Download a driver for amplifying sound on a laptop. Programs for amplifying sound on a computer. Installing Sound Booster

Sound Booster is a simple program that can increase the sound volume in the operating system. The maximum gain limit is 500%.

After downloading and installing the utility icon will be displayed in the tray. If the user clicks on the program icon, the audio amplifier slider will appear. Move it up to increase the overall volume. Optionally, you can turn off the gain, as well as set automatic boot at startup of your OS - this option is set in the "Settings" menu.

The program takes up about 8.5 MB in our PC's RAM and 11.3 MB on our hard drive. It should be borne in mind that as soon as the slider exceeds the standard 100% volume, an unpleasant background noise will appear. Although the developers point out on the official website that the audio signal remains without distortion, however, any non-standard sound amplification (through the editor or using this utility) leads to third-party noise. Therefore, if you need to amplify the sound only in a separate application or media file, then you should make sure that the Sound Booster slider is at the minimum value (100%), or you can use the option to turn off the gain. Be careful with maximum gain, as many speakers are simply not designed for such high volume.

If you have a sound card or headphones and a microphone produce a very quiet sound, then it makes sense to try installing this application. The program can also increase the sound even if there are no problems with hardware or peripheral devices, but the video or audio files themselves were recorded with a very quiet sound, although the overall volume of the speakers is set to maximum. Since audio amplification works for the entire system, movies, videos and music in the browser will also sound differently.

Many users are unhappy with the volume of their headphones. For comfortable work at the computer, or when communicating with friends, the sound should be quite loud and of high quality. Unfortunately, some headphones are simply not capable of delivering quality sound. But in some cases, simply adjusting the sound on your computer can help you fix and improve the sound quality.

  • malfunction of the headphones. Perhaps the headphones are simply damaged or, due to their quality, the sound volume suffers greatly;
  • problems with connecting or outputting on the computer;
  • software audio limitation.

So, the first thing to do is to test the performance of the headphones and try a few simple mechanical methods.

For this:

  • connect other headphones to your computer and test the sound quality in them. If this is not possible, then check your headphones on any other device. For example, on the phone;
  • check if the plug is fully inserted. As a rule, on a computer, headphones can be connected to acoustics or to the system unit. Try plugging your headphones into a different jack;
  • check all mechanical switches and volume controls. Unscrew them to the maximum.

Software volume limitation

If you used all of the above methods, but the volume increase did not happen, then let's move on to more serious and complex methods.

Updating device drivers

Disable volume down during conversation

For those who are talking through their computer, Windows has provided the ability to programmatically decrease the volume of all sounds during a call. In theory, this feature shouldn't affect the volume at normal times, but in practice users complain about it. Let's disable it just in case, it's not difficult to do this:

Programming methods

There are also good programs to increase the volume on your headphones.

Sound Booster is one of the most popular and uncomplicated programs for this purpose.

It is possible to increase the volume up to 500%, as well as the launch function together with the start of the operating system. You can download the program from the developer's website:

After using this software, you will really get a fairly significant increase in sound volume. Unfortunately, there will only be a two week trial period for the program. Then you need to buy it.

Increase volume with SRS Audio SandBox

It is a program that has several sliders for changing the sound as well as increasing the volume.

  1. Download it from the site:
  2. We install it, and a window with all the sound settings appears in front of us. Do not be afraid of all these adjustments. This program is designed for ordinary users. You can definitely figure it out.
  3. We make the volume higher, change other values \u200b\u200bif necessary.
  4. If everything is done correctly, then we get high-quality and loud sound in our headphones.

The next program is Razer Surround

It is specially designed to work with headphones and sound in them. The program has an impressive list of sound characteristics that you can customize as you like and enjoy the sound. The program creates surround sound in different stereo headphones, but it can also be used to increase the sound volume. So, we need:

Increase the headphone volume on your phone

Consider a situation in which the sound in the headphones is not loud enough for comfortable listening to music or working with the phone. It will be most convenient to increase the volume using various special applications. This method can be considered universal.

Change sound in Volume Booster Plus app

  1. We download the application using Google Play or similar services.
  2. When the application turns on, you will see a display of the capabilities of this application. Click "Next" several times to go to work.
  3. Click on the "Boost" button.

The program will automatically increase the volume of the sound on your device and give the result as a percentage.

Video - How to increase the sound in headphones on a computer

The problem of quiet sound reproduction is most often encountered by laptop users. This fact is very sad, because because of this nuance it is impossible to fully enjoy, for example, watching a movie. Fortunately, there are various ways to increase the volume of playback files these days.

The article will discuss what programs are available for increasing the sound. Their features and installation method will be touched upon. Also, the usual Windows tools will get into the discussion. All this is presented with detailed setup instructions.

Magnification with standard tools

Before you start listing programs for increasing the sound, it is worth talking about how to raise it using the usual utilities that are present in every assembly of the Windows operating system. At the very least, this is good because you do not have to download software and thus clog your hard drive.

So, initially you need to get into the "Sound" menu. To do this, right-click on the speaker icon located in the lower right pane. In the context menu, click "Playback Devices". A window will appear in which you should select the "Speakers" item. Next, you need to click on "Properties".

Now another window has opened. In it you need to go to the "Improvements" tab. There put a bird near the line "Loudness". To save the settings after closing the window, click "OK". Now you know how, without a special program to increase the sound, you can raise the playback volume on your computer.

Enlargement using codecs

It should be noted right away that this method will be useful only to those users who have installed the K-lite codec pack codecs.

To add volume to playing files, you need to initially start them using K-lite kodec. Once you do that, icons will be added to the system tray. At the moment, only one is needed - the one that is blue. It is he who is responsible for playing the audio track.

So, click on it twice to bring up the settings window. In it, go to the Volume tab and immediately put the checkboxes in front of Volum, Normalize, Regain volume and Show current volume levels. Also, move the Master volume slider to 300%.

Here's another way for you how to raise decibels on a computer without a third-party program for increasing the sound.

Magnification with the program

Now let's talk about which one on a laptop will allow you to fully enjoy playing video or audio. In this article, SoundBooster will be used as an example, but there are a huge number of such programs on the Internet. By the way, this method can be used in conjunction with the first, the sound in this case will become even louder.

So, you need to download this program first. The easiest way is to drive its name into any search engine and download from the first source.

So that you do not waste time, we list the system requirements for the software:

  • CPU (processor) - 1.0 GHz;
  • memory (RAM) - 256 MB;
  • free disk space - 10 MB;
  • OS - Windows above XP.

As you can see, the system requirements are minimal, so this software will run on almost any laptop. It is also worth making a small remark: do not increase the volume of the speakers too much, this can lead to their breakdown or deterioration of the playback quality.

Magnification with turntables

Finally, we will talk about the VLC player. This program suits perfectly well. You can download it both on the official website and on any other resource, since it is in the public domain. In turn, the program is able to increase the sound by as much as 10 times. The bottom line is that this player has its own codecs, which do not depend on the system ones. The only drawback is that the volume will only increase when the file is played in this player.

Poor sound from a computer or home laptop can often create an unpleasant experience when listening to music or watching a movie. A weak sound on the device forces users to use additional equipment such as speakers or headphones while watching video materials and distorts the perception of the picture. Thus, the user often has to listen to the dialogues on the screen or view the same fragment several times.

There is a solution to the issue without resorting to services and additional equipment - the installation of special applications that can increase the volume on the device several times or make the sound clearer. Not many programs really satisfy user needs. But there are a number of utilities that are freely available on the Internet and justify their purpose.

Amplify the sound of the whole system

Utilities designed to improve the quality of audio playback are divided into several categories, one of which involves amplifying the sound of the entire device system.

Sound booster

Volume up software can be categorized as a "shareware" application. The fact is that Sound Booster invites the client to use trial version, designed for 14 days of work, after which it will be offered to purchase the full version of the service. The application allows you to increase the volume of the entire system of your computer or laptop. After installation, the user receives the ability to view movies, listening to audio and spending time playing, with the ability to activate additional frequencies. The user can now activate the additional volume level and use the speaker frequency to the maximum. Here it is suggested to adjust the audio playback height. The plugin supports work in Russian and English.


The utility can function on any operating system installed on a laptop or computer. Here the user is prompted regulate and tune sound level, for each subsection of the sound system separately: music, movies, computer games, viewing video content through a browser. This opportunity appeared due to the fact that the developer equipped Hear with its own sound driver, which is able to work separately from the main sound card of the device. The interface is quite complicated and it will be difficult for a beginner to navigate all the system settings, but more experienced ones will appreciate the parametric features of the service.

SRS Audio SandBox

The plug-in uses special sound equipment that can adjust the frequency of sound broadcasting so that the room in which the device is located is "enveloped" by the audio frequency. This opportunity appeared after the developers added to the utility setting modebass. Now the service works with stereo and mono system. SRS Audio SandBox Supports Working on two languages: Russian and English. There is a rather complicated control system here, and in order to freely master the sound amplifier for a laptop or a computer, you will have to refer to the "Help" section, which contains a description of almost every section of the utility.

DFX Audio Enhancer

The plug-in, after installation, creates an internal audio card on the computer, which works using the built-in sound driver. The utility configures several frequencies of audio tracks at once and allows you to adjust the bass, as well as the depth of playback of media files. DFX Audio Enhancer appeared quite recently, in 2016, and is still in the stage of complete revision, but despite this, most of the users note the good parametric equipment of the DFX Audio Enhancer.

Amplification of audio files

In addition to utilities configured to involve the entire system in the work, there are programs that increase the volume pointwise, namely, affect the playback of audio files.

Audio Amplifier

The plugin is designed to change the frequency in individual media files. Here, the client of the service is invited to independently select a file to change the frequency of the tracks. So the utility allows adjust playback depth... Audio Amplifier has the ability to increase the volume of the current settings up to 100%. The service interface supports work in English, so it won't be easy to understand the system the first time. The main advantage is the ability to save a file with a new sound in any available format.


File amplifier with option sound control different frequencies. Here, the client of the service is invited not only to independently regulate the musical and speech accompaniment of the file, but also to create their own voice recordings and tracks. This is how Audacity made it possible control depth and frequency work of the media file, as well as the utility is supplemented with options for mixing and detailing the tracks of the file. The interface is presented in two languages: Russian and English, which makes it easier to get acquainted with Audacity.


Completely free tool for easy editing of media files designed to work with the Windows operating system. The developer does not offer any special features. Here, the client of the service is invited to trim the file, cut out the necessary points and save them as a separate file on the computer. In the resulting file, you can adjust depth and frequency playback. The functionality of Mp3DirectCut is very limited and is designed to perform simple actions with a file. The plugin interface is not complicated and easy to learn even for an inexperienced user.

K-Lite Codec Pack

The utility is completely free and freely available on the Internet. The program is designed to interact with devices operating on the Windows operating system. Here multiple packages available installations that work with all known media formats. The developer suggests using the K-Lite Codec Pack for all possible settings for the sound of files, and also provides the ability to trim and mix multiple tracks into one. You can work with several packages at once. There is a special easy to operate transition mode... The interface is presented in English, for this reason, the initial acquaintance with the service will be quite difficult.

Improving sound quality

There are also special tools to improve the quality and depth of sound, both for individual files and for individual playback channels.

DFX Audio Enhancer

A tool that is freely available on the Internet and does not involve the purchase of additional extensions. The interface is presented in Russian and English, it is not difficult to understand the utility. The service menu is intuitive. Supports work with Windows operating system of all generations. The app allows you to customize individual files with an equalizer. The equalizer can be adjusted manually or work in automatic mode. Here audio has multiple modes playback and settings, as well as DFX Audio Enhancer allows you to set parameters both for individual files and for systems as a whole: video, audio, games, browser.

Razer Surround

The instrument is primarily intended to improve the sound for listening to audio files with headphones. Sound enhancement software creates a surround sound effect and immerses the user in the sound environment. There are no special parameters for tuning individual track frequencies. The listener is invited to use built-in equalizer, which automatically adjusts the desired playback frequency. The Razer Surround supports English operation. The system interface is stylish and intuitive. You can download the amplifier on the official website.

First of all, let's face it. Not all equipment can guarantee high volume levels. This applies, for example, to laptops without speaker connections. To keep a laptop from weighing as much as a desktop computer, laptop manufacturers have to install small enough components. This leads to the fact that no laptop will be able to reproduce really loud sounds. Fortunately, you can tune your device to deliver very high volume and quality — you need the right software to amplify sound on your laptop and computer.

TOP programs for amplifying sound on a computer or laptop.

FxSound Enhancer (formerly DFX Audio Enhancer) is a free and essential tool for every user to play movies and music on a computer. A program for amplifying sound on a computer, extracted from various multimedia programs, as well as from sources found on the most popular websites (YouTube, Vimeo,,, Facebook).

The operation of the program is very simple. If you want to play movies or music in the highest HD quality, simply launch the program and press the “Power” button, which activates and enhances the quality of the sound extracted from applications or web portals. Using this software, you can increase the sound level, increase the bass and eliminate so-called “quiet” sounds, which to some extent degrade the quality of the reproduced sound. The program has various processing modes, optimizes and improves the quality of the sound generated during music, film or conversation using a microphone. FxSound Enhancer is adapted to work with various types of speakers and headphones, and also allows you to customize your own sound parameters in the program settings.

On the main screen of the application, you can select one of the available processing modes, adjust the sound quality on the device (speakers, headphones) and set the level of various instruments, optimize and improve the sound quality. These include, among others, 3D Surround technology, dynamic sound enhancement or extra bass. FxSound Enhancer is compatible with the most popular multimedia players: iTunes, Spotify, Windows Media Player, QuickTime Player, Pandora Desktop, Winamp, VLC, RealPlayer, foobar2000, JetAudio.

Volume2 is an ideal replacement for system sound volume control, which allows you to adjust the sound on your laptop and the volume using your mouse, keyboard and a special panel located at the edge of the screen. The program is equipped with a rich set of functions and configuration options that are not available in the system menu. This allows you, inter alia, to define the speed and sensitivity of the adjustment, assign mouse buttons and keys responsible for changing the volume, and also set a schedule for tasks according to which the volume will be automatically changed at a set time.

However, the benefits of Volume2 don't end there. The big advantage of the app is the display of an additional level indicator on the screen. Its appearance, position on the screen, etc., can be customized in the program window. A set of a dozen or so really interesting skins is at the user's disposal. Among them, everyone will find the correct view of their own preferences. Volume2 works with the system tray without disturbing the user in daily work. His work should in no way cause any problems.

AudioRetoucher is a simple utility for retouching and processing audio files. It is intended mainly for novice computer users and people who value time, stability and serviceability. It replaces complex settings in applications, providing quick correction of incorrectly loaded music files and from other audio streams. The software allows you to calibrate several important sound parameters such as tone intensity, speed, tempo, or bass level. It is also possible to boost high frequencies. The application supports the most popular music formats (MP3, WMA, WAV) and provides a fairly efficient processing engine adapted to the new generation of processors (multi-core support).

The app is extremely easy to use. The intuitive interface consists of five sliders (Speed, Temp, Pitch, Treble, Bass), volume control, scroll bar, visualization and buttons, allowing you to:

  • upload an audio file;
  • save sound with changed parameters (the function is not available in the test version);
  • measure the number of beats per minute (BPM);
  • control music playback (play, pause, stop).

The program is distributed under the shareware license. The test version does not allow saving the received data to a file and displays a message during launch to remind you to purchase the full version (wait 10 seconds). The application has an English version of the interface. AudioRetoucher works seamlessly on the latest Microsoft Windows operating systems: 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 10.

SRS Audio Essentials adds bass, depth and volume to every movie and song. The app has two key technologies built into it - TruBass bass boost on a Windows 10 laptop and WOW surround sound.

SRS Audio Essentials will only be useful for those who do not use Windows Media Player (because Microsoft already has technologies that use SRS). Therefore, if you are using another media player for movies and music, then you should definitely install SRS Audio Essentials. The program will add both technologies built into WMP to any other player we use, such as VLC. The SRS Audio Essentials interface is intuitive and reminiscent of a digital stereo receiver. There are special settings for music, games and movies to choose from.

SRS Audio Essentials is worth installing because most laptop speakers are not of the highest quality. And SRS Audio Essentials will help you get the best out of them. Unless you're using Windows Media Player.

DFX Audio Enhancer is a free (non-commercial) and easy-to-use PC audio enhancer. The application has the ability to improve the quality of the reproduced sound while watching movies, listening to music and voice calls through instant messengers. DFX Audio Enhancer increases volume and boosts bass. The program allows you to manually adjust the sound parameters using the sliders (up to 5 settings) in the application window. DFX Audio Enhancer is installed in the system as an additional audio driver. This tool is added to the notification area of \u200b\u200bthe taskbar. Users looking for a free way to enhance their audio quality will appreciate the free DFX Audio Enhancer app.

Sound Normalizer is a small tool for normalizing and improving sound quality. The program supports many types of audio files such as MP3, WAV, FLAC, OGG and APE. Sound Normalizer allows you to set the volume normalization level for both left and right audio channels. The program supports batch processing of files and allows you to edit ID3 tags (support for ID3 v1 and v2). It also has a built-in audio player that lets you browse through the available songs.

The main advantage of Sound Normalizer software is that it significantly improves sound quality and reduces file size without losing tag information. Users looking for an easy-to-use program to enhance the quality of their music library content will certainly enjoy using the Sound Normalizer app. Sound Normalizer also offers a tool to convert files to WAV, FLAC and MP3 formats. However, the program does not provide the ability to drag and drop files into a so-called dialog box. Despite this, the interface is so intuitive that less experienced users will have no problems with it.

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