Steam in the washing machine: does the laundry get cleaner? A new feature in Steam - customize your library The steam washing machine from lg is the result of

On the one hand, I liked big load LG F12U1HBS4 (7 kg), the presence of accelerated washing modes, impressed by the work of the technology "6 movements of care". Externally, the car is very interesting. But there were questions about one of the steam modes, and the control panel seemed too sensitive. Plus, the obviously “geeky” feature of Smart diagnosis (based on Tag On technology - remote detection and correction of errors in the operation of the washing machine through a program on a smartphone) works only with the Android platform.

What can she do

In addition to many conventional washing programs for different types fabrics in the electronic memory of the device "sewn" a lot of interesting things. Here is the main focus of the manufacturer:

  • True Steam - steam treatment of things during the washing process (detergent is completely dissolved, allergens die), as well as without water and powder (“Refresh” mode);
  • TurboWash - washing clothes in 59 minutes with a full load (not only time is saved, but also water and electricity);
  • "6 care movements" - six options for rotating the washing drum for better washing of things from different fabrics.
  • Inverter Direct Drive - direct drive motor with inverter power control;
  • Smart diagnosis - remote detection of washing machine malfunctions, displaying information about them on the smartphone screen and recommendations for troubleshooting.
  • Loading new washing programs - it is possible to update software machines, add, for example, washing cycles for certain clothes.

What did you like

I liked the design - they are greeted by clothes. The model is quite fresh, but has already managed to receive an award for appearance- Design Award 2015. A large darkened hatch with a chrome edging stands out - clearly it is a design element, since the front opening for loading laundry itself is of a quite standard diameter.

And the control panel is completely touch-sensitive. No buttons, no rotary knob. The number of different luminous icons and inscriptions reminds, perhaps, of the dashboard in the cockpit of an aircraft. We like. Very modern, "smartphone", if you like. And boldly. After all, the classic “knob handles” of washing machines still have a lot of fans.

The work of the technology "6 movements of care" is clearly visible. Specially tracked, observed. In direct contrast to the usual rotation of the drum - he performs almost acrobatic stunts. The number of movements, their amplitude, speed, frequency of algorithm changes, and all this in relation to the selected type of tissue. LG was the first to implement in its washing machines such an approach to washing. And he quite pulls on the title of "intellectual". Competitors are only now pulling up (for example, Digital Motion technology from Hotpoint: up to 10 drum rotation algorithms, and within one program, if necessary).

Technology "6 movements of care" - these are six different algorithms for the movement of the washing drum, for optimal washing of fabrics of different types and degrees of pollution

Not very dirty things can be washed in this washing machine and on short cycles - washes. That is, use them for daily washing. Moreover, we are talking not only about the hourly TurboWash, but also about the half-hour program and even about washing in 14 minutes. Naturally, you need to control the load: it’s definitely not possible to wash 7 kg of laundry well in a quarter of an hour, but a couple of things will work.

No complaints about how she copes with her main task. We never took out badly washed things from it: we washed everything, with varying degrees of pollution. There are no powder residues on things, there is no allergy because of this - we carefully checked this point, keeping in mind that we also met with the opposite (several years ago, including in the machines of this manufacturer). Steam in symbiosis with water clearly work and cope. Plus, of course, the ability to assign an additional rinse.

She cleans very quietly. Moreover, even without activating a special "quiet" (night) cycle. From the bathroom, even with open door, it is almost completely inaudible, including during the spin cycle, and if you close the door, you definitely won’t hear a sound (but when the wash is over, there will be a sound signal).




Washing machine LG F12U1HBS4: control panel, drum, detergent drawer

What caused questions

Steam Refresh takes about 20 minutes for the LG F12U1HBS4. This is a kind of washing without water. Just steam and your things. It is needed, according to the manufacturer, in order to remove extraneous odors, quickly restore freshness to an almost clean, once worn shirt or blouse.

You can literally hear the steam treatment going on. But at the exit, sometimes we got things that were a bit damp, which you couldn’t put on right away. However, really, unpleasant odors were removed, from cigarettes, for example, from a fire, the smell of sweat.

Steam is based on water. It becomes them when heated. Therefore, it is logical that things after exposure to it remain slightly damp and need to be dried. We also produce washing machines with a dryer, where, after steam treatment, the item can be dried without removing it from the device.

But a couple of times there was a smell of heated rubber. That is, we observed the effect that sometimes occurs in some shower cabins with the “sauna” function: there is steam, it’s hot, but the regime becomes meaningless from the rubber darling. In fairness, we note that we “washed the steam” 20 times in a month, and we encountered this “rubber” situation only the first two times. And we understood why - the manufacturer recommends, just to get rid of the so-called smell of a new car (it smells of rubber, even burning, due to “unbroken” plastic and rubber parts), before the first wash, run the “Cotton” cycle at a temperature of 60 ° C , with half the norm of detergent. This is in the manual - read it carefully before using the machine.

And here's something else. There were no significant failures in the operation of the washing machine. But a couple of times, the Smart diagnosis remote error detection system reported a Ue error (imbalance of laundry in the drum). It's great, everything works, but if you have an iOS smartphone, nothing will work. Because Smart diagnosis is based on NFC technology, it means only Android. NFC is also in Apple products, but in a greatly reduced form, it is also in mobile devices on Windows, but apparently Koreans don't believe in their future.

Opinion site

LG F12U1HBS4 is a beautiful and modern model with interesting and useful washing technologies. She has a lot more pros than cons. Here you have a load of 7 kg - very good for a narrow format. And unquestionable wash quality. The presence of many programs for different things, the ability to reload washing cycles in the machine's memory. We especially note several fast cycles, including TurboWash - washing in 59 minutes at full load (and it will be in 49 - this is the next step).

But with “washing without water” (a separate steam cycle), you need to be careful - you need to understand that after such a steam treatment you can’t put on a thing right away, you still need to dry it. That is, you need to put some time into it. It’s also better to turn off the machine from the outlet - the sensitivity of the control sensors is too high: even slightly hitting the front panel, you can start washing or add an unnecessary cycle to it (it happened a couple of times).

Washing machines have become not only an integral part of our lives - we generally cannot live without them. Our mothers still remember such terrible words as “Baby-2” and “Fairy” and even “centrifuge”. Enough, we've had enough... It's time for new technologies!

Perhaps everyone now thought that modern washing machines, with which stores are littered, are the pinnacle of laundry technology. Yes, it was, but today they are already slowly becoming those “babies” and “fairies”. The new word has been spoken. LG Steam WD is not a washing machine of the future, but of today. High-tech and reliable, innovative in every sense.

Steam technology is at its peak. More and more products based on this technology appear on the market. The Nikkei Industrial Consumption Research Institute of Japan named the steam oven the most popular product in the first half of last year. LG was the first company to develop a washing machine with Steam technology.

LG Steam is a washing machine from LG Electronics with a steam system. It improves the quality of washing compared to conventional washing machines. How it works? The steam effect system saves electricity, which is spent on heating water. Steam not only disinfects the drum, but also has a gentle effect on clothes, does not leave creases, as is the case with normal washing. Steam washing machines effectively remove bacteria due to the high steam temperature, which can reach up to 104°C.

The Steam technology does not damage the fabric, because the steam generator distributes it on wet clothes, and, unlike water, the steam is instantly cooled. Because steam molecules move faster than water molecules, and because Steam washing machines use less water, fabrics experience less friction. In addition, there is a function for selecting the type of fabric; when you select silk, wool and other delicate fabrics that are not recommended for steam washing, the steam function turns off automatically.

The unique anti-allergy steam technology removes allergens and kills bacteria that can cause allergic diseases. Heat steam effectively kills germs and bacteria that "live" in clothes, bedding and other textiles. In addition, the steam is gentler on the fabric. Unlike water, high-temperature steam (95°C) reduces the risk of clothing damage by reducing the frictional force between water and clothing, while using less water. In fact, steam cleans clothes more effectively than water alone, because steam molecules are smaller than water molecules, and this allows them to penetrate deeper into the fabric.

Developed by LG Steam and Steam Refresh Cycle - a short-term cycle to eliminate wrinkling of fabrics and unpleasant odors from clothes. Save on dry cleaning and ironing? Easy! Due to the greater mobility of the molecules, the steam is effective in moisturizing the fabric, and due to its high absorbent properties, it removes unpleasant odors from the fabric.

Mr. Zhuo, Engineer, Development and Innovation Division digital equipment LG, recalls how the idea for the Steam Washing Machine with Steam Refresh came about: “When I'm on a business trip, the first thing I do is take a hot shower in a hotel and I always take my suit to the bathroom with me. The damp air straightens the fabric, and I don't have to go to the hotel laundry. One day I thought why not use this in the washing machine. This is how we started the development of the washing machine with Steam technology. I am an engineer, and I know that when a fabric is wet, it straightens out. I also know that steam dries quickly. Using steam was the perfect solution for straightening the fabric.”

Steam particles:
easily transfer heat and moisture due to microscopic size and high mobility
easily weaken the forces that bind the stains to the fibers of the fabric, due to the effect of swelling of each fiber of the fabric
Easily eliminate odors due to high absorption power
easily remove static electricity from things.

In addition to the use of steam in the washing process, the manufacturer also provided for the possibility of cleaning the laundry tub itself. The Tub Clean function (tank cleaning) can be used to remove various kinds of contaminants formed during long-term use of the machine. It is worth noting that, according to the manufacturer, the efficiency of steam exceeds the efficiency of ordinary hot water. And as a result, you will no longer need to resort to manual cleaning tank, if previously it was necessary.

When using any household appliances The so-called silence factor is of no small importance. And it is unlikely that any of us will be delighted that the washing machine is working with such noise that it can be heard in another room. In this case, the LG Steam washing machine is equipped with a direct drive motor ( direct technology Drive), which helps to significantly reduce the noise level from the device during operation. The principle of operation of this system is very simple. If in conventional washing machines the electric motor is located on the side of the drum and transmits rotational motion through a drive belt, then in this case the motor is attached directly to the drum. This feature eliminates the presence of both a belt and pulleys in the device, and thereby significantly reduces the noise level when using the machine. In addition, there are no current-collecting brushes in the Direct Drive motor, which tend to wear out over time and need to be replaced after a certain period. All of the above factors contribute not only to reducing the noise level from the machine, but also to increasing the service life of the device. After all, as you know, a smaller number of parts used significantly increases reliability.

The rotor of the DD motor is a permanent magnet. The brushless design and compact dimensions of the motor allow the drum and motor to be placed on the same axis. Such a system does not require the use of a pulley and a belt.

Ag Nano is one of the core technologies used in LG Steam. The remarkable properties of silver have been known for a long time, but only now they have been actively used in the production of household appliances. Ag Nano technology - washing in water enriched with silver ions. The antibacterial effect is achieved even in low temperature cycles.

Following environmental trends, the company widely uses the antibacterial properties of silver, which gave rise to new program laundry "Mama care" - "Mom's care" from LG. This program combines all the necessary factors for gentle and high-quality washing of delicate children's clothes - the type of rotation of the drum as for delicate washing, an extended wash cycle and water heating in two stages.

In addition, there is a new option "Medical Rinse". Now the user can use the "rinse" option at 40 degrees (previously it was only cold water).

Continuing to develop high technology, LG also uses Fuzzy Logic technology in this machine, in fact it is computer technology flexible response to given parameters. In 1991, LG Electronics first applied this technology to the control system of washing machines, and later almost all washing machine manufacturers began to use this technology.

Washing machine colors range from traditional colors to vibrant designer colors such as pink and red.

Finally, I would like to note the remote monitor, which displays all the stages of washing. Having moved into another room with it, it will be enough for you to return only when the machine is finished and notifies you through this device.

", - experienced gamers say goodbye to each other. And to any avid lover computer games it is clear what is at stake. About a place where each of them is a superhero. About where you want to return again and again. About the virtual "home" where the games dear to the heart live.

Steam is...

You probably already guessed what Steam is. This is a gaming platform, a service designed for buying and launching computer games, communication between players, creating gaming communities and much more related to gaming.

Being the brainchild of Valve, in the early 2000s, Steam was used only to distribute and activate the products of this developer. Today it is a complete social network with many features, like Facebook or VK, which supports more than 10,000 games and applications different manufacturers: Sega, Epik Games, Ubisoft, Rockstar Games etc., many of which are free.

The Steam platform exists in a web version, accessible through a browser, and as an application for all major stationary and mobile operating systems- Windows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 3, Android, iOS, and Samsung Smatr TV Tizen OS (limited). Installation and use of the service is completely free, payment is charged only for the content.

Features, pros and cons of the platform

In recent years, the functionality of Steam has grown to such a scale that even a developer will probably not be able to say which of its functions is the main one. Its users are provided the following possibilities:

  • play on any supported device;
  • buy promotional content with a 50-75% discount and play paid games free of charge, and such promotions take place almost constantly;
  • install game updates in a priority order - the platform does this automatically;
  • do not think about the safety of game data - Steam also takes care of it;
  • create and save backups game distributions;
  • activate supported games purchased in boxed versions;
  • buy games as a gift to other users;
  • return the money spent if you didn’t like the game (the opportunity lasts up to 14 days after the purchase, provided that the toy was launched no longer than 2 hours);
  • create personal pages and groups, join communities;
  • find like-minded people and friends;
  • exchange messages and chat in the built-in voice chat;
  • share achievements;
  • exchange, buy and sell game items - inventory, cards, etc.;
  • take screenshots and shoot videos, post videos on YouTune;
  • record and broadcast streams without third party programs;
  • receive the latest news about the events of the game world;
  • listen to music stored on the device instead of game soundtracks;
  • give other users access to your library of games (family sharing);
  • customize the design of your personal page to your liking;
  • use services technical support developer.

And since Steam is the official game content store, the products that are distributed through it are 100% legal and safe.

Among the shortcomings service users attributed:

  • The inability to use the means of obtaining illegal privileges over other players (cheats).
  • Inability to run pirated content.
  • High risk of losing your account, and with it - cash that are kept on the balance sheet. Steam user accounts are very attractive to attackers and are often attacked. To prevent attacks, a defender is built into the platform Steam Guard, but it does not guarantee complete security.

Someone thinks that buying content through Steam is too expensive and for this reason does not use the platform. However, it makes it possible not only to spend, but also to earn real money. One of the ways to earn money mentioned above is the sale of game equipment. Also, some users manage to unofficially sell previously purchased games, and experienced gamers earn money by promoting and selling upgraded accounts.

How to register on Steam

To register on the Steam service, launch a pre-installed application or open the website, go to the "Login" section and click the "Create an account" button.

Enter email address, its confirmation and verification code. Accept Terms of use and confirm the registration by clicking on the link that will come in email.

After confirmation, return to the registration section, come up with a unique name for yourself that will be displayed to other users, and a password. Click Finish Registration.

How to link a payment instrument to your Steam account and replenish your account in the system

To link a bank card to your Steam profile, go to the "About account" menu. In the Store Operations section, click Add a payment method to this account.

Select from the list payment system and enter the card details - number, expiration date, CVV / CVC code.

In the "Account Information" section, enter your real name, surname, postal code, residential address and phone number. In the fields "Settlement address" and "Settlement address 2" enter the street, house/building and apartment number.

Once a card has been linked, Steam Store purchases will be debited from the card's balance.

Beyond the tethered bank cards, you can use the money on your personal Steam account to pay for content.

To replenish your account balance, do the following:

  • Click the "+Top up balance" button in the "Store Operations" section. Choose one of the proposed amounts (minimum 150 rubles).

  • Select convenient way payment. In the CIS countries, Visa, Mastercard, Maestro and American Express cards are available for this; payment PayPal systems, Yandex.Money and Webmoney; check mobile phone and cryptocurrency Bitcoin. After making your selection, click Continue.

  • The next steps depend on specific way payment. Complete the payment by following the instructions on the screen.

How to download games

Selection, purchase and installation of games are made through the "Shop" section of the main menu. The distribution of content by genre and other categories (new releases, top sellers, etc.) is in the column on the left.

Clicking on the banner of the game will take you to the purchase page. More than detailed information about the offer: trailers, gameplay screenshots, description, system requirements, as well as the game distributions themselves and additional paid content. This page contains information about discounts and promotions.

To buy something from the offer, click the "Add to Cart" button next to the product and, following the instructions, make the payment. The purchased game and additional content will be downloaded to your Library.

How to add friends

To add Steam users as friends, go to the main menu section named after you and select "Friends". Enter your username in the Find Friends field. After it is found, click "Add to friends".

In addition, the "Add to friends" button is present on personal pages Steam users:

And on the personal page of your profile in the "Your friends" section there is a user search string by login and game name (the system shows who you played with):

The add friend function becomes available after replenishing the account balance or purchases in the amount of $5 or more.

In general, the Steam platform is quite simple to understand and master, just wander through the sections - and everything becomes clear without explanation. Moreover, it is fully translated into Russian, and in addition to it, it supports 25 more languages ​​of the world.

Steam is a service that is designed to distribute digital computer games and other programs that belong to quite a few famous company, which develops games - Valve. Steam is an activation service, and also performs the functions of downloading via the Internet, automatic update and game news both by the company itself and other developers who have signed agreements with the founders of Steam. For example: Epik Games, 2K Games, Rockstar Games, Sega and many more.

In short, with the help of this service, you can purchase and install exclusively licensed and high-quality computer games via the Internet, regularly receive bonuses during pre-orders, receive the latest news from the world of computer games you love, and also receive updates without your participation, v automatic mode, find friends with whom you have much in common.

The Steam program and its benefits

  • You open just one program and a world of interactive entertainment opens up before you. One database that stores games. Having your own account and being a client in this service, you will again and again be able to install, download and delete the entertainment you have purchased;
  • The owner of Steam no longer needs to worry about the performance of the purchased interactive products, search for and install patches and fulfill the requirements of the developers for the correct display of the game. This service independently, without your participation, downloads and installs updates on your computer, and experienced programmers fix problems that arise after the update with the help of special patches;
  • Another, no less important advantage of the service is that the entire gameplay is stored in a special Steam Cloud storage. You should not worry, the entire path traveled in the game, as well as achievements, will be saved;
  • On the Steam service, you can often buy a quality game at a significant discount, usually 15-75% cheaper;
  • Make game purchases on Steam is very simple. To do this, just use one of the existing seven methods: WebMoney, Visa, American Express, ClickandBay, Master Card, Qiwi wallet and Yandex money.

Steam: how to use?

  • Registration in the service

There is nothing terrible or surprising in this section. Like other services where purchases are made, they require personal identification. By filling out a simple questionnaire, you create your personal page by which you will be identified and with its help you will pay for purchased products.

To register in the Steam program, you should go to the official website of the service and click on the button - "Create an Account". Next, in the window that opens, you will need to answer the questions (address Email, FULL NAME.). If for some reason you do not want to answer these questions, then you will not be able to register on the service.

That's all, registration of your account on the service is successfully completed!

The next point should also not cause you any difficulties. Immediately after activation personal profile, you should download and install the application on your Personal Computer, for this it is necessary, without leaving the official service, find the button in the top header of the site - "Install Steam" and click on it.

After you click on this button, you will automatically go to another page to download the program, in a new window you should again click on a similar button - "Instal Steam New".

Immediately after the program has loaded, you need to click on the file called "SteamInstall. msi" and install the program. To launch the application, you will need to click several times on the Steam icon that appears on your desktop.

In the program window that appears, the owner needs to enter their registration data for the profile that was created at the very beginning. After entering the information, we check its correctness and press the button - "Login", then You will need to read the user agreement Steam program, having read the text, you must click on the button - "Agree".

After completing all the above steps correctly, you will see the program interface. It is worth noting that your profile data after registration can be changed. If there are problems in the correct operation of the program, then you should update the Steam Client Bootstrapper program. The update can be found on the official website of the service. For this will have to use detailed instructions given in the program. You can remove the application from your PC at any time and then install it, for example, on another computer. Information on how to remove a program from a computer can be found on the Internet.

Good luck using the program!

New Feature in Steam allows the user to customize their library. It is in beta testing. The development team provided for all the nuances and requirements of the players, which made it possible to create a more convenient look for the library. Let's take a closer look at the new feature in Steam.


For those who don't like it all lumped together, a new feature in Steam allows you to customize the library. This means that the user can categorize all his games into "Collections". For example, if it is customary to distinguish games by genre, then we create a category of casual games. After that, we put the titles of the corresponding genre there.

To do this, press right click click on "All Games", then select "Create Collection" and it's done. You can sign categories as you like.

Game or cover image

Another new feature in the Steam Library is the Game Image. If you click on the "All games" button on the left side, you can see all your games on the general screen. Moreover, the images of some of them can be changed.

In order to change the cover, we are looking for a suitable image (correct it if necessary), then select the “Management” option and set our image.

Common interface

Previously, if we clicked on a game in the library, the following information appeared on the page:

  • Time spent in the game;
  • Achievements received / not received;
  • Links to additional pages (store page, manuals, workshop, and so on);
  • Information about the latest updates.

Now a new feature in Steam allows you to see everything at once. To do this, click on the game and scroll down the page.

There, in turn, all the data about the game will be displayed. Without leaving the game page, you can see the latest community news. Friends' data will also appear, namely, their progress in the game.

In general, everything that previously required a transition to other pages is now in the library.

And finally

Now given function in Steam is in the testing phase, but it has already come to the liking of many users. If someone misses the old interface, they can return to it at any time using General settings Steam.

Also, users of the network client can leave feedback and track all the innovations of the beta version.

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