"USB device not recognized" in iTunes. What to do? IPhone drivers and Windows computers. The destructive power of water

Probably everyone who has ever dealt with Apple technology knows that it is possible to fully use the functionality of an i-smartphone only by mastering the iTunes program. It allows you to exchange between "apple" devices and a PC, as well as a number of other useful manipulations, and therefore if the computer suddenly does not see the iPhone - it turns into a real problem.

Unfortunately, the statistics of user requests are not comforting - the computer does not see the iPhone 5, does not recognize the iPhone 5S via USB, the laptop does not display my iPhone 6 - thousands of owners google similar requests every day in the hope of solving the problem on their own.

However, in most cases, you can solve it and, however, you can yourself without the help of professionals. In this article, we will analyze the reasons - why the computer does not see the iPhone, and also tell you what to do if there is this situation... The recommendations below will help users of all models of i-smartphones - iPhone 6, 4S, and any others.

In fact, to the question - why doesn't the iPhone connect to personal computer - there are only 4 answers. Here they are:

  • There is a problem with USB ports
  • The functionality of the connecting cable is impaired
  • There was a software conflict
  • Broken iPhone

However, each of these situations can arise for different reasons and the options for solving the problem in one case or another will be different. So below we will take a closer look at each of the above reasons and tell you how to fix this or that problem with the synchronization of the i-device and the PC.

USB Port Problems

The problem with USB ports is one of the most common reasons why the computer can't see your iPhone. Especially if your PC is not the first freshness. USB ports are not the most reliable part of a computer, and therefore often after 3-4 years of operation, when trying to connect one or another device to them, various problems appear - starting with a banal freeze and ending with a complete refusal to recognize the device.

How do you know if you are dealing with problematic ports? First, try connecting your iPhone to a different USB port - it often happens that one has already failed, and the second is still working properly. No visible progress when connecting to a different port? Ok, let's investigate the problem further - connect the i-gadget with another PC. Is he not around? Then we go the other way - we connect any other device to the PC via USB. Is it not displayed like the iPhone? Then, well, the answer is found - you have a port problem. Sometimes, by the way, you can reanimate them with a simple cleaning - take alcohol and a cotton swab and responsibly remove all dirt and dust. Perhaps this step will make the ports work and the synchronization will be successful. If this does not help, restart your PC. Unsuccessful too? Then, most likely, you will have to change ports.

The functionality of the connecting cable is impaired

If USB ports are not the most reliable part of the PC, then the cable for charging and connecting to the computer is not the most reliable part of the iPhone. Users have been scolding the "apple" giant for this problem for several years now, and not without reason. "Native" cable is not cheap, but it quickly deteriorates, while the Chinese is not always "able" to interact with iTunes. That is, it will charge the smartphone, but it will not establish the connection between the PC and the iPhone.

So if the iPhone does not connect to the computer via USB, and you have already checked the ports, and they are working, it's time to start diagnosing the cable. Many people check the cable like this - connect the iPhone to charger and if the battery starts charging, they consider it to be serviceable, but such a diagnosis is not entirely correct. You see, a feature of the structure iPhone cable is such that to connect a PC and an i-device, all contacts must be in good condition, but not for charging.

The only way to check if the cable is a problem is to connect your iPhone to your computer with some other ORIGINALa cable through which another "apple" is perfectly recognized on your PC. And only after the success of this operation, it can be said unequivocally that the cable is to blame.

By the way, sometimes, to make the connecting cable work, as in the case of USB ports, cleaning the contacts helps. But in most cases its replacement is required.

Software conflict

Are both the cable and the ports working, and the iPhone won't connect to the computer? Consider the next problem - software conflict. Under this terrible heading, there are very banal reasons why it is not possible to connect an iPhone to a PC.

Firstly, it may be that iTunes has not been updated for a long time, in which case you just need to go to the official Apple website and download current version.

Secondly, there is a possibility that the computer does not see the device due to an incorrectly configured antivirus or firewall. Perhaps the security program classified the iPhone as an unsafe device, or considered it suspicious of iTunes's attempt to contact Apple's servers to identify the i-gadget. To check the urgency of this communication problem, you need to disable the antivirus and / or firewall for a while and see if the situation changes. iPhone started showing up? This means that the point is precisely in the security programs and they need to be reconfigured in such a way that the activities of iTunes and iPhone are not considered suspicious.

Another software reason why the connected iPhone cannot be seen is a malfunctioning Apple service Mobile Device Service. To fix the problem with it, restart it. Click the "Start" menu, go to "Control Panel", then "Services". In this section, find the Apple Mobile Device Service and double-click on it. A new window will open, in it click "Stop" and then "Run". And also check the "Startup type" parameter, it should be automatic. After the corrections made, we restart the PC, and check if our problem is solved.

The iPhone itself is broken

And finally, about the saddest thing - all the ports are working and the cable is also working, iTunes is the freshest, security programs are disabled, the AMDS service is working properly, and the synchronization of the iPhone and PC still fails? Then the problem is in the i-smartphone itself. Perhaps the failure is software and a simple one will help restart iPhone - complete it and try again to synchronize with your computer. Did not help? Then the matter is already in the problems with the "hardware" and in such a situation we recommend not to engage in self-diagnosis, the best solution - take the iPhone to a service where the problem is guaranteed to be found and help to fix it, and the device itself will not suffer.

Why doesn't my computer see my iPhone as a USB flash drive?

Newcomers to the "apple" world often search the network for an answer to the question: "Why does the computer not see the iPhone 5 (any model of a smartphone can stand here) as removable drive? ". And if you have the same question, we hasten to please you - everything is in order with your device. The fact is that iOS - the platform on which all i-gadgets work - is closed, which significantly increases the safety of "apples", but often negatively affects the convenience of their use.

In particular, the computer really does not see the iPhone as a USB flash drive - in windows Explorer it appears as a portable device or generally defined in the Other Devices category. If you double click on iPhone icon, a folder with photos taken on the device will open and all the user can do is transfer them to a PC, and even the reverse operation will not be available. If you want to record a photo on an i-smartphone, welcome to iTunes.

We emphasize! This state of affairs is relevant for all PC operating systems and for all iPhone models - Neither Windows 7 nor Windows 10 sees the iPhone as a removable drive - this is an iOS feature. If on some portal you are given recommendations that, supposedly, will help you see the iPhone as a USB flash drive, you should not trust them!

Let's summarize

There are a lot of reasons why the PC does not see the iPhone 4 or any other, but in most cases the user can independently diagnose the problem and solve it. We hope this article will be of great help to you in this matter! However, do not overestimate your strengths - if the point is in the hardware of the iPhone itself, you are unlikely to be able to independently identify the cause of the problem and fix it. Of course, you can say - well, I can't disassemble my device itself? Maybe you can, but what will it give you? Even if you see a damaged microcircuit, will you dare to remove it yourself and install a new one? Not sure? Then there is no need to go inside such a complex device as the iPhone at all, it is better to trust the pros! However, we hope it won't come to that!

On the Internet, many users ask the question why the computer does not see the iPhone via usb and they cannot synchronize their smartphones. A significant knowledge base has accumulated over the years to help make iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch compatible with computers running Windows 8, 7, Vista, Windows XP, and Windows 10. Here's how to fix the problem.

We explain why the computer does not see the iPhone via usb and how to fix it

The first steps

You need to start with the most simple stepsbefore looking for deeper sources of the problem:

If the computer still does not see the iPhone

IPhone Drivers and Windows Computers

Windows computers need drivers iOS systems for correct recognition iPhone devices, iPad and iPod touch. If the device is not recognized, the drivers may not be installed, outdated, or configured incorrectly. The drivers are installed using the iTunes media player, but there are other methods for installing them.

Many people find iTunes cumbersome and awkward. Therefore, there is a tool to install iOS drivers on a computer without iTunes, which helps to recognize an iPhone in a few minutes. CopyTrans Drivers Installer installs drivers automatically.

Install, update or restore iOS drivers via iTunes

If iTunes is not on the computer, the computer will not recognize the iPhone correctly as a camera. When connecting iPhone access only to the camera gallery. Can't see, sync and conduct backup music, messages, videos and other contents of the device.

To get iOS drivers from iTunes, download them here.

ITunes version may be outdated and not support iPhone. Update iTunes by going to Help\u003e Check for Updates.

iTunes is installed and updated, but iPhone won't recognize:

  1. completely remove iTunes and its components from your computer (the contents of the library will not be deleted);
  2. restart your computer;
  3. reinstall iTunes;
  4. check the iPhone connection.

If problems persist

iTunes is installed, but the iPhone does not recognize

Check the work apple service Mobile Device:

Second, make sure Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is installed and active:

If you see the "!" next to the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver building, click on the line right click mouse and click "Enable".

If you see the "?" next to the line Apple Mobile Device USB Driver, right-click on the line and click Remove.

It is possible to find out the reasons why the computer does not see the iPhone via usb and you can fix this using another method. We'll be glad if you tell us about it in the comments below.

Smartphone Operation Apple iPhone often carried out in conjunction with computers. With their help, backups, new films and music are copied, the operating system is restored. What if the computer does not see the iPhone connected to the USB port? The reasons can be both simple and very serious. Let's try to understand them and restore the normal connection to the computer. The main reasons for the absence of a normal connection are as follows:

  • The connecting cable is broken;
  • Broken USB port;
  • The functionality of iTunes and services is broken;
  • The functionality of the smartphone is broken.

Let's look at all these reasons and try to restore the connection between the PC and the smartphone.

Broken cable

Connecting cables used to connect smartphones to computers tend to fail due to the low reliability of individual conductors. As a result of a breakdown, you cannot count on a normal connection. Pets can also cause breakdowns - cables attract dogs and cats who like to play with funny wires. For iPhone owners, these fun games become sad, as they have to spend money on purchasing new accessories.

Pets love to chew on the cables and charger cords, so we recommend keeping them out of the reach of animals.

How to check the integrity of the used cable? You can try to connect it to a charger, but this will not allow you to check the integrity of all conductors. therefore it is best to try this cable on another iPhone by connecting it to the USB port of your computer... If all conductors are OK, the computer should recognize the connected device. If there is still no reaction, you should continue troubleshooting.

Checking USB ports

In many computers and laptops that have been in operation for 3-4 years, you can find faulty USB ports. Connection external devices to them leads to the freezing of the operating system, to various errors and reboots, as well as to the complete absence of any reactions. Check the current port by connecting a device to it and assessing the reaction of the operating system (a signal from the connected device should be heard). If there is no response, then the selected port is most likely in a bad state.

If the selected port does not work and the computer cannot see the iPhone, try connecting your smartphone to a different USB port. In some cases, this is beneficial. If there is still no response, then the problem is with the cable (which we already checked) or the iPhone itself. We also recommend cleaning the connectors in the smartphone, cable and PC with thin cardboard and alcohol. (cologne, lotion).

Are there no free ports on your computer? In this case, you can use a USB hub connected to a working port. For stationary computers Expansion cards and built-in card readers are sold to expand the number of ports with minimal investment.

Checking Apple Mobile Device Service

Why can't the computer see the iPhone via USB? In some cases, the problem is associated with the incorrect operation of some services. If iTunes does not want to recognize the connected iPhone, you must restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS). The restart procedure is extremely simple and does not cause any difficulties even for novice users. By restarting the service, you can count on the correct detection of the connected smartphone... How to deal with the incorrect operation of this service?

If the computer does not see the iPhone via USB, close the iTunes application and disconnect the smartphone from the computer. Go to "Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services" and find the Apple Mobile Device Service in the list that appears. Double click the service name, click the Stop button - the AMDS service will stop. Next, click on the "Start" button and set the start type to "Automatic" if there was some other value there. Now we send the PC to reboot and try to reconnect the iPhone.

In some cases, the incorrect operation of the service is associated with conflicts with the protective software (firewalls, antiviruses). Try disabling or reinstalling this software, then check the visibility of the connected smartphone.

Reinstall iTunes

Why does the computer not see the iPhone if the cable and ports are intact, and the AMDS service is running? The problem may be related to incorrect work iTunes applications... In order to get rid of this problem, the application should be reinstalled. We delete it from our computer, check for the absence of folders that could remain after uninstalling the program (we wrote about this in our reviews). Also does not interfere with performing complete cleaning computer and registry using useful utility CCleaner.

Next, we restart the computer and proceed to reboot installing iTunes - in order to download the latest current version of this application, you must visit the website apple... We go to the download section, uncheck the mailing lists (why do you need these mailings?), Click on the "Download" button. After downloading and installing the application, we try to connect the smartphone - the computer should recognize it.

Reboot and recovery

We have considered many ways to quickly restore the connection to the computer. But we forgot the easiest way to get rid of the problem, which would have to be used immediately after its appearance - this is a reboot. Indeed, many problems with smartphones are eliminated immediately after restarting them and restarting the operating system. If you are faced with the problem that the computer cannot see the connected iPhone, try restarting.

If the restart did not help, the cable and ports are intact, and iTunes is functional, you can restore the iPhone via dFU mode... We have already written about how to enter DFU mode more than once in our reviews - use the search on the site. remember, that recovery leads to complete removal data from internal memory - make sure you have a backup of all important data and files. After the restoration is complete, you can connect your iPhone to your computer and test the connection.

Other solutions to the problem

Have you tried everything you could try, but no results? It is possible that the problem is with your iPhone - it is broken. Yes, iPhones break down, they have the same property as any other smartphones. If nothing helps your smartphone, contact service center - here experts will check it and give their verdict. After carrying out diagnostic and repair work, you will have at your disposal a working iPhone that can be successfully detected by computers.

Don't try to repair your iPhone yourself - it requires specialized knowledge, tools, and diagnostic equipment.

For synchronization iPhone data with another computer or iOS device, iTunes is required. Sometimes errors may appear during the process, and the device does not appear in the list of available ones. Below we will explain in detail why the iPhone does not connect to the computer via USB and what to do to fix the problem.

Possible problems

If after connecting the iPhone to the computer (Windows, macOS), the smartphone does not appear in iTunes or the list of devices, then there may be several reasons for this. Let's consider the main problems and how to fix them:

  • Installed on the computer old version iTunes. Try downloading updates through the settings or completely reinstalling the program (the distribution kit is available on the official website).
  • The version of the operating system installed on the computer does not meet the requirements of the program. If you are using OS X, check for updates and download them if necessary. Remember, iTunes is only available for Windows and macOS.
  • Lack of drivers. If charging is in progress, the smartphone is detected by the device, but cannot synchronize with the program. Make sure your PC or Mac has all required drivers (Apple Mobile Device and others). They are downloaded automatically the first time you connect your iPhone to your computer. Download them from the official Apple site if necessary.
  • Defective connector, loop. If the computer stopped seeing the smartphone, then the reason may be a clogged or defective USB socket on your PC or iPhone. Try using a different cable (original only).
  • The presence of viruses on a computer or smartphone. Perform a full system scan and eliminate possible threats. Then try reconnecting your iPhone to your PC.

Sometimes afyon is invisible to the computer due to installed antivirus software or other security control programs that block the connection. Try to temporarily disable them and only then try to sync your data again.

Connecting iPhone to computer via USB

If you want to view from a computer stored on iPhone files, create a backup copy or perform other actions, then connect it to your computer via USB. Procedure:

  1. Take original cable from iPhone and use it to connect the device and PC.
  2. Wait automatic installation drivers. If necessary, download them from the official website or using third-party software.
  3. Launch iTunes. If you do not have the program, then download the distribution kit (available for Windows and macOS).
  4. Wait until the iPhone icon appears in iTunes and the device appears in the list of available ones. After that, a green check mark will appear in the tray.
  5. Click on the "Overview" tab for more information about your smartphone.

After that, you can create backups, reset the device to factory settings, and perform other actions. After connecting the iPhone via USB, data can be synchronized via Wi-Fi.

For normal data synchronization between your computer and smartphone, download and install updates for iOS on time. You can check the availability of available ones through the settings.

Reinstalling drivers

If you are sure of the integrity of the cable and connector, and the computer does not detect the connected device, then most likely the synchronization problem is in the malfunctioning drivers. Disconnect everything from the PC iOS devices and follow these steps to reinstall them:

  1. On windows computer... Open "Device Manager" and find in the list " Portable Devices". A list of available drivers will appear. Right click on "Apple Mobile Device Driver" and select "Update". If that doesn't work, then uninstall the driver completely.
  2. On a MacBook. Connect iPhone and unlock your device. On your computer, go to the Apple menu. Find the "System Information" section here. In the left part of the window that opens, find the "USB" item. The available third-party software is then displayed on the right. Delete it.

The driver for the iPhone will be automatically installed on the computer using iTunes programs... If this does not help, then you can do it through third party software... For example, copytrans drivers installer.

The computer does not see the iPhone via USB, but is charging

If, when you connect your iPhone to a computer, your smartphone charges, but it does not appear in the iTunes or the list of available devices, then try the following steps:

  1. Disconnect the device and reinstall the drivers. To do this, completely remove all Apple programs (including aytyuns) from your computer. This can be done through the Add or Remove Programs utility. Then download them from the official site.
  2. Delete the temporary Apple Mobile Device files from the Roaming and AppData folders.
  3. Try to connect the iPhone through a different USB connector, use a different cable (original only).

Sometimes the problem can be a clogged or defective connector. Try cleaning it gently with a brush or blowing air.

IPhone won't charge from USB computer

If the computer does not recognize the device and the iPhone does not charge, then most likely the problem is a faulty USB cable. Try using a different cord or connecting your smartphone with it to another Windows PC or MacBook. Other recommendations:

  1. Make sure the computer is in a working state, not in sleep or hibernation.
  2. Try connecting the device to another computer, laptop, or use the USB 3.0 connector.
  3. If an error message appears with the text "Device is not supported", then the problem may be in a faulty smartphone cable. Then it will not be possible to eliminate it programmatically.

If the device is not recognized by the computer even when using other USB cables, try contacting a service center. Most likely, the iPhone needs to replace a flex cable or other faulty component.

We are often approached by readers with various questions about solving any problems associated with mobile devices and software. One of the most popular: “ iTunes doesn't see iPhone, what should I do?".

In contact with

You can find a working way out of this situation on the Internet, but you have to fight your way through the mountains various information... In this article, we decided to combine all possible ways solutions and figure out why, after all " iTunes doesn't see iPhone«.

iTunes often scares iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch... The program seems confusing, complex, and extremely awkward. So he also throws out various pearls. Either the music is not synced correctly, the applications have disappeared somewhere, or even iTunes cannot detect the iPhone (iPad or iPod Touch).

You shouldn't despair (and switch to Android), there will always be solutions to the problem. If iTunes does not see the iPhone, check the functionality:

  • Software... Reinstall iTunes by downloading latest version.
  • Cable... Try using a different cable.
  • Computer... iTunes does not see iPhone due to a crash in apple's work Mobile Device. Another computer can help fix the problem.
  • USB ports... The USB port is often the problem. Try using the connector on the back of the system unit.

If everyone standard methods did not help, then it is time to take up the heavy artillery.

He doesn't see because he doesn't trust

iPhone or iPad are completely self-contained, stand-alone devices, but they still have to be connected to a computer from time to time to transfer large amounts of data, install software, etc. In this case, sometimes there is a problem of device synchronization, which can often be solved by the methods described below.


It will be about trusted computers, or rather - installed on them operating systems... Having connected an iPhone or iPad to a new computer for the first time (or after reinstalling the OS on an old one), the user receives a request "Trust this computer?" and must answer yes to access settings and content on a mobile device.

If you reject the request, then a synchronization problem may arise in the future., and to solve it, you will need to use the instructions below.

On Mac

So, in order to receive a second request and "start trusting" your mac computer, you must choose in command line menu " Transition —> Go to folder"(Or use the keyboard shortcut" ⌘Cmd + ⇧Shift + G«),

and then go to address / var / db / lockdown and delete all certificates in this directory.

On Windows XP, 7, 8, 10

For Windows, you will also need to delete the contents of the Lockdown directory. To do this, you need to enable the display hidden folders and files ( Start —> Control Panel —> Folders settings),

and then go to address C: \\ ProgramData \\ Apple \\ Lockdown (for Windows 7, 8, 10) or C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ All Users \\ Application Data \\ Apple \\ Lockdown

If removing certificates from a Windows PC did not solve the problem, you will have to use a more complex method:

1 ... Right-click on the shortcut “ A computer", Choose" Properties"And find" device Manager«;

2 ... In chapter " USB controllers »Right-click to call context menu paragraph " Apple Mobile Device USB Driver"And click" Update drivers ...«;

4 ... In the window that appears, click " Overview"And go to the directory C: \\ Program Files \\ Common Files \\ Apple \\ Mobile Device Support \\ Drivers, where we are interested in a file called " usbaapl", Which you want to install.

If none of the above methods helped to solve the problem, then, probably, its reason lies not in obtaining a trusted status for this computer... Try the following:

iTunes doesn't see iPhone or other Apple device on Microsoft Windows XP

1 ... Close iTunes after disconnecting your device;
2 ... Go to Start -> Execute and enter in the window that appears services.msc or open Services In chapter Administration Control panels;
3 ... Find the item Apple Mobile Device and in the adjacent window click on Stop;
4 ... After stopping in the same window, click on Run;
5 ... After restarting the service, iTunes will be ready to work with your device.

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