How to make money on a group in contact (VK): A complete guide! Public monetization. From zero to the first million

Modern Internet projects allow you to earn money without even being distracted from your favorite things. In recent years, ways to make money on the Internet, based on the principles of monetization of virtual sites, are gaining great user popularity.

Just a few years ago, monetization only applied to personal websites. Today, information platforms have made a serious breakthrough in this direction, providing users with the opportunity to earn money on any personal web sites. So, a method of earning, using virtual platforms of social networks as a basis, has become widespread.

Social networks in their current state of development provide registered users not only with the opportunity to interact with each other, but also with a wide range of tools for implementing a profitable Internet project. As a rule, all social networking platforms already provide their members with the opportunity to register a personal community.

From this point of view, the social network Vkontakte stands out in the most attractive way, the toolkit of which allows you to create virtual platforms of various types. In addition, the Vkontakte social network is also characterized by the highest attendance rates, the level of which significantly exceeds the values ​​of similar Internet services.

Introduction to earning Vkontakte

Making money on Vkontakte is not so difficult if you know all the key principles of working on the pages of this web service. First of all, it must be said that the principles of monetization can be used in relation to several different types of virtual sites.

  1. user's personal page;
  2. user's personal page;
  3. public group.

Whatever plans a novice administrator prepares, he will definitely need a registered personal Vkontakte page, since all actions related to managing a virtual site are carried out using a user account. Here you can immediately say that you can make money on Vkontakte even in the absence of a developed community.

Despite the rather limited functionality, many users of this social network prefer to monetize their personal page, rather than the community. As a rule, individuals with a high level of popularity on the network resort to this monetization option. This does not mean at all that an ordinary user will not be able to monetize his page, however, to achieve a high result, he will also need higher time costs.

As for the set of available tools that monetize the user profile, it is extremely limited here - personal pages are not supported by advertising exchanges, and their reduced functionality greatly complicates the process of attracting new subscribers.

A much simpler option for making money on Vkontakte can be community monetization.

At the current time, the Vkontakte website provides the opportunity to register two types of communities. The type of personal page involves the adaptation of the user's personal account to the external design of the community.

Despite the name of this type of site, many webmasters use a personal page as a full-fledged alternative to a group. Monetization of a personal page is accompanied by simpler development processes, so this type is best suited for ordinary users.

The second type of community, which is provided for in the social network Vkontakte, is called a group. This version of the site has more advanced functionality - it provides a wide range of options for both promoting the community and managing it. In most cases, the monetization of the Vkontakte group is carried out by an extensive working team.

This fact is due to the fact that all work on maintaining the group is entirely assigned to the management team, while in the case of a personal page, part of the work can be shifted to the subscribers. In simple words, the Vkontakte group is a more reliable and demanding type of community than a personal page.

How is the monetization of the Vkontakte virtual platform arranged?

Whichever site option the user chooses, key monetization methods can be applied to all of them. At the current time, users of the discussed social network use the following monetization methods:

  1. sale of advertising records;
  2. earnings on the links of CPA-services;
  3. earnings on referral programs.

The main source of income for many virtual sites is advertising. This is the only way to make money on Vkontakte, which was originally provided for by the management of the social network. This way of earning sale of advertisements posted on the admin community pages. Such entries are a great way to attract new users to the ranks of subscribers, which means that advertising sales will be in high demand for a long time to come.

Both community administrators and owners of personal pages can offer advertising, but the latter have more narrowly targeted sales channels. So, today the sale of advertising records is carried out with the help of special exchanges and direct transactions. A direct transaction is the most profitable sale option for both parties, since the payment transaction in this case is carried out instantly and does not require payment of additional commissions.

Transactions conducted through specialized advertising exchanges provide site managers with a full guarantee, however, such a service requires payment of additional commissions. Heads of Vkontakte sites can use the services of an official and unofficial exchange.

Both options have an identical principle of operation, and the only difference lies in the amount of the commission fee - the official Vkontakte advertising exchange requires payment of a larger percentage than the unofficial alternative. Finally, it should be said that the methods of selling advertising records can only be fully used by community leaders - the owners of personal Vkontakte pages only have the option of direct sale without intermediaries.

How to make money online through social networks?

Making money on the Internet with the help of a virtual platform in social networks has opened a new direction for development for CPA services. If earlier the opportunity to make money on CPA programs was available only to website owners, today any user with a developed page on the social network can use this option to make a profit.

Monetization of this type requires the placement of special links on the pages of the site. In short, the site administrator receives a monetary reward when a member of his site makes a click on the placed CPA link, after which he performs certain actions.

As actions, registration on the site, certain activity, placing an order, and much more can be used (specific actions depend on the type of partner site). The most popular CPA services in RuNet are platforms and. Both community leaders and personal page holders can use this method of monetization.

An equally popular method of monetizing the site is the use of a referral program.

Modern Internet services, as a rule, contain a system of referral invitations, due to which an influx of new users is carried out. In the social network Vkontakte, the method of earning money based on the placement of referral links has a fairly high efficiency - page owners with a large subscriber base can earn substantial amounts of money by participating in referral programs of various web projects.

So, lately, on the pages of developed Vkontakte communities, you can often see referral links to cashback services (,), as well as mobile projects for making money (,). Users who have registered using the posted link bring regular passive income to the site administrator. As in the case of CPA programs, not only community administrators, but also owners of personal pages can use the method of earning on referral systems.


The methods of making money on the Internet that are relevant today allow you to make a profit even with the help of your social network accounts. Monetization of the Vkontakte virtual platform can be an excellent option for making a profit.

Today, users can earn Vkontakte not only with the help of personal communities, but also through the use of personal pages. In this article, we examined in detail the key principles of Vkontakte monetization. Based on the information provided, it can be concluded that:

  1. users can use the principles of monetization in relation to groups, personal pages and personal pages;
  2. The most effective monetization methods are selling ads, placing CPA links, and participating in referral programs.

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Good day! Friends, have you noticed that over the past few years the number of all kinds of publics and communities in social networks has increased several times and continues to grow further? Moreover, if earlier they were all created for one reason or another, which were not directly related to the social network, now, the lion's share of all these communities is created only in order to make a profit from subscribers. It should be noted that the income of the owner of the community depends on the number of the latter. Therefore, not only competent creation plays a huge role, but also promotion groups. Since to create such a source of income requires minimum investment, I decided to tell you about how to make money on a group in contact, relying only on your own knowledge and skills.

We create from scratch

Before you start counting how much money you can earn on a group in contact, I suggest that you first create it. Anyone who is registered in this social network can do this.

You will need very little: decide on the subject matter, which would be of interest to a large number of people, would encourage them to subscribe to group updates. I will not talk in detail about that in this article, since I devoted a separate review to this issue. Highly recommend it for acquaintance to everyone who is seriously thinking about how to make money in contact on groups.

Having decided on the thematic focus of the public, you will need to take care of it quality design. Give free rein to your imagination, experiment, think about what the content of the group should be like so that more and more users join it.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that a well-chosen graphic accompaniment (pictures) of the text will allow multiply the number of followers your public. If you can find your zest for the group and present it correctly, then hundreds of thousands of subscribers are provided to you.

We start to unwind

Well, since creating a public is only half time to discuss. In order for the community to be popular, new users to join it, you need to take care of a certain number of publications on its wall. That is, every person who will be in the open spaces of the public should see fresh and original content and want to subscribe to group updates. You can learn more about the rules and subtleties of promotion in a separate article devoted to this issue.

Promote VK pages and publics with Brobot

Popular ways to monetize your group

There are a lot of options that allow you to make money on VKontakte groups. I suggest you an overview of the largest and most popular that generate the highest income.

Earnings on advertising

Given that not so long ago, the social network was introduced new advertising ordering system, problems regarding how to make money in contact have disappeared by themselves. Now the volume of your earnings and its timeliness will depend on how many subscribers there are in your group. The more targeted and active followers you attract to the public, the more money you get.

Today, anyone can contact you, as the owner of the community, with a business proposal for advertising in the public. You agree on the cost of such a service and place a post on the community wall. Ahead of asking questions about how much advertising in a group costs, I will say that its cost can and should fluctuate. You will negotiate the price of posting with each client individually. Unfortunately, most customers have no idea how much advertising costs in a promoted group, the number of subscribers in which has exceeded 100,000 people.

For convenience and orientation, I offer you price list example with prices and attendance in the public "typical billionaire".

Since settlements for such transactions occur through systems like WebMoney or, it is not excluded risks associated with fraud. Neither you nor the customer can be 100% sure that the ad post will be placed after making an advance payment or that you will receive money after you publish the ad. In order not to become a hostage to such an unpleasant and controversial situation, it makes sense to involve intermediary. In this case, its role is taken directly by the social network. As a result, the price of advertising increases significantly.

Alternatively, you can add your group to the official VKontakte advertising exchange or any other third party service.

Top VK advertising exchanges

  • Sociate
  • Plibber

List of services

  • vktarget
  • v-like
  • vkserfing
  • Likesrock

Complete the appropriate tasks on them (in your case, these are the publication of announcements and messages), and get paid for it. The cost of completing such an order will depend on the number of followers in your public. For each new 1000 subscribers, the price of tasks will increase by 20-30 rubles.

In principle, this option is good not only for earnings, but also for the fact that attracts new subscribers to your group. As soon as you understand how to create high-quality advertising in contact, customers will begin to line up for your services.

Sending invitations to community members

This is another unusual way to make money on a social network. Let's imagine the following situation: some kind of event, to which the organizer wants to invite subscribers of your public. It is clear that he cannot do this without your help. That is why he creates a VKontakte meeting, registers your group in the "Organizers" column and proceeds to the mass mailing of the meeting. You also get a good monetary gratitude for such assistance. The size of the "thank you", again, will depend on the size of your community and its audience..

Gather the target audience for business with

Earnings on affiliate programs

I will not repeat myself again and tell you about the merits CPA networks, but I can only say that this earning option is also available in the case of VKontakte groups. If you know, then the following services will be very useful to you in this matter:

  1. LEADS.SU - specializes in providing financial services. The program allows you to work with the offers of service advertisers and pays you for the fact that the attracted users have fulfilled the necessary requirement on the customer's (advertiser's) website;
  2. - this is not only over 1000 offers for affiliate programs, but also the presence exclusive offers. You will not only be assigned a personal manager, but you will also be able to contact a direct advertiser at any time;
  3. kredov – famous for the stability of payments, a decent number of offers and a wide range of modern tools;
  4. mastertarget is a service where you can receive commissions both for placing orders for goods or services, and for signing up for test drives or consultations. The service features a radically new advertising format;
  5. aleba - working with this service will allow you to cooperate with professional analysts and a personal manager, use unique tools, segment the audience to increase conversion, study detailed statistics on completed transactions online.

There is also a place to make money on affiliate programs of various services. Just pick a niche that you're good at and go for it! If your topic is the creation and promotion of sites, try hosting affiliates. If you are interested in making money without any investments, it makes sense to give preference to affiliate programs of CAP services.

For people who are actively investing on the Internet, it is quite possible that they will be interested in Forex affiliate programs or those projects in which they are direct participants (these may be HYIPs, or they may be services trust management in the stock or foreign exchange market).

If you do not want to engage in sales on your own, you can take advantage of the affiliate program of online stores. Just place a link to the seller in your public and receive a commission for each completed transaction. Today, the affiliate programs of Aliexpress, Ozon and E96 are very popular. The latter, by the way, pays a commission in the amount of 10-20% of the amount of the purchase made. That is, if an order worth 10,000 rubles was made using your link, then you can earn up to 2,000 rubles on this.

Earnings on goods, online store

An excellent option for making money can be the creation of a group working on the principle online store. For example, you bought a batch of Chinese watches, posted relevant advertising posts in your public, and started selling the goods. The main difficulty in this case is choice of delivery system and principle of payment for the order. Depending on how your store will be promoted, you will be able to receive 300-2500 rubles of net profit daily.

Today it is very popular to make purchases at wholesale prices in China, then sell goods with a certain margin on the network. You can post only product advertisements in your online store, or you can dilute the feeds with informational posts that will be useful to your customers.

How to make money selling a group in contact

Another interesting way to make money on groups can be considered the sale of the latter. That is, you need to promote the public as much as possible, attract as many subscribers as possible to it, and then put it up for sale. The price of your lot will be influenced not only by the number of followers, but also group activity. In other words, it is important for the buyer that the community is "alive" - ​​there were active discussions in it, people commented on the posts, shared them on their pages.

Quite a few online businessmen promote groups only to subsequently sell them. Having understood the algorithm of actions, very soon you can begin to receive quite large incomes from such activities.

Other ways to earn money

If it seems to you that you cannot cope with the promotion of the group, and do not seem like a serious enterprise to you, do not despair. For those who are really interested in how to make money on a social network, there are such options:


In principle, making money on a VKontakte group is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is much more difficult to come up with and create a public that would be interesting a large number of users. If you set yourself the goal of creating an original and unique community that will attract a wide audience, then you will never have problems monetizing it. Get the job done and enjoy the results. I wish you big profits and, as always, see you soon!

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We bring to your attention a case recorded by one of our subscribers. Everything seems simple and clear, but profitable. We are talking about the monetization of the group in VK.

At first, this man had no money. The experience was also minimal. However, there was a strong desire for further development.

The case itself, as it were, makes it possible to understand: sometimes things that seem to lie on the surface can be adapted in order to bring great benefits.

So, let's leave the person to tell about how he managed to achieve success.

Let's make up the gap!

I am often asked the question: that is, even if there is no special experience in this?

It is necessary to understand, first of all, what is currently the deficit and make up for this deficit, subsequently monetizing the result.

Although these things seem banal, they are quite relevant.

Each of us, for sure, has some topics in which we are well versed, better than many others. Make a list of such topics for yourself on a piece of paper.

Then, using them, try to find the largest publics in vk and analyze their content. If this is indeed an entertaining area and a talented person with the qualities of a leader has taken up the promotion, a rather big income can be made on this.

A successful project is impossible without good content, which is the basic basis for any public.

Without an editor - no way!

Over time, there will come an awareness of the unreality of working through everything alone.

Those who seek to learn how to make money on a VK group will need an assistant over time. If the business goes uphill, the number of projects will grow. Due to the flurry of problems and cases that need to be resolved in a hurry, there is no time to generate new ideas. But it is ideas that are the basis for the development of this kind of commerce.

Therefore, you will need an editor responsible for the content. He can safely be considered a deputy director. It goes without saying that the duties of the editor are serious, the responsibility is great. Accordingly, the salary should be good.

In the open blog, I received many offers to work as an editor. Some of the guys were already engaged in the sale of groups in contact and their promotion. But the quality, and the general approach to business, did not meet my expectations so far.

If I manage to meet such an editor who can work for "five plus", I'm ready to pay him good money.

I personally know guys who earn 100k monthly, despite the fact that they are editors of only one good project. In addition, it is very promising. There are people who started out as an editor or assistant, but over time became full-fledged partners in the project.

Be that as it may, good content is always in short supply. Those who are able to satisfy this hunger have.

In fact, everything is not as difficult as you might think, reading this case. As I said, choose the area that you were fond of and in which you more or less understand.

Needless to say, we are not talking about a bullshit community - some kind of business quote book - driven by an incompetent leader, where the editor will receive 5k for a month of work. This is a truly worthwhile project.

How to become an admin of a cool public?

How to get into the admins of such serious publics? A special approach is important here. There is no need to fill up the personal manager with pleas for a job and a good salary. Such comrades are usually ignored.

Let's elaborate on an example.

I am fond of sports. And if I now had to start from scratch, I would do the following.

What would I do?

So, for a project called - Second Wind, I have been subscribed for a long time, when there were only 10K subscribers. We can say that this project (and its creator Vadik, as a leader) was developing before my eyes. Now it is a very large startup.

Vadik himself told me that the earnings of his admins are from 50 to 100k monthly, despite the fact that they do nothing super complicated. They just work fine. Staff turnover is only due to the fact that our people are lazy by nature, not in a hurry to work ...

So he always has a shortage of good employees. He says that he is ready to pay even more if he meets a person who can really be trusted. This was, for example, Sasha Storoshchuk, who is now Vadik's partner.

Of course, I see how many people want to work on this project. But what are they willing to provide in return? Or do they need to be paid only for the fact that they exist - so good and pretty all the time?

And if I had to create my own business from scratch, I would become Vadik's editor in order to start a new project with him later and become a full-fledged partner.

How would I become an editor

And in order to get into the editorial, I definitely would not write to him in a personal. I would just do it like this:

  • would list in the list of the coolest and most famous athletes;
  • would stylishly design a personal page;
  • I would add 1000 friends (you can, as an option, purchase a ready-made page with 5000 friends and re-register it for yourself);
  • put an adequate personal photo;
  • would fill the wall with thematic posts.

All of the above should be done to build trust.

Then you need to compose a beautiful text containing a sentence. It will be necessary to think carefully and work everything out to make it fit. You can even write that the interview is taken specifically for Do4a. The main thing is that it does not look like advertising.

The message is sent to cool and famous athletes who have a good subscription base.

If everything is done correctly, the answer will definitely come. We continue to work with athletes who have approved the proposal:

  • We compose non-banal questions (not the ones that they are asked in every interview, but something unique);
  • Beautifully design the resulting interview;
  • We offer our result in the news of the public Do4a;
  • We are waiting for about a week (or maybe even less).

If the news was not taken, then you can ask in a personal message: what needs to be finalized, corrected or added.

Approved? Okay then. We are preparing the next news. Before you create a community in contact, you still need to learn how to work with it.

And so a couple of weeks.

Just work and you will be taken!

Once you add 10 posts, you will most likely be invited yourself. Well, or it makes sense to ask Vadim in a personal: what else can be sent, what can be added / corrected in the work.

I am sure that you will be hired if everything is done at a high quality level. A big plus in such interviews is their reposts by those media personalities from whom you took them. And this will significantly increase the popularity of the project.

And when you finally become an editor, this does not mean that it's time to relax. Constantly develop, be creative, invent new headings, etc.

From editors to partners

Gradually learn how to monetize a group in VK.

The example is quite simple and banal. Well, I would do something like this. In any case, regular work on yourself, a strong desire to break through and the fight against laziness are important.

And everything will definitely work out!

And here is another interesting case on managing and monetizing a VK group. Ahmedzhan introduces him to us. He will begin to tell it with a little story about himself.

How I Became an Editor

Hey! One evening I was sitting in a sports public and suddenly realized that it would not be bad to become an editor and prepare really high-quality content for the communities. So that as many people as possible become interested in it.

On the other hand, there was an understanding that the usual articles about sports nutrition and training are yesterday. Something more original is needed.

And I had one idea. I didn’t have time and opportunities to create my own public. But I wrote offers to the admins of several cos, in which the number of subscribers reached from 5 to 10k.

And so I managed to pick up a public for myself. True, I didn’t have any experience then, and therefore I could not avoid several gross mistakes:

No ads and don't dream about promotion and monetization of the VKontakte group

Important points for the development of the public

However, I did one right thing that made up for all the mistakes I made in the past.

Through a friend, I learned about a private club called the Wolf's Club. I bought access there and studied some courses on how to properly lead a community.

Here are some of the points I took from these courses:

  • Advertising, no matter how trite it may sound, is the engine of progress. The right advertising policy contributes to the increase in subscribers to the coo.
  • If you want to create a group in VK for making money, you need great content. And to prepare it, you need to understand the subject of the public and it is very desirable to love it. For example, I came up with the “Question to the Star” section, in which one could read interesting things voiced directly by those who are experts in this topic. I regularly, for example, interviewed Denis Gusev, a fitness star -

Let's analyze the topic of making money on VKontakte groups (publics) in exactly the ways that the social network itself officially offers. The test subject is my own VK group, where, of course, I have already conducted experiments from A to Z. In order not to get confused in the article, public / group / community is essentially the same thing.

I'd like to note. You know, from personal experience, it is very, very difficult and costly to get promoted in social networks, and even more so to earn something worthy there. If in the early years, at the dawn of the development of VKontakte, users joined various communities directly on the machine, everything was new and interesting, the growth of subscribers rose by leaps and bounds. Now, people are so fed up with everything that it is absolutely impossible to surprise anyone in any social media. networks, the real slag is growing incredibly, both in the form of groups and their contents. The winners are only those who, at the first stages of VK development, have picked up hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

If you take any method of making money on the VK group, in my opinion, there are only 2 effective options:

  1. This is to create a group for goods / services (such as an online store, a landing page) and promote it with the same contextual advertising.
  2. This is to have more than 30,000 subscribers in a group (public) and get into the monetization of VKontakte. What will be discussed in this article.

All other methods: hanging various affiliate programs on the walls of groups, watching videos for a fee, buying / selling the groups themselves, etc. - all bullshit and doesn’t work. People are already sick of these affiliate programs and ubiquitous advertising. And do not believe anyone if some schoolchildren tell you about earning tens of thousands on VK publics, which have approximately less than 300,000 participants. About earnings of 100,000 rubles, I generally keep quiet.

How to get into the oligarchs - the cherished monetization of VKontakte

VK monetization includes 2 types of earnings:

  1. Earnings on ad impressions in your community, which are placed by advertisers through the official VK exchange - Socialcentrum.
  2. Earnings in the advertising network VKontakte (RSVK). Here there are automatic ad impressions in the community and in the news feed of subscribers, which advertisers place through the VK target.

These earnings are a passive method, you do nothing, and the money drips into the account. But-but-but again. First you need to win a number of "awards" so that VK will evaluate your group as a worthy fighter.

Connecting to the VK advertising exchange - Socialcentrum

It is at the first stage of connecting to monetization that the Socialcentrum exchange will be. Further, if everything goes well, you can connect to the VK advertising network. So, in order.

The VK monetization section will appear automatically (there will also be a connection to the exchange automatically) when the following conditions are met:

  • The total average monthly coverage of the community is more than 20,000 people per day. These are group subscribers and VK users who have come across your publications. Also, the group must be at least 1 month old from the moment of creation.
  • The community does not violate the official rules of VKontakte.

Video review of the exchange interface.

Connection to the advertising network VK (RSVK)

Before this action, the exchange must be connected and the following conditions must be met:

  • The community must be at least 3 months old.
  • The community should not be closed.
  • Content useful to people and not contrary to the rules of VK.
  • Average daily coverage of at least 10,000 people.

Extract from the rules.

Video review of RSVK

Summing up

Undoubtedly, VK monetization opens up wide opportunities for you in terms of income. This is 100% passive income on public VKontakte. But it’s not easy to achieve the above criteria for getting into Rublyovka, it will take a lot of work and tens of thousands of financial investments to promote the group.

Decide if you're willing to take risks or not. You can win the case, or you can waste all the money. And another tip: to promote the community, forget about buying subscribers and buying unique content forever. All money will fly into the abyss. You will achieve absolutely nothing by the number of inactive subscribers (these are just show-offs and VK itself will remove them), which is worse, they can close the group in a ban. And unique content is very good, but if you write it yourself, and it’s useless to spend money on it on the side, this does not affect the promotion of the group in any way (SEO does not work here). Moreover, to effectively attract new people to the community, you will have to post at least 10 different publications per day, and the same 2 posts of 2000 characters each. each is already quite a costly job of the brain.

Always use only white methods to promote even sites, even social networks. Yes, it is not easy, but, believe your ward "hard worker", everything will pay off and the reward is 100% guaranteed. And black methods in our business, and in real life, have never been brought to good. Good luck to all!

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