How to promote a zero blog? How to promote a blog? Where to get the first readers

Have you created a blog for yourself and make new entries every day? Do you want other people to visit the blog and leave their comments there? Do you want to have regular readers? If the answer is yes, then this article will be very useful to you, because below are tips that will help you increase traffic to your blog in a relatively short time. If it is really of interest to visitors, then the implementation of these simple recommendations will certainly contribute not only to the emergence of a new contingent of readers, but also to the growth of regular commentators.

Getting people to go to your blog is relatively easy - the blogosphere is a place where everything is very well organized in terms of mutual linking.

For example, if you are an active blogger who takes part in the life of another network diary, commenting on certain posts, then you will have at least one new visitor. Well, if your comments appear not in one blog, but in several, then depending on their promotion, your blog traffic will increase in direct proportion to your activity.

The conclusion follows from this - if there is a desire that commentators appear on your blog, then make sure that, firstly, there is something to comment on your blog, and, secondly, try to leave your mark on other networks diaries that you regard as friendly.

This obvious advice, for some reason, is most often ignored by many novice bloggers - this is due, first of all, to the indecision factor, which is observed to a greater or lesser extent in many people. Therefore, overcome the fear of commenting on other people's posts and your blog will receive the first readers, who, with a high degree of probability, will come to you more than once.

This is, so to speak, the first tip and it is the most important - activity and activity again!

Other ways to get new visitors can be divided into three groups:

  • Adjusting the settings of the platform on which the blog is hosted.

    Do not be surprised - even a little smarter with the available settings in the platform, you can get new visitors. It is possible to say anything specifically about the various useful settings of a particular engine only after the engine itself is named (and there are a lot of them!).

    For example, if Your blog is on the Google Blogger platform (, then you should pay attention to the change or presence of the following parameters:

  • - Make sure the service is activated .

    To do this, go to the tab Settings, and then - Posting to Blogger. By activating this function, you will receive (immediately after you publish a post) a certain number of visitors.

    The point is that the service, in real time, broadcasts a list of blogs to which the authors have added new posts - accordingly, after activating the above option, your blog will be included in the list from In Blogger, this setting is called " ping host" - other blogging platforms also have a similar option.

  • - In Blogger, there is a very useful thing - Navbar.

    If your blog is hosted on this platform, then you have probably seen such a narrow strip passing through the entire top of the page - this is Navbar.

    It would seem - why this gadget? Why, for example, is there a button " next blog"?

    It turns out that the system is designed in such a way that those Blogger users who have not turned off the broadcast Navbar, are included in the list from which a new blog is randomly loaded if the blogger clicks on this button.

    So the presence Navbar can potentially bring a new visitor - there are incredibly many fans of clicking on this button (I think you yourself have clicked more than once :-).

  • - Blogger's settings allow you to add a "mail this message" button to the end of each post.

    It is better to activate this function - what if someone likes your post so much that he decides to send it to his friend?
    The letter will contain the address of your blog - the result, as they say, is obvious, i.e. You will get another visitor.

  • - Publish your blog by post page, not as an archive (by day or month).

    The Blogger service, for example, allows you to do this. Organizing your blog this way will give you the following: every post will have a permalink, the title of the post will be included in the filename of the page and, most importantly, search engines will start indexing your blog better.

    As a result, you get some traffic from search engines, and this, you see, is a very weighty argument in order to use this recommendation.

  • - Another way to promote your blog is to include a site feed.

    Adding your blog content to the news feeds that people subscribe to is without a doubt a real chance to increase traffic to your resource! The most popular channel formats - Atom and RSS. Well, about how to properly create a channel - read in special article on the site.

  • - The last thing that can be advised from technical tricks is adding your blog to the directories from Blogger.

    However, this is already obvious - registration in catalogs is a useful thing, and registration in the Blog list will give one more plus, because. after registration, your blog will be visible from Navbar(remember the function " next blog"?).

  • The second method of increasing blog traffic can be called "correct submission of content."
  • - First, run your blog the way you want to, not the way someone tells you to.

    A blog is exclusively your project, or to be more precise, a blog is your personal media. Therefore, the answer to the question " What is the communication style of my visitors? will help you create content that your target audience will enjoy reading.

  • - It seems that advice like "write interesting" will be redundant - and so it is clear that content is content and how interesting it is determines its value.

    But do not forget - even very useful materials can be uninteresting. The style of writing posts should be catchy. Are you good at original writing?

  • - Search engine results can be influenced by the correct positioning of content - this rule will always apply and should be remembered every time you publish a new entry.

    What is meant by " correct positioning"?

    First of all, write a good title for the post - it should be short and concise at the same time. Learning to write headlines, You will be able to increase the number of pages of your blog falling into the SERP crescent - this is an axiom.

    Beyond headings, don't forget the potential of tags - every blogging platform provides this capability.

    Arrange good tags and the effect will not keep you waiting. Remember that in addition to the global search engines that always downplay blogs and rarely rank blog content in the top spot for popular queries, there are also search engines that focus exclusively on blogs. A considerable number of people use these search engines - after all, many people know that you can find very valuable and, most importantly, fresh information on blogs! So, blog optimization under the above type of search engines - a direct path to the top of their issuance.

    Proper tagging will help find your posts for a number of key queries.

    After experimenting with the Google blog search engine (, you will be convinced of the effectiveness of this method of promoting your page.

  • The third method of blog promotion is, of course, advertising.

    You can advertise your blog in any way - it all depends solely on your imagination. At the same time, the financial side should not confuse you - you can successfully advertise your blog without spending a single cent!

  • - If you're actively emailing a lot of people, adding a link to your blog at the end of your email is a great way to get visitors.

    Email programs allow you to add a link signature to all emails you send - be sure to figure out how to do this in your email client. This is a very simple advertising gimmick - sure to click!

    Also, if you are using ICQ, then do not be too lazy to put the address of your blog in a special column with personal data - the conversion statistics show that very often people do not come from links, but from the address bar of the browser - give them the opportunity to insert your blog address there!

  • - Registration in directories, perhaps, can also be attributed to an advertising move - there is a huge mass of blog directories and people who are interested in this topic really go to them.

    The most famous directory is Technorati ( - Your blog just has to get there!

    In addition to this giant, there are other projects, for example,, etc.

    In short, register wherever you can - apart from the fact that the link can be clicked, there is another reason why you need to do this - external links to the blog affect search results - the more incoming links, the better.

  • - Biz Stone (Google employee and author of several blogging books) recommends using BlogSnob ( .

    What it is?

    In short, it is a network of free text advertising on blogs. More specifically, this is an exchange of advertising within the system - the participants of this service participate in the classic affiliate program for the exchange of advertising. Ads can be customized to your taste and by broadcasting ads from someone else's blog, you can be sure that yours is also advertised somewhere.

  • - Links to other blogs directly contribute to increased traffic.

    You will skeptically exclaim " yes really!"and you will be wrong - after all, a blogger who checks the log of transitions to his page sees where the visitor came from! It follows that when he sees the address of your blog, he will definitely visit you and, possibly, put a return link.

  • - The method of sending the url of your blog to other bloggers deserves special attention - here you need to be careful and remember that when doing mailing you can slide into banal spam, which is not welcomed by anyone.

    So - send out only the best posts and don't get hung up on blogs that already have good traffic.

    Finishing the topic, we note that the above methods of blog promotion are not exhaustive - it was a kind of educational program that any novice blogger needs. In subsequent publications, the site will talk about a number of other promotion technologies that are known today.

  • Recently, I often write about making money on blogs, probably because I myself used to monetize and continue to monetize content sites. Today we will talk about how to promote a blog.

    By this I know firsthand that in this difficult business you can earn. As I wrote earlier, this type of income is good because each once posted article brings money for a long time. , I also wrote, and now we will talk about finding readers for your site.

    HS or SDL?

    I’ll say right away that it’s better to make normal sites for people, and not HS (g ... nosites) for search engines and making money on eternal links. Then people will reach out to you, not bans from search engines.

    Search Engine Readers

    From search engines, readers are simply necessary for your future site. Because these readers will create an endless stream of reads of your articles and a constant influx of new people who will probably become regular readers.

    2. Update the site as often as possible. Write new posts every day. This is important because Search engines will see that the site is being worked on.

    3. Set up a convenient comment system, because it is important for search engines that you are not only read, but also discussed. It is necessary to breed the activity of readers on the site. I advise you to leave the standard one from WordPress, like mine. Very convenient and well indexed.

    4. Engage in SEO optimization, internal and external. Post links to your site wherever possible. It is better to use sites of your subject that are higher than you in the search results. Buy articles there with a link to your site or just links. Search engines will trust you more if others link to you.

    You will also need to create a sitemap. Plugins will help with this, each engine has its own.

    In addition to all this, you must definitely optimize your blog. Remove all external links, clean the code from all garbage so that the site loads faster, get rid of duplicate content, etc.

    5. Register the site in Yandex and Google Webmaster

    Then your articles will be indexed faster.

    To begin with, it is enough to do the above, so that the search engines pay attention to you and begin to respect you. But these are longer term readers. Let's look for those who will come to the site right now. About it below.

    Make announcements on social media

    It is very important. These are your first readers. Make official accounts or groups on Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter and G+ (Google Plus). This will not only give you new readers, but will also be a big plus for search engines. They see that you are active on social networks.

    Also be sure to post your articles to Surfingbird's recommendation service. I don't like him very much, but it's more of a personal dislike for the service. But with it, you will have a constant flow of readers, but for monetization, these readers are useless. One of my former sites is updated little but has about 300 daily visitors from this service alone. Just be sure to post links to any other sites in your account. Otherwise, you will be banned because you are advertising your site in this way.

    Also, be sure to use the Subscribe service and post entries in thematic groups. From there I also get good traffic.

    Answer questions

    Be sure to answer questions in the Q&A services and on thematic forums. This will give you consistent traffic. Because these questions are well indexed and your answer will be seen by everyone who is interested in this question. Just do not post links in the empty, ie. by clicking on your link, a person should receive an answer to his question. It is necessary!

    Buy links in public VKontakte

    This is not an expensive form of advertising, but effective. If you beautifully compose an announcement of the article and place it in a thematic public, then by means of likes and reposts, your post will walk around the expanses of the social network for a long time. Only post in thematic publics with good activity. This is a plus for you and the administrator of the public can give a discount, because. The post is not commercial, and even thematic.

    Thus, you will attract traffic, add social activity, improve behavioral factors, etc.

    Keep readers on the site

    Place social media widgets in a visible place so that readers can always quickly subscribe to updates to your site. as an example, you can look right now on this site in the column on the right. There are 4 widgets of social networks. Taking this opportunity, I ask you to subscribe to one or more =). Also, at the end of each article, you should have a list of similar or most interesting articles, so that after reading one, you will be tempted to read another.

    How not to do it!

    1. Do not spam on forums and thematic sites. This will not help, but it will create a bad impression about you. Respect yourself, don't be like spammers.

    2. Don't spam on social media. This is not good either.

    3. Don't buy too many permanent links. For this, search engines can send young sites to the ban.

    4. Don't do HS (r...but sites). Write for people.

    OK it's all over Now. I start all my new content sites with exactly the same procedures and so far they have not given bad results. If you have any questions, be sure to write in the comments. I will be glad to answer. And I will be even more glad if my advice and my articles help you.

    Thank you for your attention, and do not forget to like the articles, it gives me an idea in which direction to write, what you like and what you don't!

    Where do we start? The first rule: Never rush, because immediately wealth will not fall on your shoulders. Surely many have heard about the Sandbox filter. So he does not allow young resources to instantly “ascend” to the top of Olympus. Therefore, do not undertake from the first months of the existence of your blog to move competitors in the top for high-frequency queries. One of the most important points is the selection of a competent, careful and uniform promotion, otherwise you can more than get into the BAN (AGS).

    Before registering a domain for yourself, buying hosting and uploading blog files to the server, I would recommend that you ask yourself this question: how and due to what will my blog become more successful than others? What should be on it so that it stands out from a thousand others?

    You knew about it, guessed it or didn’t even imagine, but more than 100 THOUSAND new sites and blogs appear on the network every day! Impressive number, isn't it? And every owner thinks that now his resource will “shoot” and bring a prosperous future. But for some reason, only a few of the created blogs bring their author closer to luxury, while the rest burn out and are lost forever on the World Wide Web. In fact, 1 out of 1000 sites bring peace and tranquility, and these are ridiculous ratios, you must agree.

    And the reason for all this lies in two simple things: people do not know in which direction they should move (move) and people do not want to think for themselves, but do like others. You can easily verify this by opening, for example, 100 blogs on the same topic "making money on the Internet." This is crazy, but 95% of open sites will be like two drops of water similar to each other. And this applies not only to the aforementioned topics, because blogs dedicated to SEO are the same story. The Internet is just full of clones, because people are used to being content with little. But we have a different path and tasks. Let's move on to the technical details.

    We recommend reading:

    One thing to remember once and for all is that your blog will never become popular and will not have good traffic if you do not select it from a whole series of clones. I determined this for myself a long time ago, and therefore I would advise you first of all to order or make yourself a good logo that would be perfectly remembered by users and visitors. Many complain about the fact that there is no or reluctance to spend money on a logo, but then, friends, sorry, we have nothing more to talk about. A beautiful and, most importantly, special logo is a paramount condition and task for you. And if you decide to earn decent money, a few tens of bucks for a logo are mere trifles.

    Don't think that beautiful standard themes and a bunch of widgets will help your site stand out, no! You will stay in the same boat with the drowning clones. Once again, do not be afraid to think differently than everyone else, experiment. By the way, I will also change the design of the blog over time, but so far my hands have not reached this point due to personal reasons. But let's not dwell on this for a long time and move on.

    After we made a beautiful design of the blog, removed all unnecessary and unnecessary widgets, got a convenient interface, we move on to the second main part - writing interesting, detailed, voluminous articles. Posts should be as relevant as possible to your topic, and the title should catch the reader. Important! While your blog is young, write as much and better as possible! The first opinion of visitors should initially be positive, never put off until later that they say it will do for now, and then I will make super articles!

    In my first post, I would like to receive a description of your project from you, what it is about and what people can expect in the future. Promise them that you will regularly delight them with new interesting topics, no freebies and other divorces. Taking on such responsibility, try to fulfill the promises, users love and appreciate it.

    We recommend reading:

    Once I did not take into account this moment and greatly regretted it. What a pity that I did not have such a teacher before, who could point out all the important points. So, when you know what to write about, consider the design of the post. It should contain pictures, various inserts and other things that give a certain personality. But again, do not try to be free, work with graphic editors, and do not just copy ready-made pictures from other resources. And also, I would advise you to insert a link to your site in them. After all, people often use image search. Some of them will be interested, take it and visit your blog. I didn't take this into account the first time either.

    Now we have a beautiful blog, speaking about which, we can safely say that it stands out from the clones both in design and posts. Content, details, volume and interest - do not forget! What's next? We continue to work hard and write at least 2-3 quality informative articles a week. Now there is no need to think about any earnings.

    Recommend in your posts that you are a person who knows what he is talking about, this is one of the main features that plays a role in the popularity of the resource. Super-optimization will never tip the scales in its favor if the texts are written in an ugly way. Of course, there are unique and lucky ones who reach high traffic with a minimum amount of content, but we will not count on a miracle, only on our own strength, and then there will be a desired result!

    Your work will certainly be appreciated by visitors, because voluminous beautiful articles will be read in a chokehold, people will stay on your blog for a long time and this will bring him certain privileges from search engines.

    Do not allow yourself to relax even at such moments when you select suitable pictures, come up with a title, write down title, description, keywords, etc. Take your time, just work! There are no freebies and “fuck off” work in blogging and never will be! No time during the day - do everything you missed at night! I know people who sleep 2-4 hours a day, the rest of the time they work for the result. Then it will be possible to relax, but I repeat, THEN! In half a year, the content will start working for you and you can relax a bit. The advice for this period is to keep readers and subscribers constantly intrigued so that they wait for the continuation.

    We recommend reading:

    I tend to promise new interesting posts, contests, etc. Delicious food should always be ready for you.

    Now that we have a decent number of posts and the right age for the site, we can move on to promotion. Do not forget to announce your articles and news on other resources, social networks, etc. This will bring in new visitors. So, since our goal is to provide the main traffic from search engines, we need to work on link promotion, but keeping the Sandbox filter in mind. Many beginners are in a hurry to order a bunch of runs through thousands of boards and catalogs that do not carry much weight, but immediately increase the chances of sanctions from the PS. This cannot be done. Order one high-quality run from a person with a proven reputation or buy 20-30 links in a blogger gradually over a week and get much more effect.

    Moreover, this is not the first time I have come across articles where authoritative people in the field of promotion declare and confirm with facts that registration through catalogs is a useless thing. I approve their opinion and join, in any case, even if there is an effect from such a promotion, it is minimal.

    Summing up, I suggest you stick to a proven promotion strategy. After 6 months of the existence of your blog and a high-quality run, you start buying links in popular exchanges with a name. We are talking about gogetlinks, Rotapost, in extreme cases - miralinks. Here, too, you need to act and behave without fanaticism: 1-2 links per week is enough.

    We recommend reading:

    Attendance will slowly but surely grow and you will not receive any sanctions from search engines. I found out about this after my own mistake. A month of analysis, communication on SEO forums, consultations with specialists, now everything has fallen into place.

    Well, that's probably all. Most importantly, learn to get high on how you blog. Keep your blog just in the buzz ... Good luck with your blogging, adequate criticism is welcome.

    Modern youth wants to master modern and promising professions in order to earn good money, be recognizable and open up new horizons. Blogging is considered quite an interesting and popular activity among young people - maintaining your own blog on the Internet.What is a blog? Why is he so popular today? How to promote a blog?A blog, in fact, is an online journal or diary, the information in which is updated daily. It can consist not only of texts, but also of multimedia, graphic, photo and video materials. For example, scientific or travel materials contain more different photos and videos. Corporate blogs may contain important information for partners and sponsors. Such sites may contain graphic information and so on.

    Popular today are personal blogs, where a person can simply talk about his life and adventures, so to speak, reality. Naturally, in order to interest the public, you must either be already known or post really interesting information.

    There are a lot of blogs today, they can be dedicated to a specific topic or just be general. Today, almost every public figure, stars, actors, as well as ordinary people who have something to surprise you have a personal blog. Today, blogging is not just entertainment or a hobby, but also a good way to start earning decent money.

    If you think that just creating a blog is enough, and it will immediately become interesting and popular, and you will have a whole bunch of subscribers, you are deeply mistaken. Creating a blog is just the tip of the iceberg, in order to make a profit and subscribers need to work every day on promoting it, filling it with useful and fresh information.

    You can learn how to create cool and high-quality sites by taking part in ours, where I will teach you how to make them from scratch, as well as optimize them and fill them with useful information.

    Since ancient Rome, there has been an opinion that the crowd constantly demands “bread and circuses”, and a well-made blog can provide these spectacles in full, and provide you with a good “piece of bread”. The main question that every novice blogger faces is how to promote a blog?

    Basic principles of promoting your own blog

    Modern youth very often devotes their future to work in the information field, so the issue of blog promotion is very popular today. The key to a successful blog is popular information, videos or photos, depending on what kind of blog you have.

    In order to quickly and efficiently promote your own blog, you must first attract the attention of the public. The easiest way to attract him to yourself is a scandal. Unfortunately, it is scandalous bloggers who most quickly gain a large number of views and clicks, as their behavior provokes a person to view. Every time when interest in such characters is cut off, they again do something and attract people's attention to themselves.

    Why do you need to promote a blog at all? And how to promote a blog?

    Who is a blogger? In essence, this is a person who sells something by promoting and advertising his product, or works for someone by promoting his product / service.

    You need to understand that just creating and promoting a blog is not enough. After all, an occupation of this kind should bring income and preferably considerable. If you collect more than 500 visitors per day, you may be interested in various companies and agencies that will gladly pay you a certain amount for advertising on the resource, clicking on links, and so on.

    Another thing is if you sell any services / products and promote your product yourself, the profit will come to you for clicking on the link and buying certain products.

    Blog promotion tips: how to promote a blog and avoid mistakes?

    If you listen to blogging professionals, you can prevent many mistakes that beginners make quite often, of course, this is reflected in the blog itself, in its popularity, and so on. Let's take a look at what tips successful bloggers give to become successful:

    • First and most importantly, it is worth paying a lot of attention to writing good readable articles. It is important to correctly set and select keywords, metadata and tags to make it easier for search engines to find you. The more responsible you are to this task, the higher you will be in the TOP of search engines, which means that more people will be able to see you.
    • Take care of the placement of social media buttons. What is it for? This is a direct way to get a large number of visitors and readers.
    • Let people participate in the conversation and leave comments without having to register. As a rule, the registration process scares off visitors, and they simply leave your site.
    • It is advisable to allow logging in from an account that already exists on the social network. In this case, registration is not needed, and therefore people will treat your resource more positively.
    • Be sure to provide ratings for texts and comments. This will allow your subscribers to express their opinion, to enter into a dialogue. Such a step will allow you to win a favorable disposition of people towards you and your service.
    • As an option, we advise you to place an activity column on the main page, in a place convenient for you and users. So, it will be more convenient and easier for people to respond to new posts and publications.
    • It's good if your site has a chat, for example, such as on Facebook. This will allow your subscribers to get to know each other and communicate with each other, which, of course, will only be a pole for your blog.
    • It is desirable to get acquainted and communicate with everyone so that visitors do not think that you are inattentive to them or the notes of one of the users are not interesting to you. You can even meet in real life and discuss common topics and interests. For example, host a small, friendly gathering of all blog contributors once a month. Believe me, people will be interested in it.

    How to promote your blog online. Or how to promote a blog on the Internet?

    There are many different options for promoting your blog: paid and free. I would like to say right away that the second option requires more time and effort than the first. Let's take a quick look at all the ways to promote a blog.

    This is one of the very first, oldest and proven blogging services. Many well-known bloggers today started their activities here, reworking existing texts, today, of course, no one is doing this anymore, since plagiarism does not play in your favor.

    The essence of the work is simple. You write an article in a regular Word editor, check it for spelling, uniqueness, insert graphic drawings, format it according to all the rules, and then publish it in LiveJournal. Further, the post should be announced in the blogging environment.

    The essence is simple, the main thing is to plan and think over everything correctly. It is important to post only interesting, truthful and fascinating material. Good content is the key to your success and profit.

    This is already a new generation resource, where you can also run your personal blog quite successfully. You can first add your friends to the channel, and then invite strangers. The main thing is to present your blog correctly:

    • Decide on a topic.
    • Choose a title.
    • Set up an interesting avatar.
    • Write a short description.
    • Create original and unique content that could attract attention and arouse interest. A person should want to subscribe to your channel.

    Why is Telegram good? There are no smart feeds here and therefore, any message - sound, graphic or text - will be seen by the subscriber immediately after publication.

    Unique interesting text

    What is a person looking for online? Of course, relevant and fresh information that will benefit the reader will be easy to read and perceive. Perhaps you expect to simply copy the finished text from competitors and place it on your own, but, unfortunately, your blog will cease to exist on this. So how do you promote a blog and write good content? Firstly, search engines have a categorically bad attitude towards plagiarism, for such theft they can even be banned.

    Secondly, if you still pass the test, then it is unlikely that your resource will see many subscribers, since you will not enter the top ten or even twenty in the TOP of search engines. If you yourself cannot or do not know how to create unique content, you can turn to copywriters for help or buy articles on special services. Naturally, this costs money, since intellectual property is also a commodity that must be paid for.

    A good and correct comment is a step towards success!

    You can go the other way - find a couple of popular blogs on your topic online, and leave beautiful, adequate comments, agree with the author, or vice versa - express your opinion. Thus, you will make friends with already well-known bloggers and will be able to establish partnerships to develop joint projects.

    Naturally, you will not immediately get a large number of subscribers, but with patience and everyday work, you can achieve certain peaks.

    There is really one caveat here, some bloggers, in order to protect their resource from spammers, can use the Nofollow tag. This means that only the owner of the site and those people who get to it and can go will be able to see your comment.

    Browse thematic forums

    A very good option to increase traffic if you don't know how to promote a blog , active participation in various forums on your topic. Firstly, you communicate with other people, learn something new and interesting for yourself, and also get new ideas for your own projects. Secondly, over time, you will be recognized on the network, you will have subscribers, and interest will increase. The main thing is to leave beautiful and useful comments, since simple chatter is of little interest to anyone.

    Try to hold interesting contests and promotions

    A person is inherently passionate, we all love to take part in interesting events, and even more so, to receive gifts and prizes. Why not come up with an interesting contest for your subscribers. For example, bring a friend and get a prize or something like that, you can come up with a lot, the main thing is to attract people's attention and interest them.

    By the way, most of the well-known and already promoted bloggers also do not neglect this option, who is disturbed by new subscribers.

    How to share views

    Not a very effective way, to be honest, but you can try. What is its essence? You watch ads for some site for a while, and then go to it, in return other people are shown ads from your site. But views can be just one-time, and they will not be considered targeted.

    That is, just random people can get to your site, who, of course, will view the information, but are unlikely to return to it again. Of course, there will be times when some visitors will stay and follow the news by subscribing to your news feed. Therefore, if you have not yet come up with or chosen a 100% method, how to promote a blog online , then the presented option may well help you at first.

    Internal SEO promotion

    Probably the most important and effective way to increase the ratings of your site on the web is SEO optimization. The higher you are in the TOP of search engines, the more views you get, because, as a rule, a person looks through the first 2-3 links from the top, and there he already finds the information he needs.

    What does this promotion mean? First, it is the correct use and use of keywords. They can be selected using special services. There is no need to take a lot of such keys, since the spammed text is also not very convenient to read, and it is poorly perceived by search engines.

    The text should have a certain structure, bulleted lists and headings. Such an article looks beautiful, it is easy to read and understand. In addition, it is best to write and convey information in a simple and understandable language, while ordinary people will read you.

    Related link exchange

    Be sure that you are not the only one dealing with the chosen topic on the Internet. There may be dozens or hundreds of such webmasters, so you can try to exchange links with them. What will it give you? You will receive additional thematic materials, as well as the opportunity to enter into partnerships with them and start new projects together.

    Register in online article directories

    Quite popular, and most importantly, a progressive method of promoting a resource on the network. You can register in free directories and paid ones.

    As a rule, beginners register for free, those who do not yet have the capital for high-quality promotion or decide to try themselves in copywriting.

    Paid promotion includes the purchase of special links or space to place unique articles on special sites.

    If you decide to post your articles on a trust resource, you need to understand that it must be 100% unique, written according to all the rules, simply and competently. Uniqueness can also be checked using special services, they are freely available.

    In such articles, it is worth leaving links to your resource, about two or three such links are enough for one article. Just make them beautiful, not just “see here” or “more details”, but, for example, make a link using a key phrase, so it will be more correct and better perceived by search engines.

    Articles should strictly correspond to the subject of your blog. If your blog is dedicated to construction and renovations, it would be silly to write about diets or the latest innovations in the world of gadgets.

    Paid ways to promote blogs

    If all previous methods of blog promotion could be attributed to free methods, then the following options can be combined into a group of paid ones.

    Purchasing External Links

    Quite an effective way in which link exchanges will help you. These exchanges have special sites where you can post your own articles for a fee.

    Sites should be chosen on a topic, or at least similar to it, so as not to confuse search engines, firstly, and so that a person can immediately find it.

    Acquisition of a place for placing texts

    Here you already have to work with the exchanges of articles. The mechanism of operation of such exchanges is similar to the previous one, only you need to buy a place to place not a link, but an article. Links will need to be placed in the text, only do it correctly so that it displays on the corresponding thematic page.

    banner advertising

    Placing small pictures or animations on sites for a fee, by clicking on which you can get to your site and get acquainted with the information presented on it, is called banner advertising.

    Such banners are varied in size, shape and format and are produced using many technologies. They can be used to achieve all sorts of advertising purposes. The main thing is to be able to correctly and profitably place a banner so that it is really practical.

    There are a large number of such banner networks, so you can choose the one that offers the most favorable conditions.

    Affiliate Programs

    If you are doing business on the Internet, then affiliate programs are a great solution for you. What prospects do they open for you? Having found good partners, the promotion of your business will go with a bang, you just need to follow the ratings.

    Of course, in order for the partnership to be successful, it is necessary to provide partners with good commissions, naturally not at a loss. You can create an affiliate program using aggregators - special services that help create a program of any complexity. There are a fairly large number of such aggregators, so finding them is easy, the main thing is to attract partners and promote the project.

    Quite an effective and popular method for promotion. Its essence is that you create a small animated picture, where the product or service is not called, but only described favorably, in this way you provoke a person to click on the advertisement and get to your site, where he can already get to know your services in more detail, and so Further.

    As a rule, a teaser consists of two parts - a small successful text and animation. Today, there are many popular and proven teaser networks where anyone can be placed for a small fee. The most popular of them are Teasernet, Redtram and Pay-Click.

    Purchasing advertising in the mailing list

    The presented option is also quite effective and has a good return. To get a large and permanent audience in such newsletters, you should publish landing pages to increase subscribers, which can then be monetized.

    You need to find a resource similar in topic to yours, and then contact its owner. Then send him an offer to post your content using their mailing list. You can also offer barter - you will advertise with him, and he with you.

    There is, however, one “but” - you will not have guarantees that your partner will actually put your link by posting an article on their site. Therefore, it is better to work with paid systems, it is more reliable.

    I hope there is no need to explain how popular this service is and how many people sit there. Therefore, promotion through this resource can be the most profitable and effective.

    With the help of Twitter, you can not only successfully declare yourself, but also earn some money, but now it’s not about that, we are now only interested in promotion. The cost of placement is quite acceptable, and therefore it is not necessary to have a large capital. A tweet can be messages, presentations, or advice on purchasing a particular product/service.

    Promotion in social networks

    For many users, social networks are a way to connect with friends and peers, and for an experienced networker, this is a good platform for promotion. Since most of today's youth sit in such networks, they can act as your target visitors, making reposts and reposts of your article.

    You buy a special link for a fee - a post that is provided forever. A post is a small piece of text with an advertiser's link. For these purposes, the Rotapost service is best suited.

    Useful sources of information on the topic "How to promote a blog"

    If you are a beginner, and everything we are talking about here today is new for you, then in addition to our article, it will be useful for you to read other literature about blogging, its promotion, and so on. In addition to various publications on the Internet and articles, there is also a lot of printed literature, where everything is explained and told very well.

    Here are some of the most successful books:

    • L. Grokhovsky with his leadership will help you understand all the issues from the inside. Great board book for the beginner.
    • A. Babaev, in his book on contextual advertising, will introduce you to the best ways to monetize.
    • Aliona Hilt will share a variety of life hacks and Instagram promotion secrets from her own many years of experience.
    • Evgeny Litvin will tell you how to make a personal blog truly profitable.

    It is people who have succeeded in this business who can truly give practical and good advice. If earlier blogging was considered only a hobby, today it has grown into a way of earning. Like any other job, you should like your work and then you will succeed.

    Emotions, artistry, the ability to attract attention and present material in a quality manner are the four pillars on which your success rests in any field, not only information. After all, the ability to speak well and beautifully has never stopped anyone.

    Well, we told you about how to promote a blog online in a variety of ways. You can choose the one that suits you the most. Perhaps you are using some other methods? It would be nice to hear about them!

    Come to us at, which is free and takes only four days.

    Our course is an opportunity for everyone who wants to develop, learn new things and learn from true masters of their craft. After all, classes are conducted by a person who today has achieved great heights in the world of network business.

    You will learn not only to create full-fledged, cool sites, but also to fill them with unique content on your own, to optimize them, and learn a lot of secrets about what opportunities the World Wide Web opens up for you.

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    We have been saying for a long time that a blog can be used as a good tool for developing your own business.

    Questions often come in my direction: How to promote a blog? What does that require? What about a personal blog? How to promote a corporate blog?

    As a result, we have prepared an infographic that depicts the most important points related to blog promotion. As well as a detailed article, with a more detailed description. Which is the complement of infographics.

    Let's take a look at the infographic:

    Important: If this infographic was useful to you, then we will be grateful for its distribution in social networks and not only.

    How to promote a blog?

    This article comes as an addition to the infographic above. The speech in it is detailed and detailed about how to promote a blog and get results from it.

    To do this, you need to understand a number of important points and put them into practice.

    Let's look at them in detail:

    1. The face of the blog

    Or who is behind the blog?

    This is extremely important, since in most cases they read a certain author.

    — Html sitemap

    — 404 page

    - Correct setting noindex, no follow

    - Good download speed

    — Meta tags (title, description)

    - Tags (ALT, H1)

    — Add site to Google Webmaster

    - No duplicates

    - No errors

    — Add to Yandex Webmaster

    - Availability of social buttons

    — Presence of micro markup (breadcrumbs, rich snippets)

    — Correctness rel=canonical

    - normal encoding

    These are just the basic points that you need to pay attention to when optimizing your blog internally.

    It is worth allocating time for seo optimization of the blog, as this will give a good return in the long run in the form of an increase in blog traffic.

    4. Spreading

    But just optimizing your blog is not enough. It needs to be made known.

    Let's look at the options for getting attention on your blog:

    Guest articles

    Everyone needs good content. Therefore, if you really create one, popular bloggers will gladly accept it.

    Basically, the process goes like this:

    - you prepare content

    - offer them a guest post

    - place it

    As a result, there are many benefits, for example:

    - influx of the target audience

    — recognition

    Good content is not so easy to create, but if you make guest posts regularly, then only with their help you can promote your blog and yourself well as a personal brand.

    The main thing is to give something valuable and beneficial to the target audience of those blogs where you will publish a guest post.

    Guest blogging is very popular in the West, but its success directly depends on the quality of the content itself and the regularity of publications on new blogs.

    A great tool to attract visitors to your blog. Main attraction options:

    - manage your page / group

    — make reviews in popular communities

    If your content is good, then it will be constantly tweeted, liked and upvoted. The main thing is to increase the reach of your pages and the popularity of accounts. And do it systematically.

    Over time, they will give more and more influx of visitors to the blog.

    In almost any subject, there are popular mailing lists where you can make an announcement or buy advertising.

    Again, if the content is good, then visitors from the mailing list can become your regular readers.


    The forums are still very popular and certain communities have been formed in them. You can interact with the forums and get a good influx of visitors from them.

    The algorithm is simple:

    - create a list of forums

    - register

    - periodically announce blog articles on the forums

    Many forums have sections that are created specifically for announcements. For many blog topics, forums can be one of the main sources of visitors at first.

    Thematic sites and communities

    There are many thematic sites. And there are even more about thematic sites. On which you can get an overview both for a fee and for free. What will give an influx of visitors to the blog.

    The main thing is to do it constantly and systematically, then the result in the form of attendance and blog audience will grow.

    Distribution plan

    If you have a plan for writing blog articles. That plan for distributing articles should also be present. It is also very important and will facilitate the promotion of the blog.

    The algorithm is this:

    - create a list of resources for distribution

    - topics and articles for distribution

    - constantly posting

    Distribution is just as important as creating good content. At least at first. In general, for constant growth - it must be regular.

    5. Interaction

    You need to constantly interact with your blog audience. Namely:

    - lead discussions

    - encourage comments

    - anwser the questions

    All this is done with the help of comments to the article.

    It looks like this:

    Users ask questions and promptly receive answers to them from me. It's like the little free consultations that users love. Because they get answers to the questions that matter to them.

    This is applicable to absolutely any blog topic, and as practice shows, it is worth using it periodically.

    How to encourage comments?

    Everything is extremely simple. Ask readers for their opinion, and ask them to leave it in the comments!

    6. Regularity

    No matter how trite it may sound, but people love stability and regularity. It's the same with blogs. It is necessary to publish articles regularly, for its normal promotion, there is no way without it.


    - publish articles regularly

    - do not stop

    - constantly warm up and keep the audience

    Regularity is one of the most important points for successful blog promotion. It often happens that authors simply abandon their blogs, and they quickly deflate.

    If you are planning a strong blog, then regularity is a must for you.

    7. Testing

    Everything needs to be tested regularly. Including many points on the blog. For instance:


    — new types of material supply

    - new types of articles

    — new directions

    This is important so that your audience does not get used to it, as they may lose interest and leave.

    Therefore, periodically:

    - Swap content types

    - try other directions

    New directions attract a new audience to the blog, and warm up the old one. It is always interesting to test something new, the main thing is to try, then in practice it is easy to see the result and draw a conclusion.

    8. Result

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