid and free themes, and prices are often higher than for ready-made applications. And thirdly, given the fact that they are all “superimposed” on the launchers, numerous bugs and lags can occur.

Second way

For this case, we will use a special MIUI firmware, which can be used on almost all devices. The installation process is similar to the usual installation of a new firmware: opening access, downloading firmware files, resetting the settings installed at the factory, erasing the entire cache and after that the flashing itself. This method is quite complicated, though if you do everything right, you can be happy with the results. It is worth noting the advantages of this method. Firstly, it is completely free - all files can be downloaded with ease on the network. Secondly, it has a good appearance and excellent performance. Well, besides all these advantages, you can find several new features. True, it is worth noting that on some devices you still will not be able to install such firmware.

The third way to make an iPhone

You may have such an opinion that we again decided to follow the path that is described in the first method, but this opinion is deceptive and can only appear because we will use the launcher. To do this, you will need to download the Espier launcher, which is specially designed to work on the iOS platform and even looks similar to it. Unlike the products from the first method, it has its own characteristics: a built-in search engine, has folders, the ability to delete a file with one click and many other functions are implemented. The advantages of this method include the fact that new versions of the software product are released every year and every time it gets better. If you really love the iOS platform, but you only have Android, then we recommend that you use this method.

We hope that our article on how to make an iPhone out of Adroid was interesting for you and opened up new opportunities in the world of technology. Good luck and all the best!

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Owners of gadgets on Android and iOS often argue - which platform is better? Both operating systems have their own capabilities, advantages and disadvantages. If you are the owner of a smartphone or tablet on Android and want to evaluate how the apple technology works without buying an iPhone or iPad, you can temporarily turn your Android device into an iPhone. There are several ways available for this. Which - read on.

How to make an iPhone from Android - simple steps

The desire to turn Android into an iPhone is understandable. Apple technology is known for its user-friendly interface, recognizable visual design and a lot of useful features. The transformation of the gadget is done in one of two ways: installing the launcher and a complete flashing. In the first case, you will achieve only external changes, in the second - you will make the Android smartphone almost indistinguishable from the iPhone.

Visual changes only

The easiest method to install ios on Android is to change the device interface. To do this, you do not need to download third-party tools and have experience in flashing mobile devices. Applications necessary for this purpose can be downloaded on our website or Google Play service. After downloading, just open the downloaded program and launch the launcher - the desktop and the Android menu will instantly be transformed. To convert, download a shell or apk, and then open it using the file manager. After installing all the elements, you can easily learn and master the iPhone menu without buying a new device.

Full flashing

If visual changes are not enough for you, you can go further and completely install iOS on Android. This is quite risky, as the platform is designed with Apple in mind. Keep in mind that this will not be just a graphical shell, but another operating system with separate functionality and functions sharpened for Apple.

Where to start installing a new operating system? First, visit the thematic forums, where they will advise you on the firmware that is ideal for your phone model. Downloading a file is from trusted sources so that you do not accidentally install a program with viruses. In extreme cases, you can install an iOS version that is not designed for your smartphone model. Is it worth it - decide for yourself.

Here is an example action algorithm for firmware device:

  • Reset your phone to factory settings.
  • Download archive file from iOS
  • Install the memory card in the root.
  • Turn off the device and hold several buttons at the same time to activate the "Recovery" mode (there are different buttons for each model).
  • Use the volume rocker to select “install zip from sdcard”.
  • Find the firmware and select it. Installation may take several minutes.
  • Select “Reboot system”, then wait for the device to turn on.

Done! Now the Android smartphone will run on iOS. You can reflash the device back at any time if you download the Android firmware and follow the same pattern.

How to make an Android iPhone (iOS)

If it’s problematic to make an iPhone out of Android, it’s quite possible to remake the “insides”. Various tools downloaded from our website and the Google Play store will help you with this. Here are the most popular methods for turning Android into an "apple" device.

Launchers and widgets

If you want to try out iOS on Android, but are afraid to turn your smartphone into a brick, use the launchers. This is a quick and easy way to install a graphical shell "under Apple." Here are the most popular types of launchers and widgets according to users:

  1. Espier Dialer 7 Pro V.1.0.6
  2. Espier Launcher 7 Pro V.1.4.5
  3. iLauncher v

IPhone apps

There are many standard applications that look different on Android and iOS. If you want identity in small things, pay attention to them:

  • EspierControlCenter 7 ProV.1.2.8 - plugin replacing the bottom panel and many functions of an Android phone on iOS
  • Clock iOS 7-8 is a functional alarm clock with a nice interface and classic iPhone design.

When installing a modified iPhone design for Android, there are 2 important steps to consider:

Step # 1: Root Rights Required

When working with files, including iOS firmware, remove all restrictions on the smartphone. This can be done using a special menu item.

Step # 2: The direct process of reinstalling the OS

The process of reinstalling the operating system on Android requires caution and knowledge of technical issues. First, download the firmware to the computer, and then copy the file to the phone via the USB cable. Perform all other actions in Recovery mode with the phone turned off.

Change the keyboard and camera

Even when installing the Apple launcher, the keyboard and camera of the smartphone will have the same Android interface. You can make them “for iPhone” using the Apple Keyboard virtual keyboard. For the camera, the GEAK Camera application and its analogues are provided, with which you can not only take photos and videos, but also process images with various filters.

Lock Screen Replacement

Replace the Android lock screen on iOS will help a utility called OS8 Lock Screen. With it, you can configure the screensaver, unlock method, set a password, etc. In appearance, the program completely copies the screen on iOS 8, works quickly, without bugs and freezes.

Notification bar

If your launcher does not provide for replacing the notification panel, install the status bar update via iNoty Style OS 9. The application has slight differences from the original Apple product, but it looks quite natural in general. A functional panel is available in the service menu for quick access to the flashlight, brightness level and other important options.

Easy way to make an iPhone from Android

For mobile devices under warranty, you can use one method that does not cancel the manufacturer’s responsibilities. To turn an android into an iPhone in this case, do the following:

  • Visit Google Play and download Launcher i6.
  • Install the service to adapt the LockScreen lock screen.
  • To replace the keyboard interface, use Simple iOS Keyboard.
  • To complete the transformation, it is worth downloading and installing the Control Center.

All of the above actions will not turn Android into iOS, however, they will be able to bring your device as close as possible to the creation of the California giant manufacturer.

IPhone from Android? Can this be done? Of course, a complete transformation is hardly possible, but we’ll talk about how to give android the first-class look characteristic of iOS.

According to the results of the second half of 2014, 86% of smartphone sales fell on mobile devices with Android OS, but the palm, however, remains with IOS. Therefore, the desire of users to make iphone from android is understandable. And the point is not only to surprise your friends with such a metamorphosis. If you change the internal interface of your phone, this will not at all affect the improvement of the quality of the device itself, but with such optimization there is a great opportunity to make its management more simple and comfortable.

There are several ways to make an iPad from an android, we will now examine them in more detail.

Install ADW or GO

The first way is to install ADW or GO programs, endowed with special options, and united by a theming. It is worth noting that, despite its simplicity, this option is not very popular. The problem is that there are hopelessly few free themes in them, and paid ones have significant pressure on the wallet.

Change the firmware (Flash MIUI ROM)

Special Flash MIUI ROM firmware. It is installed on many types of phones, and makes key programs available. At first glance, if you decide to take this opportunity to make ios, the apparent complexity scares you, but following the instructions exactly gives the desired result without fail.

Install Launcher

Installing the launcher, a special shell responsible for changing themes, installing and removing widgets, the internal interface, starting and disabling the device, etc. Launcher will help make the phone easier to manage, without exerting any influence on the operation of other applications. To make several iphone launchers from android, below we will talk about some of them.

  • The interface maximizes the style of iOS;
  • Unlimited number of programs in folders;
  • Change the design of the icons;
  • There are many additional plugins from developers;
  • Ten ways to scroll pages;
  • Is free;
  • Built-in wallpaper gallery online.

  • Differs in fast work;
  • Economical and convenient;
  • Spotlight Search;
  • A lot of different effects (gloss, animation, rounded edges of the icons);
  • Simplified program hiding from the desktop, and their removal;
  • The ability to change the appearance and signature of the icon, etc.

iPhone 5 Screen

On the question of how to make iphone from android, the installation of this launcher will also answer.

  • Creates not only a screensaver, but also characteristic menu icons;
  • The interface starts immediately when the device starts;
  • The visual similarity is almost one hundred percent;
  • Excellent blocking;
  • Low battery consumption
  • Other "goodies."

Probably, many users have always dreamed of putting iOS on Android and evaluate it in action, enjoy the beauty and outlines of the apple operating system. Or they noticed that not all applications from the App Store are available on Google Play. Of course, there are a large number of analogues of such programs, but still I want to try the software from the Apple store. True, the "apple" device is quite expensive. This is why the question arises: is there a way with Apple’s operating system on Android? It will not be possible to completely port the Apple OS, but thanks to the so-called emulators, a unique opportunity to put iOS on Android still exists.

What is an emulator?

Before you begin the installation process itself, you must familiarize yourself with the initial terms. So, an emulator is a computer program that allows you to recreate (emulate) the work of another operating system or environment to be able to run on your existing device. For example, there are Android emulators for personal computers that allow PC users to run games and applications from Google Play. Now a similar opportunity has become available to users of Android gadgets who want to install iOS on them. Let's look at all the existing ways to launch or emulate iOS on Android devices.

1 way. Project Cider (Cycada)

The Cider project was presented at a computer science research conference at Columbia University. It enables iOS programs to adapt to the core and Android programming library. It uses binary compatibility methods to open not only its own, but also “alien” software on one gadget. That is, it becomes possible to run iOS applications on Android.

Cider exercises the right to make a certain focus with the code of the iOS-program, making it possible to perceive it as based on XNU Kernel. It doesn’t use an emulator or virtual machine - the code changes in real time, allowing the application to manipulate the Android kernel and libraries. Platforms built on the basis of ARM. For their unity, an Android program called CycadaPress is used, which receives information about various actions (text input, alerts from applications, etc.) and transfers them to iOS. She convinces the system that the CycadaPress window is the display of an Apple device. This allows you to carry out other actions with the screen.

The video shows that many iOS applications on Android are launched, including the iOS version of Yelp, iBooks. However, as the creators note, the speed and smoothness of the software leaves much to be desired. But this was to be expected, because Cycada is at the testing and development stage. It is not known whether the project will come out completely. Perhaps, after some time, the final version for a large market will nevertheless appear, which will make a splash.

It is also unclear whether the project will be interesting now, since most games and applications are released for all existing platforms. There are, of course, isolated cases, but mostly these are unique programs like the Garage Band, Pages, iMovie. If you want to use them, why buy an Android device? That is why there is a distinction between operating systems, since each manufacturer tries to offer the user a new unique service.

2 way. Firmware installation

This method is more suitable for extremals and enthusiasts, since it involves the complete removal of the Android operating system and the installation of special firmware on the device. Such manipulations can lead to sad consequences. In case of failure it will be necessary. If this does not help, hurry to a service center. And with the most unsuccessful outcome, you risk getting a “brick” - a completely inoperative device, without the possibility of switching on and further operation. If you still decide to change the firmware, follow the instructions below:

If the system is unstable or does not work correctly, try to restore Android from a previously created backup. If this does not work, you will have to contact the service center.

You learned about two ways to launch iOS on Android. Of course, they do not guarantee a 100% result, but the very possibility of such operations is encouraging. Remember that any actions are solely the responsibility of the device owner. As the saying goes, "measure seven times, cut once."

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