How to promote a wordpress blog: useful tips and personal experience. How to promote a blog? Where to get the first readers

Hello everyone! Recently my blog turned one year old! He is still small, but quite smart. Now my blog is visited by more than 1500 people a day! How to promote a blog and achieve such attendance? Now I'll tell you.

The first year for a blog is largely defining! Too many blogs die before they reach their first birthday. Why is this happening? It's simple - their authors do not see any result of their work, do not receive proper feedback and stop believing in themselves.

At the same time, an unpleasant aftertaste remains in the soul, which will pass from project to project and only intensify over time. In order not to earn yourself an inferiority complex, you must immediately embark on the right path of development and avoid stupid mistakes.

The first thing to start with is mental preparation! You need to be prepared for the fact that the first year will be the most difficult on your way. We'll have to work hard just like that, for an idea, for a dream and for the future. If you are not ready for this right away, then it makes no sense to start - you will not be able to promote the blog!

Most beginners don't know anything. There are only thoughts in my head about easy money - I will create a blog, quickly promote it and row money with a shovel. That won't work! In order to reach a decent income, you will have to shovel a huge amount of information, comprehend it, analyze it and put it into practice. This is really a big job that will take a lot of time and effort! You have to be ready for it. There will be no freebies.

Two things will help you achieve your goal - hard work and ability to analyze.

I think you know successful blogs on their subject, so there is always an example to follow. Analyze them what enabled them to succeed. Just do not stupidly copy other blogs, just learn from the experience of the elders. Design it for your project and try to improve and develop their achievements.

The ability to analyze is indispensable in any job. “I have no visitors, no one needs my blog, I’m a loser!” - you can't think like that! This leads to failure. It’s right to ask yourself questions: “Why don’t I have visitors? What am I doing wrong?". Only by answering such questions will you progress and move forward! There will be a lot of questions along the way! I'm tired of answering them =)))

How to promote a blog - personal experience

We figured out the psychological preparation. I hope you understand that harsh everyday life awaits you, for which you should be prepared! Now let's talk about the technical side of the issue. What steps should be taken so that in the first year it turns out to promote the blog to the maximum.

Let's start with the fact that you created your WordPress blog: installed everything, set up RSS, CNC, caching, added a sitemap and did many more useful things. I won’t list everything, because there is a lot to do. Better watch my free video course I want a blog. I talked about everything in detail there. The main thing is that it is configured and functions normally.

Next, the blog should be filled with "unique" content. At the same time, I didn’t just put the word “unique” in quotation marks. There are a large number of blogs and websites on the Internet on almost every topic. So much of what you write is, in a sense, a rewrite, and it needs to be done at the proper level. For example, WordPress. A huge number of blogs are dedicated to him. Everywhere the same plug-ins are considered. The question is - what's the point of creating a blog and writing small articles about WP on it, if there are already a lot of them on the Internet ?! In the hope of a Russian maybe? It will not work. If you have taken up something, then write well so that the articles are competitive. Do not forget to check the written .

You have to write a lot! The faster you fill the blog with information, the easier it will be to promote it. In addition, search engines will pay attention to you and will increasingly come for new material. At this stage, special attention should be paid to indexing the blog. Be sure to use the tips I gave in the article. This is very important for a young Internet resource.

In parallel, you can improve the design. You don't have to try to do everything at once. The main thing is that he be nice and neat. Try to avoid the negative contrast of colors, from which the eyes get tired.

Initially, no one knows about your blog, so search engines will be the main source of traffic. To do this, you need to learn at least the basics of search engine optimization as soon as possible. Pay special attention to the spelling rules. If this is not done immediately, then later you will have to rewrite old articles, which will take a lot of time and effort.

Of course, there is no experience, but try to progress. In Google, the blog will be under the filter (in), don't expect trust from Yandex either. Focus primarily on mid-range search queries. If you make a competent one, then low-frequency queries themselves will get into the TOP in a couple of months.

Working with links

On my blog, I tried to avoid open external links for indexing. I followed the comments especially - I filtered out both automatic and manual spam. There are no sales links at all. This is due to the small puzomerki blog. Haven't grown yet.

As for external links, I almost immediately added the site to the Rambler TOP 100 and Mail directories. Starting from 2-3 months, I began to post links for free on trust sites. It took a lot of time, so he soon scored.

I bought 3-4 articles per month or eternal links on quality sites with more than 200 TICs and preferably in the Yandex Catalog. For this, I used exchanges, and. I think it was these eternal links that gave a very good impetus to my blog, which allowed it to take off in the fall.

2-3 times a month I drove the announcement of a new article on bookmarking services using. It is difficult to say whether this brought any positive effect. In any case, I still do it. I also bookmark an article with a purchased eternal link without fail.

Attendance Growth Dynamics

For the first couple of months, almost no one was on the blog. Starting from the third month, attendance gradually began to grow. Unfortunately, summer has begun, holidays. Attendance froze at one place, and in August even began to fall. It was the most difficult moment. It seemed that nothing would work, but I was waiting for autumn. Waited and hoped... As it turned out, not in vain. Beginning in September, attendance began to rise sharply. In less than 4 months it has grown 5 times!!! From 200 to 1000! This was a pleasant surprise for me.

As a result, I managed to promote the blog from 0 to 1500 people a day in a year!

My mistakes in the promotion of God - do not repeat them!

  1. Initially, I tried to save on hosting. As you know, a miser pays twice, so I paid the price for my frugality. My old hosting was cheap, but terribly buggy. The blog often lay down, the speed of work left much to be desired. Now I am using the service. I rightfully consider it the best: inexpensive - only 999 rubles a year, the blog works quickly and stably, the technical service is available at any time and day of the week, hosting load statistics are available, 30 days trial period and much more! So I recommend.
  2. I paid insufficient attention to working with blog users. As a result - a small number of comments for such attendance. Now I want to fix it. First of all, it is necessary to get you to read new posts and comment on them. =))) This will be achieved through various contests and promotions. The first step was to open a comment contest. The second step is a crossword puzzle, the results of which I will write below. In the near future I plan to hold a couple of mini contests and organize one interesting and useful promotion. Now I'm warming up my interest in them. =))) The main feature is that those people who follow the appearance of new materials on the blog will skim the cream. So I recommend subscribing to updates.
  3. I started building my subscriber base late. Should have done this before! But never mind, I'll make up for lost time! I'll tell you a secret - my first training video course will be released soon! For beginners, it will be very useful. Here's another reason to subscribe to updates!
  4. Starting from the eighth month, it was necessary to work more aggressively with links. And then the blog is already a year old, the average attendance has exceeded one and a half thousand, and the TIC is 0 and PR1! It's embarrassing even.

Updated on 03/02/2014. About 2 years have passed since the creation of the blog, and at the moment it has already exceeded 2,000 visitors per day. Now I don’t work for the blog, but it works for me - it brings money, makes me a name on the Internet and brings clients. I think all bloggers strive for this.

Believe me, it's not that difficult. I described in detail all my experience and the path I have traveled in my video course: Blogging - Secrets of a Thousand Blogger. I am sure that with its help everyone will be able to promote their blog, make a name for themselves on the Internet and even start their own online business that will bring good money!

There are no related articles.

If you already have your own blog. If you post useful articles on it regularly, then it's time to think about its promotion. After all, what's the point of having a blog if no one visits it and no one reads it except you and your two friends?

If you are wondering how to promote a blog, then you have come to the right place. There are two blog development scenarios.

First. You write and post new articles on the blog on a regular basis. After some time, the blog will be noticed by search engines and will begin to give free organic (search) traffic.

Second. Your approach to blogging and promotion should not be like some kind of hobby, but like a full-fledged business. I believe that blogging is exactly the same business as any other.

Do you want your blog to bring you not only pleasure, but also money? If the answer is yes, then let's get started!

If for some reason you don't have a blog yet, then it is a must! For what purpose are you creating it? If this is a personal blog, then show your face. Post a photo and information about yourself. If the blog is intended to promote a business, then also tell about the business in more detail. People love to read interesting stories!

Blog SEO optimization

Even if you are a complete beginner, you should still learn at least basic SEO skills. You need to understand how simple search engine optimization algorithms work. Indeed, in order to read your useful article, it still somehow needs to be found among many others.

To optimize your blog and articles, use this simple checklist:

Be sure to write a title (Title) and description (Description) in each article. It is by the title that search engines understand what the article is about. Until now, the title is the determining factor in ranking.

This is how the title and description are displayed in Yandex

2. Keyword

Define the keyword under which the new article will be written. Be sure to include it in TITLE and H1. Try to use the keyword in the first paragraph of the article. Do not try to cram as many keywords into the text as possible. By doing this, you can only harm yourself. Search engines are getting smarter every day, they are already using artificial intelligence and detecting such manipulations with ease. Better focus on the quality of the article.

3. Internal links

When writing a new article, try to always refer to publications that were written earlier on your blog. Put links only to those articles that will be in the topic. Thus, the blog visitor will be able to get acquainted with other publications on your blog. This is the so-called behavioral factor.

Search engines see that the visitor went to the article, read it and became interested in other materials, which means that the resource was useful to him. From these hundreds of nuances, search engine optimization is formed.

4. Robots.txt

Customize your robots.txt and show search engines what can and can't be indexed on your blog. If you use WordPress, then it has extra files that should be closed from indexing. Also, this file will help to avoid duplicate pages.

If you don't want to create your own file, you can download mine. It is fully optimized for WordPress. The only thing you will need to do is to change lines 18 and 85. Be sure to specify your domain instead of

5. Site map

Over time, a huge amount of content accumulates on a blog. To make it easy for search engines to crawl your blog, create a sitemap (sitemap.xml). Go to the blog admin panel and find the "Plugins" menu. Click on “add new” and paste Google XML Sitemaps into the search bar. Then do as shown in the picture below.

Installing the Free Google XML Sitemaps Plugin

6. Correct URLs

Set the url display to be understandable for everyone. Pay attention to how your blog posts are displayed. If they look like this:, then they should be reconfigured. Don't forget to use a 301 redirect. If you have a new blog and there are no articles on it yet, then install this plugin “Cyr to Lat enhanced”. The installation is the same as in point 5.

7. Download speed

The speed of loading a blog and its pages is now an important factor in promotion. The page should not take too long to load on both desktop and mobile. If you have problems with loading speed, then people will not wait long and leave your blog for another. Google states that 40% of visitors leave a site if a page takes more than 3 seconds to load.

Such sites lose their positions in the search results and are replaced by faster and more adapted ones. Now my blog has these speed indicators. There is still work to be done.

The free PageSpeed ​​Insights service shows the speed of loading a site for mobile and for computers.

You can check your download speed using Google's PageSpeed ​​Insights service.

If the speed is below 60 and you don't know how to fix it, then just change the theme of the template to another one. Choose a mobile responsive design. Then take speed measurements again.

8. Social cues

Place social media buttons on your blog below each article. At the end of the article, ask readers to click on these buttons. This will help your content spread across the web and attract new visitors. Remember that every such trifle bears fruit!

9. Blog Dashboard

Be sure to add your blog to Yandex Webmaster and Google Webmasters. In the control panel you can see important information about the blog. The number of indexed pages, the presence of errors, if any, and various useful recommendations. You will also need to add your robots.txt file and sitemap /sitemap.xml there. Don't wait for the search robot to find these files on its own, help it quickly find out about your blog.

Blog promotion with quality content

All these technical points, of course, have a positive effect on search engine optimization. But the most important and determining factor is the content.

What a blogger needs to focus on is creating quality and useful content. Your articles should be interesting and useful. You can determine the criteria for the usefulness of articles only by yourself. Let's take a look at what you need to do to promote your blog for free with content.

1. Types of content

Content can be completely different, the more ideas you have, the more you can produce it. And the more content on the blog, the more visitors will come to you. More visitors, more money you can with a blog.

2. Detailed manuals

When a person begins to be interested in a new topic for himself, he needs detailed guides for beginners. In any niche, you can write step-by-step guides. For instance, " ". If you are an expert in your niche, then write guides for professionals. Such people also need new knowledge.

3. Reviews

Do your reviews on products or services that you use. Share them with your readers. People love to discover something new. By doing reviews, you can already start earning by connecting to affiliate programs. Reviews are one of the fastest ways to make money from your blog.

4. Interview

A great way to grab attention is to interview an expert in your niche. Thus, you will be able to attract both a new audience and the audience of the expert you are interviewing. Find all the experts in your niche and try to record audio podcasts with them, for example.

5. Reports

You can make some kind of report every month and post it on your blog. For example, I plan to keep monthly financial reports on my blog. In them, I will describe in detail what I did in a particular month and how much I earned.

This is not done for the sake of boasting, but in order to record their results. At this stage, my blog brings me 0 rubles, but my goal is to earn $10,000 or 650,000 rubles a month from just one blog. And I myself will be interested in watching the development. Plus, it will generate interest in other people, which will attract new readers to me.

6. Infographics

Infographics are becoming very popular. She is willingly shared on social networks, which has a positive effect on brand promotion. This is the same instruction, only framed in the form of one large picture. High-quality infographics are expensive, but such an investment can pay off over time with a vengeance.

7. Video tutorials

More and more people watch videos every day. Record videos and post them on your blog. The longer the visitor stays on the blog, the better. Videos can be posted, for example, on YouTube. YouTube is the second search engine in the world! Due to this, you can attract free traffic to your blog.

8. News and trends

Follow the news and trends in your niche. If you are one of the first to write an article on a new event, then the article is likely to get into the top search engine results. This will be due to low competition for new keywords.

Make a content plan

To promote a blog, you need consistency. Make your list of topics for the month. Then set a release date for the new blog post. For example, once a week on Thursday. Now follow this schedule constantly.

In order for a blog to start getting many visitors, it must become an authoritative resource in the “eyes” of search engines. A blog with at least 250-300 quality articles can already be considered authoritative.

Now let's count. There are approximately 52 weeks in a year. If you write one article a week, then in a year you will have only 52 articles. If you write 7 articles a week, then in a year there will be 364 articles. Which pace to choose is up to you. But remember, one article a week is the minimum! Over time, experience will appear and you can safely go to 7 articles a week.

Content Distribution

Start distributing your content online from day one. Today, there are many more opportunities to promote a blog than 10 years ago. Social media is an example of this. In social networks, you can find your audience in just a few minutes and tell them about yourself.

Choose just one social network and focus on it. For example, Vkontakte. Added an article to the site and immediately share it on social networks. Optionally, create a group and duplicate content there. Do not be shy! Over time, you will have your own audience of fans who will follow your activities.

1. Targeted advertising

If you have a budget, you can set up targeted advertising. Paid advertising will speed up the recruitment of your subscriber base. Your base is what you will earn money on. Big earnings on the blog lie precisely in your database!

2. Email newsletter

Post an email collection form on your blog. Offer readers something useful in exchange for mail. So, you will significantly increase your subscriber base, and for free.

Your database is also useful because when a new article is published on the blog, you can inform all your subscribers about it in just a few minutes by sending just one letter or message.

3. Guest posts

Find bloggers in your niche. Invite them to post your article on their blog with a link back to you. Everyone needs new and high-quality content. This will give you an influx of new readers and a backlink from an authoritative resource.


Do not confuse with spam! Find all blogs, forums and groups where your audience might be. Start actively participating in these communities. Post links to your blog. Try to be helpful always and you will be noticed!


Content is king! Search engines first of all look at how the article meets the user's query. If your articles are useful and unique, then they themselves will get to the first positions in the search results.

Don't worry if your blog isn't technically perfect. Focus on creating content. Be active and never stop!

What methods do you use to promote your blog?

Recently, I often write about making money on blogs, probably because I myself used to monetize and continue to monetize content sites. Today we will talk about how to promote a blog.

By this I know firsthand that in this difficult business you can earn. As I wrote earlier, this type of income is good because each once posted article brings money for a long time. , I also wrote, and now we will talk about finding readers for your site.

HS or SDL?

I’ll say right away that it’s better to make normal sites for people, and not HS (g ... nosites) for search engines and making money on eternal links. Then people will reach out to you, not bans from search engines.

Search Engine Readers

From search engines, readers are simply necessary for your future site. Because these readers will create an endless stream of reads of your articles and a constant influx of new people who will probably become regular readers.

2. Update the site as often as possible. Write new posts every day. This is important because Search engines will see that the site is being worked on.

3. Set up a convenient comment system, because it is important for search engines that you are not only read, but also discussed. It is necessary to breed the activity of readers on the site. I advise you to leave the standard one from WordPress, like mine. Very convenient and well indexed.

4. Engage in SEO optimization, internal and external. Post links to your site wherever possible. It is better to use sites of your subject that are higher than you in the search results. Buy articles there with a link to your site or just links. Search engines will trust you more if others link to you.

You will also need to create a sitemap. Plugins will help with this, each engine has its own.

In addition to all this, you must definitely optimize your blog. Remove all external links, clean the code from all garbage so that the site loads faster, get rid of duplicate content, etc.

5. Register the site in Yandex and Google Webmaster

Then your articles will be indexed faster.

To begin with, it is enough to do the above, so that the search engines pay attention to you and begin to respect you. But these are longer term readers. Let's look for those who will come to the site right now. About it below.

Make announcements on social media

It is very important. These are your first readers. Make official accounts or groups on Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter and G+ (Google Plus). This will not only give you new readers, but will also be a big plus for search engines. They see that you are active on social networks.

Also be sure to post your articles to Surfingbird's recommendation service. I don't like him very much, but it's more of a personal dislike for the service. But with it, you will have a constant flow of readers, but for monetization, these readers are useless. One of my former sites is updated little but has about 300 daily visitors from this service alone. Just be sure to post links to any other sites in your account. Otherwise, you will be banned because you are advertising your site in this way.

Also, be sure to use the Subscribe service and post entries in thematic groups. From there I also get good traffic.

Answer questions

Be sure to answer questions in the Q&A services and on thematic forums. This will give you consistent traffic. Because these questions are well indexed and your answer will be seen by everyone who is interested in this question. Just do not post links in the empty, ie. by clicking on your link, a person should receive an answer to his question. It is necessary!

Buy links in public VKontakte

This is not an expensive form of advertising, but effective. If you beautifully compose an announcement of the article and place it in a thematic public, then by means of likes and reposts, your post will walk around the expanses of the social network for a long time. Only post in thematic publics with good activity. This is a plus for you and the administrator of the public can give a discount, because. The post is not commercial, and even thematic.

By doing so, you will attract traffic, add social activity, improve behavioral factors, etc.

Keep readers on the site

Place social media widgets in a visible place so that readers can always quickly subscribe to updates to your site. as an example, you can look right now on this site in the column on the right. There are 4 widgets of social networks. Taking this opportunity, I ask you to subscribe to one or more =). Also, at the end of each article, you should have a list of similar or most interesting articles, so that after reading one, you will be tempted to read another.

How not to do it!

1. Do not spam on forums and thematic sites. This will not help, but it will create a bad impression about you. Respect yourself, don't be like spammers.

2. Don't spam on social media. This is not good either.

3. Don't buy too many permanent links. For this, search engines can send young sites to the ban.

4. Don't do HS (r...but sites). Write for people.

OK it's all over Now. I start all my new content sites with exactly the same procedures and so far they have not given bad results. If you have any questions, be sure to write in the comments. I will be glad to answer. And I will be even more glad if my advice and my articles help you.

Thank you for your attention, and do not forget to like the articles, it gives me an idea in which direction to write, what you like and what you don't!

I devoted a lot of posts to the topic of LJ ( (not on this blog, but in general).

Soon it will be a year since I started a blog on LiveJournal and promoted it (the blog that was banned). Recently I wrote that I bought it, and since there is an opportunity to post blogs on LiveJournal, the idea again spun in my head that it would be nice to use this platform to attract readers to the blog site.

And although earlier I swore that I would ever come to LiveJournal again, but now that I have Send2Blog, why don't I use the opportunity to attract visitors from this social network (I sometimes call LiveJournal a social network), even with the risk of a ban? Therefore, I will try to forget the headache that last year's ban on two blogs gave me, and realistically assess the prospects for promoting a blog on LiveJournal.

Today LiveJournal, if you compare this platform with others, definitely rules.

Most optimizers already have their own blogs on LiveJournal, but there are not many of them yet. A lot of people are still wondering: ? How do I know this? Because lately I have been using the SMonster service to promote my LiveJournal blog and I see that there are not so many seo blogs and blogs of moneymakers in LiveJournal compared to other topics. I will write a post about the result of using SMonster, so I will not focus on this. I can only say that the prices there do not bite.

Benefits of Learn blogging:

1. First of all, it is the fast speed of indexing new articles. You do not have time to publish a post, as in a few minutes it is already in the Yandex and Google index. There is nothing surprising here. The service has a huge trust. And trust is trust, including search engines. Needless to say, the site enjoys great confidence? No, because see the screen above

2. Promotion of a blog in LiveJournal is very simple. This is another benefit. There is not a single free platform that I know of that allows you to promote your blog so quickly using exclusively local methods. LiveJournal has a secret console, about which they do not cover, but with its help you can friend 200 people a day with one click of a button.

Thanks to this, you can increase the link mass to the blog. Links are still indexed from some community profiles. And by the way, many of the communities are in the YAK. By the way, for those who don't know. All our mutual friends can read the friend tape. And when we write another post on our blog, our friends see this post in their friend feed, and from there they go to our blog. This is the local traffic, which is taken into account by the Liveinternet statistics service.

3. You can earn money on LJ blog using Gogetlinks, Blogun, and GoogleAdsense services (on a paid account)

4. Livejournal blog promotion will be needed when we need it. In the same SMonster, you can set keywords for which people will be friends. This will allow in the future to “sell” your information only to those who are really interested in what we write.

Why you need to start a blog in LiveJournal:

1. To support our main standalone blog. That is, to get additional traffic and links from LiveJournal. You can create one blog, or you can, and support it. Links from LiveJournal are taken into account when ranking and can have a good effect on the position of the keywords of the resource we are promoting. The only thing I think is that livejournal blog broadcasting without changing the text will not give a positive result. It is desirable to write unique announcements. Therefore, it is better to forget about simple cross-posting.

2. To make money on the LiveJournal blog itself. For this Learn blog and stuff it into Blogun or GGL. They are taken with a bang. Last year I got about $200 per month from the LiveJournal of a blog with TIC = 60

These are the prospects for LiveJournal. By the way, at the moment, in less than 2 weeks, there are already more than 200 friends on my LiveJournal blog. Here is a screenshot of the statistics of clicks to my blog since its creation:

As you can see, 41 transitions. And if you consider that at the moment I don’t have so many friends in LiveJournal, then this is a normal indicator. The number of transitions will grow over time as the LJ blog is promoted. More friends = more traffic. Here's some simple math. That's all for now, but in the future I will definitely continue the topic of promotion and monetization of LJ blogs. Therefore, in order not to miss something interesting, subscribe to updates.

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