How to make a cleaning robot at home. "Smart" robot vacuum cleaner: description, specifications, types and reviews. Benefits of Using Robot Vacuum Cleaners

    It seems like, everything is logical, the implementation of cleaning, taking place in the allotted amount of time, guarantees the cleaning of the entire room, but is it really so in practice? The model we are considering is capable of cleaning for almost three hours without additional recharging. If the drive is not enough, "Robot" will simply go to the charging point and connect to the device on its own to recharge the drive.

    Charger comes with all entry-level models, but it's worth noting that mid- and high-range devices are equipped with a charging base. Sending the device for recharging is carried out thanks to an infrared transmitter. When the "Robot" is running out of charge, it is in search of an infrared signal emitted by the charging base. After finding the device for recharging, "Robot" is sent to the "call" of the signal and personally located in the right place to restore the charge. Currently, there are devices that, also, on their own, return to cleaning after the drive is restored.

    Based on the foregoing, it can be stated that "Robot" is quite a smart device, but it still has certain actions that it is not able to carry out without human intervention.

    First, the user must make sure to remove minor obstacles on the floor surface so that the robot cleaner does not get stuck and does not seek to suck them into itself. In addition, the user must give the device a command where he is not allowed to move. To do this, you can use the virtual walls that come with the device, which will help limit the movement of the robot vacuum cleaner. Thanks to the virtual walls that transmit an infrared signal, "Robot", having received it, turns around and starts moving in the opposite direction. An impressive number of sensors built into the "Robot" make it possible to move around the room, quite autonomously.


    Based on the data obtained, more than half of the owners of "Robot" call them nothing more than friend-vacuum cleaners. However, the bulk of users acquire high-tech innovations not for the reason that they are looking for an unpretentious robotic friend, but because the floor coverings get dirty. "Robot" has a three-dimensional cleaning system. By disassembling it and looking under the brushes (you do not need to do this, we did it for you), you can find a couple of mud sensors.

    Brush located on the side of the device, protrudes slightly beyond the territory of the cleaning robot in order to be able to reach places that the “Robot” itself is not able to reach. This brush is spinning around its axis. Thanks to these actions, dust and debris are lifted and sucked up by the working device. The brush on the other side of the "Robot" catches the rubbish, which is located at the bottom of the device case.

    Separator on the underside of the device, it consists of a pair of brushes rotating in different directions, raising dust and other rubbish and sending it directly to the garbage collection tank.

    Robot sucks up pollution, during its movement on the floor covering. The owner of the robotic vacuum cleaner needs to empty the trash can at least once after cleaning one room. It happens that you have to clean the tank several times, but this is if the floors are very clogged. Older models of robotic vacuum cleaners do not respond to the fact that the trash tank is full and continue to clean.

    In addition, for older models, it is necessary to change the filter if it is too dirty. It should also be noted that in the robotic model, unlike the classic vacuum cleaner, there is no dust bag, the robotic device simply rakes all the rubbish into the trash can. Based on the information provided by robot vacuum companies, the power of their devices is similar to conventional vacuum cleaners, although based on the characteristics studied, this does not seem to be entirely true.

    Tests of "Robot" demonstrated that it Perfectly cleans wood and laminate floors, and also collects an impressive amount of animal hair and other rubbish on carpets with medium and low pile. The creators of "Robot" insist that cleaning carpets with an impressive pile, this device is not possible.

    With self-cleaning, a person performs various actions to improve the process. If the site is very dirty, a person makes much more effort to clean it. Robot vacuum cleaners strive to reproduce cleaning at the same level. To identify areas of the floor surface that require auxiliary cleaning,"Robot" applies two mud sensors located above the central brush. These sensors apply acoustic influence. When brushes pick up a significant amount of dust and debris, their particles carry out increased vibration due to contact with dirt sensors. Sensors detect an increase in the amount of pollution and send a command to the device that it is necessary to clean up this place again.

    To determine the transition to another floor covering, "Robot" equipped moving bar(with a built-in brush), its height is automatically adjusted when fixing the lift one or two centimeters from the floor.

    Also, the great advantage of "Robot" over cleaning with a conventional vacuum cleaner is possibility of vertical cleaning.

    Collecting litter sweat furniture and hard-to-reach places.

    We have already written about this above, but it will not be superfluous to recall this important characteristic. Given the insignificant height of the device, which is only ten centimeters, it easily penetrates under tables, beds, cabinets and even couches. Perhaps this type of cleaning is one of the most significant advantages of such devices as "Robot"! Of course, devices such as robotic vacuum cleaners greatly simplify our lives, and we hope that with the development of technology, the functionality of these devices will only grow.

    Varieties of robotic vacuum cleaners

    Of course, in the current market of smart home appliances, there are more advanced models of robotic vacuum cleaners, but their main task is, of course, cleaning.
    Many models have already acquired remote controls so that the user can control them without getting up from the couch.

    In the range of advanced models of robotic vacuum cleaners, one can note the desire to increase the responsibilities of these devices. In the future, their duties will include more than just cleaning floors. Already now, through some models of robotic vacuum cleaners, you can connect to the Internet, purify the air or carry out video surveillance of the room. In the not-too-distant future, it's entirely possible that home robots will be able to turn on music, act as an answering machine, and make coffee while cleaning your home. Well, let's wait and see, nothing else remains for us.

    We hope you learned something new about robotic vacuum cleaners from this article! Learn and make new discoveries every day, there is still a lot of interesting and informative in the world!

There is not always time and desire to clean the house, but modern technology allows you to create cleaning robots. These include a vacuum cleaner robot that travels around the rooms for hours and collects dust.

But such robots are expensive and not everyone can afford such a useful acquisition as, in other matters, hiring a cleaner who will clean for a certain amount. As a result, there are several options for solving such a not very pleasant task. Some will still take up a rag and detergents, while others will make a cleaning robot with their own hands. How to make a simple robot and will be discussed in this article. However, a do-it-yourself robot will not solve all the tasks associated with cleaning, but it will be able to rub the table and floor to a shine.

So, to begin with, let's deal with the materials necessary to create a cleaning robot.

  • Plastic plate or frisbee plate
  • 3 small floor brushes
  • 2 fans from the computer
  • 3 adjustable fasteners
  • 9V battery and battery connector
  • Self-locking ties or clamps
  • Bolts and nuts

Having prepared all the necessary elements, you can start creating a cleaning robot. First, drill holes in the ends of the brushes.

Using bolts and nuts, screw the adjustment mount to each brush.

Drill six holes in the plastic plate to attach the brushes. For clarity, see the photo below. Note that each pair of holes is equally spaced from each other.

Attaching the brushes to the plate is the next step in creating a cleaning robot. Use bolts and nuts for fastening. Set the sliders of the adjusting fasteners to the middle position.

In order for the cleaning robot to move, it is necessary to create an engine. To do this, carefully break out three blades from the fan. At the second fan, also break out three blades, only in a different sequence.

Secure the fans with the battery inside with zip ties. The fans must be parallel to each other. Vibrator is ready.

The cleaning robot is almost ready, you just need to attach a vibration motor from fans and batteries. To do this, drill 8 holes in the plate as in the photo below. Attach the motor to the center of the cymbal using zip ties.

As you can see, the robot does not require special skills and money. Inexpensive materials were used to build the robot, some of which, such as fans, can be salvaged from an old computer. Below you can find out what the robot cleaner is in action.

As time goes by, more and more appliances appear in our homes, designed to make our life easier and save our time for more interesting and important things.

It is known that a lot of time and effort is spent on cleaning the apartment. And in the short term, the appearance of a cleaning robot is not expected, which does absolutely everything by itself: it vacuums, washes floors and windows, wipes dust and mirrors. All these operations involve human labor, and appliances and household chemicals only make it easier. But we still dream of how to get rid of at least a couple of tedious actions - turn on the device and get the finished result without putting your hands on it.

What are robotic vacuum cleaners, their types

A robotic vacuum cleaner is an artificial intelligence device that can clean surfaces automatically. Robots have appeared on the market not so long ago and, despite the rapid development of this technology, they are still far from perfect.

Visually, the robot vacuum cleaner resembles a disk about 10 cm thick and about 30 cm in diameter. Although there are models that are shaped like a square with rounded corners. Due to their low height, these machines easily penetrate under beds, wardrobes and sofas - that is, those places where we do not get every time.

The movement of the robot is carried out using an electric motor and small wheels, usually in the amount of 3 pieces. The vacuum cleaner is controlled by buttons located on the upper surface of the disc.

The design of these "plates" from different manufacturers can vary greatly, but they all look quite nice.
The principle of operation of these robots is similar to the principle of operation of a conventional vacuum cleaner - sweeping debris with brushes and sucking it in with an air stream.

Robot, the capacity of which determines the period of continuous work of the cleaner. On average, an area of ​​20 sq. m such a robot will remove in about 45-50 minutes.

There are many models on the market of different price categories, with a different set of functions. However, price does not always determine quality. Therefore, even before choosing a specific model of a vacuum cleaner robot, it is necessary to draw up a clear picture of your desires for yourself and realistically assess the possibilities of obtaining what you want. This will greatly help to choose the right model when buying and not get disappointed from its operation.

So, the types of robotic vacuum cleaners:

  • Directly a robot vacuum cleaner designed to remove dust and debris from surfaces by sucking them in with an air stream.
  • Washing robot vacuum cleaner - its task is to wet the floors using detergents.
  • Robot floor polisher - can carry out both dry and wet cleaning, using microfiber cloths for this.

What devices help the vacuum cleaner to navigate in space

This question is of interest to many, so it is worth highlighting it separately. In order to make the movements of the device as meaningful as possible, several technologies are used at once:

  • Contact sensors protect the device from "collision" on various obstacles. They are located close to the edge of the body and work even with a light blow. In this case, the robot receives a signal about the presence of an obstacle and changes its trajectory.
  • An ultrasonic distance meter helps determine the distance from a vacuum cleaner to an object by emitting ultrasound and capturing its reflection from an obstacle.
  • Laser rangefinder - helps the robot scan the surrounding space and map the room. The function is necessary so that the vacuum cleaner can handle the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room as much as possible.
  • Virtual wall - infrared sensors that allow you to "block" the passage to other rooms for the vacuum cleaner. Used to prevent the robot from leaving the room.
  • to prevent the device from falling from a height. They are necessary where there are flights of stairs from which the device can fall and break.
  • The "local cleaning" function allows you to set the robot to a certain radius of action. It is used in places where it is necessary to clean the surface especially carefully.

You should not think that all models of vacuum cleaners are equipped with a full range of the listed functions, so you should consult the seller about their availability for the model you have chosen.

Other instrument functions

All robotic vacuum cleaners in the kit have a base on which they are recharged. In the event that the battery charge approaches a certain minimum, the vacuum cleaner rushes to its base on its own, finds it with the help of special sensors and connects to the charger. After charging is complete, it will continue to work on its own.

Depending on the "advanced" model, charging time can take from 40 minutes to 8 hours. Pollution sensors - most models are equipped with them. These devices allow you to recognize the most dirty places, while cleaning them longer and more thoroughly.

Surface recognition sensors allow the vacuum cleaner to recognize the type of surface and use the appropriate mode to clean it.

Cheap models of vacuum cleaners often get tangled in wires lying on the floor, so they have to be lifted before cleaning. In more expensive models, a system is used to prevent the robot from becoming entangled in wires or any small objects. When it is triggered, the work of brushes and a vacuum cleaner is turned off, and the robot itself tries to leave this place, after which work resumes.

The function of programming the cleaning time is available for vacuum cleaners of the middle and high price categories. The panel has buttons for setting the cleaning schedule. This allows you to set not only the time, but also the day of cleaning. You can, for example, set up a vacuum cleaner for cleaning at a time when it does not bother anyone.

- necessary for those families where there are allergies. It involves the presence of an ultraviolet lamp in the device, which disinfects the surface to be cleaned, thereby reducing the risk of allergic reactions.
There are models that can accompany cleaning with music. Of course, this is an overkill, but someone might like it.

Each robotic vacuum cleaner is equipped with a dust bag or container. Usually it is emptied manually, but expensive models have this function automated. Cleaning the container occurs simultaneously with recharging the device.

Some models are equipped with attachments for collecting pet hair. But do not rely on a miracle: they will not be able to clean a shaggy carpet clogged with wool.

Disadvantages of robotic vacuum cleaners

In order not to experience disappointment from using an expensive car, you should also be aware of its shortcomings:

  • A robotic vacuum cleaner is not able to properly clean the corners of the room.
  • Even if the robot has height sensors, you need to make sure that it does not fall down the stairs.
  • Before starting the robot, you must first prepare the room: remove large debris from the floor (which it cannot “swallow”), small objects (which it will pull inside the bag without difficulty), it is advisable to raise chairs and wires (so that the robot does not “get lost” in them) .
  • Do not throw away a regular vacuum cleaner, because the robot cannot clean furniture and carpets on the walls.
  • can only work on flat surfaces, so they will not be able to clean embossed floors or carpets with a long pile.

What to look for when choosing a home assistant

There are several main criteria to consider when choosing:

  • The number of sensors that the model is equipped with. The more diverse they are, the better the robot will navigate in the space of your home. This means cleaning will be more efficient.
  • Carefully study the design of the harvesting part of the unit. Usually it has brushes for collecting debris and side brushes for cleaning in places with poor accessibility. And pay attention not to the size and shape of the brushes, but to the material from which they are made. Cheap brushes are easily clogged with thread, hair and wool, while high-quality ones do not create these problems.
  • Also pay attention to the ease of care of the robot. All replacement parts and waste containers should be easy to remove and replace.
  • An important indicator is the capacity of the battery that the device is equipped with. The larger it is, the longer and better the machine will work. We have already mentioned the recharging time - the shorter it is, the faster the house will be cleaned.
  • You can still find devices on sale that are not equipped with a recharging base station. This is inconvenient, because its presence makes the robot autonomous, able to independently return for charging, and then continue cleaning.
  • The ability to zone is also important - this directly affects the quality of cleaning, preventing the robot from "ironing" the same places. For such a distinction, a “virtual wall” is used, by moving which you can set the cleaning area.
  • You will need the scheduled cleaning function if it is fundamentally important for you that the machine works at a certain time. This will save you from having to manually turn on the vacuum cleaner. The house will always be cleaned on time and without your guidance.
  • Do you need a washing robot vacuum cleaner? If you do not like to wash floors, even using a mop, then you need it. The model, of course, will be more expensive and more difficult to maintain, but the result is worth it. After all, first the robot will collect the garbage, and only then it will start washing the floor. True, you will have to manually change the water in it. It is only necessary to take into account that such a device cannot be used for coatings that do not tolerate moisture well (porous tiles, parquet, non-waterproof laminate).
  • Of great importance is the capacity of the dust collector, which can vary from 0.3 to 1 liter. If it is too small, then the robot will only be able to clean a small room. The optimal volume of the container is 0.3 - 0.6 liters. This is enough to clean a medium-sized apartment.

Operating rules

There are a number of rules, the observance of which will ensure the long and safe operation of the vacuum cleaner robot:

  • Make sure that the robot does not get water or even splashes of it. Wipe the outer casing with a dry cloth only.
  • Before turning on the device, lift clothes, newspapers, wires, cords from blinds, unstable objects.
  • It is strictly forbidden to touch the charger or the robot with wet hands.
  • Follow the regular cleaning of brushes and garbage bins, clean them from debris and wound fibers in time.
  • If for some reason the robot will be idle for a long time, remove the charged battery from it.
  • Never use it to clean up chemicals, spilled paint, or bleach.
  • Please note that if the floor in your house is very dark, the robot may not work effectively.

As for the cost of robotic vacuum cleaners, it can range from 5000 rubles. up to 50,000 rubles It is clear that you should not expect high-quality cleaning or long work from a low-cost model. Here you need to focus on your own requests for financial opportunities.

Also, do not think that all robots made in China are bad. Moreover, most of the models available on our market are made there. acquaintances, consumer reviews and sellers' opinions.

The current level of development of technology allows us to hope for the imminent appearance of household robots that will be able to take on most of the work around the house. Of course, cleaning robots already exist, but they can only perform a limited range of household chores. However, in this review, you can see the 10 most unique home robots already in existence.

1. Functional robot vacuum cleaner Combi 2 in 1

The automated vacuum cleaner - Combi, will help to facilitate cleaning in the room. In addition to the fact that the device can automatically clean the room, it is equipped with a removable mini vacuum cleaner. This is done in order to manually remove dust in places where the Combi cannot reach.

2. The concept of a robot vacuum cleaner in the form of a turtle

The new automatic robot vacuum cleaner from Electrolux is able to clean any surface in the house. Its main advantage is that cleaning takes place in a completely automatic mode without any human intervention. Despite the unusual appearance, the Electrolux Hover Bot literally flies around the house and does all the dirty work.

3. Robot TODY in the form of a starfish

Unique in its kind, the TODY robot can work under the control of voice commands or according to a given program, using a special application from a smartphone. TODY is shaped like a starfish, which allows it to use its flexible "tentacles" to perform various tasks around the house. Due to its high cross-country ability, it can move up stairs and overcome various obstacles. Following the selected mode, the robot can clean the floor surface, rugs, furniture, curtains and other items.

4. New belt vacuum cleaner Vacuum Band

Basically, dust collects near the walls and in other hard-to-reach places, where they are removed quite rarely. To solve this problem, a group of designers created a concept called the Vacuum Band. With its appearance, it resembles more a tape measure stretched along the plinth, which draws in itself: wool, dust, hair and other various debris. Of course, the problem with cleaning the room will not be completely solved, but the Vacuum Band will significantly reduce the amount of dust and other particles in the air.

5. Counterbot UV Counterbot Sanitizer

In everyday life, when cleaning the countertop, we simply wipe it with a damp cloth or napkins. But any specialist knows that after such cleaning, millions of potentially dangerous bacteria remain on the surface. It is from them that the new ultraviolet robot sanitizer will help get rid of them. It moves like modern robotic vacuum cleaners, and its body was made of plastic using a 3D printer.

6. Robot vacuum cleaner Robo TAP Cleaner

This robot is controlled from a distance by trampling in the right place.
The owner of this vacuum cleaner needs to put on special slippers, then indicate where the Robo TAP Cleaner should clean up and continue to enjoy a cup of coffee while waiting for the end of the cleaning.

7. Electrolux Jell Balls Home Cleaner

This unique gadget is able to clean the room with the help of gelatin balls, which absorb all the dust and dirt. Inside the docking station there is a compartment where the collected dust is dumped after filtering the balls. Thanks to its mobility, Jell Balls can reach even the most inaccessible places, and it is also suitable for wet cleaning.

8 Nanophea UFO Cleaning Robot

The advantage of this robot is that its height is only 12.7 centimeters. This allows him to crawl under the bed and buzz there for a long time until the space there is completely cleared. In the event of a complete discharge, the robot, at the signal of an infrared sensor, returns to the docking station.

9. Panasonic MC-RS1 Rulo Triangular Robot Vacuum Cleaner

The main advantages of Rulo's compact design are its triangular shape and double-sided brushes located at the bottom of the vacuum cleaner. Thanks to this, it can collect even the smallest dust in the corners of the room, sweeping it in the direction of the suction channel. You can turn on Rulo robo-vac by pressing the button on the body or using the remote control. One full charge of the battery will last for three hours of continuous operation.

10. Universal robot vacuum cleaner Moneual Rydis H67

Moneual has created a versatile Rydis H67 robotic vacuum cleaner that works in two modes: the standard one will simply remove dust and small debris from hard and carpet surfaces, and the “dry mop mode” will help to clean hard surfaces more thoroughly.

And for lovers of robots, this one will certainly be interesting.

More recently, housewives, cleaning an apartment or house with a vacuum cleaner, could only dream of a "mythical" robot, ready to perform routine dust removal for them, followed by wet cleaning. Years have passed, and now home appliance manufacturers are releasing more and more models of robotic vacuum cleaners that clean the room on their own. But is the result of the independent work of a gadget that has the title of “best” really comparable in quality to cleaning a house by a person? What is the working principle of the washing robot vacuum cleaner? What criteria should be kept in mind when deciding to buy a vacuum cleaner with advanced automated features, in particular wet cleaning? We know the answer and are ready to give it to you in this article.

It is a gadget for cleaning floors from dust, dirt and small debris, capable, thanks to its technologies, to carry out cleaning without involving the user himself in the process. Its classic appearance implies a round or rectangular plastic case with various cleaning brushes - nozzles on the bottom and function buttons on the top surface of the structure. Due to the autonomy of the process, the device in question is traditionally equipped with a special navigation system responsible for “orienting” the robot on the area for the proposed cleaning. Movement can be controlled:

  • laser;
  • camera;
  • external or internal sensors.

Currently, most often on store shelves you can find robots with a built-in laser navigation system. It is obvious that the rangefinder laser, prudently included in the design of the device by the manufacturer, allows the vacuum cleaner to identify the fact of the presence of objects located near it, and often even the approximate distance to them. These indicators form in the robot’s memory a kind of map of the room, based on which, when cleaning in the future, it will avoid “towing” as a result of “meeting” with a foreign object on its way.

The camera, usually mounted on the top of the vacuum cleaner body, takes the appropriate measurements to obstacles or vice versa places that require thorough cleaning. Having determined their location, it gives special "signals" about the need to move in a certain specific direction. The trajectory of the robot in this case will depend on the algorithm provided by the manufacturer: the device can mop the floor, “sliding” along straight lines or in chaotic directions determined by the camera readings.

In the case when external or internal sensors are the fundamental element of navigation, the “smart device” independently decides to change direction, “go around” obstacles, and so on. Such an adjustment of the movements of the vacuum cleaner depends on abrupt changes in the environment of the robot (a child ran in, a dog jumped off the sofa, a woman, sitting on a chair, stretched her legs, etc.).

In addition to identifying obstacles in the way, special external sensors allow the gadget of this type to find areas of the highest concentration of dirt and clean them for a longer time, while using the maximum amount of their resources.

Having understood exactly how a modern "assistant" will navigate in your apartment or house, you can proceed to study the equally important question of the principle of its operation.

Cleaning the premises with a robotic mechanism involves sweeping the area with side brushes by moving the collected dirt, dust, hair, and so on to the central (main) brush located in the middle of the lower part of the body. The main brush sweeps the resulting particles into the dust collector provided by the manufacturer. In this tank, the next stage under the influence of compressed air is the "compression" of the accumulated debris. Further, having been cleaned by the filters of the dust collector, the air flow goes beyond the design of the robot. This fact necessitates the search for a high-quality cleaning element among the components of vacuum cleaners that can be called the best.

After cleaning the floor from the main amount of debris, dirt and dust, the robot vacuum cleaner begins to “splash” the liquid from a special built-in container. Having distributed the water evenly over the flooring, the gadget proceeds to “polishing” it, rubbing the floor “to a mirror shine”. The final stage of cleaning, carried out by a washing robot vacuum cleaner, will be wiping dirty water with a special nozzle, followed by suction into a reservoir designated for this purpose.

Given the battery type of vacuum cleaners of this type, it is important to note the ability of the gadget to independently determine the need for “recharging” and find its “base”. This is made possible by a special low battery indicator and a special IR signal from the robot's charging station. In the case of supplying the device with a laser or a camera, the location and the movement pattern to it are determined by the vacuum cleaner “from memory”.

Based on the methods of cleaning a given area of ​​​​a room, robotic vacuum cleaners are usually classified into devices for:

  • dry cleaning;
  • wet cleaning (plotters);
  • mixed cleaning.

If the process of wet cleaning was described in the article above, and the principle of dry cleaning is identical to it until the moment when water is “splashed” on the floor, then the question of what constitutes a mixed-type robot vacuum cleaner remains open. In this case, the assumption is that this type of “processing” device combines the functions of both wet and dry cleaning. And it is undoubtedly true. The principle of operation of the device with the described properties involves washing smooth surfaces with a special rag nozzle, and carpets - with the main and side brushes or an additional turbo brush. This type of vacuum cleaner completely "takes over" the cleaning of your home, independently determining which nozzle to use in a particular case.

When determining the need to purchase a washing robot vacuum cleaner in a particular case, it is important for the buyer to have an idea about the main features of its design and functionality:

  1. The presence of a large number of built-in brushes - nozzles that can provide a thorough cleaning of the room with their action. Using the usual “tools” for removing dust, you will have to spend twice as much time cleaning the floor first with a vacuum cleaner and then with a rag.
  2. The presence of a built-in reservoir for detergent or water, “sprayed” by the robot during wet cleaning, can also be attributed to the features of its structure. It is important to note that the vacuum cleaner does not create puddles, but uses the minimum amount of liquid to be able to disinfect the floor and polish it further.
  3. A large number of sensors provided by the manufacturer to make the device resistant to external damage. Among the most common "functional indicators" are collision sensors, IR touch sensors, fall sensors, pollution sensors, and so on. The more additional sensors are built into the body of the robot vacuum cleaner, the safer it will be to use it in areas limited by foreign objects.

Summing up the information above in the article, it is advisable to formulate the key advantages and disadvantages of using modern robotic vacuum cleaners, which are most often encountered by users.

Positive aspects associated with the result of the activity of the type of device in question include:

  • ease of use by people with disabilities, due to the automated process and control of the gadget from the remote control;
  • practicality for people who are often on the road or spend a long time at work, away from home. The robot, according to the schedule set by the user, will carry out dry and wet cleaning of the premises on its own, activating at the beginning and returning “to the base” at the end of its activity, without additional outside interference;
  • high-quality elimination of potential allergens, in particular, the fur of fluffy pets, which requires mandatory daily cleaning;
  • lower noise level in comparison with the sound of conventional wired analogs, which occurs during the direct operation of the robot.

In addition to the undeniably significant advantages of using robotic technology, it is important to adequately assess the existing disadvantages when making a final decision on its acquisition:

  • the inability to carry out wet cleaning, comparable in quality to the “manual method”, due to the ill-conceived body shapes and designs of brushes - nozzles;
  • high cost, for which you can buy a powerful corded luxury vacuum cleaner;
  • ignoring hard-to-reach places, in particular, areas under furniture, where most often “deposits” of dirt and dust accumulate;
  • given the combined method of operation of some devices, there is a high probability of the emergence and growth of harmful fungi, microorganisms, mold in the design of the robot, due to the combination of dust collection and liquid storage in the storage tank.

How to choose

So, having understood the key points of the functionality, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the robot vacuum cleaner, you decide on its purchase. Where to start? What indicators should be paid special attention to?

  1. The cleaning area indicated by the manufacturer in the technical data sheet of the device must correspond to the size of the room in which the robot is planned to be used. The technical parameter can be more, but not less. Otherwise, the selected model will simply "sit down", not "mastering" the cleaning of all the space provided to it.
  2. The most optimal way to orient the vacuum cleaner in space are external or internal sensors. They are able to "adjust" to changing conditions, giving the device the opportunity to clean the given area of ​​​​the room as much as possible, avoiding obstacles of a different nature and avoiding falls and emergency overturns.
  3. It is worth paying attention to the capacity of the dust collector available in the robot. This parameter depends on the initial size of the apartment or house and the user's ability to regularly clean the dust-filled container. The average is considered a volume of 0.3 to 0.6 liters.
  4. In choosing a vacuum cleaner, its equipment is also important. Ideally, it should include as many replaceable brush heads from the manufacturer as possible, a remote control, a “virtual wall” limiter, and cameras that coordinate movements (depending on the robot model).
  5. The ideal automated vacuum cleaner will have a “scheduled cleaning” mode that allows you to set a user-defined frequency of wet and dry “treatment” of the room, based on which the robotic device will autonomously start its operation.
  6. Speaking about the type of filtration, it is advisable to give preference to a vacuum cleaner that includes HEPA filters in its design. This type of cleaning elements is rightfully considered the highest quality method of disinfecting a room, allowing the use of such vacuum cleaners by allergy sufferers.

When analyzing the range of automated products offered by modern manufacturers, it is worth, first of all, to consider their top models for compliance with the requirements, and not try to save money by choosing an unpopular device.

Top Models

  • Types of cleaning: wet
  • Possible cleaning type: local
  • Battery life: up to 240 min
  • Charging time: 120 min
  • Dust collector type: water filter
  • Cleaning room area: 93 m2
  • Weight: 1.8 kg
  • Built-in options: building a map of the room with the NorthStar navigation system, dust is not sucked in, but collected on a dry or damp cloth; Pro-Clean panel with detergent solution dispenser to keep the wipes moist
  • low level of noise generated during cleaning
  • floor cleaning speed
  • no "scheduled cleaning" option
  • poor floor cleaning

  • Types of cleaning: dry, wet
  • Possible cleaning type: local
  • Battery capacity: 2000 mAh
  • Battery life: up to 120 min
  • Charging time: 300 min
  • Suction power: 65W
  • Noise level: 50 dB
  • Weight: 3 kg
  • Built-in options: "virtual wall", additional brush heads, display, presence of a fine filter
  • appearance
  • Ease of cleaning the dustbin
  • compactness
  • poor overcoming obstacles
  • chaotic cleaning scheme
  • poor quality of individual fasteners

  • Types of cleaning: dry, wet
  • Battery capacity: 2600 mAh
  • Battery life: up to 150 min
  • Charging time: 120 min
  • Dust Collector Type: Cyclone Filter
  • Cleaning room area: 70 m2
  • Suction power: 65W
  • Noise level: 45 dB
  • Weight: 3 kg
  • Built-in options: liquid collection function, "virtual wall", advanced equipment, the presence of a fine filter, containers for water and dust collection
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