How to work in aliexpress. How to use Aliexpress with maximum benefit. Earn on mediation

If you haven't heard of the site , then you are really behind the times. On this site, you can buy anything directly from China, and the package, most often for free, will arrive at your post office. My wife and I have already ordered quite a few things on this "Internet market" and most often I was satisfied.

But now I'm more interested in another question: how to make money on aliexpress? Now it is very profitable to be an intermediary between online sellers and buyers, bringing the first visitors and getting your percentage for it.

Until recently, I didn’t even think that there was such an opportunity, but more and more often banners with ali express ads began to come across to me and I realized that the hour had come.

In addition, this site has become VERY popular in Russia, according to the Alexa rating it is in 12th place, and this is very COOL for a non-Russian site. (All images in this article are clickable)

Not surprisingly, many CPA affiliate programs (pay per action) have already included this Chinese site in their offers. To make money on Aliexpress, you need to register in one of these CPA affiliate programs: AD1 , ActionPAY or ADMITAD , both exemplary are equally reliable and well-proven. Besides ADMITAD works with a plugin from aliexpress, which allows you to make an affiliate store on WordPress! But more on that below...

But first, I will give a table with all the CPA networks on which you can earn money with aliexpress:

Affiliate Interest rate Year of creation
aliexpress 8% 2006
EPN 8,5% 2014
ADMITAD 8,5% 2009
AD1 8,5% 2005
Where is the elephant? 8,5% 2010
Cityads 8,5% 2011
advertise 8,5% 2003
actionpay 8,5% 2013

But they have one drawback - it's not so easy to understand their interface, there are a lot of different advertisers, it's hard to understand how to set it all up and install it on the site. We can safely say that these affiliate programs are designed for professionals in their field.

How to make money on Aliexpress the easiest way?

But the other day I discovered an affiliate program that works exclusively with Aliexpress and is very easy to learn - this is an aliexpress affiliate program called e-COMMERCE PARTNERS NETWORK

How much can you earn with this affiliate program? Here is what they write themselves:

More than fifty million products participate in the affiliate program of the Ali Express online store. The percentage of commission in the AliExpress ePN CSP is 8% for any product. Purchases made by users during the day after clicking on your affiliate link are taken into account.

In other words, the income depends on the number of attracted customers and the type of product. The great thing is that this and it will be seen by all visitors. Another plus is that it is NOT MANDATORY TO HAVE YOUR OWN SITE, advertising links can be placed almost everywhere, including social networks.

In light of the latest changes in the aliexpress affiliate program, it is MOST PROFITABLE now to earn on cashback by recruiting referrals. A very promising topic! This partner has AFFILIATE PROGRAM !

How to set up ads?

After registration, you need to go to the menu TOOLS - MY CREATIVES. Here you will be offered a choice:


After that, we will be given such an iframe code. This code can no longer be posted on social networks, but on blog platforms, such as a live magazine or a blogger, it is quite possible. Well, of course, you can put at least one on your site.

It is very convenient to view statistics in the system, you can immediately see which banners and links are successful and which are not.

What are the advantages of this type of income?

Cons of this type of income:

It is worth noting that not all products on aliexpress participate in the affiliate program. As this affiliate program assures, approximately 60% of goods participate in the affiliate program on aliexpress. To check a specific product, you need to go to the TOOLS - CHECK LINK tab.

How to do it written here , it's not difficult to figure it out, if anything - write in the comments, I'll help in any way I can.

There are many other tools on the site, but you will deal with them yourself, if you need them, these are enough for me. So let's register for e-COMMERCE PARTNERS and earn money with the Chinese brothers!

How to make money on Aliexpress without intermediaries?

The above affiliate program is doing well, it is ideal for most, including beginners. But she has one drawback - you work through intermediaries in the face of e-COMMERCE PARTNERS and you understand that they also have from all this (quite deservedly). And they have, of course, out of your pocket.

This problem is easily solved - you need to work directly with Aliexpress, and this is quite real. What is needed for this? Here are some steps:

1. Registration in the Aliexpress affiliate program. We go along TO THIS ADDRESS and register as partners. You need to wait for some time until you are given access to the affiliate API.

But Shurik, these are not our methods! You can create your own online store in just 10 minutes and immediately fill the site with thousands of goods of the subject we need. How to do it?

2. Purchasing the AliPlugin Plugin. Yes, the plugin is paid, but believe me, it will pay off very quickly. You can buy AliPlugin for only $29, while the plugin is already fully Russified. I have already purchased such a plugin for my new site, and will soon be actively using it there.

And today I tested this plugin in action, it turns out something like this, if you don’t really configure anything:

Recently, the plugin has started working with an affiliate program ADMITAD , in which you can receive 8.5% of sales, as in the above EPN.BZ

On their website, you can see instructions on how to set up the plugin to work with this affiliate program. Why exactly ADMITAD , and not a native partner? Yes, it’s just that it will be much easier to withdraw money here, as I already wrote earlier, they take a commission of $ 10 from the native affiliate program when withdrawing

The site has a demo version of the plugin, you can go and test its functionality before buying. I will say one thing: there are no analogues even close!

In the new version of the plugin, you can already connect through the affiliate program e-COMMERCE PARTNERS which made me very happy!

Even from this one screenshot, you can see that the functionality is very large, and everything can be automated. There is a built-in translator, but I would advise you to rewrite each product with pens, or at least make the headings unique and write articles on them so that traffic comes from the search.

If you don’t know how to create websites, then you can buy a ready-made store from them for only $99, which is also a good option. At the same time, they even promise to give you a domain having in the .com zone

In this article, I will not describe this plugin in detail, I will do it on my new site, since a separate large article is needed, where I will try to talk about all the subtleties when working with the plugin and creating such stores.

How to make money on reselling goods in aliexpress?

There is another interesting way to make money on aliexpress - this is to resell goods with your markup. What is it like? To do this, you can use one interesting service - ARBICLUBE. (at the moment, free registration on the site has been closed, my account without any reasons removed, unreliable partner, DO NOT RECOMMEND to contact)

The essence of earnings is as follows: you register in the system, choose a product, make your margin, create a mini site with a single page with a unique address using the service. A person gets to the page, makes an order at YOUR PRICE and receives a parcel at his post office.

A very original way, you can make a lot of these pages and advertise them on the Internet in different ways. Read on the link...

Didn't find an answer? Use the site search


You can make money on Aliexpress using at least five ways to generate income without starting investments. The most popular of them are opening an online store and participating in affiliate programs. Also on Aliexpress, you can do business that requires minimal investment, which consists in the resale of goods.

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5 easy ways to make money without investment

Earning options without investment:

  • partnership programs;
  • affiliate stores;
  • cashback;
  • paid reviews;
  • mediation services.

Partnership programs

An affiliate program or affiliate program is a type of advertising for an online store that is focused on increasing sales. The online store provides partners with all kinds of links to attract customers. From the purchases made due to the transition through the partner’s advertisement, the store pays a percentage, “thanks” to the partner for the help.

To become an Aliexpress partner, you first need to choose a CPA platform.

There are many affiliate sites of Aliexpress, but there are usually three main ones:

  1. EPN. The most famous and, according to users, the best program. The interface is completely in Russian, stable payments, wider functionality, convenient withdrawal of money, interest rate of 8.5%.
  2. Admitad. Similar to EPN, the program also has a rate of 8.5% and a wide range of instruments.
  3. Official affiliate program Aliexpress. Despite the officiality, this program is chosen quite rarely. Especially with regard to residents of the CIS countries, because the interface is in English. For the withdrawal of funds, $10 is debited, which is a dubious advantage. This is especially small if you have just started a business and have not yet reached a good level of income.

EPN Admitad Aliexpress official partner

To start working with the affiliate program, follow the instructions:

  1. Registration on CPA platforms. Registration takes about five minutes. The only caveat: enter your real full name. Otherwise, by attaching an electronic wallet to your account, if the data does not match, you may be blocked.
  2. We find the desired site in the list. Here we select the site with which we are going to cooperate - Aliexpress.
  3. Select your favorite product. Here, select the product you want to advertise so that it finds a response on your resource (blog, website, Youtube channel, etc.).
  4. Create a link to a product. Going to this point, you should go to the "tools" section and familiarize yourself with them.
  5. Choosing a site for placing a link. If you have a website or blog, the choice will fall on them. You can specifically start some kind of resource or start devoting more time to pages on social networks.

Taking EPN as a basis, let's look at popular tools:

  1. Affiliate link. A simple and popular tool. Copy the link to the product from Aliexpress, paste it into this block and get a new affiliate link as a result. It can be placed on any resource, in a blog article, on a social page. networks. The client follows your link, buys the goods, and ali pays you interest for this.
  2. deep link. The result is similar to the previous point. The only difference is that a deeplink does not refer to one particular product, but to a category of this product. The point is to exclude the loss of the buyer due to the fact that the goods ended, and you did not have time to keep track. Suitable for social media posting networks, especially those with high traffic.
  3. Banners. The famous advertising banners that attract attention will be useful to owners of sites or pages with very high traffic.
  4. Coupons. With this tool, you can open a link to a page with coupons. By clicking on such links, the buyer receives good discounts. The more profitable discounts and promotions, the more people will follow such a link.
  5. Promo landings. These are somewhat simplified “subsidiary” sites that offer specific products. The advantage of such sites is that they are highly specialized, and, having got there, a person definitely acquires something.
  6. Mobile CPA. This is an advertisement for the mobile version of the site, only the link advertises not goods, but the Aliexpress mobile application. Suitable for those who have a website.
  7. Products. An ordinary table, list or rating, which displays products that are currently in demand. Each product has an affiliate link.
  8. Landing page builder. Here you can create your own landing page if you don’t like any of the ready-made ones.
  9. Attract referrals. Model of network marketing and "pyramids". If you attract another person to this affiliate program, he starts working with Aliexpress, earning money, then you get a percentage of his earnings. On an ongoing basis. By the way, the official Aliexpress affiliate program does not have such a tool.
  10. Plugin. It allows you to receive affiliate links to the Aliexpress pages open in the browser without leaving them. Download the browser extension and log in to the plugin.

Some tips for working with affiliate programs:

  1. Links are better. And they are perceived by buyers much more positively than banners, which some browsers block.
  2. Refusal to advertise goods from the Mall. With a Russian-language interface, fast delivery and quality to customers, the Mall will not bring profit, because cashback is not provided for its products.
  3. Refer to the "Products" tool more often. With it, you can track hot products that are much more profitable to work with.
  4. Contact SEO companies. If you decide to take up business thoroughly and professionally. They will help increase traffic to your resource and attract the maximum number of buyers.

Partner Stores

Affiliate stores are the "ancestors" of the landing page. These are online stores that you create by filling them with products from Aliexpressa. As soon as the buyer delivers his order, you are charged interest.


Cashback (eng. Cashback - “money back”) - a refund of a percentage of the purchase amount after the completion of the purchase. Due to the great competition and the desire to get regular customers, stores and sellers are ready to return money to buyers in the amount of a certain percentage. They are also interested in the fact that regular customers bring new customers.

In the case of such earnings, before you get a benefit, you need to invest. Those who often make purchases on Aliexpress or make them for large amounts should use this method.

The best sites are:

  • Megabonus;
  • letyshops;
  • EPN Cashback.

Paid Reviews

A passive way with the smallest earnings, despite the fact that a review or review needs to be written in a very detailed way, attaching a photo and video. After the review is approved by the moderator, 5 kopecks will be credited for each view. The advantage of such earnings is that it does not require any control after completion of work.

Mediation services

Some people are still afraid to make a 100% advance payment for goods not yet received. Therefore, buyers turn to intermediaries and are ready to pay extra from 10 to 20 percent of the amount of goods for placing an order.

Often intermediaries for their money:

  • order goods;
  • track it;
  • receive and check;
  • sent to the customer.

When the customer has the goods in his hands, he will pay the intermediary the full amount. And for the goods, and for the "troubles". But the intermediary can also work on an advance payment in order to avoid trouble with unscrupulous customers.

Resale of goods: earnings with minimal investment

You can also make money on Aliexpress using the “traditional” method, by reselling things. By purchasing goods at a low price and winding up the percentage from 50 to 500, you can increase the margin and make a profit.

When reselling things from Aliexpress, it is desirable:

  • have an idea about the functioning of the trading business;
  • draw up a business plan;
  • have a lot of useful connections.

Wholesale purchase of products and its implementation

If you have start-up capital, you can take on reselling.

A few tips for choosing a product to sell:

  1. Area of ​​interest. You need to understand what you are going to sell, be able to advertise the product, describe its positive properties. Don't bulk order drill bit sets if you don't know how to repair. Even if the sets cost 10 rubles.
  2. Place. Decide on a space where to store the product before it is sold. A garage or a separate room in an apartment, or maybe a large enough box if the goods are small. For example, flash drives.
  3. Price. Think about the price at which you are going to sell the product. Be realistic: a flash drive from Aliexpress for 20 rubles is unlikely to be bought for 1000.
  4. Selling point. An online store with a website or, for example, ads on Avito. A point in the market or a boutique in a shopping center. The cheapest way is to make a separate profile on Instagram or a VKontakte group - you don’t need to pay for website design, rent.
  5. Delivery. Choose products with free shipping to save money. Pay attention to wholesale sales. Often, when buying in bulk, they make a big discount, which allows you to increase the margin of the product.


Dropshipping or direct delivery is a type of business that minimizes the risks of an intermediary, since the manufacturer directly sends the order to the buyer. At first it may seem that dropshipping is similar to mediation services, because the scheme is similar. In both cases, the buyer pays a percentage to the intermediary for the quality execution of the order, not wanting to carry it out personally for any reason.

The difference between dropshipping is that here you help the manufacturer, because you find buyers for him. The manufacturer sells the product at a wholesale price, the buyer purchases it at a price with an intermediary markup.

Advantages of dropshipping as an additional income:

  1. No need to keep the goods at home, as with the purchase and resale. The goods go directly from the supplier to the buyer.
  2. It is not required to invest money, because the buyer makes a 100% prepayment, and after the transaction is closed, you are charged legally earned interest.

To earn in this way, you need to perfectly navigate the site.


  • find trusted sellers;
  • choose a reliable product;
  • track orders to be ready to answer buyers' questions about delivery times at any time;
  • have your own customer base or desire to develop it;
  • create your own website or store on the Internet in order to attract customers through it.

Aliexpress internal currency

In addition to direct earnings and savings through cashback, you can make transactions using the site's internal currency. On Aliexpress, these are coins or mobile bonuses.

They exist only in the mobile application, they cannot be converted into real currency, withdrawn from the site. Coins are exchanged for discount coupons at sellers or added to the declared price of goods for a discount.

Earn coins by logging into the app every day or playing games. The main thing is not to skip days, otherwise all coins will be canceled and you will have to start over.

The video shows where to find the Mobile Bonuses tab, what the coins look like, and how to play the games. Filmed by VideoBlog 73.

Earnings on Aliexpress

The amount of earnings on Aliexpress is individual, because different ways of earning are suitable for different people. The commission that you will receive when making a sale will be about 8% of the price of the item. The average order amount ranges between $100 and $150. That is, earnings from one order will be from 8 to 11 dollars. This is not much, but with a large number of customers, the income will become tangible.

How not to fall for scammers: top 5 popular schemes

In order not to become a victim of scammers at the beginning of work, check out their most popular schemes:

  • partial compensation for non-received goods;
  • change the name of the product;
  • huge discounts and unreal promotions;
  • too fast delivery;
  • bypassing the payment system.

Partial refund for non-received goods

First wake-up call: low price, 90-95% discount. However, it should be borne in mind that there are big discounts on Aliexpress even with a conscientious sale of goods.

Also, a sign of a fraudulent scheme may be the offer of free express delivery.

The scheme works like this:

  1. An order is made and paid for, tracking begins, but when the order reaches the border, it turns out that it was returned to the seller.
  2. The seller assures that the goods will still be received, only this time he will send it by regular mail. And for moral damage, he offers compensation in the amount of 10-15 dollars.
  3. The buyer confirms, but in order to receive compensation, you need to open a dispute, the seller agrees to the terms, the dispute is closed.
  4. The buyer receives compensation, but not the goods.

The bottom line is that you cannot reopen a dispute on an order. That is, having made and paid for an order for $100, agreeing with compensation for $10, in the end only this amount will remain. No refunds or goods.

Product name change

If, after choosing and paying for the order, it is noticed that the seller has changed the description and name of the product, this is a scammer. This method was invented to move the product higher when sorting by price. The goods will arrive, but inside the parcel will not be what was ordered.

Huge discounts and unreal promotions

The unreality lies in the amount of the discount and in the fact that other sellers sell such goods at least twice as much. It's tempting to buy a product for $1-2 when other stores sell it for $5 or $10. Especially if they offer free shipping. But in the end you don’t get the goods, and there is no time or desire to open a dispute for a meager amount. In theory, this can be done, but not everyone will do it.

This scheme is aimed at increasing the number of sales. If you notice a suspiciously low price, read the reviews. As a rule, they are not available in such stores, although the number of sales is high.

Too fast delivery

If they offer delivery within 5-7 days, then this is a scammer. The buyer agrees, pays for the goods, but after some time the seller writes that he mistakenly sent the order to the wrong address. And the buyer is waiting. And the delivery time expires, and when it expires, the transaction will be closed. You can't open a dispute or complain. Read the Aliexpress rules carefully and open a dispute before the end of the transaction.

Bypass the payment system

If the seller offers to bypass the payment system on the site and transfer money to his card, promising bonuses (for example, express delivery), this is a sign of fraud.

When a transaction is made on the site, through its payment system:

  • there is a guarantee;
  • the ability to write to the support service;
  • open dispute.

By transferring money directly to the seller, such privileges are lost, the seller ceases to be responsible: the goods do not arrive, the money is debited.

Tips to help you on the climb:

  1. Determine how much time you are willing to devote to working with the site. Will it be a way to earn a couple thousand a month or start a business.
  2. At first, choose methods without investments so that unsold goods do not take up space and do not make eyes dirty, reminding you of the money spent. Especially if the area of ​​sales is new to you.
  3. Focus on bestsellers, choose your target audience, try and create reviews for the product that you sell or advertise.
  4. Start with affiliate programs to understand the system without investing money and without spending a lot of time.
  5. Watch people who have already succeeded. In addition to being a source of inspiration, they will share secrets and useful tips.
  6. Do not set huge goals, gradually achieve short-term ones. A small but sure result is better than a high bar and a huge disappointment in the inability to reach it in a timely manner.
  7. Combine ways to earn. When reselling, be sure to connect cashback, doing mediation services, write reviews.
  8. Build on your skills. If you are a good salesman, you know how to beautifully and profitably present the goods to the buyer, then it is better to resell the goods. If you understand the site, follow the market and the needs of buyers, then go in for dropshipping. And if there is a website or an online store with a lot of traffic that has proven itself with customers, then become a partner.

affiliate program AliExpress is unique in that it can earn people with different levels of training. It does not require investments or direct sales.

In one of the previous articles, we talked about How. The topic of today's article is how to make money with Aliexpress.

Yes, it's not a typo. The largest online hypermarket in the world makes it possible not only to buy goods at ridiculous prices, but also to earn money. For this, an affiliate program has been created, the participant of which can be anyone. Let's look at specific examples of how to make money on Aliexpress without investments and sales.

Is there any point in doing this

How relevant is the topic of making money on Aliexpress today? Maybe we are already too late and the money on the Internet is about to run out? Let's check how many people were interested in this topic through the search.

Requests « Aliexpress", according to information Wordstat Yandex, – 9,094,674 per month. Add here another 1 531 947 for the request " aliexpress". And this is only Yandex, but there is also Google and other search engines. That is, the interest in the Internet resource is colossal.

How to become an AliExpress partner

There is an English-language version of the affiliate program, but working with it is terribly inconvenient and, oddly enough, less profitable. Therefore, most people who want to make money with the help of Aliexpress sooner or later find its official Russian representative - ePN (eCommerce Partner Network) .

There are several other Russian CPA networks, but ePN there are a number of advantages: it surpasses them in functionality, provides real-time statistics and has responsive technical support. Learn more about the benefits ePN we talked about in the article.

On the site ePN you will find all the information you need:

  • how to register as a partner;
  • how to generate affiliate links;
  • how to earn money.

For this reason, we will not dwell on such questions. Let's just say briefly what the essence of making money on Aliexpress is. You find an interesting product and invite someone to buy it. With each such purchase, you receive a certain amount of “commission”.

It is important to understand that you are not deceiving anyone in this way, everything is absolutely honest and transparent. Affiliate remuneration is initially included in the cost of each product. Therefore, regardless of whether a person buys it “directly” or through your affiliate link, the price for him will be the same.

Moreover, you can help all your friends by telling them how to save on purchases with cashback. By registering them for ePN through your affiliate link, you will receive 20% of their cashback amount. Friends save, you earn, everyone is happy.

How to make money on Aliexpress without a website

Say, this way of earning is suitable for venerable webmasters who have their own websites and online stores. Yes, having your own platform in your arsenal, you can achieve the desired results much faster. However, the beauty of affiliate programs is that they can even earn from scratch.

What exactly needs to be done? Register on the site Go to the "Invite a friend" section, then to "Tools", get a referral link to the main ePN Cashback or to another special promo page. Send a link to a friend or acquaintance. By the way, this operation can also be done through the application ePN Cashback for Android.

If a friend clicks on the link and registers for ePN Cashback, you will receive 20 percent of the amount of his cashback. Again, he has absolutely nothing to lose by continuing to buy at the same discounts as before. As already mentioned, the money for affiliate deductions is initially included in the cost of all goods. In other words, the whole "feast" is paid by people who do not use the cashback and affiliate program. So let's be a little smarter than them and start earning right now!

You can receive money in both programs at the same time: ePN Cashback and AliExpress ePN. Just when creating an affiliate link in AliExpress ePN check the box to invite users to cashback.

When you go to the specified page AliExpress, the partner will see the cashback button at the top. If he clicks on it, he will become your referral in ePN Cashback. And if they don’t even click, but still buy the product, then you will receive a one-time reward as part of the affiliate program ePN– from 8.5 percent of the purchase amount.

ePN Cashback Affiliate Terms

You are paid 20 percent of the referral cashback amount in the first month and up to 30 percent from the second and subsequent months. The specific amount of remuneration depends on the turnover of the referrals you attracted.

Earned can be credited to the wallet WMZ, ePayments, QIWI, Yandex.Money, maps master card and Visa or on a mobile phone account. The minimum withdrawal amount is $0.2. V master card and Visa – 9$.

You can search and bring clients from many sources- everything that is not prohibited by the rules is allowed. In addition to outright spam and some prohibited types of advertising, you can send visitors through your referral link from anywhere.

If there is a suspicion that the purchase may not be credited to you, then contact a fairly friendly technical support, they will surely help you find the best option.

By the way, you will be rewarded not only for the purchase of the product to which the referral link led, but also for other purchases that your referral made during this browser session.

Another nuance is that the next affiliate link overlaps the previous one, that is, the commission will be charged to the partner whose link the buyer clicked on last. When accruing commissions, purchases of previously registered and purchases of new users are counted.

Where to look for future referrals

Now specific tips - how to make money on Aliexpress without investments and sales. With friends and acquaintances, it’s understandable, but you can’t earn much on them. Of course, you can ask anyone, even a stranger, to place an order using your affiliate link. But it is hardly worth doing so uncomplicated. Having openly given out your commercial interest, you most likely will not get the result you are counting on.

For really serious earnings, you need to find people who buy a lot and regularly on AliExpress. These are, first of all, intermediaries, wholesalers and coordinators of joint purchases. Where to look for them?

In this case earnings will directly depend on the number of sites that you find, and on the number of written messages. In other words, from diligence and perseverance shown.

Another scheme for earning money with the help of Aliexpress is reviews and boasts. It is similar to the previous one - find thematic sites, forums or groups in social networks with "boasts" and real product reviews with Ali. Here you can leave a real or fictitious review of the purchased product with your affiliate link. You should not be limited to Odnoklassniki and VK - master new social networks for you, for example, Instagram or pinterest.

How to make money on Aliexpress with investments

Create a site or a group with goods from Aliexpress of a narrow range, such as: cool flash drives, lingerie, everything for diving. At the same time, the main thing is not to copy competitors, then you can even lure members from their groups to your own clearing. You can, for example, tell people where it is cheaper to buy something that other sites are massively advertising.

If you can’t make a simple website yourself, order it on some freelance exchange. It will cost a few tens of dollars, no more. Another thing is that it will take a lot of work to create unique content (texts and pictures).

Promote your channel to YouTube quite difficult because of the content problem. Although you can set the filter "Creative Commons License" when searching, and use the found reviews for your own purposes. But then you still have to do reviews yourself. And for starters, you can simply download the video, upload it to your channel with a different title, a unique description and an affiliate link.

Your online store is one of the most profitable methods of making money on Aliexpress.. But this is an option for experienced webmasters, in particular in SEO promotion. If you are qualified enough, then ePN has all the necessary tools to create a new online store in the shortest possible time.

Even an ordinary VKontakte page can give good results. Find on AliExpress popular item such as laptop lenovo ideapad 110-15ibr. Create a VKontakte group "Notebook lenovo ideapad 110-15ibr", fill it with unique laptop descriptions with your affiliate link, upload photos and videos, add a few dozen people and get traffic from search engines and VKontakte search.

Funds will be credited to your balance after the parcels reach their destination and are confirmed by the customer. Truth, AliExpress it also checks the traffic, as a result of which the process can drag on for about 180 days. But on the other hand, payments will come in dollars, which is especially nice when the exchange rate of national currencies fluctuates.

It's no secret that now many people have got the hang of making money using the services of the Aliexpress website. Whether it's reselling things, filming a video of unpacking parcels, or an affiliate program, the main thing is that it brings real income.

The best options for making money on Aliexpress

There are various ways to earn income on the Internet, many are interested in the question: how to make money on Aliexpress? This site offers a wide selection of Chinese-made items. The advantage is the affordable price and free delivery of goods. Entrepreneurial people buy and resell things, toys and accessories through retail outlets or online stores. However, you can do without special material investments and efforts.

Ways to earn money

There are several ways to make money on Aliexpress with a preliminary investment of money and without material costs. Everyone can choose the most suitable option.

How to make money on Aliexpress, existing options;

  • purchase and sale;
  • mediation;
  • affiliate program;
  • reviews and video views.

You can earn money by reselling things. To do this, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the range of products. It is better to buy small-sized and inexpensive items. These can be toys, jewelry, souvenirs, sports equipment, accessories and bags. Clothing requires trying on, hence frequent returns are possible. Goods should be purchased in small batches so that there are no problems at customs.

Next, you need to create a platform for the implementation of things. This can be a personal online store or website, a group on social networks, or simply posting an ad on Internet boards, such as Avito and joint purchases. It is necessary to create a suitable advertisement that describes all the advantages of the assortment sold. It is advisable to take high-quality photographs or videos.

The payment method can be carried out directly to the seller or work on an advance payment basis. The first option requires investment. It is necessary to choose and pay for the item you like, having received the goods, put it on the site and resell. Prepayment is good because you do not need to spend money on the purchase of items. Having received the money, you need to pay for the goods on the Aliexpress website, indicating the address of the recipient. The parcel will come directly to the buyer, and the difference in price will remain on the account of the enterprising seller. This method has one drawback - not every client wants to wait for a package for a whole month.

The markup on goods can be done based on market prices, usually it ranges from 30 to 70 percent.

How to earn without investments

If there is no desire to engage in buying and selling, then how to make money with Aliexpress without material costs . For this you need:

  • study the site well;
  • understand products, sizes and discounts;
  • consider the nuances, pros and cons of things;
  • know how to pay for goods;
  • track its progress using a special code;
  • identify scammers before purchasing things.

Some people do not want to spend a lot of time looking for a product, they do not know how to use the site, they do not understand the names and quality. To do this, they need a good assistant who can competently tell, help transfer funds, advise on delivery and return the item, if it is defective or replaced. By becoming an intermediary, you can receive up to 10-15 percent from each purchase without spending your own money.

The next option on how to make money on Aliexpress without investment is to write product reviews. To do this, you need to register on Otzovik sites or similar sites, select a product and write a detailed opinion about it, attaching the necessary photo. After checking the review by the moderator and its approval, the article is published and a bonus comes for each view. The amount is not large, but it turns out a constant income. Plus, you don't need to do anything else. You can make a profit on reviews on sites up to 1300 rubles per article per month.

MORE How to buy cheaper on Aliexpress

affiliate program

There is a more original way to make money with Aliexpress. It is necessary to promote an affiliate program and receive income from other people's orders. The essence of the method is to obtain an advertising link on certain sites, which must be posted on social networks or blogs. When people follow the link, they will be taken to the page with the selected product, when buying it, a percentage of sales is automatically transferred to a bank card or electronic money. In this case, no investments and purchases are required. The client himself orders, pays and receives the goods.

How to make money through an affiliate program, algorithm of actions:

  • it is necessary to register on the SPA platforms;
  • in the lists find the necessary site to enter into a partnership
  • pick up your favorite things;
  • create a link that should be shortened and masked, the system will automatically help to form it;
  • choose a platform for placement, it can be a page on social networks, blogs and banner advertising.

affiliate program SPA networks:

The program analyzes the number of clicks on links and the frequency of purchases. If the purchase was made immediately before closing the browser, then a percentage of the sale will be transferred to the account.

There is another way to make money on Aliexpress by receiving bonuses from trading platforms and stores. These discounts allow you to significantly save on your purchase. How to earn coupons for Aliexpress? The process of getting coupons is quite simple. You need to go to the site page, select the required category of goods and get a coupon code. As a result, the user will be redirected to the page of the online store, where goods will be offered for which a coupon discount is provided.

Is it possible to make money on a mobile application? Recently, Aliexpress has been promoting a mobile application for buying goods. With it, you can earn coins, which are the currency of the site. Money is exchanged for coupons. You need to install the application on a mobile phone or tablet, and visit the site daily. Every day you will receive a bonus amount for entering. You must not miss a single day. If for some reason the entry was not made, then the amount is reset to zero and you will have to start accumulating coins from the very beginning.

You can promote a mobile application by registering on the site, for each installation you will receive bonuses in the amount of $0.5.

Apr 13, 2017 admin

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