Facebook: what is it and how to use it. What is Facebook (Facebook)

It seems that every Internet user knows about Facebook today. Books are written about him, films are made about him, he is mentioned in almost any modern television series. Nevertheless, the questions of what Facebook is, and what is its phenomenon, continue to be asked by millions of users around the world.

How Facebook appeared and what is it

The American Facebook site is the most popular social network to date. The number of its active users is more than 1.3 billion people - a striking figure even for the Internet. When Mark Zuckerberg and his Harvard comrades created the social network back in 2004, it was impossible to imagine how much it would eventually grow. At that time, Facebook, or rather, Thefacebook, was designed exclusively for students of American universities. And only in 2006 were all Internet users who reached the age of 16 able to use it.

Like any social network, Facebook is a resource whose main goal is to ensure user communication. Each new member of this huge Internet community must register to use all its features. The more reliable data the user indicates, the more likely they are to be found by friends / acquaintances / colleagues / relatives. In the future, account owners choose an avatar for themselves, publish photos, share links and, of course, communicate with each other.

Today, there is both a web version of the social network and separate applications for mobile devices. By the way, statistics show that Facebook participants prefer to use mobile versions of the site. Indeed, it is much more convenient - a mobile phone or tablet is often at hand than a laptop or computer.

Social Network Features

With the growing popularity of the site, the leadership thought about creating the most “comfortable” territory for virtual communication. It became clear that restricting oneself to banal private messaging is unacceptable if you want to keep the attention of users. Therefore, in the social network there were walls on which you can leave notes, photo albums, comments and legendary “likes”. It was the appearance of “likes” in 2010 that markedly distinguished Facebook from the rapidly growing list of social networks. With their help, users can designate published material as liked. Thus, “likes” became an evaluation tool, and later even began to be used in the algorithm for selecting the recommended information for each individual account.

It is impossible to imagine Facebook without applications that were first launched in 2007. The manual enabled third-party application developers to create and promote their products, while making a profit. Today there are so many games and add-ons in the catalog that users have to carefully read the description of each in order to understand how interesting they are. Almost all applications are duplicated in Google Play and AppStore and synchronized with web versions, saving the results of players. Thus, users received fascinating "killers" of time, Facebook - the interest and activity of visitors, and programmers - work and material benefit from their favorite business.

Finally, we must not forget about such an important part of the social network as groups and pages. These communities immediately began to be popular. They are created in order to unite users according to their interests, belonging to certain areas of life, etc. Naturally, each community publishes posts on a specific topic, fueling the interest of participants, drawing their attention. Particularly the issue of user activity concerns brand owners who launched their Facebook page. Their task is to expand their consumer audience and beautifully advertise the goods / services offered. Today, hundreds of thousands of brands use Facebook as an advertising platform, and, as practice shows, the results of such PR disappoint quite rarely.

So, the question of what Facebook is can be answered for a very long time. The history of this social network and its creators is interesting in itself. Not to mention the opportunities that it gives Internet users.

What is a FaceBook?

The FaceBook social network was developed in early 2004. In the same year, it was introduced by Mark Zuckerberg. At first, the site was called TheFacebook and was accessible only to students at Harvard University. The social network later spread to all universities in the United States. And two years later, anyone who had reached the age of thirteen could get an account on this social network.

All that was required to complete the registration was a valid email address. After the audience of the social network was significantly expanded, he changed his name to Facebook. It is under this name that it exists today. It is the largest social network on the Internet. The number of registered participants from around the world has already exceeded six hundred million. The Russian-language version of the social network appeared only 4 years after its creation.

Despite the huge number of participants in the social network, they can be divided into two categories. The first includes adherents of this social network, and the second includes users who are not satisfied with the functionality of the resource.

Register for FaceBook

To get an account on the FaceBook social network, you will have to go through the registration procedure on the official website. Here you will be asked to fill out a standard registration form. In it you will be asked to indicate your name, surname, email address and password, as well as date of birth and gender. After registration, you can hide the date of birth so that it is not available for viewing by other users of the social network.

After all the fields of the registration form are completed, you must click on the "Registration" button. The system will automatically send a letter to your email inbox that will confirm your registration on the FaceBook social network. In order to fully use all the features of a social network, you need to follow a few more steps.

1. Search for friends: after completing the registration process, FaceBook will offer you to find your friends and acquaintances on the network with whom you chatted via Skype or email.
  2. Profile information: in addition to basic information about yourself, you can also add a place of work or study.
  3. Photo: you can upload a finished photo from your computer, or take a picture using a webcam.

FaceBook is a classic social network. Here, if you wish, you can specify personal information about yourself, for example, the country and city in which you live, education, age, etc. You can also upload your videos and photos, create a list of preferences (music and films, clubs and restaurants, athletes and favorite groups). You can chat with friends, post and use the built-in programs and applications of the social network (polls, games and other entertainment). The service can be used not only as a simple social network. FaceBook can be used to promote your own business and attract new customers.

User Relationship

Adding other users to friends

For the security of your account, the developers have provided restrictions when adding new friends in the form of a limit of 5 thousand users. In addition, if you and a potential friend do not have common information, for example, a school or a higher educational institution, then when you add someone to your friends, they will ask you if you are familiar with him. If the answer is no, you will earn a warning. Due to the large number of warnings, the administration of the social network may block the account.

After adding a new user as a friend, you can subscribe to his page. To do this, click the special button in the profile. Until a potential friend confirms that you know him, you will be automatically subscribed to his updates. You can easily unsubscribe from them later, and the user will remain in your friends list. By default, all friends are divided into groups according to the information you provided. So, for example, in the list of your friends you can find such categories as relatives, relatives, friends at the university, friends at school, etc. If you are comfortable, you can create your own groups.

  Using the Wink feature on FaceBook

For many, the purpose of this function is still a mystery. This is just a kind of greeting from another user. The wink in itself does not carry any more functional load. Moreover, you can wink at other users countless times.

All messages on the FaceBook social network can be divided into only two types: inbox and others. The second group includes messages that you receive from users who are not on your friends list. This separation of messages is used to reduce the amount of spam on a social network.

For correspondence in the social network "FaceBook" a special e-mail is used. What is she like? Your personal email address is as follows: "your name on the social network" @ facebook.com. To view the archive of correspondence, just go to the "Messages" tab. This will open a window with a list of interlocutors. The site also has the ability to quickly exchange messages like chat. In this case, each of your correspondence will be displayed in a small window located at the bottom of the browser window. This is very convenient because you can chat with friends and study the news feed at the same time.

Your own website and FaceBook

Today, almost every entrepreneur has a community on a social network. Many people use a social network to create a page with their business. You can even create a whole group to advance your business. If you already have your own website and page on the FaceBook social network, then in order to attract new customers and disseminate information about your business, you need to make these two Internet resources overlap.

For this purpose, there is the possibility of placing your group’s widget on FaceBook on the site. The group widget is a small block that contains important information about your page on the FaceBook social network. This can be information about the last post posted or the number of subscribers. Using the widget, any visitor to your site can join a community on a social network and receive the latest news about your business.

To add a FaceBook widget to your website, you need to insert the html code on the website page. You can get it in the development department on the FaceBook website. There you need to click on the Live Box and create your own widget. To do this, you need to fill in the following fields:

- FaceBook Page URL - the address of your group on the FaceBook social network;
  - Height - the height of the widget;
  - Width - widget width;
  - Show Friends’s faces - when you check the box opposite this item, the faces of your subscribers will be displayed on the widget;
- Show Posts - when you check the box opposite this item, the widget displays the last posts posted in the group.

After all the fields are completed, click on the “Get Code” button. That's all! It remains only to copy the result to the page of your site.

FaceBook: Mobile Version

Today, a huge number of Internet resources exist in two different versions: regular and mobile. FaceBook is no exception to this rule. The mobile version has a somewhat simplified interface. There are no unnecessary videos and pictures, which can significantly speed up the process of processing the page. Using the mobile version of FaceBook should not cause much difficulty. Just like in the regular version, here you can view user pages, exchange messages, comment and change status. About 30% of all users of the social network have already switched to the mobile version.

Alexander Ivanov

In the materials of this article we will talk about what Facebook is, its capabilities and why it is needed for any business.

This social network is designed both for communication and for attracting customers. It was founded in 2004 by everyone already known, Mark Zuckerberg during his studies at Harvard University and is one of the five most visited websites in the world.

In 2017, the Facebook audience exceeded 2 billion users. There are many thematic communities where you can find like-minded people and friends of interest.

Any user can easily expand their professional contacts, search for clients and colleagues. To establish business relations, certain information that can be specified during registration helps.

Initially, Facebook was intended only for communication, so that companies have the opportunity to get almost instant feedback from personal customers and partners.

In the process of promotion, feedback plays a very important role, as a person will always trust the opinions of others. Therefore, just creating an advertising company is not enough. With this, the business begins.

Facebook features

  1. Testing the demand for new products or services.
  2. Attracting partners and customers.
  3. Receive instant feedback on published information.
  4. Advertising of goods or services.
  5. Posting information about the company and its activities.
  6. Direct communication with your audience.

In addition to all this, you can create business pages, personal pages, groups (communities), applications, and so on. This is how groups of people are formed by interests, views and occupation.

On their pages, users can publish fresh and useful information for a specific target audience, thereby increasing interest in their project.

If you properly maintain your account, you can quickly and successfully expand the customer base and, of course, increase sales.

How to create a successful business page

The basic principle is that the page should carry an idea that is reflected in the title. The design should also be relevant to the topic, so that users quickly navigate and make their choice.

Your main task is to collect as many target audiences as possible, which include not only people interested in this idea, but also potential buyers.

The name should be unique and immediately catch, and not repel.

Facebook has a personal internal search that many people use. Therefore, in the title of the page, it is recommended to mention the keywords by which you would like to rank.

The main business idea should be framed on the wall: add the necessary links and contacts so that the user can easily go to your site or somehow contact.

The first thing the user notices is the cover, which should be bright and catchy. Also, it should reflect the idea of \u200b\u200byour business well.

In the left menu are tools that you can use to create tabs or any other goals.

The next step is to fill out the page.

In addition to posts that will lead potential customers to your site, it is necessary to note other interesting information on the topic.

For example, you can post news from a personal site once a day and give as much useful tips or educational and training materials.

Be sure to add a poll once a week, generate feedback and post a video.

It would be nice once a month to arrange any promotions or competitions. So you can quickly engage visitors who will like, comment, repost.

How to promote your business page

For promotion, you can use paid or free methods.

Free are as follows:

  • leave comments on behalf of your business page. The name will look like a link, which will encourage the transition to a personal page. To do this, next to the inscription “main”, select the one from the list;
  • you can join an indefinite number of thematic groups that suit your topic, and attract users from there using posts with links;
  • you can drive traffic from your personal Facebook profile to your business pages.
  • if you have a website, then use it to promote the page. Install the appropriate widgets or links;
  • you can exchange posts with other public posts of a similar subject.

Of the paid promotion methods, one can distinguish:

  • Targeting ads - in the right column or news feed;
  • Advertising through the owner of the community of interest to you, who, in turn, publishes your post on his page or group.

In order to maximize the use of all the features of Facebook - you can familiarize yourself with this cool online training .

What can be promoted on Facebook

Before we talk about what exactly can be promoted in this social network, let's figure out why Facebook?

On the Internet, every month about 30 million users visit this network, which is several times less than the VKontakte audience. But at the same time, the age limits of these people range from 18 to 45 years.

This is a rather active audience, which, in addition, is much more solvent. And this is no secret for a long time.

You can only register with the FB from the age of 13, and there are no free content such as music and movies.

A business page can act as a business card of its own or corporate website. On it you can publish announcements of new materials or articles of a similar subject, so your target audience will constantly visit your site.

Facebook is actively promoting information businessmen who sell courses, trainings, seminars or coaching, owners of their own businesses, online stores, as well as networkers.


Summing up, I want to say that Facebook is a powerful marketing tool. Profiles, pages and groups enable you to quickly succeed, expand your customer base and increase sales!

A huge number of companies confirm this.

This is where I end. Do not forget to subscribe to the blog update and the Telegram channel t.me/site, as well as share information on social networks.

Have a good promotion!

Facebook is the most popular social network in the world. At the same time, it is the largest. If you don’t know what Facebook is, or you know, but want to know more than the different “chips” of the network, then this article is especially for you. We will consider the main issues that arise when users use this network.

Facebook - what is it?

Facebook is in the TOP 5 most visited sites in the world and is the largest social network. Now we know what it is - Facebook (social network), but what is a social network?

Wikipedia gives a clear definition of this concept. It says that the purpose of a social network is to build people’s interaction through the Internet. That is, it is a tool for communication, exchange of photos, pictures, audio and video files. It is also possible to evaluate and discuss content, create groups and public groups, which will be joined by people united by common interests.

Interesting facts about the social network "Facebook"

Quite interesting are the facts about this network:

  1. About 720 billion users visit the site during the day.
  2. Every month, more than one billion users visit the site or perform any action using the Facebook mobile application.
  3. Every day, people leave more than six billion comments and likes on Facebook.
  4. The network's audience for April 2017 is 2 billion people.
  5. The number of page views per day is more than 1 trillion.

All this is statistics and dry numbers, although quite interesting. However, this is not all. Some other interesting facts about the Facebook network:

  1. Facebook Inc has bought several successful startups. Now she is the owner of Instagram and WhatsApp.
  2. In 2016, this company earned $ 10 billion. And this is net profit, revenue is $ 27.638 billion. This means that per minute the social network earns 52,583 dollars.
  3. TOP 3 most popular users on this network: Madrid Real Madrid player Cristiano Ronaldo, actor Vin Diesel, Colombian singer Shakira. All of them have over one hundred million likes on their pages.
  4. Before the Facebook social network, MySpace was the most popular network. The company twice tried to buy Facebook, but twice the deal fell through because Mark Zuckerberg (founder of the network) requested a lot of money according to the buyer: 75 and 750 million dollars. Unfortunately for MySpace, after 2 years, Microsoft bought a 1.5% stake in the social network for $ 250 million. This means that the entire price of the company was 15 billion dollars. The cost of the network today is more than 400 billion dollars. As for MySpace, now few people even think about it.
  5. The Facebook application is the third most popular in the world. It is second only to e-mail and browser applications.
  6. There is an interesting theory that each user of this social network is familiar with any other registered user through 4 friends.
  7. Mark Zuckerberg (the creator of the network) also tried to create a similar network called Facemash, but the Harvard administration, where he studied Zuckerberg, closed the project and accused him of violating privacy and security.

Foundation History

The company was founded on February 4, 2004 by guys from Harvard University. These were Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskowitz, Chris Hughes. Then the network was called Thefacebook, and at the initial stage of its work, registration was available only to Harvard students via e-mail. For some time, the social network was open to students of other universities in Boston, and later, in general, all students and teachers of the United States could register with Facebook. Since 2006, all inhabitants of the Earth over the age of 16 years have been able to get their Facebook page. That is, for two whole years the site functioned as a niche network inside the university.

How is Facebook different from other networks?

In the world of social networks, Facebook has been a monopolist for a very long time, which can explain the rapid growth of its popularity. Even today in many countries of the world he has no competitors. Someone may cite MySpace as an example, but this Facebook network went around at the initial stage of its growth.

Over time, networks began to appear that were very similar to Facebook. If we talk about world analogues that would apply to all countries of the world, then this can only be Google Plus and Twitter. Some countries have their own national counterparts. In Russia, this is the well-known social network Vkontakte, as well as Odnoklassniki. Orkut exists in Brazil, Mixi in Japan, and so on.

Considering the fact that we live in Russia, the main competitors here are the Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte networks. Their main differences from Facebook are as follows:

  1. There are no audio recordings familiar to VK users on Facebook.
  2. You can’t see who visited your page on Facebook. Such a function is in Odnoklassniki.

There are also other design differences, but cosmetic differences can be ignored.

Facebook - Registration

There is nothing complicated in registering. Everyone can easily pass it. First you need to go to the start page of the network. If the user is not registered, then they will immediately be offered registration. There you must specify the name, surname, email address or mobile phone number, select the gender and date of birth.

After filling in these fields, you need to click on the "Create" account button and confirm your registration by e-mail. After that, the profile on Facebook will be finally created. Then you can enter Facebook automatically if the browser remembers your password. Otherwise, you will have to enter the password manually. Next, you need to fill out your profile, indicating interests, setting an avatar (photo), etc.

How to listen to music?

Once you have logged into the Facebook page, you are unlikely to listen to music right away. But the fact is that many Vkontakte users are accustomed to the fact that they always have their favorite audio recordings at hand. Although the functionality of the Facebook network does not provide such an opportunity, there are special applications that allow you to listen to music.

Some of them:

  1. Deezer
  2. Spotify
  3. Zvooq.
  4. MySpace Music.
  5. Soundcloud

By installing them, you will get access to audio recordings.

Create a page or group

  • the page is public by default, and everyone has access to it.
  • the group gathers participants by interests and in order to gain access to its information, first you need to apply for membership.

Also, groups and pages have differences in design and interface, and if the former are created for thematic communication between participants, the latter are a tool for presenting a service, product for all network users.

To create a page or group, in the upper right corner, select "Create page" or "Create group" (community) in the drop-down menu. There you will need to fill in all the fields, after which the page or group will be created. Note that the network interface is thought out and everything is extremely intuitive for users, so usually no one has problems. After creating the group, you can proceed to the design and configuration.

How to remove Facebook (profile)?

There are several ways to remove your page from the web. The first is to deactivate the page, but not to completely delete it. After deactivation, the page can be activated again and continue to use it. In the inactive state, the page will not be visible in the search, however, all photos, videos and recordings will be saved. After entering the Facebook network and activating the profile, all this content will be resumed.

The second way is permanent profile deletion.


To temporarily deactivate the page, you need to go to the settings (they are at the top right and look like a triangle), go to the "Security" section and select "Deactivate Account". When you click on the "Deactivate" link, you will need to briefly enter the reason for deactivation, and to confirm this action, you will need a verification code and an account password. This is done so that no strangers can deactivate your account if you suddenly leave your laptop with an active profile.

After all these actions, an email will be sent to the mail with a link to activate the profile. You can use it when the account needs to be restored.

Delete profile

Delete a profile is quite problematic. To do this, in the "Help" section (located in the privacy settings), you must enter the request "delete account". The results will contain a link to the profile deletion page. Go to this page and click "Delete my page." Of course, for this you will need to confirm this action with a password and a verification code. But even after that, you can restore your page, however, only within 14 days. After two weeks, your account will be permanently deleted. Now you know how to delete your profile on Facebook.

Access and password recovery

Often users forget the password to their Facebook page. There is nothing wrong with this, since access can be restored. To do this, on the start page, click on "Forgot Password". A window will open where you will need to specify your e-mail. A special code will be sent to it to restore the account. This password is entered in the box on the network site (where you previously requested recovery). Click "Continue" and go to the page for creating a new password.

Friends Search

Searching for friends and acquaintances is also simple, for this functionality is provided. There are different ways:

  1. In the search field, enter the name and surname of a friend and find it in the list of results.
  2. Indicate other possible search parameters in the filter: city of residence, institute, mobile number, etc.
  3. Find in your friends list already from the added contacts.

There are a lot of opportunities for searching in this network.


Now you know what it is - Facebook. Active Internet users all know that there is such a network, and what it is. This is truly one of the most successful online projects.

If you want to learn how to use the social network Facebook (facebook), then this article is for you.

  By its interface, Facebook is in many ways similar to the Vkontakte network. In addition to communication, on Facebook you can share photos, follow the news, participate in their discussion, join in interest groups, listen to music, play and more. other

The main difference between Facebook and the usual Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte social networks is that it is an international network that is accessible in almost every corner of the world, with the exception of several countries where it is prohibited by the state for religious or political reasons (Iraq, Iran, Syria, China).
  Facebook was created back in 2004 and during this time it was able to search for friends by a variety of parameters: by e-mail address, ICQ or QIP number, skype, through import from other social networks.

Registration on Facebook is absolutely free and available, now a little more than one billion people communicate on the network.

1. How to register on Facebook.

Anyone over 13 years old can sign up for Facebook.. To do this, you need to have Internet access, know your email address and mobile phone number.
  The registration process itself is simple.
  Consider it in detail:
In any search engine, enter Facebook (Facebook). In the list of links that opens, look for the right one with the address - https://ru-ru.facebook.com/ and go through it.

1.2. The first thing we will see is the registration (login) window, in which you will need to enter your data.

  (Picture 1)

The name and surname can be written in Russian, in the future they will automatically be translated into English. The password can be any, but not less than 6 characters and quite reliable. An email address can only be used once, that is, if someone from your family is already registered on Facebook with this address (or cell phone number), then your attempt will be rejected.
  The registration window usually immediately opens in Russian, but if any failure occurs, you can select the desired language in the language bar at the bottom of the page.

1.3. Now you will be offered 4 steps, allowing you to immediately clarify personal information, find possible friends, create a news feed depending on your interests and supplement the created page with a photo, better known under the word "avatar".

Step 1. Search for friends using email and skype contacts.

  (Figure 2)

Step 2. Specification of personal information: hometown, school, university, place of work. According to the entered data, the search engine Facebook will select possible friends. Why possible? The world is large, and you will be asked to find your friends among a huge number of people who could live with you in the same city, go to school with the same name or work in the organization of the same name.

Step 2 - entering personal information

  (Figure 3)

Step 3. Select interesting pages. To do this, select the links you like with the mouse and confirm by clicking the "Save and Continue" button. You can select an unlimited number of pages that interest you, all news on selected topics will automatically appear in the news feed.

Step 3 - Find Interest Groups

  (Figure 4)

Step 4. Adding a photo (including from a webcam).

  (Figure 5)

You can skip the above actions (steps) and return to them later.
  1.4. To complete the registration you need to go to your email. There should be a letter - confirmation with a request to click on the link.

  (Figure 6)

I received a letter right away, but it happens that due to the mail settings it gets to the Spam folder. Therefore, if there is no letter, first look for it there.
  After these simple steps, registration is completed and you become a full member of the social network Facebook.

2. Facebook interface. Page navigation.

From the main page you can go to all the basic features of Facebook.
  The upper horizontal panel provides access to information and management of your account. On the left are the quick access buttons: “Requests to add to friends”, “Recent messages”, “Notifications”.

   (Figure 7)

In the event of new information appearing next to these buttons, numbers appear notifying how many new events regarding the account owner have appeared on the network.
  In the right corner in the same panel there are buttons: “Find Friends”, “Home”, “Quick Privacy Settings” and “Privacy Settings and Tools”.

I want to draw your attention to the last two buttons.   Since Facebook has repeatedly been accused of violating user privacy, its developers have proposed the ability to change access settings for information, namely, choose who can see the published materials. Here you can go to your account settings, allowing you to change personal data (for example, last name) and exit your page.

Privacy - Page Access Settings

   (Figure 9)

For, to change the first or last name, do the following:
  Select Privacy Settings and Tools / Account Settings / General Account Settings, then click "Edit" in the required field
  In the window that opens, change your personal data, enter your Facebook password and save the changes.

Under the upper horizontal panel there is a status window, under it there is a news feed. A few lines of annotation allow you to understand what is discussed in the note, and with a click of the mouse you can open the entire article.

   (Figure 10)

The left vertical panel is needed to quickly jump to messages, music, games, etc., and also to see which of your friends winked at you.

Panel on the left, - for quick access

   (Figure 11)

In the right vertical panel are collected avatars of possible friends. By clicking on the cross in the upper right corner, an unnecessary photo can be deleted (a new avatar will appear in its place in a couple of seconds), and by selecting the “Add to friends” text, send a friend request in one motion.

3. How to add friends to Facebook.

Let's look at a few ways to find or import friends on Facebook.
  3.1. By last name (first name of a friend). To do this, enter data in the search box in the upper horizontal panel.

  (Figure 12)

The search window works on the principle of Yandex: displays the most popular results for the entered query. If there is no necessary person among them, click "Show more results." If necessary, you can use the filter, which allows you to refine the data and remove unnecessary results.

3.2. By email address, Skype name, ICQ or QIP number. To do this, select “Find Friends” on the upper horizontal panel (or in the left vertical panel), enter the data (for the mailbox - the email address and email password, for Skype - the name and password in Skype, for ICQ - the number and password, etc.) .d.). After some time, Facebook will pull out all the contacts, and you will only need to add friends if they are already registered on Facebook, and invite friends if they are not already registered.

3.3. Through “Other tools”, allowing you to upload a file with your friends' contacts, send an individual invitation to the friend’s email address or mobile phone number, through the data specified during registration (school, university, workplace).
  3.4. Using the social network “In contact”. Immediately after registration, Facebook will offer to find friends who are simultaneously registered in Vkontakte and on Facebook. After you allow Facebook access to your VKontakte account, possible friends will be selected, whom you will only have to invite to be friends on Facebook.

  (Figure 13)

4. How to delete a Facebook account.

On Facebook, you can temporarily block your account or permanently delete it. In the first case, your page will be deactivated (that is, it will not be visible to anyone) until you visit it again. After that, it will automatically return to all the settings that were before deactivation, save contacts, photos, correspondence, etc. In the second case, the page will be permanently deleted, the password and login are invalidated, and re-entry is possible only through a new registration.
  4.1. How to delete a Facebook account temporarily.
  To do this, select Privacy Settings and Tools (asterisk in Figure 8) / Account Settings / Security / Deactivate Account.

Then, Facebook will ask you to explain why you are leaving the social network, confirm the password and enter letters and numbers to check the security. Only after that will the inscription “Your account has been disabled” appear, and an e-mail with a link will come to the email address, by clicking on which you can again restore your page.

4.2. For, to permanently delete your Facebook account, you have to go to the Facebook help center (Privacy Settings and Tools / Help).
  In the request window, write “Delete account” and click on the link “How to permanently delete your account”.

  (Figure 14)

There we select the link: “fill out this form” and proceed to the deletion of the account:
  (If you did not find the link, then copy this - http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form\u003ddelete_account into the address bar of the browser.)

Button - delete account

  (Figure 15)

  (Figure 16)

After that, you need to go to your Facebook page and confirm the deletion. All information about your page will be deleted after 14 days. If during this time you log in to Facebook, the deletion will be automatically canceled and the account will be restored.

5. How to recover your Facebook password.

To enter your Facebook page, you need to enter your email address and password. If the password is cracked or forgotten, you will have to use the link "Forgot password".

  (Figure 17)

Further, following the prompts, write a letter asking you to send a link to reset your password to an email address.
  After that, you will receive a letter with a digital code, which you must type in the password recovery window.

Enter the digital code and click - continue

  (Figure 18)

In the next window, enter a new password and confirm it.

Enter a new password and press the button - continue

  (Figure 19)

After clicking on the “Continue” button (unless, of course, you made a mistake when confirming the password), your Facebook page will open with a friendly caption:
  “Welcome to Facebook!”

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