Facebook social network login. Facebook: my page is always with me. I didn't receive a password reset email

How to register on Facebook in Russian for free?

If you decide to join the large Russian-speaking Facebook family, then this article is written especially for you!

New User Registration

The number of its users exceeds two and a half billion. Impressive, right?

And so, how to register a new user in? It is not that difficult, and usually takes very little of your personal time.

But there are certain conditions:

Even famous people use their real data. We advise you to do the same, as this allows you to increase the popularity of the user. Nobody likes fake pages, right?

  • After you have filled in the fields with your data, it's time to come up with a password.

It would be better to come up with a unique password that you do not use on any other sites and that does not match your email address or number. This will protect your personal data from being hacked by scammers.

This is necessary so that the site administration has the opportunity to send you a registration confirmation letter by mail, as well as to search for already registered Facebook users who may be your friends or colleagues, or simply useful people for promoting business.

The site will also offer you to indicate your hometown, university, school or your current place of work to clarify your possible acquaintances, friends and colleagues.

These steps can be skipped and postponed until later by clicking the appropriate Skip button .

  • Next, you will be prompted to upload your photo to your profile. If you have your photo on disk, you can upload it from there, if not, you can take a photo directly from your webcam. This action will help your friends quickly find you among namesakes. You can also skip this step if you don't have enough time or don't have a suitable photo, and come back to it later.

The final step of registering an account

Read also:

Last stage of registration

The final step in registering a Facebook account is to confirm registration from the email you provided during registration.

When registering, you will be asked to provide a mobile phone number. This step is optional. But if you specify a phone number, then recovering lost data will be much easier.

Your phone will receive a message with a verification code, which must be entered in the appropriate field.

Of course, not every person has the desire to make their phone number available to all network users.

In order to hide your number, you need to go to the profile settings and opposite the inscription: "Who can see my mobile number" check the box next to "Only me".

This completes the registration of your Facebook profile.

So, it will not be difficult for registered users to find possible friends, colleagues or people who can help in the development of their business.

But what about those who are not eager to put their data on public display? Search for people without registration will help you. Which, by the way, is available on many modern sites.

So how do you do it?

Read also:My Instagram page: how to log in on your phone and computer. Instruction 2018

Facebook is a huge community of people, which includes about two and a half million users, among which there are necessarily your current or old acquaintances, or friends from school, university, colleagues, potential clients or people who can help promote your business.

There is an easy way to find the people you need without first registering.

You just need to go to the browser that you use and select your favorite search engine, and then enter the name and surname of the person you want to find in the search bar.

After entering the first and last name, you must enter the word " Facebook", In order to go to this person on Facebook with the first link shown.

That is, you do not need registration, the profile will be displayed thanks to the search engine, however, namesakes or people with common names can be quite difficult to find.

Indeed, instead of, for example, Ivan Ivanov, who is exactly what you need, the same one or can show a dozen others, but not the one you are looking for.

Now, if the results show the right person, you can simply follow the link and view the profile of the person you need.

It should be borne in mind that you will not be able to view a person's profile if he has limited some functions in the account settings or temporarily deleted (deactivated) his Facebook account.

Search for your page without registration

How to enter your facebook page without registration? Unfortunately, you won't be able to do this. Just because you don't have a Facebook page.

The registration procedure takes no more than five minutes of your personal time and is absolutely not complicated for the vast majority of users.

If you have just registered with this social network or you already have a Facebook page, you just need to use your favorite browser and search engine by typing "Facebook my page".

To enter your page, you must enter your username and password.

If you do not have a registered Facebook page, you can go through the very simple registration procedure described above in this article.

Here we talk about registration in an accessible and understandable way so that everyone can easily create a page on Facebook.

All you need to register on facebook is your email or phone number.

If you don't have an email, get one for yourself. how to do it quickly and easily.

So, let's begin.

Come in here. If this opens someone's page, just click on the arrow in the upper right corner and then "Exit".

Please note that the address of the page that opens starts with facebook.com. If you have already opened a page where you can register on facebook, but its address is different from the one indicated, then most likely you are on a copy page and it is very possible that you will be offered to send an SMS. If this is the case, get out of there, we remind you again - Facebook registration is always free.

Fill out the registration form.
Real name, surname, date of birth is not required.
Then, click the "Register" button.

ADVICE. You don't have to enter the email address a second time, it's easier to just copy it

ADVICE. The password, on the one hand, is better to make it more complicated. On the other hand, it should be such that you yourself can easily remember it. Be sure to remember your email and password! To write a good Facebook password, you can do this: switch the keyboard to English, then enter some word in Russian. For example, the word zatupilaru would be written as pfnegbkfhe. Such a password is easy to remember and very difficult to crack.

STEP 3. Free registration on Facebook.

That's actually, you managed to register on facebook. Now you need to go to your mail, which you indicated during registration.

You should receive an email from facebook.

The number of Russian users of the popular social network Facebook is growing every day. Having got used to the sites VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Mail.ru, at first it is somewhat difficult to understand the Facebook interface. However, over time, there will be no trace of the feeling of discomfort and confusion. In this article, we will tell you how to enter the Facebook page and navigate the sections of the site.

Facebook login

By entering http://www.facebook.com into the address bar of your browser, you find yourself on the main page of the social network.

If you have already registered on Facebook, then to enter you need to enter the e-mail or mobile phone number and password specified during registration at the top of the page. A checkmark next to the phrase "Do not log out" means that you do not have to enter the above data every time you log in.

If you are logging in to Facebook for the first time, you will need to register. To do this, click on the "Register" button and simply follow the instructions of the system.

Facebook: main sections

Right now there is very little information on your page. If during registration you did not add friends and did not subscribe to company pages, the News Feed will also be empty.

What is "My Page" on Facebook?

1. The left column of the page - the most requested functions of the site: messages, search for friends, photos, applications. A special place is occupied by the News Feed, but we will talk about it a little later.

2. There are other important control buttons at the top. By clicking on your name (in our case, Ivan Ivanovich), you get into the so-called "Chronicle", which is a chronological sequence of all your actions: adding new information, photos, etc.

Chapter "Home"- this is the same News Feed that reflects the updates of your friends and pages to which you are subscribed. You can comment on the posts you like, put a "like" ("I like") or make a repost (i.e. post it on your page).

The far right icon means "Account settings", where you can customize your profile and make changes to your privacy settings.

3. The icons on the top left side of the page are notifications informing you of new messages, user friend requests, and more.

4. In the lower right part is located "Chat" where you can chat with your friends online. Convenient, fast and easy.

More about the Chronicle

By logging into "My Page" on Facebook, you immediately find yourself in the News Feed. However, do not forget about your profile, which is desirable to be beautifully designed and filled with information.

First, you can add what is called "Cover", i.e. a photo that will take the place of a boring gray background in the header of your Timeline. You can change the picture at any time, just move the mouse cursor over the Covers field and select the “Change cover” item.

Clicking on the button "Update information", you can edit your personal information such as where you work or study, quotes, favorite movies, and artists. In a word, this is something like a questionnaire that you fill out according to your own desire and taste.

So, now you can independently log into the Facebook website, add information about yourself and easily navigate the sections of the social network. Design a page, find friends and enjoy communication. Good luck!

Many users, having finished using the social network Facebook, simply close the browser tab, while mistakenly thinking that the session is over and the exit does not matter. But, unfortunately, this opinion is not true, because if other users also use your computer, then when they go to the Facebook website, they can get to your page. Therefore, by properly logging out of your account, you will be able to protect your profile data from changes by other users and keep it confidential. It should be noted that logging out to end a session and deleting an account are separate functions, and when you log out, you will be able to access your profile after entering the email address and password that were used during registration.

In this step-by-step instruction with photos, you will learn how to properly log out and log in to the Facebook social network.

Step 1

How to properly log out of your Facebook profile

Start by clicking on the "triangle" in the upper right corner of the page and select "Logout" by clicking on it with the left mouse button.

Step 2

Step 3

How to enter your page (account) on Facebook

Now let's move on to how to log in to your Facebook account. Start by entering the email address and password you used to create your profile. Next, you can check the box next to "Do not log out". This will allow you to continue using the social network without re-entering your email address and password the next time you log in. Now click the "Login" button.

Today, millions of people around the world cannot imagine their everyday life and holidays without Facebook. For many of us, a working morning begins with logging into Facebook, and we are no longer able to refuse the opportunity to view photos and videos, join communities, communicate with people, make new friends and even earn money.

If you want that too, let's take a look at how to log into Facebook from different devices right now.

Login to Facebook from a computer

To login, follow these steps:

Sometimes users complain: I can't access my Facebook page. The first thing to do in this case is to make sure that the entered data is correct. Email, phone number and password must be exactly the ones that you entered during registration.

If this does not fix the problem, then you need to reset your password. Why go to the page Find your account. Here we indicate the email, phone number, first and last name, all data must be associated with your account. Next, click on Search. After that, you must follow the instructions on the site.

It may also happen that Facebook blocked you. This can happen for several reasons: you violated the rules for using the site, you were hacked and violated the rules for you, or you were blocked by mistake. In this case, you should not panic, but you will have to be patient, because you need to send a request to restore the page. It can take some time.

How to access Facebook from mobile devices

Users of different operating systems can download the Facebook My Page app on their smartphone or tablet through the store. With this program, you can log in to Facebook not through a browser, which is much more convenient. For IOS devices, you need to go to, for Android smartphones and tablets - to.

After downloading the application, you need to find it on your home screen and open it. The first thing you will see after entering the application is the authorization window. Here you need to enter your email address or phone number in the upper field and the password from the page in the lower field. The data that you entered during registration should be used. After entering all data for authorization, press the button To come in, and we can use the social network.

If you suddenly forgot your password, you must click on the link Forgot your password, it is located below the login box. After that, we follow a few simple steps, namely, enter your email or phone number. You will receive either an email with a link or an SMS with a recovery password. Then enter a new password.

When you enter the application for the second time, you will be automatically logged into Facebook on your page. If you do not want to be in the system all the time, then through the menu you need to exit your page.

As you have already seen, accessing your Facebook page is as easy as shelling pears, and you will do it much faster than reading this note.

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