Is it possible to sell IP in the Yula application. How to advertise on Julia

Since you have landed on this page, you have probably already heard about the popular Internet platform Yula to submit free ads for the sale of goods. Therefore, I will not explain what Yula is. There are no ads there - they sell furniture, telephones, and even apartments. To be honest, I put a lot of electronics that come for review on Yulia, as it is very convenient and, most importantly, free of charge, unlike Avito, on which, in order to sell faster, you need to invest money and buy service packages by highlighting or raising ads in the list.

Also, a distinctive positive feature of Yula is its search algorithm, made in such a way that first goods are searched for that are close to your current location - the data is taken from GPS navigation data. As a result, you will be able to buy or sell without wasting time on the road.

So, how to sell things on Julia faster? First of all, you need to download the mobile application, which is available in versions for Android and iPhone. And although this service also has its own website with a web version, I will talk specifically about the mobile version, since Yula was originally conceived as a platform for working from smartphones, and it’s more convenient to sell things, monitor their status and communicate with the buyer from a mobile phone.

After installation, the first time you launch the application, you must go through a simple registration procedure. To do this, first select your region where you want to sell or buy goods on Yulia.

After that, the main program window will open - you can search for something, but you won’t be able to sell a thing on Yulia - for this you need to create an account. Click on the "Plus" or "Profile" icon to open the registration page

There are three ways to open an account

  • By your phone number
  • Through a profile in VK
  • Using a profile in Odnoklassniki

How to add a product on Julia?

Once an account is set up, you can add your first product. To do this, click on the large blue Plus icon and select the product category.

After that, the main page will open, where you will need to

  • Add up to 4 photos
  • Enter name
  • Detailed description
  • Refine Category
  • Specify location

Let's take a closer look at the last two points. First of all, the application prompts us to refine the category to best match your product to the search query of a potential buyer.

Let's say you sell your phone on Yulia. Then click on the "Category" link, select "Phones and tablets" and specify the detailed characteristics - the company, model, storage capacity, screen size, number of SIM cards, and so on ...

After that, our phone will appear in the ads.

Finally, in the last step, we specify your location. If the smartphone did this automatically, and you want to specify another point from where you can pick up the goods, then click on the point with the address and put the point on the map in the right place.

How to sell a thing on Julia faster?

Now about the most urgent thing - how to speed up the process of selling goods on Yulia? At the beginning of the article, I said that this can be done for free, but in fact, not only. There are two ways - paid and free.

I use the second option, and so far it has not disappointed me at all - equipment on Yulia is sold very quickly and does not lie down for more than one or two weeks. By the way, if you use my promo code uHb713 during registration, you will receive an additional 15 bonuses - do not miss this opportunity!

I wish you successful sales!

Since Avito website became paid, even though the slogan remained the same - a site for free ads, I to some extent lost interest in it. Having two children, I constantly buy something and sell something, because children grow up very quickly, they don’t have time to wear things, some of them are still new to me. Not so long ago, restrictions on the number of ads were introduced on Avito, in particular, in the "children's clothing" section, there are only 20, "goods for children and toys" - 10. All other ads are proposed to be published on a paid basis, and the cost of submitting an ad may refuse as, for example, 19 rubles, and 450, depending on the value of the item being sold. Plus, the site is constantly trying to impose additional services to promote ads to the top positions in the search, which also costs a lot of money.

After my sales decreased significantly due to the fact that I could not exhibit all my things, but only a part of them, in order to exhibit a new one I had to wait until something from the published ads was sold, I began to look for other options for attaching things of our children, toys that we no longer play with, clothes from which we grew up.

In the media, just at that time, there was an active advertisement of a new Yula smartphone apps. You can download it easily, simply and perfectly free in the Play Market. Installation takes several minutes. Then you need to register either by phone number, which will be linked to your personal account, or through social networks.

After registering, you can immediately start publishing ads and expect that in an hour a queue of those who are suffering will line up at the entrance to buy your things. In fact, everything is completely different. A little over a month ago, at the beginning of September, I would have given the application four points, but today I cannot rate it more than one.

The Yula application has both its advantages compared to Avito and its disadvantages.

Advantages of the Yula application.

There are three sections "for sale", "sold" and "archive" in your personal account, where inactive or blocked ads go.

At the bottom of the page there are sections "home", "favorites", "messages" and "profile" to return to your personal account from other sections. Everything is simple and clear.

You can post ads in unlimited quantities., I want 5, I want 25, on the very first day I published 10 ads, then there just wasn’t enough time. When submitting an ad, you can add up to 4 photos of the product, as well as its brief description, up to 500 characters. Sometimes this number of characters is not enough to fully describe the product, but you have to put up with it.

Communication between a potential buyer and seller is carried out through messages in the personal account of the application, it is also possible to call the seller directly from the application.

☛ When submitting ads, the application immediately determines the geolocation of the owner and independently indicates his location on the map. This is convenient for those who are not very mobile around the city, you can find the necessary goods within walking distance. However, when viewing ads, a specific address will not be visible, only a circle is indicated on the map, somewhere in the center of which the owner is located.

You can post ads not only in your region, when publishing an ad, geolocation can be changed, for this you just need to manually move the point on the map, or enter the address with the city in the search bar and the point on the map will be indicated by itself. But the latter method works extremely rarely, which increases the number of disadvantages, which will be discussed below.

In your personal account there is a section "bookmarks", where you can save your favorite products, view them, monitor the price and, if it decreases, be the first to buy.

☛ When searching for the necessary product, it is possible to enter a keyword in the search bar and use filters so as not to search for the necessary product in all the variety of ads.

To search for the desired ad, select the appropriate category.

You can filter the goods by distance from yourself, so that ads far away do not even fall into the selection.

You can sort ads by price, by publication date (for the last day, week or month).

And then by size, gender, color and other parameters.

☛ The most important advantage that the Yula application has is the unlimited ability to raise your ads in the feed so that as many visitors as possible see them. If on Avito to raise an ad, you need to wait a month, when the ad will be automatically removed from publication, or use additional services, unfortunately paid, then on Julia just go to tab "change" on the ad page, click "send" and ad again above all. You can update the ad at least once a week, at least once a day, once an hour, or once every 5 minutes. Who has how much time to sit in the application.

So it was until September 9, 2016, until some sage developer suspended this feature.

Right there in Play market numerous negative reviews rained down, demands to return the ad update function, albeit less often, to which the developers only dryly answered "we heard you, we are working on improving it." Within a month, the developers responded to users like a soulless autoresponder, but did nothing, except that they deleted all the negative reviews, but reviews for 3-4 words and with 5 stars fell like a cornucopia, which naturally increased the rating of the application. What is it for?

☛ In each ad, you can see the number of views, as well as the number of people who bookmarked your product, which means they were especially interested in it and it is likely that they will call you soon. With the cancellation of updating ads, the number of views stopped growing, which, again, other users complain about.

By going to the seller's profile, you can see all his ads and choose other things for yourself. On the Avito not only does there not exist such a function, but it is even forbidden to insert a keyword into the ad text, by which it would be possible to find all the ads of one person. Such ads are immediately blocked, and in case of numerous violations, they can delete the account completely. I had a case when a girl became interested in one thing and looked through all my ads on Yulia and wanted to buy a second one.

This is where the positive aspects of the Yul application end and one continuous negative begins.

In order to raise an ad in the search, you need to purchase bonuses. Using one bonus, you can place only one ad at the top of the feed. You can get bonuses by sending your friends and acquaintances an offer to install on their smartphones Yula app, either through social networks or through SMS notifications. To be honest, I didn’t really want to spam my friends with messages about a new application for selling my unwanted goods. Moreover, just sending out notifications with a promotional code is not enough, it is necessary for a person to install this application and enter my promotional code, then I and he will receive several bonuses. I just had to put up with the fact that my ads floated far down and only those who are looking for something near my house can find them.

Recently, periodically began to accrue 10 bonuses, with what frequency, I can’t catch, for what - too. Just like that, no way. I immediately spend them on promotion in the search for some of the most interesting ads, 10 bonuses, of course, will not be enough for all my ads, but at least something.

Very rarely receive notifications of new messages, there is no beep, even after multiple app updates. To see what someone wrote to you, you need to go into the application, sometimes I don’t go for several days, so I can lose a buyer who is tired of waiting for a response to his message and bought a similar thing from another seller.

You cannot raise ads in the feed in any other way, except for activating bonuses. Not for money, not for beautiful eyes, not for any merit. If on Avito If you can pay for additional services and the ad will be advertised more often, which means there are more chances that it will be noticed and a buyer will be found, Yula does not provide such an opportunity. You can, of course, delete the ad and submit it again, but you won’t do this every day, how much time you need to kill. Yes, and deleted ads do not disappear anywhere, but remain in the folder "Sales".

I noticed that a month after the first publication, as on Avito, the ad becomes inactive, a warning about this appears in advance, several days in advance as an icon at the bottom of the main photo "expires".

You can't delete listings from the "Sold" folder. At least a hundred of them can accumulate there, they don’t seem to interfere with life, but I personally don’t like such a mess, because this folder can include both things that are actually sold, and those that had to be removed from publication in order to publish again with the aim of lifting in the tape.

Similarly, you can not remove ads from bookmarks. There, among the things sold by other people, there are ads that are still relevant. Again a mess.

Sometimes the application is unable to find a point on the map when entering an address in the search bar. You have to manually shift the map yourself, increase it to find the right place. This is extremely inconvenient!

☛ Lately, people have begun to complain not only about the introduction of a bonus system, but also about the fact that the application sets a limit on the publication of ads, that is, it is no longer possible to put up for sale as many things as you want, numerous ads are regarded as spam and the user is blocked, without explanation, the administration does not respond to messages and requests to restore the account in any way, or responds with template, impersonal phrases.

I use Yula app already 2 months, during which time Julia only 3 things were sold (and 2 of them were bought by one person), and then at that time, it was still possible to raise your ads. On the Avito for the same period of time more than 10, and I sell things for Avito, What's on Julia same. If earlier it was possible to call Yula app worthy alternative Avito, and some, including me, considered it the best application for selling unnecessary things, now I can’t say that, I can only swear at Yulu waiting for calls from users Avito.

I do not recommend the Yula application and I wish that one of the developers will launch a similar, but already better, not so raw application as soon as possible with the ability to reanimate their ads at least once every few days. After all, mobile applications are extremely popular at the present time, they are convenient to use, because the smartphone is always with you, people can view information on the way to work or back, in any free time. To be honest, I want to remove it, but the hope that someone in my stairwell will want to buy something from me remains, although the likelihood of this is extremely small.

Good day to all! Today we will talk about how to advertise a sale or any service on the Internet. There are a lot of sites that provide a platform for ads now. The most popular so far is AVITO. However, now such a platform as YULA is gaining popularity. And I decided to get to know this service better. I wonder how it differs from Avito?

Here you can, just like on Avito, post ads of any orientation. For those who are more familiar with Avito, the yule site will seem somewhat unusual. However, it will not be so difficult to figure out and find the right ad or submit your own.

If you are only looking for ads, then you can not register. But if you are actively submitting ads, then you will need to register. This will give you more convenience when working on the site.

Submitting an ad to Yula from a computer

The easiest way to work on the site is using a computer. We start with registration. We go to the site and see the following picture:

In the upper right corner we find the "login" button and click it. The following window opens before us:

Here we see three options for entering the site: through your account in Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte, or by phone. If you have one of the accounts of these social networks, then log in through them. If you don't have one, register using your phone number. We use the Odnoklassniki account by default. So, we logged in through our Odnoklassniki account:

A window immediately pops up - allow notifications ... - gray in the left corner. Notifications are free, inform you about the news of the service. You can close this. Next, select your location - the city where you live and go to the green button "Place an ad".

By clicking on this button, we go to the window for selecting the category of ads.

Let's say we're selling a cat, so we select the pet category. Immediately we get to the tab where you need to fill in all the necessary information fields for the ad.

Select the subcategory Cats. We write the breed, if any. Next is the product name and price. Pay attention to the red asterisks next to some fields - this means that they must be filled in. The name can be chosen so that a potential buyer pays attention to it.

As you fill in the fields, green checkmarks appear in the right column opposite the names of those elements that you have already filled out. A photo is required, as indicated by the red asterisk. We also write the address. You can drive it in manually, or find a point on the map and mark it with it. You also need a phone - buyers will call you on it.

After filling in all the fields, click on the blue “Next” button. A window will open in front of you where you need to check the correctness of the data, and at the very bottom you will see your number and a window for the confirmation code that will come to the number you specified. Enter this number and the button "Publish ad" will appear. We go to the ad settings window, where we can use paid features to better display it.

That's all. Your ad has been posted. Wait for calls from buyers.

Free ads on Yulia from your phone, step by step instructions

If you use a phone (or smartphone) to access the Internet, then you can place an ad on the Yula website from it. Only for this you first need to download the appropriate application from Google Play and install it. After that, open the application and at the very bottom we see in the blue circle "plus".

We click on it and get into the category selection window, just like on a computer.

Insert a photo. Some sellers often do not provide photos of the item being sold. This is not entirely correct. A photo can clearly show what you are selling, what condition the item is in, or what the animal looks like. Many, as an example of an animal, do not insert a real photo of the animal being sold, but a generalized one.

Also not quite right. Real photos give a better chance that your subject will attract attention. In addition, you will not be called for clarifications that could be seen in the photo. By opening an ad in your profile, you can see views, reviews and other statistics on it.

These are also all the main features for submitting an ad on Yulia from the phone. If you want to find an ad on your subject, it is more convenient to quickly search from your phone. Watch the video on how to do it from your phone:

I would like to make one more point, based on my own experience. If you are selling equipment or some item that the photo does not fully reflect its features, then in the description try to indicate its characteristics in as much detail as possible.

Otherwise, they will call you and ask for all this data. If, of course, you want to communicate with buyers and pronounce all this data in person, then write that all the details are on the phone. In my opinion, it is more convenient to place an ad from a computer, since it is more convenient to type text.

In general, the service is very similar to Avito, but it is clear that it is actively developing and is already successfully competing with Avito. Of course, Yula must definitely have some of her pluses. Let's watch! So good luck to you!

The Yula website ( is an electronic bulletin board for legal (firms, companies, factories) and individuals. Here you can buy all kinds of household goods, clothes, digital equipment (cameras, telephones, computers, printers), toys, furniture for children, as well as various real estate. You can search and submit ads on Yulia from your phone and computer.

From this article, you will learn how to register on Yulia (create an account) via phone and PC, how to add an ad for free and delete your personal profile.


On the computer

1. Open offsite at

2. Click on the inscription "Login".

3. On the new page, to register on Yulia, select the login option:

By phone number:

Click the "By number" button. »;

Click the mouse to open the list of countries;

Select your country from the list;

Enter phone number (international country code is added automatically);

Click "Get code ...";

Follow the instructions of the service to complete the authorization.

Via social media profile:

In the window that appears, enter the phone number, e-mail or login, password from your personal profile on the social network. Click Login.

Allow the service to access the personal data of the personal page: under the request text, click "Allow".

After registering, click the "account" icon (located at the top right). Open "Settings".

In the personal and general settings panel, add all the necessary data (phone number, place of residence, bank card details).

On the phone

On mobile devices running iOS and Android, you can use the service application. Install, run it and go through registration in the same way, as on a PC. Or use a browser and log in to the web page.

How to create an ad?

2. In the upper panel on the right, click on the "Post Ad" button.

4. In the form that appears, additionally enter the type, brand, class, and features of the product.

5. Enter a product name and price, and create a short description. If necessary, upload a photo from a PC (use the "Add" panel).

6. Set your address on the map, enter a contact phone number.

In this article, our site will tell you how to place an ad on Yulia from a computer or phone absolutely free!

To submit your ad on Yula from a smartphone, you must first install the official Yula application.

If you have studied the material or all this was done in advance and you did not learn anything new, then turn on the downloaded application. Click on the plus in the center at the bottom of the screen

Choose the category that you think best fits your product. This is where your ad will appear. We advise you to approach the choice correctly and not "shove" your ad in all categories in order to "take up as many places for sale" as possible. This will work in the minus much more than in the plus.

Enter the price of the product, its name and specify the category. It is worth noting that it would be nice to study similar ads first. Don't come unprepared. Do not break the high price and do not underestimate it too much. In the first case, no one will see your ad. In the second case, they will think that this is a fraud or a product in a terrible state. Reasonably approach the price-quality ratio.

The application also has the ability to apply or change georeferencing (product location). This can also be of benefit to you. If a potential buyer sees that the thing he needs is close to him, then the likelihood that he will choose it will increase.

Don't forget to upload a photo of your product by clicking on the empty slots with plus signs. You can upload either a new photo from the gallery or an existing one in your gallery.

From now on, by clicking on your ad, you will see the number of its views. Probably, someone who looked at it will be interested in the product.

But do not forget that the posted ad on Yulia must first receive approval from the administration of the resource. I explain by clicking "Publish", you send the ad for moderation (checking for various violations of the rules of the service). If the ad passes moderation, then the administration places it. In this case, any user of the resource will be able to view it.

That's all! It wasn't difficult, right?! It remains only to wait for a call from interested users!

Well, you can always find even more useful information at. Best wishes!!!

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