Track location by phone number. "MTS Search" - find a person's location by phone number. General rules of communication

0 Comment 25.05.2019

Hello everybody! In this article, I decided to describe how to track a person's location by phone number. In ordinary life, there are various situations when it is necessary to determine the location of a person. For example, many people take care of their relatives, the elderly, or their children. In addition, when it comes to business, there is also tracking just in place: managers need to monitor the work of their employees.

Until recently, only special services (FSB, police) could track people, but now such a specific service is available to ordinary people. Usually, to successfully complete a search for the location of a person, his consent is required, but there are also such options when this can be done without his knowledge. There are various ways to locate a person by phone. I will consider them below.

How to track a person's location by phone number?

There are many methods by which you can track the location of people. Almost all current phone devices and tablets have GPS, Wi-Fi and connectivity. If GPS is directly associated with a function that helps to accurately find out the location, then Wi-Fi and GSM / 3G / LTE can also act indirectly in this area. You just need to force to send this information to us to further determine the location of the person on the map.

So, for such purposes, you can use: phone, computer, GPS, special sites and applications.

  • GPS navigation. With the help of such navigation, you can follow those people who are very often photographed with a mark of the place where the picture was taken.
  • Specialized programs. By accessing your Google account, you can legally install the software on your smartphone.
  • Global network. There are many different sites on the Internet that help to follow a person. Yes, the result will not be as accurate, but the approximate location can still be found out.
  • GPS tracker. The module is built into the mobile, with the help of which you can monitor the smartphone.

Wiretapping a mobile phone

In the vastness of the global network, there are many programs that help track a person's conversations through the phone, both on android and on other devices. Such programs have their own capabilities:

  • wiretapping recordings will be transmitted to your computer, smartphone or iPhone;
  • in a separate folder you can view the subscriber's call log;
  • all messages are intercepted and transmitted to your device;
  • all e-mails can be forwarded to your address;
  • it is possible to locate.

The most primitive option that suits everyone is to contact your mobile operator.

  1. Beeline offers its subscribers the "Mobile Locator" service. To use the service, you need to call 06849924 and send a message with the text “L” to 684.
  2. The Megafon company called this service "Beacon". You can activate the service by calling the phone number 466.
  3. To determine the location of an MTS subscriber, you can use the Locator service. To connect it, you need to call mts 6677.


Another good method is GPS navigation, that is, tracking by transmitting towers. Yes, with the help of such navigation, you can easily find out the location of a person, and completely free of charge. Why is this method so primitive? The thing is that many programs and applications ask the user for his location. I think everything is clear here.

Special programs

There are many applications that have been developed specifically to locate a person. The iphone 5s even has a custom design app, and Apple has a Find my friend app. In this application, everything is simple: just send a request to another person. If agreed, the program will be able to give you the result.


There is another option - using different sites. There are actually many services on the Internet, some of them are paid and some are free. If you are using free services, the result may not be as accurate. For example, the site is It is with the help of it that you can find out the location of a person most accurately.

Find out where the person is by the vibe

If you decide to use this method, then you need to take into account that the application detects through Wi-Fi access points, so there may be an error from 1 to 120 meters. This method allows you to show your location to the interlocutor using geolocation. What's the use of that? Now you yourself will understand everything.

So, how do you enable geolocation in the vibe? To do this, you need to go into the correspondence with the right person and click on the send message icon.

After sending your message to this interlocutor, an alert with your coordinates will appear. To disable this function, you need to press the same button.

Important: coordinates are sent only to the user with whom you activated geolocation. Your location will not be seen by anyone other than this person.

Using iphone

It is possible to track a person using an iPhone. To do this, you need to install "Find My Friends". Tracking a person without his consent will not work, since the operation will be performed on both devices.

Sign in. Perform all required steps in your account. After logging into your account, a list of friends will appear on your screen. Friends who were on this list have opened access to their location. Choose the friend you want.

If you have just started setting up the connection between the iPhone, then you need to click on «+» , enter friend details and select Send... The person needs to be notified about adding him to his list, so that there are no problems in the future.

If you intend to add this person to the list on a non-permanent basis, then select the "Temporary" mode. Now go to the menu and see where you are and who can watch you. Look at the location of your friends there.

On this I will end and summarize. This article describes how to track a person's location by phone number. You can choose any method and use it. By the way, almost all of these methods are effective. Thank you all for your attention, so far we all ask questions in the comments!

Unfortunately, children do not appreciate the care that their parents give them - and therefore sometimes they do not even bother to warn them that they are late in school or in the sports section. Parents in such a situation have to bite their nails to worry, as if nothing happened to their child.

However, there is a way to avoid such worries: you just need to use one of the applications for tracking children, available in a huge number both on Google Play and in the AppStore.

Price: Free

The name of this application is great to describe the essence of its work. With this program, you can monitor the location of your child. Whether he was late visiting his friends, whether he is still in the section - you will definitely still be before your son or daughter call. In a special section, it is allowed to outline geofences. If your child has gone beyond them, then a Push notification will be sent to the smartphone. Also, the developers have a bot in Telegram, which also notifies about such events - you just need to remember to subscribe to it.

With help KidControl you can use not only the GPS chip built into the child's smartphone. This application even allows you to monitor the status of the battery. If a child claims that his smartphone is not good for anything, discharging in three hours, then you can always check his words remotely. Another important function is the SOS signal. If you click on the corresponding button, then all parents and relatives connected to the service will receive a signal for help. At the same time, it immediately becomes clear where exactly the person who sent the alarm is located - his location is displayed on the map.

The program can be downloaded on both Android and iOS. It is very convenient, because with its help you can keep track of not only children, but also all other family members - for example, relatives. If only the person had a smartphone on which the service client is installed.

"Where Are My Children"

Price: Free

Program " Where are my kids»Takes under control not only the location of the child, but also the battery level of his smartphone - as soon as the battery charge is low, the parent will receive a notification about this.

What else is the application capable of “ Where are my kids»?

  • Wiretapping. This is a unique feature that no other similar program can boast. The application allows the parent to listen and record the sound around the child's phone - without his knowledge. The feature is especially important for those users whose children are in a hectic teenage age.
  • Installation of movement zones. This feature is not unique, but it does not diminish its value. The parent defines the area within which the child can move freely. As soon as the kid leaves the area, the parent is notified of this.
  • Preservation of the history of movements. The program stores information about where the baby has been in the last 2 days, and provides it to the parent upon request. After analyzing this information, the parent can conclude where the child prefers to "hang out" and with whom he spends most of his time.

Application " Where are my kids"Has two modes -" Parent "and" Child ", so the question of how to set up the program should not arise for the user. The parental mode allows you to follow the baby through the phone, while the "Child" mode is only needed to confirm the observation.

Kid security

Price: Free

Kid security Is a fairly young application with high user ratings. Thanks to him, parents will be able to track the position of the child, find out when he left school, kindergarten or section. Also among the functions are control over the state of the baby's phone battery, the ability to send a loud call if he did not hear the call, control over the time spent in games or.

Among the useful features:

  • Listening to the environment.
  • The ability to record a conversation.
  • Sending an SOS signal. In this case, the parent's device will immediately display a message asking for help and the child's coordinates.

Users note that the utility works accurately - there are no major deviations in the location.

There is also a downside - at the end of the trial period, only tracking and chat remain available. All other options are available by subscription. The recording of the environment is also not included in the subscription - you will need to pay for the minutes separately.

Price: Free

This application is not entirely designed for parent-child format, but it is perfect for this purpose too. The main advantage is free distribution. To use the program, you just need to install it on your smartphone, register using the number and send an invitation to another number. Then it remains to follow the link and install the utility for yourself. This is the second plus - the child will know that the parents know where he is and will be able to track his movements. The utility is not spyware and if you explain the need for it to the kid, then he will not have any offense.

Wide functionality is not provided here - you can see the position of the child or other users connected to the account, their movements, and you can control the battery level. The application works with any operator, and the number of synchronized devices within one account is not limited by anything.

Google Family Link

Price: Free

A free utility from Google allows you not only to see where the child is, but also to fully control his smartphone - to allow or deny the installation of applications, watch which programs he uses most often and set restrictions on them, you can also block the gadget for a while.

Family link Is a parental control app. The developer recommends using it on devices of children under 13, after this age the company recommends agreeing with the child about the level of control.

Family locator

Price: Free

Based on the name of the program, it is easy to understand its purpose - it is a locator for the whole family that allows you to organize a group chat with a list of common things or purchases. For example, someone on the way home did not find the product they were looking for and marked it as not purchased; other family members may look for it in stores nearby. The application displays the position of all family members on the map, allows you to set geofences, and displays the charge level of smartphones. The capabilities of all users are equal here - you can temporarily disable your position and the permission of other group members is not required for this.

The app is completely free, but it also has a premium subscription. In it you will not be bored with advertising, the storage time of the movement history will increase, and more items can be added to the shopping and to-do list. To understand whether you need a premium account, you can use a free period of 7 days.

Price: Free

The utility from Kaspersky Lab offers users ample opportunities, but traditionally there are not very many of them in the free version. For free, you can control the installation of applications, block dangerous sites and inappropriate content, set time limits for using the device and receive advice from a professional psychologist.

To get advanced functionality, you will need to pay for a subscription (there is a trial version for 7 days). Using it, you can set geofences and receive coordinates of the child's location online, set a schedule for using a smartphone, see the battery level, receive a report on activities on the Internet, social networks VK and Facebook.

It should be noted that the subscription is quite affordable here, and the application's capabilities fully justify the costs.

Life360 - "Family Locator"

Price: Free

Creator Life360 Chris Halls doesn't like it when his brainchild is called a tracking app - the entrepreneur insists that he has developed a social network for communication within the family. Family members using Life360, can learn about each other's location, but only with mutual approval.

In terms of functionality, the application Life360has gone far ahead of all competitors and at the same time continues to improve. Here's what the program can do now:

  • With the Already at Home function Life360warns that a family member is approaching the house. A user who is waiting for his mistress from work will have a few minutes to do a little cleaning and prepare a light dinner.
  • Built-in group chat Family channel allows family members to communicate with each other for free and successfully replaces the SMS service and popular instant messengers.
  • application Life360 includes the "Panic" function - an analogue of the panic button. In the case of using this function, the whole family will be notified within a few seconds that one of its members has a problem. It is important that the functionality of the "Panic" function does not depend on the state of the mobile balance - it is possible to "announce the alarm" even with zero in the account.
  • The program is able to quickly inform users about the nearest places where you can get help in case of emergency - hospitals, police stations. Actually, it was this function that was conceived by the developers as the main one - when Halls "and his comrades" wanted to provide the victims of Hurricane Katrina with a more effective platform for communication than the US Government had proposed.

application Life360is shareware - the full version can be purchased for a small amount. However, domestic users do not need to do this: most of the paid functions Life360 only works in the USA.

How to follow up children on the phone using operator services?

If the parent does not have a smartphone and cannot install one of the applications described above, he should resort to the alternative - connect a mobile option for remote monitoring of a child... Top 4 operators offer the following options:

  • "Mobile employees" (MTS) ... The service is designed for personnel management, but it can also be useful for tracking a child. Useful functions include setting geofences, requesting position and movement, chat and more. Cost - from 3 rubles per day.
  • "Parental Control" (Megafon) ... The option allows the parent to track the movements of the child, and also informs him when the child leaves the specified geofence. Cost " Radar +"- 5 rubles a day.
  • "Beeline-Coordinates" (Beeline) ... The Beeline service gives the user the opportunity to find out the location of another subscriber - who has previously agreed to be controlled. Option "Beeline Coordinates"Quite cheap, and in the first week it is completely free. After the expiration of the test period, the subscriber will have to pay 1.7 rubles per day.
  • "Geopoisk" (Tele2) ... The option allows you to monitor the location and movements of another subscriber around the clock - of course, if this subscriber approves of the "surveillance". Connection " Geosearch»Free, the subscription fee for using the service is 3 rubles per day.

Locator services are offered by all operators, but smartphone users are advised to opt out of these options in favor of third-party mobile apps. There are a number of reasons for this: first of all, the data provided by the operators is very, very approximate (because it depends on the network coverage), secondly, provider services are paid (whereas, for example, the application “ Mom knows"Does not require money at all), thirdfor tracking to be feasible, both phones (parent and child) must be connected to the same operator - and this is not always convenient.

One of the pressing problems today is the ability to locate an expensive device that stores a lot of personal (important) information. Particularly acute is the question of how to track the location of an Android phone if it is lost or stolen. For this purpose, many special programs have been created.

Unfortunately, Android does not have an “official” mode (like Apple does), but a series of dedicated (third-party) tracking apps have been developed to help improve security. Some of them cannot work without first installing them on a tablet.

Search through pre-installed apps

Responsible users do not wait for the loss of their Android in order to install one of the programs that can track its location.

Lookout Security & Antivirus (Antivirus | Lookout), provides access from your personal account (via a computer) to the following functions:

  • activation of a loud notification, which does not depend on the set sound mode;
  • the ability to remotely lock the device.
  • data recovery from a lost device.

If the tablet is turned off or this application has been removed from it, the last coordinates with working (active) protection will appear on the screen.

Help you find your lost Android. After sending a certain code by SMS, you can:

  • make the phone ring;
  • get the current coordinates.
  • The Pro version provides the ability to:
  • take a picture of the kidnapper (front camera);
  • remove applications (uninstall);
  • lock (remote access) all functions on the lost tablet:

Also noteworthy is Android Lost Free - an absolutely free application that has a rich set of functions that can be activated remotely:

  • starting an alarm clock (which cannot be turned off), accompanied by a flickering screen;
  • enable or disable Wi-Fi and GPS;
  • deletion of all existing data;
  • tracking calls;
  • taking pictures of any of the available cameras.

Another advantage is the notification about the change of the sim card, which comes to the specified email address.

Since Android Lost does not appear in the menu, it is quite difficult to remove it.

And this is only a small part of the existing software. However, such programs should be installed in advance.

The device has already been lost. What to do?

How to track an Android phone if it is lost and none of the above programs have been installed.

For this there is "Plan B" ("Find my phone") - remote installation of the application from the Google Play Store is provided. The only caveat is that Android must be registered in the system (having a Google account).

The procedure is as follows:

  • install "Plan B" on a lost tablet (phone);
  • open a letter sent by the program to the linked account;
  • read information about its location.

It should be noted that this app does not work on all Android versions. And there is no certainty about the veracity of the result.

It is better to try to track Android in real time through a computer - the Android Device Manager service or "Android Remote Control", which allows you not only to see the location of your tablet or phone on a map at any moment, but also erase data, clearing the built-in memory, or change passwords.

To track your Android, you need to:

  • Open on your PC " Android remote control »Or Android Device Manager from another Android.
  • Log in - log into your account using your username (lost tablet).
  • Find the desired tablet in the form of a blue circle on the Google map. In addition, the address will be indicated, near which the loss is located.

Correct operation of the service is possible only when the GPS module is on, otherwise the lost device will not be detected.

The possibility deserves special attention:

  • Call using the button of the same name in the pop-up window. To confirm the action, select "Yes". The option allows you to find a phone "hidden" nearby. In this case, Android will ring for about five minutes (maximum sound). Pressing the power button turns off the beep. If the phone is far away, the person who found it will be able to answer the call.
  • Configure blocking and deletion of data, for which the system will ask you to send a notification - click "Send".

When erasing all data from the device, one must remember that the operation is irreversible.

Blocking is performed in manual mode:

  • open Google Setting (on tablet)
  • enter "Android Remote Control"
  • find "Remote lock and reset" and check the box
  • enable geolocation
  • make sure the device you are looking for is found
  • after that a new lock code is set
  • if you wish, you can specify the text of the message that will be displayed on the lock screen of the lost tablet.

The disadvantage of this method is that the constant access to the GPS drains the tablet very quickly.

Advanced Mobile Care has similar features. This simplest free antivirus has built-in features such as Anti-Theft. You just need to enable this function to track the location of the tablet (phone) right on the site, after logging in. Here you can raise the alarm, which guarantees a lot of unpleasant moments for the robber.

Many ways have been invented to help in the search for the missing Android. And yet it is easier to prevent such a situation. You just need to carefully (carefully) treat your own property. Take care of your nerves!

Hello. If you are interested in the question of how to track a person's location by phone number without his consent, then you have come to the address. In this article I will tell you the most convenient ways to find a person through a mobile phone number.

There are many situations in life when you need to know the location of a certain person. Many parents are always worried about their children and want to know where they are. Heads of organizations in this way can control their employees. Previously, only a specially organized service could track a certain person. Currently, such services are available to ordinary people.

To track you should install a special program and activate it. Many applications send the report as a text message to the phone. After all the procedures have been completed, you can return the phone to its owner. Services for similar purposes Google and Mobile Care are considered popular.

Determining the location of any person is considered a specific service. Basically, the subscriber's consent is required to determine his location. However, it is possible to find out about all the movements of the subscriber without his consent. First of all, you can use the Megafon cellular service. First, you need to add a certain number of contacts to a special list to determine their location. Then you need to send a message with the subscriber's number to 1400.

You can execute a specific command on the phone. To do this, dial * 148 *, indicate the subscriber's number and press the hash. The cost of this service will be no more than 5 rubles. There is an opportunity to perform a similar operation with MTS subscribers. This service is called Locator. You should send a text message to 6677. It is necessary to indicate the number of the person of interest in it. Payment for this service is about 10 rubles.

Beeline subscribers can use one unique number - 06849924. To do this, call this number and follow certain instructions.

Many innovative figures in foreign countries have established that almost any person can be tracked down through the Internet. To do this, you only need to know the phone number. However, such services do not exist. From the point of view of the law, such actions completely violate personal human rights. Determining the location and movement of a particular person using a cell phone number is considered a time consuming process. Before performing this procedure, you must first install the program on a specific phone. The device must be located in an active Internet area. The described conditions are fulfilled only with the consent of a specific person.

Everyone can find out about an attempt to track him by unauthorized persons. On a legal basis, such actions can only be carried out by law enforcement agencies. All well-known cellular companies can determine the location of the SIM card that was purchased from their salon. In other cases, finding out the coordinates of a specific person does not exist. Any attempts to carry out such procedures are useless.

Phone Tracker

For free tracking via phone number, you need a certain program. You can download it for any smartphone model. The most popular program is Where's my droid. This application is considered free and is intended only for any Android phones. A similar program can be installed on a tablet. The current application is SpyBubble. It is paid and has a special tracking mode. All applications can be downloaded from the search engine. Every phone owner can find them on their device. His consent is required to complete this procedure.

First of all, it is necessary to calmly explain to the person why it is necessary to establish surveillance for him.

If there is no Internet in a certain zone, it will be impossible to locate the subscriber.

Parents most often need instructions on how to track the location of the phone.

Today, almost all children do not part with their mobile gadgets, so the device can be used to determine where the child is. This control is a way to protect the child. There are many other situations in which such a need arises. A few years ago, only law enforcement officials had the possibility of surveillance, but today it has become more popularized, although most of the ways to track a phone still remain at least paid.

Tracking via mobile operator

Major mobile operators today give subscribers the ability to search for the location of other people's phones. However, this only happens with the consent of the person being watched. Most often these are relatives, close friends. Since when the phone is on, it constantly exchanges data with cell towers, it is they who will help determine the location of the SIM card.

Such services work only in the network coverage area and only with switched on devices.

If the connection is poorly picked up, there is also a high probability that it will not work to track the phone. Helping mobile operators to track coordinates can be called the only legal means. You can find out information after a certain time by applying to the relevant authorities.


The Beeline Coordinates service allows tracking up to 5 people.Service activation and service SMS are not charged, however, about 2 rubles will be charged daily from the mobile account, however, the first 7 days from the moment of the first connection can be used free of charge. The service is activated in two ways:

  • Call to number 0665,
  • Empty SMS to 4770.

Next, you need to send an SMS to 4770 with the name and phone number of the subscriber, whom you plan to track by number. The user will receive a request for consent, which is confirmed by a reply SMS with the text "Yes". After that, no more than once every 5 minutes it will be possible to send a request for coordinates to 4770. The text of the SMS indicates "Where XXX". Instead of XXX, either the number or the name of the subscriber is indicated.


The option of this mobile operator is called "Radar" and exists in 3 varieties:

  • Radar Light, connected by the combination * 566 * 56 #,
  • Radar, connected by code * 566 #,
  • Radar +, activated by dialing * 256 #.

The first version is the most limited, but free. Using it, you can request coordinates by phone number only once a day, and you can track only one number of any operator. Other versions have a monthly fee ranging from 3 to 7 rubles and can connect up to 5 people for tracking. The restriction is only for MTS subscribers, a Megafon subscriber can send no more than 100 requests per month to determine the location of an MTS phone.

After activating the service, a request for the subscriber's consent is sent to the service menu or via the Radar mobile application.

Information about the position of the tracked user comes in the form of SMS or MMS. You can also view the data with marks on the map in the full or mobile version of the Radar website after authorization.

For Android owners, there is a possibility of more accurate tracking if you install a special application on your phone and turn on "Kid Mode".

Tele 2

Tele2 has the following functions:

  • Geosearch, connect by number * 119 * 01 #,
  • Geosearch WEB, connected by number * 163 * 01 #.

The cost of services is from 3 to 5 rubles per day. In the case of a simple version of Geopoisk, you must send a code in the form * 119 * XXX #, where XXX is a phone number, which necessarily starts with 7. When a certain number is checked for the first time, an approval request is sent to it and only after confirmation the coordinates are received. Up to 20 people can be connected at the same time. However, if subscribers leave the home region, it will be impossible to track them. Also, this function only works within the network.

In Geopoisk WEB, tracking is checked in the corresponding section of the site, where the phone's route is displayed on the map. When you first connect to either of these two functions, a trial period of 3-7 days is given.


It is not easy to find the Locator service on the MTS website; a special subsection has been created for it at a new address. Locator determines the location of not only MTS subscribers, but also Megafon and Beeline. A monthly subscription fee of 100 rubles is charged, but it only provides 100 tracking requests by number. Further payment goes for each new request.

It connects immediately with the indication of the subscriber's number and name, this information is sent to the number 6677. Within 20 minutes, the subscriber must agree to tracking, otherwise the activation will not work. Further, each request is made out as well, but the approval is specified only for the first time. MTS offers to use the service for free for the first 2 weeks. You can see the coordinates not only in the form of SMS, but also on the website or mobile application.

Tracking through special programs and applications

Determining the location of another person via the Internet using various programs and applications usually does not require confirmation from the user's stolona. However, these are not necessarily unlicensed or spy apps. Almost all of them are paid, but they give the opportunity to view information in real time about where the owner of the phone is now.

To receive information from a computer, you must download and install the application on the monitored phone.

Further, it will provide information about the location of the phone to the program on the computer or to the personal account on the site, depending on the selected interface. The utility can even be installed on your own phone so that you can find it if it is lost or stolen.

Most of these utilities eat up battery power pretty quickly, therefore, over time, the owner of the phone himself will discover the foreign utility. However, if the user is initially aware of what is happening, you can even use some of the accessibility features.

For example, Sygis Family offers messaging in its own messenger, and Android Device Manager is able to block the device. For users of Apple products, you can install the Find my iPhone program, which will even report the phone's charge level via iCloud.

SpyBubble is already a hidden program, so it is harder to detect. Some programs determine not only the location, but also other data on the phone. Using the utilities, you can listen to someone else's calls, view the call log and even read someone else's SMS remotely.

All such tracking utilities are based on the determination of the GPS signal, so they will work only when data transfer is on. In other cases, it will be possible to track the subscriber only by number through the services of mobile operators. The number of programs that allow online tracking of movements is quite large. They can be easily downloaded from Google Play and other sites. However, despite the large selection of such tracking tools, they are considered illegal without the subscriber's permission, since they violate the right to privacy.

The only exception can be the employer's surveillance of their employees, especially if they use work gadgets. You can track not only through a mobile phone, many programs work when installed on a tablet.

How to track via webcam

The principle of webcam surveillance is the same as other methods of online tracking. Only the system is additionally connected to the mobile phone camera, and the PC displays the image within the view range of the phone camera. It is convenient to install such an application on your own gadgets, for example, in order to connect to a phone left at home to monitor guests or children.

You can also learn about a similar method of determining the location by a quickly draining battery. When the phone is turned off, a black screen will be displayed in the online broadcast. A good camera tracking application is WebofCam.

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