Like fm vkontakte. How to wind up likes on VKontakte ava for free, for any page

The popularity of your photos added to the profile page of VKontakte is estimated by the number of positive comments (see), reposts (see) and likes. As a rule, users most often put precisely hearts - thereby showing their interest and approval of your photo. Many even set themselves the goal of getting as many hearts as possible for their avatar.

If you have few friends, or the photo is not very good, then it’s unlikely that you can achieve the goal naturally. But you can use special methods. Now we will tell you how to like on VK for free.

How to get actions on your page

Users constantly need someone to perform an action on their page. As we have already noted, this may be a commentary on a post, repost of a beautiful photograph, etc. There are 3 options for obtaining this action.

Free cheating on ava and photos

We need to find people who also need likes. The easiest way to do this is in the relevant public pages.

We will use the search. Dial "Mutual likes", and go to the community list.

Based on the name of the community, we need to choose where users share likes. Look, in the picture above we see the first two options.

  1. Group “Mutual likes on avu”   - exactly what is needed
  2. Group "Instagram mutual likes"   - this is another matter, Instagram does not interest us yet (see also)

So we will use the first community. Open it.

Here everyone leaves their requests online. You can first fulfill the request of any participant, and then write to him that you also need a mutual service. Tell him that you would like to receive a profile picture.

We go to the topmost entry for which comments are allowed. Here we see all the requests.

We see that a certain Vasilisa Yudintseva asks to like her ava. And in return, promises to do the same for you. This is exactly what we need. She even attached the photo directly to her request - no need to go far. Just open it and put a heart.

After that, you should wait a few minutes. If she doesn’t take a mutual action, then write her a message that you liked her ava and would like to receive a response from her. In the event that she again ignores, you can.


This simple algorithm of actions will help you to get user activity on your page for free. You can easily wind up likes on the avatar, comments and reposts (see). The only drawback of this method is that the real interest of users in your information will not be so high. But for starters - that's enough.


In contact with

In the next article and step-by-step instructions of the “Under the Carbon” site (site), we will figure out how to easily wind up real VK likes. Moreover, these "pluses" will be affixed by living people, not by bots, not by spam profiles.

TIP: We ask the reader to take these instructions for informational purposes, and not as a guide to action. Any cheating is ineffective, obvious, and brings only trouble. Be careful, and it is better not to mess with cheating at all.

For example, the author of this article already blocked the VK page for using this tool, so do not get carried away. It’s clear that you can give a few extra likes to your girlfriend, your friend, classmate or mom, but we do not recommend promoting VK sites and groups with their help.

Why is it so important that live people and real VKontakte users put likes? Yes, because cheats from robots and spam bots will immediately lead to undesirable consequences.

With live profiles when sharing likes, these negative consequences will be less likely. For example, this could happen:

  • all people who put likes in a short time will become “dogs”;
  • cheat bots will cause suspicions in the administration of the VK, you may be blocked;
  • likes put down by bots will look unreal and obviously wound.

So, it should be wound up on real real likes from living people. How to do this in practice, we will consider in the following step-by-step instructions. Moreover, for all these operations and bonuses you do not have to pay a penny.

Everything is absolutely free. And we will use the mutual likes exchange service. Getting started!

How to win real likes on VKontakte: step-by-step instructions

Step # 1

To get started, go to the page of a special cheat service using the link below:

Step number 2

Immediately click the "Start using for free" button and then enter the address of your VK page. The page address can be copied from the browser. It usually has the following form:*********   - Asterisks are your personal VK identifier.

Step number 3

  • click on the address that appeared in the center line;
  • we get to the VK page where you want to like (it will be either someone’s photo, or a post on the wall, or a discussion);
  • they give us 25 seconds for this very like, so we don’t hesitate, we do everything quickly;
  • when the like is delivered, we return to the login page again;
  • press the button “DELIVERED”;
  • we get into your personal wrapping service account.

Step 4

The system also runs cheats for "likes", but there will already be bots there, but we don’t want this. So, click on the VKontakte icon the menu on the left (Cheat live for real) and select the "earn real"

Step number 5

Now you can earn reals in several ways:

  • putting likes on other people's posts, photos and discussions;
  • joining different alien groups (of the same living people as you yourself);
  • by subscribing to other people's pages (also real people).

Choose any type of earnings reals and get down to business. If you like, you will see a list with addresses where you can like. If you join groups, a list of available groups will open.

At each item you will see the number of reals that you will receive for completing the task. Reals are credited within 2 minutes and are displayed in your user account in the upper right corner ("BALANCE" - you need ONLY REALS).

Step 6

To start your task of wrapping live likes, you need at least 10 REALS. Please note that for each task the number of your reals will increase. We fill 10 reais and follow further.

Step number 7

Again, go to the left-side menu, select LIVE cheats for the reals, select "Spend the reals" - "Win the likes." If the screenshots are small, you can zoom them in by clicking with the mouse:

Step number 8

We create our new task, as described in the screenshot below. It is important to fill out all the form fields except the last. The last line is counted automatically. Here you need to specify:

  1. project name (any of yours as desired);
  2. the address of the page where you will wind up the likes;
  3. desired number of likes (price multiplied by the cost, but not less than 10);
  4. set the price of one plus sign (minimum -1);
  5. TOTAL - the number of reals that will be deducted from your balance;
  6. button “SPIN LIKES”.

When the task is created, it will be delivered for execution by the same real people who will receive your realities for it. It turns out the following general scheme:

- you earn reals;
  - you start the task;
  - you spend real money, but get the result in the form of winded likes to the page whose address you specified in the order form. That's all the math.

IMPORTANT: we cannot but warn that cheating is prohibited by the VK system. If the VKontakte administration finds out about your tricky method, most likely, they will block your page. For this reason, you can not be greedy.

Cheat just a few likes (within 100-200 pieces, not more per day) so that this does not cause suspicion. In general, be careful not to say that we did not warn you!

We emphasize once again - your page may be blocked for cheating, and therefore, think in advance about the ways of retreat, specify the phone number and mail address to restore access! You take further actions at your own risk and fear!

If you searched for the most detailed information regarding likes VKontaktethen you came to the address. In this great guide, I will explain to you why people put them, and how you can cheat them. As for the last paragraph, the main ways of winding up likes - online, free, paid, etc. will be discussed. It will be interesting.

What are likes

In the VKontakte social network, and on many other sites, a system for evaluating user materials has long been implemented. How it works? Where possible, you leave your voice or sympathy (see), simply by clicking on the icon with a heart. This means that the published photo, video or recording you liked. Or, simply put - you like!

We also say: like, put a heart, click “Like”, etc.

How to like?

Vkontakte can put hearts to almost any type of recordings and materials:

If you want to note some material with your sympathy, simply left-click on the heart located under it (or next to it).

After you click on the heart, the like counter will be updated - your vote will be counted.

VK cheat

This is probably the most interesting. Since the number of likes shows the quality of the material (indirectly), the more they are, the better.

A lot of users want to see a large number of hearts on their photos, records, etc. How to be

Likes can be wound. And there are many ways to do this. Now I will show you the most common.

VK cheat online

Let's start with the simplest option.

Getting likes for cool stuff

Everything is extremely simple here. You need to publish interesting materials, beautiful photos, etc. At first, you can ask your friends and acquaintances to repost (see). After all, you need as many users as possible to see your publication. Then everything is simple - if the material is really cool, people themselves will celebrate it, putting hearts.

I agree, corny. But it still works, and it works great!

Fast cheat like VKontakte

If you urgently need to get hearts, then you need to buy them. The network has a large number of exchanges where you can buy likes. As for the price, the cheapest ones are bots. More expensive are real people. But in fact, if you only need a large number on the heart counter, then there is no need to overpay.

Let's look at this process with the bosslike service as an example.

Come on him.


Open the registration tab, and enter your credentials.

When done click "Register".

Now we need to buy points - we will order likes on them. We click on the button "Buy points".

Indicate the amount of replenishment, and then click "Top up balance".

You will be redirected to the site of the payment system. Make a payment.

Now we need to buy likes. But first, you need to get a link to a post or photo that we will promote. As an example, I posted a photograph on my wall. You need to click on the link inside the post, which indicates how long it was published.

You will go to view the full version of the recording. And in the address bar of the browser, the link we need will be displayed. Copy it.

We return to the service. We need to create a task for winding up likes. We go to the “Cheat” tab. Here we fill in all the fields.

  • Choose a social network Vkontakte
  • Type - "Like"
  • Insert a link to the material
  • We indicate the price for one like, and the amount that we need

When everything is complete, click "Create a task".

Great, likes will be received soon.

Like program

We are called VKduty. The bottom line is mutual assistance. Users add their pages to the program, and also indicate a link to the materials that need to be untwisted. Further, the program automatically exchanges likes between them. Everyone gets hearts, everyone is happy.

How to wind up likes in VK fast and free

To do this, I suggest you take advantage of the help of the same users as you. And more precisely, those people who also need hearts. Simply enough to help each other and like your posts.

How to implement this? We go to the group section, and write in the search "Mutual likes". Choose any open group.

We go into it, and look at the wall. Here, requests for mutual likes are constantly published. We just need to get in touch with such a person and get our heart out.

The picture above is a suitable example. The girl asks her to like her ava, and promises to reciprocate. We go to her page, put a heart for her avatar. We write her a personal message (see). We say that the like was set, and please do the same. That is the whole process.

How to wind up likes in VK from the phone through the application

Look for a group where people share likes. Fulfill their requests, and in response, throw off links to your materials so that they also put hearts.

How to wind up likes in VK without programs

The method is based on the use of all the same services. In the same Bosslike, you can perform simple tasks, get points for them, and buy likes on them.

We return to the service, and go to the "Earn" tab. Here, immediately click on the button with points, opposite any task.

A popup will appear. In it you need to link your VKontakte account.

Now do simple tasks - like, make reposts, join groups. When the task is completed, click the "Check" button. If everything is correct, points will be credited to your account. And they can be spent on buying likes.

The method is simple, but you can get a lot of hearts. And no programs are needed.

How to see who put likes in contact

This is done using bookmarks. We go to our page, and go to the "Bookmarks" section. Then open the “Photos” tab.

A list of all the photos that you have marked with a heart will be displayed here.

In the same way you can see your likes for videos, posts, people, links and products. Just go to the desired tab.

How to remove or remove like VKontakte

Suppose we find a photo in bookmarks for which we like. How do we remove it?

Very simple. Open this photo. And we click once on the counter “Like”.

On the ad-social service, you can completely free like and follow VKontakte subscribers. To do this, you need points - the internal currency of the service. Points can be earned by completing tasks of other users or win in special games. Also, a service for promoting social accounts, ad-social provides daily bonuses to regular visitors.

Cheating likes and followers of VKontakte is performed by real users. Our special filters block approximately 97% of bots.

Creating a task for wrapping up likes

To create a task for cheating, you will need to log in through one of the social networks or use a username and password. Then go to the section "Add task" - "Vkontakte" and select "Like". You will see the screen as in the image below

Filling out the form is intuitive and should not be a problem. If you encounter difficulty, write to our caring support team and we will be happy to help you solve your problem.

Performing tasks for cheating likes and subscribers of other users

Since the ad-social service is designed for mutual completion of tasks, you may need to complete tasks of other users to earn points. It is very easy to do. To do this, go to the "Make Money" section and select "Vkontakte". A screen will appear, as in the image below

You can select the category of the assignment that you want to perform, for example, “Like”, “Tell friends” or others. If you need to order a lot of tasks for execution, but you do not want to complete tasks of other users, then you can replenish the balance by using the "Buy points" section.

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