What is e-mail and how to create it? What is e-mail? Email login

In today's world, every person needs to know what e-mail is and have their own. When meeting new people, in business negotiations, or just meeting with an old friend, you may be asked to leave your e-mail. In addition, on the network itself, many sites require you to specify an e-mail when registering. What to do when it's not there?

What is an e-mail address

So, e-mail is an e-mail address from the English "electronic mail". If a person on the network has his own e-mail address (looks like a set of characters, for example, ), he can give it to other people in the same way as his home address for ordinary letters. But to enter your email, you need a unique password that only you will have, like the keys to an apartment. The address is known to acquaintances and friends, and only you have the keys (password). That is, no one except you can see your correspondence with friends on the Internet unless you give your password to anyone. By e-mail, you can send each other not only text messages, but also pictures, photos, music, spreadsheets and other files of any format.

Let's see what an e-mail address consists of. Let's take the same example. The first part of the address is a unique username (login) that you come up with yourself, in this case ivanov. In this name, you can use not only letters of the Latin alphabet, but also numbers, dots, dashes, hyphens and some other characters. The username is always followed by an @ sign ("dog"). And then comes the domain name, we have it yandex.ru. Let's dwell on the latter in more detail... You choose which free mail service you would like to have a mailbox on: yandex.ru, rambler.ru, mail.ru, yahoo.com, hotmail.com and others.

What is e-mail and how to create it

  1. First of all, select the service on which you want to create your email (yandex.ru, rambler.ru, mail.ru, and so on). Visit this site. Find the word "mail". For users who already have an e-mail here, a form for entering a login and password is offered. And for you nearby - "start a mailbox" or something like that. Click right here.
  2. Now you need to fill in some information about you. The real surname and first name must be entered, but this does not mean that everyone will see them. Your username, which you have to come up with, will be visible to everyone. It is allowed to use only letters of the English alphabet and start the login with a lowercase letter. Common words or names are probably already taken, so invent something new, combine letters, numbers and symbols. Many services themselves will tell you which login is not yet taken.
  3. When the data is specified, click on the "Next" or "Continue" button.
  4. You may be asked to complete a registration form. Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory, the rest are optional.
  5. As a rule, when registering an e-mail address, you are asked to select a security question and enter an answer to it. This is necessary to recover your password if you forget or lose it. Also enter the code from the picture in the field provided for this. This code will confirm to the system that you are a real person and not a machine.
  6. If you agree to the terms of the agreement on how to use the free service, check the box and click "Continue" or "Finish".

The next time you want to check your email, you will need to log in to the site where you set up your email (for example, yandex.ru, rambler.ru, mail.ru, and so on). Then enter your login in the mail fields (in our case, ivanov), and below the password.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to continue the conversation about the most popular services, and we are next in line - Mail.ru mail. I won’t say that he is a generator of promising ideas and innovations in ensuring the convenience of working with correspondence, but he is the leader in this market in Runet and this alone deserves respect.

In addition, over the past year and a half, the Mail.ru e-mail development team has expanded significantly and they have managed to implement almost everything useful from the competitors' tools.

We also added a convenient view of photos and office documents attached to letters directly in the web interface, mobile versions and applications, language support, a mail collector, a new interface, virus protection and much more.

Although they do not yet have such a high level (two-step authorization using a cell number and trusted computers), they still do not have a similar service, but most users of Mail.ru Mail all this is either not needed, or they never bothered with it at all. Therefore, I offer you an excursion into the possibilities and nuances of this free service, and you will decide whether to use it or not.

The history of creation and the current position of Mail.ru mail

She has been leading her story since the distant 1998 (not much later than that moment,). True, then the project was called Port.ru and assumed the development of a free mail service engine for its subsequent sale abroad (at that time, far from everyone knew us,). However, due to a combination of circumstances, this project was tested in RuNet on the Mail.ru domain and in the very first months of its existence showed phenomenal results in the growth of the number of users.

As you can see from the screenshot, it was then proposed to use Yandex to search the Internet on the Port.ru portal. Later, after moving to a new domain, the owners began to offer their users , while simultaneously developing their own , to which they plan to completely switch in the near future (or have already switched).

Actually, to be surprised at the monstrous popularity of mailboxes from mail.ru it’s not worth it, because at that time Gmail and YaPochta did not exist at all, but there were only bourgeois projects (and), which at that time did not indulge the user with support for the Russian language. The new product with a Russian-language interface was liked and the number of registered mailboxes began to grow exponentially.

My first account was also registered on Mail, because at that time a similar service from Yandex had just appeared (2000) and had not yet gained due popularity, and before the advent of Gmail, I had to wait a few more years. There were no special problems with his work (still not hacked), and after some time, having sat down firmly on the brainchild of Google, I simply set up forwarding from my first mailbox to a new one in Gmail. Until recently, I didn’t even go into the Mail.ru mail interface.

I, as a person who is keenly interested in everything new and promising, quickly moved to Gmail when I was still in its beta testing stage (registration was possible only by invitation). However, the majority of users of this system have remained faithful to it (it works fine) and this is a general trend in the development of this market. Beginners have to rely mainly on the influx of new users, and not on poaching the audience from competitors.

That's why Mail.ru mail service until almost 2011 did not develop much, resting on the laurels of popularity received in the past years, when competition was very weak. However, the gap between their capabilities and those of their competitors widened, and they even began to think about moving.

The owners became worried and decided to invest in the development of the service in order to keep up with the competitors completely hopelessly. The development team was tripled, and in a year and a half everything that I briefly listed at the beginning of the article was issued to the mountain. As a result, the situation has now stabilized and shares of postal giants in Runet stuck in positions like this:

  1. Email Mail.ru - 25 million users
  2. The brainchild of Yandex - 16 million
  3. Still alive - 4 lyama
  4. Gmail - about the same

In the world ranking, the mail service from Mail, although it occupies a modest fifth position, is still an impressive result, especially considering that more than two-thirds of the audience of this giant is concentrated in Russia:

At the moment, about 400 million mailboxes are registered on Mail.ru, 100 of which can be called active (they log in and check their correspondence at least once every three months). And out of this hundred, a whole fifth is accounts whose owners remove mail every day. Monstrous volumes - about three to four thousand letters pass through their data centers in just one second.

On this excursion into the history and reasons stimulating the development of Mail.ru e-mail can be considered complete. It's time to go directly to the description of registration, login, settings and opportunities that this mailbox provides to its users.

Registering a mailbox in Mail.ru (creating an account)

So, let's start by tradition with the registration of the box and the entrance to it. Everything is simple and hassle-free. Go to the registration page and enter your first name and last name, as well as the desired E-mail address, or rather its beginning, in the proposed form fields, because there will be only four endings (@mail.ru, @list.ru, @bk.ru or @inbox.ru):

Please note that in this way you not only create an E-mail in mail.ru, but also get access to all other services of this mega-portal (actually, a universal account).

It would seem that there is nothing difficult here. However, many thousands of mailboxes are hacked precisely because of setting simple passwords that are easy to remember, but at the same time easy to pick up (brute force, for example). There is an erroneous opinion that since you have nothing to steal, then no one will break it.

They will, because there are a number of reasons why mailbox hacking is still relevant and is in demand:

  1. Absolutely any box is valuable for a hacker, because then, together with a bunch of others, it can be sold to spammers who need them to send messages in millions of copies. If you want to help spammers and get your account blocked in Mail.ru, set the password to QWERTY or 123456 mail. Hacking in this and two subsequent cases is carried out automatically by using the database of the most popular combinations or dictionaries.
  2. In a hacked box, you can inadvertently (automatically) find the data of your accounts on social networks, monetary systems, data for accessing websites and other things that are necessary in the life of a hacker, which can then be sold wholesale or retail (or monetize yourself).

    Even if passwords for these useful things are not found, then it will always be possible to request their recovery, and accounts in most cases will be tied again to this very hacked Email.

  3. You may be blackmailed to return the box or the confidential data stored in it. There are a lot of options, and in this case there will be, as a rule, one payment method - paid SMS.
  4. Well, and the rarest case - you will be broken purposefully by order of ill-wishers or competitors. In this case, only a really strong password and its recovery using an SMS message that will be sent to the cell phone number specified during registration can help.

I hope these arguments have convinced you of the need creating a complex password when registering with Mail.ru. Another thing is that it is not so easy to come up with, let alone remember.

This is where help comes in. A cool program that will generate a complex combination for you and remember it. The main thing is not to forget the password from Kipas himself, and he will already store all the rest (it’s not superfluous to make a backup of the encrypted database with passwords in several places for greater reliability - I personally store it in).

I also strongly advise you not to be shy enter your cell number when registering in Mail.ru-mail, because this will make recovering a lost password a trifle (otherwise you will have to fill out the appropriate form for a long and tedious time or write to support - [email protected]), and withdrawal of your account is almost impossible.

If there are good arguments not to do this, then you will have to click on the link “I don’t have a mobile phone” and, in the old fashioned way, come up with a security question and an answer to it, which, by the way, are easily broken if an attacker starts digging into your social networks or other places, where you could leave information about yourself.

Again, social engineering (or a simple divorce) should not be discounted when by E-mail or in the same social networks you can unobtrusively ask in an innocent form for the answer to your secret question or slip a fake letter supposedly from the mail service with a link to a fake site that will be similar to the Mail.ru mail login form as two drops of water, with the exception of the URL in the address bar of the browser.

From this follows the conclusion - you need to go to the site of the mail service only by clicking on a link from your browser bookmarks or search results.

If you indicated your mobile number in the second step of registration, then after clicking the "Register" button, you will receive an SMS with a confirmation code on your mobile phone, which you will need to enter in the window that opens:

After that, you will be taken to the page of your newly created mailbox and there you will find several messages from the development team. Actually, that's all. It remains only to deal with today's capabilities of [email protected] and see what can be configured there so that reading and writing letters, opening attachment files and doing other things would be easier and more convenient.

Login to Mail.ru-mail - folders, inboxes, filters and ...

As I have mentioned more than once, this service has existed for a very long time and many users have accumulated several mailboxes that were created at different times and for different purposes. You can, of course, assign forwarding or collection of letters to one from all the others (we'll talk about this a little later), so that you don't log in and out of your account every time.

However, not so long ago, the mountain itself approached Magomed, namely, possibility of multiple entry to your Mail.ru accounts. Let's say you first log in to one of your accounts as usual:

Then you can already click on the name of your E-mail in the upper right corner of the window and click on "Add mailbox" to carry out entrance to another mailbox:

After successfully logging into your second account, you can now quickly switch between them by simply clicking on your Email (at the top right of the window) and selecting the desired option (or entering another mailbox on Mail.ru):

It turned out to be quite convenient, although it may not be useful to everyone. But now let's talk, in fact, about the atmosphere itself and.

Their new interface turned out to be quite concise and not at all overloaded. The left column displays a list of your folders (initially there will be only five - Inbox, Sent, Drafts, Spam and Trash, but you will be free to do as many as you like) and a couple of pretty handy filters that allow you to show only unread or only marked messages:

It seemed inconvenient to me that the "Settings" button is hidden in the "More" drop-down list and cannot be found right away (although it is duplicated in the upper right corner of the window). When viewing the list of letters in the Inbox (or any other folder), you will see it in front of the sender's name avatar, or the first letter stylized as it from his name.

You don't like it? No problem - from the "View" drop-down list, select the "Compact" option and the extra graphics will disappear.

Letters from the list in Mail.ru can be moved between folders using the "Move" button at the bottom and top of the window, as well as by dragging and dropping with the left button pressed. If you need to move several messages, then just select them with checkmarks. They are first deleted in the Recycle Bin, which can be cleared when you log out of your account, depending on the settings you have made. By the way, there is an option, if necessary, along with all its contents.

It is possible to use Hotkeys. For example, the keyboard shortcut Ctrl and the left or right arrow will allow you to navigate between previous and next letters while viewing them, and the Delete key will send the message you are viewing to the Trash.

All modern mail services use a spam cutter, and almost everywhere it does not work perfectly - it either skips spam or classifies it as quite decent letters. The second option is, of course, much more dangerous. In Mail.ru, the spam cutter works quite tolerably, but in addition to it, there is the possibility of manual filtering.

Mark spam messages with checkboxes in the Inbox or any other folder (except for the Spam folder) and click on one of the "This is spam" button located at the top or bottom:

It is clear that from time to time you still have to look through the Spam folder for lost letters, and whenever you find them there, do not be too lazy to tick each of them and use the “Not Spam” button. The spam cutter will learn in this way and make fewer mistakes when filtering correspondence.

I liked how Mail.ru's new electronic interface organizes marking of letters. Many people use the unread filter, both on stationary mail programs and in the web interface. But it’s not always possible to quickly make a message read or unread.

Here it was implemented extremely simply - move the mouse cursor to the letter and you will see an outline of an orange circle in front of it, clicking on which you mark the message as unread(it will be highlighted in bold in the list and preceded by an orange circle):

Second fast a way to mark letters in Mail.ru mail organized with checkboxes. All unread and flagged messages can be viewed using the corresponding filters located in the left column. Simple, but tasteful.

As I mentioned, you are free to add as many new folders to your electronic interface as your heart desires. To do this, it will be enough to click on the link "Set up folders" in the left column under the list of existing ones. As a result, a settings window will open, where you will need to click on the button located at the top "Add Folder":

In the window that opens, you can give the folder a name, define its hierarchy (at the top level or nested in some other of the existing ones), prohibit the removal of mail from it by stationary programs, and even put a password on it, which may not be superfluous to increase security or when several people work with one account (for example, corporate).

Tepericha about filters in the box from Mail.ru- where without them. Actually, they don’t offer us anything beyond outstanding (whether it’s the Gmail case), but on the other hand, the whole thing is extremely clear at the first meeting.

Find "Settings" in the upper right corner of the window and go to the "Filters and Forwarding" section. There will be only one “Add Filter” button, but from its context menu it will be possible to bring to light the “Create Forward” option. However, while we are talking about filters, so just click on the button.

As a result, the filter creation wizard will open, which is quite simple and logical. First you need create conditions, upon fulfillment or non-fulfillment of which (the words “contains” or “does not contain” before the fields with conditions), you will need to take some action. Conditions can be applied to such email attributes as the sender (from field), recipient, message subject, message size, etc.

When writing conditions in Mail.ru mail, you can use the asterisk symbol “*” to replace any number of characters with it, as well as the vertical stick sign “|”, which replaces the logical operator “or”, allowing you to combine several possible options.

There can be as many conditions as you want, and the action will be performed either on the fulfillment of at least one of them (the option at the bottom of the screenshot “if one of the conditions is met”), or on the fulfillment of all conditions (the option is “if all conditions are met”).

Next, we should explain to the electronic interface, what action should be taken when “bingo” appears according to the conditions specified a little above. The most common option is probably to move a letter that meets the conditions to some folder created specifically for this:

You may want to flag or even delete this email. In addition, you will have the opportunity to forward this correspondence to another e-mail box (in fact, this will be a forwarding option that is not always implemented, but only by condition), as well as reply to it with a pre-prepared "stamp" or apply some other some filter (create a cascade).

Probably, it would be correct to include the contents of the Spam folder in the run through the filters, because messages that are not spam at all can also randomly get there. On the other hand, you can limit the filtering area to a separate folder, which can be selected from the drop-down list. Well, then click on the "Save" button and enjoy the work of the created algorithm.

It will appear in the "Filters and Forwarding" settings section, where you can quickly turn it on or off as needed. There you can set up and forward letters from the mailbox to Mail.ru to your other E-mail in popular mail services. To do this, just select the option "Create forwarding":

In the window that opens, specify the Email address where you want to send all correspondence from this box, and click on "Save". After that, a new line will appear on your page with filters and forwards, but it will be highlighted in red, meaning that all this economy is not involved until you click on the "Confirm" link and enter the code that came to the forwarding E-mail :

When you confirm everything, your correspondence will be sent directly, immediately after arriving to your mailbox in Mail.ru, to the address specified in the forwarding settings.

Other Mail Settings and Features

Although it is not the most sophisticated of all existing ones, some of its features are worth paying attention to. Let me try to arrange it in the form of a list with a common name - what else is good about email from Mail.ru:

  1. Developers take pride in what they provide oversized mailbox, which initially has dimensions of 10 GB. When it is filled, you will be given another two gigabytes of living space each time.
  2. They also talk about the unlimited size of attachments, but here they are definitely cunning, because only files less than 25 MB will be transferred and stored on mail servers, and if this limit is exceeded, attachments will already be stored on the servers of the [email protected] service. This means that in a month they will be deleted, and the size of one attached object still cannot be more than 1 GB.
    1. But there is good news for attachments to letters(sent and received in Mail.ru boxes):

      When you receive a message with attachments, you can directly in the list, click on the paperclip and see their full list with size (weight). When you move the mouse cursor over files with photos, you will see their thumbnails next to them:

      If you click on any attachment file, a new window will open in which you can scroll through all of them, and fully view the pictures and office documents. For items that cannot be viewed, a "Download" link will appear.

    2. If open email with attachments in the electronic interface of Mail.ru, then at the bottom you will find previews of all attached files; the ability to display them as a list or as a tile; and also get the opportunity to download each object individually or all together in one archive, which will significantly increase speed and convenience:

      As I mentioned, when you click on some types of files, they can be view directly in the mail web interface without downloading to your computer. This will be true for presentations, office documents (Word, Excel, Power Point), photos and music.

      If the file is an archive, then the Mail.ru interface will allow you to read the list of objects contained in it, which, if desired, can even be downloaded separately:

    3. Remarkably, all attachment files that have ever been attached to letters can be viewed separately, and if desired, filter only attachments of a certain type by selecting from the top menu "Files", and in the left panel by selecting their type:

      When you create a message in the mail.ru web interface, then to attach files you will have the corresponding button in front of your eyes. Although it will be possible to simply drag the necessary files into the browser window with the mouse. But this is not the main thing.

      I know from my own experience that most users do not really bother with their weight and size when sending photos, and modern cameras give out simply monstrous resolutions on the mountain. To use, even if allowing, most of us do not like or do not know how.

      This creates an inconvenience for mobile Internet users and, more importantly, creates an increased load, requires a lot of storage space from the servers of Mail.ru itself. Therefore, thinking first of all about their loved ones, they gave us a rather useful, in my opinion, opportunity. automatic photo cropping when attached to a letter:

      On the larger side, they will leave 800 pixels, which can reduce the weight of the photo by an order of magnitude without affecting its quality when viewed on a monitor screen. You only once need to decide on pruning, and in the future it will already be carried out without any questions. Well, and a little bonus - when you move the mouse cursor over the attached photo you can turn it, which again will allow you not to bother with photo editors.

  3. There is support in mail from Mail.ru themes for the electronic interface (at the very bottom of the window there is a link "Themes"), which, in fact, is already the norm for this type of service. But there is also the possibility letters using a fairly large set of templates (the "Style" drop-down list in the upper right part of the form for writing a new message). This can be useful when writing congratulatory or some other special letters:

    A little to the left there is a block of buttons for the implementation of the typed text, it or several other languages ​​that mail.ru-mail supports, as well as for express checking it for errors. It won't be redundant.

  4. All messages and attachments in Mail.ru go through virus check with the help of Kasperych, and all links affixed in letters are analyzed for reliability using the WOT service, which I already mentioned in the description.
  5. Some may like the ability to activate and configure free SMS messaging on your mobile phone when messages arrive in a specific folder in your email. All this is connected in the settings (there is a link to them at the top of the window on the right) in the SMS notification section:

  6. If I'm not mistaken, this system did not have correspondence collector from mailboxes of other popular services (Gmail, Yandex mail, etc.), but there was only the possibility of sending correspondence to them. So, now there is such an opportunity. It is available from the settings in the "Mail from other mailboxes" section:

  7. And finally, I would like to recommend that you go to the password and security settings to indicate the mobile number, if you have not already indicated, or at least enter an additional E-mail, which will allow you to quickly recover a lost or stolen password. With a static one, it will also be possible to bind to this IP:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Select one or more mail services on which/which you will create e-mail. There are many such services both in Russia and abroad. For example,

- http://www.yandex.ru/
- http://www.rambler.ru/
- http://www.km.ru/
- http://www.rbk.ru/
- http://www.gmail.com/
- http://www.yahoo.com/.

This is far from a complete list. In your choice, be guided by the fact that after registration you will, in most cases, also receive access to various additional services: an electronic wallet, a personal page on a local social network, a personal ISQ number, the ability to create your own website and much more - each has a specific list your service.

Start the registration process for your account. To do this, on the main page of the selected mail service, click on the link "Registration", "Create a mailbox", "Start mail" - the specific name depends on the resource. On the page that opens, fill out the registration form, following the prompts of the system.

When registering, indicate your real data: full name, mobile phone, date of birth, etc. This will help you when you restore access to your account if you forget your password, and when looking for old friends in local. If you wish, you can always hide your personal data from strangers - this is regulated in the account settings, which will become available to you after the registration process is completed. Detailed instructions can be found in the help system of the selected post service.

It is especially important to provide reliable information if you plan to use the electronic wallet provided by your mail service in the future - under a false name you will not be identified, and as a result, you may have problems transferring money.

When registering an e-mail, keep in mind that you will not be able to change your name (login) in the future - if you don’t like something, you will have to register a new mailbox with a new name. Also note that many mail services allow you to register an account on different domains (the domain is indicated in your address after the “@” sign). If the login you have chosen is busy on the main domain, it may be free on the secondary one. Available domains can be checked by opening the drop-down list in the registration form.

Set a password and a combination of "security question - answer to it" in such a way that your account cannot be used. Do not enter information that is too obvious and well-known to everyone, such as the name of your favorite dog, which all your friends probably know. Or make a couple of spelling and/or grammatical mistakes on purpose. Use illogical combinations of lowercase and uppercase letters, special characters (for example, "@" instead of the letter "a", zero instead of the letter "o", etc.)

Please note that it is possible to create an e-mail on corporate mail, if your company has one and your position allows it. To create your mailbox, you will need to contact the network administrator - that is, the person who directly supervises all "computer issues" in your organization. But keep in mind that in the event of dismissal, you will lose access to. And even while you work at the enterprise, it is possible that the same network administrator will be able to view your correspondence.

Also keep in mind that it is practically possible to register your own domain and therefore create your own completely unique e-mail. Like vanya @ pupkin.net. For example here: http://www.general-domain.ru/. However, you will have to pay to register a custom domain. However, in most cases, it is inexpensive, and if you intend to run your own business on the network, such an address will look more solid.

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On the Internet, everything starts with email. Without an electronic mailbox, it is impossible to register on any site, it is impossible to receive or transmit information. Your success on the Internet also depends on the work of your mail server.

You will need

  • - a computer;
  • - active internet connection.


Before emailing, think about doing it. There are many options for mail servers, such as yandex.ru, mail.ru, rambler. ru etc. Large - (for example, "Spark") also have their own mail servers. Advanced Internet users often register mailboxes in several servers at once. This is very convenient, because if one box is blocked for any reason, you can use a spare one. If you are just going to start an email account, then use the reliable and proven system of international class "Gmail".

In the newly opened window, fill in each column in turn. To fill in the fields "first name", "surname" and "login name" use the Latin alphabet. Once you've completed these three fields, click "check availability". If, as in this case, the login you have chosen is already taken, you can choose one of the ones offered by the system, or add additional letters or numbers to the existing one. For example, to the already existing "IPetrov" we add the second v and the date of birth "1990". The resulting login "IPetrovv1990" is free.

Now come up with a password for your future mailbox. When choosing a combination of numbers, do not take easy combinations like "777", such a box will be easy to crack. But do not choose too complex variations. Remember that unlike a computer, you can forget your password! Write it down in a safe place. It is better if your password is not a random combination of letters and numbers, but something of value to your memory (for example, the number of your first car, date of birth and your child's initials).

Once you've figured out the password, check the box next to "Turn on the Web History service". This feature will gently help you find what you've been looking for. It works all the time, looking for information that you were previously interested in.

Next, select a security question and write the answer to it using the Russian layout. This will help you log in if you do forget your password. If you already have an email address, enter it in the appropriate field. This will also help you take control of your account in case you lose your password. Now carefully enter the combination of letters so that the system makes sure that you are not a robot.
Read the user agreement and confirm your agreement by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the page.

Not everyone thinks that the username replaces our own name in Internet communication. And the success of your business or authority among members of the forum sometimes depends on a correctly chosen name, not to mention possible problems with the site administration.


Remember the most important rule: the username should be chosen as expressive and memorable as possible, if you do not want to merge with the crowd, consisting of Alexandr2010, Olenka11-11-11, Angelochek, Alyosha's Mom and the like with great difficulty to remember and unremarkable names . For the same reason, don't choose names that are too short, too long, or names that don't mean anything to other numbers.

Check the list of already existing users for consonant names before. Otherwise, you run the risk of being very upset that your original nickname sounds like a copy of the nickname of an already known user. In this case, it is better to come up with a new option. If the copy nickname is already registered and you find out about the duplicate too late, contact the moderators to request that you change your username.

Think about the purpose for which you create this account. If it is created for communication in various forums, emphasize your awareness of the issues under discussion. For example, on a forum for moms, you will immediately notice yourself if your username sounds like Pediatrician or Mary Poppins. If you do not set yourself commercial goals, you can think of an even more original name.

Evaluate whether you will use the created account in business communication. If it is created or will probably be used for serious purposes and business correspondence, it is best to use the name of the company in the username (if you want to impersonate one) or the surname and initials.

Check out the list of prohibited in use according to the rules of the site. If the option you want is listed there, carefully think not only about changing the nickname, but also about the advisability of choosing a username in this vein.

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The term "mail" has Latin origins. Previously, this word was called the station for the exchange of couriers and horses. Now this concept means a post office and a collection of various correspondence. Most people communicate using e-mail, sending messages to each other over the Internet.


What is mail? In Russia, the first postal services arose in the 10th century. Already at that time there was a duty of the people to put up carts with horses for noble persons. In the 13th century, a special service was created to send written messages on interchangeable horses along the hauls, the so-called pit chase. The population was ordered to keep a certain number of horses and coachmen. Special messengers sent government decrees to the troops and. From the 16th century, the number of roads and coachmen began to increase.

In Russia, the first mailbox appeared in 1848. And in 1857, the first postage stamp was issued in denominations of 10 kopecks. Moreover, the plots of the images of stamps until the October 1917 practically did not change: they painted the reigning persons or the coat of arms of the Russian Empire. Zemskaya was established in 1865. She served the population, and soon special postage stamps appeared.

Pigeon mail was also used. Delivery of written messages was carried out by carrier pigeons. The basis for the use of these birds for communication was their ability to fly back to the place of their nest. In Russia, this type of mail was intended to send messages to fortresses surrounded by enemies in wartime.

The Internet has changed the way people communicate. Entire companies and individual users use e-mail (electronic mail) to contact relatives, friends, business partners. This type of mail is convenient for transferring files and text messages. In some firms, e-mail is a powerful tool that can replace a whole stack of papers. In addition, using the Internet, any user can have a fast and constant connection. And thus, without e-mail, this would not be feasible.

The e-mail address looks like this, for example, [email protected] Here iradmitriva is the username, @ is the character that separates the recipient's name from the domain name (mail). Such a sign is also called “dog” on the Internet, ru is the name of the place or zone of the Internet where the domain is located. As usual, the "usernames" in the mail are real or pseudonyms. They are called logins or nicknames. Maybe just nicknames.

Thus, the development of mail, including electronic mail, does not stand still. Perhaps in the future they will come up with a new type of postal communication for messaging.

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Usually, the username is used for the name of the mailbox. Login is the name or account name. Coming up with a new login is quite easy and simple if you connect your imagination or use special name generation services.

You will need

  • Any internet browser.


Before you start choosing a login for an email account, you must determine the purpose of its creation. If you are going to get a new one for business use (for work purposes), it is recommended

We will assume that the mailbox Yandex you are already registered. However, you do not know how you can check the mail on it? I assure you, it's very simple. Now we will see this step by step.

Each mailbox has its own name, in the middle of which the symbol is placed without fail @ (doggy). Everything that comes after this "dog" is nothing but a site that provided you with an email service. Therefore, to check, send mail and photos, you need to go to the site where you previously registered this very mail.

Recommendation: it is best to work with Yandex mail in Yandex browser. These are the developments of one company and they rarely conflict with each other. Therefore, there are fewer problems.

As you can see, on the right is a form in which we are asked to enter the data that you provided during registration.

In the field called Login name should be printed. You can write only the first part of this name, up to @ itself, or you can use its full name. In field Password, of course, you should enter the password that you used when registering your mailbox. So that no one else sees exactly which characters you enter, the system prints “asterisks” instead. It is important that the keyboard layout is correct when typing the password, however, in which case, the system will explain to you what you did wrong.

After entering the data, you can safely press the Login button. And so, we got into our mailbox, where we can receive mail or vice versa, send it.

It is worth mentioning that Yandex mail is one of the most popular on the Internet. And this is not only the merit of advertising. It has many features that can be useful in your work. Do not save on this time, deal with it closer.

So we figured out how to enter mail on Yandex. I hope this operation did not cause you any problems. I wish you good luck in using this service from Yandex.

Logging into the mail and registering a Yandex mailbox

If the mail was previously registered, then he enters the account after entering the login and password. If the password is lost, the system offers to click "Remember password", then the user will go to the following page:

In this case, to restore, you will need to enter your login or your email address, as well as a verification code. If you previously entered your personal mobile phone number, the system will help you restore your mail by sending a message with a password to your phone.

If you are on this site for the first time and have not previously registered a mailbox, you should click "Registration" and proceed to fill out the form.

Login via social network

Recently, the system introduced another possibility to log into the account - through social networks: Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Toy World, Google and Odnoklassniki. If you are logged in to the social network, you can quickly enter Yandex. If not, click on the icon of the social network, as shown in the example (Twitter is selected here) and log in first to it, and then to Yandex.

Mail Registration

Registration in Yandex mail is absolutely free, you can go through it in a couple of minutes and use your mailbox for years.

To register, fill in the fields:

  • surname;
  • login (and repeat it);
  • password (and repeat);
  • mobile phone (if available).

Pay attention to the degree of password strength, if the system considers it unreliable - change the password. If you enter a mobile phone number, you will receive confirmation to the specified number in the form of a code. The code will need to be entered in the appropriate window during registration. Immediately the user will go to the mail settings:

If you want to receive notifications of new letters to the specified mobile number, confirm this in step #1. The user has a convenient function for setting labels, which can be named and marked by color at their own discretion. Thus, you can sort letters: by work, from friends, family.

If you have several mailboxes, you can track mail in one, specify only the addresses of other mailboxes.

Fill in the "Sender Information" section:

  • Enter your name;
  • enter a signature that will end each letter you send;
  • add an existing photo or take a new photo with the webcam;

Choose a design style for mail, this will be Step #5.

In the sixth and final step, the system reports the completion of the configuration.

Mailbox Features

So, you are in your mailbox and immediately see two new letters that came automatically from Yandex.

The mailbox inside looks very standard.

Vertical menu

On the left is a vertical menu and it helps to navigate the letters, it consists of sections:

  • incoming;
  • sent;
  • remote;
  • spam;
  • drafts.

Horizontal menus

Horizontal upper The menu has the following sections:

  • search (transition to a search engine);
  • mail (here you are now);
  • disk (here you can store files and give links to them to other people so that they download the material);;
  • money (here you can register a Yandex wallet);
  • music (for listening to music);
  • photos (for storing photos);
  • more (many other sections).

lower the horizontal menu consists of three sections: letters, disk, contacts (for adding regular senders to the list).

Making changes to your account and adding contacts

If you were in a hurry and created your mail with data that you would like to change (for example, you entered a fictitious name), you can always correct the situation.

Mail settings

If you want to make any changes to your account, mail settings or its design, you can do this after going to the "Settings" section of the same name, it is located in the upper right corner, next to the mail address.

As you can see, the settings are extensive. Of the unusual functions of the mail, it is worth noting the "Cases" section, this is a kind of diary or notebook. Here you can enter your plans and control their execution. If you work at a computer during the day and wait for certain letters, you do not need to constantly go to the mail page and refresh it to find out when a new letter arrives. You can set the sound notification function.


If you have a contact database that you do not want to manually re-enter into "Contacts", you can import it using a special file with the ".csv" or "vCard" extension.

Working with letters and the nuances of mail


For reading incoming messages, the user needs to go to the appropriate section and click on the new letter that has arrived (the selection will then disappear). When an email is open, the following options are available to you:

  • write (new letter);
  • check (mail for new letters);
  • reply (to an incoming open letter);
  • Reply All;
  • forward (to another user);
  • delete;
  • this is spam (the letter will be sent to the appropriate folder and new letters from its sender will now only be in this folder);
  • unread (leave the message view as unread);
  • add button (archive, forward, to folder, label, auto reply, with money).

Other folders

The Sent Items folder will contain emails that you send to someone. In "Deleted", "Drafts" and "Spam" corresponding to the names of the letters.


If you have a smartphone or tablet, install the Yandex mail application and then you can read, receive and send mail on these devices as well.

When you go to another section of the Yandex service, you can always return to the mail again.

If you have difficulty creating a mailbox, watch the video as well.

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