Are fitness bracelets harmful? The harm of fitness bracelets to health How to reduce the harm from bluetooth headsets

While the fashion for wearable electronics is actively taking over the world, more and more people are wondering why fitness bracelets and fitness trackers are needed? Disputes flare up on the Internet every now and then: is there any benefit from smart bracelets, or is it a tribute to fashion and another trinket for geeks. Let's think.

Know yourself

The first opportunity that "electronic smarties" open up for us is to learn more about our body. As a rule, it is difficult to objectively assess the regime of the day, nutrition and rest, without having exact numbers. If the road to work takes two hours and takes a lot of energy, we think that we are active. At the same time, we often do not think that these two hours we are sitting in transport, and we walk 5-10 minutes. It seems to us that without breakfast in the morning or without dinner after 6 pm, we will lose weight and feel good, although in fact, the lack of breakfast slows down the metabolism, and 6 pm is a figure taken from the ceiling, and eating in this way can greatly harm.

And wrist gadgets, recording daily activity and saving it in the form of graphs and statistics, help to look at your lifestyle from a different angle: based on accurate data, evaluate not only daily results, but also trends, and deduce patterns.

Motivation and discipline

“Starting a new life from Monday” is probably familiar with the situation: that very Monday has come, training and diet have begun, a couple of weeks pass, or maybe a month, but outwardly the results are not yet visible. It seems that the efforts are in vain, and soon the training and diet are abandoned. It's really hard to force yourself to continue if you don't see what you've achieved.

How to see it? With the help of a smart bracelet, achievements are visible from the first day. And the fruits of every hour of training, daily results and their dynamics, presented visually, are the best motivation to move on. By analyzing your statistics, comparing the results with the norm and set goals, everyone will be able to adjust the mode of activity, nutrition and rest.

Another rather pleasant “pro” plus “wrist assistants”: no need to waste time keeping a sports diary and counting calories, the data is recorded automatically.

No less motivating is the ability to compete with relatives, friends and colleagues by adding them as friends in the application. Does anyone want to be the worst? I'm sure no.


For those who are on a diet, top smart bracelets offer a convenient nutrition analytics system. Gone are the days of awkward calorie counters where you need to enter ingredients and then write down the amounts. Now it is enough to select a dish from the catalog or scan its barcode, and your food diary will be filled with data on the caloric content and nutritional value of the food eaten, and the application will show how much the daily requirement is fulfilled.

Although it can be useful for non-dieters as well. Do you know the calorie content of your favorite treat? It always seemed to me that a Snickers snack is a trifle that will not affect the figure. But when you add what you eat to the application, rather curious things turn out: it turned out that the aforementioned bar in terms of calories is almost equal to a third of my daily intake. In other words, more than one meal. Disappointing, even if we consider only the energy value and not go into its nutrient composition. In this way, by experience, comes an understanding of where the extra pounds came from, and how to avoid them.

Changing or maintaining weight

By the way, about kilograms. For many, fitness trackers become assistants in losing weight or, conversely, in gaining mass. How? Firstly, they help to monitor activity, and secondly, for nutrition. These data should not be considered separately, but in relation to each other. Most often, the gadget itself counts steps and calorie consumption in motion, but two numbers are not enough to control weight, so if you want to lose or gain weight, carefully study the capabilities of the included software.

For example, a graph of calorie consumption by time of day will allow you to understand when and what you spend maximum energy on, how the load is distributed throughout the day and week. It is important to be able to estimate how many calories are spent on a particular type of activity. After all, by changing the ratio between different types of activity, it is easy to regulate the number of calories burned and control weight.

It must be remembered that calories are consumed both at rest and in sleep. It is convenient when the wrist device considers this too, the main thing is that personal data (gender, height, weight, age) are taken into account in the calculation. And, of course, do not forget that balance is important in everything, weight also depends on calories consumed. Their calculation has already been mentioned above, not all smart bracelets can boast of it.

The "smartest" of these devices will calculate not only the calorie content, but also the nutritional value of the diet - the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and the balance between consumed and burned calories. This greatly simplifies life: if you want to maintain weight - bring the balance to zero, if you want to lose extra pounds or gain the missing ones - achieve a difference of 10-15% percent between calories received and expended.

Sound sleep and cheerful morning

Sleep is an essential component of body recovery and regulation of biological rhythms. According to world statistics, more than 40% of residents of large cities suffer from sleep disorders. Insomnia often provokes an exacerbation of chronic or ongoing diseases and is fraught with serious health consequences, so you should think about your sleep. And here models with a sleep monitoring function can help.

A smart bracelet will help you evaluate the duration and effectiveness of sleep. But the main plus is that thanks to such a gadget, you can analyze which loads and food prevent you from sleeping soundly and calmly, and which ones contribute to good rest (after all, data on activity and nutrition are also recorded); monitor the effect of drugs; plan the duration of rest and determine the best time for sleep.

The next plus is the hotly discussed and available on most trackers “smart alarm clock”, which from the time interval you set will select the sleep phase most suitable for waking up so that you wake up on time and in a good mood. Sound sleep, easy awakening and an alarm clock that does not disturb loved ones - isn't it good?


Main functions:

Activity monitoring

Sleep monitoring

Smart alarm clock

Power monitoring

Calorie balance calculation

Calculation of the nutritional value of the diet

distance calculation

Summing up the reflections on the topic "why do you need a fitness bracelet", I would like to briefly note a few more useful things:

Many bracelets have watches

Ability to set vibrating reminders

Setting goals and monitoring their achievement

Medication control

Water balance

Remote control over the health of loved ones

Possibility to send data to the attending physician or trainer

In general, it turns out to be a pretty weighty list of features designed to motivate us to lead an active lifestyle and monitor our health without spending a lot of time. But many will say that they do not need an expensive bracelet (although there are many inexpensive but functional models) because such functions are available in ordinary mobile applications. What is the fundamental difference?

1. If you have a smart bracelet - all your data in one application. You do not need to download 100 applications, register and enter data in each, synchronize them with each other and clog up the smartphone's memory.

2. For the accuracy of the results for steps, distance and activity in the application, due to reminders, you need to constantly carry your smartphone with you. On a run, in the gym or on the playing field, it will clearly interfere. And in the office, it will often remain lying on the table while you go to lunch or a meeting. Needless to say, at home while cleaning, you are also unlikely to hold a smartphone in your hands or in your pocket. Meanwhile, calories will be spent, but will not be taken into account. With a bracelet, this problem will not arise - it is always on the arm or on a special fastening for clothes.

3. Many applications only work when turned on or require some features to be enabled on the phone (location detection, etc.). This inevitably speeds up the discharge of the mobile device. Fitness bracelets do not require constant pairing with a smartphone, you can synchronize once a day or less often - depending on the model. This will not greatly affect the charge of the smartphone, and you will be able to stay “connected” much longer.

4. In applications, many functions are not available without the Internet, and with a bracelet you can see the activity directly on its display or in more detail on your smartphone, and the Internet is not needed (for example, this is how ONETRAK bracelets are arranged).

5. For global conclusions, statistics are needed for a long period of time, and the guaranteed period of data storage can be dramatically less for different applications compared to smart bracelets.

6. Mobile applications cannot be opened from a computer or laptop, many are not even adapted for a tablet. And manufacturers of fitness trackers make desktop versions to make studying charts more comfortable.

Conclusions: smart bracelets and fitness trackers are not “expensive pedometers”, not “useless toy”, not a panacea for all diseases, but they are convenient and functional devices that will save you time and help you stay in good shape, monitor your health and improve physical fitness. form. The main thing is to choose the functionality you need and start moving towards your goals.

Modern people often ask if Bluetooth (Bluetooth) is harmful to human health?

Over the past few decades, technology has come a long way. If a few years ago, in order to call a person, it was necessary to go to a telephone booth or return home to a home device, today, to communicate with relatives and friends on any part of the world, you need to press a couple of keys.

Wireless technologies have become very popular, in which the user is not tied to a specific place, and you don’t even need to pick up the phone to talk.

Bluetooth headsets are small devices that are fixed on the ear and transmit a signal from the phone, making it possible to talk while driving or when your hands are busy. This technology is especially convenient for motorists, young parents and people who return home late from work - it is unlikely that a criminal will find your phone if you do not hold it in your hands.

But with the advent of technology, a lot of questions have arisen, and hundreds of people are still wondering whether bluetooth is harmful, whether these waves are dangerous to humans, and how to protect themselves from negative impacts.

What it is?

Bluetooth is a modern technology that allows you to transfer data without wires. In this case, data transfer occurs both between similar devices and between completely different ones - you can easily connect wireless headphones to your smartphone and you can listen to music or even watch full-fledged movies without getting tangled in wires.

A headset is a gadget that connects to a smartphone or other device for user convenience. Using the headset, you can perform a lot of smartphone functions without using the device itself. Today, the following devices are very popular:

  • Dual wireless headphones for listening to music in stereo.
  • Single earpiece for talking and chatting.
  • Simple earpiece.

Note! Each of the listed devices supports not only sound output, but also its reception. You can safely talk on the phone and listen to music at any convenient time, even while driving a car.

The operation of wired headphones is based on the fact that the signal comes through the wires directly through the device. Headsets are based on the conversion of radio waves, the transmission of which does not require a direct connection with the device.

Harm and Radiation

Since bluetooth is used quite widely today, it is natural to ask whether bluetooth is harmful to health and whether a bluetooth headset is generally harmful to the environment. The use of the device everywhere makes people think about their own health, since the proximity of such headsets directly to the body can cause discomfort.

The convenience of Bluetooth is obvious. With the help of this technology, you can make your life much easier:

  1. You won't have to take your eyes off driving to answer the phone and talk to loved ones or colleagues.
  2. You can exercise freely while chatting with a friend or girlfriend.
  3. You can easily listen to music during a long walk.

Modern devices allow you to move away from the smartphone by ten meters, while the conversation will not be interrupted. Interestingly, the latest developments increase the range of influence, and new technologies will allow you to talk at a distance of hundreds of meters from the phone, which will greatly facilitate life.

Studying the dangers of bluetooth headsets, scientists stumbled upon a lot of obstacles. Some studies have shown that people who regularly use such a device developed tumors in the auricle area, overexertion of the nervous system and various disorders were observed.

However, the harmfulness of this device has not been proven, since there are not enough statistical data. That is why bluetooth is still considered absolutely safe and is regularly introduced into a lot of new technologies and new generation smartphones.

The power of the channel through which the signal is transmitted to the headset is almost a thousand times less than the radiation emanating from the most ordinary one. At the same time, the coverage area of ​​a modern device is much smaller, which creates a certain guarantee of security.

As a result of a detailed study of the technology, an unambiguous answer to the question of whether such devices are harmful has appeared. Scientists and doctors unequivocally state that this radiation is completely harmless to human health, therefore its use is permitted.

It should be understood that the use of any technology should occur with maximum responsibility and attention. With prolonged use of any headphones, harm is done gradually, albeit in minimal quantities. And, even if the radiation itself is not capable of causing harm, constantly listening to loud music, wearing a headset and vacuum headphones can still cause harm.

The harm from bluetooth may lie in the fact that regular exposure to sound waves contributes to a gradual decrease in auditory activity, and the person himself may not even notice this problem. Moreover, listening to loud music is constantly dangerous for the auricle. Of course, it is almost impossible to completely lose your hearing, but it is quite possible to undermine your health by adhering to such a lifestyle.

Video: the whole truth about bluetooth (Bluetooth).


Any risks can be eliminated only if the modern device is used with care and in full compliance with all the rules. A small bluetooth signal, of course, if it does harm, then it does it in an insignificant amount, but you should not exclude the possibility of negative consequences.

Any technology from the very moment of its appearance in the masses undergoes a kind of test by users, and bluetooth lived up to expectations and literally “caught on” in the lives of thousands of people. Those who use a headset on a regular basis know that they need to be used with care, even with weak waves and minimal impact on the body.

In order to exclude the possibility of negative consequences, it is worth adhering to a number of certain rules:

  • Avoid long telephone conversations using this communication tool - this way you will exclude the possible point effect of even the smallest radiation.
  • Try to use headphones that are inserted into the ear as little as possible - you can avoid mechanical damage and save your health.
  • The sound level when listening to music should be average, so you will eliminate the possibility of hearing loss and save your health.
  • Try to use only headsets that are convenient for you - if the earpiece presses or falls out, you should not forcibly adjust it, it is better to replace it with a suitable analogue.
  • Avoid contact with liquid, as the device may short circuit, causing harm to health.

It is obvious that it will not be possible to completely abandon modern technology, especially since its safety has been practically proven. Every new device designed and manufactured by major companies today includes bluetooth.

Now you can keep your eyes on the road, while improving road safety and reducing the risk of accidents, sports are no longer interrupted by an important call, and loved ones do not have to worry if you cannot pick up the phone.

It is necessary to use any technology wisely, and only in this case the device will not only not harm, but also significantly simplify the life of the user.

Are you sure that this fashion item on your wrist can make you and your life better? Don't waste your money!

Suppose fitness tracker purchased. What's next? Depends on which category of people you belong to. Unless you're a runner, race walker, or professional athlete, there aren't many options.

Option one: increased weight

As the work of the University of Pittsburgh showed, fitness bracelets - not a panacea for weight loss. 471 people took part in their study. Part of the group independently monitored the results, the other - with the help of a fitness tracker. Those who followed the mass without the use of gadgets lost more weight.

Scientists suggest that psychology intervened in the result. The bracelet is perceived by a live coach. When a person sees his approval (“Well done, the norm is fulfilled!”), He relaxes And can afford to eat more than usual. Failing to meet the daily goal, on the contrary, frustrates users. As a result, they become less active.

As you can see, in this case, the accessory works against a person.

Option two: sedentary lifestyle

Not a single piece of iron on the arm will pull an enthusiastic person out of watching their favorite series or an interesting project. If the activity tracker still forces you to interrupt the lesson, you will have to set yourself up again in the right way. As a result - wasted time that could be spent on a walk.

According to personal observations, people who are passionate about something simply turn off the tracker or reminders. Or removed so as not to disturb. If the matter is not so interesting, and the smart bracelet successfully transfers attention, then the reminders are secondary.

Primary own laziness. And here even the most sophisticated sports assistant on the wrist will not be able to help.

Option three: fashion

Another category of users uses fitness accessories only because today it is another technological trend. Yes, they sometimes run, sometimes they walk a lot - and, in general, they lead an active lifestyle. It is this category of people who buys bracelets most often.

Do they need a fitness bracelet? For example, for an evening/morning run? Unlikely. The accuracy of most available models is comparable to data from public smartphone applications. They count the distance traveled, the duration, and the time.

In addition, a larger number of users after a month of using the tracker no longer interested in statistics. Or does not extract from it no use- it is difficult to use data with minimal changes and lack of experience of a fitness instructor.

Tracker = toy

I have used several models. misfit And Fit Bit, all variants of MiBand, and used for a while Garmin. It is very interesting to see a new gadget, try it out and write a review.

Now on hand Mi Band 1s, and it is actively used for the sake of silent, but distinct alerts. The smart alarm clock, while working, was also in high demand. Everything else has not been used since purchase.

But alerts - secondary function. For her, a simple, cheap Mi Band first revision (or Mi Band 2 for time indication). Then why pay more, for example, for Fit Bit or misfit?

Their accuracy can rarely be compared with Garmin, whose products are purchased for (semi)professional sports. Most of the buyers pass by the accessories of this company - the price tag is too high.

So is it worth giving money for another toy?

Perhaps someone gets a lot of benefit from fitness trackers. In this regard, we would like to hear the answers of our readers to three questions:

1. Do you have a fitness accessory?
2. How often do you look at the statistics and correct your own behavior?
3. What do you use more often - indication / alarm clock / reminders or information about the distance traveled / heart rate?

Fitness bracelets are completely safe. From wearing them, no side effects have been identified, they only track your motor activity and sleep patterns.

The main function of the fitness bracelet is to constantly monitor your body.

It counts the number of calories consumed, the number of hours of sleep and monitors your heart rate. For some, the question of how safe a fitness tracker is can seem as ridiculous as the question of the safety of visiting a doctor.

However, it is important to know how this device works before you put it on. Much of the wave of technological incredulity has been sparked by recent research suggesting that wearing mobile phones in close proximity to internal organs may be the cause of cancer. Since the fitness band can ideally be worn for up to 12 consecutive hours, it's pretty easy to understand the cause of your health concerns.

The fitness bands are made from durable rubber material and come in a variety of sizes so users won't feel uncomfortable wearing them all day or night.

Designed for self-monitoring and evaluation of changes in the body, fitness bracelets are highly effective and lead to positive changes without harm to health.

These electronic devices are capable of monitoring the most important aspects of our physiological state: heart rate, blood oxygen and sleep patterns, so it is only natural for you to worry about what additional effects they may have on the body. If you do not know what fitness bracelet to buy, then we present to your attention the article: Fitbit: succeed.

However, according to Michael Bergeron, Ph.D., and executive director of the National Youth Institute for Sport, Health and Safety, a heart rate bracelet can be compared to a nurse taking your heart rate in a clinic. “As long as the sensor has firm contact with the radial artery pulse point, it will accurately display resting heart rate,” says the doctor.

Manufacturing companies such as Jawbone believe that their smart gadgets will become one of the most important assistants in the healthcare system in the coming years. In addition, a professor of nutrition at Reyson University said of the Nike Fuelband, "All of the devices designed to motivate exercise can be very helpful for people who need support."

Fitness bracelets (video)

Often the biggest reason for our fears is health. Could a device originally designed to improve our quality of life lead to adverse effects? Fear of technological advances in this case is completely unfounded.

The fitness bands have been extensively tested and are known to be completely safe even for pregnant women. They are waterproof and do not pose a potential risk of electric shock.

One obvious way to allay your fears about these devices is the fact that thanks to it you will immediately know about all the negative changes in your physiological state. If the bracelet does not suit you for any reason, you will be the first to know the reason.

There are many benefits to a fitness bracelet. First, he encourages you to lead a healthy lifestyle. If used correctly, this device will help you lose weight, which is beyond the power of pills or watches for weight loss. Secondly, by wearing a fitness bracelet, you are constantly monitoring your progress towards achieving your goal.

You can track the number of calories consumed with each meal. If you exceed the allowable calorie intake per day or have been without movement for some time, the device will immediately warn you about this. The bracelet is like a personal fitness trainer who constantly, but at the same time correctly controls you.

Fitness bracelets are great helpers for those who are planning to lose weight.

Natalie Digate Muth, MD, of the American Council on Exercise, says that the mere realization that you are moving more and increasing your physical activity is a great start towards your goal. She inspires users with her mottos: "It's easier than it looks" and "Just move more - that's the main task."

This can motivate people to take more positive actions and reduce the number of negative actions accordingly.

She also notes that extra weight is the cause of sleep problems: "If you sleep longer and better, you are less likely to overeat and are more likely to stick to a diet and fitness program."

Fitness bracelets allow you to share your achievements with other users. Natalie Mut believes that a fitness bracelet is a real working tool, and not just a gadget.

The fact that users of the device can actually switch to a healthy lifestyle is its main premise. If you are afraid that a sedentary lifestyle is already starting to affect your internal and external state, it makes sense to invest in a decent fitness bracelet.
Ultimately, it all comes down to how you feel about technological innovation. A bracelet, used properly, is safe, useful and of course beneficial primarily for your health.

Choosing the best fitness bracelet? Review - comparison (video)

How to choose the right sports bracelet (video)

Control the awesome BB-8 droid with the Power Bracelet

While the new Star Wars episode is breaking box office records, anyone can own the BB-8 droid that has become the unspoken symbol of the film. At the Las Vegas International Electronics Show, the company developing the toy said that iPhone or iPad users will soon be able to use their devices to control the droid using the "Force Band wearable device" app.

You can see a short video with an example of how the power bracelet works.

The Verge was able to test the bracelet in action: “Lower your hand along the body - and the BB-8 will enter driving mode. When your palm is facing down, the droid is facing away from you. If the palm is pointing up - he "looks" in your direction. Spin in place and the robot will spin with you. The direction is set in exactly the same way, and the speed is controlled by the level of arm elevation. Wavering a hand in place would put the droid into gesture control mode - only a nod triggered by a hand swipe worked for me. To exit the gesture mode, you just need to put your hand down.”

Will have to wait

Sure, the bracelet looks like a great buy - but it's still in the prototype stage and won't go on sale until the fall. The price is still unknown.

The company also announced another edition of the BB-8, which will be introduced later in 2016. It will feature a more worn droid to match the movie.

BB-8 - pure fun

You can order the BB-8 for $149.95. Using the iOS app, users can control the robot, and thanks to its personal adaptation, it will change as your child plays, even responding to voice.

You can even record your own holographic message, like the ones shown in the movie. The battery lasts for an hour of continuous play.

Thank you for liking the site! Be a happy, athletic and active person always! Write what you think about this, what gadgets do you use and why?

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Smart bracelets are a strange thing. They seem to be there (and not for the first year), but they seem to be of no use. The strangest thing is that for all their uselessness, they still somehow manage to sell. If you suddenly thought and decided that it would be nice to throw money on such a trinket, stop, read our article, and think again. A smart bracelet in its current state is more of a harm than a benefit. It will not make your life better, happier, healthier and better. And that's why.

1. The same as a smart bracelet, your smartphone, which you have already paid for, can do- and count the pulse, and measure the steps, and wake up when necessary. Okay, the smartphone will not count your heart rate during a workout (but the average smart bracelet does not do this either, this function is only in advanced models, which in fact can already be attributed to smart watches, for example, Samsung Gear Fit or FitBit Surge ). Yes, a smartphone is not always with you, but in order to be healthy, you need to move a lot. So many. 25 steps to the toilet and back - the maximum distance you are ready to let go of your smartphone from you - does not change anything at all. An hour of walking - still all right. And here, for sure, a smartphone will be at hand. In general, you need to move so much to feel real fatigue from physical exertion by the evening. And not from the fact that he sat out on the Internet. And even more so, not because the bracelet said so.

  • Read also: Samsung Gear Fit review.

2. This is the next reason to not buy. In my opinion, she is the most important of all. Relying on a gadget in various physiological moments, sooner or later a person forgets how to listen to his body. Having returned the next smart bracelet home after the review, I often caught myself not being sure that I had enough sleep and woke up correctly, had a good walk and got tired, because the electronics didn’t tell me about it today. And I'm not the only person who has these feelings. To make the body healthy, you need to listen to its signals - after waking up and during the day, in training, on a walk, in the evening before bedtime. The human body is a brilliant thing with almost inexhaustible resources, but to understand this, you need to go beyond your existing capabilities, and not fall on the sofa in the evening with the satisfaction that 10,000 steps are behind you. Yes, and the most bitter pill - a smart bracelet will not change habits. And it won’t even correct it, but it will instill new harmful ones.

The function of a smart alarm clock and sleep tracker can be performed by a smartphone.

3. One of the features of advanced smart bracelets is sleep monitoring. But all these huge gadgets on the arm in a dream really interfere. They are touched by blankets, they prevent you from putting your hand under the pillow, they buzz at night if you accidentally mess up something with the regimes. And the function of a smart alarm clock and a sleep tracker can be performed by a smartphone. App stores have had the corresponding software for a long time. And dragging electronics into bed is a disastrous business, it interferes so much that no smart alarm clock can improve sleep.

  • Read also: Huawei TalkBand B1 review.

4. Average a smart bracelet is a useless thing in training, because it is designed for "dummies" from sports, which only count steps and distinguish walking from cycling. Without a smartphone in your pocket, he is nothing. Only truly sports-oriented devices will be autonomous in training, not some pretty Jawbone or Sony SmartBand. It does not support third-party applications and is hardly ready to offer a sane training program (unless it is some kind of special bracelet specifically for sports). From excessively intense hand swings, it can work once again. And smart bracelets are quickly torn, crumpled, bent and beat if you play sports intensively, sweat a lot and place the gadget in other harmful environments. If you are serious about sports, then you will still get a gadget more serious and more accurate.

5. Notifications. If they still do not piss you off, it only means that you did not have a smart bracelet that does not allow you to get anywhere from the events in your smartphone. Not all smart bracelets support sending notifications from your smartphone, but those that do are the real evil. We are already surrounded by too many buzzing, rumbling, jumping and flashing devices. This is already a huge burden on the psyche. It was not enough to have this thing on his arm vibrate and scream every time the phone rings.

  • Read also:.

6. It eats up your smartphone battery.. Until mobile devices start working again for a week, the extra "mouth" will only be superfluous.

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