Find hidden friends in contact. How to hide friends in VK

Our favorite social network VKontakte has a great many different functions and settings. One of them is hidden friends, who, in theory, will not be seen by anyone but you. But is there a way to see another person's hidden friends? Yes, there is such a method, and we will tell you about it in today's article.

  The social network Vk gives you the opportunity to make sure that the user who opens your page sees only what you want to show him. But our site, as always, reveals all the cards! To see hidden friends VKontakte, you do not need any hacker knowledge. All you need is: an Internet connection, a VK page, an Internet browser (for example, Orbitum). But first, we’ll tell you how to hide your friends on social networks. This information may be useful to you, since not all users know how to view your hidden friends.

Hide user profiles

  • First you need to log in to your page in Contact.
  • Next, click "My Settings" and look for the "Privacy" tab.
  • In this tab, click on the button to the right of the line "Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions" in the "My page" column.
  • Select "All but ...". A window will open before you, with which you will choose the people whom you decide to hide.
  • In the left column is a list of all your friends. On the right are those whom you hide from prying eyes. By clicking on the names of certain users, you will move them from one column to another.
  • When done and in the right column there will be the names of everyone you want to hide, click on the blue "Save Changes" button.

How to view hidden pages

  So, now let's talk directly about how you can see such hidden comrades in the profile of another user.

To begin with, you should find out the ID of your, let's say, “victim”. Let's say right away that it should consist of numbers, not letters. If from letters, then this is already the changed page address, and we need exactly the digital ID. How to recognize him? To do this, right-click on the avatar of a person and select "Open link in a new tab." As we have already said, we use the popular Internet browser Orbitum, so we have this item called that way. If you use a different web browser, then this function may differ slightly in name, but the meaning is the same.
  Having opened the person’s avatar in a new tab, pay attention to the address bar. There will be something like this: "". So, the first six digits (in our case, it is "7096863") this is the VK user ID. All you need to do next is paste in the online viewing link.

In addition, you should be aware that there are a lot of sites on the global network where they promise to open another user's page for you completely. That is, hack. Of course, not for free. Then, the hidden VKontakte friends whose viewing you are so interested in will not be a mystery to you. Just like photo albums hidden by privacy settings. But keep in mind that in 99% of cases, all of these guaranteeing sites are fraudulent. In other words: pay money, but in return you will not receive anything. After all, do you know that hacking accounts is a real crime? So who, then, will you complain that you have not been hacked into the VK page for money? In general, it’s better not to mess with this kind of hacker, spend money on something more significant and useful.

A special function “hidden friends” is available on the Vkontakte social network. It has replaced the complete privacy of your friends list, so that you can hide only a few from the eyes of visitors to your page. By hiding users, you remove them from the “My Friends” and “My Subscriptions” sections, you will only be able to see them, while other users will not be able to see the connection between you. If you want to see which of your friends is hidden by your friends, relatives or colleagues, then this can be done using the online services for the Vkontakte site. In this article, you will learn how to use these services and reveal hidden friends. In addition, you will learn how to see friends whom you yourself have hidden in case you forget about them.

How VKontakte see hidden friends from another user

There are many sites on the Internet that promise to reveal to you any friends' hidden friends as you wish, however, not all of them have sufficient accuracy. This article will provide two services that can show you such information most reliably. Remember that neither they, nor any other site can guarantee 100% coincidence, because the developers of the social network Vkontakte created all the conditions so that viewing hidden friends was impossible.

Site to view hidden friends first

  • To get started, go to the page of the user whose friends you want to see.
      Copy the link to his page: it is in the search bar of the browser and consists of either numbers or a unique name.

  • Go to the site In the special field, paste the link to the user’s page and click “Scan”.
  • The procedure will take several seconds, do not close the browser window at this time.

  • You will see a small feed of changes on the page of this user, however, there will not be information about hidden friends here.
  • Click on the link “Search for hidden friends” to see more.

  • Click on the link with the same name again.

  • You will need to give access to your Vkontakte page to get reliable information. Click “Allow” and wait for the changes on the page.

  • In this example, the service did not find any hidden friends and user. Accept such data or try checking information on another site to find hidden friends.

Site to view hidden friends second

  • If you are not satisfied with the result, then it is better to check it on some other portal. For example, you can take the site Follow the link and paste the link back to the user’s page.

  • You will have access to a short summary of the user's personal information, which is based on his profile. Skip the page below to see hidden friends.

  • Under the heading “Hidden user friends” you will see the entire list that the site was able to detect.
  • Depending on some criteria, hidden friends may find the first or second resource. For more accurate data, try checking the link on both sites.

  How to see your hidden friends on VK

  • If you added friends to certain hidden lists, then they will not be displayed to other users - only you will see them. To check this list, find the thumbnail of your avatar on the Vkontakte website in the upper right corner.

  • Click on the triangle next to it - a small drop-down menu will open. In it you need the item “Settings”.

  • You will find yourself on the page of all the settings of your Vkontakte page that are available for change.
      Next, go to the “Privacy” tab.

  • Find the line “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions”. If it is set to “Everyone except”, then you have created a list of hidden friends, and those users that are recorded in it are not displayed to outsiders.
      Click on this line to change this list or delete it.

  • In addition, you can configure the display of the list for different user groups or close it altogether.
      Lower the page to the very bottom, you will see the line “See how other users see my page”. By clicking on this link, you will see your page on the social network on behalf of another user. Pay attention to how your friends are displayed.

The world-wide popular Vkontakte network has a very wide range of capabilities, and despite this, its leaders try to expand their functionality and make communication more convenient every day.Since Vkontakte communicates a fairly large number of people of different ages and sex having different life principles and preferences, the resource allows you to use this option "how to hide friends."

Quick navigation:

Why hide friends

The reasons for removing friends from the field of view of visitors to your personal page can be completely different. Some do not want to exhibit their personal space for general display, while for others, using this function can serve as ordinary fun. In this article, we will consider its capabilities above the described option.

How to hide friends on VK

If you yourself find it difficult to figure out the option to "hide friends" and can’t understand,how to hide friends on vk , this section is for you.

First of all, you just need to click on the photo of your personal profile and go to the settings that are in the upper right corner. There you need to find the tab "". Next, all the information about who sees the information about your page will be displayed. On a tab that contains or does not contain previously hidden friends, this information is displayed. If your profile does not have hidden friends, the field will be empty.

Thus, by putting marks in front of friends whom you wish to hide, this request will be fulfilled. In addition, in the settings "hidden friends in vk ", You can set or remove restrictions so that hidden friends are not seen by anyone other than you. Despite the fact that the creators of Vkontakte have devoted a lot of time to leaving user accounts more publicly, eliminating all kinds of profile privacy, photo albums and other sections of the site. Hidden friends appeared in sight. Oddly enough, this function can be used only for 30 people.

But we can say thanks to the resource administrators for that. Concealment of absolutely all friends will certainly interest users with no more than 30 friends. But quite sociable accounts that have more friends will have to make a more difficult choice, who should be noted in the hidden friends of their list.

How to see hidden friends VKontakte

About how to do it yourselfsee hidden VK friends   questions probably will not arise. To do this, you also need to go into the privacy settings and look in the tab who sees my hidden friends, there will open a field with your friends hidden. Can you look at someone's page of hidden friends?

Yes! The World Wide Web offers many sites that promise to reveal to you all the secrets about the hidden friends of absolutely any user that you want to check, while not all resources are 100% accurate. Therefore, when using the services of such surveillance, do not rely on completely reliable information.

Vkontakte makes it possible to track the page of any user. But the question is, not everyone wants to do this. Here plays a moment of etiquette, own principles and other moments.

To know hidden friends   user on sites need to do the following:

  1.   We go to the account of the person whose hidden friends we want to know.
  2.   Copy the URL address of his VK page (select and press Ctrl + C)
  3.   Paste the selected item in the box below (Ctrl + V)
  4. Enter a link to the page or id in the input field and wait for the analysis to be received. It is at this moment that the question ofhow to hide friends on vk becomes meaningless.

If the user has not yet been present in the database, you need to start tracking, for this there is a tab on the sites: “Start tracking”. To do this, enter the anti-spam code (verification) and start tracking.

Then you need to go to the "Friends" tab and select one of the search options in the "Search for hidden friends" section.

Now it remains only to wait a while, usually up to 5 minutes, and all secret friends will be visible. Now all the questions abouthow to see hidden friends you will fall away.

The check will show the current number of users who have been verified and identified friends ID, after the final check the program will display their names, clicking on the ID will be able to go to the contact page of a friend whom they wanted to hide. In addition, you can use other types of searches for hidden friends: by likes that were put to the user or by researching his friends.

You can use two methods in turn, for this, after completing a full check, it makes sense to update the current page and use a different type of search.

VK 220 service for viewing hidden friends

Among a wide variety of services solving the problem of how   check hidden friends   VKontakte can allocate the resource VK - 220.

Now 220vk service is active. It provides an opportunity to view private lists. Among other functions - viewing at any user friends added to the list of hidden. Let's look at how it works.

To start the process, go to the main page:

Here you will immediately see a form for entering the user id (See), in which we want to view hidden friends. Then we enter the required value in the field, and click the scan button. So you will see a list of hidden friends of the account, the id you entered into the program.

How to find hidden friends

In case you do not want to use programs to view hidden friends, you can use another method. By creating a new page (fake) and filling it with true personal information, you will have the opportunity to invite that person to your friends whose hidden friends you would like to see.

In addition, there is another option for viewing friends hidden from your eyes.

This option, the search for hidden VKontakte friends from another person, is the least effective. At its core, it is based on pure chance. It is quite possible that you will have a case that absolutely by chance you’ll see a friend’s page in a friend’s subscribers who is hiding his contacts from you. This person will be invisible on the page of the conspiratorial comrade. Thanks to this article, you learned abouthow to hide friends on vk   and how to reveal hidden friends from other people.

There are ways that help you see hidden friends in VK. It is worth noting immediately that they are not ideal and can sometimes give erroneous results. However, at the present time there is no service that would help to accurately and without errors recognize hidden friends in VKontakte. The first method is quite simple and does not require the use of a special program. But it allows you to determine only the number of hidden friends, without specifically pointing to accounts. To establish identities hidden from prying eyes, the second method uses the service.

On a note! Before using one of the methods, you need to ask yourself the question: is it really necessary? After all, if a VK user hid his friends, then he doesn’t want others to see them.

How to see hidden friends on VKontakte (1 method)

Theoretically, finding hidden friends in VK is simple enough if you have access to the user’s page. In other words, it is enough to know his username and password. However, the use of personal data is contrary to law and moral principles, so you should not invade a friend’s page. Another thing is if you do this through your account without hacking someone else's.

So, the first way that helps to break hidden friends on VK social network involves the usual calculation of the difference between the total number of users and the sum of men and women.

You must complete the following steps:

The difference that will turn out after the implementation of mathematical operations is the number of hidden friends in VK. This method allows you to break through their number, but not specifically accounts. Moreover, in some cases it is not accurate.

The fact is that VC users may not be “hidden”, but “frozen”. That is, their profile is blocked for some reason by the administration. To get a more accurate result, you should once again go through the entire list of friends in search of frozen accounts. If they are found and their number corresponds to the value obtained by subtraction, it is safe to say that there are no hidden friends. If there were 2 frozen accounts, and the difference in subtraction was, for example, 10, this means that the user has 7 hidden friends.

How to find hidden VK friends (2 way)

In accordance with the second method, you can break hidden friends in VKontakte using the functions of the service. However, he, unfortunately, does not give a 100% result. As in the previous case, this method does not always help to find absolutely all hidden friends in VK. But since there is still no other service with the 100th result, and today it is the most affordable option, you have to be content with it.

So, to view hidden friends on VKontakte, you need to do the following:

Thus, you can quickly find out the number of hidden friends of another user in the Contact. True, experience shows that out of 5 people the program can find 1 or more friends, and the rest will remain under a veil of secrecy. For a more accurate result, it is recommended to scan again.

How to see hidden friends in VK (3 way)

In addition to the two methods described above, you can see hidden friends in Contact by examining the likes and comments left on the user's posts. After that, you need to look at his VK friends list to see if they are among the commentators and likes. If none are found, the next step will be the transition to the profile of commentators. When a user is found among their friends list, indicates that the authors of likes and comments are hidden friends.

This method does not always help to view hidden friends on the social network VKontakte, since it is not necessary that people of the desired VK accounts will like and comment on the user's posts.


Using one of three methods, you can find hidden friends on VKontakte. However, not one of them gives a 100% result. In addition, it is important to remember that looking for hidden VK friends is not quite right in relation to users, since this is an invasion of their personal data, which for some reason they wanted to hide.

If you still need to know hidden friends on VKontakte, you should check out the video.

As you know, the functionality of the Russian social network Vkontakte implies the possibility (up to 30 people) from prying eyes. At the same time, there are users who are eager to find out if a person has hidden friends in VK, and what kind of people they are. In this article I will try to help such users, and I will tell you how to find hidden friends in VK, and what methods will help us in this.

First of all, I note that there are no highly effective methods to determine the hidden friends of a user in VK. When searching the network, you can find several network resources (for example, this is, and others), as well as several mobile applications (for example, “Hidden VKontakte friends” in the Play Market) that suggest identifying closed ones user’s friends in VK by entering his VK address or ID in the appropriate line, and then clicking on the search button.

True, it quickly turns out that these services (programs) need a username and password for your VK page, after which the creators of these products get direct access to your personal data. After that, you can expect various troubles when working with VK - theft of your page, failures in its functionality and much more.

At the same time, those who decided to entrust their username and password to these services were usually left with nothing, since these services successfully failed test tasks with fake accounts without finding a friend hidden by the user. Therefore, I would not trust my login and password to these resources, and even more so, I would not recommend sending paid SMS to unknown numbers, and that could end up pretty badly for your mobile account.

How to determine the number of VKontakte secret friends

Nevertheless, there are several quite legal ways to determine the number of hidden friends of a user.

  Click on "Friends" to access the user's friends list.
  1. To do this, go to his page, and click on "Friends" there.
  2. A list of all the user's friends opens. Remember the total number of all friends (suppose it's 50 people).
  3. Then click on the “Options” button on the right, and select the “Female” gender.
  4. Only female friends appear, remember their total number (suppose 20). Now select the male gender, and also remember the number (also let it be 20).
  5. Now add the male and female numbers together (let it be 20 + 20 \u003d 40).

You will receive a certain number (in our case 40), which may not coincide with the number of default friends of the user (as we recall, initially it was 50 people). Now you need to track if there are any deleted or banned pages among the friends of this user. If there are any (for example, there are 5 of them), then you need to add their number to the number of male and female friends (40). We get the number 45 (20 + 20 + 5).

Now we need to subtract the resulting figure 45 from the original number of the user's friends displayed on his page (50). The resulting difference in 5 people (50-45 \u003d 5) will be the number of hidden friends of the user.

The disadvantage of this method is the inability to accurately identify people who are in such hidden friends.

Another way to discover hidden friends in VK

There is also another way to find out the user's hidden friends on Vkontakte. To do this, you need to look at its wall in search of comments and likes from various people, and then trace whether the authors of comments and likes are friends of this user.

If there is no “commentator” in friends, you should go to his page and view the list of his friends. If in this list of friends you find a person from whose page you started your search, it means that it is quite possible that the author of comments (likes) is such a hidden friend.

This method is inconvenient in that you sometimes have to spend considerable time before you find any hidden friend. In addition, the author of the comment and our initial user can be in close friends with each other, which will complicate the process of effective search. However, also this method is quite effective and efficient in practice.


In this article, I have considered ways to identify hidden friends in the VK network. I do not recommend trusting any sites or programs that offer to know all secret friends in a couple of clicks - except for page problems and potential loss of money, you won’t get anything. It will be better to use the methods described in this article - they are legal and quite working in use.

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