Differences between the original Apple cable and headphones from a fake. How to distinguish original EarPods from fakes and Chinese copies

In the application for the iPhone, Apple has released AirPods wireless headphones. They look very cool and stylish. The most ideal option for iPhones!

And it's no wonder that copy makers want to cash in on such cool related products too. Indeed, on the same Aliexpress, a dime a dozen offers of wireless headphones for iPhones. And the prices are very attractive. But the headphones will almost certainly be fake. How not to fall for the tricks of scammers and distinguish the original from the copy - that's about this in this article.

For a comparative experiment, two pairs of fake headphones and one pair of original ones were taken. At first glance, they are no different from each other, but if you look closely, you can still find differences.

What is the difference between the packaging of copies and the original Apple AirPods

If you never see the original box of Apple AirPods, then you can easily buy a fake, since the boxes are very similar. But there are some nuances:

  1. The original box is made of high quality cardboard. She is not puffy on the sides. The fold lines are straight.
  2. On the sides of the box there should be a barcode, information about the country of manufacture. Fakes are most often pure white or with Chinese characters.

  1. The headphone image on the front of the box is printed over the box, not printed on it By running your fingers over it, you can feel the relief.
  2. There should not be any “ears” for magazine hooks on the box.
  3. On the bottom of the box is a case with headphones and a charging cable. There is also information about the manufacturer. Pay attention: on one fake box there are no inscriptions at all, and on the other they are not completely executed, and even in different font and brightness.

How to buy an original cheaper than a store

If you still want buy original, it is most profitable to do this on Tmall - at the time of writing 12,599 rubles. Upon purchase, you will receive an official guarantee from Apple in Russia and fast delivery - in Moscow, perhaps even on the day of order!

The serial number helps to fully identify the device of any known brand.

There are many sites that allow you to check your phone in just a few minutes and find out, for example, is it real, is it wanted, etc.

Let's take a look at why checking, in what cases it just needs to be done, how to find a checking site and how to understand it.

Why check iPhone serial number?

In the case of the iPhone, there is even an official website in Russian for this.

Using the Apple website, you can not only check whether the device that has fallen into your hands belongs to this particular brand, but also what status it has in the company's service - whether it is under warranty and what kind of warranty obligations apply to it.

There are so many fake iPhones! And they are sometimes executed so skillfully that not every experienced person can distinguish them from a Chinese copy.

Therefore, when buying a device from your hands, you should be extremely careful. This is where the site identifier comes to the rescue.

Official site identifier

The site has a completely Russian-language interface and it is not difficult to understand it, you just need to follow the instructions.

You can go to the check section from the page of the official website, or you can directly go to the required resource by typing this request into a search engine.

If you want to check the device right now, just follow this link.

You will find yourself here:

As you can see, everything is very clear, it is impossible to get confused here.

How to use the site?

Let's walk through the main steps. So, we are on the site page. What to do?

  • In the search bar, you need to enter this same serial number, then confirm that you are not a bot by entering a visual code (the code can also be sounded, and not displayed if you click the horn) and click "Continue". But what if you don't know your serial number? This problem is also easily solved. Here, under the code entry line, there is an interactive footnote line to the instruction "How to find the serial number"... Click it. You will find yourself here:

How find the serial number:

But what if there is no access to the device itself? (For example, the iPhone is stolen and needs to be reported missing.)

Then you can try the following:

Here, in the site tab for identification "How to find the serial number" it is suggested to get more detailed information on how to find the number by selecting the device type.

If you don't understand, click the icon "IPhone, iPad, iPod touch, iPod" and get more detailed instructions.

So, we found the serial number, you just need to enter it into the search bar. Now you can "Continue".

A page containing detailed information about your device will be loaded.

It will take some time to load, so you will have to wait a bit.

First of all, you will find out if the serial number of this iPhone has been activated.

If not, you need to activate it, and you will see a notification about it.

That's all - the information has been received. As you can see, everything is extremely simple.

What do you learn about the specimen you are looking for thanks to these simple operations?

What can be found by the serial number?

First, you will find out if it is actually an iPhone, or. So, serial number identification will be an indispensable service when buying an iPhone.

You can try to distinguish the original device by many signs, if you understand them, but to find out for sure, one hundred percent, it is the search engine for identifying serial numbers that will help.

Everything is clear here: either the company released this unit or not.

So, if you are just going to purchase, be sure to use the identification option.

The second useful thing that you will learn by looking through the device number in Apple's search engine is whether the device is under warranty, as well as the terms and specifics of the warranty.

This is very important if you are looking to buy a used iPhone off hand. They can tell you anything they want, but the serial number doesn't lie.

Such information may also be needed if you, for example, have lost documents from iPhone and do not remember what information they contained regarding warranty service.

What kind of warranty service you can get for this iPhone, you can find out by its serial number.

Here, on the information tab, it is proposed to get technical support by phone.

So, if your device requires warranty service, or the information received does not satisfy you, you can use this opportunity.

Why activate a serial number?

If your device has been activated by the serial number on the official Apple website, you get access to service.

Suddenly there will be some problems with the iPhone, you need help with settings, etc., you can contact the technical center and get the necessary information and assistance.

Apple offers similar activation or identification for its other devices.

In addition to iPhones, you can punch by the serial number, and, as well as accessories.

The list is long, here are examples:

All these icons are located on the Apple website in the "How to find the serial number" tab.

If you want to get to this page now, click.

In addition to the list of the company's products, which are subject to identification by serial number and instructions for finding the number, there are a couple more suggestions here.

What to do if iPhone is stolen?

A very important point, what to do if your beloved device is suddenly taken away, be it an iPhone or another device?

Often, it is the loss of the iPhone that prompts people to look for its serial number.

Here, in the tab "How to find the serial number" you can find detailed information on how to be in this case.

Interactive string "Report a missing or stolen Apple product" will send you straight to the instructions in a separate section.

The page looks like this:

As you can see, it is useful to get acquainted with this information even before the device was stolen.

Special tracking programs "Find iPhone" and "Find Mac" allow you to report the loss of an iPhone, or by placing the device on the balance of the desired devices.

Also, these programs open access to personal data and make it possible, if necessary, to clear the existing information.

Search programs will also allow you to find out the location of the unit.

From here, you can follow the interactive footnotes.

And also Apple Watch and Mac.

By clicking on the necessary one, you can try to find the stolen device, if it is put on the balance of the search engines "Find iPhone" and "Find Mac", and what to do if you need to find an iPhone without these search engines.

So, if suddenly your iPhone disappeared, click the line "Missing or stolen iPhone, iPad, iPod touch".

A footnote will take you to a page with detailed instructions.

There she is:

If you want to get to it now, click.

As you can see, the instructions are more than detailed here. It is proposed to find the device, both with the help of the Find iPhone and Find Mac programs, and without, both in the active state and in the off state.

Each paragraph describes what exactly needs to be done in each specific situation. You just need to read carefully.

Having chosen the most optimal search option in your circumstances, go to the active footnotes of the desired item and follow the instructions received.

The efforts made will not only increase the chances of finding the missing iPhone, but also help protect personal information.

To do this, using the Apple service, you can set or change passwords. Just follow this link:

Here you will also find instructions on how to protect yourself from financial fraud if your iPhone is missing.

If payments and bills are linked to the phone, you will see how to temporarily block access to them.

In addition to all these usefulness with passwords and finances, a family search is offered. You can use it by clicking on the active footnote.

It is also proposed to use it to report the loss to local law enforcement agencies.

If luck smiles and there is an iPhone, you will need to unblock accounts and cancel the status of the missing iPhone.

There is also a detailed instruction on how to remove an iPhone from the balance of the desired devices.

As you can see, the serial number is a must! You cannot do without it if you need to get information about the originality of the purchased iPhone.

He will tell you about the warranty obligations and their terms. Also, thanks to the serial number, the company will provide invaluable assistance in finding the missing device.

So, feel free to use all these available Apple service gadgets in the sections of the official website.

Just read carefully, follow the instructions and you will succeed!

How to check iPhone by serial number - detailed instructions (2019)

5 (100%) 1 vote [s]

The innovative iWatch watch will cost the buyer a round sum, so when buying such a gadget from the hands or from unofficial representatives of the company, you can stumble upon:

  • stolen item;
  • chinese copy.

Therefore, buyers often face the question, how to check your Apple Watch?

Original or copy: how to check your Apple Watch when you buy

The easiest way to distinguish is the Chinese copy, which unscrupulous sellers may pass off as original products. Official smart watch:

  • devoid of any connectors;
  • magnetic induction technology is used for charging;
  • a sim or SD card slot is an insult to iWatch.

The products of the famous American brand look completely different: all the details, curves and pixels of the screen are where they should be. The Chinese copies are very rough, with irregularities and defects in color and shape.

Even if the copies are outwardly indistinguishable from the original Apple Watch, which is almost impossible upon close inspection, the internal filling of the fakes will surely put an end to this dispute. Instead of proprietary iOS with a great design and high-quality language translation, copies are used:

  • adapted version of Android;
  • chinese version of unknown firmware.

In addition to the above information, it will be useful to read an article on the topic, what are the differences between ROSTEST and EUROTEST for Apple Watch at the specified link.

New or used

But if everything is clear with a fake from the Middle Kingdom, and it will not be difficult to identify it, then how to check a smart watch when buying in a store or from hand? Even when buying a brand new device, there is no guarantee that it is really new.

The fact is that some Russian businessmen buy original products not from Tim Cook's company, but from third parties, from whom the stolen products are reflashed and sealed again in the original packaging.

IMEI or serial number

You can find out the history of the origin of iWatch without leaving the store checkout. It is enough to find the IMEI (in the settings or on the box) and check it on one of the official websites with databases on mobile devices.

Such a site can be a resource:

  • https://checkcoverage.apple.com/ru/ru/ (Apple's official website).

Authentication of the serial number on the Apple website You can find out about the activation status of the device by the IMEI or by the serial number indicated on the package, on the official website https://www.icloud.com/activationlock/. Check Apple Watch by serial number will show information about the activation status:

  • not activated;
  • activated;
  • blocked.

Also, by the serial number, you can find out the exact date and time of blocking or activation of the gadget. If, instead of new iWatch, the store is trying to sell used, then:

  • The line with the exact date will contain the date of early activation of the device.
  • If the watch is stolen, the device lock will be indicated in the activation status. It is almost impossible to bypass it on the latest versions of iOS, just like you cannot access the app store or log in with your profile.

Pros and cons of Chinese smartwatches versus original Apple Watch

The very dubious advantages include:

  • Inexpensive cost of the gadget.
  • The ability to insert a SIM card and make a call directly from the smart watch.
  • There is no need to take care of the safety of the gadget - it is not a pity to break or lose it.

There are undoubtedly more disadvantages of such analogs:

  • The body is cheap plastic.
  • The replica is much heavier than the original.
  • The straps of the Chinese watches are made of leatherette, unlike the real iWatch.
  • Clasp made of plastic or silumin - quickly deteriorates.
  • No protection against moisture and dust penetration.
  • The screen simply does not show signs of life, completely ignoring the user's touch.
  • The service life of an outright forgery rarely exceeds 10-12 months.

Apple Watch is the leader in the smartwatch market, as every gadget is premium quality. Therefore, even an inexperienced user can distinguish a fake from a genuine iWatch. When choosing such an accessory, you should not compromise in favor of a low cost, because a Chinese replica will bring one disappointment.

How to distinguish original iWatch from fake?

Even an external cursory examination will allow you to find a number of differences that will leave no doubt that you have a fake in front of you:

  • Huge bezels on the sides of the screen. The screen itself is too small and grainy, and most importantly, the connector for charging a micro-USB device on the side, which gives out a fake headlong. But the most unpleasant thing is that you have to swipe the screen several times for the Touchpad to work, which, frankly, is annoying.
  • Chinese iWatch replicas are larger and thicker. Putting such a gadget on your hand, you immediately want to take it off. Fakes are frankly heavy, inconvenient and unpleasant in everyday use.
  • Chinese iWatch are designed to work independently from smartphones, so they have a SIM card slot. If you have an original iPhone + Apple Watch, then separate watch operation is impossible.

Conclusions on how to check your Apple Watch upon purchase

When buying from authorized dealers, you don't have to worry about the legal purity of your new smart watch. When buying hand-held, the likelihood of getting into trouble with the law bundled with the new iWatch is much higher. Checking your Apple Watch handheld is no different from checking new ones, except that after disclosing the fraud, the seller will try to hide.

How to check if Apple Watch is genuine?

4.7 (93.33%) 18 votes

Apple headphones are a very popular accessory nowadays, which is very actively counterfeited. But buying original headphones is possible if you consider the most important distinctive features of the real Apple.


Before going to the store, it would be best to go to the official Apple website and get acquainted with the appearance of the original headphones.

The packaging of counterfeit Apple headphones is often nearly identical to the original. But there are times when there is no brand logo on the fake box. In the photo on the left is the original, and on the right is a fake. As you can see from this angle, everything is the same.

But if you look closely, the differences are immediately visible. The plastic in the original is much better, the seams on the box are neater, they are practically invisible in real headphones. If you look from the side, in the original the plastic has a blue tint, and in the fake it is yellow. On a low-quality fake, you will see a large number of leads, irregularities and other shortcomings.


Examine the headphones themselves very carefully. The wire in real Apple is made of high quality rubberized plastic. These headphones are very elastic and strong. In fakes, an ordinary wire is often used, which soon quickly deteriorates. There should be no slots or holes in the place where the wire is attached to the headphone.

Fake earpieces are almost always missing left and right ear markings. On the original, these designations are mandatory, since it is very important in terms of sound quality. In the photo on the left, real Apple, and on the right, fake.

Take a close look at the speaker grilles. The photo clearly shows the difference between the original and the fake. In real headphones, this grille is smaller and tidier. In copies, it may be uneven and made of poor quality material.

Also a very important point - real Apple headphones at first glance seem to be solid, the seams on them are not noticeable. But in a fake, you will immediately see the seams at first glance, and they are quite uneven and there may be rough, sloppy protrusions on them.

The next thing to pay attention to is the sound control panel. When you press the original remote control, you will feel a soft dull click, and in a fake it will be a resounding click. In real headphones, the button is pressed more gently.

Considering all these highlights, you can easily choose the original headphones of the global Apple brand. All that is required of you is attentiveness and a little time.

If we are guided by the differences in sound, then in the case of a high-quality fake, they may not exist. But only fake headphones will last you much less time than real ones.

The more popular Apple devices become, the more counterfeits appear, and it is very important to understand how to make sure that the purchased iPhone is genuine (original). In addition, you must be able to check whether the device is stolen and whether the possibility of warranty service is retained in the official iStore stores.

Not so long ago, the original and fake iPhone could be distinguished with closed eyes. These were two completely different devices, which differed not only in software, but also in the quality of all the parts used. And now the situation has changed dramatically and now it is very difficult to find the differences between a real and non-original gadget.

In today's material, you will learn how to confirm the originality of the iPhone before purchasing it.

What you need to know about the iPhone?

To avoid cooperation with fraudsters, it is best to purchase an iPhone only in the salon of an authorized dealer.

Such places may include a reliable online store or an electronics supermarket that has been selling Apple products for a long time, which has positive reviews on the Internet and can provide service to customers for a smartphone.

Remember that authorized dealers inflate the price by 20-30% of the price determined by Apple. For this reason, consumers often decide to order a gadget from the United States of America through a variety of retailers. Another way to buy an iPhone for less is to find an ad for a used device that works fine. Each of the presented ways to spend less on a purchase has its own pitfalls.

Subscribing an iPhone from the USA is cheaper, and there is much more choice of colors. But if you just buy a smartphone there, then it will not work in any other country, it will only function in the United States. This means that you will need to disconnect from the mobile operator's network (unlock).

There are also ads on the Internet for the sale of smartphones that do not require unlock - these are refurbished gadgets that were bought by someone, and then, due to some technical problems, were returned to the store. Such devices are sent to a service center, where repair work is carried out, and then sold outside the United States, where they are not treated very well.

In order not to buy a Chinese counterfeit iPhone, you need to understand the following things:

  1. What is included in the complete package of the original smartphone?
  2. Checking the device by its external parameters;
  3. The nuances of the software.

How to choose a seller?

If you want to buy an original phone and want to be 100% sure of this, and without paying much attention to the cost of the device, then immediately go to popular retail chains.

And if you do not have enough funds or you are used to saving on purchases of quality things, then remember the following tips for choosing a reliable iPhone seller:

  • Always check seller reviews and ratings. You may have to look for additional information about him in a search engine, using his name or phone number. If this is an intruder, they are most likely talking about him on some sites, in social media groups or forums.
  • Ask for as many photos as possible with the gadget, device package, box and serial number. You may even have to call using a video call.
  • Do not skimp on questions that help you find out the history of the phone. In which store and how long have you purchased it? How much did it use? Was it repaired? Have you dropped it? Only the owner will give answers to the questions posed, and the fraudster will be confused.
  • Check the warranty status and if the iPhone is locked. It is not necessary to have a guarantee, but this nuance will definitely be a good bonus!

Parameters that distinguish an original smartphone from a fake one

Apple pays great attention to the issue of safety and originality of its own gadgets. That is why there are options that allow users to identify and validate the uniqueness of their device.

To check, it is necessary to carry out an external examination of the gadget, as well as find out the serial number and investigate the operation of the software. Follow our advice:

  1. Check the condition of the case, including all the features of the selected iPhone model;
  2. Check the technical characteristics of the gadget, they should not differ from those stated;
  3. Check the serial number and IMEI code;
  4. Check your Apple ID.

Stage 1. Checking IMEI, serial number and iOS parameters

It is not recommended to purchase an iPhone without a box, as it is one of the tools that helps to find out whether the device is original or not. The IMEI is written on the box and it needs to be compared with the one displayed in the information about iOS, in the iPhone itself.

If the numbers do not match, this means that the smartphone is either not original or stolen.

You can find out IMEI on any phone by dialing the combination: *#06#

Stage 2. Checking using the official Apple website

You can use the Apple website to verify the authenticity of your device. This is a very accurate and reliable method. And it will take you a few minutes to check:

  • Go to the Apple page: https://checkcoverage.apple.com/ru/ru/;
  • Enter the serial number of the device;
  • Enter the required information and click on "Continue".

It is important to understand that this method determines the availability of the opportunity to use the service. Also, using the imei.info website, you can find out:

  • Gadget model;
  • Its serial number;
  • The date of the original purchase;
  • And the availability of service under warranty.

All About Activation Lock

Activation Lock is a tool to lock iPhone that has been stolen. No one will be able to remove the lock, except for the one who owned it up to this point. Activation Lock is activated using findMyPhone service.

On the service website, you can find out the type of gadget, its location, as well as information about the status of the device.

Linking iPhone to Apple ID

Apple ID is an online service that absolutely every iPhone should be linked to. This site identifies users. After creating an account on the site, the account data will be entered on each device.

Everything is tied to one place and can be used on several devices at the same time.
Before purchasing, it is important to check the device binding. You should not buy those devices to which some third party account is linked. If the seller comes up with reasons not to log out, then you shouldn't buy. If there is no way to get out of the ID, then the device is stolen.

To exit, do the following:

  1. Go to settings;
  2. Enable "Basic" settings;
  3. Go to Apple ID;
  4. Click on "Security and Password";
  5. Then click "Exit";
  6. Then we confirm the unlinking process;

How to properly test an iPhone before buying?

It doesn't matter which iPhone you decide to buy: from America, unlocked, remanufactured or used, the main thing is to check its condition at the place of purchase. To do this, pay attention to the different elements, which we will discuss below.


You need to check the state of the back cover and the screen. It is good if there are no defects or their number is reduced to a minimum. Dents, chips and scuffs are signs of a poor quality smartphone.

Pressing the screen should be accompanied by an instant reaction. Latency is a sign that the display module is not performing well.

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